People who quit a job, what sh"tshow did you leave them to handle? r/AskReddit # Ep 3

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people who quit a job in the heat of the moment what [ __ ] show did you leave them to handle episode 3 left and also parts store the Saturday before they fired the assistant manager and the other key holder for theft they expected me to take the assistant position for a 50 cent raise nine point seven five total and work sixty to seventy hours a week to help keep [ __ ] going smoothly told me my upcoming vacation to Europe fully paid for could no longer happen and I'd be on call everyday and to expect to work every day family school second job all on hold out the window didn't matter what was going on I was to be at work everyday rather than put up with that I left my key on the managers desk and walked out the assistant manager that was to be fired ended up doing what I did Sunday night after closing key on the desk never came back the only other key holder was arrested the next week for theft never went back last I heard the manager was pulling doubles each day in the [ __ ] district manager was having to go in to help cover shifts no word of a lie my role at my level at my last job was busier than anyone else who also had my role across the entire business in relation to workload jobs processed and coordinated et Cie I was often the busiest having 5 UK counties to cover thousands of properties to secure and tens of thousands of honorable people to keep safe I often had over 100 jobs in the process whereas other people with my job title might have had about 15 to 30 repeatedly asked for more staff to help bring my workload down repeatedly asked for more training because I wanted to be sure it wasn't me making the job list so big repeatedly had my staff telling me how unhappy they were and being unwilling to perform jobs in certain areas in fairness it was a role that was entirely new in the branch when I took the seat so they hadn't worked out how to train people to do my job with relation to the new contracts we were undertaking but they also weren't willing to invest in my training to ensure we were both doing our bare I got fired but the ending makes me feel good I worked in a liquor store for three years dealing with all kinds of [ __ ] it was an old building with very poor insulation and eating so it was very cold every winter I refused service to drunk customers as it is law and 9/10 they'd get angry and yell at me cursing my family and wot net I begged the owners for the power to bang the [ __ ] but never got any they didn't even give a warning in the worst cases they just wanted the money I worked six days a week if I couldn't get a replacement on a Saturday sometimes I opened and closed every workday ordered and handled new shipment every time filled the stocks swept sand and shoveled outside the store and cleaned the inside floor and fridges counted sales and profit I did it all the owners just waited for the profit at the end of each day and I came by with the cash never got a raise no nothing never had proper heating installed despite bringing it up every winter no power to deny the worst ouch' backs from shopping there again I got so sick of the lack of respect I started treating the store as my own warehouse on Saturday nights when bear ran out at patas employees had a tab so I just put the beer on mine never stole a thing they got a whiff of it and fired me the store closed after three months because no one else could deal with all the [ __ ] Madden in my experience you have to be a special kind of [ __ ] if you can't keep a liquor store going it's like the only retail outfit you almost never ever see closing down hell my great-uncle owned a liquor store and retired way the hell back in the 80s that goddamn store is still open to this day same name too had put my two-weeks in into one of those shitty marketing jobs where your job is to annoy people about cable packages I was on a conference call with a boss and all of the remote reps going over new equipment and Black Friday promotions I asked a question about the equipment to which the boss responded with I'm going to pretend you didn't ask that question moving on I hung up the call texted the boss saying I'm going to pretend I put my notice in two weeks ago leaving a store unstaffed for Black Friday I've told this before I was working at a bank in the mortgage depth I hated the job for multiple reasons I threw all my files into the secured shred bin cleaned out my desk threw my keys at my shitty boss and pieced out a few weeks later my friend told me I created a mess at work because they were in process of foreclosure on all those homes but now they had no paper trail I must have saved 25 to 30 people from losing their homes me and a buddy worked the door at a club and we got yelled at for letting in someone with a fake ID that same week we were also yelled at for letting and the wife of some was a guy who was inside with his girlfriend like we were supposed to know who she was and just stopped her so we quit a few days later on Street Patrick's as revenge goes it wasn't much but the manager was already skimping on hiring staff and we heard it was indeed a [ __ ] show worked at UPS you do fast-food burrito place that rhymes with ship Atal for about a year and a half was doing well initially quickly learned restaurant standards for service and food quality which if I'm being fair they took pretty seriously excelled at prep and grill didn't take long for me to train basically every new hire since turnover was astronomically high since I was the only one that could successfully run a full grill or prep shift from start to finish by myself with no assistance or hiccups typically they'd have to running these stations especially during peak hours and was helping train so many people manager saw my potential and offered me a position as a kitchen manager before you can become a kitchen manager however you become a que MIT or kitchen manager in training which is essentially the company's way of making you act as the kitchen manager without the pay so I managed people trained people scheduled people place truck orders for food and stock truck orders when delivered by all intents and purposes I was the kitchen manager without the official title or pay manager quits one day just doesn't show up and is never seen again new general manager is some hotshot they hired from out of the company who is supposedly a culinary genius he tells me you are not ready to be kitchen manager I argue the fact that I've basically already been a kitchen manager this whole time without the title or pay he says nope you don't have what it takes and you never will so I said you're right I never will the plan next day I find a job at another restaurant making more money with better hours give me two weeks notice following day is a Saturday arguably busiest day of the week and I have the busiest shift the opening shift I'm running grill by myself as per the norm no one else can run this position with two people even half as well as I can by myself I prep my normal stuff for the morning get everything prepared I take my paid lunch on the company's dime with a free burrito they give us for lunch every day I come back to the line to prepare for open wait a few hours then the lunch rush starts this could literally have not been a more perfect storm if I had wanted to be the line is literally out of the front door couple that with untrained lined workers working too slowly and the ravenous clucking sheeple they are getting restless some customers are complaining about the weight audibly I keep an eye on all the food making sure I know how much is left of every meat and vegetable on the line I'm responsible for I keep making myself appear to be busy laying down ludicrously smaller and smaller amounts of chicken and steak purposefully letting the dwindling supplies dwindle even further when we are almost completely out of chicken steak black beans and [ __ ] us I decide now is the time I shut the grill and the rice cooker off I take my apron off and set it on the chef's table I sigh a sigh of relief and smile no one notices as I casually saunter through the kitchen and out the back door I get in my car and begin driving home 15 minutes into my 20-minute drive home I get a call from the general manager that I answer gleefully yes I respond in a painfully happy tone where the car you where did you go you and I hung up gaming site I used to write for this'll happened in the span of two months the new owner made us write us lose all credibility too by writing unedited articles on his own and posting them freely and they were the most widely ridiculous and racist pieces I'd ever read in one of them he said women only bought the way.i because they use the way I motors a vibrator it made the rest of us look bad he fired my friend simply because he didn't like him he tried to claim my friend kept our review copy of Skyward Sword there was more stuff that he did that I can't remember my father died in December of that year I informed everyone I had also lost Internet access for a while because my provider was switching the way their routers and stuff connected I had too much going on at the time to deal with that when I connected to the McDonald's we fee one day I read a [ __ ] barrage of emails from the new owner all amounting to where the [ __ ] are you and why aren't you writing anything I am wild him and everyone on the writing staff and told him he could go [ __ ] himself 90% of the writing staff followed five writers quit that day and people took notice the site never recovered and today it only exists is a landing page and hub for one podcast there just refuses to die after that the owner took to stalking the guy who hired most of his writing staff online harassment and most recently he hacked the previous owners email and stole his destiny to review code he's still out there being a dick but I only hear about it since I have in locked on all social media if you want you can join my new disk rod have a nice day [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 161,994
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: TxzI5fXu3jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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