People Share What They Weren't Supposed To Hear While They Were Sleeping

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people who have pretended to fall asleep what is something interesting you've overheard I remember way back I couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve you know being a little kid at all so during this sleepless night where I guess my parents thought I was asleep I heard my dad say where do you think we should hide the new puppy that was pretty much at the top of my list so naturally I was excited that I was getting a puppy they talked for a good 20 minutes about the puppy saying things like how should we keep it from barking before he finds him before I dozed off next morning I discovered that my parents knew I was awake and just decided to eff with me there was no god damn puppy I got a gamma boy though so it wasn't too bad when I was six seventh I remember staying up late without the babysitter realizing whilst my parents were out I remember when they came back home I was so worried about getting into trouble for still being awake that I pretended to be asleep mum came in the room asking whether or not I was awake I stayed quiet and then she just sat down on my bed she was quiet for what felt like forever but was probably only a couple of minutes before she bent over stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head whilst telling me how much she loved me and how much I meant to her and then she tucked the covers around me tighter and left to this day it's my favorite memory of her and one I've never shared with anyone was spending the night at a friend's house I love guys she's a girl brought my friend over because we were out partying we all slept in the same room I was laying on the floor near my friend when I heard my friend Andrea call my name wanting to sleep I ignored her not moving to which she respond and II I think he's asleep come here about five minutes later I hear the bed squeaking and her soft moans one of them sneezed about 15 minutes into it in which I responded bless you they immediately stopped ten tenths were due again must have been about 16 17 I was staying at a friend's house who was with his girlfriend he was the first in our circle to have X and he F I'd love to brag about it how much of a natural he was how surprised his girlfriend was that she was his first all that cliché bollocks we all just laughed let him have his fun and got on with it anyway back to being at his place with her I go and crash early on the floor of their room in a kick-ass little blanket pile with her dog it was great I was just getting bored of him rampantly flirting at a like a brain-damaged peacock so about a half hour later they come in and of course they start Fi I honestly think they forgot I was there or something I hear very loud kissing a few Batman grunts a bit of whimpering they had started and finished in less than a minute so I'm lining curled up in the corner of their room under blankets and a dog listening to my friend crying shame while his girlfriend was finishing herself off that was a great night when I was a kid my mom would make my brother and me take naps for like 45 minutes I pretended like I was sleeping and I heard my mom talking on the phone to my grandma during the conversation I assume my grandma asked what my brother and I were up to because she said him Hannah's brother is sleeping and in Holly is pretending to be asleep I was like F she said she knew I was faking because my mouth was closed and whenever I'm actually asleep my mouth is slightly open ever since that day whenever I'm pretending to be asleep for whatever reason I keep my mouth slightly open thanks for the tip more weekend retreat a church camp my buddy and another friend's girl and I end in a room with two bunk beds we were chilling when I realized that I was the third wheel so I powered down first there were tests to see if I was awake then she climbed to his top bunk then kissing then her moaning then her telling him he should wash his hand I got bored and did some fake sleep talking they laughed and continued but they called it a night without rounding home she left and I figured it was best to not give high-fives till the next day I don't know why I waited until we were at his house maybe she wrote back with us still it was my first time playing Super Nintendo and as he handed me the controller that would introduce me to Yoshi I asked him you did wash your hands right he was so thrilled to get to talk to someone about it when I was 8 on Christmas Eve I overheard Santa eating the cookies and drinking the milk later he opened the fridge and ate a large chunk of a cake and ran around the living rooms mere in the cake everywhere Santa was our dog at a sleepover do you think he's circumcised or not night after drinking with friends I wasn't really pretending more trying to keep them my head from spilling I overhear my buddy say to Maya the friends say I wonder how easy it is to smother someone to death was in this messed up relationship with my ex-husband when I was pregnant with my second kid we had a rumored female but we would all have ex with each other because we were young and free-spirited or something anyway I pretended to be asleep one night because I didn't feel like having ex that night and didn't want to turn anybody down or make up an excuse my ex-husband and the room had got to talking in the next room the bedroom door was open so I could hear them pretty clearly and she asked him why he married me anyway his response I just didn't know what else to do at that point seemed like the next logical step and I took it I honestly wish I hadn't done it and I wish I was single right now living life but now I have this effing family and I'm not sure how I'm gonna get out hit me real hard a French girl I met in a hostel came into where I was sleeping and just said there I had just cut it off with her so I didn't want to deal with her SH so I pretended to be asleep for a few minutes she just mumbled randoms she was pretty drunk finally what got me up was we're in the cutest French accent she told me she was going to set me on fire in my sleep I should have mentioned that yes I did sleep with her again after that sometimes you gotta do messed up sh to stay not on fire I was drunk at a party and couldn't fathom the world so I lay down closed my eyes in a dark room I heard two of my friends come in one came over to me and poked me in the ribs M said it's fine he's asleep then proceeded to talk about how both of them were cheating on their boyfriends and who at the party they wanted to F a screaming match involving the line I want you to say one nice thing about my kids 1 followed by silence and door slamming I was less than 3 feet away as one of my best friends took a 19 years virginity we traveled from the bay to LA to attend a rave with some girls we met at EDC a few months prior after all the partying took place one buddy took the older sister to his car and my other buddy started making moves on the younger sister I was sleeping on the floor and was petrified because I felt like if I moved it would kill his game so I sat through the most awkward exhale experience of my life to help him get laid it was short and sporadic but they both seemed to enjoy it I think so I think I made the right decision pretending to be asleep on the floor as a bunny humped on the bed literally 2 and 1/2 feet from me I was pretending to be asleep in a hostel dorm room because I didn't want to deal with others girl and a guy started they're fine in the bed across from me she was on top and came up with a horsey yay whee I was sleeping without a shirt my dad told my mom he has a nice build I hope they didn't notice me smile didn't necessarily overhear anything but I pretended to fall asleep when I was about 12 because I heard someone coming into the room that my younger sister and I shared and thought it was my mom who would yell at me for being on my iPad at 2:00 a.m. turns out it was a robber with a crowbar he just peeked into the room and went out when he saw us in there really glad I didn't realize until the next morning who it was I have no idea how I would have reacted if I'd realized some strange man was in my room at 2:00 a.m. I heard my roommate on a cruise ship getting viciously and sloppily finja benched for over an hour while the guy kept saying to her to guess how many fingers are in you now pretended to be a sleeper to sleep over heard my supposed friends planning to throw my clothes in the tree F middle school this will probably get buried but here goes one night during high school my friend and I got invited to a party I didn't drive back there so my friend picked me up all went well on our way to the party on the way back however he got pulled over as we were pulling to the side of the road I told him that I was gonna pretend to be sleeping since I was the passenger anyway I hear the cop get out of his cop car walk towards our car stops at the window but doesn't say anything I can feel the brightness of his flashlight but I don't hear him or my friend say anything after about what seemed like an eternity I decide to open my eyes to see what's going on that's when I see my friend the guy who is driving is pretending like Lea is sleeping too I was dozing off in my bed with my girlfriend at the time when I heard her confessor love for me she was pretty hammered but she went into intricate detail about how she feels respected enjoys the ex and sees a serious future with me the next morning I got yelled at for not cuddling and that it was a major issue I don't think she even knew of her confession lying in bed when I was a little girl in my step dirt we must have been in there for half an hour jumped out of the airing cupboard in the dark roaring and terrified me still hate people jumping out on me / suddenly revealing themselves not me but once during a sleepover in middle school this girl pretended to sleep to try and catch us saying bad things about her we never did we really liked her but we did say I wish Katherine was still awake at which point she snapped awake and was olha you don't really love me not me but was told to me by someone at a party apparently someone else who wasn't his father went upstairs with his mother while he was sleeping in the living room turns out it was his uncle not his father's brother his mother's brother you
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 2,425,612
Rating: 4.9178219 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, fall asleep, r/, reddit top posts, r/askreddit, askreddit
Id: Rw8cWEUWxto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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