Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Trickster Mythic Path Progression / Overview | Pathfinder WOTR

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hey everybody it's lira from leeroy gaming and in today's pathfinder rather righteous video we're going to be looking at the trickster mythic ascension pathway this is for the retail version of the game so we're going to be looking at all the features that are going to be available to you when you unlock this and so we're going to be looking at not only the features and abilities also the potential spells you'll have access to as well as summons especially in the case of the summons i'll make sure to show you what they look like in game now as always i want to make sure you get the most out of this video so feel free to take advantage of the extensive time stamps in the description below to jump around to the sections that are the most important to you and as always if you enjoy and appreciate this content make sure to like subscribe slam the notification bell to be notified of your videos as i will be providing a variety of pathfinder arthritis videos coming to you in the upcoming days that being said let's go ahead and take a look at the trickster and everything it has to offer for you so before we get started i do want to point out something very important before we look at the actual mythic pathway that we're going to feature today um pretty late in the progression there will be a quest related option to get your final transformation now not everybody's going to complete this and i want to point this out because when we look at the actual mythic abilities and features it is not going to be listed in the system because again some people will never even get it you will have to kind of stay in alignment so if you've got kind of a evil um pathway or a lawful pathway you're gonna need to kind of make decisions that are in line with that and if you do you're gonna look really really cool you're gonna transform into a demon or kind of like an angel figure etc and then you're also going to get some nice buffs from it so again when we look at this video today do note that portion will not be shown unfortunately even though this is the release version my channel was not big enough to get kind of early access so i'm kind of having to start out with everybody else but note everything else should be shown and featured within this video i will start looking at the trickster by checking out its quick overview but for the trickster nothing is set in stone because every stone can be smashed to pieces one is powerful enough with every tweak and twist they make to the world the trickster shatters mundane understanding of reality often simply for the fun of it and it's kind of preview just mentions this mythic trick which mythic tricksters can find a creative use for their skills now before we take a look at the mythic trickster path that starts here at level three i do want to point out at mythic level one and two through the story you're gonna have to start by picking a mythic hero path there's six different ones of these that you can choose from if you haven't seen my video on the mythic heroes do go and check it out i'm gonna have it linked above and also in the description below does not matter which one you pick i for example chose uh the bit of fun one because it's very chaos based and kind of sim line of the trickster but picking a different one like dance macabre um or you know closer to heaven or anything like that won't have a negative impact on us just give you some extra options right now let's take a look at what you get at level three so at level three you're going to get sneaky quack if a character can catch an ally or they are unable to defend themselves effectively from her healing she can heal a vital spot for extra healing the character's heals heal heals extra damage any time or target would be denied a dexterity bonus they see whether the target actually has the external bonus or not or when a character flanks her target this extra healing is 26 per die of your sneak attack this additional healing is precise healing this is very very interesting and actually quite quite cool so for example if an enemy caught one of your allies flat-footed this will uh work or if you're quite literally flanking the target so being nearby it's going and while somebody else is nearby that target as well you can apply your sneak attack damage um kind of dice but to your healing which so this is very very weird uh but i kind of like to sneaky like quack like a quack doctor so very very creative use of your sneak attack dies or something other than killing and speaking of which this uh pathway is going to provide you with sneak attack even if your class doesn't have it so you could be like a fighter for example and all of a sudden you have sneak attack or you could be a wizard or you name it uh you now have that feature now you're also gonna get a mythic ability now if you haven't seen my video that i made on all the mythic abilities in the game make sure to check that out i'll go ahead and link that above and also in the description of this video additionally you're going to get your first mythic trick so mythic tricksters can find creative uses for their skills and we're going to take a look at all those options in just a second and you're going to get your first summon which is summon nixie prankster and we'll also take a look at how that looks in a moment as well i want to emphasize that when we see kind of mythic abilities or mythic feats i'm gonna just quickly take a random one here just to keep this video moving but do note you can pick whatever you want now here are your options for mythic trick give athletics one rank so any character can break free from entangling effects by succeeding on athletics checks but if you are strong enough there is no actual difference between being entangled and suffering from any other debilitating condition every round you attempt to athletics check to remove one negative condition affecting you the dc of this check is equal to the effects original c of dc plus 15. so this is interesting because for example if you have really high athletics from your main class you can now use it to remove other debilitating uh ability uh effects on you so that makes your athletics more versatile your next option is infuse magic device you have learned of a way to improve the efficiency of used magical items faster level of all abilities from magical items you use is increased by a mythic rank but this gives you access to from what i understand being able to use higher level um items uh that are kind of usable whether it's scrolls or wands etc next you have knowledge you're kind of one rank you can now understand how to use magical items even better every item of an enhancement bonus that you identify has this enhancement bonus increased by one that is kind of bonkers so if you have from what i understand if you have a you know enhancement bonus plus one so it's like a long sword plus one it's now going to be a long sword plus two for example that's pretty bonkers and it looks like there's a there's prerequisites for knowledge you cannot rank two so there's more than one rank to this the knowledge world rank one you know so much trivia that you know how to do almost anything better and give helpful advice to others whenever you or anyone within 50 feet from you makes a skill check other than knowledge world you attempt a knowledge world check to add half your mythic rank to the original check dc of this check is equal to the checks original dc so as long as you have a nice and high knowledge world you can basically assist in other characters skill checks which again can be very very helpful and make a big difference next we have lower nature rank one even on the world wounds you find yourself a healthy meal and some useful items every time you rest you search the surrounding area finding a random potion or random scroll enough food to cook a common meal and will give you the benefits to all your companions so this one i feel is not so great mainly because i have yet to run in to a situation where i didn't have enough potions or scrolls or not enough for a common meal in fact you'll you know if you clear enough of the world out there and the side areas you're gonna and loot everything you're gonna have so many components with so many different recipes it's even funny so this one's not so great lower religion rank 1 you learn how to heal not only the body but the soul as well you treat affliction removes not only poisons and diseases but any negative conditions affecting the target but that's pretty amazing because tree deflection is kind of like a free ability that more often than not doesn't get utilized that often but now that it can affect any negative conditions this might actually get utilized mobility rank 1 acrobatic movement to avoid attacks of opportunity reduce your movement speed despite the fact the skill is called mobility with this unlock this confusing problem is removed acrobatic movement now instead increases your movement speed by half so this is pretty bonkers in a way um so when you have basically this is a toggle that you normally would put on and if you have it on it makes it so that you get an ac bonus against the tax opportunity but it makes you move i believe 50 percent slower so you almost never use it so with this now because you get a movement bonus to it you just toggle it and forget it never on top of it again you don't have to really worry about getting hit by tax opportunities and you get a nice movement buff so this is not bad perception rank one you see more than other people who are under a constant effect of c invisible and now find hidden items and unexpected places so i don't know if this is going to for example automatically find kind of like the hidden items which you'll see throughout the world they kind of get when you find a hidden item it's marked like a purple outline so either that or this might be saying that you may find even different items that nobody else can find i'm not sure which it is but that could be potentially good if you find extra items uh and also i guess it depends on how good those items are persuasion rank one you are so good at demoralizing enemies that just entering combat against you is enough to demoralize them any enemy that begins combat against you is immediately affected by your demoralizability um so that's a nice little nice little bonus especially if you take feats that will kind of buff up your demoralized kind of ability um so this could be situationally interesting stealth rank one you can easily slip into shadows at any time you can enter stuff during combat as a move action this stuff is not broken by a single enemy protecting you instead it acts similar to the invisibility spell giving you total concealment against all creatures that did not succeed on perception checks against you this is insane especially since obviously if if you don't want to be the focus attention and you want to get some easy flanking backstabs etc this is amazing the fact that you can do this as a move action during combat and it doesn't look like there's any limits on this so this can be very very powerful especially if your base class is one of those you know assassinate classes uh this can combo really well if you have a ranged assassin so there are archetypes of assassins or rogues where you can basically sneak attack effectively from range so in this case you could use your move action to go into stealth and then immediately attack without having to go anywhere so very very good and finally trickery rank one magical effects do not differ much from magical traps and can be disabled just like a device you can as a standard action attempt a trickery check to dispel any effect on target or on the ground just to treat this as a dispel magic spell only the castle level check replaced by trickery check with a minus 10 penalty so i just don't know how often you'd use this this is kind of cool conceptually but i don't think you'd use it functionally in game nearly as much as would even think you probably forget about this more often than that when you probably could have used so those are all your mythic tricks now you're immediately going to get access to some spells as well so even if your character does not have access to spells innately so for example i'm a fighter in this setup and so i'm still gonna get three level one spells right off the bat and the options are color spray doom expedia's retreat feather step grease hypnotism reduced person shocking grasp sleep snowball vanish and wand of summon monster zero and so this one i just have to read this this one summons an extra planar murder pony to your side once per day how do you not get this i'm going to not only get this but i'm going to show you what it looks like all right i'm going to start by showing you summon nixie prankster and this is your main summon that you get a level three so it's a little prankster oh wow it kind of looks like a crazy hobo clown or like the joker but pixie edition and now i'm going to show you wand of summon monster zero and oh my god guys it's a freaking murder pony it's like pink like glowing pink white i mean you see it this is beyond amazing so um if you don't get this and don't cast it all the time you are a sick sick puppy um very very awesome right up the alley oh but i would expect expect a trickster to do all right now we're looking at level four for trickster and we're gonna get an improved mythic trick so we'll take a look at that you're gonna get a mythic feat and again if you haven't seen my video on all the mythic feats that were added into the game make sure to check it out it's gonna pop up above and also be linked in the description below there's a ton of different feats again i'll be randomly picking him as we go to keep this moving uh but uh do check out that video and then you're gonna get it looks like another mythic treat uh trick and you're gonna get summon red cap so here we're gonna get to pick another mythic trick i'm just gonna pick one randomly here and then as i mentioned you get to get a tier two of one of the ones you've already picked so i'm gonna show you all the ones and what they do so obviously it's gonna have the two i've picked so far i'll go over all the other ones as well so the tier 2 of the athletic rank 2 it looks like um the big difference here all right so with athletics rank 2 now every time you fail a saving throw you can make an athletics check against dc equal to the original say dc plus 20 and if you succeed you automatically pass the saving throw this is like a secondary a second chance at a save if you um if you fail but again this is quite a bit harder to ask now stealth rank two now it says you exceed at stealth fading from sight with your your every move your stealth in combat now works more akin to greater invisibility spell effect so uh that is pretty nice the knowledge you're kind of ranked too you can now reveal hidden effects that can be used by a wearer of magical equipment every item you identify gets an additional random minor effect so not only do you the tier one gives you a plus one on any enhancements but now you get additional benefits and so to give you an idea um as long as you have your knowledge of canna is pretty high whenever you find items that are unidentified they'll get automatically identified in your equipment if you have nobody of good knowledge or canna you just have to go to a vendor it will get automatically identified but in this case you definitely want to get this so i would actually you know in retrospect probably want to get knowledge account at one and two asap across level three and four so now every item you get in a game moving forward is going to be better on numerous fronts that's just amazing and it looks like there's knowledge of canada rank 3 coming up as well so this could get really really juicy next we have knowledge world rank 2 you now know so much about the world that you understand that everything in this world is decided by dice and you are good at dice you have some very special dice that you will use from now on every time a member of your party would roll a one on a d20 roll the result of the roll instead becomes a 20. so basically what this effectively means is you have two chances at rolling a natural twenty a one or a twenty so that's basically double the chances to crit and it can effectively triple the or increase the range of your crits so this is good in numerous ways next we have lower nature rank 2 you know nature so well that you know that it is natural to find gold and valuables in the world in the wild every time you hunt you get some gold potion scrolls and other valuables now i'm not sure what they mean every time you hunt i know if that's like uh something you they're an activity you somehow do or if they just mean when you're out fighting stuff i'm not sure about that but that's interesting again just getting basic gold potion scrolls not so exciting other valuables if they sell for luck could be useful next we have lower religion rank 2 you know religion so well that you can use abilities usually reserved for clerics you can select two domains you gain abilities of those domains and can use spells from those domains once per day as long as the level of those spells is lowered in your mythic rank so that could be good too if you want to add some extra casting to your character mobility rank 2 instead of just avoiding attacks of opportunity by your acrobatic movement you can instead make them yourself every time you avoid one enemies count as flat foot against those attacks this is unexpected after all so basically it like behooves you like run through enemies uh potentially rocking attacks of opportunities and then because you're so good at avoiding him you're just counter-attacking constantly i could see a combination where you take some feats that make it so that you can do multiple attacks of opportunity every round and just kind of going bonkers on uh on enemy this could be a lot of fun perception ring too nothing can escape your notice you automatically detect creatures who attempt to use stealth you also notice more about yourself and your companions allowing both them and you from now on to take feats from a special trickster list [Music] that sounds fun as well persuasion rank 2 you are so good at demoralizing enemies that they lose the will to fight completely enemies affected by your demoralized ability must succeed at a well-saving throw of a dc of 10 plus your rank and persuasion or become paralyzed and completely helpless they may make another safe throw against commission every round so the fact that this is dc 10 plus ranks and persuasion that can be really really good um and the fact that they become helpless i wonder if that really means that they can get crude rod so here it is okay so helpless can be sleeping paralyzed unconscious melee attacks against the helpers are gonna get a plus four bonus uh they've treated us dexterity zero and a penalty to ac oh obviously you can uh you can sneak attack them but that's pretty bonkers and a character can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de gras to a helpless foe this is extremely deadly potential extremely deadly especially if you play this in turn based mode where you can like practice know your proctored and then use the kudegra ability um let me show you that i will i'll show that in a second when i'm showing off under summons what the ability is exactly and then we have reused magic device you have learned of ways to use items so delicately that the use is completely unnoticed ones you use no longer lose charges for use and equip any magical item possible regardless of requirements wow so you can infinitely use wands which could be useful especially with some of the high-end ones and again you don't have to meet any prereqs for items magic items that is very very very very good this game is all about magic items and then we have trickery rank 2 multiple magical effects do not differ much from complex magical traps and can be disabled together just like any device you can as a standard action attempt to dispel all magic effects on a target or on the ground treat this as a greater dispel magic spell only with a caster level check replaced by trickery skill check of a minus 20 penalty so again interesting i don't know how often you'd use it maybe on really high difficulties uh but it seems to be a little wanting compared to some of the other uh improved mythic tricks that are ridiculously good and now at this level you're also gonna get some level two spells you're gonna automatically get bear's grace missile or fish missile and some will summon small beer elemental i can already tell these are all going to be hilarious so uh you know i mean who doesn't want at this point to play trickster just to see how awesome these spells are but these are the specialty ones you get automatically you get to pick one additional one across uh your level one spells and then when it comes to actual level two spells you get to start with two across blur that's grace chameleon stride eagle splendor fine traps hideous laughter invisible and mirror image all right now before i show you uh summon red cap i did want to point out the coup de gras ability uh that we just discussed when we're looking at the improved mythical uh tricks so this is a full round action it can use with a melee weapon against a helpless opponent when you do this ability you automatically hit and score a critical hit if the defender survives the damage they must make it forward to save of dc at 10 plus attackers base attack plus melee damage attribute multiplier plus weapon critical modifier or die delivering a coup de grace provokes attack of art pony from threatening opponents so basically and obviously you you can't use a kudera against enemies that are immune to crits so if there's like a friend uh one if you basically make uh one when the enemy's helpless there's a guy next to you it will trigger attacks opportunity but here's the beautiful thing if you use that mythic trickster combo this is beautiful because when you do that you just counter uh their attack of opportunity of your own and then you just absolutely murder this person especially if you get some an exotic weapon with a high critical multiplier for example so there could be some deadly deadly combos that you use with these tricksters okay now let's take a look what summon redcap looks like uh okay what the heck so this summoned four of them i don't think it's supposed to summon four oh it is just kidding someone's a bunch of red caps they look like kind of like gnomes like garden gnomes but giant death size jesus you know i gotta make a quick comment i never thought i would like trickster and i'm almost feeling like this is like the coolest mythic path of all of them i'm gonna guess this is probably gonna be one of the uh ones that gets picked less the least often and i don't know if the developers knew this and they wanted to surprise the people that chose this because glitches sound awesome angels are badass devils and demons and all that stuff but a trickster okay but good lord everything so far i find is just amazing uh now let's move on all right we're at uh level five of trickster and it looks like you're getting another die of sneak attack uh based off this it looks like we got two back at level three this is gonna be a third one there's gonna be at least two more um you're gonna get another mythic ability you're gonna get another mythic trick and summon wild hunt archer again i'm gonna pick a random one and your mythic trick so this is another one of the tier one so we're gonna go ahead and just pick a random one again you're gonna get an additional level one spell and an additional level two spell we're getting access to level three spells and you're going to get five automatic new spells so and these are again amazing and hilarious uh breath of money so i mean i get to read some of these descriptions you breathe out a blast of coins creatures in the affected area take 26 points of bludgeon damage from mythic rank and you have to make a successful reflex save to half the damage you get glorious beard of course so and look at this description spell causes a glorious beard to erupt from the face of a willing target the beard grants a plus two natural armor bonus to ac and dr5 slashing additionally makes you look so glorious oh yes yes please uh hallucinogenic cloud let's see here invisibility almost greater so the spell functions like greater invisibility but not so great instead of not ending after an offensive action it ends of a chance equal to five percent plus five percent per attack you made during the invisibility and summon medium beer elemental because you know beer elementals are awesome and then we're gonna get to choose two more from blink deep slumber displacement dominate animal old person slow and sticking cloud all right guys so in addition to showing you summon wild hunter archer i couldn't help but i just have to show you gloria's beard and also summon medium beer elemental uh there's also smaller air mental earlier but i thought i'd show you the medium one let's take a look what the beard looks like on camellia and let's see here did you see it you can't really tell i was kind of hoping you would show it on on this but you have this like glowing radiant where a beard would be glow of sorts and then let's look at that summon medium beer elemental so it looks like a water elemental to me unfortunately but we can imagine it's made of beer and i think they should totally make it like brownish and that'd be awesome with that being said it still looks pretty darn cool and then let's go ahead and show you summon wild hunt archer so that looks pretty cool and badass i mean the red caps were like ridiculous this isn't ridiculous this is just badass and cool he looks like you could you know be like legolas long lost brother or something with some like you know antlers or something so uh yeah pretty cool all right moving on to level six and you're gonna get another improved mythic trick you're gonna get a mythic feat and another mythic trick your one and we're gonna get someone wild hunt scout and again we're gonna pick just uh a brand new tier one i'm gonna pick another tier two that you want when it comes to spells you're gonna get another level one spell get another level two spell another level three spell and then you're gonna get two brand new uh unique level four spells summon greasely bear and summon logger beer elemental and then you get to choose two more from chameleon stride greater greater invisibility than tasma killer rainbow pattern release person mass and shadow conjuration all right and here's how summon wild hunt scout looks this one looks like you're kind of a melee version of the archer and he's got she's got a slightly different horns but a nice unique model all right we're now at level seven we're gonna get a greater mythic trick which is gonna be tier three you're gonna get another uh sneak attack die another mythic ability another mythic trick that's going to be tier one and we're gonna get summon builder barn again we're gonna pick another tier one trick what we are all here for are the greater mythic tricks so these are highest tiers and again we're going to take a look at all of them so the first one is going to be knowledge arcana rank 3. you can reveal item properties that aren't even there and couldn't possibly be there every item you identify gets an additional random major effect so now every single item you identify gets a plus one to enhancement it's gonna get a random minor effect and a random major effect it looks like so that's i mean you're gonna just kind of basically just find godly items all over the place pretty amazing lower religion uh rank three you know enough about religion to start your own you can select two additional domains so you'll be able to have four domains it looks like uh uh that you'll have access to so uh if you're going down that route there you go stealth rank 3 you exceed its stuff so much it can avoid spell targeting you you gain spell resistance equal to your stealth bonus minus 10. so considering you can get your stealth score really really high via a couple feats etc this is quite good athletics rank 3 now at last you can call yourself really strong the most athletic athlete in the world and as such your base tag bonus can't be low not lower than your rank in athletics if your base tag bonus is equal to your character level it becomes no less than your rank in athletics plus five wow i'm going to read that again if your base tag bonus is equal to your character level because remember if you're a full bad character like a fighter for example your base attack bonus is going to be exactly your level so at level 20 your basic attack bonus is 20. so but you can get your athletics to be quite a bit higher through different modifiers so if i'm understanding this correctly this is going to make it that your athletics plus 5 is going to be huge i mean you're not going to miss anything and i i guess it kind of makes sense you quite literally become the most athletic person the world you hit everything you're super accurate uh it's very very impressive to hit it's almost like it's going to be impossible to miss acknowledge world rank 3 you now know the whole world is just a game but that is ultimately in your favor because you're good at games and are changing rules in your favor you and members of your party can now ignore requirements of feet when leveling up so you can just you're going to get the full list and you can just start with the most advanced highest tier highest level requirement feats and just get all of those now the downside is the earliest you're going to get this is mythic tier 7 here which is pretty far in the game but the fact that you can respect your characters in this game you could basically respect all your other characters and skip all the low prerequisites if you didn't want them and just go for all the most powerful feats in game if you so wished so this is potentially game breaking definitely you can create some insane broken builds lower nature rank three you know nature so well that you know that it is perfectly natural to find powerful magic items in the wild maybe they grow on trees after all you return from your hunts with random magical items there must be some sort of a hunt feature that i haven't found yet uh this last one seems definitely interesting finally especially since if you combo this with your ability to every time you identify items to make them like super powerful this could be hilarious mobility rank 3 instead of avoiding just attacks of opportunity you can now avoid normal attacks too every time you are hit by an attack you can attempt a mobility check of a minus 10 penalty if the result is higher than attacker's result the attack misses wow okay perception rank 3 at last you notice the most important thing problems within yourself and to negate those problems you learn to quickly find ways to use other mythic tricks you can now use up to two wandering rank one mythic tricks that you can change every single day interesting so you can swap them out persuasion rank three you are so good at demoralizing your enemies that they lose the will to live enemies that fail their saving throw against your demoralized ability must spend their first round making a kudagar could agree against themselves and considering that everybody that enters combat with you has to make this initial save it's very possible that once you get high enough persuasion score you just enter combat and immediately everybody kills themselves like i said i'm stating it right here this class if you build it out correctly will quite literally break the game in hilarious ways um yeah i think i found the most interesting class progression whatever you want to call it in the world all right trickly rank three living creatures are also just complex devices and can also be easily disabled you can try to disable them forcing them to make a fortified saving throw pc15 plus your ranks and trickery if the target fails it it dies so that's funny but again compared to everything else that has just been like mind-blowing this is just not so inspiring but it's cool and then we have finally used magic device rank three you've learned that there is a very unconventional and effective way to use scrolls apparently there are those guys called wizards and they use scrolls in a very original way instead of using magic from scrolls outright they copy it into this thing they call a spell book and then they use this spell every day you now have one of those spell books and can copy spells into it from scrolls as if you were a wizard of your character level so there you go uh even walk here gets even wonkier and when it comes to spells you're gonna get another level one spell sorry another level two spell another level three spell another level four spell and you're gonna unlock level five spells and you start with four unique spells microscopic proportions uh you call upon i gotta read these special ones again because they're hilarious you call upon a primordial power of ancient micro fauna to shrink the size of your target your target shrinks to microscopic portions decreasing in size by two categories they do get a plus six size bonus to its dexterity score though but they're gonna hit like a wet noodle a phantasmal healer from the maker of phantasmal killer you summon a phantasmal healer who stays in place for a number of rounds equal to one for every four cash levels each round it heals every living creature in 30 feet radius for 186 for forecaster levels preacher makes a will saving throw to have the amount interesting so you can use this like against undead or to heal yourself to be careful because it looks like it will heal enemies as well reign of hybrids because of course you create a reign of hybrids making an attack roll against every creature in 10 foot radius successful attack is one t d 10 points of slashing and piercing damage per cash level and can critically strike because of course it can and then let's not forget summon greater beer elemental and then you get to choose two of the following spells that are not nearly as hilarious but very powerful dominate person people mind mind fog fantasma web and or shadow evocation all right now let's see what summon wild hunt looks like and this uh from description says it should be both a okay well it didn't work how it's supposed to it's supposed to summon a wild scout arch a wild scout and an archer it should be the melee and the range but it failed so uh still a bug but that should be fixed hopefully soon i like the concept though all right we are now at rank eight you're going to get another improved mythic trick to tier two another mythic feat another mythic trick and summon wild hunt monarch so again you're going to pick mythic trick one and upgraded version two and when it comes to spells you're gonna get one more level two spell one more level three one more level four one more level five and what we've all been waiting for are the level six spells you get four unique ones that i gotta share with you so the first one's called charm whatever you can make any creature fight on your side as if it was your ally will attack your opponents to the best of its ability uh recreational pit you create an extra dimensional comfy hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster level and a trampoline at the bottom since the pit extends into another dimension the pit has no weight and does not otherwise displace the original underlying material it can create a pit in the deck of a ship as easily as the dungeon of the floor of the forest any large or smaller creature standing in the area where you first conjure the pit must make your reflex safe throw or do not jump to safety in the pit in addition the edge of the pits are sloped so yeah basically you can have them fall into a recreational fit and of course you're gonna have a summon elder beer elemental because why not and let's not freak love this summon perpetually annoyed wizard this spell summons a powerful wizard who is for some mysterious reason perpetually annoyed someone wizard appears where you designate it and it's gonna fight blah blah this has got to be hilarious you're gonna uh additionally gonna get two of the basic spells uh cats uh grace mass eagle splendor mass fantasma purification and umbral strike so i knew you were gonna already in the comment section ask me to uh show you these spells so of course i will oblige let's start by showing what recreational pit looks like and let's go ahead and summon it right underneath our own feet oh my god that just happened flower power pit of recreation that is amazing all right how long does it last look i'm having i'm doing athletic checks to get out it's a dc25 right here and i just keep failing i'm like perpetually stuck down there uh-oh uh does this ever end no [Music] awkward all right well um apparently i'm stuck in this pit forever so i'm gonna reload the game now so i can show you the other stuff but gosh darn if this isn't the coolest thing i've ever seen all right and magically i'm back because yeah uh permanent being stuck in the recreational pit is hilarious uh yeah don't try that at home kids now let's check out the summon elder beer elemental uh unfortunately the medium one didn't have a unique look so wow it's gigantic um and it just look i think i don't know if this is what a giant water elemental looks like but it looks amazing but again i i would hope they would like change it to make it look brownish or something like uh here something uh but still very very cool and now what we've all been waiting is summoned perpetually annoyed wizard all right now what we've all been waiting for let's see what summon perpetually annoyed wizard looks like um he just aggroed oh he is pissed oh holy crap whoa uh he just killed yeah that happened so the perpetually annoyed wizard is perpetually annoyed with everybody uh this is so trickster this is like this is like fourth wall breaking almost that was amazing uh yes at your own risk all right so if a recreational pit and someone perpetually annoyed wizard i haven't made you love this class beyond belief you have no heart and you have no soul i don't think uh but let's take a look at what wild summon wild hunt monarch is let's see if this works and it summons a bare-chested badass look at that very very cool team compared to what we just saw that's still pretty cool all right now we hit level nine and i do want to just uh reemphasize that right around uh level eight uh when you got that perpetually uh peed off wizard that should be right around the time that you should get an epic quest to unlock the final transformation for quickster not sure what that looks like but i'm sure it's going to be fabulous and it's probably going to have some silly off the wall crazily overpowered buffs as well um so by the time you hit nine maybe you already have that maybe not but regardless you're gonna get an improved mythic trick to that's a level two one uh your final sneak attack die a mythic ability another tier one mythic trick and you're gonna summon a wild hunt oh man i i love the reference here uh supposedly it summons a wild hunt battle party for one minute i'm guessing that's supposed to be all three of those we'll see if it works in just a second so again you're going to pick one more mythic trick this point you've gotten all but four of them you're going to get another tier 2 one when it comes to spells you're gonna get uh one more level three one more level four one more level five one more level six and then you're going to get three brand new level seven ones ray of hybrids uh you blast your enemies of a stream of alberts because of course you do you fire one habit per two caster levels each hybrid requires a range attack to hit and deals one plus charisma modifier damage you get sum and hog of desolation spell summons a cute little piglet for one round for caster level um yeah i'm sure a cute hog of desolation and trick fate when the fate gives your your friend a challenge you respond of a special die for three rounds the target ally always rolls 20 on all d20 rolls holy shnikes man cast this like on any of your characters that has an insane weapon with on quid effects because this basically guarantees bricks for three rounds straight and whether it's you know a monk with you know five or seven attacks or any other class that has crazy grit effects this is what you cast on and it literally breaks the game for those three rounds i wouldn't be surprised if you could like kill anything in those three rounds because wow and uh not nearly as exciting but you do get two level seven spells across insanity massive visibility shadow conjuration grader and word of chaos all really really good all right now we'll take a look at the spells now unfortunately as of this recording ray of alberts does not have a unique animation which is sad let's see if summon hog of desolation does that cute piggy supposedly holy crap that comes down in a meteor strike and uh and it goes aggro of course it does of course it does um yes he goes and wipes out your entire party because he is the hog of desolation would i expect anything less of course not of course not yeah so the trickster loves to kill your party for you um let's hope that summon wild hunt is a little bit more friendly and unfortunately unfortunately it's supposed to summon a whole party it doesn't but let's see what happens when you summoned uh while hogg on top of him who wins all right come on hog versus hunter get him we're trying to beat this hog on autopilot auto attacks oh look at him oh he's casting he's oh there you go all right it summons the rest of the party there's the archers man this hog is tough okay so the party does summon multiple archers a sword guy oh my goodness we just barely survived but check out that party right there so uh that is one tough hog so again good news boys wild huh it does or initially only looks like it summoned the main leader but then once you get into combat it looks like the other guys pop out of them and uh it is confirmed that it can survive uh summon hog of desolation cast but just barely all right and finally we come to level 10 where you're gonna get one final greater mythic trick so again this will make it that you'll have a total of two of them one more mythic feat and one more mythic level one trick again pick one normatic one tricks you have all of them except for three one more tier three one and when it comes to spells you'll get one more level four spell one more level five spell one more level six spell and one more level seven spell all right and that is everything you need to know as far as the mythic twister goes outside of the quest related final transformation an amazingly diverse and powerful and ridiculous and game breaking class i feel like you could have this be your like tricks of all trades character and do some ridiculous stuff um hope you guys try them out again i'm curious statistically how often this will be picked as opposed to the other traditionally cool mythic archetypes but i hope some people that watch this video will be like holy crap this is like almost fourth wall breaking amazing and i gotta play it so hopefully you guys enjoyed this content if you did make sure like subscribe hit that notification bell i am gonna be soon focusing more on builds for your main character and your side characters uh you guys seem to like my first build i made so i will be making more of those uh but again uh do make sure to follow to see more of those as i make them and again if you want to support the channel some more uh in addition to subscribing here make sure to check out uh my really cool merch store link if you want some swag uh and support the channel directly that's a really good way to do it alright guys with that being said thank you so very much it's a wonderful rest your day and i will see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 13,350
Rating: 4.8590307 out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Trickster, wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, pathfinder wrath of the righteous mythic paths, mythic path, mythic paths, owlcat games, pathfinder wrath of teh righteous trickster, pathfinder wrath of the righteous trickster mythic path, pathfinder wrath of the righteous trickster mythic, pathfinder wrath of the righteous trickster path, Pathfinder wrath of the righteous trickster feats
Id: qcaeTK5itdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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