Tears Of JOY! Happiest Reveals On Paternity Court (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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Mr. Milner, you claim the defendant Ms. Heath deceived you into believing that you fathered her three-month-old son, Zecharrio Milner Jr. Yes, Your Honor. You say, you love her son, and would be devastated to find out that you've been loving another man's child, <i>which is why, you have petitioned the court to order a paternity test.</i> Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Heath, you admit there was another man. But claim Mr. Milner signed the birth certificate acknowledging paternity and therefore there's no reason for a test to be ordered. The court must determine if there is enough evidence to warrant ordering a paternity test. So, Mr. Milner, why do you believe Ms. Heath has been deceiving you this entire time? I feel like she been deceiving me, because when I first met her, I told her straight up, what I want. And that is I want a family, I want to be a family man. I'm done running the streets. I'm really tired of that. And I feel like as soon as I said that a light came up above her head, like, bing, I got me a duff, you hear me? I finna gonna pluck this man for whatever I can. And that's why I'm here, I really need this test. Oh, you thought like, like a light came on like, I can use him up. I got one... I can tell anything to. Yeah and get away with it, yeah. Your Honor, that wasn't the case. Um, when I met Mr. Milner, yes he did say he wanted a family, of course, I wanted the same thing, I have other children, you know. This was not a part of the plan, you know I didn't just... Man. Just see him and was like "Oh I got somebody "that's gonna sit here and do the family things and take care of my kids." So, Mr. Milner, I want to understand this, why do you have doubt? After everything that happened, we got ourselves an apartment. She sitting there, we watching TV, her head is in my lap. Me and her is talking real well, next thing I know, she just bust out the tears. I mean, she goes straight to crying. I don't know if the baby yours or not. (IMITATES CRYING) That's not true, Your Honor. That's not true, Your Honor. So, I'm lying. He doesn't have it correct. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, how do you see it? How I don't have it correct? Um, I kept trying to make sure with the doctor that I have the conception dates right. Um, when the date got moved back. I was like, maybe you know, in my head, I was like maybe it could be another, uh, the other gentleman. JUDGE LAKE: I thought you all were in a committed relationship. It happened prior to Mr. Milner, that's why I don't understand it. I understand his doubt, but I don't understand the fuel to his fire as like I cheated on him. I did not. Oh, so you're saying, it could be another guy, before him? Prior to him. So I went ahead and told him, 'cause I've never lied to Mr. Milner. I was honest with him from day one, about any and everything. What am I lying about? (STAMMERS) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The gentleman that he always claims has nothing to do with the matter, like it's always something about me, but I'm always catching stuff on him. Lemans Mebane works for this court, and Ms. Mebane, in the process of taking the statement from Ms. Heath, it's in the record that you heard her say testimony that differs than what she is presenting in court today. Yes, Your Honor. What did she tell you about her relationship with the other man? She told me that sometimes they used condoms, and sometimes they did not. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) Your Honor, I have a situation to where I cannot just not use condoms. So, I have condoms on the whole time. Ms. Mebane, when you took that statement, you asked her simply, did she use condoms the entire time? Correct. She said "sometimes and sometimes not." Correct. She said "sometimes, we did, and sometimes, we did not." Exactly. Thank you very much. MEBANE: You're welcome. So, Ms. Heath, did you ever tell the other man that he could be the biological father? No, ma'am, when I called him, I strictly asked him about the condom. Period. Point blank. He was like, "no, you made sure that I used condoms." (STAMMERS) We stopped messing around before this, all of this transpired and he said, that nothing happened with the condom. So, I was like, I won't contact you, I won't say anything to you. The other gentleman is married, ma'am. Yes, he's married, (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) And I didn't know. Yeah, he's married. Married? Your Honor, while I was messing with this gentleman, I was not aware that he was married until my relative came to me after I had already started a relationship, "relationship" because we never treated it as such. She said, well, you know, he still messing with his wife. I was like, "Well, why you didn't tell me this, prior," 'cause I don't mess with married men. That is not my cup of tea. Is it that you don't believe... this... married man could've been Zecharrio's biological father, <i> or is that you didn't want him to be?</i> Both. JUDGE LAKE: Because he was married. It was both, Your Honor, because that man, he had too much going on. So, can you tell me with one hundred percent certainty, one hundred percent, that you know Mr. Milner is your child's biological father? With time, Your Honor, I can't. (STAMMERS) I cannot be sure on anything and I have to be honest with myself. And I've been honest with Mr. Milner. I don't know for sure, I can't be for sure, that's why I need this test today, because you know, even though, he say he'll be there for him, every time we get into an argument, it's like, well, I don't. "He's not mine, it's an ex. He's this, he's that." And I'm tired of hearing it, I am. In the case of<i> Milner Sr. v. Heath,</i> When it comes to three-month-old, Zecharrio Milner Jr. it has been determined by this court, Mr. Milner, you... are the father. Hey! Yeah! (SMOOCHES) (GIGGLES) Yeah. Oh, wow, I haven't seen you smile like this, Mr. Milner. I feel good, feel great. (LAUGHS) How does it feel to finally get the truth, Ms. Heath. It feels good, it's closure, I can live my life peacefully. And we can be happy how we were. Mr. Fisher, you claim you made the biggest mistake of your life by signing the birth certificate for two-month-old Sophia. You say your fiancee dropped a bomb on you just one month ago, and admitted you may not be her father. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Doyle, you admit to making the biggest mistake of your life by cheating on Mr. Fisher, but stand in court hoping and praying he is Sophia's father. Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. -Mr. Fisher, you say today's results mean everything to you. Explain. I love Britanny, and I love Sophia to death. They're my world, but she lied to me. <i> She kept the truth from me, and it kills me.</i> <i> I hope I am Sophia's father.</i> <i> I love her to death. That's my baby.</i> -So, you say you love her. -[Fisher] Yes, Your Honor. [breath quivering] And so, you decide to settle down, and you had this beautiful relationship. It felt perfect to you. It's everything. Everything I've ever wanted. And then, Ms. Doyle, how do we end up here? What happened? Um, one of his family members... I was on vacation with one of his family members in Florida, and another one of his family members that he was with at the time, had texted me and he said, "Trey is cheating on you." We call him Trey, but this name is John. So, me, I was hurt. And so, I went to be by myself at the pool area, where I was at at the time, and a guy walked up to me. And he was like, "You look like you need somebody to talk to you, do you want to go to my camper and talk?" -So... -[audience exclaiming] So, I go back to his camper with him, and then we talked about it, and then one thing led to another, we were... He kissed me and then we had sex. -Unprotected sex? -Yes, Your Honor. [audience] Hmm. Did you ever find out if Mr. Fisher was actually cheating at that time? Yes, Your Honor. Me and him talked about it, and the family member admitted that it was a lie, -that he did not cheat on me. -[audience exclaims] So, the family member sent a text and lied. -[Doyle] Yes, Your Honor. -And you went and had revenge sex? -[Doyle] Yes, Your Honor. -And the whole time it was a lie? Yes, Your Honor. And, Mr. Fisher, as you stand here, I can see how difficult it is to hear your fiancee describe the night she had sex with another person. And you knew nothing about this until after Sophia was born? Yes, Your Honor. [audience exclaims] I felt guilty. Like, it was inside of me saying, "Hey, I need to tell him just so that he knows." Mr. Fisher, how do you remember that night? We just had fun all day that day. Just holding Sophia and spending time with her. Just quality time. <i> And she started looking at Sophia,</i> <i> and started crying, and kept crying,</i> <i> and she told me she cheated on me.</i> I tell her I love her, she is my world, so is Sophia. But I shouldn't have to stay and take care of some other man's baby because that's what a man is supposed to do. [applause] But I'll stay and take care of her. Because I know she thinks that I'm the father, and I'll still hold her like she's mine. Have you prepared yourself, Mr. Fisher? Have you said, "Let me prepare myself either way. <i> Let me just think about how I will behave,</i> <i> how I will take my next step</i> if I'm not Sophia's biological father?" I haven't really thought about that part yet, honestly. That's a beautiful, amazing baby right there. That's my world. <i> She's what keeps me going every day.</i> [audience]<i> Aw.</i> Before I go to the results, Ms. Doyle, is there anything you'd like to say to Mr. Fisher? I'm sorry that it happened. And if she's yours, then I hope that... Let me tell you this. You ain't gotta be guilty about it no more. I know about it, and I know you're sorry. Just don't hoard on me no more. That's my baby no matter what, and you're my wife. I love you. When it comes to two-month-old Sophia Fisher, it has been determined by this Court, Mr. Fisher... You... Are the father. [Fisher] Oh, my God. [Doyle] Yay! [Fisher crying] -Thank you, God. -[Judge Lake] Aw. You can stand there with him if you like. How does it feel, Mr. Fisher, to know that that is your beautiful little baby girl? Well, I think we're gonna be getting married -when we get back home. -[Judge Lake] Aw. Mr. Cohen, you say your wife brought another man into your home and had sex with him under your roof. -[audience exclaiming] -Yes, Your Honor. You claim your trust has been shattered and you're enduring the ultimate betrayal of not knowing whether or not Kyrie is your son. Today's DNA results will determine the fate of your marriage, is that correct? [Quari Cohen] Yes, Your Honor. So, Mrs. Cohen, what is the current status of your marriage? Um, right now I'm trying to save my marriage because we are on the verge of divorce. I want to prove to him that he is the father of our one-year-old son. He's my high school sweetheart, we met in the 10th grade. We started dating, we've been together for seven years, married for three. And I just really want to prove to him and his family members that he is the father of our one-year-old son. Mr. Cohen, how did you find out your wife was cheating? In April, me and Jasmine, we broke up, we said we was gonna be done with each other for good. We were still living under the same roof in the same house. Going into May, we began to have sex again, all that good stuff. I went through Jasmine's phone one day after we got back together and her phone was locked, she had a passcode on it. So, me, I had to get in that phone. I said, "Okay, what can I do?" I used all Jasmine's ten fingers, all her finger to unlock her iPhone. How? She had a lock on her phone with her finger. Right. So, how did you use her finger? She was asleep at the time and I put the... I put her finger on the phone, and she continued to stay asleep. [Judge Lake] Wow. All right. [Quari] Yeah, so... As I was going through the phone, I decided to check messages, I was checking phone logs, photos, everything. So, I was, like, "Oh, my wife's not cheating no more. We're about to be happy." I was about to lock the phone. Right when I was about to lock the phone, I opened up the notes in her phone and I see my name at the top. I was, like, "Let me click on this note, why is my name there?" I clicked on the note and there was two other names under my name. I instantly realized that was the people Jasmine had been intimate with because my name was first which I took Jasmine's virginity, and there was another name under it, of a guy who I knew she slept with while we... Like, we was on a break, this was when we was younger. But then there was a third name, I knew nothing of that name. So, me, I went straight to Instagram, -typed in the name, and... -You were busy. [audience laughing] And you were doing this all in the middle of the night? It wasn't even actually night. It was daytime. -Oh, all right. -Yeah. -Go ahead, Inspector Gadget. I'm, I'm... -[audience laughing] So then you go to Instagram and what happened? I went to Instagram, I typed in the guy's name, and his name popped up first, so I clicked on that picture, and it was the guy. -I went in his DMs-- -How do you know it was the guy? I actually... I went into his DMs and I was, like, "You're havin' a baby, sir." And he replied back to me, acting like he knew exactly who I was. He was, like, "No, I only slept with her one time. That's not my child. She told me nothin' about her being pregnant or anything." Then he blocked me so there was no... To be fair, I was already pregnant when I slept with him. In the case of<i> Cohen v. Cohen,</i> when it comes to fifteen-month-old Kyrie Cohen, it has been determined by this Court, Mr. Cohen, you... are the father. [Jasmine] I told you. [Quari] Oh, my God. I'm so happy. I owe you an apology. Be quiet. You can stand with your wife, you can stand with your husband. [audience] Aw! You initially appeared in<i> Couple's Court</i> due to cheating allegations, but this case was referred to me by the Cutlers due to paternity doubts. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Jones... Yes. You claim that after 48 years of trying to become a father, your dream became a reality, but that initial excitement turned into a nightmare as your wife admitted that she had been unfaithful. You now believe four-year-old Tymari is not your biological child, but will be crushed if the DNA results are negative. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mrs. Jones, you state you did cheat on your husband, but claim that you are certain that Tymari is his daughter. You say today's DNA results will determine the future of your marriage and family. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Jones, tell me what your household has been like due to paternity denial. Your Honor, my household's been upside down. I'm sleeping on the couch. Your Honor, I never said it, but I always had some type of doubt. Ever since I found out she cheated, I always had a doubt. I never said... JUDGE LAKE: And you haven't said anything. I never said nothing, but I look at her, and I was trying to see me. I'm trying to see me in her. JUDGE LAKE: And so you stepped up... So you don't see you in her? TYRONE: Sometimes. (AUDIENCE SIGHS) KHMARI: This is new to me. 'Cause I thought that he knew, 'cause we... This is... He never brought this up until a little while, like, (STAMMERS) a couple of months ago. I mean, I've... JUDGE LAKE: That he didn't feel Tymari was his child. Yes, yes. That's what I was under the impression of. JUDGE LAKE: So, why do you think you're here today? I'll argue with him and I would say petty stuff. I mean, she cheated on me, I never thought, you know, that I'd have a baby, but... So, you stepped up as a dad to do the right thing. TYRONE: Yes. I did the right thing, yes. JUDGE LAKE: And for the past four years, you've been there for Tymari. TYRONE: I ain't leave yet. JUDGE LAKE: But the truth is, as you look at this beautiful baby, every day you're studying her features... Right. ...going, "I don't see me." Right. Right. At 48, I had the baby, and it's like my world's turned upside down. Every time we argue, she say she ain't mine. (AUDIENCE GASPS) JUDGE LAKE: Oh, she tells you. TYRONE: Yeah. Are you telling him, Ms. Jones? All right. I'm gonna be totally honest. Yes, I did tell him, but that was in the heat of the moment. I did, you know, mess up in the past around the time of conceiving. And, we all are human, we all make mistakes. I regret it. I'm very ashamed. Um, I'm embarrassed. But, it is a doubt in my mind as well. But I really don't believe that another man could just... I mean, I know it takes one time. Don't get me wrong. But I don't think that another man just randomly can just overpower my husband's sperm. It just can't happen. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I'm sorry. I, I... You find out your wife is pregnant. And what goes through your mind? TYRONE: I couldn't believe it. I didn't think I could have a baby at that age. I was 48 years old. JUDGE LAKE: So, you didn't think you could even produce a baby at 48 years old. No, 'cause my lifestyle, you know, I was... You know, I was in the streets, hanging out, doing a lot of things. And I thought, maybe, you know... JUDGE LAKE: You even submitted a chart to the court to outline why you believed you weren't this child's biological father. (KHMARI SCOFFS) Wait. (LAUGHS) JUDGE LAKE: So, you have a sexual timeline, where you basically say you lost your virginity in 1981, and you've had 33 years of an active sex life, and no one has ever gotten pregnant, until 2014... Yes, Your Honor. ...which is your wife. Yes. That's a long time. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) In those 33 years, Mr. Jones, you're saying, "I've never impregnated anyone." Nobody never told me. And you've had multiple women. I've had multiple women. KHMARI: Your Honor. Having sex unprotected. Unprotected. Hi, Dr. Gater. Hi. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you so much for being here today. We are here talking about the paternity as it relates to beautiful baby Tymari. And Mr. Jones has expressed a real concern about his sperm count. And we need answers. So, we called upon you. DR. JAMEELAH: Okay. Can you talk to us about what a semen analysis, sperm analysis does? What can you determine from a test like that? So, a semen analysis is typically used to look at a man's ability to father a child. And it looks at key components of health of sperm. And those would be the number of sperm, the shape of the sperm, and the motility, or the sperm's ability to move. JUDGE LAKE: All right. DR. JAMEELAH: So, in Mr. Jones' case, we did a semen analysis, and basically, on a normal semen analysis, you expect to see about 20 million sperm per milliliter, and you expect to see normal shape, and sperm that can move. In Mr. Jones' case, he had well under one million sperm. And, in fact, when they looked under the microscope, there were only three motile sperm that were seen. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIM) Oh, my God. JUDGE LAKE: Three? DR. JAMEELAH: Three. So, for a 70-year-old man, let's say, you'd still would expect to see millions of sperm. So, that's much lower than that. And even for someone who's had a vasectomy, that's someone who, you know, you'd expect to see no sperm. So his sperm count is actually closer to someone who had a vasectomy than even someone who's 70 or 80 years old. JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Jones, when you hear the testimony from Dr. Gater, Does that further your doubt? Does that... Yes. Yes, Your Honor. It does. So, the truth is this would be a miracle, Dr. Gater... DR. JAMEELAH: Yes. ...if this baby was his biological child. DR. JAMEELAH: Yes. KHMARI: And God can produce miracles. Please. God, please. DR. JAMEELAH: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Yes, he can. DR. JAMEELAH: He can. Please, I pray. I pray. In the case of<i> Jones v. Jones,</i> when it comes to four-year-old Tymari Jones, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Jones... You... Are the father. (CHEERING AND SHOUTING) KHMARI: Yeah, baby! Can I hug him? Can I hug him? Hey. JUDGE LAKE: Yes. (CRYING) KHMARI: Thank you, Lord. JUDGE LAKE: That's awesome. KHMARI: Oh, God. Oh. Oh, my heart feels so good. JUDGE LAKE: You could stand over there with your wife, Spider-man. (ALL LAUGHING) Okay? She said it shot like a web. Oh, I'm so happy for you both. (TEARFULLY) Thank you. I'm so happy. You'll are gonna make me cry, my lash falls off. Hold on. I'm so happy for you all. I'm happy myself. (ALL LAUGHING)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,510,519
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 1, season 7, compilation, highlights, best moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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