What “survival tip” should you NEVER use? r/AskReddit

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what survival tip should you never use you should never make finding food your first priority you are gonna need water and protection from weather and wildlife first three minutes without air three days without water and three weeks without food will kill you there's some people these days are are the chunky and could probably go three months without food one second without hope Brendan Rodgers don't put butter on a burn put the burned part and a cold running water this is not if the burns are really serious of course only put butter on the serious burns got it hi nurse here don't put your burn under cold water you increase the chance of getting hypothermia and you will get in a state of shock rinse your burn under lukewarm water instead for about 10 to 15 minutes do not remove clothing from your burn you will damage your skin more leave this up to a medic however if you have a chemical burn you should rinse for about 45 minutes in lukewarm water a chemical burn is the only burn which requires you to remove the clothing from the burn if you are being chased and need to change your appearance don't rub wasps on your face yeah it will work and you will get away but it really hurts well there go my plans for today keeping someone awake if they have a concussion if they are sleepy after a head injury get them to a hospital right the [ __ ] away but you don't need to keep them away among a few other things trying to keep them awake is more likely to make them and you panic which is always more harmful well their belief is that keeping them awake prevents them from succumbing and dying due to the injury it's mostly false if you have a concussion or brain bleed keeping them awake won't really do anything to stop or slow down the damage you might get better without a doctor or you might not you just need a doctor but being unconscious not just sleeping does carry a separate risk of accidental positioning in a way that inhibits breathing or they may ask for rate their own vomit when you see a bear never pretend to be dead the bear would most likely start eating you alive be noisy the bear will go away if Eastern attacks make yourself big maybe with a backpack and scream the bear could get scared and go away and you are screaming for help at that point if he bites punch him on the snout or in slash around the eye bear is brown lay down bear is black fight back bear is white goodnight I'm curious do you know why the approach to these three types of bears are different what makes the Bears so that they require diff ways for you to fight / escape them black bears are the ones that would mostly attack out of random curiosity or and a manga but uh super cowardly if you make a lot of noise or make yourself seem more threatening than they want you to be they will run away brown bears generally are not too aggressive normally if you are attacked by one it is likely a female brown bear that has Cubs nearby your job here is to make yourself seem like less of a threat this is where you played it even while doing that make sure to cover your neck and lay in a position that protects any vitals just in case polar bears are active carnivores living in a frigid wasteland they don't give a [ __ ] you act more aggressive to scare it away enough polar bear don't care it knows it is bigger and it will call your bluff try to make yourself seem like less of a threat score easy meal try to outrun it it will catch you try to fight back it will beat you I've heard don't try zigzagging to get away from an alligator they don't change direction quickly so they'll just follow your general path and beat you to the nearest tree don't climb trees either they'll go right up after you I've lived in Florida all my life and I've seen exactly three alligators sort of in trees before are you confusing trees with grass he's in Florida he's probably confusing it with meThe stop drop and roll when on fire is not going to do much if you are set alight with an oil or accelerant it's just going to prolong the burning what should you do then not get covered in oil and accelerants best advice on this thread thank you using alcohol particularly drinking alcohol to disinfect wounds so many shows have characters using drinking alcohol to disinfect all manner of wounds from small to large looking at you lost there was no reason that that wound couldn't have been bandaged until they found a fresh water source you shouldn't use high-proof alcohol including isopropyl on wounds because it kills living tissue and washes away clotting agents it also can cause inflammation and irritation later that can mask or mimic infection sterilize some water or use bottled water that's already clean and use running water and gentle soap if you have some to clean it out if you have no access to water in a survival situation that's actually a bigger priority than fixing up the wound permanently get it to stop bleeding and find water and I hate to have to add this part that I feel the need to if you get a bad enough cut where you're trying to figure out poor man's first aid and where it needs major irrigation and you can get to a hospital due to the [ __ ] hospital your camping trip and reputation is a rough rider' are not worth a staph infection the above tips are for any wound in a situation where you can't get to civilization easily or minor wounds on camping trips and the like travel by night during the zombie apocalypse first of all I get spooked easily and I get extra spooked at night so for me an easy spooker to travel at night when all the spooking happens is not kosher I'd rather travel during the day and be extra quiet and try my luck traveling by night is honestly a bad idea in general unless you have in an obvious ways to increase one's own situational awareness in the dark with daylight they may be more able to see you but you'd be more able to see them as well you either travel blind and make a ton of noise bumping into [ __ ] or you use a flashlight that is basically a spotlight on your exact position lose-lose if you're lost never drink untreated water from a creek waterborne illness takes three to five days to incubate you could die from dehydration in an afternoon go ahead and drink up at least you'll survive long enough to get sick and waterborne illnesses are almost never fatal in adults you're not going to catch cholera from a wilderness stream if you have a way to boil / filter water obviously you should and it's worth hunting around a little bit to find the cleaner water source the closer to the spring the safer it will be generally lots of people drink untreated spring water on purpose mmm while right if you are going to be lost for a few days or weeks then Giardia diarrhea will dehydrate you - these diseases aren't usually fatal because people usually get them camping being lost indefinitely as a whole different beast people should keep both possibilities in mind when wearing their decisions I mean water is pretty easy to sterilize no reason to risk Giardia if you don't have to but yes if it comes to drink creek water or have no water looking drink the water I have had the privilege to work with a few ex-cons and the best advice I've heard about surviving is to be a generally nice person talk about sports books anything that's not prison don't gamble unless you have what you're betting on you and are willing to part ways with it don't start [ __ ] but if someone starts [ __ ] with you don't back down unless you want to be an easy target most of the time it's people testing you and sometimes you got a square up taking a licking and you more respect than backing down just live by the golden rule and you should be okay my golden rule is to not go to prison do not remove a knife after you've been stabbed it's probably keeping major blood vessels blocked off and removing it will amplify the bleeding leave it to the doctors almost anything you hear from Bear Grylls the man's a tube my favorite was when he was surviving in the Sonoran Desert and talking about needing to find food while he was sitting in a patch of prickly pear they serve that in restaurants to try and punch a shark on the nose that ain't ever gonna work you're just going to end up sticking your hand in its mouth claw at the gills instead friendly reminder shark skin is very rough dolphins are smooth this is true many people every year are attacked by a shark when it rushes by them their skin is like sandpaper don't do the follow a river downstream to find people thing unless you know the area and the river plenty of rivers end in the middle of nowhere and you never know how far you'll have to walk to find civilization if you're by a river you have water stay where you are until people find you a smaller search area is much better odds for getting out same goes for powerlines obviously will eventually go to civilization but that could be one hundreds of miles and may cross terrain that is impossible to cross just cut down or destroy those power lines someone will come to fix them pretty soon this was an actual survival tactic out in the old American West and in Australia break a telegraph line and then wait of course the Telegraph Company would dispatch a crew to fix the line and then rescue you so it was in your best interest to make it really really easy to fix not trash the whole thing if you are highly allergic to poison ivy don't burn it as a means to get rid of it inhaling the smoke can cause your throat to swell resulting in an untimely death regardless of how sensitive you are to poison ivy poison oak or poison sumac never ever burn it if you inhale it you can get the rash in your throat trachea and lungs it can also start swelling and cause suffocation don't know if this counts but never wait 24 hours to report a missing person if you think somebody's missing it's better to call the police sooner than later waiting will lower the chance of the victim survival yes the u.s. is actually really great because you can report someone missing at any time in other countries a certain amount of time has to pass but I've seen tons of cases in which the person was missing for only 20 minutes their family / friends reported them missing and could save their lives like that Canada you can report at any time as well don't use Moss's a compass there's a myth that muscle ways grow to an specific direction some say North facing Sun away from it et Cie but the vast majority of moss grows wherever the [ __ ] it wants actually a lot of factors affects how the moss grows do not assume that water is clean based on clarity bacteria protozoa and parasites are microscopic and can only be disinfected by boiling the water pasteurizing it or using an approved water disinfectant like our dying the only water you don't really have to disinfect is water seeping through naturally formed stonework like limestone underground water tables that have a very low risk of being contaminated and water derived from plants like tropical vines banana trees or similar life that tend to be contaminant free in their natural state join my discord if you want have a nice day [Music] you
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Id: otgiuRnj5nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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