The Lost Years: Emotional Moments As Decades Of Mysteries Are Solved (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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Miss Franzoni, you say that you believe in your heart, after three decades of questions and doubts, that you know the identity of your biological father. You claim your mother, Mrs. Bailey, has misled you, abandoned you, and hidden the truth from you your entire life. But today, you've brought her to court to learn the results of a paternity test. Now, Mrs. Bailey, you argue that your daughter is completely wrong. You say you're here to open her eyes to a scheme that is confusing her, and making her believe a lie. The man Miss Franzoni believes to be her biological father is outside of the courtroom and he'll be joining us shortly. Now, Miss Franzoni, please tell the court why you've asked for the results of a paternity test today. I grew up not knowing my dad, um, and I only had two moms in my life, my godmother and my mom, and, it's just, at some point there was some doubt about who exactly was my father. And my mom had introduced me to a gentleman, and I just did not feel in my heart that he was my father. You say you felt nothing. What do you mean? I felt nothing, like, I just didn't feel like he was my father. And I felt as if, if we had met in a different circumstance, he might even try to hit on me, or take me out or something. Really? I mean that's just the way that I felt. You know, and I just was not... I just wasn't satisfied. And also, you know, my late grandmother told me a story that kind of sounded similar to the other stories that I heard, about a gentleman, Mark Bomar, my mother met, years ago, right around the time of my conception, and nine months later, here was me. JUDGE LAKE: So, Miss Franzoni, specifically, why are you convinced this man is your father? We have a lot of similar characteristics, uh, even when I tell him things about my life, things that I've had happen in my life, I just feel we have so much in common. JUDGE LAKE: So you feel it's completely different than when you met the gentleman your mother introduced you to. FRANZONI: Right. And that's pretty much how I've always felt ever since I met him. JUDGE LAKE: And your godmother, who is here with you today, she believes he is your father. All right, so let me hear from the co-plaintiff, Miss Hallums. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Please step up to the podium. Now, you believe that Mr. Bomar is possibly her father and you have that feeling that could certainly be true, and you think he's a better candidate. Yes, ma'am. Please explain. HALLUMS: For one thing, uh... When Miss Camille, uh, told me that she was impregnated, I asked her who she was impregnated by, she said Mark Bomar, or the other candidate. BAILEY: I did not say that. She's making that up. I did not tell her that. So you remember, distinctly, her saying so? HALLUMS: Yes, yes, I remember. Explain. What do you remember? I remember, because, uh, when she said it, I said, "I know Mark Bomar." I worked with him, under... FRANZONI: She said that. You told me that she said that there was a possibility... If she remembered that, why did she just bring it up last year? If she remembered that 30 years ago, why did she just bring it up last year? Is there a reason why you just brought it up? To stick another dagger in my back against my daughter. As for as stories people have told her, that's just what they were, stories. We don't get to pick and choose our parents, BAILEY: I know I wasn't the best mother. HALLUMS: It ain't been for years. BAILEY: I know, and I appreciate this woman, for being there, 'cause she was. But the meddling, and trying to compete... And then remembering... For my daughter's love. This is my child! I had her! She wants to know who... And you need to stay in your lane. HALLUMS: She need to, she wants to know who her father is. Well, okay. That's just the point. But you still need to stay in your place. Well, they did a DNA. Okay, but you ain't the daddy, that's for damn sure. Okay, you ain't been no mother. So I been a... But she has! And both of you guys have been there. JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, can you go stand in between them? FRANZONI: I've been... You ain't never been a mother. BAILEY: You should've went and had a baby. That's right! Tell that! Listen to the judge. Ladies! Ladies! JEROME: Listen to the judge, and you listen to the judge. Wow! Is it<i> Paternity Court</i> or<i> Maternity Court?</i> <i>Paternity Court,</i> that's what I'm saying. JUDGE LAKE: Listen! What is obvious is that both of you love this young lady very, very, much. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: And both of you have had a hand in raising her. Now, you all can keep arguing and fussing, and rehashing your own personal issues, 'cause I hate to tell you, all this back and forth, it's obvious to me and everybody in this courtroom, that it don't have nothing to do with her. That has to do with some unfinished business that you two have to deal with, and that's really not our business! Our business is making sure Miss Franzoni understands, or gets the opportunity to figure out who her father is. And if she wants to test man number one, two, three, 79 and 80, and they all agree to a test, why you got a problem with it? We understand that you had a relationship at some time with her mother, Miss Bailey. Yes. After a conversation with Miss Hallums, you recalled that perhaps you could potentially be Miss Franzoni's father. Indeed. If you could explain for us why you do believe it's possible that you're her father. I was a bounty hunter back in the '80s. And I was looking for someone, and I ended up in her mother's building, and I was questioning her mother. And you met her. And her mother said, "Listen, I have a beautiful daughter that I would really like for you to meet." When she came in, I met her. And, uh, so, we talked for a while, and took her out to dinner, and we became intimate. I guess, maybe the relationship lasted probably a couple months JUDGE LAKE: Okay. At the most. And something happened. I don't really remember exactly what it was, but something happened that drew us apart. And so, uh... And did you ever hear about Miss Bailey being pregnant, and if you did, did you think, "Oh, that could be my child," or you just never heard anything else, until Miss Hallums reached out to you. Well, that's what I recall was when Maxine, she said that she really didn't know, if that was my child or not. So I ask her, I said, "Does the baby look like me, or..." you know, that's what she was saying that I said, but I don't remember those things. But by the same token, when she called me up to tell me about it, I said, "Well, let's forget about all of that, just tell me what the situation is." Okay. And she said, "Well, this young lady wants to know if you're her father, "and it's a possibility that you could be," and she said, the reason why was because Rene had told her that it was between me and another fella. when it comes to the paternity of 31-year-old Maxina Franzoni, Mr. Bomar, you are not her father. I'm sorry to you both. FRANZONI: I'm more sorry, you know, to him. Because, you know, we just had established a great relationship. And I know he really wanted to be, and I just feel bad because... The time that we did spend together, like, since we've known each other, you know, he made me feel, you know, like, a princess, like Cinderella, like everything that every little girl can imagine, and want, and have from their father. So this has been a great experience. I don't want it to change either, anyway. So... Do you hear that, Mr. Bomar? BOMAR: I told Maxina, if it did come to the point where it was not, she could still feel like my daughter. JUDGE LAKE: Sometimes, out of the denial, comes the blessing. BAILEY: All right. Do you hear me? Amidst all of this confusion, meddling, your side would say an attempt to help, you might say denial, look what you've gotten! You're standing with your mother now, you still have Miss Hallums that loves you very much, and I'm hoping that your mother and Miss Hallums will take some time to sit down, and just talk these things through. We going to be all right. Mr. Harper, you say you are in financial shambles because you've been stuck paying support for a child you know is not yours. Yes, Your Honor. You claim previous courts have denied your request for DNA testing because you allegedly signed an acknowledgment of paternity. Yes, Your Honor. You now claim to have evidence to prove you never signed that document. Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Harper, you and your son, Mack Jr., claim Mr. Harper is denying paternity as an excuse for being a deadbeat father. Yes, Your Honor. All right, so, Mr. Harper Sr., explain to me, how have you been affected by all of this? Your Honor, I have been affected by this by first ending up in jail for 21 days. Really? And then... You spent 21 days in jail because of failure to pay support or you'd gotten behind? Yes, I had gotten behind in my child support. Uh, I got a... The police came to my house one day, knocked on my door, uh, and told me that I was behind in child support. At that time I didn't even know I was supposed to be paying child support. You never received a letter? I never received a letter. A notice? No. Nothing. Nothing, Your Honor. They came, locked me up. I went to court. Uh, they asked me if I could pay the money, what I needed for court at that time. What they were saying that I was behind then. How much did they say you were behind? At that time, I think I might have been, like, $500 behind. All right. In, uh, child support. And, from then on, I was just working trying to make enough money not to get locked up again. He just told a story 'cause they... When they sent me a letter, they told me he was $25,000 behind. I have doubts that Junior is mine all because of the fact that back when me and his mother were... Ms. Myrtle was together, I have family and friends that told me that she, uh, had been messing around with other mens behind my back. Whenever I would go to work. Your Honor, that's not true. Whenever I would go to work. I even got proof that says... That's not true. ...that someone texted me and said or called me and said that she might even have messed with one of my family members. (AUDIENCE GASPS) So you heard rumors that she was sleeping with other people. Yes, Your Honor. When I read, in the court papers, there was an acknowledgment of paternity signed. It was... You say you didn't sign that. No, Your Honor. Whenever I got out there to the hospital, after she had had him, 'cause she had him at home. You had Mack Jr. at home, Ms. Harper? Yes, Your Honor. But Mr. Sr. came to the hospital, took pictures. The nurse brought the doggone... I came to the hospital... ...birth certificate up there for him to sign... ...took pictures. I did not... ...and he signed the birth certificate. I did not never see no birth certificate. JUDGE LAKE: And did you witness it? I witnessed it. Yes. You saw him sign the birth certificate? I did not sign no birth certificate. You remember having a relationship. He'd come get you, take you with him. Yeah, yeah. Gave him a birthday party. How old were you then? About seven to eleven. <i> Since 2005, out of 10 years,</i> <i> I've only seen him three years.</i> His exact words. I hadn't seen him in so many years because she wouldn't allow me to. They moved out of town. They moved out of the town where I lived at. They moved so far away I would have to catch a Greyhound to get there. What was wrong with that? (AUDIENCE LAUGHING AND APPLAUDING) Because I'm physically... Your Honor. Your Honor. Because I don't have the money to get there with. Your Honor. Because child support has taken all my money. Is this about the money you feel like you do not owe or is this about the fact that you truly have doubts as to whether or not this young man is your biological child? I am. I have doubts that he is my biological child. I mean, as far as the child support money, if I find out that he is my biological child, I don't mind paying it. I been paying it all this long anyway. Why is it you didn't do more to make contact? He says he's seen you three times. In 10 years. I mean that... In 10 years? Well, I don't have, I don't have a car to get around with because of the child support. It's taken everything. You got a cell phone. You got a cell phone. I talk to him. He won't talk to me. I used to try to talk to him every day. I used to call my sister every day or every other day trying to get in touch with him. You did? Yes, ma'am. Because you wanted a relationship with him. You wanted to know him. Yeah. At the time, I actually wanted him in my life. Mr. Harper, you say your daughter from a previous relationship... Yes. Yes. Your biological daughter, is here, is going to join us in the courtroom. Yes, ma'am. Uh, via Skype, because she could not be here today in court. Yes, because she just had a baby. But she has testimony to offer that would further your claim. Yes. Ms. Harper. <i> Hi.</i> Hello. Thank you for joining us today. Congratulations on the new baby. <i> Thank you.</i> We appreciate you still making your court appearance even if it is via Skype. I see you're very emotional, ma'am. Please tell me what are you feeling? Do you believe Mack Jr. is your brother? (SNIFFLES) <i> In a way, I don't.</i> In a way you don't? <i> I don't. No.</i> Please tell the court why. <i> Um, I've witnessed her</i> <i> flirting around and engaging in, um,</i> <i> all different types of sexual contact with other men.</i> Specifically, what happened? What did you witness? <i> Well, for one, I was about between the ages of 11 and 12,</i> <i> I was with her at her sister's house,</i> <i> and I remember</i> <i> the night before there were a bunch of men</i> <i> at that apartment</i> <i> and I remember going to bed that night and I woke up the next morning</i> <i> and I heard a man's voice in that room</i> <i> along with hers</i> <i> and I went to sit up on the bed and I leaned over.</i> <i> I couldn't see who the person was.</i> <i> But I heard their voice and I'm like, "That doesn't sound like my dad's voice."</i> So what you believe you heard was Ms. Harper either in the bed or in the bedroom, at least, with a man that was not your father. <i> Correct.</i> Ms. Harper, do you remember this incident? No, Your Honor. I sure don't. In the case of <i> Harper Sr. vs. Harper Jr.,</i> when it comes to 20-year-old Mack Harper Jr., it has been determined by this court, Mr. Harper Sr. Yes, Your Honor. You are his father. (APPLAUSE) <i> Wow.</i> All right. Now, will you please step up and be a dad to your son? Yes, I will. If he'll allow me to. If he'll allow me to, I'll be there for him. You now have confirmed that he's in fact your biological father. And the things you've felt all of these years have been validated. And you deserve an opportunity to tell him that directly. Tell him. It took... Twenty years for you to try to figure out that you was my dad. Where was you at when I needed you the most? JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Harper? If you'll allow me, I'll try to be in your life. If not, then I will just try to keep in contact with you the best way I can, okay? "As best I can"? That's not good enough! That's not good enough! That's not good enough! He's not gonna allow me to... He's not going to allow me to be in his life. That's not good enough! What you have to say... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Mr. Harper Sr., is, "I will be right here. "I will keep trying to get in contact with you. "I will not rest until I am given the opportunity "to make up for the time I've lost. Mr. Robinson, you and your wife say you are not the father of the defendant's son, Trevarus, but know who is. Yes, Your Honor. You claim she deceived you into believing you were the father to collect child support and as a result of your inability to pay, your driver's license was suspended and your tax return was taken. Yes, Your Honor. DORA: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Today, you're suing Ms. Grant for $124 for license reinstatement fees and plan to return to court in your home state to fight for $1685.10 in garnish wages? Yes, Your Honor. DORA: Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Grant, you believe Mr. Robinson is denying your son only because he was summoned to pay more than $13,000 in back child support, am I correct? Yes, Your Honor. So Mr. Robison, then how has this situation affected your marriage? Uh, we had got a letter in mail saying that he was $13,000 arrearage and back-signed on child support. So before this letter, you didn't know he was even the father? Well, when me and him met and got married in '09, Mmm-hmm. um, he told me he had three children. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And he was not in their life. I made him get in their life. Told him that you doing for my kids, you need to do for your own. Your Honor, that's not true. DORA: All of a sudden... JUDGE LAKE: You say that's not true, Ms. Grant. No. My son never went around there. DORA: Yes, he did. And Dexter did claim my child 'cause I have proof here when he went to sign papers and everything. Yeah, he did sign the paper, And then but he didn't sign the birth certificate. I was in the hospital... JUDGE LAKE: You said you have proof? Yes. He had the opportunity. What is this paperwork? That is where he signed and say that that is his child and he will pay $60 a month for his child. JUDGE LAKE: This is an affidavit and admission of paternity <i> which is basically an acknowledgment of paternity.</i> <i> Did you sign this, sir?</i> <i> That's your signature?</i> Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: How old was Mr. Christian Trevarus when this was signed? I think he was a couple of months, Your Honor. So this was right after he was born. Right. And during that time, Dexter was acknowledging that that was his child. I mean, he was coming there, we was going places together, he brought stuff, I mean, we was like as a family. I mean, yeah, he had another family also, but he played the role as a father during then. A year after my child was born, that's when Dexter went his separate ways and his family started saying he wasn't here and all that. JUDGE LAKE: So, take me back. I want to understand this relationship a little bit. You all met and you started a sexual relationship? KATRINA: Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: <i> And how long after that did you realize you were pregnant?</i> We started dating October the 7th, 1989 and, um... DORA: They were not ever in a relationship. Your Honor, yes, we are, and, as a matter of fact, where was you in 1989 when we was together? I'm with him now. I'm with him now. Dexter, I slept with you. I did not sleep with your wife. Could you please tell her that we was together? DORA: It's my responsibility now. Weren't we together? JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Grant, how did this develop into a sexual relationship? He asked me, he say, "You know, my birthday is next month," and I said no and he say, "Yeah, it's November the 28th." He say, "Can we get together on your... For my birthday?" So in November, we got together at my cousin's house in the back seat of his burgundy Bonneville and that's where Trevarus was conceived. you went up and you signed the acknowledgment of paternity, when did you become doubtful? Two years ago, when this other man approached him and told him that he was the father. KATRINA: When they had to pay $13,000, Your Honor. So Mr. Robinson, at some point after you signed this acknowledgment, someone came up to you and said, "I'm Mr. Christian's father." Yes, Your Honor. And this was just two years ago? Yes, Your Honor. So, all of these years, over 20 years, you thought Mr. Christian was your son, and you were paying support? Yes, Your Honor. This guy, Mr. Eddie, <i> came and told me Montez was his son</i> but outta all of this time, I really thought Montez was my son. And then what happened after that? Mr. Robinson came home and told me about it. This man that they're claiming walked up to him and said, "I'm really Mr. Christian's father." Do you know who this man is? I do know him, Your Honor. And did you have a sexual relationship with him? Prior to, um, the conception of Trevarus. JUDGE LAKE: So before Mr. Christian was conceived, you were in a sexual relationship with this other man? Yes. And that is Mr. Ellis? That is. Uh-huh. I want to hear from him. Mr. Ellis, thank you for being here today. We are of course discussing the paternity as it relates to Mr. Christian. Um, and we've heard testimony that says you approached Mr. Robinson at some point and said, "I'm Mr. Christian's father." Did that happen? No, that's a lie. He approached me. He came to me and said, um, "I heard that, uh, Montez was your son." I said, "Wait, man, hey, look, I didn't tell you to go and sign no papers. "So, that's on you." You know, I feel that he's my son because of, of his mom had approached me and say it once. I never, Your Honor, I never in my life Oh, yes. Yes. told him that he was... Yes, you have. Ms. Grant, I'm going to give you a chance to respond. Let me hear his testimony first. Mr. Ellis, proceed. He used to stay with my mom and all. He called me "Pops" and whatnot, so, yeah, I feel he my son, you know? So you acknowledge that you had a sexual relationship with Ms. Grant. And was it during the window of time when Mr. Christian was conceived? Do you believe that? Yes. What did Ms. Grant say to you that made you believe that you were... She told me go get my son outta the tree, All right. So Mr. Christian, who did you call or regard as your father growing up? Eddie, most of the time. That would be Mr. Ellis? Yes, ma'am. When you thought about "Dad," when you thought about "Father," you thought about him? Yes, ma'am. Did you know that Mr. Robinson was paying child support? No, ma'am. You never knew that? Neither one of them actually did anything. I just, you know, referred to him as more of a father because his family, like he said, they reached out towards me more. Mr. Ellis'? Yes. And what about your relationship with Mr. Robinson and his family? There was no relationship with me and his family. So you got rejected by his family? Yes, ma'am. And they would tell you you're not? DORA: We sent him money. When did you send me money? DORA: We sent you money with Western Union. When? When? Back in '09. You show me a receipt and I'll tell you that I'm a liar. You say you've never received any money? Never received money from either one of them, throughout college, throughout everything. Like, I got a full athletic scholarship while running track at Michigan State. (APPLAUSE) Everything for me in college was paid for. <i> You know, although I thank my mom for all she's done,</i> she went on to finish high school, took college courses, been working at the hospital since I was eight. But, like, it's like all I ever had was my mom. Like, true enough, you know, he, like, started trying to interact with me more like he said, like, when I was around his family and that's Eddie, of course. But Dexter never did anything for me. I never had a real father figure in my life, like, you know, both of them, basically, made bad decisions coming up, like, true enough he stayed in Michigan and he stayed, basically, ten miles away and I never even had a, like, relationship with him at all. In the case of<i> Robinson vs. Grant,</i> when it comes to 24-year-old Trevarus Christian, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Eddie Ellis, you are not the father. Mr. Dexter Robinson, you are not the father. Thanks, God. There's nobody else. JUDGE LAKE: There has to be at least one more and I know that's a long time to think back. I think you've got some thinking to do. You have an amazing young man here. It's about finding out the answers for your child. He deserves that. Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Robinson, I need to inform you that there is no guarantee that you will be released from your obligation to pay those arrears because, under the law, when you sign that acknowledgment of paternity voluntarily you're responsible. Are you alright, Mr. Christian? Ah, yes, ma'am, I'm fine. I'm a grown man now. I moved on with life. It hurt, like, for him, not for Eddie not to be my father simply because his family, they look at me more, like, as a family member. I'm going to be still be in your life, either way you go. I appreciate that.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 650,194
Rating: 4.7446809 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, tv full episodes
Id: xhW10cvuv9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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