Plot Twist After Plot Twist: Shocking Cases On PC (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Manser, you claim you spent five years in prison for failing to pay child support for the defendant, Ms. Sehr's son, Dylan. That's right. JUDGE LAKE: And it was never proven that you are his biological father. That's right. (AUDIENCE REACT) JUDGE LAKE: Now, Ms. Sehr, you say you have proof that Mr. Manser is Dylan's father. You argue you are here to prove, again, that he is the father of your son, to finally stop him running from his responsibility. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Manser, explain to the court the circumstances surrounding you arrest. Well, Your Honor, I'm here to explain that 12 hours of my life cost me five years in the Department of Corrections. (LAUGHS) She was a friend of my aunt. She was best friends with my aunt. We all lived in the same little community. She lived across the street. I knew of her. I knew her, I've spoken to her. But, as far as intimacy, we were together one time. And I hate to be crude, but it was a one-night stand. I don't care what your version was, I was far from a one-night stand. Well, define the word "Dating." Living across the street from each other? Far from a one-night stand. My wife's gonna be upset 'cause I live across the street... JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Sehr... ...from somebody I'm not dating. Oh, if I was your wife, I wouldn't trust you for nothing. JUDGE LAKE: I don't think, after all of this that has transpired, it really matters whether it was a one-night stand or a two-day tryst... The point is, is you all had a sexual relationship at some point. So there is a possibility that he's the father of your son, Dylan. Correct. Possibility. JUDGE LAKE:<i> Okay.</i> I didn't find out anything about the child until I was served with papers in 1995. JUDGE LAKE: And so, you showed up for court and what happened? No, he didn't show up. I was unable to show up. I was completely on the other side of the state. I was indigent. I was living at my mom's. Didn't have a job at the time. So I didn't show up for court, and I was named the natural father by default. JUDGE LAKE: And then what happens? And then I was charged criminally for not paying the child support that was ordered in the default judgment. So how did you get arrested? That came three years later after I still didn't pay child support. Still unable to pay. I still had doubt. I've never, to this day... Thank God for your show or I'd never know for sure <i> whether or not I was the natural father. Never.</i> ELIZABETH:<i> If you would've shown up for court, you would've known.</i> I didn't... I couldn't show up for court. Why? I got there. There a lot of people... You live in the same town. Well, I got there just fine. Yeah. I'm sure you did. I wasn't busy running away from everything. Did you... That's right... You didn't pay child support for about eight years. Quit telling them it was three years, it was about eight years. The Court order was in 1995. Mmm-hmm. I got arrested in 1998. So that's three years in my calculation. Twelve years... And I went to prison for five years. When I got out of prison in 2003, I paid child support from that day until this February of last year when I lost my job. Only because they garnished your wages. Absolutely. That's what they do. And I actually asked my public defender, "Where's the proof? I've yet to see proof that the child's mine." He said that they obtained my DNA through a sample that was already on file. That's what she's claiming this whole time. For a daughter you didn't raise, too. So, that's right. Ms. Sehr, your evidence clearly states that there was a laboratory test performed. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: I see here. I don't think it happened. I think she worked in a lab, and she's had this thing manufactured. (LAUGHS) So... JUDGE LAKE: This is what movies are made of. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: Now, Ms. Sehr... I am good at my job, but I'm not that good. Did you work at a lab? Who's to say... I did. Actually, at that time, I worked at a plasma center. I harvested plasma with 16 gauge needles, had nothing to do with DNA. I'm sure, you know, when you're in a business, you know other people from the business. Now, what's interesting to me is that, as I go through this evidence... ELIZABETH: I was in school at that time, by the way. ...and I get to the information that is also included in the collection of the samples, <i> I do see that for alleged father,</i> <i> it's entirely blank.</i> BILL:<i> That's right. Imagine that.</i> <i> Meaning, there is no Social Security number...</i> <i> That's right.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> ...there is no address...</i> BILL:<i> She forgot to put that part in there.</i> <i> ...there is no information about you. It's all blank.</i> <i> There's no picture of you, there's no photograph.</i> She didn't have that information. That's right. Exactly! So, obviously, your contention that you didn't show up, you weren't there for this particular test is true. BILL: You're right. Because there's no evidence that you were there on that day. We've established that. That's exactly right. Thank you, Your Honor. We do, however, see a lab record of a collection taken on May 1st, 1995, which they claim was you. The date in May when they put on the extension number, that is when they pulled a sample out of their freezer. Ms. Sehr, I see the laboratory results of the testing with a probability of paternity of 99.67 percent. You know, ma'am, that he said 99.67 means he still might not be the father when he heard that number. Now, listen... You can't pretend... Mr. Manser, let me say this to you. What I do believe that's missing in all of this evidence is I don't see any information relating to the collection of the sample from Mr. Manser. JUDGE LAKE: And Chris, you've met Dylan, Ms. Sehr's son? I originated that. JUDGE LAKE:<i> Were you like brothers, Chris?</i> CHRIS:<i> Absolutely, yes.</i> BILL:<i> Absolutely.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> You had a relationship?</i> CHRIS:<i> Yeah, I've felt he was my brother since I met him.</i> So, you've seen your father treat Dylan well? Yes. Absolutely. I've been withdrawn. I've been distant, but that's because of the doubt that I've had, you know? ELIZABETH:<i> You didn't even...</i> BILL:<i> I've had doubt.</i> So, Mr. Manser, you claim this has destroyed your life. Absolutely... You've had a pretty decent life. You didn't give up anything. I think it's time we meet Dylan. Jerome, will you escort Dylan into the courtroom, please? Certainly. (SOFTLY) Just go up and stand on the other side... Hello, Dylan. DYLAN: How are you? Thank you for joining us. Now, Dylan, I want to know about your relationship with your father. I feel like I don't know him that well. We don't. We don't know each other. JUDGE LAKE: Go ahead, son. I love Chris, though. We've spent a lot of time together. JUDGE LAKE: Your brother? Yeah. We're going to be brothers no matter what. <i> No matter what happens after today.</i> DYLAN:<i> I've only met my little brother...</i> Would you like to have a relationship with Mr. Manser? I'm not really sure. I mean... I can't respect someone talking so much harmful to my mother. That's what I didn't want to do. I didn't want to do that. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) The lab, because of the sensitivity of this issue, ran two tests. The results are as follows. (EXHALES) In the case of<i> Manser v. Sehr,</i> as it pertains to 20-year-old Dylan Sehr, Mr. Manser... You... Are... Not his father. Oh, God! (AUDIENCE GASP) Oh, man! Five years in prison. (AUDIENCE REACT) I... Dylan, I'm sorry, bro. This is why. This is why I did what I did. ELIZABETH: But this does not mean I made up the lab test. You've made it all up. No, I did not. Well, those results, apparently, are made up. I don't know any of those people on that form. Oh, my God. This is clearly the most shocking news... ELIZABETH: Very much. ...we've ever gotten in this courtroom. Oh, my God! She should be convicted of some crime. No, I should not. That is Fraud. Mr. Manser, I know you're upset. That is fraud. (SIGHS) I know it's overwhelming. BILL: I told you. I need a moment with Dylan because I want to make sure he understands. Do you want to find out who your father is? Of course. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Sehr, do you know? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: You know who his father is? Yes, I talk to him still. (AUDIENCE REACT) JUDGE LAKE: Listen... Get away from my son. (SOFTLY) I'm sorry. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) He apologized. I know that under his breath he's calling me a liar. You cannot stand there and really suggest that you cannot comprehend why this man would not have any type of ill feeling, frustration or regret as it relates to anything involving you. Five years in prison! And then I say, "Do you know who your son's father is?" And you say, "Yes. I'm still in touch with him." That is a really huge pill to swallow! Miss Jackson, you say Mr. Figgures was a smooth-talking Casanova who swept you off your feet and out of your clothes and then left you with a baby. Yes, Your Honor. You claim Mr. Figgures disappeared 20 years ago, and now you want to prove that he is definitely your son Daneil's biological father. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Figgures, you admit to being a former ladies man. But you say, there's no way you fathered Ms. Jackson's child. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. All right, when you find out you're pregnant... Yeah. Do you let Mr. Figgures know? Th... When I found out, I thought I had a stomach virus or something. So when I went to the infirmary. You know, what I'm saying, they gave me a pregnancy test. I'm stunned. I'm actually in shock. I didn't have my family. So, I'm really trying to... But she also had another guy that she was dealing with at the same time. Why are you coming to me suddenly? Dealing with? Where? Hold on a minute. Dealing...dealing with. Dealing with... He wasn't even there... Dealing with... Let her testify, let her testify. Dealing with someone, meaning he had my back don't mean we having sex. Come on. It didn't come to... But the person that he's talking about, he even went to him and told him, "You know, she's carrying my baby." FIGGURES: See what I'm saying? Mr. Figgures, so you admitted that... That I went to the guy and told him that? That's what she testified. No. Did you admit to that? No, no. I didn't go to him and tell him that. "You know she's carrying my baby." No, I went to him... Because when he... Later on that day... He came to me and... I said to him was, "Do you know "that this is what she's saying?" He said, "Yeah." But at the same time, they supposed to be dealing with each other. Then he comes back and says, that he's going to take care of the child or you know... So, how can you say, how do I know that it's not his or is mine or I don't know. It's like she's just putting it on somebody. JACKSON: Your Honor, this man... Till this day, is still in the picture. In my life. We didn't have sex. It's just... He's in... We're all in Job Corps and he know, like I'm pregnant. Oh, that is good. And that he's... Can I say this, ma'am? Mr. Casanova, I wanna give Mr. Figgures a chance to respond. From my perspective of things... You have this friend in your life or whatever, that's good. But at the same time when you tell everybody that you're dealing with this person, here it is a week later, you having sex with me again. I wanna ask Daneil, how was it growing up without a dad and having to watch your mother, help your mother try to find the man she believes is your father. How has this affected you, young man? It was... I mean we had hard times. Rough time, we've been through thick and thin. And she always told me don't run from your problems, so... I don't run from my problem. I'll stick with her through thick and thin. (APPLAUSE) So... He needs to know. And that's the reason why I'm here. Your Honor, I have, I have other children. And their dad come into their life. They come and they take them places. They go here, they go there, you know what I'm saying? And it's always been me and him. He don't have nobody. I'm all he has and he is all I have. What if I die tomorrow? You know what I'm saying? Where's he gonna go? My other kids can go somewhere. Where's he gonna go? And that's been eating me for 20 years that I have this man. I have... I mean, I got you in the palm of my hand. Like I got your Social Security Number. Why is it taking the State of Georgia 20 years to even get to swab his mouth? Hey, that wasn't my fault. I mean I'm not blaming him. DANEIL: He never had initiative in doing anything. Like I said, if I didn't know how to get in touch with you, how can I? There are so many social media networks, you can find anybody here. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a social... Then that's you. (BOTH ARGUING TOGETHER) You're not sounding like a man, right now. You're not sounding like a man right now. You're not sounding like a man. Yes, you can find anything with a name. Okay, well look... Mr. Figgures, are you suggesting that you did not know Ms. Jackson's last name? I did not. And you didn't even know your own potential son's name? I did not. I knew nothing. And that's it. It has been determined by this court, Mr. Figgures, you... ...are not the father. (AUDIENCE GASPS) Oh, my God. 20 years, huh? For this. I hope you find that. 'Cause everybody should know who their people are. My dad wasn't there for me either. So I'm sorry for you, man. I really hope you do find out who your father is. JACKSON: It's fine. I have to ask you. Respectfully, do you know... ...who? I mean for 20 years... I feel like... Yeah. But he's been there all along. (LAUGHS) My God. Does he have any clue that he is Daneil's biological father? No. This is... This is one of the biggest shockers ever. I... I... I do not know the results. JACKSON: Oh, my God. I don't know what they are. But I did not see this coming, Ron. So this child's father has been in his life almost his whole life and he didn't know it was his father? It's not "almost." His whole life. He's been there. So he good. Daneil... Babe, I wanna, I wanna know how you feel. Is this, is this surreal for you? Is it almost unbelievable? I mean... The other guy being here. So it make more sense. I'd feel more better if it was him cause like, he's been there. So... That makes more sense. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) you and your brother, Mr. Hunt, are suing your mother and your father for a paternity test. You claim that just two weeks ago, they dropped a bomb during an argument. You say that in the heat of the moment, they inadvertently revealed that it was possible your dad, Mr. Jacobs, is not your biological father. (AUDIENCE GASPS) Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Jacobs, you say since the time they were babies, you are the only father your children have ever known. Yes, ma'am. So, Ms. Raysor, tell us about the argument you and your brother overheard. I started to hear a lot of noise in my mom's bedroom. He coming out the room going to the kitchen saying, "Well, those ain't my kids, anyway, so I was doing you a favor," and left out the door. Really? Yes, yes, really. Your mother made a comment that really didn't sit too well with me, and it hurt me. You guys didn't hear the whole comment. You know I was just mad. You know I was mad. I just was... Just mad! JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Hammonds, you're admitting that in the heat of the argument, you said this statement. You made this statement to Mr. Jacobs. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: That "you're not their father, anyway." Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: But it was just in the heat of the moment. So it was only two weeks ago that this all came to a head. Two weeks ago! Well, Your Honor, I have to say this. It's been longer than two weeks ago, it's just that this argument brought everything out. And when you heard that, immediately you felt... I was in shock! I was just like, "How you just gonna..." Despite the argument, how you just gonna leave without saying bye, huh? They argue, that's cool. But when you got your children and you arguing with your spouse, that don't got nothing to do with us. You understand what I'm saying? I do understand what you're saying. Your Honor? JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Hunt, you'd like to add something? Yes, Your Honor. I was sitting in the living room playing video games with my friends. I overheard what he said, and it messed me up. And when he walked out of the house, I was sitting in a state of shock. JACOBS: Your Honor, may I interject, please? So you overheard this as well. HUNT: Yes, I did. Me and my friends, actually. And I was just sitting there, like, "Whoa." We was having a get-together. Everybody was at the house. So, Mr. Jacobs, did you make that comment? Yes, I did, Your Honor. But I don't believe my children heard the whole comment. It had me so stressed out, Your Honor, that I went on Facebook and I thought the whole world was against me, and I posted, "I'm crying gangster tears." RAYSOR: Now, you know, I'm the stronger one. Even though I'm the little sister, I act like the big sister. But for him to make that statement was just ridiculous. Because they didn't hear the whole comment... RAYSOR: All right, Mom, so for him to make that statement, why did you make that statement? Why did you say what you said for him to say what he said? Because maybe he's not your father, Precious, maybe he's not. What do you mean? Maybe he's not, I don't know. Maybe he's not. So what you was doing, Mom? JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Hammonds... JACOBS: May I just say something please, Your Honor? Your daughter is asking for clarification. I'm 26 years old, okay? This is the only man that I've known for all of my life. He's been there for my kindergarten graduation, my sixth-grade graduation... How many men do you know sit in a delivery room with their daughter when they're having a baby? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Okay? For you to make that statement, and for him to... RAYSOR: Listen, is there something that you need to tell us? Is there something that you need to tell me? Maybe, I don't know, I don't know who's the father, I just don't know. JUDGE LAKE: Now, Ms. Raysor, Mr. Farmer, the man in question, has agreed to take a paternity test, and he's joining us from his hometown. We're here with Ms. Raysor, and you agreed to take a DNA test. Yes, I was at that cookout, so... Mom, you said that this was your... JUDGE LAKE: Just one second, Ms. Raysor. I'm sorry, Mr. Farmer, did you have a relationship with Ms. Hammonds? Yes, we had a physical relationship. It wasn't a relationship. RAYSOR: You called that your brother. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Hammonds, were you intimate with Mr. Farmer, is what he's saying true? Yes, ma'am. RAYSOR: That's Uncle Tommy. Yes, ma'am. That's just nasty. That's just nasty! That is not my father! That's not my father! HAMMONDS: Precious! Precious! No! No! No! There's a possibility I could be your father. You never knew he existed? No, you're right, I shouldn't have known you existed. Look what you're doing to my family. I didn't do anything to your family. It was already done. When we leave this courtroom today, my son and daughter will be leaving with me, regardless of what that paper says. Father might be there by name and name only. Those are mine. RAYSOR: And she can go with her brother. 'Cause I'm going with my dad. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) HAMMONDS: Precious... RAYSOR: You can go with your brother. But you're my daughter. You can go with your brother. But you're my daughter. RAYSOR: I know, you're my mother. JUDGE LAKE: Let's get some order. Okay, I... (GROANS) This is a lot even for me to take in. And I do this daily. And I want you all to take a deep breath. We've got to get through this. Ms. Hammonds, you do understand how your daughter feels at this point. She was introduced to this man as, this is a family friend, she thought it was a brother-in-law, you called him Uncle Tommy... She had no idea that somewhere around the time she was conceived that you were in a sexual relationship with him. You do understand that, right? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. In the case of<i> Raysor/Hunt v. Jacobs/Hammonds,</i> as it pertains to 26-year-old Precious Raysor, Mr. Farmer... Yes. JUDGE LAKE: You are not her father. Yes! Yes! Oh, my God! Oh! Oh, my God, yes! Oh! Oh! JACOBS: Thank you. RAYSOR: Oh! Thank you. Oh! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Raysor, have a seat. Oh, my God. Both of you, have a seat. Oh, my God. Sit down. Oh, my God. Thank you, Jesus! JUDGE LAKE: Are you ready for the next result? In the case of<i> Raysor/Hunt v. Jacobs/Hammonds,</i> as it pertains to 26-year-old Precious Raysor, Mr. Jacobs, you... RAYSOR: Are the father. You are the father! JUDGE LAKE: ...are not... No! JUDGE LAKE: ...her father. (SOBBING) No! This is my daughter right here. No... This is my baby right here. (CRYING) No. JACOBS: You're going to be fine. Wow. (SOBBING) Mr. Jacobs, please try to sit her down. Come on, sit down right here. Sit down. RAYSOR: Don't leave me. Come on, sit down. The judge has to finish her paperwork, sit down. (CRYING CONTINUES) as it pertains to 33-year-old Hector Hunt, Mr. Jacobs, you are not Hector's father. Oh, you is scandalous! What you don't know... No, no, it's other things. JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, could you go please see if you could help Mr. Hunt? Oh! Let me get my kids. Let me get my children. She is scandalous!
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 963,161
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, tv full episodes, tiktok, viral video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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