because you say your life
has been in turmoil since the moment
you learned you were
pregnant with twins. You are convinced
your husband fathered your
eight-month-old son,
Richard, but you also believe your boyfriend,
Mr. Stacy, fathered your son's
twin sister Raelynn. -[audience exclaiming]
-Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Ramey. You state there is
no way you fathered either one
of your wife's twins and intend
to prove that today. -Is that correct?
-Yes, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] Mr. Stacy. You believe
you fathered
both twins. Yes, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] Is that correct?
-Yes, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] Okay. How did we get into this confusion
with conception. December 15th, John, Keisha, Scotty and I was at the house. And Scotty and John
were working on the bathroom
to get it fixed up. So, your boyfriend
and your husband were working
on the bathroom. Yes, Your Honor. [audience laughing] Okay. And after they had
gotten the floor put down, Scotty went
into our room, was playing
his games in our room. Keisha was in
the livin' room, watchin' TV, I guess. And John said,
"Come look
at the bathroom." He said we gotta
talk about the kids,
closed the door and then one thing
led to another, and we had sex. [audience exclaiming] Do you remember
that day, Mr. Ramey? I remember the day,
Your Honor. I don't really
remember it exactly as she told the story, but... Me and Samantha
were married-- [Judge Lake] But do you
remember having sex with your wife
in the bathroom? [Ramey] Yes, Your Honor. With her boyfriend
in the bedroom
playing video games. I don't know
what he was doing,
Your Honor. I just know what
her and I were doing. [audience laughing] So, Mrs. Gelntser, how did Mr. Stacy,
your boyfriend, find out that you had
sex with your husband? I guess he had
to use the bathroom
or whatever, 'cause he went up
to the bathroom and he had heard
me and John together. And he said, "I can't do this,"
and he walked out. And when he walked out, we got finished. He left with Keisha. So, wait a minute. You got finished.
You finished the act? Yes, Your Honor. [audience exclaiming] -[Gelntser] I was
addicted to John.
-Mr. Stacy. <i> So you knock
on the door,</i> <i> you there layin' floor
and Mr. Ramey's layin'
something else.</i> [audience laughing] [audience applauding] [Stacy] Mmm-hmm. So, you knock
on the door,
what happens? Tell me
what you remember. I knocked on the door,
I heard 'em, I said I was done
and I walked out. Started walking
down the road. Did you know
they were having sex? -What did you hear?
-Yes. You could hear 'em. [audience laughing] -So you knew immediately.
-Yes. And you just said,
"I'm done,"
and you left. Yes. And then,
Mrs. Gelntser, when do you reconnect
with Mr. Stacy? After John and Keisha had
left the house that night, we went and picked him up
from walking up the road, and brought him back
to the house. I told him I was sorry and asked him to stay. And then how soon after that do you start having sex
with Mr. Stacy again? It was that night. [audience exclaiming] Oh, right after you have
sex with your husband, you have sex
with your boyfriend? Not right after. I mean, it was that evening
that it happened. So how did you get
a conception date
from the doctor? It was September 17th
that was the final due date. And from that,
you calculated or they calculated
a window of conception. Yes. And when they
gave me the due date, they also gave me a paper
stating that Baby A, which was Richard,
was five weeks and two days and Raelynn was
five weeks and four days. [Judge Lake] Ah. And that was
how many weeks, days, after you had slept
with both of them? I was
five and a half weeks
pregnant. So, the timeline pointed
directly back to both men because,
you've been honest, you were intimate
with both men
on the same day. [Gelntser] Yes, ma'am.
Yes, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] In the same
24-hour period. Yes, Your Honor. So, who was with you
when you gave birth? Scotty was there. And you're there
when the babies are born. [Stacy] Yes. Do you sign
the birth certificate? No. Nobody's on
the birth certificate. [Judge Lake] Well,
you couldn't because she's legally
married to Mr. Ramey. -[Gelntser] Correct.
-[Stacy] Correct. [Judge Lake] All right. I'm sorry that
I've put you guys
through this. I really am. Keisha Adkins. Ms. Adkins,
you are Mr. Ramey's
current girlfriend. Yes, Your Honor. Do you believe
your boyfriend is the father of one
or both of these twins? No. 100%, no, I do not believe that
these kids are his. You weren't in there
when that happened, Keisha. I mean, how are you
gonna say, "No, it's not"? Because they do not
resemble, Sammy. They do not resemble
my John at all. -[scoffs]
-Neither one of 'em do. [Gelntser]<i> He does
resemble John because
he looks just like Jonathan.</i> -[Adkins]<i> No, he doesn't.</i>
-[Gelntser]<i> Okay.</i> [Gelntser] You have
your opinion, I have mine. Exactly. Ms. Adkins, do you
believe Mr. Stacy is the father of one
or both of the twins? No, I do not. [audience exclaiming] -[Judge Lake] Oh!
-Really? [Adkins] Yes, really. So you're saying
you don't believe
either man's the father. [Adkins] No. [audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake] Well, "I declare,"
as my grandmother would say. In the case of<i>
Gelntser v. Ramey,</i> when it comes to
Raelynn Ramey, it has been determined
by this Court the biological father is... Mr... Stacy. [audience applauding] The next result
is for Richard. And in this case,
Ms. Gelntser, you believe Mr. Ramey,
your husband, is Richard's
biological father. These are the results. [exhaling] In the case of<i>
Gelntser v. Ramey,</i> when it comes
to eight-month-old
Richard Ramey, it has been determined
by this Court, the biological father is... Mr... Stacy. [audience applauding] Now, tell me I was sleeping
with somebody else, Keisha. Mr. Morris,
you're here because you say, certain facts have come
to light, that make you believe
that you the fathered one of Ms. Thorpe's twins,
and not the other. You claim a botched
home DNA test separated you from your daughter, London,
and you intend to rectify that issue today,
is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor.
-[Judge Lake] Ms. Thorpe, you say Mr. Morris's claim
is ridiculous, and that he very clearly
fathered both of your twins, Paris and London. And you say Mr. Morris's efforts
to go behind your back blew up in his face,
and you intend to clean up his mess today, is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor.
-[Judge Lake] So Mr. Morris, what do you mean
you're the father of one twin, -and not the other? Explain.
-Exactly how it sound, um... Originally, I was believed
that both of them was mine. Over time,
certain circumstances made me feel like
neither were mine. <i> And then, after that,
different things happened</i> <i> that made me believe
just London was.</i> We've examined this issue
completely in this courtroom,
and we do know it's possible for a man to be the father
of one... of two fraternal twins,
so we do understand that. And that's basically
what you're claiming today? -Yes, ma'am.
-[Judge Lake] Twins <i> with two different fathers.
Now that would be shocking.</i> -[audience exclaiming]
-Please take me back now, um... to your relationship,
Ms. Thorpe. You're saying that you know
he is... the father... -[Thorpe] Yes, Your Honor.
-...of both twins? -Yes, Your Honor.
-[Judge Lake] Explain. Um... I was seeing another guy
at the time that me and Twan was talking,
but the time matched up to Antwan being the father
of both of my kids. Before anything,
we were friends, so I don't even understand
why he's even putting me through this. I told Antwan that I want to be
in a relationship with him, and he turned me down
because he was still in love with the mother
of his other child. -[audience exclaiming]
-So... [chuckles] So, when that time happened,
I got upset, and I started messing
with another guy. So Mr. Morris,
when do you get doubtful? Honestly, just one day,
I was in a local drugstore and out of the blue,
I know this sound crazy, but this DNA... test was just sticking out, and, like, everything else
was just, like, black. I'm like, "What the... a test?"
So I bought it. Just like that. I didn't doubt on-- not one bit,
but I went back to the house... without Imani's, uh, knowledge,
and inside the test, it was a thing
where you get three samples, one for the father,
one for the child, and one for the child's mother. But, of course, she didn't know,
so I swabbed myself, Paris, <i> and then, I used the one
for the mother</i> <i> -on the other child.</i>
-Your Honor, he told me he don't even know
which child he swabbed. N-- no. I don't know which... child ended up being tested
'cause I only tested one. I called the DNA place after, and I kind of explained
the situation. And she said,
if I got results back at all, then they collected two
separate DNAs from what I sent in. She said,
if it was completed wrong, or didn't have enough
or whatever, then it would have came back NA. [Judge Lake] Okay.
Inconclusive? -Yes, ma'am. Or say just--
-All right. So you send the results in,
and, of course... how did they come back? -Zero percent probability.
-[audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake]
But you do understand that you didn't even use
the swabs right. I was just, uh-- I don't know.
Like I said, so-- -No, you don't.
-[Morris] I don't, I didn't. You may-- no, I mean,
the truth is, you don't,
you're making something up. But, like,
everything was just confusing, -so...
-It was. -[Morris] And I was lost.
-[audience laughing] In the case
of Morris versus Thorpe... when it comes to... four year old Paris Morris... it has been determined
by this court... Mr. Morris... you... -are not the father.
-[audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake]
Well, you were correct there. You are not Paris's
biological father. [audience speaking indistinctly] [Judge Lake] Ms. Thorpe,
you don't look surprised. [suspenseful music playing] The next result is for London. In the case
of Morris versus Thorpe... when it comes to four year old
London Morris... it has been determined
by this court... Mr. Morris... you... -are not the father.
-[audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake] Ms. Thorpe,
somewhere inside of you, you knew this was
a very real possibility, I can see your reaction. Who is their father? The other guy I was talking to. When I told him I was pregnant,
he stopped talking to me. [audience exclaiming] So this makes sense. So you went with the guy
with the best reaction, you went with the guy
that was building nurseries, you went with the guy
that was going to doctor's appointments,
and you went with the guy that was gonna support you
through this. These twins, they need... you to step in,
and make that call again. They deserve to know who their
father is, definitively. -[audience] Good day.
-Ms. Wolf, you say that your month-long relationship
with Mr. Shelton left you with beautiful twins
who he is now denying for dubious reasons. You intend to prove Mr. Shelton
fathered both boys, Luke and Levi,
is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor.
-[Judge Lake] Mr. Shelton, you say, Ms. Wolf
is a promiscuous party-animal who has absolutely no idea
who fathered her twins. You believe you are just
one of several men who were involved with Ms. Wolf
and you claim there is no way you fathered her children,
is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor.
-So, Ms. Wolf, what do you mean
he's denying your children for dubious reasons? He is the father.
They look just like him. Um, his friends told me they--
that they looked like him. <i> The conception date
was matched up</i> <i> to when we were together
during our relationship.</i> I was with two other people
afterwards. But both of them have been-- um, exclude--
they're out of the picture. So, he is the father.
Look at them, look at him. And so,
Mr. Shelton, you disagree? [Shelton] Yes, Your Honor. Um, whenever I was with her,
she was very promiscuous. She was always disappearing. Um, she's very untrustworthy. I didn't know
what was going on half the time. We did.
We were together for a month and, uh, messed around a lot and she just was never there,
really. And then
she just disappeared one day. So, earlier in the testimony,
you said there were two other men
you were sleeping with. That's correct. -One--
-So -why have you excluded them?
-[Wolf] One was a black guy. So, they're obviously not...
black. And the other one,
I used protection with and I don't believe
there was a way that I could get pregnant
with him. Well, black people
come in all colors, all sizes... But not blonde hair,
blue eyes. [Judge Lake] There are--
Oh, no, black people have blonde hair and blue eyes, that's why I turned around
and looked and said, -"Well, let's really see."
-[Wolf chuckles] Because there are plenty
of black people that have blonde hair
and blue eyes. All right.
So, Mr. Shelton, how did you find out
about the pregnancy? Um, I just got
a message from her one day on Facebook, um... Being the kind-hearted guy
I was, I just said, "Okay,
we can hang out. I can see you." She was wondering
how I was doing. Um, she came over to the house. Uh, the kids were--
uh, she was pregnant this time. I'm pretty sure it was, like,
nine months, Your Honor. It was--it was--
was about to pop pretty much. I feel like
my kids were already born before he met them
or knew about the pregnancy because I was waiting
until they were born to see what they would look like
because I was unsure and I was nervous. So... And so you feel like
he never even mentioned them, you never even got
into contact with them until after the children
were born? That's correct. And so take me to the birth. What happened
when Luke and Levi were born? Obviously,
Mr. Shelton wasn't there. -No, he was not.
-[Judge Lake] Who was? Ralph was there with me. Um, but he's my current
boyfriend. -And Ralph was Mr. Duque?
-[Wolf] He didn't know and he couldn't be there.
Yes. [Judge Lake]
So, Mr. Duque participated -in the babies' birth?
-[Wolf] Yes, he did. Please state your name
for the record, sir. My name is Ralph Duque. Mr. Duque, thank you
for joining us today. Um, we are listening
to testimony relating to Luke
and Levi's paternity. We'd like to know
what your relationship is to Ms. Wolf. I've known her since 2008
on and off. And we were together
at the time of the conception, having unprotected sex. So... what did Ms. Wolf tell you
about the paternity of these two children?
Did she say you're the father? That I could be possibly
the father of one of the-- [Judge Lake] She told you that? -Yes.
-She just testified-- Of Luke especially. I'm joking with you. -What?
-[Wolf] It's not-- I never told him he was
the biological father, ever. It's been joking around. He's been there
since they were born. So, he is their dad. She was partying
and she was not clear of the time and dates
of when that happened. [Wolf] No. So Ms. Wolf
has said you've been taking care of the twins like
their your own, <i> they're 22 months old,</i> <i> you've been pretty much
their father figure</i> <i> and the person
they have come to rely on</i> <i> to be a father in their lives.</i> They need somebody.
They're little creatures that, you know,
they need parents, you know? I was born in a family
with parents -and a mother and father, and...
-Uh-hmm. ...they need that. So what kind of relationship
have you developed, Mr. Shelton, with the twins?
Can you tell the court? I've only--
I've only met the twins one time, Your Honor. I haven't had a chance to be
in their life at all. I have been wondering
about them. It keeps me up at night. That's why we're here. Is-- I would love for him
to be a part of their life. Um, I hadn't reached out
to him at all. I was trying to file
for child support... um, against him, but I would love for him
to be there... -for them.
-Your Honor, the last time that I talked to her, she was supposed
to bring the kids over and we were supposed
to hang out, but instead
I gave her my address and then two days later, I got child support papers
in the mail. -Oh, wow.
-[Shelton] Yeah. So you gave her the address
for visitation... -[Shelton] And she...
-...and then you got served? [Shelton] Yes, Your Honor. If I'm the dad,
I'd like to know. In the case of Wolf
versus Shelton, when it comes to 22-month-old
Luke Wolf, it has been determined
by this court, Mr. Duque, you... are not the father. Mr. Shelton, you... are not the father. [sobbing] Neither Mr. Shelton
or Mr. Duque are the father of either twin. Ms. Wolf, do you know who is? This is so unfortunate
for the children. I mean,
I don't know how to find them. Do you know where the person is? -We were in Oklahoma.
-How about the guy you said you were with
and you used the condom? Is that the person
you're thinking about? All right. And the stakes are so high because the children
need their father, they need to know. -Mr. Shelton's been already...
-Thank you for coming. [Judge Lake] Well, you've gotten
child support papers. Yes, Your Honor. It's important that you now
move swiftly in your home court. Yes, Your Honor. But I'm just so sad
for the children. Me too. Mr. Duque, do you still plan
to be in the children's life? I do. I will be there
no matter what. [applause] Even if I do have to help her find this person, whoever it is,
you know, or... [Judge Lake] Good. Mr. Wiggins, you and your identical
twin brother are here today for the results
of paternity tests regarding three-year-old
Zay'lan Davis. BRYAN: Yes, ma'am. MARKUS: Yes, ma'am. You both claim you had
sexual relations
with the defendant, Sesalie Williams, and say you believe one of you
may have fathered her child. Yes, ma'am. Ms. Williams, you recall
having sex with only one
of the twins. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Now, you claim
you are confident
he's your son's father and you're asking him
to step up when you prove it
here today. Yes, Your Honor. Additionally, the court
has ordered
a full investigation, including a polygraph test, to determine the extent
of this alleged
sexual relationship. Mr. Bryan Wiggins. Yes, ma'am. I wanna start with you. Do you believe the child
is your son or your nephew? I truly don't believe
that he's my son. And I truly don't know
if he's my nephew or not. JUDGE LAKE: Why? Let me explain it to you. We live in Las Vegas, and during the week
the hotel rooms
are very cheap. So, you know, I went ahead
and booked a room, and I called my brother,
I let him know, I'm like, "Yo, I got some girls
coming through." I went and got him,
we went and got drinks, we went and got
some treats, or whatever. We went back to the room... I won't even ask.
Keep going. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Our company, her,
and her friends, came over... Okay, finally,
so she's one of the girls
you're having come over. Yes, ma'am. Okay, and? And we all was basically
hanging out, chilling
inside the hotel room. We was drinking,
we was smoking. And it got to a point
where it kind of turned down. One of her friends left. One of our friends left. And at this point
I'm kind of on the couch.
I'm faded. We've been drinking all night,
so I'm kind of slumped over. I'm passing out at this point. Sounding like a recipe
for a disaster. Or a paternity case. Come the next morning,
we say our goodbyes
or whatever, and me and my brother,
we still got a little bit
of time left on the room. So, we hanging out. He tells me, he was like,
"Yo, you know I smashed
Sesalie last night." I'm like, "What?" At first, I didn't
believe him, really. You know, I thought
he was kind of playing. So hold on.
Because at the time, Ms. Williams was your friend. Yes. You all had
a sexual relationship. He just mad
'cause I smashed
her, so... Your Honor, I object. I never had sex
with him, ever. Look at him.
Why would I want
to have sex with you? MARKUS: I look like him. You need to stop lying. You need to stop lying.
He's a better-looking twin. This is your brother's girl. They had at least
a sexual relationship coming into this day
of partying. Well, at this time, my brother, he actually had
a girlfriend at the time. JUDGE LAKE: Oh! It's a code of honor
we have. Oh, I'd love to hear that. (LAUGHS) Doesn't sound like anything
is honorable about this party,
but I'm listening. What is the code of honor? MARKUS: Basically,
what he's saying is, if that ain't your girlfriend,
then it's open play. She's open... Okay. I get it. All right.
So I understand. Between the two of you,
if it's not your girlfriend,
then it's fair game. Either one of you can sleep
with them or have sex or whatever you all
want to do.
Moving forward. So, after this night, do you continue to have
a relationship
with Ms. Williams? Well, after that night,
when my brother told me
what he did, I wasn't really mad at him, I just didn't really
believe him. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, you didn't? MARKUS: It was actually
two occasions, Your Honor. Why didn't you believe
your brother when he told you
he had sex with her? 'Cause my brother, you know,
sometimes he stretches
the truth a little bit. I didn't really quite
believe it all the way until I talked to her,
and when I asked her
about it, you know, the reaction
she gave me was like, "No! What are you talking
about? I wouldn't do
anything like that." That's a reaction
when somebody... SESALIE: I never did anything. Well, it was
the facial expression. I didn't really believe it. JUDGE LAKE: So, wait a minute.
Ms. Williams... Hold on. Ms. Williams, when Bryan
confronted you,
what did you say? I said, "What?
What are you talking about? "I would never do anything
like that. "Why would I have sex
with your brother?" And he was cussing me out.
He called me so many
"sluts" and "whores"... So now, that night,
he said that you all were, his word was "faded"? Yes. Do you remember whether
you had sex with his brother? No, I did not
have sex with him. Actually, Your Honor,
I had sex with Sesalie
on two different occasions. At the hotel room that night, and I seen her
a couple weeks later
at the smoke shop, and I took her down
in the car again. No one had sex
with you, Markus! So, when my brother
initially told me
that she was pregnant, that's when a light
went on in my head. I'm like, "Wow." And she's saying
it's probably a possibility
that I could be... But just knowing
her track record and knowing her
and how easy it was
and things like that, I think she's just like
flipping a coin
and just picking anybody. So, do you all think
that you're the only
two possibilities, or could there be more? See, that's my thing.
Our relationship, we never had any type
of commitment. We had sex, we hung out,
and that was it. After I met him
and we started talking more... <i> She had a boyfriend
at the time.</i> And when they broke up,
me and her,
we started talking more. And I asked her one day,
I said, "Let me see
Zay'lan's birth certificate." She was kind of hesitant
to show it to me. I have it right here,
as a matter of fact. She was kind of hesitant
to show it to me. Jerome, let me see that. 'Cause I'm looking
at the birth certificate, I see where it says "father," and it says "Nicholas Davis." When it comes to
three-year-old Zay'lan Davis, as to whether one of
the Wiggins twin brothers or another man is his biological father, it has been determined that one of the Wiggins twins is the father. Now, because identical twins
share the exact same DNA, genetically it is impossible
to determine which twin is
the biological father without further investigation. <i> We had a member of
the Los Angeles County
Sheriff's Office</i> <i> and a licensed
polygraph examiner</i> <i> do a full investigation,
including a polygraph test.</i> <i> Based upon
the genetic evidence</i> as well as the results
of the polygraph test, this court has determined that Mr. Bryan Wiggins is the biological father. You're the father. Told you! Told you. Now, you seem
emotional, sir. I have built,
over the past year or two, I have built a relationship
with him. I felt it couldn't go as close
as me and my daughter
the whole time, 'cause I just
really didn't know.
I just didn't know. You telling me that right now, it kind of brought
a lot of love
that was missing at first. That's what this courtroom
is about. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Alleviating the doubt
to elevate the love. Right? Yes. I must say this, when you think of
identical twins, you know, the beauty of it
and what people always admire is that they share everything. They dress alike sometimes. They look alike. They like
to do the same things often. But there's something
that twins should not share, and that would be
sexual partners.