Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Ember "Fire" Witch Build

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welcome back to another wrath of the righteous build video i'm artie today we're going to be talking about ember doing a fire build for amber she's born with fire she's got the fire curse she gets fire spells so let's let's double down on it uh this build i played all the way through um and the beta is on core and i i've been doing something on hard and it's been working fine it's got plenty of damage uh has some pretty good healing and some utility in there when you need it so um she gets you get her level three and uh as you can see here level one she picked up point blank shot she's got slumber which is nice she's got her raven familiar and then at level two she picked up vulnerability curse uh it's okay for the early um and then level three we have precise shot so that's everything she needs for for shooting any rays or whatnot without it having any penalties level four i picked up evil eye that's good utility lower some things on the on the bad guys and then for the spell i just picked up webb uh the early game the uh utility that it provides is is really nice i really enjoy it and it helps out a ton to control things in the battlefield level five we're going to keep going with which for now um we're not really going to change up too much with her but uh we will throw a little bit of juiciness in there uh so level five we're going to go with spell penetration we want to make sure we can get to the penetration a lot of enemies in this game has has a spell spell resist so and then level five here i usually take enlarge person it's really good for the front lines and then here second level the first one we're going to take it our we're going to take here is uh cure moderate runes just to give a security you can see here from her curse she gets a burning ark and scorching array so we got some damage we got some control and then if we need it we uh we have some cure spills level six stick with which and we get our hex and here i get cackle uh if you do put like evil eye or something on an enemy you can use your move action with cackle and it'll extend it that one round because they only last and only the last one round if they will save so you can keep extending it and you can still do uh like a regular action not a full standard but and what do we have for spells level six i'd like to go with the late poison communal here if yeah if you uh have a cleric that has it already i mean you pick heroism or something but i'm just gonna go through the spells as i picked them but you can move things around as you like level seven we are sticking with which and pump up umd and here i'm gonna go with elemental focus fire it's in good dc for our any saving throws against fire we're gonna make sure everything we're throwing is fire all right level seven spells i took raven field bit this and took a buff here of heroism we got we got two buffs here so if you want you could take lightning bolt first uh we'll take that and then i think the next level or the level after something like that not too long next time we get a chance i think we're taking it all right level eight is so we're going to throw our little spin on things we're going to take one level of sorcerer here of cross blooded this is going to really solidify our fire damage for our regular levels is not really going to show anything but when we get into the mythic part uh you're going to see where this this one level of sorcerer cross blood is going to be paid big dividends so we're going to pick any fire dragon uh brass works just fine and the reason we want that is we we get that whenever we cast fire damage spell it deals one additional point of damage per die roll so and then here we take i think greater spent the greater spell focus and then we're going to take the fire elemental and what this does it doesn't really but so this elemental bloodline archon of fire what that does is it returns any spell damage you do if it was like lightning bolt or lightning bolt for is a good example instead of it being electric damage if you have this toggled on it will be fire damage so we're gonna use and abuse it uh level eight here i just took grease we're only gonna get this one level so we'll have um a whole bunch of casts of grease at the end there's something else to you know throw out there if we need some utility for something then we're going back to which and we're staying which and our skills here we're gonna go arcane focus this is uh because we're an elf uh we get a plus two bonus on concentration checks uh cast defensively and then we get a plus one caster level check to overcome spell resistance very nice for hex at nine um i took miss fortune i like that it's a disadvantage for the for the enemy they roll twice take the worst all right level nine here i take death award this is really good it's quite a few uh undead around here like i said if you have it on your uh on your uh cleric or healer or whatever you could take a cure of wounds or a dimension door but we're just going to go how i take it and which continue whatever skill points you wanted level 10 our skills i take bone shaker here a 3 3 d6 of damage plus 1 d6 per 2 caster levels no max and we're taking lightning bolt now which we're going to use if we use that we're going to make it a fire and we're going to take our cure critical give us some healing in there too so she's really a valuable companion don't be surprised how much damage she can do when she starts getting i mean right now she can pretty uh pretty good damage for a single target but she can start putting out some aoe damage later and then we're going to take greater elemental focus fire and get that dc class up a lot of our early fire spells has the reflex safes to take half damage so and then here i like to take restless slumber we can if we if they pass wrestle slumber we can still try to slumber them because you can only try to try to cast it on somebody once a day so put them to sleep get them out of the fight and what do we got for spell here we go racking ray do some damage on them or uh what do you call it uh build damage and 12 we're sticking with which come on there we go get our charisma all charisma there was our castle stat for everything we need all right here i just go with pox comes sick in my supported deck it's all right if we need it and here i like to take remove blindness this kind of sucks here blindness sucks a lot sometimes you don't have a scroll or whatnot so it's good to have her there you could take a heel uh dimension door is very valuable sometimes you get in some spots you can't figure out how to get out of uh dimension door can save you especially me because i'm very challenged with directions in this game break enchantment i really like this you know there's a lot there's a lot of things there's aoe um a lot of enchantments transmutations and curses that uh can screw your your party over and haven't heard what that is is a big big help 13 and here i go with my magic bolster now bolster was uh broken it wasn't working correctly they just fixed it um i still take it uh we're gonna do some aoe damage with her and a lot of enemies are always clumped up so now you get into you get in uh two more damage per dice roll and then the enemies within five feet of the spell target also gets two damage per dice roll of the original spell the spell doesn't um apply percentage damage which we we're not doing so so i still like bolster and it's only a one caster level increase like if it was a level six and you bolster it becomes 11 level seven spell uh here we're going to go protective look this is good this is one you can you can extend with chemical as well uh whenever the uh the target by um in effect that requires an attack roll uh including weapon attacks the attacker must roll twice and take the worst role so but if they're attacking your front line you give them that the attacker hat the enemy has to roll roll the disadvantage and what do we got here we're going to take hellfire ray and she does get this with her um her curse but actually it's in a different level so we're gonna be able to get hellfire right here and at level seven i believe i think it's we're gonna have a level six casting and a level 7 casting which is pretty cool and pretty strange at the same time but hey if they want to give it to us we'll take it we will take it 14 i just do some innervation here i'm not bonded false life grader doesn't really give that many hit points i think it's 20 or 30 at max i mean that's that's that's not much of the stage of the game um and then i go for there's not a ton in here that that i i'm really fond of at this point i just take battlefield polymorph here and then you get a nice heroes and grater nice nice buff uh whoa all right 15 now we're going to spell focus evocation that's where our damage is going to be coming from most of the time is evocation i would say probably 90 of the time um here there we we got some uh major hexes i just take this be a beast gift and give some natural attacks to i would preferably put it someone on the front line of course could take fortune i would say be skiff at this point or fortune is good and 15 here this work take chain lining this is that the spell i love to use with her is chain lightning makes it a fire aoe spell it does crazy damage crazy damage um 16 of course charisma make our skills and i'm going to take mind fog here lincoln lose their will and we're going to do dispel magic greater this is good a lot of things we can get rid of from our enemies some things that tell you is permanent you can actually get rid of which is kind of weird um and then i like to take heal first kill this huge huge heel look at how many how much 550 points of healing and it also takes away a whole bunch of negative effects heal is awesome all right level 17 continue with which we're staying with the whole time uh what do we got here spell specialization come on way down here um this treats whatever spell you pick is uh two higher for all the variables all the level of variables um so right now we're going to take chain lightning chain lining it so capsid 20 d6 i think it's d6 or t8 e6 yeah um so we're caster level 16 right now so we we're going to be casting it at 18 so it's gonna be 18 d6 with um bolster uh 17 we're gonna go with agony makeup nauseated basically all they can do is move as long as they don't get that we'll see or that fort safe sorry in 17 we're going to do storm bolts same thing it says lightning damage but we're gonna we're gonna have all of our stuff toggled so we're gonna be doing fire damage it's another option of aoe fire damage all right level 18. we're gonna switch our specialization here and we're gonna go for hellfire array reason we do that is we're gonna get our third um bolt or third ray i should say with this specialization um it's a level it's a every four levels after a level 11. so at level 11 you get one ray at level 15 you get two rays and then level 19 you get three rays so we're level 17 plus two that's set 19 so we're gonna get all three rays of hellfire ray which is extremely good here we go with a buff legendary proportions as long as we can find some dinosaur bones that is awesome for front line or back line like your archers that are are using your strength for their damage don't forget about them and here i go with mind blank or mind blank plus eight resistance to saving throws against mind affecting spells and effects i hate uh being compulsed and all that stuff it seems like every monster in this game throws it out on you as well get your skills and here we're going to go greater spell focus evocation keep getting the plus 1 to dc and here i do life giver once per day is a full ride action you could touch a dead creature bring it back to life so i'm talking about i mean hopefully you're not having people died so much that you need it more than twice in a day for the same person uh spill specialization we're gonna keep it hellfire ray it doesn't really help us but if we take it away we're gonna lose that one ray of of it so we want to keep on there for now level 19 we're going to go heroic implication of this is pretty awesome too they gain plus 4 morale bonus on attack and damage and they gain 2 8 plus 4 temporary hit points become immune to both fear and charm effects for the spell's duration 10 minutes per level and it's going to be 24 hours and finally we're taking that charisma of course get your skills and we're going to change our spell specialization to chain lightning this is actually going to give us casper level 22 once we have all of our mythic feats and it will actually do 22 d6 of damage and then from our dragon um bloodline it's going to be 22d6 plus 22 because we get a plus one or a dice roll so that's a lot of damage and then what what bolster you're doing another two damage and then to any enemies around it so you it really pumps out some damage is crazy uh level 8 spell here i go with death clutch it does something at least if it even if uh they save regardless of the hit points targets just easier to sport save is still staggered for a round and staggering we can really take advantage of that staggered enemy and then i just take i take foresight here my blank communal is is really good um i like to do the foresight we got mine blank and it's gonna be a 24 hour buff but obviously it's only on one person at a time uh foresight here i like this uh you're never flat-footed nissan spell gives a general idea what action so they get a plus two insight and you don't get a lot of insight bonuses and then a plus two insight on reflex saves as well so i like that just because it's a unique bonus type all right and that's all her levels let's look at her mythic path so first we took a ascendant element fire this way any fire damage we put we don't care if they're immune we go through the immunities you got to be careful too because this also means that if you accidentally hit one of your uh allies it'll go through their fire immunity too so but this really amplifies her fire you don't have to worry about anything you'll always do damage level two we get abundant casting we want to get as many casts as we can um so we we actually take the mythic we take a mythic feat um to get abundant casting and then third we get improved bunny casting which is four more spells of four five and six and at fourth we do sorcerer's reflex this allows us the first round in an action in a in a fight we can cast our any spell that's two levels lower than our max spells at the time as a quick action so you can cast um two spells in your first turn and this can really turn to ties this is gonna end a fight very quickly it's amazing level five well we're gonna get greater abundant and you might not have well you're not gonna have level eight and level nine spells at this point um you i think you we just get our level seven when we get this but it's it's well worth it those level seven that those level seven castings is is well worth it and obviously just gets better when we get our eighth and ninth level spills six we do school mastery vacation all your spells that belong to this school have their caster level increased by one there we go higher dc's more damage and then for the the buffs that we do have they are good buffs so we're gonna go into enduring spells here level eight we're going to go into spell penetration we want to get through that spell pen and we're doubling down on the enduring spell so now every buff that we have that we're gonna cast on ourselves or our allies is gonna be 24 hours there's nothing that we're casting that's less than five minutes and then finally we're doing spell focus evocation now the bonus for dc's from our spell focus and a great spell focus is increased by one so this is essentially plus two to the dc's so this is an a great um build for amber this is very very powerful and you will not be mad or miss anything uh you have some healing you have great damage and you have some awesome buffs uh this really makes her shine she has an awesome character with great great lines and great personality and this is like just with the cherry on top so if you guys like the build let me know in the comments below if you like to see something changed or had some questions let me know otherwise you guys have a good one i'm already peace out
Channel: Ardinicus
Views: 4,286
Rating: 4.775281 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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