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what are some cheat codes Eve found in the game of life several times in life five cold-called accompany to confirm my interview time I didn't have one prior to my call but in their confusion and inability to even find my resume I've managed to secure an interview about four out of five times twice I've gotten the job smiling is freaking magic you can hear a smile through the phone and of course people can see it on your face people often return a smile with a smile which spreads positivity smiling can actually make you happier which is a nice feedback loop to the air fake it til you make it smiles and confidence will open doors for you in life when I was in mild 500-plus person building I kept a stack of papers on my desk when I was bored or got tired of sitting down I'd get up grab my stack of papers and walk around I called them my walking papers and did this for months got a lot of head nods and not one question the entire time people always assumed I was on an important mission but nope not in the least pS worked on the executive floor / win to take a one dollar bill and flip it over now take the five dollar bill and tape it to the end of the upside-down single with as little tape as possible to make it secure now feed the five dollar bill into a change machine the coin machine reads the five gives you quarters then reads the upside down single rejects that and boom you got yourself a felony niceness gets you everywhere I get free from being nice and no it's not because I'm a cute girl because I'm not I'm an overweight balding man people respond to niceness I've befriended the Comcast customer support person I've befriended the most disliked crotchety person in our office I get special treatment at my cafeteria because I treat the service staff like actual human beings I get fees waived because I asked nicely be nice it costs little and is the lot if you have no complaints about your food service staff at a restaurant ask to see the manager and pay a compliment and to thank you about the server / host / staff usually people want to see a manager to complain and a compliment is nearly always welcome I've gotten countless free dr ryan KS / AP PE TI Zed ers / c h ib s / % off my bill all for just making a polite comment to management edit thanks for their added gold climbed stranger you probably caused many heart attacks until they realized you wanted the manager for good reasons i had a professor in college who while lecturing suddenly let out a huge fart without pausing he turned his head as if talking to someone behind him said bless you and continued lecturing as if nothing had happened it immediately diffused any potential awkwardness and embarrassment and I vowed to use the same strategy if the same thing ever happened to me in front of a large crowd of people the correct response to any compliment is thank you you can then follow it up with a comment if you'd like to continue the conversation if someone likes your dress thank you it has pockets if someone compliments your art thank you I've been practicing if someone asks if you are a professional singer because you have a good singing voice thank you I just sing for fun not only does it make you seem confident and self-assured it tells them that they are right that's a friendly thing to do this even works if you don't believe the compliment saying oh no I'm ugly when someone complements your appearance not only tells them that they are wrong it makes you think of yourself as ugly a better answer would be thank you I really appreciate that and I don't always believe it so hearing that from you helps I started going with thank you that's nice to hear no one stops a guy or girl carrying a pizza it can get you backstage to concerts I've always wondered what exactly do you do once you get backstage eat the pizza complement your children with you are a hard worker and not your smart studies show that kids who think they're hard workers outperform kids who think they are smart you don't have to always give away the recipe by that I mean don't over explain yourself if you can't do something 9/10 times it's okay to simply say unfortunately I'm not able to do that can't swing it this time it's cetera you don't have to go on and on about why or make up reasons and list them off over explaining just ends up looking more suspect than simply being clear and concise ask questions about everything ask people about themselves be open about stuff you don't understand and ask questions about that when you forget someone's name own up to it and just ask them I'm amazed at how many people won't acknowledge even a tiny amount of ignorance or won't show honest curiosity about something can't admit they've forgotten something they feel is important and won't ever asked for help guys your life becomes so much easier if you just drop ping a go and ask I have a heated throw blanket in my living room in the winter I wrap my coat up in it crank up the heat and in a few minutes my coat is toasty warm so I can brave the coldest day also toss your jeans in the dryer for 15 minutes on a cold morning and you will have similarly warm jeans it's a nice perk if you have guests over to get a credit card like Amex blue that has three six percent cash back at groceries buy all your items at grocery store I'll use Crozier as an example you can buy normal groceries plus gift cards Amazon Delta H&M McDonald's whatever and get the cash back on that deal then if you time it with their Forex fuel rewards you can save $1.00 / gallon off gas up to 35 gallons altogether the math works out to be in 1215 percent off pretty much everything I like been doing this for years I'll plan large purchases from Amazon or Home Depot around there Forex fuel points so I can get the gift cards edit this also includes Crozier stores that operate under a different name that is King Soopers you can borrow almost all of your textbooks from the library as a college student because of modern book rental agreements most colleges have WorldCat allows you to be linked to almost any library in America and all you have to do is find your book in the system and fill out a request form at a library and it should be there in a week I've saved probably $2,000 doing this in my first two years of college all of my courses now require an online code to do the mandatory homework assignments which you can only try by buying a textbook full price or you can buy just the code for $20 less so only 130 instead how generous I cannot overstate how much dressing well and being well-groomed will impact your life it will drop the difficulty by two or three levels no joke people will treat you vastly differently the opposite is also true Paul's like wait when asked a question or engaging in idle conversation in someone is speaking do not immediately begin your reply when they stop speaking they usually aren't done and in the case of questions most people and finish damned if you give them time they usually provide to answer to the question as well so yeah listen as well also people like talking about themselves when you meet someone just ask them questions about their lives or the things they've done if you have enough questions you won't ever run out of things to talk about during the conversation and they walk away feelings will hurt Plus then you know more about them and next time you see them you will have even more to talk about or follow are gone hey last time I saw you you were mentioning this thing at your job that go etc to seem charming all you have to do a lot of the time is to be an engaged listener you don't need an amazing sense of humor to be able to lay on the compliments or a gale people with stories just listen to other people in a way that shows you are interested and not only waiting for your turn to talk make eye contact don't interrupt them don't turn the conversation to be about you ask good questions edit I just want to wet as per many comments hear that being engaged listener is not the same as being a sort of conversational doormat where you have to allow people to drone on and on about things that don't interest you annoy you offend you or drain you merely suffering through an encounter is pretty much the opposite of what I'm talking about it's about letting yourself be interested in and learn from other people are not focused so much on feeling like you have to be an entertainer and being an engaged listener is really the opposite of the person who just listens and never wants to talk about themselves you are putting yourself into the conversation with you're interested responses you are guiding it to places you find interesting just suffering through boring conversations is not engaged listening use the word soon instead of later with your loved ones or if you are trying to form a new connection with someone it shows you are interested in talking but currently busy with something ed talk to you soon edit this doesn't apply to all the scenarios and it's not creepy or serial-killer II if you follow rule 1 & 2 in dating that's another cheat code in the game of life no matter what your bedtime and wake-up time is stick with it after a decade of being that person on FAFSA book at 3 a.m. and off to work four hours later I started to view sleepers are enjoyable activity not a chore GameChanger mornings are never a drag if I have trouble sleeping I can make up for it the next morning without hang up my whole day when it's your bedtime turn off the lights and wait and don't touch your ducting phone or your computer don't get out of bed wait when your alarm goes off ugh repeat for two weeks enjoy a better life I agree with 99% of this sleep hygiene is incredibly important as is a good schedule however if you're like me and can lie in bed eyes closed for hours without falling asleep don't do that after 30 minutes get up go to some other room and do something boring stare at the wall read the phone book make and drink a cup of tea lying in bed until you fall asleep is good if it doesn't take three hours because after a while being awake in bed makes it harder to fall asleep basically if you can't fall asleep take a break and try again edit misplaced comma read it - I should have specified caffeine free teas some teas are intended to make you sleepy but personally I just go for my favorite herbal blend blue eyes [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 501,608
Rating: 4.901053 out of 5
Keywords: cheat codes, life, life advice, pieces of advice, advice about life, share, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, top posts of all time, brainy memes, r/, r/askreddit
Id: sRd_960Kh0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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