Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Camellia Build Guide | Shaman - Cleric Crusader - Slayer | WOTR

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defeat is not an option [Music] everybody it's lyra from hero gaming bringing you a pathfinder wrath or the righteous build for camellia this is the dark crusader build it is a combination of spirit hunter crusader and slayer it's meant to kind of play into her personality and uh without spoiling anything story-wise i just want to say she's probably not the type of crusader you bring home mom probably more on the line of what crusaders probably were in reality and how history would probably want us to forget how they acted so this is going to be an effective build but i do want to a disclaimer all my companion builds kind of feed into what these characters are where their natural strengths and weaknesses and how i feel they could kind of creatively play so of course there's going to be people that could com go into comments and provide kind of min max uh tips and i actually recommend that you do so if you have some great ideas of how else this could be kind of built out please feel free to leave comments below but if you're new you kind of want an effective way how to play camellia she's going to be able to fill a role of some dps be rather tanky be the group healer and also be really good at stealth and also taking care of all your traps but that's what you're looking for well this is the companion build for you now within this build we're going to cover everything from level 1 to 20 progression mythic level 1 to 10 we're going to level up the companion mount she's going to get i'm also going to go over some example items and equipment that could work for her as well as some recommendations of what kind of spells you may want to focus on as you level up throughout this character all right guys so uh again as of all my builds you're gonna find extensive timestamps below also at the beginning of each section you're gonna find a little spreadsheet that's gonna be on screen so if you just wanna see where all the levels go that's there for you uh and if you want to watch the whole video and support the channel awesome check it out you just however you see fit that being said guys let's go ahead and jump right in and take a look at the dark crusader companion build for camellia all right guys as we begin uh looking at the leveling up for camellia i'm gonna go ahead and pop up on screen right now the entire spreadsheet for level 1 220. so if you just want to reference this right now or reference it in the future when you kind of come back to this as you level up if you want to follow this build guide uh this is the place to kind of uh take a look but if you want to see more we will be looking at every single level level one by one and i'm going to be providing you feedback so uh make sure to check that out all right let's go ahead and start with a comment on level one so when you respec she drops down to basically level one being pre-selected so she has to be a spirit hunter shaman and she's going to automatically start with skill focus trickery and weapon finesse so those are things you cannot change now for level two we are gonna take another level of spirit hunter mainly because we there is a hex that we do want to pick up before we swap over now when it comes to skills this is going to automatically come with trickery and stealth and even though stealth currently is not a uh class skill for her don't worry it will be soon so we are going to pump an extra point in trickery and stealth this is what she's going to specialize in and for the rest of her build out all the way to level 20 we are going to be putting in uh points into these stats as soon as we pick up a level on slayer level three this will become a classical so do not worry he's going to be getting all the buffs to this so as we move on i'm not going to be generally showing this page just to save you time so just know it every time you level up make sure you put one point in trickery and one point itself now in case you're wondering why we picked these two skills in particular it's because on your team you want exactly one person that is really good at trickery and at least one person that is good at stealth and if it's the same person that's going to save you a slot in your group triculary is very important because it's going to help you basically disarm traps open chests to get lots of extra loot and potentially some doors that are locked they can be open of quickly and stealth is also very important while most people don't run around stealth even though that is a feature but this is very important is that you're going to avoid random encounters both on the overworld when you're traveling but also when you go camping and the last thing you want is your party to be all beat up you're trying to cap and all of a sudden you get jumped before you can rest so she's going to fill that role for you really nicely now for her hex we're going to pick up ice plant it's going to give you a plus two natural armor bonus to ac and what's nice about this is it's gonna stack about your other forms of natural armor so it's a nice little buff for taking a second level and shaman now for level three we're actually gonna take a level in slayer and we're just gonna do a basic slayer this has got a nice bad progression uh the first reason we take this is because we do want stealth to be a class skill and also study target is quite nice it's going to give you a bonus to attack and damage it's something that you can spam well it's only a plus one bonus it is something they continuously apply so it is not a bad thing to have here though uh and it's gonna fit her theme quite well now for your feet at level three we're actually gonna take combat casting because you are going to be kind of a frontline healer and caster so this is going to help make sure that you make your concentration checks and at level 4 we're going to swap over to cleric and we're going to very particularly take crusader because we're going to want to go for a very kind of combat heavy cleric so this is going to be good for her it's also going to play into her naturally higher wisdom score so let's say one of the viable transitions away from the shaman now stat wise we are going to put one point in charisma this is going to give us an extra charge of your channel at positive energy so one point in here is okay and then later on we're going to start stacking wisdom because that's going to be really important but just note that uh we are going to put 1.0 charisma here and for channel energy type we are going to pick channel positive energy and for the domain we are going to pick probably the most popular domain that's going to be animal domain and the main reason for this is we're going to get to have an animal companion and fourth level and for our crusader bonus feet we're going to go ahead and take shield focus up our ac again we're going to want to make sure we stay tanky enough that we're not too squishy as a front line healer all right level five we're gonna take our second level of crusader and for our feet level five we're going to pick selective channel uh obviously for your positive energy so that way it's only impacting your allies in a positive way and doesn't for example heal your enemies at level six we're gonna get another level into crusader at level seven we're going to get a fourth level in crusader and at this level for defeat we're gonna pick boone companion so now our companion is going to be able to keep up with us level wise and for our companion i highly recommend the black smile it on you could pick the normal smile it on as if you want as well but i feel like the black smile it on will perfectly fit her and her personality if you're curious why this one is chosen over any of the other ones this is pretty much the kind of best combination of being tanky while also doing a lot of dps has five total natural attacks nobody else competes with that so it's a really really nice companion at eighth level we go ahead and pick up another level of crusader and when it comes to stats we're gonna start pumping wisdom and for the crusader bonus fee we're gonna go ahead and pick up uh weapon focus and rapier we're gonna stick with what uh she's known for at ninth level we're gonna get another level of crusader and for the feet we're gonna get fencing grace and basically this is gonna let us apply our dexterity to weapon damage instead of strength and obviously we're going to select the rapier at level 10 we're going to go ahead and get another level of crusader at level 11 we have another level in crusader and for the feet at level 11 we're gonna go ahead and pick up spell focus conjuration this is going to be basically prerequisites so we can buff up some of the summons that we're going to be bringing out situationally and again it's going to really play into her little kind of a dark crusader theme as well at level 12 we're picking up another level of crusader and we're getting another point into wisdom level 13 and yet another level of crusader and level 13 we're to go ahead and pick up augmented summoning this is going to buff up our summons and again we're going to start by animating the dead and then later on we're going to have more powerful undead that we're going to summon to our side so this will be uh nice and helpful and for the crusader bonus fee we're going to go ahead and pick up greater weapon focus rapier at level 14 we're picking up another level of crusader level 15 and we get yet another level of crusader all right at the level 15 feet we're going to go ahead and pick up out flank so quite a few other your other companions will hopefully have this your uh your mount your pet is going to have it as well so you can just work this off of each other and it's just an extra bonus to uh attack a level 16 we're going to get another level of crusader and we continue pumping up our wisdom at 17 we put another point in crusader or level in crusader and for defeated 17 we're gonna go ahead go ahead and pick up superior summoning so our summons are already more powerful and now they're going to be more numerous as well so just kind of leaning into this as we now have a couple of summon spells that we can kind of stack all right level 18 we're going to go ahead and get another level and crusader and here for the bonus crusader feat we're going to get weapon specialization rapier level 19 we're getting another level and crusader and level 19 we're going to go ahead and pick up piranha strike finally um now this will let you kind of push your damage from her from her quite a bit higher now if you're struggling for example to hit still for whatever reason uh depending on what weapons you have for example you could choose to get something different for example improve critical is going to be a nice option because rapiers you know they're going to be able to fit real nice unless you have a rapier with king on it you note that this does this improve critical does not stack with other effects like keen so be careful of that depending on what weapon you use again i'm going to select piranha strike here but feel free to use improve critical if neither of these are something that interests you warrior priest is never bad this is going to increase one initiative and plus the bonus on concentration checks again because you're a melee kind of cast you're gonna be frontline caster and healer uh this can definitely come in handy so that's your third option here where priest that is not that and finally level 20 we're going to get one last level of crusader we're going to continue and finish off bumping our wisdom up all right when it comes to mythic level progression you can see right now on screen the full 10 level of options that i have chosen but as with the previous section we will go ahead and go through them one by one and explain what they are when we're choosing them so make sure to uh jump to whichever section uh suits you most right now all right and mythic level one we are going to pick up abundant casting this is just a no-brainer for extra spells so first second and third levels you're getting this early in the game this is going to be a significant buff to your casting and mythic level 2 we're actually going to go extra mythic ability and we're going to go and we're going to pick up the mythical beast so this is going to buff our companion pet slash mount give it extra strength decks constitution and also makes their attacks ignore damage reduction except n slash dash so it makes uh your smilodon quite potent dps wise mythic level three and we're picking up boundless healing but this is really really good uh it's going to basically give your sp healing spells reach automatically which is amazing and you're gonna just across the board gonna be healing or more so this is for a healer just absolutely phenomenal in mythic level 4 we're yet again going to take an extra mythic ability instead of a mythic feat and this time what we're going to choose is over here we're going to get impossible domain and the domain that we want to do is actually go into healing domain and the element that we care about is the one that comes from uh level six it's healer's blessing and it's going to basically make sure all your cure spells are treated as if they're empowered so the amount of healing you're going to be doing is basically plus 50 and considering that you're already going to be casting cure spells a lot this is just across the board a huge buff at mythic level 5 we're going to go ahead and get improved abundant casting so now it's going to give you four more casts of all your fourth fifth and sixth level tiers of spells so again another no-brainer mythic level six and we're gonna dip into another extra mythic ability and this time we're picking up ascendant summons so all your summons now get bonuses to strength dexterity constitution wisdom and charisma equal to half your mythic rank plus one and their attacks now ignore damage reduction except and slash dash so again all these kind of undead summons you you're bringing out they are going to be much much more effective now i think level 7 and we're going to buff your melee capacity some more so now we're going to pick up thundering blows because you are going to be missing you're going to be attacking a good amount and so once per round you'll be able to basically rock an aoe sonic damage ability so very very in mythic level 8 we're going to pick up weapon focus mythic rapier up that melee damage some more and mythic level 9 we're actually going to pick up inspirational leader this is a decent character to pick this up a lot of other characters that are pure dps for example may uh want to stick to your dps uh beats and abilities but here this is nice because you're gonna basically impact everybody else in the group give them increased initiative saving throws against mine affecting effects and concentration checks so this can be quite quite helpful and finally in mythic level 10 we're gonna go ahead and pick up weapons specialization mythic rapier to kind of complete your rape tour training and maximizing the damage you do with them now finally we're going to level up the animal companion and as before you can take a look at the spreadsheet on the screen right now for leveling up the companion you can check back and reference this timestamp whenever you need to and now we will go ahead and take a look at the level by level progression or the companion pet so we're gonna get to pick a class for this animal companion and we're gonna go ahead and pick daredevil big thing here is to kind of maximize its survivability loving the fact that we get evasion of this we also at higher level get improved evasion the other elements aren't bad obviously devil may care which hilarious name you cannot be flanked at night level also combat mobility added for free is not bad and this level one ability isn't as big but you get a confidence bonus on mobility checks half your hit dice so uh very very nice for kind of staying alive because you as a writer are not going to be picking completes to help protect the pet companion basically he has to protect himself now for your skill points you're going to be basically at every level putting one point in athletics and one into mobility this is gonna remain the same throughout so again i'm not gonna be emphasizing this uh but just do not you're gonna be pumping these at each level now you're gonna go ahead and pick up armor proficiency light barting this is armor for pets and they're actually quite effective and there's some really nice benefits to these so we're going to pick that up right away level 2 is just a normal level of a normal skill progression at level three we get evasion for free and for defeat we're going to go ahead and pick up dodge to give an extra ac that's going to help of survival early on then at level 4 we're going to go ahead and puppets intelligence to three this is so that we can uh give it basically the outline out flank feet coming up here then we have a level five and at level five we're gonna pick up armor proficiency medium partings this is as heavy as we're gonna go you're still gonna get a decent amount of your dexterity bonus ac but you're gonna get a great amount of ac from the armor and then some special magical effects as well then we have level six and at level six we're going to get combat mobility for free at level seven we're going to get to pick a feet and for the feet we're going to pick out flank so this is going to help you flank alongside your rider at higher levels when camellia picks it and also anybody else that happens to have outflank in your party now at level eight we're gonna get another stat point and now at this point i recommend pumping strength at level nine we're gonna get devil may care again so you can no longer be flanked and we're gonna get a feet and then for defeat we will go ahead and pick up power attack to again up the damage we can do level 10 is now a basic level with no special elements then we have level 11 when we get another feat and here we will go ahead and pick up weapon focus claw again just aiming to up the dps quite a bit then we have level 12 and here the main thing is we're going to get a stat point and again we're going to continue pumping strength at level 13 we're going to get another feet and here again leaning into doing more damage we're going to pick up a proof critical claw remember you get four claw attacks so this can uh be a better effective feat level 14 is going to be quite straightforward at level 15 we're going to finally get improved evasion and also an additional feet and for the level 15 feet i'll go ahead and pick up lightning reflexes increases are reflex saved by two again helps in avoiding uh traps and aoe attacks at level 16 the main benefit is again another stat point and again we're pumping strength level 17 and at 17 we're going to get an extra feet and here we'll go ahead and pick iron well to shore up some of those well-saving throws level 18 and this one has standard progression and at level 19 we get our final feet and for the people go ahead and pick up improved lightning reflexes again for dodging those aoe attacks you can of course choose improved iron well if you're having trouble uh with those saves but again i will go ahead and choose improve lightning reflexes here and finally we have level 20 and the big thing here is we get a stat point and we will go ahead and bump constitution just so uh this will end up being even otherwise uh your strength score will just end up being odd and not really benefiting you at all so we will go ahead and bump constitution now we'll go ahead and take a look at the spell book now remember depending what level you are you're gonna have and uh what stats you have at the given time you're gonna have various amounts of these spells that you can memorize so we're not focusing on how many of spells that you're gonna memorize or more likely than that just what spells you wanna memorize now do note that you're gonna sometimes have uh some of these i do note that you're gonna have one spellslide that's gonna be kind of predetermined and it's gonna have to do with your school magic specialty so here you don't get a choice it's only a large person we're mainly talking about the other spells and at level one your best investment is just cure light wounds more often than not you get a bunch of uh healing uh started especially as these will be buffed with a bunch of different feats now do note that we are looking at first the shaman's spell book but we will also have a separate cleric spell book for level one for shaman since we only took two levels in shaman we only had those level 1 spells but we're going to have additional spells at level 1 from the cleric and there's going to be quite a few of them and again the choice is the same we want to maximize true light wounds in this case well rank 2 spells cure moderate wounds is the go-to now sometimes i like to i can get some extra restoration lesser restoration now sometimes i like to also get some extra lesser restoration because you're going to be dealing with so many monsters that lower your ability scores constantly that it can be a real nuisance so if you're running into that quite a bit and you don't want to be resting all the time you can also throw this into your rotation now early in the game you may also uh get both strength for any of your strength based characters to get this enhancement bonus eventually you're going to have effects that will be incompatible with this but at the beginning you can always memorize both strength rank three there's gonna be two spells i really like i love cure serious wounds obviously and the other spell that's gonna be a favorite here is animate dead remember you are going to be getting tons of buffs for this so it is going to be a staple of your casting anytime you have harder encounters you spam one of these and you're gonna you know later on gonna have like six skeletons popping out and uh thinking for you guys and also doing some damage now level four you have some really good options here you're gonna have cure critical loans which is going to be a critical spell for you additionally as we saw earlier you uh as i mentioned additionally restoration is also a decent spell to have ready uh to deal with all the ability debuffs you're gonna have it is optional some people choose to just rest do note that it does take some diamond dust you're gonna be actually getting a lot of diamond dust if you kind of loot everything as you play but do note this can help you in a pinch and then the other spell that's really useful is divine power because this is going to buff your dps capacity it's whenever you're fighting some tougher monsters you can bust this out it does kill as you level up it's going to up your attack your weapon damage you're not going to really care about the strength checks because your strength is low but what you care about here is those two stats and also whenever you do full attacks you're gonna get an additional attack at your full base attack bonus so that is huge that's you know it's taste equivalent so divine power really really good now level five spells and you get a couple good options you are going to get uh for aoe healing cure light wounds mass because you buff all your cure light won't spell so much this actually is not bad at all this is also the first level you can actually raise your own dead party members so uh if you're not big on reloading when your characters die this is a nice way to get them back up and then the other spell i love is angelic aspect this is going to give you damage resistance and you're going to get an additional deflection bonus to ac and resistance bone saves against effects made or effects created by evil creatures which is like everybody gonna be facing this game so that's really really nice and finally the fact that your weapons gonna be good aligned for purpose of overcoming damage reduction uh is it's a nice little bonus rank six spells uh also quite potent a lot of decent options pure moderate wound mass again nice aoe heal that you're gonna be able to really maximize that's a great choice and then for single target healing you're going to have just a straight up heal spell and again you're going to get to use your domain slot but you can also put it in your other slots as well so i would just say fill this with your aoe and single target healings even though there are a lot of other uh decent options here inspiring recovery is also not bad but i know me i keep i keep it simple across heal and your mother own mass for level seven uh the greater restoration i just stick to the one that you basically throw in domain slots for the main spells is going to be combination of pure serious wounds mass with an option of resurrection so this again you need two diamonds but it's basically like a complete res everything you're just back to 100 everything alternatively if you want to really lean into any of the summoning since you have really powerful summons so you can get some in monster seven for example and then pick any other ones where you basically summon multiple enemies to kind of maximize and get extra uh of those uh monsters level 8 spells and again you're going to if your domain slot gets summoned nature's ally 8. again remember you have some amazing summon uh buffs so that's a great spell to have and then for the other spell here you have a choice cure critical wound mass is very very powerful aoe heal you can also get greater angelic aspect which is a more powerful crazy buff for yourself or if you want to help the whole group you can do holy aura doesn't last as long but it's going to give a nice a deflection bonus to ac and resistance bonus on saves as well spell resists against evil creatures which again everything you could be facing in this game you have a couple options again you're not going to get many of these most likely just one maybe two so you know carefully and then finally level 9 spells for your domain spell you're going to pick up fuel mass and you're unlikely to have any extra spells but if you end up somehow getting them through gear etc get your stats buffed up uh you could get summon monster 9 for example would be a good option all right finally let's take a look at some gear examples your gear is going to depend on what you find what you buy you know some of the best gear in the game you can buy out vendors but it's all very expensive but here are a couple of things that i recommend picking up uh early on get lockpicks kits you can get a level one one rather early and then you're gonna find level two ones later on and so forth so this buffs your trickery skill which is great for a weapon get the best possible rape here uh once you get to the abyss this is the one i recommend getting it's very expensive but it's enhancement plus five keen so look at that the crit range is 15 to 20 for two times crit insane and you get a plus two bonus uh to a tax damage on the taxes of opportunity and if you happen to kill somebody with that blow you get an extra attack uh during the next round so this is a really really nice one you can just straight up buy in the abyss but there's other other great rapiers as well there's not as many options for bucklers but here's a plus three one that i got and again what i like about this it gives you plus five bonus 3c against range touch attacks for bracers i like these right here and this is where that level one and one level and slayer helps out too so whenever the target the bracer hits their study target remember you can only have one study target at a time but as soon as the target dies you can a new one so the first time you hit them they must pass a 42 save throw of dc24 or become blinded for three rounds but that's a nice one to get if you don't have this one or earlier levels you can get something like the braces of abrupt onslaught you're going to increase your competency bonus for trickery skills which is huge for you so and then the sneak attack isn't really play a role for you but mainly the trickery dual check is nice then again you can't go wrong of a ring of protection the highest level that you can you can spare the other ring is kind of up to you i have this one that gives a plus four will save against will saving throws bonus and immunity to mind affecting conditions which is really nice you don't want your basically dealer getting mind control so this is quite helpful for cloak just i would say go over the highest rank bulk of resistance you can spare for the character for the headband i or i recommend something that buffs wisdom you get something that buffs wisdom and charisma that'd be great as well because it's going to give you extra channeling you can't mess over amulet so no options there now for your armor piece i would say pick whatever armor piece you can get that has high ac for a medium armor specifically that also lets you save your uh get as much of your dex dexterity uh bonus to ac still you could also go something light like a uh like plus four change shirt you don't have anything special or fancy you can go like a mithril breastplate this one is really nice because it's medium 9ac and it gives you up to five bonus from your dexterity so this is a really good one or again anything that you have that's going to be a combination of high ac while giving as much uh max dexterity bonus that's allowed as possible for shirts uh slash robes these are kind of optional i happen to have a silver robe plus one a bonus to all saving throws against fear effects so just there but it's optional most of the time for a belt i just picked up a belt of incredible dexterity so the idea here is this is going to help with your hit and damage with your rapier you can also get one that combos of constitution to give you more survivability and to make concentration checks so if you have that despair that's really good and for gloves and boots this is going to depend on what you have again a lot of the boots that are good they're gonna kind of minimize your movement and pairing effects that you take you're gonna be on your mount a lot so that may not always help out and then gloves again i don't have anything in particular currently for her but if you happen to get some nice gloves that buff any of your main stats or skills that's what you're gonna pick there okay i hope you guys enjoyed this companion build if you did please make sure like subscribe smash that notification bell to be notified when new videos come out i'm always learning and i'm always trying to make my videos better so please leave recommendations and comments below of how you would like for me to improve potentially and also let me know which character you would like for me to make a companion build video for next all right guys that all being said uh thank you again for all the support and i'll go ahead and see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 5,949
Rating: 4.8655462 out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Camellia Build, pathfinder wrath of the righteous guide, pathfinder wotr all classes build guide, pathfinder wrath of the righteous character creation, wrath of the righteous builds, pathfinder wrath of the righteous Camellia, pathfinder wrath of the righteous Camellia guide, pathfinder wrath of the righteous companions, pathfinder wrath of the righteous companion guide, wotr camellia guide, wotr companions, camellia build guide
Id: jyZFLaLPVl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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