When Redditors Ran Away From Home And Never Came Back... (AskReddit)

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kids who actually ran away from home why did you do it and how far did you get I left home at 16 I'm 30 now I'm not doing great especially financially but compared to the conditions back then at home at least I'm safe and that's huge for me if I could have done anything differently I would have gone to see a trauma therapist much sooner I'm in therapy now and I think I have better times to look forward to when I was 16 I packed my bags and left my home my father would always treat me badly and after one night where the police got involved in band my father from coming home for ten days I took the opportunity and left I went to Child Protective Services I think that's what it's called in English and they let me stay at a girl home where I shared a room with girls in similar situations after a week of staying there I was taken in by a foster family with whom I lived until I was 18 my parents were informed of where I was after I had already moved in with my foster family so I don't know if it counts as running away although they never found out the exact address because of safety measures I'm from Ohio and one day in late August at age 15 I got in my car which I bought with money saved from a part-time job at a grocery store no license no more than $100 and nowhere to go I just left I wasn't currently abused and I have a mom and stepdad I love delay but they didn't understand me I did however have a horrible relationship with my father from age seven to nine when I got my first period and I was never normal after that but that's a different story the day I left I got in a small argument with my stepdad and when I left I told him I was never coming back anyway I drove about an hour from my home and 30 minutes from my school and ended up in a park it was a heavy kind of Park sort of attached to Nelson ledges a place where I used to do some crazy to Gallow thing at the time the nice old man that ran the park let me camp there in my car I turned 16 shortly after and got a decent job as a prep cook and made enough money to get an apartment not-so-nice part of town closer to my school and you know with running water it was above meth-lab so eventually I started getting really sick I would spend most my day at school in the nurse's office eventually after talking with the school nurse a very understanding younger lady she agreed to help me get things in order she helped me get as emancipated as you can in Ohio helped me get on a school food program and would listen to me when I become very overwhelmed eventually it was winter and I left the meth lab apartment sleeping in my car once again I was dumb and got a dog while I had a place of my own but she was the most perfect dog ever and we become roommates in my car as an adult I now know you shouldn't just leave your 1996 Chevy Cavalier just running all the time apparently you'll die and so will the car so a full winter of sleeping in Guam at parking lots and parked on the side of the road with just my dog and a bunch of blankets gave me enough time to get my money in order to live at a better shitty apartment it was had being under 18 with a dog and no current residence to rent an apartment I moved maybe nine times before I was 18 I don't ever ever regret leaving I know I put myself in some bad situations considering I was a girl alone and vulnerable most of the time I called my mom about once a week after the initial first two weeks and now we have a great relationship I think me leaving let my mom and stepdad live the lives they wanted I always got in the way and I got to live the life I wanted I'm not 24 still have my first dog in three rescues I have a good job on Milan house so I'll never have to live in my car again I'm currently on break at work on my mobile so sorry about everything being and organized and written poorly I ran away a few times but the last time was when I turned 17 crashed here and there some friends family and a few nights on the street stuff went downhill quickly but after my father committed suicide I used all those emotions and energy to pull myself up started small with here and there until I could rent my own place shortly after it went downhill again for a bit but not too long after I got a lucky break and fell into a job I loved trough a drunken friend of my nephew when out drinking and 35 now and life still goes up and down but I've never reached the lows I was at when I was pre 20 still feel like it's the best decision of my life though got in a fight with my mom over college applications I messed up and didn't send some stuff in time for early action and she got really upset because it looked like I didn't care about my future things got heated and a bit physical so I walked out the front door without shoes it was probably late October or early November and it was a cold and miserable night made it five miles before my dad who was out of town ended up calling me apparently my mom called him in a panic about what happened I told him what happened and where I was and eventually my mom came by to pick me up as fat doesn't feel that great on bare feet who whould have thought not me but my dad's husband abandoned his family and lived on the streets of Bangkok when he was 14 I don't know the full extent of it because he doesn't talk about it but his extended family had issues with him because his mother was Chinese and the rest of the family was Thai they were morally opposed to that so they forced him away from his own parents to live with his father's mother whom he hated he was put on the bus to move to his grandmother's but jumped off somewhere in the middle and hoped for the best after surviving homeless for a few years he managed to get a restaurant job through a friend of his he got an apartment and a motorcycle and life was pretty sweet in his late 30s he decided to move to the US to join a few of his friends who had moved here and were doing well for themselves also in the restaurant industry not long after moving here he met my father who was dating a friend of his at the time they pretty much immediately hit it off and after my dad broke up with the other guy thank God they got together and moved in with each other just a couple of years ago they got married my dad makes enough for the both of them so he's free to live a very liberated life at some point sorry I don't know the specifics he reconnected with his family it was really his grandfather who drove the wedge between everyone and once he passed the enmity did as well he's an awesome guy and I'm really happy to have him be a part of my family I don't think he has a cruel bone in his body and I've never seen my dad so at peace my mum went to prison my father was already out of the picture and my stepfather on some subconscious level resented us if he hadn't taken us we would have gone back to foster care a little while later he started dating a new woman and she couldn't comprehend why she had to deal with kids that weren't hers and weren't his she was terrible to us and I left before there was another chance to have another parent figure abandon me it was probably the best and worst decision I've ever made in my life eventually things panned out and I got my [ __ ] together I had a friend do this at 15 he vanished one day without a trace and the police never found him I've heard different stories from people about him supposedly his parents treated him horrible and he didn't think the police would help so he left another that he was lured away by some trashy old a woman who convinced him she loved him one story that made some sense was he was gay and scared if his parents found out they'd kill him so before they found proof he stole some money and hit the road what really happened no one knows for sure but that was almost 25 years ago and he's made contact with people since vanishing supposedly he's okay now but his parents died before they ever found out what happened my sister took off at age 16 and moved into a six-foot ex9 trailer that could be towed behind a car at a trailer park about a mile from our house she got a job at McDonald's one of the ones that was owned by the corporation not a franchise and paid her rent from her job she kept going to high school for a while but dropped out she moved up a bit in the corporation and got her jet along the way then went to a Community College and transfer to a university over the course of a decade while working in full-time jobs got her degree and then took more proof jobs she got laid off and found it harder to get rehired after the.com bust in 2001 so she became a real estate agent then a broker so she could work for herself she's done really well and just bought the office building she works out of she told me a good year as dollar sign two hundred and fifty K never married no kids always supported herself I think my dad came back into her life and paid for some of her tuition in Community College in her university but we were white trash so it probably wasn't much and that's all the help she ever had she never really had problems with running off and dropping out just worked hard her whole life I was in fifth grade I felt stressed out at home by my parents I just felt tired of everything at home and needed a break so when I got off the school bus I decided to play with my friends instead of going home we played till 7:00 then everyone left I didn't feel like going home all of a sudden luckily I found a way to improvise I'd received food and school as part of a school thing where they gave away food for people who signed up those who were poorer I'd also found a skateboard in the grass near the playground finally in the apartment building I used to live in there was a laundry room all the way downstairs my plan went into effect at about 9:00 p.m. I ate all my crackers from the food pack though my walked around the neighborhood in search of a place to sleep I tried an old playground but there were a bunch of black caps nearby and it was in public so I got scared that I'd get kidnapped I considered going to a friend's house then I remembered that I'm in fifth grade and that their parents would most likely call the police I kept walking around but I noticed someone following me I started running towards an apartment building so they'd think I was going home I went all the way downstairs and decided that was a good enough spot to set base I put down my skateboard put a soft jacket on it as a pillow and used my other jacket as a cover apart from a few spiders creeping up on me I slept pretty well I woke up and on my way to the school bus my grandma's walked up to me grabbed my arm and took me home needless to say I was scared and freaked out the police office has got my info gave me a quick talk and went home I was scared because I knew that my whole family would ask me questions and they did they asked me why I did it and I answered by telling them that I stayed out late to play with my friends and I was scared to come home because I was late I've done many odd childish things and my mom keeps telling my relatives about it I'm mostly shy around them now I left this question open on a tab and struggled should I answer I have now I started actively leaving when I was 11 most of my life my mother made excuses to put me elsewhere as long as no one asked questions I suppose it was her best effort to protect me there was so much pain at home I curled up in the woods and I walked the streets I trusted strangers and family and was sheltered over the years despite committing no crime I was part of the juvenile justice system I was given away sometimes to places that weren't much better than my parents home I never wanted to go back I ran from some of those places too I was only 15 when I threw myself into the arms of someone who was almost 4 years older than I was while living here and there at 16 I was married and at 17 I was a mother I was a lousy mother but I tried they all still speak to me and my door is always open I'm lucky to know my grandchildren I'm 55 now and I started leaving at 11 my heart swells when I read some of these posts kids should have a safe home all kids all people I might be in the forever [ __ ] up category but I try to be better I'm lucky to have children who are much better people than I am and who have allowed me to be part of their lives all three have children themselves and my grandchildren are an active part of my life my dad didn't exactly run away but was abandoned by his father and his mother was mentally ill he was on his own at 11 his health brother eventually gave him a room and a job and occasionally his mother would be out of the insulin and take care of him and then back in again his mother's family would give him dinners once a week Sunday and he got through high school then college and met my mom married her continued through University and having kids went into the army drafted or just before being drafted go PhD etc his mother's family expected him to end up in jail so pretty much abandoned him until he made it to high school I was about nine when I ran away because I got tired of my parents fighting so I decided to run away I ran away at least 10 miles away and people were just staring at me the whole time I saw cops were driving in the streets so I ran behind a store and then I got scared so I went back there were cops at my house and my family was there all sad in just gonna say that I wanted to kill myself so many times when I was about 7 to 10 since dad always got drunk and mom got very mad and it happened everyday at one point our attack my dad with a pan I was just smacking him with the pan after that my parents still fought for years until I was 13 the problem got resolved there were so many fights from the day I was born I say for fights every week and it sucks coming from school parties wondering if today my parents are gonna fight I left at 16 from a mix of stepmum abuse and being trans and afraid to come out in the 90s I had been working since 15 and had already bought my own Vita car so I just stopped coming home ever I still went to school and work and my stepmom called the police the officer told her that they could drag me back but if I was working and going to school now he didn't think the situation would get better forcing me back and with a car in my name they couldn't legally take it from me or something like that it's been 20 plus years shout-out to that cop my dad convinced my stepmom the cop was right and they left me alone to finish high school and move away I was 10 years old got super pissed that my mom would not let me spend the night at my friend's house because it was a school night I told her I hate you I'm away I packed my [ __ ] I took socks Gama boy and some other important toys I left the house and got to the end of the street and sat on the corner crime a strange car stopped at the stop sign I was sitting by inside there was a middle-aged women she looked at me saw that I was crying and told me to go home so I did gave my mom a hug when I got back I wasn't abused or anything I just didn't enjoy getting in trouble and didn't like my family sometimes I would think about it but all I ever did was stand right outside my gates before coming back in then when I was 12 I read the warrior cat books I thought I was the human version of that and I was supposed to live in the wild with a tribe of other people I was on holidays and whenever my parents left me alone I'd walk at most two feet into the bush before thinking that maybe the neighbors are watching me confused so I pretended that I lost my ball in the bush the most I walked in the forest was about 1 meter before returning back to my house later that year I thought me and all my friends were secretly going to become dragons and save the world by embarking on a quest I prepared it all like how we were going to need food and stuff so one time I came to school with 10 sandwiches in my lunchbox and my friends were confused I was too shy to convince any of them to do anything with me thank goodness yeah come to think of it I was kind of crazy at age 12 if you're thinking about it don't run away for dumb reasons like these there are no tribes in the east coast of Australia and you're not going to be a dragon
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 522,831
Rating: 4.9265437 out of 5
Keywords: redditors, when redditors, when redditors ran away, redditors ran away, ran away fom home, from home, home, never came back, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: 7u6cnOl8il0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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