Waiters And Waitresses Share The Most Ridiculous Requests They've Received From Customers

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waiters waitresses have read it what's the most ridiculous request you've gotten from a customer at your restaurant early 2000s working in an italian restaurant this one cat insists he needs lime juice for his meal as we're an italian restaurant we don't have any on hand for our menu items but the bar should have some thinking out loud dimension that the kitchen doesn't have any but the bar throws those into bottles of corona so i might be able to get some there customer are you going to charge me for that me no i think i can get a garnish for you so i come back with the lime and he looks confused customer where's the corona me i'm sorry you said you wanted the lime did you want to order a corona as well customer yeah i want one you said you wouldn't charge me leading into a back and forth wherein he's upset i didn't bring him a free corona with his free line because he misunderstood me i've had an older gentleman ask me to smile so he could see my teeth he told me i had really nice teeth and looked like i took care of them he was with his adult son who then apologized and informed me that his dad was a dentist but has alzheimer's so he didn't mean to be weird i was a bartender but i certainly had my share of ridiculous requests the weirdest was a woman who would come in on her lunch break from the sprint store nearby and would drink a lemon drop martini before heading back to work this was a fancy bar and it was a 12 drink she'd give me an extra five dollars to swirl my finger around in the drink before she drank it it was definitely a weird x thing one time i had a lady ask for a blueberry magito made with tequila instead of rum all other ingredients to remain the same so this was a mint lime blueberry sugar and tequila drink it's the single most vile cocktail i've ever made she absolutely loved it and tipped me 20 for the drink as above it was only a 12 drink we had one regular who was a horrible gross old man he would constantly request to be changed into the section of a particular waitress who hated him so he could make excel comments to her i would never honour these requests if you gross old dude but my manager also wouldn't let me kick him out if you manager one day he offered to pay me three cents to change stables three cents uh no had a former nfl lineman come in and order a stake very rare how rare would you like it i asked him tell the cow about fire was he response so yeah he ordered a 16-ounce piece of raw meat we briefly described what flames were to the plate after we set it on the table and he thought that was hilarious working as a server 17 ice had a drunk lady asked to give her a ride home i finished up closing out my section and gave her a ride because i knew the area pretty well she was really nice and everything but had a couple drinks too many and her friends had already left a little earlier and she was too embarrassed to make a scene or call someone she gave me fifty dollars and i was stoked some old woman got mad at me because i told her that i wouldn't substitute the side on her meal for another meal like she wanted 16 melee and for her free side she wanted 18 meal b but with absolutely no up charge she was like wow really you're not going to do that for me are you serious i was busy and didn't have time to play stupid games so i just said no i'm not going to do that for the price of one meal you can order both meals if you'd like she started up again until her daughter was like mom knock it off bonus story about requesting only female servers another guy always refused a mail server and requested a female one if all of them were busy he would demand the female manager wait on him he was always busy and he tried to play word games with us presumably because he was lonely and miserable he'd make up his own names for the dishes we served and refused to tell us what he actually wanted one time i had him he kept telling me he wanted a large bistro style salad something that's not on our menu i was sick of fish so i said sure thing frank i'll go get it right now and walked away he was like wait because he obviously knew he didn't have such a thing i just kept walking and told my manager i wasn't serving him anymore she went over and shoot him the earth out in front of a full dining room so that was cool i haven't waited tables in about 10 years now but i'll never forget the guy who asked for his steak dry when i pressed him for what he wanted explicitly he explained that he wanted no juice to come out when he was eating it i told him it would take about 30 minutes to cook his take that done he said that was fine and off i went our stakes were pretty miserable portions in the first place and the cut he ordered was the smallest one on the menu so when i returned with his tiny little six ounces flat iron that had been absolutely desiccated on the grill he looked understandably disappointed he took a few bites of it and decided it wasn't very good which was underselling how bad it looked and almost certainly how bad it tasted oysters i explained we are a burger joint no oysters he takes off his coat talks to his date then stares at me for a second oysters i explain again no oysters two dozen oysters after a third and fourth time where he barks an order at me then acts all busy so he can't hear my response i stop and stare at him he asks again i just stare he asks again i just stare he finally makes eye contact with me sir we are a berger joint no oysters he is finally forced to acknowledge me so go get some we were in a casino we were the only restaurant open at 2am he knew this but expected me to run around to some closed restaurant and grab raw shellfish than just happened to be hosting during closed hours a mom and young son maybe eight came into the restaurant i waited tables at for lunch the mom asked her son what he wanted to eat and he replied with ranch i politely asked if he meant like a salad with ranch or french fries with a side of ranch the mom looked at me rolled her eyes in embarrassment and clarified he wanted a soup bowl full of ranch dressing i walked into the kitchen and discussed with my manager because i had no idea how to enter that into our post system my manager and i came to the conclusion that we should charge her for an entire bottle of ranch so she paid 10.99 for a soup bowl full of ranch dressing yuck i had a regular at my bar who spoke with a thick southern accent always wore an alabama crimson tide shirt or some variant would only drink beers from the south naked pig pale being his go-to which i kept in stock just for him and would sit at the bar bet the horse races regale us with tales from his youth get a little too drunk and leave to take care of his mother he was there every single day except thursdays he demanded we keep alabama beer in stock and always wanted replays of old crimson tight games on tv it got to the pin i started downloading them into a drive and playing them for him since espnu is only good for so much we all thought he was crazy but he was nice enough this went on for an entire year our entire staff knew him and he was pretty well liked we had to ask him to leave once or twice because he decided to impress someone or would win a couple races and start drinking scotch and get a little out of hand but he was generally really polite and respectful one day he just stopped coming in one of the older ladies who worked at the track had his phone number since she had the habit of saving him race books for the tracks he liked so she called him a few times nothing about a month later the police showed up to ask some people at the bar about him if they might know where he is we all told them what we knew but apparently not a word of it was true his name wasn't scott he wasn't from the south and his mother had been dead for quite a while turns out he had seduced an older southern lady with his charms and wiles created an entire life with her for her money supposedly then disappeared with the money and the lady turned up dead police said it was from natural causes but the timing was so odd they still needed to find him to question him he came back in for a single drink about four months later and he left an envelope for our three bartenders he liked and the lady who held racing books for him one thousand five hundred dollars in each i served him and asked my manager at the time what she thought i should do she asked if i felt uncomfortable i said no and since cops aren't great for business at a horse track we just decided to leave it be i walked back out and he had left leaving a simply written thanks for being a friend on a napkin with 704 dollars and 50 cents in cash under it the 4.50 was for the beer and my rent as he had asked about many months before in a random conversation with 700 at the time dunno if he remembered or if it was just a coincidence he was gone and i never saw him again and his phone number is now out of service i think about him a couple times a week at least i used to work in a sub shop that had delivery a woman called asking if the driver could pick her up a pack of cigarettes and baby for rumbler when he was bringing her her food this woman kept claiming she knew the owner who was not present at the restaurant and that he told her beforehand that it could be done it was busy and i didn't have time to fight with her so i asked the delivery driver if he could do that for her and he did not really a big deal i guess just a little ridiculous to ask a delivery driver also asked the owner if he knew the woman he does not know her personally but just knows her from being a crazy customer who orders frequently i used to work at a private dining club and got the weirdest requests one lady in particular that stands out she wanted a martini with blue cheese stuffed olives we didn't have blue cheese stuffed olives i had to personally stuff each olive with blue cheese for each martini she ordered she also wanted her salad tossed table side not a thing we normally offered i had to get a bowl from behind the line tongs etc adjust for this bee's salad and she wanted real butter for her bread and insisted that the salted butter we had prepped and piped into ramekins for bread baskets wasn't real butter it had to be sliced cold unsalted butter on a plate she never tipped unless it was a holiday i also had a regular that would insist you sat and ate with him management complied but i think mostly it was because he came in at odd hours like lunch at 3 p.m when someone was usually wrapping up side work and about to be cut anyway he'd order for you both he was a nice older man who loved to talk about the history of the town i loved him i often wonder what happened to him he'd been coming in for years and years you did have to dump the iced tea and make a new batch for him you
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 922,626
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Keywords: reddit, r/, waiters, waitresses, ridiculous, customer, reddit top posts, askreddit, top posts, best of reddit, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, top posts of r/, brainy memes, askreddit funny, funniest posts, funny reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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