People STILL Google this?! | Google Feud

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Lol I sneeze like this too! I've made my one year old daughter cry with it and I felt so bad. I wish Joel and Dave would do stuff like this again, it's so funny.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/autumnatron 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad I'm not just some sort of freak. Lol

And people don't get how I can close AND cover my mouth and STILL be that loud. How the hell should I know? It's not like I do it on purpose.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DJONeill33 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hey! Newbie fan here and I just watched this. I also have a sneeze that is just a scream! Thanks for sharing this!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/p00ba5tank 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hold your horses, i laugh almost like him and scare people, lol

I was so happy, when i discovered him doing the same)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MaryHasRussianAccent 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

My dad has a very weird sneeze. His is like WOOchoo and it's loud

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kaileyhallett 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I accidentaly banged my head on a table when sneezing exactly like Joel does in the video. 😂

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheShortBastardd 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Omg yes me too. I have boy friends and their sneeze is like "achi", and mine is more like "ACHUUUUUU"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/celia_uwu_ 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have rhinitis and I sneeze like that all day

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/brunaorsi 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Same but I have a really soft girly voice so when I sneeze people are like “WtF was that?!”.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mecrjzak 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
Dave: [Mumbled: This video is sponsored by Skillshare.] Dave: Hi, I'm Dave from Boyinaband, I'm here with my friend Roomie. Roomie: I am irrelevant compared to other Swedish one. D: nice D: Today, we're here for our triannual, uh, G-Google Feud game. R: [laughters] D: Every three years we play a game of Google Feud, you can check. D: Tradition is important in culture, which one do you want to start with Swede boy? D: 'Culture', 'People', 'Names', or 'Questions'? R: Let's do 'Questions'. D: 'Is it safe to travel to' blank? R: ooooooooooo D: Don't be racist :))) Both: [laughter] D: America? R: [laugh] D: Gun crimes and stuff? Both: Nope. D: Everyone's fine with that. R: South Korea. D: Oh! D: SOUTH Korea, interesting. R: Or maybe just Korea, I dunno. R: Nope. D: I wonder if it'd be something like, uh, D: Syria. R: Who googles that? Okay. Both: Nope. D: We got one more. R: Uhhh, Mexico. D: Well, that's an interesting one. D: Yeah, there's some crime down there. Both: Aayy! D: Nice. What's worse than Mexico? Both: [laughter] R: I'm Dave, dON't bE rAcISt. D: Let's give China a go. R: Yeah. D: It's the only country that I can think of that people might worry about D: that's bigger than Mexico. R: Yeah. D: Yeah, I'm not gonna say anymore. (R: [laughter]) D: This is a very dangerous question. D: Oh damn it! (R: Oohhhh) D: Wait, Paris!? D: Oh, after the shooting and stuff. R: Oh, yeah, there was terrorism stuff, you're right, you're right, yeah. (D: God...) D: That's still up there though, that's interesting. R: 'Cancun', 'Egypt', 'Cabos- ' D: Oh, one sec. D: I've gotta record a video. R: Oh right- Both: [laughter] R: I said Costa Rica! D: Ah, right, yeah! D: You also said a lot of ones that weren't on there. R: [whispered: shut th- bitc- f*ck of-] D: Why are people worried about Egypt? D: Don't wanna be enslaved and forced to make a pyramid? D: I dunno. R: That's hilarious. D: Yeah, thank you. My, uh, 6,000 year old references. Both: [laugh] D: Next round! R: I dunno - or d'you have more zingers? D: Shut up! (R: [laughter]) D: Good joke! D: 'Can pigs eat'. (R: [laughter]) R: Is it chocolate? Both: [laughs] R: Noooo! D: It's gonna be people hasn't it? D: No! I swear. I've heard that is a thing. R: Might have been humans. R: Pork. D: Oh interesting, cannibals. R: Nope. D: I'll try human. I swear I've seen... D: Yes! R: Yaayy! D: Yay! Can pigs eat humans! (R: [laughter]) D: Isn't it used, like, in crime films and stuff (R: Oh yeah) D: to, uh, to like hide murders. D: Yeah, they throw the corpses in with the pigs D: Not that I'm not familiar with methodology here. (R: mm yeah, no) R: Well, what will you do when you go away for months? D: Yeah, I'm busy. R: [laughs] D: Can pigs eat?? Both: [laughter] D: What happened? R: I think is actually broken. D: Did I find an error in Google Feud that breaks it?! R: I can't change it now either, such a genius. D: I'm such a hacker. R: Uhh - how about 'Questions'? D: Yeah, 'Questions' is a good idea! D: Let's start!. R: 'Is it cool to' ..? D: Surely this is gonna be young kids. D: Who are, like, really insecure, trying to figure out D: how they can D: stop being such D: f*ckin' nerds. Not projecting. D: Ask a girl out? R: Sounds weird. D: Nahh. R: Wear... D: Oh, yeah yeah yeah. R: See, it won't be Walmart it'll be, like, some, like, mid-tier brand I guess. D: [laughter] What "mid-tier" brands are there Roomie? D: Let's get that fashion criticism out. R: Michael Kors... D: I don't know these, D: I just go to, like, random Korean websites and- D: This one's a bit more normal. I think I got this when I was out with you. R: Oh really? D: I think so? R: Out With Me. D: Yeah? R: Okay. R: We go shopping together. [SFX: awww] Both: [laughter] R: It's happy. R: 'Is it cool to listen to Drake', I'm fine with that. D: Okay. R: No... D: Yeah, the answer is no. R: How 'bout swear? D: 'Is it cool to swear?', I like that! D: Nope. This one I'm- I'm stumped with. D: That's an interesting one. R: I feel like you and I don't care about this at all. R: We would never Google 'Is it cool to duet?' D: Yeah, you're right... I would never do that... R: [laughs] R: 'Is it cool to dye your hair?' D: Yeah! D: Actually, I think that that's a plausible one. R: That was my first thought. D: No... Is it cool to (Both: 'VAPE')! R: That's good. R: 'Juul' is another one. 'Smoke'. ('be a nerd...') D: 'Is it cool to say 'cool'?' R: 'Wear socks with sandals'. D: [laugh] D: Who is questioning that?! (R: I think that- ) D: Of course it's cool! D: 'Can you sell your...' kidney. R: Yeah. R: Might be kidneys. D: If it's kidneys, and you get this right now... D: I'm gonna- I'm gonna have a tantrum. R: Ah! D: Okay, no tantrum; tantrum averted. R: Hair will be one. D: Oh, yeah. D: You're right. D: Don't ask whether you can, ask whether you should sell your hair. R: Organs. D: That's a bit vague. But- R: People know you can sell your organs, pro'ly. D: Right. R: Well- Is it legal? D: I was thinking kidney 'cause that's like the... R: Yeah, that's it- D: BLOOD. D: Yess! R: Ohhhh. Nice. [slowly dies on the inside] R: Sperm. D: 'Can you sell you soul?'!? D: Like people ac- [despairing sigh]. R: It's a lot of Christian people: 'soul just by saying it'. D: Oh my god... D: 'Can you sell your poop?' R: [laughs] D: Who want to buy that!? Let's not ask that question. D: Can you sell your vote? Ooo. Political. R: Mmm-hmm. R: 'Why is my girlfriend so' angry? D: I don't know if this was on the last one. Past R: Articulate. Past D: [laughs] R: Crazy. D: No... D: Maybe things have changed as well since the last- (R: Yeah, you're right.) D: Maybe girlfriends have become more reasonable. R: 'Why is my girlfriend so' reasonable? D: [laughter] D: Nope. R: It's not what's happened. D: She's way too reasonable! This is not fair. D: Yeah. What complaints have I had about my girlfriends? (R: [sigh]) R: Needy? D: Needy is gonna be one of them. R: Pretty low though, that could D: I'm surprised that's so low. D: Clingy? D: Yeah. R: Ah! D: The stereotypes of girlfriends are generally to be the more D: emotionally needy kind of ones (R: Yeah) and the stereotypes of the guys might be, like, D: 'Why is my boyfriend so angry?' and stuff like that. R: Ayyy. D: Yeah, you're right. R: I still think hot might be on there. D: [laughs] R: Honestly! D: You think you have that, D: that high an opinion of people that they are going to be googling D: that they're frustrated with how attractive- (R: I don't think- ) R: I don't think- (D: their partners are.) R: I don't think it's, like, a frustrating thing. R: Just think it's like when you're, like, you know in love, or whatever? You'll be like, (D: Oh, you just type it in) R: 'Why is my Girlfriend so hooot??' D: [laughter] D: I don't think people sit googling things together as a pastime. R: No! R: No, I think they do it themselves just to be like [small giggle] I'm projecting problem D:I gotta see your history later. D:Annoying R: Oh nice D:Would depressed be one of them? R: Oh, yeah- I think that was last time. Both: NOPE R: Cute! R: AAAAAA D: It is! (Youch) R: She's mean, jealous, beautiful.. D: I'm surprised cute is at the top that's kind of adorable R: Yeah, but that's the best thing! I think is like when they're like, into someone like that they like to just google something like D: 'WhY is sHE sO cuTe??' R: Like, what are you expecting to get as an answer? R: What will be a satisfactory answer to that Google thing. D: SHUT UP. D: Is it weird to like.. I do not know where to begin. R: Furries. D: Would you phrase it that way? R: No. How much of this is going to be sexual maybe two or three answers maybe we underestimate how sexual do you know? What am I insecure about liking farts? I Don't know if people would question that I think everyone knows it's weird to like farts I think people Google things that are weird, but they they want it to not be weird. Let's try far. Ah No, would it be like the same gender? Is it weird to like men? It's like women house didn't do that No, because like people in places where it's not common to be gay or something, maybe some like lame sport or something It's a too lame. There won't be Google's very yeah, that's an obscure enemy. Oh, yeah Nice, Hey, okay. Okay, pause the lamest little fist me. Yeah, it's been bad, huh? You're right math School, that's a good one. I Do that was it maybe some of that is like is it weird to like your sister as in be friendly with your sister? Oh, you're a mention is so much like the battling sibling. Yeah, let's assume it's bad Yeah Your cousin yeet older guy. I always forget how he's such a it's such a big fetish and I had no idea How does that happen? I think it's like the they're like you don't see him a lot I think anything that you it's like hidden away. My time is kind of how often do people run into skunks. That's so specific Let's say the smell of a skunk. Surely. That is a weird one to be bad I think that might be like a meme or something. I want to go with how often you've already discussed Oh, I never display this certainly has Its rigors some childhood memories or something but when I'm driving and I smell skunk, I love it This has been around long before I started smoking Mariana Does she smell similar to Mariana skunk must do well, maybe that's what they call it Ah, some people don't like the smell and think it's foul, but there is something so odd and great about it I've been I've never been sprayed and when directly close to the source It is overpowering but it's all about that hindu skunk in the air. Wow. I like it a little As well spiny to me like the woods as long as it's not too strong lettuce it always reminds me of Visiting my grandparents in the country in the spring or in the mountains and fall and going camping with the Boy Scouts when it is Waking up at 7:00 in the morning when the sun's just coming out and all the moisture from overnight gets the pines Junipers and Cedars smelling nice I've been trying to figure out a good weapon to kill this guy You Said it duct tape to the end gives me distance and I can just lop their head stuff from like eight feet away Next round. I lied to my mom Oh your mom. I think parents. Yeah. Yeah parents is better dead Oh, Sexism interesting no one likes girlfriend girlfriend or boyfriend higher Hey, hey Fascinating who else do you like - friend Oh best friend. I lied to my doctor That's a terrible idea of anyone's alliances Husband Oh boyfriend about my age if that's a common. That's that's not good That's like a statutory rape thing, right? So guys lie about their past anything as old friends lie in a way that causes the boyfriends to be sex offenders questions. I Want to like minors? Because all my friends are kids Obviously don't confuse me with Austin Jones. I want to like school hmm like stuff. You're stuck with me Maybe like it's a religion thing again, like a guy who wants to like girls, but he doesn't you know Like you're performing the interesting know Someone I want to like someone him and but I don't whiskey coffee wine tea sushi beer my job. Oh This is all very different thing. I don't know. I think the wine tea sushi and beer isn't that depressing but so depressing Okay, I love my cat sister Their work, they don't love them. They just like yeah Have a girlfriend. I'm telling you people do stupid google searches about their yeah, what I'm looking for is it's just like that bored Some writer. It's like an affirmation thing. Yeah, so is dad in there? No. No, that's kind of sad All emotional connection is within mom right job. Hey, hey, there are some people I Forgot those son isn't there but daughter is their job is above son. That's crazy That's sad this all emotional connection is with women Why is that I just think it's not us like societally accepted to say it, but dudes I cheated on my boyfriend with His brother. Oh god, this is like a Shane Dawson frickin Concept his best friend. No lead It was an enjoyable experience. There are seven more than this. They're more common, my friend This is thankful pressing a from my experience a random guy at a club Has nothing like as many subscribers My boyfriend with my roommates now with a girl oh Just a girl who I like my oh Yeah, he's dad my best friend. I pull up now. You put his face. Oh the same guy What do you mean the same guy? Oh the cheated again Oh Someone bigger. Oh my boss an older man a Should be given that a girl is the most popular though. That's interesting. I swear. This is a long religion stuff, too Yeah, Toby, I think a lot of religious people go to Google for advice with relationships because they can't talk They're like really is an interesting thought mom's sphaghetti. Yeah, you're right. Hey High five straight is something that belongs to mom cooking. No mom's meals Meals I was that like a brand or something, you know, mom's Santa Monica moms night out Mom's best cereal mom's birthday They like you for gifts, yeah you right Nice your real net my real sneeze. Yeah, it's a screen Jesus Helen Keller. Helen. Mirren of Troy Hey Helena like that song from My Chemical Romance. I did it again. You broke it Oh single things breaking things break it yeah, cucumbers are I just expecting you to be like Gary to cats tasty healthy Cucumbers are haunted cute cameras are gross si Who's looking for an essay some school somewhere has like as a running thing cucumbers are gross Yeah, and you need to write an essay on my cucumbers, huh? Gross Yeah people looking for evidence of why they're bad for you that I wanted. I can't get over that college is great power scholarship What's that this was in the last one we did To remember now, this is your memory game colleges Fun Not expensive What oh, this has changed actually a waste of time and money Caroline bird Oh is she just like this must be some journalist? Who's written about this? This is a lift Mary. I was single. I wonder how many guys like to say Taylor Swift is married also in that possibly. Yeah Oh, the number one thing people want to know is if they can get with tips. Yeah. Well that also be gay Vegan on Spotify. Oh, yeah, that was shared. The big thing was part of still alive a lion. I like put dead So those are the right kind of frame why do dogs have never? for Wet noses. Yeah, that's a good one Hey, like, what do they have this distinctive? Hmm box, why do dogs have? Legs why is that there? Oh, Yeah, anal glands what is an anal gland enough people instinctively use the terms the term anal glands Don't quicken. Google it I will do whatever I want. I don't want to see this. I'll check it out Dave Oh come I got that would you look at that? What is it things on the side Oh Oh any think of this thing old boy, are you I'm not looking at this. Well no, but oh my god, yeah, let's move I stock Tesla Apple Microsoft. Oh Not in there anymore Nike Netflix Carnegie course water my stock in water that that'd be smart for you Kid, I guess yeah, people water's not gonna go down in value beyond meat. That's a good one. Oh, Yeah, have you tried impossible burger no, no no, it's really good the ketchup is healthy Unhealthful yeah good for you spicy spicy food. That's what it means. What the Frick that's a fine burger Barack Obama Does that some kind of sauce ketchup is a spicy? Spicy. Whoo. Ha ha write those after Trump won the election, right? Yeah after that horrific racism Thanks for joining us for our annual Google huge game. That means every three years not three times every year See you in three years guy in three years. We will still be friends We will still be doing YouTube and we will still be playing Google motherfucking Me where's me? Wait, is he out with a friend I can do this bit on my own Still Sarah is an online learning community for creators with more than 25,000 collapses in design business and more Premium membership gives you unlimited access so you can join for classes and communities that are just right for you and your goal If you were to make him use it like me you might like this one course from young guru But how to mix music he's worked with jay-z and Eminem mate. He's gray Skill Sarah is also super affordable an annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month Join more than 7 million creators learning with Skillshare use the link in the description to get a 2 month free trial So join with my link schooled us slash walking Dave on to that school Dutch slash 14-day volto sub 2 pewds
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 1,415,612
Rating: 4.9615602 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, google feud, roomie, challenge, google, laughing, guessing, homeslice, roomieofficial, search, game, daveo, no, oopsie time, sorry
Id: TsQQw1xS_iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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