Parents Tell Kids About Birds And Bees...

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felix gang yeah all right thanks for uh thanks for thank see you in the end see in the video today we're lining up by birds of the bees what where's the bees why what is that ken what is that can you tell me well you see the birds and the bees is birds what people say when they're talking about uh what is we don't have birds and bees in sweden i'm trying to think of what we say because i have a whole holiday that celebrates fertility when you talk oh come on come on it's still my favorite time of summer everybody around the big sack in the sky and sings the frog song i can't believe they turned our beloved midsummer into a horror film uh did they yeah if people talk about cultural appropriation yeah well thank jesus thanks for turning ours into a [ __ ] nightmare crap what is like a cult or something it's not we just clipped them to death we just clubbed them and dragged them behind the husqvarna yeah yeah yeah no that movie is actually 100 accurate anyway wait i gotta see what the swedish version is is there one i think what i was told was the stork oh the stroke that drops the babies off of that yeah yeah that's what i think i read about that in a magazine and i'm like guess that makes sense yeah yeah just like yoshi's island yeah they dropped the baby mario's off yeah yeah what were some misconceptions you had about the birds and the beasts come on misconceptions that i had yeah because i had none i knew it i knew it all yeah i i didn't let me think i don't know my parents were very straight up about it like whenever all right yeah yeah cause i was like how are babies made and they were like well you put your thing in this thing and then you know that's how babies were made and i was like oh um they didn't make up some story or anything they were just like this is how it happens and i was very confused because i was like why would you do that why don't you just give me the historic version god dad aren't you happier in retrospect that that's what you got i mean of course the misconceptions of how it all actually goes down and what goes into it you know when you're you're using you're like why would you do that but i asked my parents like why and they're like yo you understand when you're older and i was like oh okay that's good i like that you'll understand later bro just stop yeah once you have what you go through all that then you'll know i was so sure that babe baby come from poopoo yeah but they're for the longest time i'm still not sure i think every kid goes to that really because yeah things exit that's where yeah it makes sense it makes more sense we even make a joke around our house like your mom's gonna poop out a baby and they're like oh you're gonna poop out a baby you know it continues a tradition of life nice oh i'm curious to see how these parents will handle it so let's uh what [ __ ] there i'm just looking at this the screen here this kid looks like he's like five or six i think he's a little young to be having this talk right um what's the appropriate age ken i was like nine or ten yeah that seems more yeah well i was like five because that's when i got puberty yeah right right okay my mustache came at five and a half well it's a shame that i can't make fun of your beard you can grow a beard nevermind yes most people i know can't grow beards very well oh yeah you're still working on that beard what i'm saying is this video if they're explaining to this kid is this kid interested in knowing did he ask or are they right it's really weird if the child doesn't ask the only way i see this appropriate is all right let's see what they say we're here today uh my video we're gonna talk about where babies come from do you know anything about intercourse [Music] wow oh that is weird that is weird it's a very weird question to ask oh that is what do you think about these things what if she said yes that's also kind of putting the child at the spot like what what do you know about sex huh you know what i mean yeah yeah what do you know about this yeah what do you know about this huh bruh that's so weird so that guy's hat so um today we're going to talk about how babies are made you know they tell us in school school system here in sweden relieve the the pain for parents to do this i was thinking about that just now like getting that a weird thing that the that it's put on schools to educate your children about this stuff no parents are too uncomfortable to talk to their kids about it wouldn't school be better think about think about every parent i'm sure you as a parent is better but think about every parent ken yeah you're right yeah you really are he can't trust all his parents out there no to do this yeah yeah would you like to know how babies are made made of water humans are in the bottle you miss a made of water he's right that's right that's right he doesn't have any interest in you like telling him telling him anything else okay but where does water come from where did they go with it i knew it that's true oh god i thought it was because of god that sent us down into your stomach to be born to be born sperm egg so that's right god sends the babies down into the stomach and she definitely didn't cheat on anyone [Laughter] what do you mean sperm a collide where did you learn that from why i can't i can't hear children ken can you hear your children do you understand your children because whenever a child speaks to me i'm like i don't understand a single word yeah yeah i understand you know okay what does this say what does it say what does it say then what does it say all right go ahead play let's see sperm egg collide bella what the [ __ ] was that yeah sperm egg clod blah the last is not a word he just goes below they can't just make up words of course they get their kids they can make a man again god damn he's educated he already knows he knows about the sperm and egg ba-bam egg blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i think that means that he doesn't want he need he doesn't need to know more than that right yeah he's like blah blah blah everything else where did you learn that from nick duh who's nick my brother hey what did he tell you who's nick you have a brother brother am i your dad hang on a minute hold on a second is this jerry springer am i the father are you the father what the [ __ ] is happening dad's learning how they work right now what makes me a man and what makes mom a woman oh god careful careful lady you're gonna get canceled in 10 years yeah be real careful no no you think a gender is divided by trouble though you know that me and mama are girls yes do you know is there a specific body part that you know of the place ew hell right really yeah grilling their kids do you know do you know about my vagina do you know about my my genitalia no no do you know like if my mom talked to me like that mom get that i need therapy what why would you do this to a child right i want to think about your part yeah no thank you yeah i want you to think about my vagina right now this is so weird hey hey son you know what we got think about it think about what i got down there think about it you know do you know what i have you know you know what we got you know son hey you may think this looks shriveled up and weird and disproportionate but sometimes a little cold outside you know but then we will share the same thing [Laughter] we are good at this we're way better equipped for this [ __ ] i mean it's i think the best way to do it is just to say the penis goes in the vagina and then that's how babies are made the rest of the part will fill itself in as yeah they'll they'll figure out the race yeah yeah yeah yeah you have to get graphic with it because it'll be like wait what happens to me whenever i do this yeah what i'm scared mom don't worry it's fine miracle life work on the miracle of life all the vangina right the vangina you know it's called the vagina don't call me out for not knowing how to say vagina oh yeah he loves to be part of this oh no why would you put this image in my retina mom yeah yeah maybe they're not ready for this conversation if that's how they react just a thought ah yeah okay how do you pronounce it did i say it's called vagina vengeance it's a diet a giant vagina it just makes more sense it makes me more sense i'm not convinced like i'm pretty sure yeah what do you know man i was going to go now i was going to i was about to call for one of my kids bring layla here because i'm pretty sure she knows where baby's coming because she'll tell me oh yeah yeah you're going to tell me yeah i don't want to i want to put her on the spot i'm not going to do that no don't do that that would be funny though does it come through the bottom hell yeah hi so i felt quite embarrassed for thinking this but i guess it's not that weird i'll tell you it's normal because it's yeah it's it's like the easy way to like say where do babies come from oh you know poop it out just poop it out mary's pretty straight up she's like it comes out of the vagina you know she's just yeah what's so wrong about the vagina huh yeah yeah nothing nothing what we're not sure we're not trying to have this like conversation to our kids don't understand anything we're just kind of telling them about their body parts in like like where do babies come from the vagina like that not like anything more than hey think about mine as they grow up they just kind of understand it right yeah just like i did that way i have to have awkward conversations like this stop dropping your god dang knife i'll leave the keyboard man i thought you're good at that sorry sorry i had to go dad on there for a minute i can do whatever i want i'm an adult not in my house you can't i want to see what they're drawing here i want to see this drawing what are they drawing don't say that again okay one more love melody no more love i don't understand why they gotta force the child to know something they don't want to know they're trying to make a video man you gotta you gotta this is weird gonna go for it i get yeah it's pretty weird it's probably why the video is only four minutes long that's a good point actually they're usually way longer when two adults want to have a child they have to work together work together yeah work together yeah love all right um going to use another word mommy and daddy hang out if we hang out later on the child will be traumatized thinking wait i'm hanging out right now oh god am i making my bridges what am i dead i'm going to get pregnant no [Laughter] i have a baby i'm not oh my god [Music] the commitment the mom provides egg and um and the diet provides a sperm hell oh yeah this child knows there we go yeah they're just being very scientific about it it kind of yeah it kind of makes sense to go scientific about it right because you don't technically need to know like the whole body part the shim debacle yeah i think so sit all that fills itself in as yeah oh okay okay where does it come out do you know what it comes out the sperm comes out of your penis and when he releases oh dude having this conversation with my mom no thank you okay i'd rather not they're gonna go to the bathroom just like stand there look at themselves yeah i would oh god is it bad like is there is this pretty conceived thing in my brain that i shouldn't be talking with my parents about this stuff and that's like unhealthy or something or is it just weird it's pretty normal yeah it's the way it's explained like feels until if it's the scientific way then you'll be okay talking with your parents about it okay yeah yeah yeah but if they they're talking about it in the you don't want to think of your parents as being romantic no it's not you you don't want to think about that so they explain it in that way then there's like please no i told you one game but my parents did right they did the best thing and i'm forever grateful for it they gave me a book that said what all this [ __ ] meant like all those terms all of it and i just felt like i had unlocked like this forbidden knowledge this were the ancient tones of truth basically i was like holy [ __ ] i know it all and uh it was great because then other kids would be like hey do you know what this means i'm like yeah you're [ __ ] right i knew dude i've seen the diagram i'm seeing that thing looks crazy i've seen all the waves yeah i think that's the best way yeah i guess yeah if you just hit here go read this yeah any questions ask your mom exactly that's pretty good i'll never forget my best friend whose dad took him out on a boat that just seems like nightmare scenario to me rowing out on a [ __ ] boat and then going hey we're gonna have a talk you can literally not escape from me and we're gonna talk about so awful oh man but i do think it's an important thing to discuss though because it seems like when these things sex become like a taboo for people they in their teenage years they kind of just like explore it maybe more than what is healthy you know what i mean yeah yeah i feel like it's also harder to explain this to your your son as well yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't look forward to that i don't remember you can anyway that's what when they're having sex when they're making love that makes a baby i don't like that okay i don't like uh did she say that why'd i say that i don't like that oh man your dad comes at your dad's stuff and it comes in your mom's stuff and he's like take the parents out of it when a boy does this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's weird visualizing the parents yeah yeah yeah you don't need to be part of this stage play you perv you weirdo you're not that important sometimes it can make a baby maybe i did not know you did not know that yeah this kid seems more the appropriate age here yeah it's a bit older yeah the other kids the penis get to which the vagina ah this is so funny to him oh that is so funny isn't it that's hilarious pinnacle of comedy right there this man will become fart and poop joe kind of man [Laughter] so get this cock's not ready he'll just stand up comedy guys get this the funniest [ __ ] oh man is it medically it's like mommy's a nurse i don't know what mommy does right that's so fed up how do you give the sperm to mommy again you know to get yourself like get yourself out of this picture but you could just say how that's a sperm get into the egg we're just such better parents can yeah we really are yeah just take it just take that take ourselves out of it [Applause] so mommy and daddy got together and we took off all our clothes and we got inside the blankets so we were really warm and then mommy and daddy did a special dance and there you looks special dance oh my god i don't think they need to say that hey they're just dawning on me like this is the story it's so weird this is the worst story it takes out any of what actually happens and then yeah and here i am i'm bored wow oh god yeah it's pretty terrible b minus c minor is really really really no good if you took all your clothes off you see this pocket yeah okay the pocket oh god what are you what is he doing my pockets are vaginas is that what he's about to say see i stick my thing oh god no is the vagina okay and in order to have a child daddy has to put his penis in the pocket this this is the worst analogy i have ever heard she's like she's gonna think that you're pregnant by putting penis in his people's pocket or some [ __ ] what is this she has a vagina you don't need him to talk about some pocket analogy what the [ __ ] she's like yeah goes into the vagina go ahead [Music] cause we're just [ __ ] you know why not oh this is uncomfortable yes yes sorry yeah why why this is child torture and i'm saying torturing me dude yeah why is you do anything to a child and they say was that painful and they say yes is is bad unless you tell them this huh why is it okay i'm very upset for these children these poor children didn't deserve individual videos i'm good i'm good thank you all right cool now we know what not to do thank you ken appreciate your insight as well i've learned a lot i've learned a lot of this video this is very educational i think i'm prepared for uh the birds and the bees talk with my own kids but of course i won't have to have the talk with them because we're going to raise them with the knowledge of how our bodies work because they're our bodies and it's not some secret knowledge that needs to be locked away until they're like old enough to scar them forever it is a balance it's a balance i don't know i just felt like i needed to contribute or something he's gonna set those up in there i do think it's a lot harder to explain to your like to little boys though because like that part of their body hasn't changed like the girls it stuff's gotta change but the basics are already kind of there right yeah the boy's gotta do this whole different thing and then some stuff comes at some stuff and he's gonna be like oh my god what what's gonna happen to me hang on a second what you're the one who has to do it though i'd rather hear from my dad than my mom yeah yeah that's what i'm saying i think for that for the little boys you put the penis the vagina and that's what happens and then they're like well how they're like well you're gonna understand one day because that's pretty much what you're gonna be doing with all your free time that's right just replace your hand i want to talk about in the video [Applause] stop it's today's birthday happy birthday check out 10 channel and check out me as well subscribe don't check out cut you thought it was gay but true relevance never really died welcome to the first undead game use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator add some of our patented stickers in there stickers are emotions memes our emotions express your emotions with me share them for likes share them for love get up for free and who knows maybe i'll review your 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Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,087,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: bHqwER2A6Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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