Drive-Thru Employees Share The Weirdest Thing They've Overheard While Taking Orders

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people who have worked at Dr Russ what is the weirdest thing you've heard from people who didn't realize you can still hear them after ordering I'm hungry and horny I said well we can help with the first you are on your own for the second one he took it in stride and was still laughing when he got to the window maybe not that weird but whatever I work at Wendy's and we had a guy come through who had this super deep masculine voice like the voice of a lumberjack or trucker etc he orders in there because we are busy he stuck back at the speaker I think it was party in the usa' that started playing and this guy starts singing along in a super high-pitched voice like little girl high-pitched all of us with headsets which we muted started dying of laughter it had been a busy and stay but that man made it all better I know this doesn't really count but I was at the drive-thru and rolled down the window at the order menu I didn't notice it at first but a spider was climbing down into my open window now guy speaker hi welcome to danke what can I get for you me I can I get there's a spider followed by me screaming then a girl started also says over the speaker should we help her once I finished my order I pull up and pay the guy I first heard talking to me hand me my donut and said the weird girl drew spiders on your bag sorry about that not weird per se but just plain rude a women pulled up talking on her phone I asked what she would like she told me she needed a minute while continuing her phone conversation a minute later I asked if she was ready she yell no and then went back to her convo with a row mg this be at the drive-thru won't stop rushing me it was lunch rush and there was a lot to do inside so I started helping the other team members and ignore thirty seconds later when she was ready to order made her waiter full three minutes before actually taking her order waste my time and call me abhi and I'll waste yours lady PS we can hear everything you say the second you collab I work at the local cowls junior Nehemiah and one day I had her a couple I think that once they finished ordering talked about how they were put the food on each other's body parts and eat off them while they had acts I believe his exact words were I can't wait to take a bite out of that chicken sandwich quite a weird experience and the best part was when he pulled up to the window he asked if I could speed up his order course he had a very important meeting to attend one of the greatest things I have experienced to this day I was a teenager when I realized that they can still hear you my two friends and I went to a local drive-through when we were all seen one behind we ordered fifty dollars of food which was a ton of food from this particular place and after placing the order my friend said do you think they can tell we are stoned and that you'd on the intercom laughed what was worse was that we could see him looking at us through the drive-through window laughing at us I was so mortified and paranoid that I literally hit on the floor of the backseat I hoped he remembers and thinks it was funny sorry for the I don't work at a drive-thru post but my youngest brother eats out a lot he lives in a small town with about five restaurants but he really only eats at Taco John's and subway he went to TJ's for the fourth day in a row and the worker told him they would just have his order ready at the window he asked how they knew what he wanted and the worker told him that even if he didn't eat there constantly they had all heard him rehearsing his order before actually ordering and knew what he wanted before he officially told them he was so embarrassed he didn't eat there for a full I used to work at Taco Bell and it would get backed up when we were busy where the cars would still be triggering the ordering system and the mech would still be on there were a couple of teenaged girls who came through and ordered and then started jamming to The Lion King soundtrack at full volume while they waited I had to take off my headset till the line moved somewhat related I also had someone come through the drive-thru once with a sleeping female passenger under a blanket who woke when I started talking to the driver she started moving and I quickly realized she was completely naked under the blanket the driver also realized what was happening and readjusted the blanket while handing me the money for the order it was odd a Starbucks employee once heard my muffled cry and gave me my drink for free I was embarrassed because for some reason I was crying simply because I heard that Jimmy Sahlins mother had died I don't even like him that much but I guess that just really hit me long I used to work at McDonald's I was on the headset we finished serving breakfast at 10:30 guy pulls up at 10:40 and asks I'll have a sausage and egg McMuffin I apologize and say that we are not serving breakfast anymore there's silence for around 10 second then I hear him say a fine purse fairly loudly and drive out of the drive-thru at around 30 miles per hour way too fast he nearly clipped some own side mirror as he came past one time these three guys who were stoned out of their minds came through it took like a full five minutes to get through the order because they couldn't stop laughing also the guy was ordering whoppers and I don't work at Burger King then at the window they had to change a bunch of the order and he was still saying whoppers I told him we don't serve whoppers and they all started laughing again my mom calls the drive-thru people stupid all the time once they stop talking and I hope they always hear me remind her that they make her food usually farts burps or singing generally before or after they've ordered but there's a long drive through line so they have to wait at the microphone we overheard a raccoon fight one time that was pretty awesome not a drive-thru worker was way back in high school but I was on the receiving end one day my mom and I are going through the DT for some Dairy Queen they were taking forever as they usually do around here and she screams oh my god it's only a fine ice cream lady on the speaker responded with yep it sure is her face went beet red I was only 15 at the time I died 16 years later and I still yell it's only a fine I scream at my mom I was hoping to see the guy that heard my drunk girlfriend in the back seat yelling I want tatah wedges at midnight about two to three minutes after I had already ordered three orders of potato wedges one time I was at Taco Bell I told the girl taking my order that I was going to look at the menu for a minute before I ordered it so she was silent I saw a giant rat run under the menu and towards the building I said holy Sh that's a huge brat and the girl over the speaker very quietly says sorry about that I had no idea they could hear me until that moment I work at a Starbucks drive-through and one time an older woman and a girl maybe early twenties drove up to the box the woman started ordering then screamed and we could hear a commotion then saw the younger girl slapping the shatter the woman then the woman started to drive forward while screaming then the girl gets out and had crutches and a broken leg just started hobbling away I still have no idea what that was about not sure if this totally counts but happened in the drive-through had a guy have a heart attack right at the window he walked up to the window we told him to come by the doors but he hit the ground called 9-1-1 and they took him away couple weeks later the same staff was working turns out he worked it out with the manager he came in and bought us pizza and a gift card for each of us to say thank you was pretty crazy don't think I'll ever forget it I worked at a Tim Hortons drive-thru years ago after ordering her coffee this lady turns up an audiobook she was listening to about dismembering people and disposing of body parts there was this one time that the line was in a standstill and the MiG didn't turn also this dude says oh yeah man I heard my brother got f ed in the bud last night issue not that happened and I'll never forget it as long as I live was working a drive-thru and this guy's on the phone while ordering his food I and the other personal Mick heard him say something along the lines of how his buddy Dave had gotten into a car wreck we didn't get to hear the rest of the story however he pulls up to the window and I go is Dave okay we are all dying to know he looked shocked and then laughed and said that yes Dave was fine it wasn't a bad night I was standing in Carl's jr. waiting for my lunch one day and someone called into the drive-thru asking if their $1.00 chicken sandwiches had attacks after they were told yes he goes at this she'll just go to mc Donald's still going to have tax there man once I heard a young group in a Hummer passing out biscuits and talking about the fried chicken they just got from KSC this was one in my drive-through line of puppies I work at a local burger / ice cream place during the summer we'd occasionally get pretty backed up and drive due to everything pretty much being made to order so I take this lady's order that she has to sit there for a while since the line was so backed up about seven or so minutes after she orders she very loudly says what the f could be taking so long it's a fast-food place she had no idea we could hear her so without much thought I turned my Mik back on to apologize for the wait I could feel her embarrassment from the window I didn't really realize that I called her out like that until my coworker said something worked at an ice cream place with a drive-thru sometimes when we were super busy the line got backed up and people would get stuck at the speaker system while waiting by the speakers one woman made a customer complained called to Amazon because her son's tablet hadn't arrived in the mail on time it lasted at five minutes and most of my co-workers had just taken their headsets off by their [Music]
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 1,398,825
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Keywords: reddit, drive thru, employee, weirdest, work, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit, top posts, best of reddit, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, askreddit funny, top posts of r/, brainy memes
Id: m4cI7_ASnUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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