People Share Their Most Messed Up Family Secrets (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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rajat what's your family's dark secret NSFW my mother was a groupie for Creedence Clearwater there's five kids in my family and none of know who my elder sisters biological father is we all like to speculate about it except for my mother and older sister my grandparent swap spouses my grandmother on my mother's side had an affair with my grandfather on my father's side everyone got divorced and then my grandfather on my mother's side fell in love and married my grandmother on my father's side family reunions were fun my great-great grandma went out to dinner with her husband one night her husband thought she was looking at other guys and brought her to a hotel room nearby and slit her throat he left her to die but she survived and then escaped and left him we didn't find this out until a few years ago through an old newspaper my mom was our pet when she was 14 her dad my granddad track the guy down and shot him dead in a bar my uncle the Protestant minister was doing wealth management on the side turned out to be other people's wealth into his pockets got caught and killed himself before they arrested him turns out my grandfather had been molesting my aunt's as kids and other female cousins of mine finally one of them mentioned it to her husband and he called him and said either turn yourself in or I'm calling the cops or something similar now my grandpa is in prison totally out of nowhere for me to he also said that if more victims came forward he wouldn't deny it mostly pissed at if you really think about it he got away with it he's in prison now sure but he was already dying so just now on his deathbed he finally goes to prison for what he did also pissed that no one in my family seems to care and they're all trying to make excuses for him my great-great-grandfather once got into a fight at a bar over a woman and murdered a man in said fight it being the late 1800s he moved a couple states south and changed his surname my dad's family is messed up his cousin told her husband that if he didn't stop smoking she'd divorce him so instead of quitting he lied about having cancer when he went to the hospital he told her he was getting treatment but instead smoked at the hospital this all happened before I was born but your husband lied about having cancer for almost a decade one of my auntie's was a very very old woman like oxygen to get out of the chair going upstairs is a one a week thing if lucky her son is a prick when she refused to pay his drug debt off for the nth time because she had no more money he poured petrol all over the house and threatened to burn her to death the fumes were enough for her to pass out he panicked took a handful of pills then panicked at that decision and called himself an ambulance didn't even mention his mum police turned up with the paramedics arrested him and took her in the ambulance I disowned him instantly my uncle was apparently in prison for a couple years 4s dual assault no one ever spoke of it and I didn't find out until after he suddenly died years later he suffered from schizophrenia and when his wife left him after years of refusing treatment he wandered off into the woods and froze to death now we don't talk about either of those things edit oh and my father only has one testicle the other one never descended and my grandma either didn't notice or was too embarrassed to take him to see a doctor about it my family was smuggling diamonds in the Appleton area of the Netherlands from the late 18-hundreds up until World War two they got pretty rich offered to until the Nazis invaded and took most of them into concentration camps my great-grandfather while on the trains to a camp convinced himself and several others to jump from the trains as they didn't they were gunned down by Nazi soldiers and my great-grandfather was one of the only survivors my mom's parents were uncle and niece her dad married his brother's daughter their family was on the east coasts and they ran away together to California they had two kids my mom and her older brother all of us are a product of incest my dad is abusive and keeps my mother in debt so she can't take us and leave we look like a perfect middle-class family from the outside but boy is HT on the inside I grew up like this eventually I was tired of seeing my mom get beat and no one do anything also I had kids of my own now and wasn't gonna watch them suffer as me and my siblings did few years ago my dad is just giving my mom a kill awake beating her senseless it went on for days finally I left packed my kids up dad was beating mom in the garage with the music turned up so no one would hear her screams and drove down the street and called the police I was shaking this man had raised us not to ever speak about the abuse ever well I betrayed my dad and called anyway testified in court against him holidays death King thing to do after 20-plus years of abuse and he got 10 years in prison he gets out in 2023 but we got away for now my grandfather died in 1946 before my dad was even born he were always told he drove his truck into a ditch wild Roenick fell asleep and asphyxiated when the tailpipe got clogged with mud he was in his early 30s at a time well I got into genealogy a couple of years back and found a bunch of records and newspaper articles about the incident turns out grandpa wasn't alone in the truck he was with an underage girl less than half his age who also died alongside him obviously this was not my grandmother , the newspapers didn't say it explicitly but there was heavy insinuation that there was some side of the road romance happening when the fumes apparently overtook both of them I still haven't told my dad what I found not sure I ever will my uncle was investigated for the Green River killings years later he was investigated for the Spokane prostitute murders he was good friends with Yates who was found guilty and his saliva was found on a beer can near a dumping site when I was a little girl my mom told me to never gets in his car if he tried to pick me up funny enough he sells life insurance my granddad was into dating students before it became something people lost their job over that's how our family got started he taught then gave extra credit to my grandmother my great-grandma claimed for a long while that she was a virgin which was why she adopted my grandmother but I later found out that she had multiple miscarriages idk if that qualifies as doubt but it's definitely sad rip great-grandma my grandfather our parent abused my mom and my uncle through their childhood my grandma covered it all up and he never went to jail they live next door to us birth mum was a prostitute adoptive mum tried to kill my dad with rat poison grandmother was a thief what are you a character from Game of Thrones my grandpa killed himself when my mom was very young her alcoholic mother decided making her five strokes six year old my mom helped clean the blood and brains off the wall was a good idea and giving her a beer for helping even better great grandmother ran a brothel great grandfather was murdered by brothers who decided they were both in love with my great grandmother great grandfather was in the KKK the KKK was quoted in the newspaper as saying something like we take care of our own the brothers were never seen or heard from again edit brothers were two siblings unrelated to my family and not members of the KKK I don't know how they plan to divide time with great-grandmother also when my grandfather helped lay out my great-grandfather for burial nine bullets fell out of my great-grandfather my dad's brother is a pietà philic a sex offender was caught with over 52000 images of CP on his computer as well as bragging about abusing children as young as five as far as I know only my mother and I possibly my stepfather but I'm not sure though that my real father wasn't some guy my mom dated in college but a stranger who grabbed her and assaulted her I didn't even know this until she told me when I was a teenager I am distantly related to the Unabomber my grandfather's dad tried to join the Nazis but his family moved him to Canada to prevent it edit an apostrophe also I put my grandfather's dad instead of great-grandfather because there's no blood relation my mother was adopted and we never met him only info I've gotten is from my grandfather my grandfather went away to fight in Vietnam and when he came back my grandma was pregnant with my mom a super distant uncle in my family used to get in a lot of trouble with cops I nine and great aunt used to hide him once hiding him in a freezer while cops searched the house one day he ended up kidnapping an ambassador successfully ransomed him off tried escaping the country via boat but the captain realized he was a crook and tried to take him to the cops distant uncle instead Held's captain at gunpoint and dives off the boat several kilometers off land police never found him and assumed he drowned decades later my nan got a letter from him confirming to all of us he was alive and well my great aunt had a second child and gave it up for adoption because she was a newly single woman and didn't think she could provide for both kids this apparently caused a lot of drama in our family back in the 70s and people stopped talking to each other over it my generation never heard a single word of then one day my mom calls me to tell me about my new cousin I was baffled and figured someone had a kid nope that little girl that was given up for adoption was now in her forties and hired a private investigator to find her biological family she's since been assimilated into the family and I see her regularly at family events my grandma's ex-boyfriend got put in jail for murder b/c he killed a dude that also liked her also she and my granddad would have quickies during TV commercial breaks my great-grandfather was a Christian Scientist minister they believe that the mind can cure the body and he told the family of a girl with diabetes a treatable disease to pray the sickness away the girl soon died and the girl's father killed my great-grandfather in a murderous rage I knew a pastor who said a spiritual solution to a physical issue is foolish and a physical solution to a spiritual issue is foolish it's a shame some people reject medicine grandfather tried to axe murder my dad cousin is a PRN star by this time I'm sure you've heard this all before god I love read it my great-grandmother was married to her first husband an Italian mobster in New York in the early 1920s they had four kids in 1928 six years after they were married she disappeared and no one in the family knew what happened to her they all quietly assumed her husband had her killed as it was known he was very abusive to her no she ran off with my great-grandfather they moved to Philadelphia and had changed their last names they were always very secretive about their past no one knew the original family names or where they had come from until I took a DNA test and matched with a third cousin that was descended from her first set of children her original four children were sent to orphanages because the first husband couldn't take care of them it was a big surprise for both families and some very hurt feelings for the children she had abandoned they are in their nineties but it affected them their entire lives my grandmother had an affair with my aunt's high school boyfriend's father it became very awkward when my aunt married said boyfriend and had a kid with him symma : why because my grandmother married said boyfriend's father my aunt now has a kid with her stepbrother on my father's side my grandfather and my father are both guilty of incest our pay my father is the only one who has been found out though he took a deal to register as a recessive fender only because my little brother and sister were about to testify about what he did to them the family still defended him their precious boy and they shunned my aunt for believing her own daughter when she out cried that he had our Petter I of course do not keep in touch but he is now with a woman who's completely brainwashed that he is innocent with a young six stroke 7yo daughter poor child call CPS on her protect that kiddo found out when I was a teenager that my mom had an affair with my dad's brother in that my brother and I might not be my dad's biological kids edit just to clarify it was rough for a long time and parts of my family are broken but I love my mom and dad mistakes and all my wife's uncle murdered and buried his drug dealer down by a creek over 37 dollars worth of drugs even got a job on the ranch with the creek so he could keep a better eye on the burial site eventually owning the piece of land and making it completely private one of my cousin's fondled another cousin when the latter was only two years old I refused to acknowledge the PTO's existence edit since multiple people are asking the offender was 14 at the time me so my biological father had me out of wedlock no one in his family knows about me that I know of I've never met any of them and the last time I talked to him he asked me to stay away because it would ruin his marriage reputation honestly I don't care that much I didn't meet him until I was like 23 so by that point it's not like anything had really changed in my life other than another blip in my life I've got WAY worst stories and issues going on so it's a fairly minor blip at that I've actually got a sister and niece that I've never met but I've Internet's talked a couple of times I sent her $50 anonymously through GoFundMe well back but I doubt I'll ever contact her there's no way I'd ever send her hey it's me your brother I don't know if our dad ever mentioned it but he knocked up my mom about 30 years ago my grandfather broke it off with his first wife because she got knocked up by my grandfather's brother who was is also married while my grandfather was deployed during the Malayan emergency he had stress and anxiety issues the entire time I knew him and I know it costs a part of himself to forgive his brother to keep the family together the worst part she named the kid after my grandfather tried to pass him off as a junior the kid is now in his fifties and is in prison selling prison art grandparents on my stepmothers side paid a hitman to take out my father luckily the guy had morals he met my father and after talking to him a bit ended up telling him what he was originally there for in that he was going to return the money wata sh-tty hitmen law I found out that my high school best friend is my cousin my parents were freaking out when I brought her over not as much as when my dad was best friends with her dad in the seventies and his dad panics because of the resemblance turns out granddad had an affair with her ground around nine months before he was born no one in their family knows and only a handful in ours edit sorry I wrote that at 1:00 a.m. and didn't think anyone would read it just want to clarify so Grandin has an illegitimate son dad's best friend in the 70s was the illegitimate son was just coincidence they're best friends almost 40 years later I become best friends with granddad's illegitimate sons daughter I'm female we were best friends and the usual sense nothing else haha I'm British not from Alabama no SX with family members my granddad was just very good at sleeping with other people's wives this is the only other child we know about though my parents cousin was a prostitute in the early 1990s and when she died from STDs in 2000 my mother inherited $9 373 from prostitution I like reading this with the emphasis she spent it on raising a me ironically like that's a style to be raised in my dad was adopted but illegally his birth mother checked into the hospital under my grandmother's name and then he went home with them instead my grandfather died before I was born and my grandma told us the truth a few years before she died my dad was like 45 when we found out my great-grandmother supposedly summoned the devil to have my great-grandfather murdered it's an old urban legend but if you met her it might not seem far off considering she's quite the strange old woman and has a voice like that of that little [ __ ] lady from poltergeist but in Spanish my dad met my mom when he was getting a divorce she was his divorce lawyer my mother is batched he crazy her sisters no but just go on as if she doesn't really exist none of us see her she sometimes calls a younger sister to whine about her boyfriend she'll be 77 soon the guy is 50 . they all ignored the fact that I was being severely neglected but she was going through boyfriends at a rapid rate every single one was an alcoholic addict and abusive as hell I once asked my aunt through email if they had ever tried to do anything did anybody call social services or even talked about doing this she emailed back I wish you luck in your search my grandfather was running an illegal abortion clinic in his apartment he was living alone at that time the scariest part is that he had zero experience that he was definitely not a doctor I know he did prison for that but I don't know how many years what the f ck is wrong with the grandparents here I've been waiting for this threat cuz I just found this out over Christmas dad's ex-wife had two kids from her previous marriage one of them the younger one was born deaf because her ex-husband shoved her down the stairs during pregnancy came to find out that he did not do that he was the nicest man ever she lied because the deaf kid is actually her cousin's she f ked her cousin when he was staying at their house for a bit and had an inbred kid with health effects she hid this from her husband this all came to light when the older brother born from her husband no health defects tailed his dad that he accidentally walked in on mom banging the cousin dad got a paternity test confirmed it death brother still doesn't know praying no one buys him at 23andme for Christmas ever
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 84,105
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, secret, family secret, messed up secret
Id: NWmp9IRB7Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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