People who have had to shoot for self defence share their stories r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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serious redditors have killed someone in self-defense what happened did you get blamed for it reading these kind of posts made me think how come all of the storytellers have an available pistol somewhere then I realized that the pistol usually is the only reason they are able to tell the story I was working in a prison in the UK while doing my daily routine of AFC's in a Cell I had the door shut I turned around sharply and three inmates were standing there I knew what was going to happen instantly I pushed my personal and they rushed me I fielded myself as best I could while these three guys wild punches and kicks on me I started fighting back and managed to catch one in the throat with a punch that crushed his windpipe as he dropped gasping for air the other two left I should have tried to perform first aid but I just stood there and watched him die an investigation was launched and I had to appear in court nothing came of it but I still think about it sometimes super late but oh well a guy attacked me at 3 a.m. while I was walking to work literally beryl doubt if the woods and tackled me onto concrete with his belt undone he broke three of my ribs and dislodge a vertebrae broke my jaw I got this surge of adrenaline and I'm so thankful for that I tried to choke him long enough to render him unconscious and I did he never woke up it still bothers me sometimes nearly 10 years later I was arrested and questioned in the hospital uncuffed the following morning after the police obtained security camera footage I've been asked before how I managed to hold the choke long enough to kill him I don't know I may have crushed his windpipe I have no concept of how long the choke or even the whole situation lasted my mother was with an abusive boyfriend when I was 12 he would beat my mother and me and threatened to shoot us if we did anything against him one night things got serious and I was trying to find a way out because I knew he was going to cure us but it got too far by then and I had no in an attempt to save myself and my mother I shot him he died soon after I believed that I had done no wrong and wouldn't face consequences for my actions after all he was going to kill us if I didn't this was in the state of Ohio though and I ended up being sentenced to jail for four years I still think it was unjust for that state to steal my childhood simply because I was trying to stay alive but I have moved on since then and try to do my best to make the best of my adult life I've posted this before in another thread so apology as if it sounds familiar I'd been kickboxing competitively for 10 years prior to this incident I had broken my arm and had a newborn child I had one arm in a sling and my baby in a carrier that was in my other hand a guy must have thought I looked like an easy target and pulled a knife on me while I was walking through a relatively quite alley connecting two streets my only thoughts were of my baby so I kicked the guy and a thigh hard he fell over and I followed up with a roundhouse to the side of his head only issue was that he had fallen next to a bollard and when I kicked him his head smashed off it I don't think I'll ever forget the noise his head made when it hit off the bollard and I'll never forget it I was charged with manslaughter but the charges were ultimately dropped you to the facts I had my child the attacker was armed and I had no prior convictions I still feel absolutely dreadful about what happened and if I could go back and change it I would but what's done is done I'll never forget it I was woken up by my fancy telling me that she thinks someone opened the back door which is always locked it was allowed s door with an even louder screen door that I've never heard anything else sound like so I told her to lay on the floor and call 911 as I grabbed my hand gun from the nightstand as she was whispering to the operator I could hear at least one person talking downstairs it turned out that there were two people I could hear footsteps slowly coming up the stairs my fancy set the phone down and I told her to cover her ears the bedroom door opened and a man was standing in the doorway with something in his hands I later found out it was a knife I fired four shots to hit the man in the door in the chest one hit the second person who was standing near the top of the stairs in the shoulder and the fourth shattered my toilet down the hall the police showed up soon after that the rest of the night was mostly a blur the guy in the doorway died there the one I shot in the shoulder lived and was charged with his burglar buddy's death and a host of other charges I also remember slipping on the stairs because of the water I was never blamed for anything I was asked to go to the station that night to talk to them for a while but I was able to go with my fancy and not in the back of a cop car the 911 recording backed up my whole story I used to live in a particularly bad neighborhood when I was 13 ish it was around midnight when I heard our front door open my mom worked nights and my dad was overseas so I assumed either my mom got sent home early all we were getting burglarized we didn't have any guns in the house or really anything someone could defend themselves with so I hid in the closets in my room after a few minutes I heard someone opened the door to my room and start rummaging through drawers and such I didn't really have anything of value and there wasn't really anything in the house other than a really old TV that weighed upwards of 150 pounds after throwing all the contents of my drawers onto the floor I thought he'd be done and just leave but I was wrong something about the closet called to him I guess and he came over and put a hand on the doorknob I couldn't really think of anything else to do so I looked around for the most viable self-defense weapon I could find the best I found was a clay bowl I'd made when in school a few years prior and the door opened I swung it as hard as I could the impact was enough to daze him and shatter my shotty Bowl but nothing else I picked up one of the shards of the bowl and tried to use it as a sort of makeshift knife he started backing away and tripped over something on the floor I tried to jump on him and hold him down but I was a scrawny kid so it didn't really do much he kept punching me and in a moment of fear and adrenaline-fueled anger I stabbed him with a shot of the barrel I wasn't trying to kill him but I punctured a vital artery or something and he ended up bleeding out while I was on the phone with 911 the police took me to the station and asked a few questions then called my mom to let her know what happened they did want to try me for voluntary manslaughter but dropped the charges soon after for reasons that were never disclosed to me it really mess with my mental health and because it was on the news and published in the local newspaper and it ruined my social life for the next five years but I've accepted it as part of my life and moved on TL dr. house was getting burglarized used a shard of broken pottery to stab the burglar hit a vital artery almost got tried for voluntary manslaughter edit someone wanted me to add a TL DR because I forgot to make the post in paragraphs here you go metastatic spot fairly new to posting on reddit so forgive me for not knowing I need to put a TL DR I killed two people work the night shift so I normally get home around 1 - 130 m and most times my mother is asleep this time however I could see the living room lights we're on and two big shadows we're moving around in my house this was extremely out of the ordinary so I unclipped my Smith & Wesson SD 9 there from my holster and slowly peaked in trough a window there where two guys and their mid-forties in my living room throwing things around and rummaging trough drawers one man had her a handgun and I figured I could wait and call the police from outside the house and keep around them to make sure they don't head for the bedrooms on the second floor however when I glanced to the couch I saw my mother huddled with my 12 year old niece who must have been spending the night I knew if I waited for the cops this could go south before they got there I was able to signal my mother to cover my nieces eyes and ears I waited till the two men we're on the far side of the room I turned the doorknob and burst into the house with my weapon pointed at the man with the pistol I told him in a surprisingly calming voice to drop his weapon then it happened it felt like slow motion I saw his arm starts to flick upward and I fired three rounds into center mass the second man reached behind his back and I had no choice but to put four rounds into what I can tell you is it's not like the movies where a person dies instantly in real life people gurgle cry asks for family members ask you why you did it and so on I was traveling down 277 just south of Del Rio Texas no more than five miles from the us-mexico border me and all my infinite wisdom stopped to take a leak on the side of the road as I was ripping up I got hit over the back of the head apparently it was some sort of initiation deal and it was this 17 or 18 year old kid that hit me he didn't put enough votes into it and it just dazed me and knocked me to the ground two of them started to get into my truck and one started to go through my pockets I hit him with my elbow and then rolled over on top of him and found a rock about the size of a softball I hit him in the head with it until he quit struggling one of the others jumped out of the truck to come help his buddy I threw my rock at him and rushed my driver door I got my hand on my revolver shorted the guy who I threw the rock at been levelled the pistol that the guy who was sitting in my passenger's seat and told him to stay there with his hands on the dash while I was trying to find my phone a border patrol unit showed up and then another and another when it was all said and done I got off with no charge because the border patrol watched it all go down on camera I had to go back into Del Rio and go to the hospital because I was concussed the guy I beat with a rock died before the ambulance got there the guy I shot bled out on the way to the hospital and the third guy was held in then deported moral of the story don't stop to take a leak in the bar ditch five miles from the border at 1:00 a.m. I was robbed at a gas station at knifepoint one night in 2015 the guy unfortunately was hopped up on something strong PCP or meth maybe I was standing against my car waiting on the pump and he popped out from behind it with a fairly large kitchen knife he never even really said what it was he wanted wallet keys et Cie just yelling incoherently I had plenty of room to get away at about moment but he chased me down while giving me a few slashes on the back of the arm and cornered against an l-shaped building across the street probably the most horrible experience I've ever had I was essentially begging him to walk away not just because my life was in danger but that my escape options were quickly dwindling and the only one that remained was my sidearm I did not want to kill a twenty-something year old who was clearly troubled he had already cut me a little and I could tell there was no reasoning with him after several minutes of him screaming giver ish and me trying to calm him down he suddenly started advancing I yelled something to the effect of start drew and when he continued I fired three times and he was down the gas station attendant had already called police but unfortunately they didn't arrive until two minutes after I had to pull the trigger when they pulled up I set my pistol down and put my hands on my head I guess to make sure I wasn't victim number two they cuffed us both likely just procedure but after 5-10 minutes me and two other witnesses gave statements they gave me my pistol back and I was free to go I was surprised at how quickly the cops assess the situation determined I was innocent and let me go I thought I was going to jail for the night until my self defense was proven or at least sit there answering questions for an hour though I suppose one of them may have gone in and seen the CCTV footage what's odd is that I've had to take life before I was a security contractor in Iraq and had to defend myself and others there too but there's something different when it's just some drugged up kids or any civilian for that matter something eats at you those first couple years and you constantly ask yourself if you made the right decision I constantly wonder what would have happened if I had simply tried to run the attacker sobered up a little all the cops had arrived sooner with something less than lethal all in all I saved my own life but taking one never feels right or good even when it's justified I'm retired now but while I was a cop I won't get into too much detail because I don't want his family to see this or anything like that we had a call of a guy shot deal with that call he was a gang member he lived we had a description of suspect vehicle which the shooter was driving we find the car parked nobody is in it but we find guns and large amount of meth in the car find an ID and the guy is wanted for several violent crimes and his record says he is considered armed and dangerous use extreme caution so we are dealing with that when we see a guy walking it's like 3 a.m. away from us I Drive over and spotlight him I didn't know if it was our guy or just some dude out for drinks on his way home he looks back at me and starts running so I chase him on foot he stops turns and starts shooting at me I remember how I was so shocked at the muzzle flash coming from his gun so I shoot back as well as another officer who is coming from another angle he goes down and I get to cover we call in the Calvary and some other officers approach I watched as they walked up and grabbed his arm to put it behind his back and it was lifeless I remember thinking wow I just killed a person he's dead I wasn't really upset more shocked I was not hit for a week after that I was sure I had to have at least a grazing wound I did not feel we did the whole internal affairs thing I did my interview spoke to our police union attorney the depth psychologist all that I was not upset at all only they called my then fiance registered sign now wife and she was woken up told what happened and I was ok Darcy then just went back to sleep after saying ok good law that night I still had a return of reports to do which sucks so I had to sit at the PD and finish them I went home real early in the morning and couldn't sleep my adrenaline was pumping still I wasn't upset I joked with other guys and we laughed about how I was neo from matrix dodging bullets after something like that you get calls from everyone you know and I couldn't talk about it as it was obviously now an ia investigation and friends outside law enforcement heard it was me aimed paper I got more and more calls it felt good that people cared I was not and still am not upset at all not one bit I defended myself and he made that choice not me it could have been just another pose killing young cop with a family but this one was not and I was glad for that a few days later I was at Best Buy with my films a registered sign looking a stuff for our house we were buying and a kid accidentally pops a balloon that sent my heart rate sky-high I shot another guy who pulled a gun about a year later but he lived he went to prison got out and I ran into him all the time as he was a career criminal too he showed me his bullet scar once he said he respected me and he deserved it weird the shootings don't bother me at all the ones that have given me PTSD are the ones where fellow cops have died I'd seen my first dead cop a few months into my career and it woke my young 21 year old ass up to the realities of the career but the worst PTSD incidents for me were when kids died I'd given CPR to a baby that suffocated by his own father who slept in the bed with him and rolled over on him it seen a dead child ran over by a car those affected me but they were exacerbated when my child was born that one still gets me every time I see a pink razor scooter a zaps what she was riding the sight of one makes me sweat and I get angry and extremely aggressive and protective of my daughter ugh just typing this last part has sent my anxiety up I was injured at work and had to medically retire later in my career I've found marijuana law helps a ton with my PTSD I regret anything I ever did in my career that was any type of enforcement against this great plant anyways that's my story [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 28,900
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: o_wfSjth3Ik
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Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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