Have You Ever Experienced a 'Plot Twist' In Real Life? (r/AskReddit)

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have you ever experienced a plot twist in real life I started working at Home Depot around 2005 and was somewhat of an introvert I graduated in 2004 and really struggled breaking out of the high school mentality and not having a set group of friends to hang out with so I start at home deport and a guy Nick I work with invites me out drinking I'm only 19 at the time but he's a few years older we ended up becoming very good friends that haven't necessarily breached the emotional [ __ ] beyond chicks fast-forward a few months and my stepmoms mother dies pretty bleak stuff and I really just have my family to talk to which of course isn't the same at all I'm kinda struggling my buddy Nick is drifting away as well and the day of the funeral comes it's towards the end and I walk up to say my final goodbyes look over Nick is there staring at me dumbfounded we high-five hug and find out he's my stepmoms nephew and we were both drifting away because we didn't have anyone to bring real [ __ ] to outside of family then best friend sips telia met a friend high-fived over my grandmother's corpse leveled up two cousins I walked into a new job on my first day walked up to a guy and introduced myself he says no time to waste and assigns me a few weird tasks and I start on them I'd been working for an hour when my phone rings and it's from the job that I just started I answer and the guy on the phone says you are aware today is your first day I said yes I'm actually here David gave me some stuff to do the guy on the phone says who's David apparently a complete stranger just started telling me what to do and I didn't think twice about it we had a pretty good laugh I played EverQuest about 10 years ago and joined the guild there was this dreamy high off cleric who was always playing at the same time as me Who am I kidding everyone played all day on EverQuest anyways we always played together sometimes out killing things sometimes just sitting around in the city talking over the course of six months this woman became my reason for logging on we eventually got married in-game which her real-life husband who also played the game didn't think was that funny we were very close and she told me many details about her personal life and her husband it felt like I was on the shotgun end of an affair but I didn't know any better it felt great talking to her my head was in the clouds anytime she signed on my mood improved and I looked forward to it every day eventually she sent me pictures of herself she was a pretty blond haired woman of 27 years old a 1 on the binary scale the only honest rating system she asked me for pictures in return but I said no because it would be weird for a twelve-year-old boy to send pictures of himself over the Internet I don't think she saw that coming and I don't think I ever saw her again I was job searching in my early twenties I get to this job interview and the guy didn't know I was coming he grudgingly walks me into his office and starts asking me questions I had been on so many interviews I just wasn't in the mood for someone to make me feel like I wasn't welcome he asks me why I want to work here and part of my answer is I like to help people he responds with a [ __ ] I am surprised but I can tell this is going nowhere the rest of the interview is formality and I end with a sarcastic sorry to bother you I get back to my apartment and I'm feeling down I receive a voicemail asking where I was for my interview they say if I am still interested to call back I compare name number and company with a business card I was given and it turns out I was on the wrong floor I just walked into a random and was given an interview but yeah I didn't get either job about three years ago one of my best friends committed suicide in his apartment this was shocking to all of us because he was one of the happiest guys we knew fast forward to about two and a half years later a new report comes out showing it was a murder and a very good cover-up the suspects my other two best friends the investigation is still ongoing my ex-girlfriends mum was in hospice care dying of cancer when she told her son my ex's brother that the man she was married to the man that raised him his entire life was not his biological father this was news to everyone involved and was later confirmed through testing without going into details the man who raised my ex's brother was not the most attentive father nor all that warm and kind they had kind of a typical broken home story he was a bit of a drunk they got divorced and the kid was a big-time troublemaker the final twist came shortly after their mom passed the non bio dad took the kids hunting and told him that he didn't care that he was his son that nothing and no one was going to take that away from him coming from that man it was huge and no one expected it they became extremely close after that and last I heard still visit with each other several times a week hum happened to a friend of mine she had been feeling lonely for months and had found a guy she really got on with after beating him gaming sadly they live too far apart to meet face to face q months of them getting closer until he asks her out they started dating she confesses to me that she really really likes him and she's saving money to go visit fast-forward 14 months she saved the money she's booked the flight she's going to meet the man she loves everything is perfect she's flying out the very next day cue me getting a hysterical call late at night it's hard to decide for what she's saying I get her to slow down and take it easy he's not him I asked for clarification he's not him she cries I am still confused I don't get it what does that mean he lied about what he does or his age or something I asked she replies no he lied about who he is what he is he is not him he is she he is not Michael she is Michele turns out the girl was a lonely lesbian who looked a bit butch if appropriately dressed slash made up for webcam who'd been using pictures of her brother the entire time for everything else sadly she almost had a nervous breakdown and has ended up with serious trust issues and a medium-sized case of homophobia TLDR friend dated Michael for almost two years before finding out just before she met the man of her dreams it was Michele the guy's sister instead so my friend told me about this one her best friend was dating this guy and they were pretty sure they had found the one with each other this guy was all ready to propose and was picking out rings so these two decide to have a threesome and as a third he chooses his ex-girlfriend at this point any guy with a shred of common sense should know this is probably going to end badly but this is where the twist is the girlfriend enjoyed it a little too much and broke up with him to date his ex-girlfriend I used to know a guy named Ben Ben was the biggest two-faced douche I'd ever known he once met a girl online and went out to meet her and returned a few days later when asked about her to his female friends he said that there was no spark no chemistry whatever to his guy friends he would say that she was so ugly he couldn't stand to look at her Ben hated ugly women Ben and I lived together briefly and my overweight girlfriend later wife and now ex-wife stayed with us frequently she was friendly with him would hang out with him while I was at work and frequently drive him around if he needed as soon as she was gone though he would laugh about how fat she was Ben hated fat women years and years pass I'm on OkCupid one day and I see a new member she looks vaguely familiar I look at her photos and it hits me Ben who was already unattractive gained a bunch of weight and became transgendered in essence he became a fat ugly woman the very thing he hated the most the end or is it transgendered Ben briefly dated a lesbian friend of mine who lives with my ex-wife and would come hang out not knowing he was in the house of the woman he would only a few years before make fun of for being fat his relationship with the lesbian didn't last needless to say my little brother hitchhikes a lot he was trying to hitch to Valdez Alaska to run a half marathon there before hitching to my parents house near Fairbanks he gets picked up near Seattle by a woman they are chatting and my brother is telling her the story of how he rode his bike from Alaska to Argentina the woman says her neighbor's son had done the same thing turns out she was my parents next-door neighbor a few years ago I was in a longboarding accident and got a pretty bad concussion the concussion caused me to forget pretty much that whole day but my friends had explained to me what happened they told me that I had gotten scared of going too fast and tried to jump off the longboard for two years they ridiculed me for jumping off because jumping off a longboard is not the smartest thing to do when you want to get off I lived with the ridicule until my best friend told me that I was pushed off by one of my friends this isn't that big of a twist but it really showed me the loyalty of my friends I quickly left that group and became friends with kids that play Dungeons and Dragons and look at reddit I must say I like this group a lot more so when my grandmother died we all found out that when she was 13 in Argentina her older brother which none of us knew existed became psychotic and was hospitalized in a mental institution remember this is 1930s Argentina over time my grandma lost touch with her brother what with moving overseas and so on it was always her secret shame that she abandoned her brother brother apparently later died while still hospitalized alone fast-forward 70 years grammar dice and my father goes to Argentina we live in Israel now to meet with family and find and pay respects at said uncle's grave he starts going from cemetery to cemetery searching for his uncle's grave he can't find it maybe he was cremated so he starts going from mental hospital to mental hospital of course we don't know where he was hospitalized searching through records soon enough he picks up on a 70 year old trail and follows his uncle from hospital to hospital some of which closed down decades ago finally he reaches modern times and plot-twist finds his uncle alive and well 96 years old in a v' way no cyrez mental hospital anyway long story short my dad took him out of the hospital put him in a supported living environment and got him off 90 percent of the meds they had him on thus emerged a relatively stable but still schizophreniform i aunt and said susan did you know that america has a black president not a huge plot twist but I did find this occurrence that happened to a friend rather amusing my friend who lives on campus near me had five other roommates each with their own rooms of course one of the roommates was a Chinese guy who for a while had been acting strangely he alternated between being really friendly and towards being cold and and sure he'd never opened his door completely when people knocked and would sometimes forget things that he'd had said when referenced later his english skill would fluctuate wildly and he would sometimes change his clothes oddly halfway through the day he would also usually spend all his time inside his room he'd also make himself a rather large amount of meals throughout the day after six months of this strange behavior but largely not worth asking about one day my friend came back from a class opened the door which was next to the kitchen looked to the side into the kitchen and there were two of the odd acting room maid staring back deer-in-the-headlights style turns out he'd been hiding his twin brother in his room since he'd arrived and thought that the roommates would report him to the University if they found out so they took it in turns leaving the room or watching if the coast was clear before they both came out alternated cooking meals one at a time etcetera etcetera so sometime last year I got a friend request on facebook from this girl I don't know we have some friends in common and her profile says she had gone to the same University and was in the same program just a few years before me so I figure we must have met at some party or something and accept the request flash-forward to July I moved to a new city for a new job and on my first day then there's the girl who added me on Facebook we ended up dating for a few months - turns out she had added me because one of our bosses has literally the exact same name as me and she thought she was adding him to Facebook always thought it was a really bizarre situation for back story I was in love with my best friend for a long time but something was always in the way be it my significant other or hers we had dated once but it didn't end very well I was going to a party with a mutual friend of ours and he told me that my best friend was going to propose to this girl I couldn't stand that night he told me where he was going to propose so I rushed there to stop him proclaim my love for him you know how it goes when I get up there I see that he has everything set up candles rose petals the New York City skyline everything that would make a girl melt I pick up a piece of paper he had placed on the ground read it and when I look up he's down on one knee proposing to me [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 595,609
Rating: 4.9316993 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, askreddit plot twist, askreddit plot twist stories, plot twist stories, plot twist reddit, real life plot twist, plot twist top posts
Id: PzRVaxH8Y3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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