[Full stream] - Plants Vs. Zombies [Part 1]

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the Gees veggies veggies veggies it's plants vs. zombies a game that I hold quite dear to my heart look how fast that loaded so this is a game oh I can't do I'm gonna make a new account shut up motor oh my god it's 11 22 we get it is huge dude what should my name be on a whim so I'm starting a new game Oh God what like a bit crushed sound but I played this when I was like a like a free team maybe this is a classic game popcap games are wonderful skeletor's house it looks homey I'm just gonna real quick here we go alright I know how to play I get it [Music] so theoretically the zombies could come on a lane that I haven't astroturfed already you know it's all coming flooding back can you still do the like cue alright they're still cool cheap codes let's see what is it I try it I think I thought party was one of them maybe you can't do it on the first level what are the words that you type in to make them wear like silly hats and alright so I just got a very crucial plant pop cap makes like the best casual games they're like high quality [Laughter] pinata Oh goddamnit right the tree of wisdom all the grind deist shittiest part of this game I remember that what a load of crud and Bart Simpson I don't know yeah here's one here's one oh yeah I remember oh it's all coming flooding back the one that makes flowers when they die sadly not working but they already have cute quirky mustaches okay can I say it's kind of silly in this game like it's funny enough a mustache based humor like like high school girls seem to think that the idea of having a mustache is just like the funniest quirkiest thing that there is in life like prom photos they always have those little like a mustache on a stick and it's like it's so silly I get it cuz girls don't have mustaches that's so funny maybe I sound bitter but that has always been a certain sub-genre of humour that just baffles me you know what I don't even care I'm gonna put sunflowers in front of my defenses for this lame-ass tutorial level I don't even care huge waves of zombies is approaching okay of course zombie humor and moustache humor are similar like tears of like Normie trash I can get away with the stupidest setup you won't you won't get it [Music] you know what I'm deactivating the moustaches I like that it makes a silly sound when you do that boy man the tutorials really go on a long time I seem to remember it just being one of two levels but it's three [Music] raise the like pitch shifted lines that are all the same line I played this on my sister's laptop a ton when I was younger back when I didn't even have a laptop this is pretty silly maybe it wasn't the best idea to prioritize getting meme sunflowers it's fine I'm fine I can't wait till I get more plants like that's the fun of this game is unlocking all the cool plants that help you out along the way I'm gonna make a checkerboard pattern [Music] this is the last guy now there's one more huge wave of zambese it's time for me to like confront how easy this game is you know like something I was not forced to realize as a child when you're young and you play an easy game you're like oh this is good all right try me I kind of wish that having extra Sun left over at the end of a thing helped you in any way but I don't think it does and I think that's just about it yep easy oh oh yes there's really not a lot of like sprites to use in this game either like there I guess there are a lot I don't know PopCap knows how to make a game on the cheap but still make it good so walnuts those are important [Music] I remember toll nuts or even better okay this walnut is not looking so great I kind of hate that they get sad over time as they get eaten it's just part of nature man I think you have to like buy the upgrade to be able to fix walnuts by dragging a new walnut on top of them which honestly is kind of a not even an upgrade I don't know why they consider it like that all right I got to get two solid rows of sunflowers the classic strat of this game oh this is so fun it's kind of like an idol game honestly like a little bit not really it's closer to like a tower defense game I guess this is gonna take a while I kind of want to put a second shooter you but I need another shooter real fast [Music] it's just satisfying at a basic level to grab a bunch of stuff in this game [Music] okay you know I think this guy's but I'm gonna put a wall up there anyway I mean I feel like I'm set already like I said this is like I think this feels like the last of the tutorial levels [Music] yeah sounds about right you know I can just sit here and rake in all the soon oh god there's the ice there's the diced Pease snow pea is my clicking sound obnoxious I can try to obscure it a little bit is that better oh thank you for the sub I appreciate it oh the shuffle I forgot that's something you have to unlock in this game oh is this a minigame oh it's crazy Dave but you can just call me crazy Dave it's so random he's got a pot on his head bowling right walnut bowling cuz I'm crazy easy I remember that line made me like lose my when I was younger why did I just put a walnut in your hand cuz I'm crazy it's not even that funny a line it just made me lose my oh right oh this is yeah this is good the minigames in this game are actually pretty fun too I want to dig up the zombie let me shovel him [Music] well this music is Liz get the rebound yeah explode Oh nut no comment on the explode Oh nut this just RNG I feel like it bounces in a in whatever direction is the most helpful well this is not optimal I'm gonna do this entirely without using explosive nuts I bet the lawnmowers as a safeguard - I forgot about that what a neat mechanic I'm very tempted to use the exploding nut I might have to yeah oh god this is not looking like it's gonna go over so well okay you know what fine nut-nut you're gonna waste them all okay and then this is the opportunity to use explosive nut it's just like that just drop every other nut let them roll off into the sunset right potato mine these are kind of good oh can the pole vaulters get over them though I think the pole vaulters can go over the potato mines right there do they set them off [Laughter] [Music] that's gonna be kind of a common thread during this playthrough I feel like I'm gonna have to really restrain myself so not just constantly hum home I might as well just start putting up real dudes [Music] [Music] [Music] this is good this is going well I never played pvz - well people are asking a lot of questions out of nowhere and it I would be pretty thrilled about crazy Dave smash DLC totally gonna happen confirmed [Music] [Music] right you can get like the mutant twin sunflower in this game - I remember that's pretty lit alright I'm hoping we can just kill this pole-vaulting before he gets close enough I think so no okay that's good oh there he goes and it's just gonna slow him down but that's all I need kill him kill him kill him kill him yes I'm cutting it close with these guys I should be putting down the mines I need a walnut fast I need it stat stat oh he's still gonna eat the baby potato oh there he goes well according to plan see now it's getting a little edgy I'm gonna carry these pogo guys can suck a dick they're just gonna get killed over and over wait is that it okay it's still beby games you got a snow pea [Music] [Music] chromakey the lawn I feel like that would be a difficult thing to do man people really don't tune in for the dead rising streams but the second I whip out plants vs. zombies well back up to like 40 viewers okay pretty soon I'm gonna have to start like choosing the plants that I want [Music] jacket potato mine is just good at the beginning for taking care like one or two straggler zombies on the cheap while you're setting up you sunflowers [Music] oh well that was stupid I don't know why I put that P there from all places I'm really glad the potato mine doesn't destroy plants as well [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right that one this these two guys are gonna be swapped and it's just gonna have to be an annoying thing for a while you're just gonna have to deal with it oh wow the pogo guys walk real slow when they don't have their Pogo [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] okay let's get more snow peas in here the snow peas a really good snow pea shooter might as well get a walnut well I can this sunflower is really bothering me it's out of place oh god that sound the ice sound effect is like burned into my mind frozen into my mind I guess yeah yeah this is a 1 this is a 1 level it was cute it was a cute level while it lasted but now it has been destroyed I don't need anyone now in fact I'm crazy I'm gonna fix this cuz I'm I'm just too and everything needs to be neat and tidy once no P for row P and you know what just to spite them I'm gonna put down a row of potato mines in front of the things [Music] not like they're ever even reach potato mines look at this it's obliteration [Music] remember there's like a pretty good variety of items or of plants to use in this game too which is cool you kind of get to like try out new things it's like baby's first tower defense or like real time strategy but it's really good oh he actually got to the mine [Music] oh no there's more zombies coming I'm totally scared [Music] I don't even care I'm spending all my hard-earned cash you oh right chompers piranha plant Skeletor what a fun quirky name oh right I have to do this you know what yeah oh right I should probably do this I should probably play the game you have to play the game to beat the game how weird is that oh no the zombies are coming I'm so totally scared what's that line I'm really scared in home alone where Kevin's like taunting the guys I almost have the Hitmen they're not hitmen that would be very scary come on come on this is going well I'm not even resorting to using potato minds and chompers are real good because they go through walnuts ohh [Music] [Music] Braes give me a thing is the clicking lab can you guys hear my mouse clicking I mean it's not a ton I can do about it but I'm kind of holding my hand under my desk a little bit [Music] okay good Buckethead zombies now these guys are real this is almost a mini-boss at this point in the game now we got to set up the walnut Shanker combo in fact get him hit him baby [Music] do your best Mac after this match you can eat my it's doc from punch-out this is good this is like a good comfort zone game damn I really only been playing for half an hour feels like longer [Music] there's a bucket man Wow this is the last wave this is all you all you can muster Saruman well thank God I made it symmetrical at the last second otherwise this would have been terrible [Music] Oh awesome repeater yeah [Music] oh yeah oh yeah all right sunflowers walnuts you know what what if I just immediately ditched pea shooters because I'm crazy I'm nuts man I love nuts oh yes I kind of can't wait till the music changes I'm already getting a little bit annoyed of this [Music] [Music] it was saying I'm gonna die because I didn't take the peashooter I think that I will be fine I can be wrong but I think I'm fine [Music] see now I'm gonna start putting this here everything's gonna be fine I might need to use one more potato mine I bet y'all are just enjoying my the music twice as much as me because you have my amazing goat noise singing okay here I can use a little bit of a little bit of help well help you a doc I'm dying here [Music] hey yeah I was just looking good I don't have as many shooters as I would have hoped but that's to be expected I'm glad the snow peas charged very fast [Music] take care of him anyway might as well I can once I get this set up I'll be invincible remember that song it suggests that's a song it exists this is an impenetrable defense I don't know how anyone could get past this I couldn't I certainly couldn't if I went into a garden even as just a normal dude and a bunch of the plants got like angry eyebrows and started shooting fees at me I'd run I'd get the out of there or I might die [Music] [Applause] [Music] easy belly game [Music] all my chompers are starved because they're not getting enough food because the zombies can't even make it past those the bullets alright and now I have won the game I'm just gonna sit back for the rest of this level now you're gonna collect any son [Music] this feels so wrong just letting it fade away [Music] you like that chat you like this fun gameplay you like these good sirens there there nice right sometimes the hits will happen in time with the music I like that oh no these zombies are getting kind of close oh wait the Chomper nope the fun police are here to jail me for being a bad streamer who doesn't play games I think the ideal game is one where you can just sit back and watch it happen [Music] you know it might be a little close with some of these actually no chompers are gonna get them for sure the chompers are like very Audrey - oh yeah I was like don't waste space in the Chomper [Music] all right use the real test to see [Music] I want to see if I can do this with all of my walnuts unscathed I think it'll be possible oh yeah it's definitely happening at most this bucket zombie we'll get to the Chomper and it'll eat it otherwise I believe this is what we call a 1 perfect run beautiful oh it's a note oh right the zombies right you messages an all-out attack this is like the end of the backyard level right oh no what is this oh this is like an event minigame I forgot about these these are kind of cool yeah sure fun music oh yeah oh this is sick music [Music] boom-boom-boom oh yeah oh yeah I remember this I remember the out of this [Music] six music [Music] everything needs to be symmetrical or at least I need to dedicate certain plants to certain rows [Music] yeah this music is dope this kind of feels like Donkey Kong Country Music almost and I don't say that lightly yeah now give me one more yeah never you wanna yeah [Music] now it all breaks down with these other two rows I'll just put whatever whatever needs to go [Music] this row needs some help oh hey can you die please [Music] I put these things down at the wrong time this is so awesome what a satisfying game it's good the setup will help Jake the pogo guys love Chomper hell yeah get him in there [Music] this is an all-out attack for sure but it's the other way around it's me attacking them you're not attacking me you're not trapped in here I'm not trapped in here with you you're trapped in here with me oh my god I finished the quote oh no they broke through my nut defenses just kidding it was us just my first layer of nut defense okay this is looking pretty extreme though let's go ahead and chomp one of those guys up now let's go ahead and put that there replace that and this is looking just about one in fact it's time to start by unknotting and reinforcing even further yeah [Music] I think they died I remember I loved the mushroom levels too so I'm looking forward to this screaming I don't know wrap it up now eh oh good I remember the mushrooms are really fun well write the pants the newspaper zombie you know what I'm gonna rein it in I'm gonna reign in the crazy and I'm gonna use normal peashooters again oh right the graves I forgot about that the puff shrooms are awesome anything that costs zero is good in my book hey give me some put out sunflower [Music] yeah exciting gameplay i wonder i bet for this like nighttime tutorial level you could just do Spore shrooms and nothing else and be fine like i'm gonna put down sunflowers but i feel like they're not even that necessary on this first level [Music] this is good this is going good oh all right coins those that becomes a big thing over time what is the thing that there's like a grave eater plant or something that's really terrifying I'm gonna try doing this level with entirely just Spore shrooms and nothing else like in sunflowers I guess but I'm really just using that to buy more sunflowers it's a good idea right I'm glad you guys agree that it's a good idea because I think it's a great idea man I could really go for some sushi right now I'm just gonna forward a bunch of sunlight and you know if a few puff shrooms die then so be it who cares there should be like an achievement for getting like a thousand Sun in a level guys I already did the mustache thing at the beginning of the stream if you'd been on time you'd know that oh god the music what is this horrible Wow hey got to a thousand right at the end oh hey it's the one that I never use there's an achievement for getting eight thousand in a level look at this let's see I have homeland security for being adventure mode I have the hypnotized the lead dancer zombie achievement that used to be Michael Jackson and now is just a disco guy I got the moustache mo achievement we're all some heads penny-pincher beat all twenty minigames hey that's kind of something cryptozoologists wait I don't have to get he's on be achieve Minh I thought I did maybe I did that on my sister's laptop and that's why it didn't show up yes sunny days 8,000 Sun 750 that coin that I picked up was 270 dollars the kind of currency is this so the Sun mushrooms I remember kind of suck ass and are not great so I won't use them they give like weird half Suns that don't work as good it was zombie currency that's why it costs that's why it gave me so much money [Music] Oh you know what I'm really looking forward to is the weird-ass song but the sunflower sings at the end of the game that was something that came out of left field for me as a young as a young in [Music] I don't even remember how it goes I just remember it was strange I remember it made me vaguely uncomfortable even as a as a young alright man what a weird game it's not that weird but it's pretty weird I'm maintaining my dedication to using only puff shrooms and we're losing a few boys but it's fun the graves really get in the way I'm gonna use grave eater as soon as I can great Peter sounds like some sort of like EDM musician alright never mind I'm using peashooters baby oh wow there's getting bit by something well if I if I go silent without going off stream just know I was bitten by a black black widow spider oh there's a bucket head like Don't Look Now Scoob I like the night time it's not like that much of a change of pace but it is a a welcome change of pace just slightly this is good this is looking like a one-run felis I looked up okay here's a little story for you I looked up a PBZ speedrun the other day and I came to the conclusion that pvz is a pretty thing is a pretty boring thing to watch as a speedrun it's basically just people playing completely optimized and clicking on the Sun really fast it's not terribly interesting sadly there's not a lot of like complicated game theory type of stuff or like exploits that go into it as far as I know I did kind of skim it so maybe it's got crazy what else is there to even do I've just already won the tambourine this song sounds like something to Zelda game on the n64 fun fun music oh anything eat this man oh hey oh oh it's the wheat wheat weird we true we would we we mean [Music] hmm yeah I'm gonna take the cherry bomb because I'm gonna try to get the achievement where you blow up eight zombies at once with a cherry bomb I could have sworn I've already got that but I think that was on my sister's account exciting gameplay Reds these levels do start off pretty slow kind of feels like there's not a lot to do because there isn't bereft of life I don't think I've ever noticed exactly what that said there would be a pretty classless thing having a tombstone that just says dead on it like yeah we get it it's a tombstone oh oh [Music] [Music] very exciting watching a little dude with puffy lips killing or shooting spores I was inspired to play this game and after playing Dead Rising with Riley and we saw a zombie with a traffic cone on its head and I was like hey [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect perfect opportunity I just missed a coin god dammit or was that his head I think that was his head [Music] these guys are pretty cheap too I don't know why I called these weed guys I just remember they shot like a cloud of something and I was like easy Joe easy joke low effort I keep thinking the severed heads are a coins common problem for capitalist pigs such as I fun fun planting game and you get to learn the glory of having many of these lads they have like piercing shots - oh that wants me that makes me want to play Isaac I have so many wants but so little time and I need to sleep eventually okay here we are [Music] grave Buster's next recede slot why sure crazy Dave $5,000 honestly yeah I could play Isaac in the downtime of this game [Music] [Music] sure [Music] don't new graves come up though I am pretty tired this is probably not gonna be a super long stream I'll probably just do a few more levels here is a story that I just remembered because I was thinking about vegetables and like roots and such and this is actually a story that involves my sister too which was already tangentially related through plants vs. zombies but I when we were young my sister and I read this book called Westland dia I don't know if any of you have read it but it's a it's a fun like kids book pretty well Illustrated and it's about this boy who like finds this plant in his backyard that he like it's like a weird like as an adult now I realize it's kind of an equivalent of like hemp in the real world it's just like a miracle plant then he can like he can extract juice from it he can eat it he can like weave with it I think he makes like a glider or like a flying machine of some sort with it but my sister and I read that and kids you know have active imaginations so we found a route like a plant in the backyard that honestly from above-ground it kind of looks like a Pikmin that hasn't been told yet it just has like two little leaves and oh god that thing is terrifying I don't like the teeth and we've she made like a bowl like drying rack for them and we ate these little plants from the backyard that we didn't even like know the name of which at one point without even really thinking about it I sort of like just let slip that information to my mom and she was like holy because my mom's a nurse she was like holy we should probably call poison control to make sure our kids haven't been eating some like dangerous plant in the backyard and so we got in trouble for it and they called poison control and they were like oh yeah you're probably fine but you know stop eating plants that you just find in the ground and we were like okay pretty fun yeah I don't remember what plants they were they were like this little they had like - it was like a very small plant and the root was like this little like ball of like this it was like a little solid ball of root material and it was kind of like a juicy thing that he could fight into they didn't really taste like anything they just kind of tasted like dirt hey I just realized I've been letting a zombie just walk all the way down there like a grass onion hold on no wait I don't think so no it had much shorter grass than that now I'm looking I'm on plant plant Internet okay yeah no that googled it I like the grape muncher oh I made a mistake though I forgot that the zombies can heat them this actually ain't going so hot I mean I'll recover I'll probably be fine but I was scared for a second there a grave tree what is your opinion on carpet well as somebody who lives in a hardwood floor house that is disgusting possibly by merit of it being a hardwood floor like yeah it would be it would still be nasty if it was carpet but I feel like I don't know it's a little easier to ignore some filth when it's like ground into the carpet as filthy as that sounds I want to get rid of all the graves so I can get all the money it's a speed running strap these Pogo are really screwing with my business I kind of like carpeted floor this is because I have a tendency to slide off of my bed and just slump onto the ground and it's not very comfortable when that's hardwood it's not good slumping material you just can't get a good slump going eat it eat it yeah baby bust those graves yeah money I don't know hardwood just makes it more like it's so visible all the filth I've really been enjoying saying that word filth over the past few minutes which is why I'm still talking about this unbelievable wouldn't it be cool if you could put a great Buster on like a thing of enemies and it would just eat them slowly insidiously oh right the zombie Almanac or is that suburban Almanac good yeah I've seen these they all have like a quirky thing hard work commitment and a healthy well balanced breakfast of sunlight and high fiber carbon dioxide and make it all possible they're all very like earnest he wants everyone to know that he loves kittens and spends his off hours volunteering at a local zombie right rehabilitation center it's just the right thing to do oh right this guy's got a accent and buffs room bless him told me about this great opportunity blasting zombies now I really feel like I'm making a difference they're so nice all right listen I don't need to hear this quirky dialogue so if I recall correctly in this one the zombies booked it in this minigame hold on give me just a sec bad better better better better better oh I don't know about this fams I had an idea the thing I'm looking for is so lost in files file folders please please no oh my god so for some reason why when I search in a certain file folder it crashes windows like the the file folder window I don't know what's up with that but now I've got to confirm that the file is in this massive cluttered folder oh here it is here it is found it boom here we are okay yes yes instantaneous zombie Wacken it's so easy any small amount of challenge that was once in this game has been removed I [Music] have to get all the maximum cash money from the graves you don't understand chat it's all for the speedrun it's all for my baud my viewers the YouTube channel these are the these are the some of the few games where fast clicker like a turbo mode actually does hell look at that I just need to go like blah and the game just wins it winds itself I doubt you can actually eliminate all the graves Oh God and get out of here I want to see if I can get rid of all the graves that'd be kind of cool it makes such a stupid Sam this is just the sort of thing that I should be doing at 1:00 in the morning final wave easy no I can't get the coin no okay I think one more level and then I'm gonna I'm gonna leave I'm tired I'm gonna take the hypno shroom it's not that crazy but whatever no screen-door zombies so I think I'm gonna go without the puffs I have the auto clicker on right now but it has nothing to click it's clicking 20 times per second ah yes the calm before the storm I've been thinking about making a guide like a Game & Watch guide for smash ultimate I don't really consider myself like the most optimized competitive player or anything but it can be kind of like a oh how to play like grapefruit type thing and I think I could do a decent job if sort of I feel like he's probably my best character at this point that are like DVD or something and I feel like there's a lot of cool tricks that Game & Watch has that people don't really people don't really have him figured out yet though so he's kind of underutilized it always annoys me every time nitro goes mr. Game & Watch it's always just a game and watch ditto where he just like does judge back and forth I'm like wow that is still entertaining to him after like the 50th time he's done it thank you very much as Dan watches a cool character but nobody takes him seriously because he's a goofy ass character and I love it oh it's a Chad zombie let's see if he can get through my iron defenses and then if you can then I'll hit him what they have no shroom yeah alright I'll concede they probably want you to do that don't god you walk so slowly slowly come on eat some of your friends on your way while you're going back and prioritising bust in these graves busting busting busting makes me feel busting makes me feel t shoes no no I don't know what those are get them get them before the zombies come out doesn't become out of the grave like right as it was dying that's kind of terrifying I don't know why it's terrifying but it is I've decided [Music] goddamnit they got the little pissant zombie are you kidding me oh that was the last zombie so hypnotizing him just ended the level instantly that makes sense it's just funny someone said I love game and watched for the snake matchup see snake is really annoying still though like snakes always play so spammy and campy and at least game and watch can kind of deal with that with bucket but it's still not fun you know uh listen guys that's that's the last level for me for tonight I okay can't do minigames yet don't even have the Zen garden such a pleb Skeletor well sorry if this is a bit of a short stream but I I hope you enjoyed it I sure as hell did I'll play more of this game maybe not super soon maybe super soon who knows it's kind of a short game so this will probably take just like maybe three or four streams the worst is the Belmonts yeah yeah they're usually pretty terrible Belmonts either the samus's can be really annoying just any character I mean you can play any character in that game lame and many people do but a once with a ton of projectiles are extra annoying because a lot of people just have no compunctions about just spamming to win they're not in it to get see the thing that has led me to so much frustration in Smash is I'm playing to get cool like stylish and get cool clips from my epic epic youtube channel but everyone else is just trying to win you know through whatever tactics necessary I makes it frustrating you know anyway I don't know why I'm talking about this I know there's that auto clicker doing cool stuff alright yeah yeah that's enough of that all right good night guys take it easy
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 30,176
Rating: 4.9666667 out of 5
Id: JPfksMuxM6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 15sec (4935 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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