What "Real Life Glitch" Have You Experienced But Can't Explain?

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what's a real life glitch you've experienced that you still can't explain my brother got shot in the stomach and the bullet bounced off and fell on the ground apparently it had traveled a long distance and lost a lot of velocity it left a welt but that was it or he's just bulletproof and didn't want anyone to know once when running a route neighborhood i'd run a hundred times i went across a street and suddenly lost all sense of direction i slowly stopped and tried to orient myself with street signs and landmarks but nothing made sense i know i know it sounds like dementia but i was only in my 30s and had never experienced it before or since it was as if the matrix reloaded and i was pointed in a different direction then before the reload but my body still remembered the direction i was going a classic summer thunderstorm was fast approaching it was super windy out but not yet raining i've always been fascinated by weather so i went outside and sat in a lawn chair i was sitting in the middle of my yard a good ten feet from anything when i was pelted in the face with a crouton it was gusty but not at the moment i was struck i took it inside to show my family and no one cared i never came up with a reasonable explanation one morning i woke up rolled out of bed brushed had breakfast as usual and then went about my day off i lounged around the house a little bit played my ds for a bit clinked away on my guitar a lazy morning suddenly i'm driving in my car a couple towns over on my way to the bnn i pulled over and tried to collect my thoughts i remembered waking up and getting ready watering plants cleaning my stuff up in the living room then hopping in my car but i also remember doing all of the stuff from that other version of that morning so i had to separate days that suddenly merged into one and kept both memories i was meeting someone at the train station from craigslist to buy my old phone for 200 he let me know when he was going to arrive and what he would be wearing i got there saw a guy that matched the description and showed him the phone he took a look gave me 200 and went on his way as i started walking back home i got a phone call from the original buyer telling me he just got to the train station and was looking for me i had no idea what to say who the fck did i sell my phone too can you imagine being the other guy i dunno man this dude shoved a phone in my hand and demanded 200 so that's why i can't pay my half of the rent i can't believe you'd make up such a stupid lie ethan i bit a banana once and the apple biting sound file played instead you're supposed to peel the banana before you take a bite this is a repost then again it fits colon close bracket i'm not the kind of person to have a great many friends but those friends i do keep are sacred to me so one evening i was getting out of a rotterdam subway dark to go to my apartment near there when i see an old friend one i haven't seen in the flesh in a few years heading into the subway i call out his name he turns waves and makes this call me gesture then the doors close and the subway rides off 30 seconds later my phone rings it was my friend who told me he'd just seen me get in the normal train he'd used to get home from the bar apparently i had grinned wave gestured call me comma the door shut and the train drove off i lived in rotterdam he lived in enschede that's just over 200 kilometers apart our mattress did not have those little rope handles on it absolutely did not as of last week while i was stripping the sheets and putting on fresh ones it does i'm too afraid to check again your husband bf partner whatever sht the bed and replace the mattress they were too embarrassed to tell you and figured you'd never know the difference well i've posted this before but i'll post it again basically it felt like i stepped back in time i was walking on the sidewalk along a busy road when suddenly with a step the whole damn world changed around me it was a crazy hot day but suddenly it was cool and cloudy there were only a few cars on the road and lots of people riding bicycles i remember seeing a girl in a blue dress out of the corner of my eye it was so surreal but with the next step i was back in the usual reality and to this day i have no idea what happened so like when google street view changes between takes dreamt i was on a train which crashed the guy in front of me was decapitated the train car caught on fire before plunging off a bridge into water i drown woke up in a panic realized i wasn't dead and fell back asleep had the exact same dream and again and again next day dragging my tired butt into work wondering why my mind decided to play a dream like a bad vcr i passed the volunteer desk at work with its daily pile of newspapers the evening before a train had crashed before plunging off a bridge into a river later it came out the crash produced some horrific injuries including decapitation edit to add i was a very very broke young adult and did not own a tv until a few years after this dream when i was about six or seven my cat died it was the first time i experienced death and it really shook me up then about a month later i saw my cat walk into my room clear as day i wasn't freaked out and i didn't question it i reached down to pet him and suddenly he was gone this happened a few more times until we got two new cats each time it happened the fact he was dead never crossed my mind as a kid short a rubber band off my fingers at a soccer goal rubber band unbroken was looped around one of the strings of the soccer goal absolutely no clue how that happened girlfriend and i were talking on her front lawn mid-sentence i felt something evil to my left i stopped talking and turned she did too saw some sort of shadowy humanoid around 30 feet away light was enough that it was obviously not a person she asked do you see that she didn't know why i stopped talking i nodded without another word we both ran inside no idea what it was i would call it a trick of the light but it was out of my vision when i originally got that feeling in high school i did archery and one day at shooting practice one of the new kids shot a bullsey dead center this isn't that remarkable you fire enough arrows sooner or later one of them will be a bullsie but everyone was being nice and congratulating him suddenly a voice in my head which sounded like me but didn't feel like me said yeah but lin's about to do the same thing and i could see in my mind's eye lynn firing an arrow it flying through the air and hitting a dead center busy then maybe three or four seconds later i watch as lin fires an arrow and it flies in exactly the trajectory i had seen in my head and lands with a thwack [ __ ] everyone is over congratulating lynn now she was new too and i'm standing off to the side wondering what the fck just happened it happened one more time a month or two later too i saw something happen in my head exactly as it did a few seconds later i've forgotten the details of the second time though and it's never happened since when i was about 13-14 i went on a trip to another state with my church youth group we drove through the country four hours in a region i had never been to before eventually we ended up in a small town i was looking out the window and realized i knew this town as if i had lived there before like i knew the post office would be a few blocks ahead on the right and then sure enough there it was weirder i knew what the buildings would look like i predicted the location of all the landmarks in the town before we were close enough to see them and all of the predictions were correct it was very spooky and got the other kids on the bus a little riled up i had left my cell phone this was 2006 so it was an lg flip phone on the charger when i went to work after an eight hour shift i got home and grabbed it there was a voicemail from an unknown number i listened to it and it was a man saying he had just received a call from my number and wanted to make sure it wasn't someone he knew that needed something i checked the call log and sure enough at 2pm about three hours before i was home my phone called a number i called him back and asked if someone said anything at this point i was convinced someone broke in he said he could hear someone talking in the background but it wasn't something he could understand that's why he called back i never figured out if it was a polite intruder using my phone without stealing anything or something more spiritual i'm not a believer in ghosts but quite a few unexplainable things happened in that house it was unexplained for a little bit but it was freaky and as far as i know an actual glitch i was driving home from i think the bookstore and suddenly realized the street signs were missing letters like a stop sign would read stp then other things i saw began missing parts but without any space for the missing stuff to be in like if reality was a piece of paper that was being folded to hide things i managed to drive home like this barely keeping myself from freaking out got home and things got back to normal then the worst headache of my entire life hit me yep my first migraine ever of luckily only two so far with years apart i'd heard people talk about migraine symptoms like colors and blinking lights and smudges that impair your vision a little stuff like that nobody had ever mentioned a symptom could be reality f king warping around you when the light hits your eyes and your brain starts to fry that's a migraine years ago i was driving home late from work and as i was waiting at an intersection my whole car jerked violently to the right it actually lifted off the ground and sent my drink flying i looked up and saw the light was green so i restarted the car manual transmission it stalled and started to go through and pull over to check for damage at that moment a drunk woman in an suv ran the red light and smashed into a power transformer if whatever happened to me hadn't i would have been t-boned on my driver door i called 911 and stayed to give my statement but i think the woman died as the ambulance did not have sirens on when it left so a long time ago i was fed up with life and stepped off a curb in front of a dump truck turned looked at the grill of the truck closed my eyes opened them to the truck passing me by and me back up on the curb still don't understand it and i don't know if i want to i've heard of this sort of thing happening to a few other people i may have even experienced it myself when i was riding my motorcycle and the car stopped suddenly in front of me and the next thing i know i was still riding but was halfway down the road and the car was behind me one idea i heard is that we actually died but decided nope not today let's respawn lol and block the memory from ourselves one time during a run i had an out of body experience i was just running along and then i blinked and i was seeing everything as if i was standing over my own shoulder i could see the back of my head and all around me but my head wasn't moving it was just super weird it seems like soon after i learn a new word or idea it pops up somewhere in everyday life but i don't remember ever noticing it before that's called the barduminhof phenomenon my friend and i were once outside when he was changing his girlfriend's car battery it was at night and there was a lot of fog out suddenly there was a flash of white lights in his neighborhood for like half a second it couldn't have come from a porch light or something everything was engulfed by the light we looked around and didn't see anything that could have caused it there were no cars none of his neighbors had turned on any lights nothing to this day we still believe a terminator was sent back in time to his neighborhood electrical transformer going pop the flash of light will travel really far in fog or low clouds i put my untangled earphones in my pocket and when i took them out again they were untangled back when i was sharing a tty flat with my best mate we scraped together enough poo change for a six pack in the morning i came out and there were six empties on the coffee table and one mystery beer still in the fridge it was our magic beer but one day i forgot it was magic and drank it the end dare i ask i swear i've witnessed framerate lag edit woke up one day and started randomly having panic attacks after 30 plus years of healthy normal living i want both three rotisserie chickens on clearance two dollars each i picked at one of them on the drive home get home lock my car for once i rarely lock it i have two chickens with me and a pizza and i was too lazy to grab the third chicken it was like 10 outside i wasn't worried about spoilage comma figured i'd grab it in the morning i know for sure i left the chicken on the floor of my car in front of the passenger seat yet the next morning it was gone vanished no sign of it anywhere where did my chicken go did you check across the road i traveled back to my hometown to visit relatives on second day back i went to bed blinked and suddenly it was daylight apparently i had slept an entire 36 hours but my relatives remembered me doing various activities washing dishes eating dinner shopping etc comma though nobody actually saw me around my mom came home from work once and saw me walk out of my room she called out to me and i didn't answer when i was young i was lying on my bed in the dark when i heard my cat meowing at the door this was not unusual as she often wanted into sleep with me i opened the door and saw the shadow of my cat enter the room then she just stood by the door still meowing this was not usual i reached out to scoop her up and just hit wall my cat was outside the whole time i don't believe in ghosts and i definitely wasn't asleep so i don't know what the hell happened that was the only time i experienced anything like that i went to this psychic with my mom for fun and we both got readings it was interesting but one weird thing really stuck out for its specificity the psychic told my mom that my deceased grandpa was telling her to check the furnace weird and random a little bit of time goes by and my mom has the furnace checked and serviced the repair guy comes out and says i can see you have a carbon monoxide detector but you've had so much leaking out i don't know how it didn't go off and how your cat isn't dead by now no one in the house was experiencing any symptoms of exposure to it yet thankfully carbon monoxide is odorless so it's not like the psychiatrist could have smelled it on us but thanks for saving our lives lady i drove nearly 14 miles on autopilot google highway hypnosis it happens and i hear it's intense i do this regularly i once woke up sitting on top of football goal posts no clue how i got there it was about 6am and there was a girl running around the track that surrounded the football field always wondered what she thought i was doing up there must have been weird creepy for her but she clearly was confident enough to continue her run freeze frame yup that's me you're probably wondering how i got here i'm late but here's hoping someone sees it i was in my grandparents van and felt something thunk on my head i reach up and find a dime on top of my head there was nowhere it could have come from we were inside the van and the door was closed and the visor was way in front of where i was on top of that my mom saw it fall out of the corner of her eye all i can figure was i prayed for money and god thought that would be a funny way to fulfill the request music was on shuffle for around five zero zero zero plus songs and the same songs i listened to on a drive to a place played in reverse order on the way back i got to the point about predicting my old phone's shuttle algorithm to the point of calling out songs up to three in advance even when having my friends pick random songs to start from random is a disturbingly predictable pattern sometimes when i was about 11 years old i was playing with my younger sister and two friends at the bottom of their garden it was a semi-rural area and there was a cow field that stretched away for about a mile and then there was a motorway there was no visual change in our surroundings yet suddenly the cows stopped making any sound at all and we couldn't hear the traffic on the motorway which was usually constant we all froze as we sensed something the air felt heavy as if it was pushing down on us and we all felt a prickly heat on any exposed skin it lasted a good 10 seconds and then stopped as fast as it had started the cows went crazy and the traffic sounds returned we all agreed we felt it i wonder what strange weather systems were at play that day a friend of mine that i hadn't spoken to in a while i once went on vacation to hawaii while they're walking around in a small town across the island from the usual hotels people stay at it was the kind of place you have to make a day trip to get to i bumped into a girl from my homeroom class at school she was actually the first person i had met at the school before i transferred her because we met the year before in a summer school class we were standing there talking and another person in my class walked up and started talking to us the other person thought we were on vacation together and couldn't believe we had all just managed to bump into each other in this random little town a friend of mine and i used to joke about how our backpacks had black holes which was why we could all our stuff in it a good while and do this we found each other stuff in our backpacks this happened multiple times two after it kept happening we reasoned out that it was most likely that we were dropping our stuff into the others backpack without noticing but the chances of that were lower than the frequency at which it was happening what really screamed at me that something was wrong with when three of his pens in his pen collection ended up not in my backpack but in the pocket of my jacket weeks after he lost them i like to think that whenever we come to agree upon something it'll happen which is why i'm glad we both also joke about and discuss becoming gods and our plans when we do unfortunately these occurrences have ceased lately so i guess the magic has worn i had a friend that lived on a farm which had all sorts of big farming-esque equipment on it he said that one winter day he was riding his snowmobile and wasn't really paying attention to his surroundings when he looked up going 20 miles per hour or so there was a giant blade from one of the farm equipment that would have been right at neck level if riding a snowmobile he said that there was no way he could have dodged it so he just closed his eyes and assumed that was the end for him when nothing happened he opened his eyes and looked back to see the snowmobile tracks passing right where the blade was sticking out but he was intact my mom my brother and i were driving home one night we were talking and suddenly it seemed like we were a lot further along than we should have been either me or my brother said something and my mom looked at the clock it had been 10 minutes since we left where we'd been baseball field and it should have taken us 30 plus minutes to get to where we were none of us can explain it i posted this before was walking across an open parade ground on a military base and at one point i passed a couple people with the people there was a small individual this language matters it was dressing clothes that didn't make sense i know it sounds weird but that's the only way i can describe it it was dressed as if it was trying to dress like a human but wasn't really sure how that might look as i passed it said in a kind of sing-sanji way how are you doing i instantly got chills and kept walking being a huge skeptic though reason grabbed me and i turned around to see what the hell just happened the only thing i saw were the people standing there the other thing was gone no damn idea what the hell that was all about i woke up from bed one morning and i had telescopic vision i was able to see dust on my table and micro scratches on my model figurines that were 10 feet away on the other side of the room blinked and my vision went back to normal i had a dream where i was watching my brother play video games and saw him parachute out of a jet in bf4 then smack into a wall and die on impact the next night my brother was playing bf4 jumped out of the jet pulled his parachute hit the wall and died except before he pulled his parachute i instinctively blurted out that the wall was going to kill him seconds before he came close to the ground he still brings up that weird circumstance this is a small one but i bought a new tv the next day one of the lunch ladies at my high school who knew me by name asked how are you enjoying your new tv i replied that it was pretty nice and went on like normal only an hour later did i realize that she mentioned the tv i just bought the day before i felt some truman show-esque vibes i asked her how she knew the next day and she didn't seem to know what i meant pretty sure my grandma told her about it and she just mentioned it for some small talk but it screwed me up for the full day [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Show With Reddit
Views: 1,432
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit, daily show, the daily show with reddit, the daily show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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