The most expensive mistakes EVER

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The new upload is nice but this video made me sad. I hope Dave doesnโ€™t peruse this subreddit and see this comment, but he wears the exhaustion of depression on his faceโ€” everything from his body language to tone of voice. He deserves happiness.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tocatta ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 02 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yaaaaaaazzzzz finally!!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mafia31 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 02 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hi I'm Dave from boyinaband do you feel like a failure me too today I thought it would be good for us to completely ignore the fact that I've been gone for like half a year and try and get some perspective on what an actual failure looks like to join me in this deep dive into the most expensive failures I'm gonna guess there are some like horrendously expensive mistakes that companies have made like launching products okay glass probably more than that they'll be like governments that have collapsed yeah I'm not I'm not sure if I can think of something bigger than a government collapsing I guess we'll just have to wait and see a regretful sellout for Ronald Wayne alongside Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak I see where this is going Ronald Wayne was instrumental during the formative years of Apple afraid of past experiences and skeptical about the future Wayne sold his share in Apple for just eight hundred dollars eleven days after Apple was formed according to reports Wayne would have been worth more than 25 billion today not sure we gonna find one bigger than that she's for watching and have a nice day Jesus Christ has he ever been interviewed on this an Apple is the biggest company in the world right now isn't it or his Amazon Oh Walmart is yeah that's that's gotta hurt one thing I was thinking about when it comes to videos like this where I'm just researching random crap on the Internet clearly I'm not doing a huge amount of delving into making sure the sources are correct so take everything I say with a huge huge grain of salt so I'm inevitably gonna say something really dumb in this video if you can point out for me in the comments then at the end of the next video assuming I'm not too depressed to make another one here we go fellas and point out all the mistakes that I made in the previous video so that way I don't have to stress about going to every tiny little thing which lows down the pacing of these kinds of videos and also we're not complete idiots at the end of this okay moving on Oh solid meme there very good finances here we go fellas react time as Apple celebrates becoming the world's first trillion-dollar company we in tonight with its forgotten co-founder something about that feels brutal forgotten we end tonight with the significant pathetic co-founder down the man who left Apple with peanuts oh very good these businesspeople are spectacular with the human 12 days after I'd signed this contract I had my name taken off the contract 12 days 12 days after you became one of the founders of the Apple Computer company that's correct 12 days do you know how much though uh he gave up his 10% of Apple for just $2,300 because back then in 1976 Ronald Wayne had his own dreams I also knew that I was standing in the shadow giants and as a result I knew I was never gonna have a product of my own to develop he went on to design slot machines and to deal in stamps and collect antique guns was I very successful at it not entirely but it was fun he does have one regret it's a pretty good attitude to say a 1-point this was a trillion dollar company so that would be a hundred billion dollars mistake so someone who could have potentially lost a hundred billion dollars this is their words of wisdom where they're very successful at it not entirely but it was fun he does have one regret that copy of the founding document is just that a copy in the 1990s he sold the original for just five hundred dollars in 2011 it was auctioned for 1.3 million I'm looking at all these computers here I don't see the name Apple's no I don't blame your friend not even an iPhone not even an iPhone to be fair neither he seems to take it reasonably well I suppose he's had quite a lot of time to come to terms with that kick in the kick of the teeth at the end there though that hurt pretty high up there contender for one of the biggest mistakes isn't there a similar one to that for like the guy who decided not to sign the Beatles in the Constitution the Beatles yeah this is probably not going to be a hundred billion dollars worth but it's still one of those pretty cringy painful ones with that airy dismissal of the Beatles supposedly directed fifty years ago this month of the group's manager Brian Epstein dick Rowe of Decca made himself unwittingly but enduring Glee synonymous with catastrophic commercial judgment there's a little bit of an intense way to phrase it but he might be honorary president of an an NGO pool club that includes all the publishers you turn down a book about a boy wizard of course so there's the people who turned down Harry Potter the people who turned down the Beatles we did open pretty strong with not retaining your shares in Apple but when the first thing that it says in your Wikipedia page is is historically presented in popular musical history is the man who did not sign the Beatles that's got a sting he's also attributed as having said not to mince words mr. Epstein but we don't like your boys sound I think that's a kind way to put it just straight forward I've never been a big Beatles fan I must have I would have probably missed out on that as well Wall Street Journal estimated the Beatles made fifty million dollars in record sales in the US alone in one year yeah that's that's a lot ten of the worst decisions ever made oh my god yeah this is her perhaps a little too intense not so much expensive but horrific Island what solid amide is because of Slipknot educational music so ego that taught me a lesson thanks Cory Oh what Mars turning down the chance to be an et Bruno Mars was he alive then what the hell wig the candy was gonna be an et Mars didn't see the profit potential of casting their candy as a supporting character to a little boy into the alien puppet but her she sure did holy crap because her she got product placement of their suite in et the sales of their Reese's Pieces jumped 65 percent that June Jesus and they just saw this weird-looking thing and thought no ways anyone gonna care about this film the Titanic yeah that's a that's a relatively expensive one seven point five million dollars US dollars Titanic cost to build back tacular grammar would be roughly equivalent to a hundred and seventy four million dollars today considering cruise ships cost 1.5 billion to build now it would seem like it was a relative steal holy invading Russia who wars wars will be expensive mistakes twist when you're calculating how expensive of mistake a war is you need to calculate the value of a human life more than six hundred thousand men march towards Russia but just a few more than hundred thousand were left fighting value of a human life nine point 1 million dollars four point five five trillion dollar mistake just based on the lives lost who was it that said that human lives are worth that much the Environmental Protection Agency we're just gonna take it for a fact that that must definitely be the correct value for a human life and assume that's a four point five five trillion dollar mistake there from Napoleon but that's not the most deaths that there ever has been that would be like Chairman Mao wouldn't in China but like which I nice people the Kayla sister's dog it's bear with me we're Chinese people as valuable then as the French people were invading Russia they're like did they have them as much production potential because that's definitely the only way to value a human life maybe these Frenchmen want weren't as valuable as all that could be quite cheap mistake accepting the Trojan horse hard to really compare with that in April 1846 a group of about 90 pioneers in about 20 wagons followed brothers Jacob and George Donner westward from Illinois to California the California Gold Rush wouldn't be for another two years and the Donner Party inexperienced in the wilderness was headed into uncharted territory they began their journey in the California trail a known wagon train route west but decided to try a shorter alternate route because freezing temperatures and rough mountainous terrain the shortcut they'd hoped for turn out to be long and deadly the Donner Party is still well-known today although we might not know all the specifics of their journey but they're best known for though is the question of whether they engaged in cannibalism for survival Wow yeah cannibalism isn't great however it's not five hundred thousand deaths bad so I don't quite understand where you've put it at number two here how stuff works that was a pretty bad decision of you bows it's relatively appropriate okay prohibition ooh that's interesting like what was the financial cost of prohibition how much did it cost for them to try and stop it like although the costs of crime all the costs of all these criminal syndicates popping up all the cost of taxes they weren't getting on the products man they had some good style back bend in there but making alcohol illegal cost the federal government a total of eleven billion dollars just in lost tax revenue that's not including all the money they had to spend enforcing it what the hell in New York almost seventy five percent of the state's revenue is derived from liquor taxes people drank so much back then that was a more expensive mistake than the Apple dude made oh no it wasn't worth more there's only 11 billion in lost tax revenue whereas that guy could have lost a hundred billion okay this is not nothing we've seen a few promising things I'm feeling a bit better about myself but perhaps we're not thinking in the right kind of direction I think it's time for us to look in different areas Jesus Christ these frickin titles ten scientifically impossible places that actually exist and they're not scientifically impossible are they mind boggler unless of course we're talking about some kind of oops near a nuclear reactor Ronald Wayne didn't oopsie bad Darrin oopsie the game Awards Darrin oopsy Ronald Wayne made their biggest up see oh my god the Baltic ace was moving with a cargo of fourteen hundred and seventeen cars it was here on the high seas that the ship collided with the cypriot container ship the Corvis Jack and got a hole in it a few minutes later it tilted I'd be tilted after that they sank sorry the Corvis J stayed afloat and took aboard the survivors of the sunken vessel graphics of the fish there how do you crash giant super containers don't you see them I mean it's not like an iceberg where it's hidden under the water and surely they make sound imagine this you're building a huge Space Observatory this is kind of hard to imagine let's see their big finale come on I want to feel good about myself I didn't make this mistake here we go when the walkie-talkie skyscraper was built in London it stood out among other high buildings for its unusual mirror design and a shape that resembles a walkie-talkie but soon people realize that the southern side of the building reflected the sunbeams literally burning out on a 30 meter long area like a huge lens the concentrated light beam reached a temperature of almost 70 degrees Celsius an absolute record in natural conditions the air doesn't reach that temperature anywhere on earth the skyscraper became even more famous when a car owner inadvertently parked his jag you were on the southern side of the walkie talkie imagine the surprise of the businessman when he came back and saw his favorite car melting down the skyscraper can easily melt all sorts of objects on the street cars bicycles furniture and a new cafe down the street the strangest thing is that the creators of this expensive building which cost about two hundred and sixty million dollars somehow didn't think that it would turn into a Death Star oh my god you'd think one of them would have have done the freaking burning the ants thing as a child they've got to be sociopaths and they're working with that much money surely thank you for the insight mind warehouse misplaced comma in contract costs 1 million dollars a contract dispute between Rogers Communications and Bell Aliant was settled after it emerged that the document contained a misplaced comma that changed the grammatical meaning of one of the clauses this allowed Bell Aliant to cancel it with just a year's notice rather than five as had originally been intended costing Rogers communications a million dollars a million dollars for a single comma Susan Boyle has the correct expression there I don't think that was the most expensive mistake a comma cause Apollo 13 that's exactly what I wanted to know Venezuela that's one that could be a more expensive mistake like a hyperinflation of colored currencies the typo that destroyed a NASA rocket this is it on July 22nd 1962 the Mariner one sat idly on its flat form ready to make history but when the rocket embarked it was clear there'd be no cause for celebration less than five minutes into the flight it exploded setting back the US government eighty million dollar 613 excuse me setting back the US government six hundred and thirty million dollars in more modern dollars and the root for this disaster alone emitted - yeah that's that's probably the most expensive spelling mistake travel services a travel agency from California placed an advertisement in an edition of the yellow pages informing customers of its specialization in exotic destinations unfortunately this came out in the Adar's erotic destinations and the ad agency sued the printing company for staggering ten million dollars that can't be real I feel kind of weird typing this Gloria Quinn and blames a typographical error in the telephone directory scared off most of her elderly clientele when the word erotic appeared instead of exotic to describe her travel agency we offer exotic travel like tours of the Amazon but nothing erotic she said I worked a long side to build my professional reputation and now I'm getting a lot of crank calls and heavy breathers ten million dollar suit that seems a little excessive and maybe some of the the tours are erotic you that may have got our extra business who knows Oh losing a lottery ticket throwing away a hundred and eighty 1 million dollar lottery ticket out yeah these websites are gross chlorine to try and stay alive but yeah this video is sponsored 25 the biggest failed products from the world's biggest companies here we go so I've done some pretty crappy videos it's perspective Oh how to dance to ten music genres okay Kelsey's great however this may not have been the wisest move for me it was a good joke oh yeah an edit is not gonna save the cringe there oh my god yeah can't watch this alright so I've made some spectacular ideas Oh inventing words very clickable title let's see some companies that have done something a little bit worse and Newton is held up as an example of Apple's bad old days before it was the world's most valuable company Forbes says the Newton PDA flopped for a number of reasons its price started at $700 it was eight inches tall his handwriting recognition was so bad that a classic Simpsons episode made fun of it take a memo on your Newton bf Martin will eventually turn the mobile tablet market on its head with the iPad Oh Apple made the iPad how about that earning something here oh I remember the Virtual Boy yeah VR wasn't quite at the place where it is now Nintendo's Virtual Boy was an ambitious push into a burgeoning new technology let's compare this is the show yeah yeah can't understand why it didn't do better all right how about government mistakes let's end this on like what might actually be the most expensive mistakes going the price of gold in Germany after the first world war I remember hearing a podcast where they talked about the worst case of like a country's currency just died was in Turkey Jesus Christ prices doubled every 15 hours Hungarians burn money to keep warm of these shredded currency briquettes are similar to brown poor so they are pretty useful for heating in places where it is a problem to find when a country keeps printing its own money as I understand it eventually you get hyperinflation and the country's value goes lower and lower until yet frickin pange Aryans burning shredded money to stay warm Jesus Christ so yeah perhaps the the winner of this is the hundred trillion dollar bill from Zimbabwe this happens to be a real 100 a trillion dollar bill it and the other bills were bought it's a nice water buffalo in the back of that hundred trillion dollar bill in November of 2008 there were six point five ten to the twenty first percent inflation okay I feel like we've looked through a lot what's the lesson for today we may have made some mistakes we may have wasted some opportunities and projecting at least we didn't hyper inflate the Zimbabwean economy but you know what isn't a mistake today sponsor sumimasen man I just knocked over one of your [ __ ] lights and now the chignon look like it was recorded on a totally different Bay hello Dave Oh me I got you a no sponsor who's the sponsor [ __ ] Skillshare me that site with a [ __ ] bunch of creators on learning and teaching and stuff oh sweet I actually did one of their courses which mate can you let me finish I actually did one of their courses recently and I wanted to shove off a bit I mean do you want to show you my [ __ ] calligraphy sure of course you took calligraphy haha that's surprisingly well done of course it is their clash is a fork in me look login oh you've got [ __ ] Premium Membership already perfect that gives you unlimited access to join anything on here yeah I did the annual subscription and it wasn't even ten dollars a month ah here we go [ __ ] Kimberly Shrek here is a [ __ ] bad-ass mate maybe it'd be more relevant for this particular channel if I show of course I did okay mate there really is so much choice could fit over 25 clashes I think it's actually 25,000 classes oh yeah match over 25 I sure I just did this course on understanding machine learning by Christian Hulman who is a guy who works for Microsoft it gave me some useful starting points for what kind of tools exist at the moment they've got another course on their going into the more specific programming whether you want to fill your curiosity creativity or even career skill set is the perfect place but keep you learning and thriving why did you interrupt me I was helping you sorry I thought you was Finnish no I was trying to give a relevant example to my audience mate don't you do music before you did music yes I do music and you should show home for one about my mate young guru but mixing me oh [ __ ] hang on this guy mix for jay-z and Eminem your mates with him yeah so if you want to join Morphin 7 million creatives learning with skillset the first 500 people to use the link in the description will get a 2 month free trial so join with my link skull ducks Claire [ __ ] babe oh thank you you're welcome I know you like it look like it was before now so you can just you know just continue as if I didn't break in ok not gonna lie this felt like a bit of a mess but I just haven't recorded a video in a while so I thought I'd try one of the things that was holding me back from doing these kinds of videos that I will inevitably say something wrong and stupid and I hate the idea of saying things that are wrong without clarifying that if you can point out in the comments the things that I've said that are incorrect then at the end of the next video assuming I do make a next video I can go through those and we can try and be a little more correct each time also what videos would you like to see next this is kind of like alright I just pick topics that I think are slightly interesting there are some that you think I might find slide the interesting let me know amongst all of the horrific things I got wrong she's for watching and have a nice day
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,280,588
Rating: 4.9650745 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, expensive mistakes, apple, hyperinflation, most expensive, expensive, trillion, billion, million, funny, reaction
Id: eUELIxtlApg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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