When Did Your High School Prank Go Too Far? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what's the most hoof are you've ever seen a high school prank go kid decided to post on Facebook that he was going to shoot up the school and not show up the next day the lockdown lasted six hours past the final bell until they found this kid spraying people with Nayar hair remover if someone tried to do that to me I'd remove their hair DIY style a group of kids staged a kidnapping one time they borrowed a van and drove in front of a busy shopping center one guy pretending to escape jumped out the trunk all wrapped up in duct tape with the horror of all the bystanders the van stopped two kids ran out and recaptured the skp and drove off cops had to go to their homes when the van was identified and they had a lot of clearing up to do had a mate in a neck brace for a year because him and another mate would frequently push each other into things like walls railings et Cie as a joke the other mate decided to one-up him by pushing him down a flight of stairs when I was a freshman there was a tree that was planted when the school was founded the seniors destroyed it everyone was f king pierced something similar happened at my school except the tree was a baby tree planted in Memorial of a teacher that had been killed in a car accident on a few occasions it was vandalized pretty heavily by whoever trying to pull it out of the ground with a truck another time it was basically split right down the middle I think the school just pulled it up eventually not seen but the senior class before I was a freshman had dumped whole buckets of crickets into all of the school's garbage cans fast forward a fight broke out at lunch and a student was knocked into one of the garbage cans and thousands of crickets spilt out onto the concourse causing a massive riot so I'm talking mobs of kids leaving the school at my high school when I was a freshman a group of seniors had broken into the school the night before with hundreds of bottles of Lube to grease up all the staircases in the school like 15 kids went to the hospital one kid cracked his head open to be rushed to the ER dude in my school had a crummy old car that a lock was broken and could easily be put in beautiful and pushed around the steering still locked so mostly kids would push it into a parking space ahead or behind of it one day they pushed it and it got away from them and Adame her teacher's car the kids owned up to it but considering the owner was so sick of his car being messed with he called the police turns out moving a car a few meters is considered vehicle theft too around here and three kids were charged and expelled Mayo get a scared someone let a greased pig loose in the school it basically ran around and was pretty funny teachers did try to catch him but basically they opened doors and figured the pig would run outside the janitor went caveman and killed the pig with a broken broom handle blood all over the floor janitor was fired that day this is around a week after the parklands shooting in Florida some freshman thought it would be a cool idea to bring in a BB pistol during school hours all the staff thought he was an actual school shooter and there were a lockdown with everyone ready to throw some heavy books at the first person who came in their rooms he got expelled in some say that he got sent to juvie edit I should probably provide more context the dude was planning to play a prank on a friend of his by pulling out the BB gun and that's how I spend three hours in my Chen class panicking also how the staff realized a year before I transferred to a school I learned that some seniors greased the steps with baby oil causing students to slip and fall including teachers one at which was several months pregnant the principal ordered that they do not get to walk for graduation there was this whole mess with the parents fighting to get the punishment overturned some of the students got punished and others got to walk for graduation the parents were like no one got seriously hurt and it was just a prank but seriously at high school someone in my year group decided it would be a funny idea to run and tackle a bin that was leaning on a pole he then pretended to be unconscious and as the group of students watched on rumors started to go around that he jumped off the second-story walkway and tackled the pole in the air and then fell towards the ground he continued to pretend to be unconscious and as soon as the ambulance arrived to check on his injuries he suddenly jumped up and ran off into the distance and out of the school seniors in my high school locked all the exits with bike locks and pulled the fire alarm they were charged a guy in my class put a tack on a chair like an old cartoons when a classmate sat in that chair it was not funny a couple of underclassmen crash to hold some senior prank and ruined it the original prank was spray-painting the graduating class year all over the building in washable paint but these kids came by after they were done and it swears and slurs the graduating class almost didn't walk until parents kept complaining that their kid s wasn't at fault they ended up having to do whatever they did to cover up the writings and there was still a pillow with a dick on it for a few weeks after when I was a freshman the senior prank was releasing farm animals into the school a couple had to be put down because of injuries they sustained while running loose my senior year someone's tea on the cafeteria floor and then surrounded it with some sort of clear oil one of the janitors got hurt trying to clean it up a mole for a funny pranks but this was just vandalism and cruelty in senior year my genius classmates thought it would be a good idea to take all the books out of the library and make a giant book Mountain needless to say we spent around seven hours learning the Dewey Decimal System I was livid when the administration forced our whole class to resort the books even though it was like three idiots who made the whole mess someone bought multiple bottles of this stuff called liquidus and absolutely poured like ten bottles of the stuff in the men's restroom it was truly the smell of putrid rotting dead elephants tea it was horrendous if I smelled a dead body it would be the second worst thing I've ever smelled it was that bad a poor janitor was assigned to clean it up and so he walked in and immediately projectile vomited all over the bathroom and quit the job on the spot we were now out a janitor and the mess now had the new edition of vomit on top of ten bottles of liquid ass it took a while to find a new janitor so the vomit just sort of sat there for a week and it was basically a biohazard at that point a new janitor eventually cleaned the mess in a full body suit but even after bleaching everything we could still smell it for over six months they had to permanently remove the front door to that bathroom during one of my siblings tenure a few students broke into the gymnasium and turned hoses onto the basketball court completely ruined everything as it ran a good part of the night I believe they caught and expelled all of them my class had a few people superglue as many door locks they could reach that really made everyone happy why the old Kari the teachers Falks vagan into the quad prank that at least only caused some inconvenience and not property damage became a thing of the past I'll never know someone shot out a bunch of windows at my high school much more aggressive than the staircase covered in little cups of water someone put a couple of dead fish in the laundry dryer at my boarding school we also had a three year string of phantom poopers who would just take PS in random places like corridors urinals etc must have been different people because you can only be there for two years at a time most do one plot twist someone put their own feces under a teacher's desk what's up what's up crapped on your desk dog what's up with that this actually happened at a friend's school a guy found a dead pigeon and the class decided it would be fun to hide it inside a hardcover folder that a teacher left on her desk the only problem was that the pigeon would bulge the folder so they had no better idea than to put it inside and stomp the folder and pigeon flat when the teacher she was pregnant at a time opened the folder she yelled in terror and fainted they took her out in an ambulance the next day the principal informed the class that the teacher suffered a miscarriage and that they were lucky if she didn't press any charges needless to say they never told anyone whose idea was or who participated in the prank I wouldn't call this a prank but a kid once wrote the name of another kid in his own sh t on the toilet wall this was a fate worse than death for the unsuspecting victim cries of derision could be heard throughout the building malicious rumors were spread for weeks the poor kid was subjected to a social death sentence a dead man walking it wasn't until a fateful rainy Thursday afternoon after pay that the wrongly accused was exonerated when the real Stasi fell victim to his own hubris and was caught Brown handed in the act of fickle graffiti someone slipped LSD into attachés coffee he was tripping balls I think back on it now and feel sad for him that's really dangerous as well as horribly scary for someone who doesn't know what's happening and didn't take drugs voluntarily : I broke into my friend's middle school email account in the middle of the night to tell send his current email address a message from the future this message was inspired by the one crime from the office where Jim sends Dwight faxes from the future about the coffee being poisoned my dumbest took had one stepfather and said that my friend needed to stop me and my other friend from playing the piano what break as otherwise a bomb would go off my friend took this seriously and alerted a teacher who immediately knew it was me yeah the police were called my ass nearly suspended and I was grounded for a month going back about 15 years ago a group of 10 - 13 senior kids decided to raid our community school and literally rip off full tube lights Bendel ceiling fans smashed some walls etc there was quite a substantial amount of damage at that time CCTVs Wendell that famous or used so it was difficult to identify but luckily there were some eye witnesses in the boys and their parents were immediately summoned kids suspended and parents were asked to foot the bill oh and the kids were named and shamed in front of the whole community edit grammar one guy from my school sprayed some pepper spray in the air during class because he thought it had only make everyone's eyes sting a little ended up with some students almost suffocating to death the whole floor getting evacuated and the guy getting expelled this was actually in middle school the bathrooms had particularly low ceilings one day some boys went into the girls bathroom during class time I guess when the least amount of people would be in there and somehow managed to get a chair up into the ceiling tiles many girls knew they did this and we all thought it was pretty funny we forgot about the chair for like a week until it came crashing down onto a girl who was using the toilet this girl was very frail and super underweight Connor it came down and knocked her out the school went on lockdown while the paramedics took her to the hospital she was fine they locked the bathrooms the rest of the year and only opened them between classes many kids would go to the nurse to use a bathroom when they couldn't hold it in class why would the school go into lockdown for that it's not like sealing chairs are an active threat they put toilet paper in every tree it has been 2 years in the toilet paper is still there in some trees this all happened a couple of years before I started high school but someone released thousands of crickets into the building they're still in the air ducts and we can't get them out all of the air vents have been locked shut until a solution is found some guys thought it would be funny to put a six-pack of beer in the joint in my trombone case during class f king everyone saw them do it but I got caught with it dude that my school broke into the teachers lounge and microwave ghost pepper popcorn they thought it would just make everyone's eyes water a little they basically maced everyone in the tiny compact hallway that the teachers lounges in the school has no idea who did it but classes in that hallway had to be relocated edit my HS was quite large and was a campus with many buildings and in my junior year a senior drove though campus ripping wheelies on his dirt bike wearing only a jockstrap for a senior prank at my HS group of kids stole a ton if not all I can't remember of the bathroom stall doors while the administration was trying to figure out who did it how to replace all the missing doors they had makeshift plywood doors installed they eventually caught the kids who did it and formally charged them with theft and a few other things it was pretty genius though to pay the legal fees the kids got a shitload of t-shirts printed with the phrase I prefer the plywood and most of the school boredom and solidarity so all in all a kind of heartwarming ending to a too far situation in my brother school like ten years ago apparently these seniors tried to prank their teacher by putting three viagra in his coffee this is actually super dangerous if the teacher had been taking nitroglycerin or other blood pressure cardiac meds that vibra could literally have killed him Cena's killed a deer stuffed it in a hockey bag and dumped the carcass in the stairwell some seniors came in at night and moved all the desks and whiteboards so that the classrooms were now set up outside school was outside the next day the school made them cleans up after school they repeated the same prank five more times there was one year where the seniors at my high school were notoriously bad for end-of-the-year pranks but the one they remembered for is when they poured multiple pounds of flour down the most central 4th floor staircase in the school it took forever for the custodians to clean up of course but also caused lots of kids to have asthma attacks and the staircase was closed in proximity to the special ed classrooms from what I've heard many kids did not walk for graduation that year my old high school had a rivalry with another high school in the same district years ago the football teams would play pranks on each other they escalated to the point of the other high school killing a black cat and hanging it from a tree at our school someone placed posters of gente around the school and various locations a separate group of guys took everything out of a classroom and put it all on the roof the school didn't tolerate end-of-year pranks after that legend has it that one summer our town go super hot into my high school decided to have a school-wide water balloon fight it was wholesome fun at first with kids using balloons water gums and super soakers to relieve some heat then somebody probably a bunch of them decided to just use whatever they're not water instead pretty soon some nasty stuff was in the air we're talking pee water down poop dirt water condiment water etc that was probably years maybe a decade ago they don't do that sort of thing anymore I coated my desk with hand sanitizer and set it on fire and told my teacher my desk was doing that thing again a cute goth girl at a party I was at once held a puddle of hand sanitizer and the palm of her hand she said watch this and lit it on fire she held it calmly for a moment then screamed oh w sh TI t burns and then swung her hand around trying to shake it off she basically did a live-action reenactment of mario where he gets a fire flower instead of bloop sounds though it was a screaming teenage girl going up in flames she didn't burn her hand too terribly but she learned a valuable lesson that day fire bad don't know what my class did but the class above me ran down the halls and sprayed either skunk or fart spray everywhere dumb part was they still had to go to class like the rest of us so they had to smell that god-awful smell the whole day like everyone else people gagged some threw up it was awful the kids at my school nominated the weird homely girl for prom queen my brother's senior class decided it had be a fun prank to break into the school at night they put dead fish in lockers shaving cream all down the halls and broke into the main office and smashed some computers they then egged be outside for good measure that hallway smelled like sh t for a good month after none of them face any legal consequences because one of the kids dad is a lawyer but I think they lost their scholarships pilot teacher in the face with spaghetti at a pep rally in front of whole school what a waste of spaghetti not necessarily a high school prank but childish nonetheless I was in the car business and a couple guys went back and forth pranking each other's cars I don't remember the second to last move but the final was a little over the top in my opinion the finisher decided he'd had enough and removed the metal bottom door plate older car and lined the underneath with sardines once he screwed the plate back on no one could figure out where the rotten stink was coming from we didn't all hear until later what he actually did but the guy he did it to ended up selling his car at a loss because he couldn't get rid of the smell not high school but middle school wasn't there for it as it was a different set of classes teachers than mine however I grew up with the kid who did it so I got the full scoop afterwards he for some reason thought it would be funny to put hand lotion in a teacher's drink and she got mega sick from it press charges and stuff afterwards since she had to go to the hospital for basically being poisoned I have no clue who or what made him think it was funny but a bit too far if you ask me
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Id: BhqY9OaH7OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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