Reddit, what parts of your family history is interesting? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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our /r screwed it reddit what parts of your family history is interesting my great-uncle traced our family back 14 generations we tried to take over in Wales failed and were then banished one of my ancestors signed the Declaration of Independence another one was one of Al Capone's bodyguards I have pictures of my great-great grandpa great grandpa regular old grandpa and dad they look exactly alike you couldn't tell them apart my dad just had girls but my sister has a son and he looks exactly like my dad they all look like a William Shatner and Clint Eastwood combo the male jeans are strong in our family eater all the girls in our family look like their mothers my sister and I are a carbon copy of our norm my aunts look nothing like my grandpa if I was standing next to my dad you'd never know we were related it's like the DNA said I have one job and one job only my super great grandfather was gustav vasa the most famous King of Sweden one of my great something grandfather's was Thomas Wolsey the Cartman all over England during the reign of Henry VI and the guy who attempted to get the Pope to let Henry divorce Kathryn of Argonne apparently I came from one of the bastard children he fathered with John Locke I am biracial black father white mother my mom's father was in the KKK and actually appeared on 60 minutes in the late 80s or early 90s regarding that group my great-grandfather was conscripted by the Nazis and rose to an officer he was captured by the Soviets and forced into hard labor in a Siberian gulag he escaped toward the end of the war and used Russian he knew from living in Belarus as a child to make his way back to Germany the Catholic Church moved into the States after the war where his son my grandfather accepted a job for the dod fitting triggers for nukes and married the daughter my grandmother of a u.s. naval officer from the war this story was passed only a few times because he refused to discuss any events of the war up until his death could be all [ __ ] but I still tell it like it's all true very few pictures remain I'm related to John Wilkes Booth and Abraham Lincoln there's a family legend that John actually survived the manhunt and lived in a family attic until he died of old age there are also various of the rest scape theories running about when my family tried to get the bones of the body the US government claims as John Wilkes tested a judge first denied exclamation there are three veritably being kept by the US Army Medical Command and they also denied permission claiming that the test which would require less than point four grams of bone would be too destructive I'm related to Jesse James not sure how exciting that is though I think it's pretty cool my paternal great-grandparents were members of the Dutch Resistance against the occupying Nazi forces my grandmother has told me stories about it including one about her having breakfast with a strange man at the table who was deafened was to be ignored when Nazi soldiers came by in raids on my grandmother's house my great-grandparents would hide the Allied soldiers in their cellar and my great-grandmother would put a rug over the cellar door and stand on it while the Nazis searched the house my great-grandfather was almost shot to death by the Nazis in a random killing of townspeople they was able to talk his way out of it as he was fluent in German the first time my grandmother ever had chocolate was immediately after the liberation of the Netherlands when Canadian and American forces brought food back to the villages and towns in the Netherlands on my father's side of the family we can count at least 100 teachers in our family from post-civil war to present day it must be in our blood grandfather had an affair with my grandmother's sister he got her pregnant and when the little boy turned 7 he went to live with my grandparents and they raised him as their own the pain my grandmother must have felt is insane I didn't learn this until this year at 36 I'm a direct descendant of Robert the Bruce also one of my ancestors lived in Shetland and cured the whole island and Orkney of smallpox with his own homemade remedy that didn't involve cow pox at all I'm related to Thomas Ridgeway who was the owner of the most famous tea company in England I think he was also knighted as well I'm the first person in my family to use the red did and I'm both Austrian and Italian but also neither of those my ancestors immigrated from a place that was technically Austria they wrote Austrian on all their paperwork but now it's Italy my ancestors would tell you they were Italian anyways I should be eligible for Italian citizenship by blood but when I applied they essentially said no your Austrian so I attempted the same in Austria their reply no you're Italian conf you said Lachman jpg my grandpa's side of the family lost all their things in a war rebuilt their life only for a second war to come and lose everything again in Palestine that forced my grandpa to move to the UAE and provide for all of his family brothers sisters and parents and then starting a family and then once his kids were teenagers the Gulf War happened and he was separated from his kids and wife they reunited in Tubac ina pool but ended up making good income my dad is now doing really well and money isn't really an issue grandparents on both sides were adopted my grandmother was adopted by her paternal aunt didn't actually meet her dad until she was 20 my grandfather on the other side was a late-in-life baby his mother had a son a little older than him from another marriage and his dad had daughters from his first wife when his parents both passed he was 10 years old his half-sister on his dad's side adopted both him and his half-brother my family was running one of the biggest French pottery businesses during the middle age on my father's side I am the descendant of George Custer yes the one who killed and was killed by the Native Americans on my mother's side my grandmother is half Cherokee Indian I'm related to Blackbeard my mum told me that my grandpa her dad who is 82 right now had an uncle who would steal cattle back in the early 1900's or so this was a common crime back in the Wild West she also told me that he was shot in the leg one time running away from some cattle owners but was able to get away on an unrelated incident my mom's grandpa was really young riding horseback somewhere around like land Oregon when they came across a gentleman who had been lynched the men responsible for the lynching told him to turn around and go back where they came from or else they'd end up on that tree kind of interesting how this really isn't that long ago when you think about it my Swedish ancestors arrived to Australia by boat when they arrived one of them got crushed by a crate that fell off a crane on the docks he made it all the way and didn't even get to set foot in Australia I probably have the factor wrong but somewhere around my 8 ex great-uncle was President James Buckhannon the US is only bachelor President who was most likely gay and hands-down the worst president in our history my family was part of the Castellana mob back in the day my mother's family came over to America before the Revolution my mother's generation is the first to speak English exclusively my father was born and raised in SC by an Irish Traveller family the Kant was his first language Gullah was his second English is his third he's also very very white on my grandmother's side a relative's family was massacred in the mountain meadow massacre Hitchcock Road which leads into Hitchcock Canyon was named after my great-great great-grandfather Don Jose my grandmother's mother's arms I believe died on Titanic after hanging onto the side of a life raft for quite some time someone tried to pull her up but didn't succeed and she died however her ring slipped off and ended up in the bottom of the raft nobody in the raft survived since it was out on the sea for weeks during storms et Cie the got tracked back to Sweden and are now in possession of my grandmother who used to bring them two differents Titanic exhibitions edit I might have gotten the raft thing wrong but I remember my grandma telling me that and reading it at the exhibition edits to the relatives name was Gerda Lyndell third class passenger my great-grandfather was shot in a bank robbery supposedly my great-great grandmother's eyes were plucked out by Cossacks and my great-grandmother lived in hiding from pogroms before fleeing Russia she met my great-grandfather in transit he threw bombs and was smuggled out of Russia in a barrel I can't be sure about these stories because this side of the family is full of lies so maybe my grandparents met while doing slave labor in Germany my grandmother tells her life story in the greatest way my mother sold me into slavery when I was a girl then the Germans came and I went to Germany for more slavery then I got married and I've been a slave ever since great woman my grand uncle was a highly decorated World War 2 pilot for the US Navy and captured a u-boat while flying an aircraft great uncle pitched for the Yankees and roomed with Yogi Berra on road trips for a career 'he's apparently my great-great-grandfather found a cave system near the town city he lived in and my cousin is a footballer soccer player who used to play for Swansea some of my family moved to Nebraska in the late 1800s to be a part of an Irish American community said community was started by a guy who was a part of a group of people who tried to take Canada from the British on behalf of the United States my great grandmother was the first woman to vote in Maine my great-uncle on my dad's side played with Elvis occasionally my distant relative of mine was steward to the captain of the Titanic James painting was a relative on my maternal grandmother's side and lived in Oxford working on the ship while it was being built he knew the captain as a friend and was invited to keep his cabin for him on the voice he didn't make it off he left behind his newly wedded and pregnant wife one of the letters he wrote to his parents at the beginning of the maiden voyage of the ship sold for 36 thousand pounds HTTP colon slash slash WWAY mail Co dot UK / news / article - 2 1 2 1 5 2 0 / ow - Titanic - captain's - stared - wrote - fierce - doomed - liner - cursed - just - neighs - sank dot html' up until me every single person in my bloodline got laid polygamy all my 1880 Ariel ancestors were polygamists Mormons I am descended from the Scottish Royal House of Stuart on my dad's side late but figure I would comment anyways my grandmother was 100% Native American as stated on her birth certificate her grandfather was a chieftain and his picture is in the Smithsonian Museum however when my father took a DNA test the results reported he was only about 2% Native American it was baffling for the entire family he should be 50% it claimed we were mostly European one of my sisters had similar results my dad is not adopted he resembles his siblings and parents a lot we figure it's likely a case of our particular tribe not being documented on the website however another interesting theory we had is this the tribe we descend from Lumbee is from North Carolina what is in North Carolina the Lost Colony of Roanoke it is a famous theory that the Roanoke people integrated with the Lumbee tribe we look looked up records of surnames from the Roanoke settlement and found our ancestors last name in it it may or may not be true but it's really fun to theorize and tell people about half of my family left for the USA during the end of the 19th century the ones that stayed had to live fight through the Spanish Civil War they survived the bombings in yes the one portrayed by Picasso in his famous painting after the war some left and lived through the German occupation of France and the air raids in England the ones in England survived the ones in France died neither fighting or in concentration camps I'd say those that left early and went to the USA got the best part of it my great-great uncle founded a town on Lake Mead it's underwater now but there's a marina there that goes by our family name not sure if I believe it or not but my grandma's adamant that one of our ancestors was a princess of the Seminole Tribe in Florida my dad works with Chuck Yeager in the Air Force he died when I was five so I never got to hear his experience with him my family tree has this one branch that loops back to itself my great-grand are worked on building the Titanic that so many of the now narcissists sociopaths or Psychopaths my last name is Pearson my dad's dad my grandpa s side of the family goes back to Lester B Pearson the man who designed the Canadian flag he also won a Nobel Peace Prize with the 14th Prime Minister and has a UN Award named after him the Pearson medal of peace I have an ancestor who is in Wikipedia category inventors killed by their own inventions I don't remember how many generations ago my dad said but he told me that during the Prohibition era his great grandpa made alcohol and his tub and sold it and when he got out in jail his daughter took it up and she was young like 13-15 or something and she drive it around and sell it another one my dad told me is that his uncle was the police officer who manufactured silencers and kits to turn semi-automatic guns into fully automatic guns while there was that whole gun ban thing going on in Chicago and he got taken down because he would go to bars with coworkers and he slipped up I met my dad's cousin who is that uncle's son and he told me a story about stealing an ultralight airplane and making an ak-47 from scratch in his basement also my dad's cousin same one ran for mayor against some mob boss's wife and he called out her husband for being a crime boss in a press conference but I could only find one article about it my great-grandfather beat up a member of the Purple Gang in their height in the 1930s he was working at a hotel in the man attempted to steal his wallet him being a poor immigrant he wouldn't have much in the wallet but being a skilled boxer when the man attempted to steal it he flipped him over and landed a few punches the manager then told him that he had to leave the troit Detroit was purple gang territory because they had guys waiting outside the hotel when my family came to America somewhere around the late 1800s Early 1900s we added an O onto the front of our name to make it sound Irish everyone was giving low-paying jobs to the Irish and it was an easy way to get a job at the time my grandparents got divorced after having two kids my mom and uncle and my grandma had a baby girl with someone she met in Germany cause she moved to Germany then my grandpa was stationed in Germany so they met back up and then got remarried and then my grandpa doc Sid my aunt I learned about this two months ago also I don't know if this counts but I'm a descendant if Christopher Columbus fun one of my great-great great-great-great grandparents is a famous explorer named Daniel Boone cool dude my son really really really lengthy explanation that took a ton of family tree tracing my mother's side of the family is related to Princess Diana and my ancestors can be traced back to the first settlers on the Mayflower also am a descendant of the McCoy family in the half field McCoy rivalry my grandfather is an identical twin during World War two he joined the military and his twin took his place at his job grandfather got out of the army made up a new name he's been going by since women and my family have been going to college for seven generations since the 1840s most of them have master's degrees also one of these women my grandma and my GG grandma was involved in the first car wreck in her city as a teenager when she stole her parents car and drove it into a horse-drawn buggy a legend there were two Tilly's on the Mayflower that I could potentially be very distant relatives too apparently a prostitute and a horse thief my great-grandfather came over from Germany with his wife they had one child but her second was an ectopic pregnancy which killed her so he brought her older sister over from Germany and made her wife 2.0 if you want to get nothing in return you can like and join my discord there is a link in the description
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: hSkw5KwHjYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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