People Finding OUT Their SO Has DARK Secrets (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what's something about your boyfriend slash girlfriend that you didn't know until why I too late in the relationship my girlfriend is the sweetest most seemingly innocent girl you'd ever meet she calls me pet names like sweetie and munchkin and holds my hand all the time she likes people seeing us together which I don't mind that she really liked PDA especially in front of my female friends which I slowly started seeing less and less not because I didn't want to we just slowly stopped hanging out and then my guy friends as well which I thought was weird it's very rare that I go out with them anymore all her and I do is stay over at my place watch movies have amazing sex and then I cook her supper and then she goes back home but she does this thing where she lays on my back and then like thrusts into my butt I didn't think much of it until she left her laptop open and went to the bathroom her history was brimming with hardcore dominatrix strap-on girl on guy porn whips chains males getting dominated like graphic [ __ ] and then a bunch of messages to my former girlfriends where she basically told them I was a sex addict and only wanted to hang out with them for a possible threesome that I was too nervous to ask for and so I asked her to ask them for me hence the reason they got weirded out and left and my guy friends well they just don't like her because we hang out like all the time I confirmed she wanted to [ __ ] me in the ass when she stuck her finger in there just before I came and said I can get something bigger than my finger next time if you want I was past the point of no return so having her finger in my butt didn't help it along it just surprised the [ __ ] out of me and I kept going and she thought I liked it once I was done I said that won't be necessary love rolled over watched behind the mask the rise of Leslie Vernon which is quite underrated as an indie horror movie and we haven't spoken of it since that was two weeks ago throw away account here there were a few things that I was made aware of way too late the first thing was told to me Andrew Luton T confirmed by him just a few days before he told me about the second and third things the baby that he claimed to have lost you to stillbirth was actually alive and living less than ten miles from his house the baby's mother tried countless times to get him involved in his son's life but my ex wanted absolutely nothing to do with him and insisted that he was dead he had a room set up for the baby and I found out that my ex's mother had even seen the baby and tried to get her son involved in his child's life he had an addiction that involved physically hurting people there were many stories that he told me involving being paid to torture people beat them within an inch of their lives etc he even went so far as to show me the tools that he used to do the torturing with and where he kept them in his car he wanted to live life as a woman in his words a chit with a dick I would have been completely supportive of his decision to change helped him transition and want it but he also wanted me to live life as a man for him we were engaged and I was pregnant at the time that he told me these things two weeks or so later I had a miscarriage and he went completely psychotic on me we broke up and I feel that all in all I dodged a lot of bullets edit spelling all right this is a bit late but oh well let me start with this is all nearly five years ago met a 34 year old guy working on a sister Fire Department I was 20 at the time we start dating and get engaged about two months later he had asked my mother permission and she said yes now the weird things I knew he had been married once previously I also knew he had a child though not with the ex-wife what I later learned is that he had been married twice and had two other children I knew he was ex-military and he had briefly mentioned a few interesting battle situations etc he said he had been honorably discharged come to find out from his mother that he never made it past basic training in the four months we were together he changed his religion at least three times he changed between being vegan vegetarian and meat eater at least six times he also changed his career path numerous times I really suspect that he was unmedicated that fella but he claimed he was ADHD and had mild depression within three months of me leaving him he had proposed to a girl younger than me and given her the same ring he gave me that she had mental health issues she was my first girlfriend I was her ninth boyfriend both of us were mid-twenties we met online long-distance during a long-distance relationship I was the happiest man on earth and she was very happy too we were perfect for each other we saw each other in person three times in an eight month period we decide it's time for someone to move to see if we actually work together in person she moves here since it's a better fit she starts starting arguments for no reason she then tells me I started them because I did the small thing that caused her to get mad at me the logic of it all made no sense she had read that the arguments were stupid and over small things but she argued that I should stop doing the small things that weren't supposed to matter because they were what started the arguments she starts getting sick and bedridden if I don't agree with her it's psychosomatic but it's actually killing her so I agree so she won't be hurt this continues for months thousand hours of arguments I wish just wouldn't happen talking to her is like talking to a brick wall friends and family pointed out also she sees I watched in an appropriate video online she says she can't trust me starts checking my at history and reading my FAFSA book messages to make sure I'm not bad talking her to my family one of the biggest issues of our relationship was her not being able to take responsibility for her own actions egg she did something awful once because I wouldn't get rid of something I earned she blamed me for her horrible action because I wouldn't get rid of my piece of property which I eventually got rid of because she went into sick mode after I refused to let it go I can't take it anymore and break up with her she asks me if there's no way it will work out I say yes there is no way she makes a FAFSA book post telling everyone I raped her she actually tricks herself into believing I raped her it's just another case of her not taking responsibility for the consensual sex that we had that she begged for at times she even went as far as to say I raped her over video chat when we used to have sexy times during the long distance part of the relationship and the sad thing is that she actually believes it pointers if you see a red flag get out they will make themselves an enemy to you even though you thought you could never dislike a molecule on that person's body this is a throwaway account because she hasn't dropped the charges yet after two and a half years of being in a relationship and being crazy about each other she cheated on me 12 times with 12 different people one of which was my cousin when he came to visit from out of town knew something was up when he my cousin sent me a text and said yo I'm going to xgf house to hang out this weekend let's meet up I was puzzled but thought that it was cool that my cousin was coming to town and he knew my gf and they were friends anyways they show up at my house like three hours after he was supposed to get in town said they were hanging out and getting beer and bud to chill eyebrows were raised but I didn't say anything until after he left after a couple hours of picking at her she finally opened up law said she [ __ ] him he didn't know we were together because she lied to him and said we were in and [ __ ] buddies and I wouldn't mind then she proceeded to tell me of the other 11 dudes in detail I was beyond pissed I was mortified because this literal came out of nowhere and she was my first real relationship back in high school I was only 17 and I didn't know what to do or say in this situation when I finally asked her WTF she was thinking and why she did this to me she said well we don't see each other as much as I want to and I needed attention from someone I said we have a class together we have lunch together and I go to your house every day after school and we hang out for a couple hours and Durer over at my house ever weekend practically how much more attention do you need apparently about 12 dicks worth safe to say she's an ex now and after being for single and doing the hookup but no commitments think for a while I'm with an amazing woman and I've never been happier funny thing about this is that me and my gf went to high school together and I had the biggest crush on her but was too [ __ ] to try to ask her out because she was why I out of my league then I ended up with mega [ __ ] for two years and when we broke up beginning of senior year she had a bf so that went out the window fast forward to 2012 and I see her at one of the local bars we catch up my confidence was 110 percent better than in high school so one thing lead to another and we've been together since and I've never been happier then she told me that she had a crush on me in high school and I thought it was the cutest thing I love my chick I'm a bit late that I dated a guy in high school when I was 15 over 16 he's a cute blonde guy active in ROTC blue eyes I've known him for a good while my good friend at the time sets me up with him to try a helped me get over my ex back story his mother made him break up with me for religious reasons I was under the impression that we would get back together once he turned 16 I would complain to said good friend about how much I missed him and whatnot still spoke to ex on daily basis this said friend had been pushing me to see the sky she was setting me up with even though she knew how I felt finally I agree she was pushing me to because she was secretly seeing my ex great friend I know so I suck it up and date this guy he's nice and seems normal as time passes it becomes apparent that he lies about stupid things that I don't care about smoking / drinking soon enough he drops it on me that he's a neo-nazi I thought he was joking at first he later explains to me how he hates black people not the ones that know their place in his words but the ones that act like n words I'm sickened by this but as a not confrontational person I'll let him be him later on he dumps me for a girl named Becky that he was cheating on me with and he tells me she has cancer and she really likes me and I figured I would be with her while she's alive another reason he gives me is that he has a son he's 16 I didn't even ask why but I think he was upset that I wasn't fighting to stay with him needless to say I wasn't upset when I was dumped I doubt anyone will see this reply since it's almost a full day after the off but I have some pretty extensive experience in this department I'm going to talk about three girlfriends one of which H I met on OkCupid si si was pretty hot maybe the most attractive girl I've ever dated think Vera Farmiga with a nicer body but after several months I began to realize that she was a complete flirt when it came to other guys especially my friends it may have just been her personality but she never seemed to think she was acting inappropriately one of these guys and now form a friend of mine had been trying to hook up with her the entire time we were dating while he also had a girlfriend she claims she never cheated on me with him and a close mutual friend of all of us confirms that but I still have my doubts either way she continued to defend him as not being a complete [ __ ] of a human being even after showing me the texts he would send in addition I noticed she would change her personality and interests to fit in better with anyone around for example in the time before during and after we were dating she was a Giants Eagles Steelers and Packers fan as well as a Yank is then a Red Sox fan needless to say I broke up with her we had some x-6 and now we haven't spoken in years bonus story she dated one of my friends after we broke up in this weird asexual friend relationship in which they never had any physical contact this friend actually asked if I was okay with it beforehand which I was especially since it was way after the fact age I met H on OkCupid and we got along really well from the start our personalities were a great match maybe the best of anyone I've dated and she was very pretty Jennifer Garner asked the first portion of the relationship was fine aside from the occasional unwarranted emotional episode which I didn't think too much of after a half year my lease was up and she was looking to move to the same city for grad school so we moved in together this was a pretty great situation until I started to realize just how emotionally unstable she was random mental breakdowns threatening to move out constantly spending the night at her parents after over-the-top arguments this went on for about three months until one day she threatened to move out and I didn't stop her I told her I was done with the emotional rollercoaster and it just wasn't worth me fighting for any longer so she moved out and we had this weird on-and-off relationship for the good portion of two more years dating sex more fights but we never really got back together plus she moved to wilkes-barre Pennsylvania which is a terrible health cake of the town G this one really [ __ ] with my head G was a short and furious relationship but right off the bat we really hit it off similar personalities senses of humor etc we saw each other almost every day but the more that we hung out the more I realized how deep her emotional issues went she hated being touched she hated six hated cuddling hated commitments and she didn't understand being treated well by me she was constantly depressed and in a terrible mood she was the epitome of [ __ ] resting face to me it sounded like she had a really terrible possibly abusive relationship in the past and in my mind I wanted to show her that it didn't have to be that way we dated for a little but were never official since she couldn't handle that then one day she freaked out broke up with me and ran saying that the relationship was getting too serious for her then a week or so later she wanted to try again and it was much different she was more affectionate she said she was ready to be my girlfriend and even told me she loved me after some time I was surprised that she was willing to make all these leaps herself that I was clearly blind to the fact that something wasn't right with it all then after a little while she did it again while I was on a business trip to Chicago stop talking to me told me she couldn't do it and told me that all her feelings for me including the fact that she loved me were forced because she thought that's what I wanted to hear the worst part was that at the end of my Chikako trip I had coordinated with a friend of hers to surprise her at a half and and she was running in New Hampshire switched my flight home rented a car had her friend planned to bring her out to meet me after I landed she told me how stupid that was and how she would have hated at etcetera that hurt pretty bad and I went on a bender for about a week then I destroyed a suitcase she let me borrow with a baseball bat and I felt a lot better she and I have never spoken again bonus story end a couple years after we stopped dating an ex of mine n was on the bad girls club a trashy oxigen reality show where girls get hammered and get into fights with each other that was pretty embarrassing that she was still carrying a torch for an old boyfriend she left me with our six-month-old daughter for the weekend when he showed up in their hometown for a visit I trustingly encouraged her to relax and have fun with her friends she [ __ ] him and then took our daughter and ran off with a guy to another province she then told me that she wanted nothing to do with me and that this guy was going to be my daughter's new father that was five years ago it took me over $15,000 to get my daughter back and I'm still paying that off edit guilded Thank You Internet stranger I'm seeing many questions regarding what happened next so I will fill in some details when I returned home with my daughter it wasn't long before my ex and her new boyfriend followed she and he crashed at her mother's place but her family liked me and couldn't stand him so he was soon asked to leave he went back to the province that they ran off to we played trade the baby for a few months until we decided to try and reconcile our differences and get back together after a few months of this she told me that she couldn't be with me and that she was leaving me to be with him however he wanted nothing to do with her when he found out that she was pregnant with our second child so she stayed we now have three beautiful children yes they are all mine no I don't need paternity tests to be sure we sleep in different rooms and it is years between sexual encounters of any kind but I have my kids and I can raise them right so I'm happy with what I have right now well after we'd been together for about six months and made a huge move to a different state together my boyfriend came to me all Confessional to say he had something to tell me I went on high alert and started running through the list of things he could possibly want to tell me did he have AIDS did he have cancer did he murder someone did he accidentally hit someone with his car did he accidentally hit someone with his car on a dark night sometime before we met and he's wracked with guilt my mind was moving on to thinking about how we were going to pay for lawyers fees in case he really had accidentally run someone over when he dropped his bomb on me he said I never graduated from high school my mind shifted gears a bit oh I said and started thinking of how he was going to have to go to night school and get his jet or something I was working out the shed Yuling in my head when he said I dropped out when I was 17 but I got my Jed I just thought you should know so I had just been on this very short emotional roller coaster that ended in a complete anticlimax all I could do was just crack up laughing then I said a Jed is pretty much exactly the same as a diploma don't ever scare me like that again geez he doesn't know how to do laundry I always did it because I enjoy the Zen of cleanliness and order then we have kids and he doesn't mind helping me out so I'm not spread so thin one day as I was leaving to get grosser as I asked him to do a load of laundry washer then dryer I'll fold when I get home because I'm particular about it I returned and asked if he remembered to do the laundry and he says yes then immediately says babe you have not been loading that washer and dryer to capacity I got so much done Tara shrieks through me I pull about three loads worth of laundry out of the dryer mostly wet but the outside of the load was hardened crusty covered in caked on dried and detergent and softener yeah he doesn't do laundry anymore ever edit in his defense and in case he sees this he's not as dumb and lazy as this story makes him sound I like to think of him as domestically challenged but no he helps with anything I ask and is very appreciative of what I do as I posted to a reply he does sweep things like bring me coffee in bed every morning and lets me sleep in on his days off edit - he would have been fine had he not overloaded it I made that clear to him he's not still totally clueless about laundry as for not letting him do laundry I wasn't joking about that Zen I take my clean and orderly environment very seriously and genuinely prefer to do it myself my aunt and uncle meted them all and right away he fell in love with her Australian accent she was faking it because she often faked accents when she worked at them all because her job was boring as hell anyway the talked for a while and then he asked her out on a date you'd think this would be a good time to come clean about the fake accent right nope she said yes to the date and that was that so they go on their first date you'd think at some point on their first date she should probably come plan right nope he asks her out again this goes on and on and she's losing her window of opportunity because the longer she waits the more awkward it's gonna be when she finally tells him they dated for months and months and she kept up the accent the whole time finally he proposes to her this would be a good time to come clean wouldn't it of course but does she do it nope she says yes to his proposal and doesn't say a word about her relaxant so they get engaged and by now they've been engaged for some time all the whole she simultaneously looking for an opportunity to come clean and trying her best to keep up the lie until she can find one then one day he says he wants to meet her parents now is when she comes clean right wrong he showed up to her parents house for dinner and her whole family has a regular Californian accent all the while she's keeping up her Aussie voice as if there was even a chance she could get away with it meanwhile she never told her family about her little secret so they were very confused when she started talking weird at the dinner table her family busts her and says what's with that fake accent now she comes clean talked about carrying a lie out to the last possible play old man here married for decades look it doesn't matter what you find out about them now the question is what are you going to find out about them after 10 years 20 years and 30 years people change they change a lot boyscout this year 10 years from now you find out he is secretly doing hard narcotics and has been for a couple of years she shy and doesn't talk much raising teenage boys will change that for sure she will be a loudmouth harpy and dressing you down loudly by association sexually driven almost to obsession how about zero libido in the same person 10 years later or how about libido that suddenly manifests Anna prude who suddenly can't stop [ __ ] everything shaped like a cucumber kids shaking head you have no idea what it means to be in a long-term relationship you think it is about getting to know each other and then you cruise through that is wrong you think you are cruising and while you are busy taking them for granted then turn around and bang some ridiculous new hobby a new look now fat now skinny now muscles now fat again and now back to muscles oops cancer and affair more cancer how can you have an affair during chemo it does not stop marriage and long-term relationships are not for cowards or the weak of will you don't stay together because of love romance fades into family familiarity and competition for control of children's future or trust you cannot trust humans they are unpredictable even to themselves you stay together only out of sheer willpower and because you have a sense of humor about what the person might be up to next and you want to see it and help them through it the first decade of a relationship is like some kind of a joke people get divorced during that time but they needed to because after four decades those [ __ ] would be taking their own lives or end up in 12-step rahat centers oh that happens too you'll see wait until their parents die and then yours die and then your brother sues you to get all of the inheritance but won't clean out the basement of their house filled with [ __ ] then you find out he has a grow lab on a farm and he is investigating him oh wait your brother was shot to death now you need knee replacement what do you mean you slept with my brother why the hell are you telling me this now after years good god woman it doesn't matter now walking down the aisle tomorrow grab the oh [ __ ] handles now in 40 years you will be able to look a marine drill instructor in the eyes and say out of my way KITT I have seen [ __ ] you would not believe going to sound a little bizarre that I dated a girl for about five to six months before I realized that she didn't have a left hand I met her at a party and she was absolutely stunning I was drunk of course and 16 at the time no idea why I never noticed it that night but she was super good at keeping it hidden in public she used to wear a shoulder bag / big jackets and either always kept her hand or hands in the pockets or in the bag or something I'm also not a very perceptive person obviously at the time I only saw her maybe 1 to 2 days a week on the weekend since we were both at different schools on the weekends we would hook up and go to parties so I would be drunk a lot as well of course we talked on the phone / miss bass all the time but I didn't notice anything in her pictures later on I realized she actually had some photos mirrors so it looked like she had her right hand out in some and her left in the other we also had sex a lot so but I was drunk 95% of the time or just [ __ ] [ __ ] anyways later on one morning I'm at her house and she's naked putting her underwear on in front of me after sex and I realize she's doing it with one hand in this really awkward fashion I'm half awake / in of freshly [ __ ] haze and ask her pretty bluntly do you need a hand with those and she gave me this really party looked and stuck her tongue out at me in a cheeky way it was then that I looked at her properly and actually noticed her left arm ended right at her wrists I was shocked for about a half second and casually asked how come she never told me that she only had one hand she told me that she tried to hide it at first but after we started dating she figured that I figured it out ages ago never really bothered me at all and we ended up having more sex a few minutes later later I found that all friends thought I was the sweetest guy ever when really I was just oblivious and that none of my friends had noticed either but man she was really good at keeping it hidden thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 18,265
Rating: 4.9010601 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: yHs7W93-MzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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