Wendigo & Similar Creature Stories From Reddit NoSleep

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these following stories have been taken from the subreddit no sleep story one I'm an animal control officer for a rural County I cover an area that has isolated communities of people who don't trust outsiders I say this because after this call I couldn't get anyone to talk to me in dealing with these communities I have had some rather strange calls one such call was made by a woman whose family had moved into one of these places she and her husband were doctors and since rural doctors are hard to come by her and her husband wanted to fill that need for the two of them though it was a bit of a culture shock a problem that the doctors ran into was a number of animals that were allowed to run loose this treated several calls from the woman to me about aggressive dogs there wasn't much I could do about the dogs because every time I showed up the dogs had been hidden the last call I received from her would also be one of the most terrifying cause I was called once again about an aggressive animal but this time she wasn't sure if it was a dog or not she'd made a house call to a family that lived at the end of a long dirt road when she got there everything was normal as much as it could be under such circumstances it was when she stepped into the house that things got weird she told me that while she was doing a check-up on the children she heard a growling noise coming from behind a wall when she asked the family about it they quickly escorted her out of the house she called me when she got home because she thought it might have been a mountain lion or some other big cat I was skeptical because our area is known for bears and no mountain lions have been spotted in years I didn't tell her this though because she sounded upset enough I told her I'd check it out regardless and when she gave me the address we said our goodbyes the address and saw that it would take me at least two hours to get there this house was located in one of the remotest parts of the county I planned for a morning drive so that I would get there before it got too hot we were heading into summer and I'm a big man that doesn't handle heat very well I hate having to hike through the forest when it's hot out and because of where this place was located I wouldn't be able to drive up to the house right in the early in the next morning I loaded up my truck and headed out I stopped by the gas station for some coffee and gas with that done I headed out of town on my way to the middle of nowhere it was a nice Drive and I got to the dirt road about thirty minutes early since it was still early I stopped to stretch my legs and use the bathroom I was surrounded by forests with the closest house over a mile away so I wasn't worried about being caught with my pants down with that need taking care of I used some hand sanitizer and headed out again the doctor had warned me that the road was poorly maintained and I knew immediately that she hadn't been exaggerating the first pothole I hit I thought I was going to tear off my front tire I slowed down further until I was going about two miles an hour even going at that speed I felt like I was in a pink shaking machine by the time I got to the end of the road my teeth were rattling I gratefully stopped when I reached the end and sat for a minute waiting for my in size to settle back where they were supposed to be then I grabbed my gear and stepped out of my truck I'd brought some water a gun and a tranquilizer if there was a wild animal I didn't know how I was going to catch it by myself the hope was that it was another force call and I didn't have to worry about it right now though my biggest concern was getting to the house without getting lost I looked around and like when I stopped for a break all I could see was trees other than that there was something that felt awful about the forest surrounding me I felt the hairs on the back of my neck standing up and regardless of how warm it was a shiver crawled its way down my back I frowned at the feeling in my line of work listening to your instincts could save your life and I almost got back into my truck and left I took a deep breath and shook for feeding off there was no reason for my panic and I told myself I was being ridiculous I made my way to the faint trail I could see between some trees once I was there I set my GPS so that I could find my way back to the truck with that taken care of I started on my walk the doctor had told me the house was a half a mile from the end of the dirt road as I walk down the path I became aware of a lack of sound usually I would hear birds bugs or animals moving through the under bush now there was nothing to hear except my footsteps I kept looking around me hoping to spot any sign of life but I was out of luck all I could see was the sun shining down through the trees and I could feel the temperature rising as the morning wore on but then as I got closer to the house I could hear the sound of children playing and animals calling out I felt myself sag in relief or the sounds of life after such a quiet walk the relief didn't last long though because as I pushed through the trees into a clearing I saw that there was no one there I froze and looked around I could see paddocks and an old barn that looked like it was about to fall away off from that I saw the house in question it was dilapidated much like the barn it looked like a stiff breeze was all it needed to bring it down by now I was starting to wonder if I've been sent on a wild goose chase this looked nothing like what the doctor had described I swallowed and forced my feet to move this is Animal Control is there anyone home I called out as I moved further into the clearing the silence was my only answer I moved closer to the panic and I jumped back with a small cry laying in the paddock was a freshly dead cow but not just any cow this one has three massive claw marks down its side on top of that its eyes were bulging out along with its tongue the cow looked like it'd been choked and clawed to pieces now I don't know about you but I can't think of anyone strong enough to choke out a cow I left the paddock and turned back toward the house I decided I would leave the barn because it looked too dangerous for me to go into hello is anyone there I called out again I knew if I was smart I would turn tail and run I couldn't leave without making sure someone didn't need my help though with the damage to the cow I was worried about what had happened to the family that lived here if in fact anyone lived here at all I reached the rotting front porch and I stopped before climbing the stairs the front door was hanging on by one hinge and the windows were broken a look like no one had been here in many years hello this is animal control is anyone home I called out for the third time of course I didn't get an answer and I was about to call off the search before I could turn around I heard a faint cry like that of a child is someone there I hollered as I cautiously climb the stairs I heard the sound again and it sounded like it was getting closer I poured out my flashlight and shone the light in through the open doorway all I could see was debris from the forest and a thick layer of dust on the floor I stepped closer to the door and the porch let out an alarming creak I froze or the door held by now I was calling myself an idiot for not leaving already the cry came again so I forced myself to step through the door inside it looked like the family had simply disappeared everything was still in its place in the corner of the room there was even a dinner sitting on the dining table the air in the house smelled of decay and mold as I walked deeper into the room it was completely quiet in the house now all that I could hear was my increasing heart rate in the air moving in and out of my lungs this quiet didn't sound natural to me and my uneasiness was growing I decided that now would be a good time to pull out my gun if something tried to grab me I hoped I would be fast enough to defend myself watching where I stepped I moved farther into the house trying to find the source of the original noise the house had only one story the kitchen dining room and the living room took up one half of the house I stopped outside of the kitchen door and glanced in to see if anything was waiting for me the kitchen was like the rest of the house with the remains of supper sitting on the stove I didn't go into the room because there was a hole in the middle moving on I found the first bedroom across from the kitchen from the decorations in this room it was a child's room not seeing anything of interest I moved past the next kid's room to the largest bedroom at the end of the hall I stepped into this room and the first thing I saw was blood smeared across the wall behind the bed it was in the shape of large claw marks and I tense at the second sign of violence I looked around the room and my eyes slid across a shadow when it struck me that something was there I brought the flashlight up hoping that I was seeing things no luck because sitting in the corner was an animal I'd never seen before it was as tall as me sitting down and on each of its front feet were three massive claws the muscles of the front legs look strong enough to strangle a hippo much less a cow the creature gave a low cry and I went cold it sounded like a child crying I started backing toward the door and the creature stood up I could see instantly I was right about its size I watched in horror as it opened its mouth and started panting it had rows of massive teeth and even from where I was the smell was horrible its back legs or his muscled as his front legs and I wondered how I could outrun this thing if I had to do so I took another step back and the creature stepped forward he felt like some kind of strange dance as I walked backward and the creature matched my steps I brought my gun up and leveled it on the creature it hadn't made any threatening move toward me beside playing follow the leader I had a feeling though that it was waiting for me to let down my guard at the side of the gun the creature lunged for me and I quickly fired off two shots the creature fell back with a deafening roar I used this opportunity to turn and run not taking time to find out where I hid the creature I knew I had wounded it so I was hoping it was enough for me to get away as I ran toward the front door I pray to every God I can think of that the floors would hold somehow I made it to the front door and from behind me I could hear the creature trying to get up he was making these awful whimpering and crying noises it sounded so much like a child in extreme pain that I almost turned back I called myself an idiot and took off running again that day I found my inner track star and I ran as hard as I could to the safety of the trees I was hoping that I had enough of a head start I was also hoping that the creature didn't have a good sense of smell because when I man my size sweats everyone within a hundred feet can smell me I found a place to hide and I waited anxiously for the creature to find me after 10 minutes I grew tired of hiding I clutched my gun in my right hand and cautiously stepped out of my hiding place I looked around where the coast was clear I started toward my truck expecting to be attacked at any moment as I walked I could have sworn there was something behind me every time I checked though there was nothing there I still jump every sound and I was constantly checking behind me although it went quiet when I first walked down this path now and sounded like every branch in the forest was cracking somehow I made it to my truck unmolested when I stopped to catch my breath near my truck I saw to my horror that there were three long claw marks down the side of the driver's door I quickly fumbled my keys out of my pocket something I knew I should have done already I know I managed to get the door open without dropping the keys once the door was opened I scrambled inside I was desperate for some water but before I could reach for my thermos I saw movement I looked up and saw the creature was watching me I swallowed a scream at the sight I felt the creature was playing with me it started moving toward me and I frantically turned the truck on a jerked into reverse and may the fastest turnaround I've ever done in my life as I started forward I saw the creature stop this last thing I saw in my rearview mirror was an elderly man with two bullet holes in his chest I almost ran into a tree at the sight but I wasn't stopping to ask questions I made it back home in record time I ran into my house and placed a quarter the doctor that had sent me out to the house I desperately wanted answers and she was the only one to have them instead of the woman doctor a confused elderly woman answered the phone I asked for the doctor and the elderly woman told me that she lived in her house for 50 years she also told me that the phone number I called had been hers for the past 20 years I apologize for bothering her and hung up the phone I was now confused and terrified I made some more calls but everyone I talked to said they didn't know who I was talking about I don't know who I had been talking to but it wasn't a doctor wanting to help some unfortunate people I never went back to that house some instinct was telling me that was why the creature had let me go it wanted me to bring more people to investigate therefore there would be more food for him I had no intention of doing that for one who would believe me and two and a bit stubborn but I'm not stupid I had gotten away once but I doubt I would get away again I've since left that job and all I've been able to figure out was that creature could be related to a Wendigo I'm probably wrong though because the only similarity I could find between the two was the eating of people so that's the story of my most terrifying call and the reason I left a fairly easy job for me no job is worth getting eaten by some mystical creature story - no names all occasions will be mentioned for protection and safety reasons my name isn't really important but what I say here may be very important and all you need to know is that I am a resident of a rural community in and as of late isolated County I've had my suspicions and I've been observing and documenting the happenings of my town from my cabin these are my findings let me lay some cards on the table with a stupid question is anyone here familiar with the sasquatch whether you believe or not numerous people all over the world have claimed to have seen these creatures or similar creatures big hairy humanoids living out in the woods and/or mountains just about every continent has his own variation or myth of these things I became a researcher or at least reading up on others research on account of the increase of sightings in my County er region it started about a month ago when our local Rangers noticed a significant decrease in the deer and elk population and an increase of their half-eaten bodies cluttering the region naturally we assumed it was bears but if you're reading this now you can probably guess that it wasn't the case Rangers and hunting parties started a planner culling or hunt to deal with what we thought was at least one super aggressive bear normally they wouldn't let me a hunters on the reserve but in this case several farmers found these carcasses on their fields one was found in a barnyard in retrospect we should have noted that among the animal carcasses found all of them had their faces eaten we didn't think much of it and the local suspicions of a bear was seemingly confirmed when the four-year-old son of one of the local farmers spotted what he called the bear man climbing over a fence in his family's field the man part we naturally dismissed writing it off as the over imaginative exaggerations of a child as part of the hunting expedition many have set up trail cams along the borders of the forests and fields hoping to pinpoint the animal or should we say animals there were different sightings taking place as different locations at or around the same time and despite our first glances these animals were not bears they had the face hair and bill do you expect to see on a bear but their actual body was humanoid in shape when they stood upright you can tell when it's a bear walking on its hind legs and what the camera caught was a clear human-like structure as you can imagine there was a bit of a spectacle when these trail cam images were leaked to the town at first Rangers only let the farms and hunters know but one of the farmers wanted some attention so they try to leaked it to the media pretty soon the town was up in arms about it some citizens were ecstatic others afraid others skeptical that Bigfoot has made this region his home some wanted the hunting to cease maybe capitalize on the Sasquatch sightings that have been pouring in the less enthusiastic and more rational insisted that the hunting continued rationalizing that these were in fact bears and that camera tricks and perception issues were involved others thought the whistleblower must have photoshopped the images to play attention hog and Rangers insisted that these were mere bears and it was voted up that they needed to be cold or driven away for the town's people's safety before the following there hasn't been any confirmed aggressive behavior from these things one weekend a family made their stay at their vacation home a cabin from their usual lives in the city they came by every year during the summer certain holidays and other special occasions to revisit their family living in the area not one day into their vacation the mother took her two young children for a walk on a trail she was warned to stay on the trail so as to avoid hunters it wasn't long before her little girl pointed to get her mother to look at them monkey people there had been following them there was - and the mother insisted they keep their distance from this wild family the little girl began yelling and waving at the animals who were staring at them from several dozen yards away eventually one started advancing towards them huffing and puffing and growling at them and the mother hastily took her children back to the cabin they left the next day which is a good thing because the day after they left their cabin was ransacked once again blamed on by the Bears unfortunately that was the more passive of instance he'd probably roll your eyes when you hear the story of a kid waking up his parents in the middle of the night crying about some kind of man with no face in the trees outside his window I rolled my eyes - before I read the rest of the report for what the report says is no laughing matter there was in fact a man's dead body hanging in the trees in front of the child's window and said face was chewed off the body was identified as a local shopkeeper whose family lived just out of the outskirts of town he wasn't labeled missing but his sister whom he lived with mentioned how he hadn't come home the night before and she wanted to wait until morning before she pestered the police about it her brother's car was found shortly after poured off the side of a road in a forest area on a highway not a quarter-mile away from their home it was here we decided that this animal or animals as it were were in fact a danger to humans they had to be hunted and they had to be killed but that was easier said than done you can count how many times someone tried to hunt what they've said was Bigfoot how many have been his success these things have evaded hunters for centuries and it's not like it was gonna stop that night what they did find was what they thought was an oddly placed Beaver Dam placed in the deepest parts of the woods were hikers Rangers and hunters alike generally don't go there was a pungent smell in the air and when they investigated the oddity of mud and logs there were at least 17 bodies human and animal alike all of them were half-eaten but the constant being that the Beast that had been eating them had had a special affinity for their faces only four bodies have been identified missing persons from seven months back the rest couldn't be accounted for but there have been a series of missing persons in the outer forests that extend well beyond the county's borders none of these creatures have been found but we did find a series of large human-like footprints leading away from the territory in towards the town that and dozens more of these dams and upon further investigation we could infer that these were not homes to these creatures but more or less fridges to store their meals now comes the part where I give you a little folklore lesson my research as you may or may not know with all these Sasquatch sightings recorded some descriptions may vary for most parts people claimed to see what they would call a standard Bigfoot just a big humanoid man-like ape but there are others that Sasquatch researchers categorizes types once in a while people claimed to see what they described is looking more bear-like than man the common name among sasquatch enthusiasts of this time is the Gugu a name that derives from the name cuckoos it is often described in comparison to the Wendigo which should give you an idea of what kind of animal we are dealing with first nations told legends of these with the description of man-eating over like creatures not exactly the cute or cuddly friendly Bigfoot you see in cartoons or media right well as a matter of fact these things are described as being separated from what most people would call sasquatch they are closer to being bear-like than ape-like among the names the natives have for them was the face eater and of course due to their appearance and facial structure the bear man when people describe the Sasquatch specifically their heads and faces you get something closer to a human gorilla or chimp like face the Gangu has a snout according to witnesses to be more akin to baboon or mandrill some sightings have mistaken them for werewolves or dog men besides appearances these beings were different from what was considered a normal Bigfoot when they described sasquatches they described creatures that are rarely hostile mostly docile omnivores that generally keep themselves from humans albeit they are still territorial these things were famous for affinity of eating flesh violent temperament and will actively hunt humans unlike the Sasquatch sightings of these things have increased in recent years with most people passing them off as one in the same in the farther north of the america canadian alaskan regions there are legends there too there they are referred to as the janowska and again often overlapped with the myth of the Wendigo they describe how these things are nocturnal how they'd live underground how they were not only cunning hunters but efficient survivors they got the nickname the stone giants by adorning their fur with mud and rocks forming makeshift armor on them my further research from a number of sources tells me that while they are more often than not solitary hunters they do operate as family groups and rarely if ever hunt together how they function is hardly any more pleasant than what is previously described some of my sources tell of how these creatures practice cannibalism to their dead when they are unsuccessful in their hunting how in colder weather they wear the hide of their kills and some even describe how they have a tribe like mentality this begs the question of just how intelligent they really are one could almost call them evil insofar as you can call a species of animal evil conclusions and concerns which brings us to here as with the rise of Sasquatch sightings around the world there has also been a rise for sightings of the Gangu or janowska and I have more than enough reason to believe that we are getting a special rise of these creatures in my hometown four days ago schools were closed because large dark shapes could be seen walking or standing near the forested areas just off the school grounds separated only by a small field and a chain-linked fence when the kids left the schools there were four of them walking standing by watching the elementary school and have been specifically observing the buses before disappearing back into the trees one of the local farming families left town in a hurry last weekend when a dog ran into a barn to confront an intruder the dog never came out and when the farmer investigated he almost immediately ran out got his family into the car and fled the property without so much as a word to the confused neighbors days later said neighbors noticed a thick pungent smell muscular than anything that usually comes out of a barn It was as if it was stuffed for dead in decaying bodies the dog's remains were later found just off one of the neighbors property when the animals on his own farm started acting up on a disturbance all the remained of the dog was a spine ribs and mandible two days ago a gas station just out of town was raided and ransacked all of its snacks were half-eaten and discarded the attendant said he hid in a garage when he saw six sasquatch walking onto the scene while he was about to close up he described them as carrying the remains of a cat and a raccoon obviously it was not enough to satisfy their hunger and the food of the gas station obviously wasn't helping the only snacks that were not thrown away was the meat products the jerky and the hot dogs but that was about it one became frustrated and they attacked the smallest in their group and dragged its remains away the attendance should count himself lucky that the smell of gasoline and motor oil must have covered his scent around the same time that very night a couple who lived just outside of town woke to the sight of two of them scavenging their garbage when one of the creatures noticed the couple through the window as these animals began to pound on the doors and windows the residents had to make a daring attempt out the back door they had to lure the beasts back after them and run around the other side of the house to their Jeep and drive to the police station getting the police to believe them wasn't a problem considering the increase of sightings but by the time they got there the creatures were nowhere to be found well they did find was what was left of the boyfriend's elderly mother who was in the couple's care after these incidents the town was afraid half of them wants to leave this town for a safer place it was decided that the Hunts continued in order to deal with a threat at hand with the aid of the police and park rangers some idiots thought that it was best to leave them alone and for the town to continue to capitalize off Bigfoot sightings so the other night about 60 hunters went into the woods determined to put an end to the threat there is 200 miles of unexplored forests in our parks and places the previously hunting expedition never reached during that night the forests were filled with house not matching the kind normally heard from wolves and coyotes and the occasional gunshot as far as any success rate goes only 28 hunters walked out of the woods the next morning the rest unaccounted for there has been no confirmed kills among these things nor were the bodies found of the missing hunters around the same time the town was being evacuated only a select few families stayed behind unfortunately a few roads were blocked by large boulders and rocks a classic calling card of the Sasquatch their way of setting the borders of their territory who is to say the Gangu or the janowska or whatever you want to call them is any different in that regard a few people blocked out noted dark shapes observing them from the trees many are expecting these logs or boulders to be removed by the police in order to continue evacuation but there's few concerns that doing so could lead to a death trap with those things watching from the woods now we are considering calling in the National Guard for interference but I have concerns of my own it's not like they wouldn't have any reason not to believe us with the evidence we collected sure they could help with the evacuation maybe try to help in the extermination but there lies the problem I'm not a military artillery expert but if the stories of the donostia armor are true and considering the apparent failures of the hunters rifles their ammo should fare better right I guess it depends on what these creatures are coating their fur with but whatever it is was able to stand the bullets of hunting rifles the stone Giants got their name for their armor and how it made them resilient if those stories are true the easiest solution is to start a fire bring explosives in etc this would at best start forest fires and a worse turn our County into a war zone and considering how bold these creatures are in sneaking near or into the town I can't help but think of the worst-case scenario such as once again taking into account the increase of Sasquatch sightings I don't believe it to be a coincidence that these coincide with environmental changes deforestation pollution natural or man-made climate change etc last year there was a chemical plant built for the next town on the other side of the forest besides this acquiring a small amount of deforestation months before this whole mess started there was a controversy of them dumping their waste in the unexplored regions of the woods requiring more human interference to salvage what they can but alas the immediate environment was considered too polluted for any animal to survive off the land there what is an animal to do when their environment is destroyed naturally they migrate search for a more hospitable environment and unfortunately humans have always been on their menu I believe the increase of sightings in my County is a prelude to what's to come considering that climate change isn't going to stop in the foreseeable future and with more and more sightings of sasquatch like creatures I fear the absolute worst case scenario that cities will possibly be seen as a new food source at the very least my County may be the first of many incidents you want to know what's ironic the only bears we've seen in this whole ordeal were among the animal carcasses found with their faces eaten thank you for watching and or listening to this video if you enjoyed it please go ahead and hit the like button and let me know what you think of these stories in the comment section below if you don't already subscribe to my channel and you really enjoy my narration please subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up to date with my content and to help my channel to grow thanks again for watching
Channel: Tales Of High Strangeness
Views: 1,890,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mr Sinister, Wendigo, Wendigos, Sasquatch, Nosleep
Id: 8TJNlkcDw8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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