Strange Things That Someone Else Thought Was Perfectly Normal

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what strange thing did you find out about someone else that they thought was perfectly normal there was this guy I went to college with when he was in the shower if the urge hit him he would just take a shit in the shower instead of getting out to use the toilet he did this the whole time he was a kid apparently and it wasn't till he got to college and had to share bathroom facilities that he found out other people showering in adjacent stalls weren't cool with smelling shit as he waffled stomped a log down the drain I worked with a guy who had some kind of gut problem and he'd be sitting at his desk and vomit into a cup not a lot but like a verb a few times a day even a meetings finally his boss talked to him and said that was not cool and he should see a doctor the guy was surprised why he asked he apparently had been doing this all his life he went to a doctor and watch you know they had medicine for his condition the guy grew up in some country where his condition was never addressed either because of poverty or neglect probably both but the damage was already done everyone avoided the vomit guy he was eventually let go my ex and her entire family share a toothbrush she argued it like they were all sharing a hairbrush glad that ended I have a friend who has lost an immense amount of weight yet eats and drinks like crap all the time it had been revealed to me by him that he often feels soffel sometimes that he just makes himself puke to feel better this has been going on for quite a few years now he straight-up gilliam ik and thinks it's just a neat little way to get rid of all the bad foods and drinks he gorges himself with he's gotten so good at making himself puke it's almost silent no gagging sounds no messy puke splatter just a stream of chewed up food and beers I'm quite sure that even his wife is oblivious to this one time my best friend and I were on a voice chat as it was getting pretty late at one point he said that he should probably head to bed because he was starting to see gory and otherwise disturbing apparently he has hypnagogic hallucinations every so often and just assumed that it was normal when to see stuff when you get tired my neighbors ate their conflicts with orange juice instead of milk their parents had conditioned them all to think this was normal and acceptable behavior a co-worker mid-twenties Midwest born and raised sat down with spaghetti one day for lunch after twiddling the noodles around with a fork for a while he looked at me and asked how do you eat this thinking it was a joke I laughed at him and kept eating he looked at me with a straight face and said I've never had spaghetti me don't you hate getting hit by those first few seconds of icy water when you turn on the shower rumors what do you mean me like in the morning when you're standing in the shower and you have to turn it on for the first time and it's really cold on your skin rumors wait do you turn the shower on after getting in me no that was the day my mind was blown by the fact that you could turn the shower on before getting in I was like 23 when I learned this law okay so my old rumor did a lot of drugs and drank a lot one time I had a friend over and we were gone a smoke from my roommates bomb and when my friend Tucker hit he threw up due to an extremely unpleasant taste and smell we poured out the bong water and my roommate said he had never changed it out and the water was very very dark I want to say it was almost black but it was at least just very very dark my room had been said that Lux like pee we all looked at him in disbelief and asked if that's what his pee looked like and he looked very concerned when we pressed him on it and when we said that that's not how I should look I also would like to add that we did tell him that he should go and see a doctor about that to which he replied Leah and then changed the subject when my friend makes mac and cheese she puts the cheese powder milk and butter into the boiling water senior year study hall I'm studying with a dude I knew I don't remember the context but we were talking about growing up and he says and it was around that time when milk started coming out of my nipples and I'm like what and he's like you know when milk starts to come out and I'm like dude that's not normal the face he made when he realized the reality of the situation was memorable he goes but that didn't happen to you and I'm like no then he asks the rest of the guys in study hall did any of y'all have milk come out of your Nets during puberty they said no gave my best friend an orange he bit into it like an apple peel and all and immediately declared oranges disgusting he has never had one before or seen one apparently we were in high school a friend told me about her rumor who keeps a large band full of bread under her bed every week she buys a new loaf and adds it to the bin she doesn't actually that much bread but has a huge bin full my roommate in college thought you washed clothes on every single cycle on the washing machine our machine had a delicate cycle the cotton cycle a solo rinse cycle a permanent press cycle etc he always complained about the washer taking forever it's because he was washing his clothes four to five times every time he did laundry I helped my older cousin move into a new house as a teenager we worked non-stop for over 12 hours I was so fucking exhausted that at one point I vomited in his front yard the next day he acted like I was faking being tired to which I responded how the hell do you think from it he goes easy and proceeds to instantly projectiles on it at will I just look on in horror and bewilderment he acted like it was perfectly normal and assumed everyone could do it he got offended when I told him it was bizarre as hell the fuck my friend genuinely believed that leprechaun was just a term for indigenous Irish little people my best friend recently told me that when he was little he thought the only way to clean his asshole was to jam the soap as far up as he could get it finally figured he was probably doing it wrong when he heard his mother scream at his dad Seth the soap smells like shit did you shove it up your ass or something I still teased him about that to this day I had a sleepover with a friend in middle school one weekend I went to shower and she gave me a towel it had a weird smell to it but I couldn't find any other towels inside the bathroom so I used it by patting myself barely and just air dry turns out her whole family shares a towel to prevent having to use new ones every time I told her how weird that was and she was shocked to find out that my family has their own towels to use but we put them in the wash every two or so users I didn't sleep over there again a friend of mine didn't know that after you insert the tampon you pull out the applicator found this out in college after being dumbfounded why everyone preferred tampons over pads she was walking around with that terrible piece of plastic up there all this time one of my friends and I were talking about going home for the holidays she mentioned how she hates going home because her dad always wants her to sleep in the same bed as him and her mom is completely fine with it so being me I poked a little she said well I mean it was okay when I was a teenager but I'm 23 now it's just dumb you know I asked moron what it entails her dad even showered with her up until she was 17 I tried to tell her how that's abuse and she just laughed it off I grabbed her shoulders and was like ex that's abuse you should talk to someone her parents are divorced they have been for quite some time I haven't seen her in a while so I'm not sure how it turned out but it still makes me shiver I lived with a girl that would eat baby powder that she had stashed in the drawer of the bathroom she would walk by the bathroom and do quick shakes of the bottle right in her mouth she would also buy whole frozen fish from Walmart and take them out of the freezer bag and slap them hard against the brick kitchen floor before cooking the minister guy had three months thought he just had an extra testicle we told him it was probably a tumor it was when my wife and I started dating and still now she collects all her hair that naturally falls out during the day whether on the hairbrush cat's bed or wherever she finds her hair she then wraps it around her fingers into a little ball and collects the wads in bags I asked her what she does with all the Ziploc bags of hair and she told me she eventually burns it she made this a habit and she still can't explain to me why she does it my grandma fed me hot dog water in the form of hot cocoa with the recycled boiled hot dog water she thought it was okay to do and just told me years later a family member thought that hallucinations were something everyone dealt with they thought that monsters under the bed and other cultural tales of ghosts were real things which were further confirmed by their experience it then led to later diagnosis of schizophrenia once they couldn't cope well enough to deal with the symptoms and it became evident to family members you have been visited by the sand dog Oh like and subscribe to turn your off day into a rough day [Music]
Channel: Dankify
Views: 1,941,346
Rating: 4.8691807 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, strange, dankify, strange things people thought were normal, dankmemeawards, r/, top posts of all time, people share
Id: gM7-mAyomnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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