People CANCELING Their WEDDING in The LAST MINUTE (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit people who have witnessed our there's not going to be a wedding moment following a bachelor slash bachelorette party what went down for some reason a guy I know decided to have a co-ed bachelor party and invited all of his friends from college from youth etc this took place in a large city and a lot of us that knew each other from high school went to the same big commuter school in the city and lived with our parents through college so it was a really unique group lots of lifelong friends and a bunch of new friends from college we brought into the fold so here's our groom mr. perpetual life of the party charismatic fun likes to have a good time marrying a total buzzkill of a girl but damned if she isn't smoking hot also very very Catholic and won't let the groom into her pants before the wedding groom has been pissed about this for a while which led to some accelerated wedding plans anyway co-ed bachelor party bagasse beach house rental girls and guys turns into a total de Bourgh CH fest about half of us had dated or fooled around with each other through high school college so people are sneaking off in various states to do various things everything from smooching to full-on threeways it was messy I had really only dated a couple of girls in the group one of whom I couldn't find and the other was already busy getting it in a bedroom so me and another loner girl had pity sex with each other we had just finished what turned out to be remarkably good pity 6 when we heard the daughter the next room close these old beach houses had all been renovated a bunch to cram in as many bedrooms as possible so the walls between were often thin it was the groom talking with my sort of ex that I hadn't been able to find earlier from what we could hear everything and what we learned later it seemed that they'd been talking about the fact that the groom's bride-to-be was a real chilly person and his lack of sex with her was really chafing well you guessed it they banged hard dudes known for having a monstrous gong so the chick ended up getting really loud like pretty much everyone not passed out knew the groom was railing her so three days later everyone under the age of 40 at the wedding knows the groom's top this girl but nobody says nothing four days into their honeymoon groom comes home early and calls me and some other folks turns out he and the girl had been texting about their adventure while he was on his honeymoon with his wife and included a choice bit about how his new wife was bad at sex she saw the texts choice offered ditch every friend you haven't stay married or leave guess which one he picked spoiler alert they have like eight kids now posted this a few years ago enjoy bouncing at a busy hipster club one weekend I'm doing wristbands at the door when this bachelorette party comes tumbling to the door it's about 11:00 at night and these girls are already pretty trashed the Bachelorette had one of those stupid sashes and her and her three friends were dressed to impress I let the mini nothing crazy fast-forward 30 minutes later and I rotate with another bouncer and stand guarded the side bar which is also where the greenroom was it wasn't a VIP type thing people just went in there to do drugs with the club owner and his cousin we can call them Chris and Steve who were there every single night preying on girls these guys were in their late thirties and this club was mostly 18 to 25 so while I thought it was creepy they never left alone so the girls didn't seem to think so I see the bachelorette party girls doing shots at this side bar Chris is giving them free shots and making small talk I had seen him in action many times so I knew he was just trying to hook up with someone they convinced the Bachelorette to let Chris Steve and one of the bartender's we can call him Joe the body shots of her while she laid on the bar with her friend cheering her on then her and two of her friends started doing shots off each other and everyone got really really drunk I was bored and making small talk with one of her friends who was supposed to lead Edie but was in no position to be driving during the next few minutes Steve convinces the Bachelorette to come into the green room to I assume to coke while her other two friends are talking to some guys I see Stephen Chris and Bachelorette go like 30 seconds later Chris comes running out and gets Joe who goes in I get her friend's phone number and break off my conversation and make my way to the door while the girl I was talking to met up with the other two friends who I guess assumed the Bachelorette was in the bathroom right before I get to the door Joe busts out and says you gotta get in on this I walk in and this girl is on the couch on all fours with her dress hiked up saying the dirtiest [ __ ] getting railed by Chris while giving an incredibly sloppy [ __ ] to Steve in between her saying [ __ ] me harder Joe runs over and whips his junk out and she starts going to town on him to saying [ __ ] like give me that [ __ ] this is my last night then she flips onto her back and everyone switches around no one is wearing protection mind you the contents of her purse are all over the couch and floor then another bouncer we can call him Mike comes in looking for me so we can rotate spots and stops in his tracks to stare at the Bachelorette gangbang going on without saying a word he runs over and drops his pants to his ankles just as she is about to start blowing him she throws up all over his junk and fills his bunched up pants and boxers with what seemed like a gallon of throw-up he tried to step back but being immobilized by his pants he fell back and put a hole in the drywall behind him Joe who was now the last of him Chris and Steve Terrell her sees this happen in front of him and can't hold down whatever he ate before his shift because he blows chunks all over her tits which were hanging out of her dress as well as all over her dress and Bachelorette sash he makes this awkward sigh of relief without messing up his rhythm I don't know if he actually finished but he kept going for at least another 10 seconds while I don't think she even realized he blew chunks on her because she was still leaned over the side of the couch still either and there was music playing kinda loud chris is yelling at Mike for putting a hole in the wall Steve is rolling on the floor laughing me being the only sober one in the room I tell Steve to put all her [ __ ] back in her purse I lead her to one of the two bathrooms in the green room Mike had now made his way to the other one I tell Chris to go get her friends until her she threw up I was in the bathroom Jew fortunately didn't get any puke on himself so he just went back to the bar like nothing happened her friends come to her rescue and clean her up and they all promptly leave like nothing happened now here's the really [ __ ] up part about three weeks later the girl's friend that give me her number I had lost it walks up and I'm working the door I somehow remembered her name and asked her how her friend's wedding went she looked kideth puzzled and I told her they will here a few weeks ago for her bachelorette party and we talked her rice got really big and she started telling me the Bachelorette had accidentally pocket-dialed her fiance while she was getting railed on the couch and left a voice the male of it and she claimed he'd to have no memory of any of it but they had lost track of her a few times and we're and sure where or what exactly happened I played dumb and said that sucks and then told everyone involved who all seemed to think it was more funny than anything I quit working there shortly after that because that [ __ ] is depressing and it was always something every night really long and too late to really get any attention on this thread but whatever copied and pasted from an old journal entry I wrote about it a few years after this [ __ ] shall happened this happened after the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding but I feel like it fits here fun facts they got divorced about four years into the marriage I'm surprised the wedding ended up happening at all blame any stupidly written bits typists etc on my 23 year old self who wrote this I'm keeping a secret from my entire family just to protect the marriage of my cousin and her husband in August of 2005 milder cousin Monica got married to a guy named Corey they'd been together for just over a year and a half at this time I flew down to the wedding as a bridesmaid I met the other bridesmaids and groomsmen including John the Grossman who was going to be walking down the aisle with me during the ceremony at the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding I'm only 20 and the only drink I had was one that my dad snuck me so I wasn't drunk like the rest of my young puto Rican family was the designated driver of our bridesmaid / groomsman John it's about 9:00 p.m. when Monica is definitely shit-faced she has implants she was a Hooters waitress for a couple of years so just envision the stereotypical Hooters waitress and they were pouring out of her skimpy top and she'd asked all the groomsmen to check to see if her nipples were showing they are all mostly Cory's friends so they were kind of embarrassed and not sure what to do with a skinny cute but Chester bride-to-be who had too much to drink Cory decided it was time for them to go Monica wanted me and her to go back with Cory to their house and spend the night watching movies and drinking some more I was okay with this as were my parents and Cory obliged job being the designated driver drove us in his extremely gorgeous metallic blue Dodge VIP R back to Cory and Monica's then the [ __ ] hit the fan John was driving Cory was in the passenger seat I was in the back behind Jon and Monica was in the back behind Cory Monica's nice mix of liquors must hit her brain like a [ __ ] brick wall she starts asking me things like Jessie do you do anal because if you do you could get married just like me while her shirt is slowly falling off I start putting her back into her shirt and Cory starts asking Monica if she's okay she said she started feeling sick so he made a stop at John's house which was on the way anyway on the way there Cory says something like this is so typical - John and asks John if he can go to his dealer - until this night I never knew Cory did drugs and never world thought it possible since Monica has dumped guys for smoking pot Monica flips her [ __ ] and starts punching Cory in the back of the head saying that she won't marry him if he gets blazed the night before their wedding as she's hitting him we arrived at John's house John and I leave the car to go into the house and get Monica some water while Cory and her were arguing in the driveway we come back out less than 5 minutes later to see Monica and Cory screaming at each other Monica still punching Cory in the chest as he's trying to restrain her arms we give Monica the glass of water which was real glass not plastic or paper and she throws it at Cora's head in the glass crashes to the ground right behind John's parked VIP a Monica runs away down the street which is definitely causing her big tits to fall out of her shirt Corey chases after her as she nears a main intersection about 50 yards down from John's house I helped John clean up the glass so he can drive his car out of the driveway without getting a flat we drive towards the intersection and see Monica flashing cars on the main road to try to get a ride Cory tries to get her shirt back on and she's punching him she grabs her cell phone and calls two of the other bridesmaids and tells them he's abusing me he hit me and knocked me down I can't marry him I'm never going to marry him he hit me and he's beating me up I finally get the phone away from her and call back the girls she called to tell them the real story Cory and John chef Monica back in the car and we drive off to Cory's it's about 10:30 when we get to Cory and Monica's house we go inside and Korres dealer not sure of his name was there with some pills for him Cory grabs him pays the dealer and gives them to me to hold on to at this point the whole running incident must have cleared Monica's head and she started apologizing but Cory was pissed so he took four of the pills I was holding on to I took one didn't really feel anything and I don't really know what they were with a beer he left and said he'd be back Monica is crying and John left but gave me his cell phone number in case anything gets out of hand funny because I go into the bathroom to pee and when I'm done Monica is gone I got John to come back and the two of us scoured the area to find Monica calling her maid of honor in tears I get on the phone with the girl and tell her what's really going on since I was the second-most sober one out of the group we get Monica back into the house and John leaves again I'm talking to Monica then Cory comes back all Cory wants to do is go to sleep it's about 11:30 at this point and his wedding is the next day assuming it's going to happen Monica is pestering him because she wants to sleep in the same bed but he's still mad and just needed his space Monica shuts the door to their bedroom saying that she and Corey are going to have a talk next thing I know I hear bang and Corey runs out of the room Corey shoved Monica she fell and hit her nose on the corner of the nightstand she had a two-inch long gash on her nose and was bleeding I helped her up clean her up and call John he gets there and I'm like what the [ __ ] do I do about five minutes later Corey comes back and John and I yell at him Monica wasn't mad she actually started apologizing Corey has no recollection whatsoever of even coming back to the house until then he must have blacked out from the pills and liquor and when we told him what he did he freaked out he threatened to turn himself in to the cops but after a while we just convinced them both to go to bed so they did the next day I made up a huge lie about how Monica was drunk and fell over her own two feet hitting her face on the corner of the kitchen counter everyone bought it we were able to cover up the cut with lots of makuu and they got married I'm the only one who was there from beginning to end and if any of us ever leaked to my family they lose all trust in me my cousin and especially her husband a few months later I got a package in the mail from Monica it was a chi hair straightener and a Starbucks gift card there was a note with it that said something like we wouldn't have made it without you happy after the wedding at the reception the newlyweds took forever to show up they were nearly an hour late when they did arrive they were arguing loudly the entire time they got introduced and we all clapped as per tradition and they sat down at the main table and a half sometime between the appetizer and the main course the argument started again the groom stormed off and my girlfriend and I were nosy so we went to see what was up he ended up in the hotel lobby on his cell phone we thought nothing of it and we were about to go back when the wife shows up still obviously in her wedding dress and continues to ream him out now for the first time we can hear what the argument is about he had invited his ex to the wedding she showed up to the ceremony and that through the apparently also he had cheated on the new wife with the ex-girlfriend several times with the last time being only about a month prior to the wedding additionally the ex / girlfriend / mistress was on her way to come pick up the new husband to take him away from the new bride cause she was acting crazy according to the groom after a couple minutes of watching this train wreck of an argument a shitty rust bucket sedan shows up with the ex-girlfriend in it the groom gets into the car with his ex or whatever the [ __ ] she is and they drive off last words went to the bride tho who screamed at him as he tore off well I guess I'm going to go back to [ __ ] your brother than you [ __ ] sOooo they are no longer married now there's a story that goes around I can't vouch for the truth of it or not call it an urban legend first of all if you've never been to a Jewish wedding the way it goes is first they have the reception with the bride and groom and separate rooms then the ceremony then family goes away to sit for pictures while the guests sit down to eat then the bride and groom coming and the dancing starts in between the ceremony and the pictures though is what's called eh and which doesn't really translate but it approximately means isolation together the bride and groom lock themselves in a room and are observed by two reliable witnesses outside the door to have stayed there in long enough to have consummated the marriage although nobody actually does it there it's considered necklace this is what actually sollen eise's the marriage well one of three things the other two are signing a marriage contract called a ketubah and transfer of a piece of chattel property traditional earring though it can be other things from the groom to the bride so after the hit shirt the bride comes out and announces sorry everyone the wedding's off we'll be getting a divorce and we are returning all the gifts except for the bedroom set where I caught my new husband trying it out with my sister last week so there are far worse stories here in this very thread what makes this one noteworthy well think about this she knew about the episode before the wedding why'd she go through with it we cause under Jewish law if you've once been married to a woman even after divorcing her you aren't allowed to marry her sister at anytime until your first wife has died by going through with the ceremony she in effect locked her sister out of ever being able to get together with her soon-to-be ex I'm a musician I work on an infamous street for drunken revelry and debauchery one night a bachelor party came in around the same time as a bachelorette party the show I work with does special things like funny songs for special events so I bring them both up at the same time to do something special in the middle of this on stage they start making out and they do not stop I finish my routine as best I can and get them off stage later as I'm looking around the audience my eye catches on them again they're in the back corner just going at it while their respective parties hang out up near the front of the stage and they are really getting into it hands down pants and up skirts at some point they disappear I take a break and head to the restroom it's locked I hear a woman screaming from within not moaning not saying screaming [ __ ] me harder I sit in the lounge area outside the bathroom for about 10 minutes the bachelor and bachelorette come out looking a bit disheveled but not too bad they see me and immediately want to chat for some reason people always want to get to know the musicians here there's curiously no guilt on them at all I have to piss like a racehorse but this is too good to pass up come to find out they both are getting married to other people but know each other from having lived in the same small town of about 5,000 all their lives they ran into each other for the first time since high school graduation at our bar and old feelings emerged that neither had ever attempted to act on they don't stay along and as they leave I hear the bachelors say I have my own room let's go there the rest of the party stays till the show is over partying hard and having fun possibly the best bachelor / bachelorette parties I've had usually bachelor parties get too drunk and bachelorette parties devolve into crying fits and argument in a hoe I wind up seeing the bachelor and bachelorette together at a bar and out in the street every night for four nights always holding hands and or getting frisky they came back a little over a year later they got married here in our town to each other instead of who they were engaged to that fateful night most of their respective bachelor / bachelorette show up for the event with this story I always feel torn did I participate in the destruction of two relationships or did I facilitate the meeting of two soulmates edit I thought I might eventually have to disclose what street it was or that it would be obvious but now I see there are so many edit - as many of you have guessed and keep guessing it is in fact Bourbon Street in New Orleans Louisiana I won't speak to the type of bar or the specific place Nalla is a crazy enough place without adding reddit stalkers on man so I have a good story night before the wedding rehearsal dinner is at a distillery everyone gets hammered I mean everyone even the grandparents all extremely intoxicated the groom's dad was so drunk that when he tries to give his speech to the couple to be he cannot even talk nor stand up after the rehearsal dinner the whole wedding party decides it is a good idea to go out drinking some more at some karaoke bar at the bar the groom's little sister who was in high school at the time randomly decides to get on stage to try her hand a drunken karaoke however instead of singing a song she just starts talking about how she wants to [ __ ] all the groomsmen promptly her family rips her off stage and takes her home later in the night everyone is having a great drunken time but then the bride drunkenly tells the groom that she is not sure if she loves him anymore the groom becomes enraged leaves the bar attempting to walk stumble back to his hotel which wasn't anywhere near the bar the groom's brother runs after him trying to calm him down and the groom ends up getting into a huge fist fight with his brother / best man the next day the groom and best man look like they had both been hit by a truck for some reason the wedding is too long the groom's mother decides the only way to fix things is by trying to cover the wounds with makuu so now you have the groom and best man looking like Casper the Friendly Ghost up on the altar and then in walks the bride drunk off her ass they end up both saying I do but weeks later as expected they get divorced ends up that before the wedding while the groom was on his bachelor party weekend they met a bunch of girls who were going to the same place for a bachelorette party the groom hooks up with one of the girls he meets long story short now he is married to the girl who he cheated on his ex-fiance / wife with and has been for the past seven years it is always funny to think back on how much of a [ __ ] show that wedding was buddy of mine was getting married we went out for drinks his wife did not permit him to have a bachelor party we drank and he told me about the abuse and how she masked it all as BDSM play dumb / sub lifestyle the wedding was two weeks away only he hated it and only did it because he had low self-esteem she was really aggressive she had come on to me the year before and I said no she went so far as to wake me up by sitting on me naked on the couch when I crashed once at their place I was drunk still thought I was dreaming at first but came to my senses before anything terrible happened I told him about it later but he chalked it up as just heard on personality he didn't seem to care even though I knew better anyway we come home from the bar and sit in the living room and watch TV I'm not really that drunk but tired so I fall asleep for a bit in a chair watching an old Mack jibbery run he goes off to his fee on K and I assume they are having kinky sex or something about 30 minutes later I wake up to my buddy putting stuff in a backpack he says he is going to go to a hotel he cannot stay here with her anymore says he will drop me home that's when she comes out in full crotchless leather Dom gear with some guy on a leash starts yelling at him and doing some fairly familiar Dom commands he isn't having any of it and leaves while yelling at her for cheating and also leaving me there then she yells at me for not trying to stop him I just say you are the one with handcuffs and I walked home the wedding was canceled by him and she spent the next month saying [ __ ] about how he was intolerant of her lifestyle over myspace yeah I'm old all I cared about was my buddy getting out of an abusive relationship he is now married to one of the best women I know so a happy ending edit she got involved with this other sub and eventually married him he actually used to hang with us at our favorite bar a lot but he was not a friend she made him start wearing a male chastity piece so he would not cheat or touch himself while she was not there we called him penis cage from that point on mostly because my buddy was a bit raw from the whole deal and we wanted to support him she was really beyond abusive with him stuff I don't want to get into here we will say it was bad and not your healthy BDSM different strokes for different folks thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
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Views: 31,576
Rating: 4.784431 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: gCZ2s-dI9-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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