Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lich Mythic Path Guide. Transformation, Undead Companions Etc.

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hey everybody it's leroy from leo gaming and today i have a very special pathfinder wrath of the right just video for you i'm presenting to you my ultimate lich path guide now this is from unlock all the way to final transformation where i'm gonna be showing you all the major quest parts what to do from act one all the way to act five we're gonna be looking at some of the key events that occur during the game both kind of mandatory and some that are optional we're also going to go over the mechanics during the crusade system that are unique to the lich in addition to that i want to share with you the unique units that the lich side gets and give you some feedback on how i think they perform and then last but not least we're going to look at all five companions that i've been able to find that you can get that are undead so you can technically have a full undead party the fifth one is a special surprise that i've saved till the end of the video it's a mega mega spoiler warning on that one so watch it at your own risk it's super awesome it's super optional but it's really really cool if you haven't played the lich path let me tell you right off the bat this is probably the coolest path of all of them while the actual mythic progression pathway may not be the most exciting as far as powers go the actual theme and what you do in the story is really really amazing really fun i can't recommend it enough hopefully you guys enjoyed this video i put a tremendous amount of work into it if you guys do remember like subscribe slam that notification bell that all being said guys let's go ahead and jump in and take a look at how to unlock the lich and then go all the way through to final transformation so to begin the triggering of the lich mythic path quest you're going to be going to the tower of estrad and this is going to be part of a optional quest called spice spies amidst our ranks so the first time you come here you'll probably be pulled by an npc not to fight the demons and then later on you're going to come back as i am right now so when you return you're going to come back here and you're going to come up a little path and you're gonna see this little interaction with the leaders they're gonna identify you and you're gonna fight them i have gone ahead and fast forwarded the battle here and once the battle is complete you could technically leave but you definitely do not want to leave instead of what you want to do you want to come back here and go to the basement so click on the basement now when you go downstairs you're going to have this area here that you're going to unlock you're gonna run into a little conversation here to the right you're gonna talk to this individual and get you can get some information from him or you could attack him now once you're done with dealing with talmar one way or another you're gonna actually wanna go over here you're gonna be looking for telden and when you talk to telden this is an old blind man basically and there's gonna be interesting conversation here and how you answer him initially doesn't matter then you're gonna ask him who are you and he's gonna mention that he's an old man he survived a battle at lost chapel which is gonna be kind of a premonition of what's to come here and you can ask him about the museum exhibits and when you ask him about the exhibits he's going to start talking and he's going to have alignment says actually met them you know uh and he's talking about special characters in the story targona larial silver twins he said when i was young a young man studying under master zacharias they had no errors or grace about them they walked amongst the mortals they spoke to us they healed our wounds lady argo and i remember especially well get a special on earthly wisdom with her and then you're gonna ask him at one point in a conversation here what the thief still and he's gonna say the want of zacharias my master he was a great man the hero of the defense of the lost chapel and those scoundrels took his wand a relic ballads are sung about zacharias and they they're just damned thieves master zacharias will return and he will assemble all of us his students and we'll show them i'll show them what battle mage teldon is made of and then you can ask him to tell you more about zacharias and he said he was a great hero he was fearless but insightful he never underestimated the strength of the demons they laid siege lost chapel again hinting to the lost chapel location while zach rice who stood in a breach to rescue the clerics he understood that he couldn't hold out but he refused to retreat he had vowed to defend the temple before the final onslaught he gathered up his surviving apprentices looked us over and picked me he said tell them today i will die and leave my comrades behind take my wand and bring it to canaabras should an hour great need come a worthy crusade can take the wand and bring it to me i will know that my brothers need me once more and i will come to their aid not even death shall stop me and so i brought his wand and his final words here also brought something else here this is why i am the way i am the old man pokes a finger at his bald head fear consumed my mind it shattered my reason i was so desperate to forget the terrible day that my memory slowly but surely led my wretched head so by reading that we basically know we need to get this wand and we need to take it to zacharias who's going to be at the lost chapel unlike the other mythic pathways that you can unlock early in the game the next part for the lich pathway does not move forward until act two so act two is when you basically free now brace and you get the crusade mechanic you're going to make your way up here and then as part of the story you're going to get to leper smile you're going to go into leopard smile and i'll show you where you go next so when you're in leopard smile you're going to start down here and you're just going to make your way through there's going to be a quest that basically pushes you forward and then you're going to run into the queen and how you kill the queen and what you do for corpse does not matter but what does matter is after you're done do not exit the area you can but you shouldn't instead you're gonna go down here so click on this down area and you're gonna go into these caves now for this quest once you're down in the caves you're going to want to go up here you're going to go straight ahead fight the initial monsters once you're done with the initial monsters here you're going to go past this little rock area you're going to find some whites so if you're facing the whites you know you're heading on the right way keep on heading down all the way down here there's going to be some traps that you're probably going to want to disarm i'll go ahead and skip this little part as i'm disarming and finding a couple of small mobs all right now what we care about is as we went up down this corridor you're going to get to this area where there's a bunch of water and resources and you're going to keep fighting whites until you get to this box here you'll notice it's a green box and it's glowing and you can kind of see a wand sitting there now there's going to be some whites that spawn you can go ahead and kill them real quick but do note that they're going to keep respawning coming back from the dead infinitely if you don't go and interact with this so we're going to go ahead and do that i'm gonna have my other characters attack this enemy and then we're gonna interact with this wand when you interact as you can kind of see this little event occurs and it says as soon as your fingers touch the wand a surge of energy courses through your body a howling choir of restless souls deafens your very thoughts green light pours from your eyes it can rend soul from body if you so much as will it the wand vibrates in your hand like it's alive but no it's certainly not as you realize with amazing clarity but there's definitely something inside and it's studying you closely so you definitely want to hide the wand in your bag because as the conversation at the tower said we need to return this to zacharias we're going to go ahead and hide this if for example you break it you're going to lock yourself up permanently and says the green light fades quickly as quickly as it arose fire of the dead quiets their howls the power slips away even as every part of your body protests against it you vividly realize how fragile and fickle mortal flesh is so after this you're gonna go ahead and just clear this up get kill these enemies they're not going to spawn up anymore and then you can move on and finish this area all right as you continue to progress towards resin you are going to be met with a mandatory quest called a strike from the sky basically gargoyles are gonna come and steal a bunch of people from your camp and you're gonna have to go to the lost chapel to kind of rescue them and what's gonna happen here is you're gonna make your way up the mountain and you're gonna go in the chapel once you go to chapel there's gonna be a combat here now if you have the wand with you and have done all the steps so far what's gonna happen here is that this little path to the right is going to open downstairs if you destroyed the wand or did not get it this will not be available so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go downstairs and once you're downstairs you're going to go straight down there's areas to the side that you can explore get some loot there's some fighting encounters you run into as well but if you're here for zacharias just head down here and go into this giant library and he's gonna be in the back right corner you see an undead man dressed in a style popular among men deviant crusaders a hundred years ago the long decade is expressive adornments indicate high status and the clean and functional cut of a suit places its wearer in a military profession the undead man sizes you up with a lordly glance greetings crusader you have the honor of meeting zacharias the lich the last warden of the newfound sanctuary and master of this place i sensed you as soon as you step to the gate of my stronghold there's something in your bag that belongs to me give me my wand and as my elf dictates i shall give you a gift the dead man doesn't notice the shaggy death's head moth crawling along his sleeve the sign is not for him but for you this meeting has please orga now i believe this is optional because i created a character that worships this god of basically of the palate the necromancers so i think that's related to that dark energy coming from the lich draws the response from inside you a surge of power similar to what you felt an abandoned cab cave suppresses and overwhelms all other feelings and fills you with new sensations you'll lose control over your own body for a moment as your hands as if alive on their own dive into the bag and take zechariah's wand out it would swear it trembles with impatience like a dog too long away from its beloved master and of course if you want to make sure that you keep going down this path you want to select evil requires lich mythic f him the wad it belongs to you green light shines in lich's eyes and his arrogant tone offends the air so common sense wins out how commendable otherwise i should have had to kill you but i have other plans for you except this my gift had we met under different circumstances i'd never even consider sharing my power but my elf obliges me i zacharias shall hereby fulfill my vow a worthy crusade or has come and returned my wand to me i may leave this prison and you shall become my apprentice for my first order as your master you must truly show yourself as a worthy crusader or my oath will not be fulfilled and i'm merely wasting my time meanwhile i shall begin my work i shall reach the very depths of your soul to alter it ready for eternity you will not regret our paths of crossed up there you will find the master of this fortress new kenneth is expecting you this demon is so witless he doesn't even suspect i'm here but he is strong and tiresome this high time someone disposed of him i shall assist you in this although my own brothers in arms are long dead their hatred for the demons is far stronger than death they will help you kill nilkaneth are you prepared to command the last defenders of the lost chapel urge my fortress of demon filth and then obviously if you want to get their help you say evil i am ready for the first time in your entire conversation you sense a shade of empathy in zacharus's voice then do not linger i shall go to the laboratory to contemplate your future farewell be ready when next we meet so what's kind of cool is when you go back upstairs and you actually get to the demon at the end of the area when you initiate the fight you're actually gonna have undead come up and help you of the fight making a little easier now after the incident at the chapel you're gonna make your way towards dresden and you're going to salt dresden how you assault it it does not matter doesn't matter who you bring along or you don't bring along but i do recommend for future events not to invite the queen to come along you don't want to be too close to the queen and you'll see why later but for now you're going to make your way through and then you're going to get to the very top of dresden where we're going to see this next part so when you get to the top of dresden you're basically going to come up here and it's going to trigger an event that lets you pick your mythic path and basically if you've done it right you should have everything you've unlocked so in my case i met all the prerequisites for all these options and which is one of them you can select and you'll get your first level of lich now here are the options for the lich if you want to see me go through all of this and explain it thoroughly i have a really in-depth video that not only goes over all of the different options for the skeleton upgrades i show you all the summons including actually summoning them for you all of this is covered so make sure to check out that video it should be popping up above me and also in the description below but i will go ahead and move on now i do want to point out as part of the lich progression if you have a main spellcaster that is an arcane spellcaster and has a complete full spell book meaning like a sorcerer or a wizard not like a hybrid not like a blood rager for example then you can combine your litch book with the sorcerer's spell book what this basically means is that all of the spells will be passed the same way that your main class cast them so if you're a sorcerer you'll be able to do spontaneous casting and if you're a wizard you're still going to memorize the lich spells in addition to this the biggest benefit to this is that it's going to combine your levels so for example by the time you become let's say a level 20 sorcerer you will also eventually be a level 10 lich and it will combine it so you have the potential of being a maximum of a level 30 caster when it comes to calculating how hard it is to resist for example your spells but this is a really really big bonus if you are for example a fighter or a hybrid caster this will not be an option and you will have to have a separate spell book and it will max out at level 10. what this really just means is you're gonna want to probably focus on more like the summoning spells the buffing spells not necessarily the direct damage spells that can be resisted because those will get resisted rather easily compared to being a level 30 caster and then you're going to see this cool unique animation here well this part is not unique but what you will see is there's going to be a unique banner that's going to pop up the dead make ideal soldiers good idea and here depending on who you have with you you will have different responses and here we go let's take a look at the banner and there's a traditional banner and now it transforms to the banner of village much better now after you select the lich path you're actually gonna go and you're gonna end up fighting scott in the vein and you're gonna kill him after the battle you're going to be talking here automatically with iribet and as you just heard she wants to know what to do with his body you will get a unique option that says evil requires lich mythic path oh i have my own plans for the corpse let's say in a dungeon for now i will decide what to do with it make sure to select this otherwise you will lose the ability to bring him back as an undead companion now i want to take this quick moment to introduce this system to you guys basically from playing the game i have found five characters that you can unlock and end up bringing with you level them up like full-on character characters that you would need in any other way now if you want to jump to those specific sections to learn exactly about each and every one you're going to find time stamps below however you cannot recruit them right away there's going to be a couple steps i am right now if you just watch this video in its natural order i'm going to teach you how to unlock the options to actually resurrect these individuals and then as we get to the appropriate acts meaning acts 3 4 and 5 when it's appropriate i will point out where to go and how to resurrect these individuals of course i'm going to show you the characters their base stats and some feedback on them now once you return to your citadel you're going to have some interactions you're going to meet cr here and just to let you know he's going to be one of the first three characters you're going to be able to unlock to become an undead companion now the first step to being able to unlock and start rezzing and utilizing undead companions is can search right off the bat so you're going to want to go under manage crusade affairs and then the first thing you want to do is do forming a diplomatic council and farming military council now i don't know if these are technically mandatory but as they take one day exactly and i did this day one this proced together when these were formed so let me kind of show you what happens you select both of these and then just go ahead and skip a day since you're already at the citadel they're going to complete automatically and you're just going to x out of this and it's going to take you right back to the citadel now you're going to have some interactions here and you can let this first guy basically go out of his duties and right after that you should have zechariah's pop up and says the grim voice of zacharias the lich suddenly booms inside your head student you have proven yourself a worthy crusader to defeat the demons in this war you have fiercely sought the secrets of death your determination deserves respect now you can proceed of your great transformation into a lich for that i shall need a suitable laboratory where i can scrutinize and condition your spiritual body in solitude preparing it for rebirth as for you you will need to a palace from which you will rule over legions of the dead give the order to erect a ziggurat in dresden and you're going to get house of the of death the mission pop up and of course you can respond however you want i'm going to choose uh he says zecker's imperious voice betrays a hint of vanity it must be an imposing building one worthy of receiving me as its guest this is where you will discover eternal life if the news need arises to demolish a few buildings for the construction ensure that they are located far enough away from the squalor of the slums i do not wish for my ingredient stores to be ravaged by rats go ahead go evil i'll demolish each and every house and dresden if i have to i need the power you promised and he says it pleases me to know that i did not air when i chose you to be my student i have no need for sniveling little cowards get on with it welcome to the dark side now at this point you're gonna have to pass the degree called ziggurat now this takes 20 days to do so you can go ahead and either kind of skip through it but be careful not to have morale drop too low but in the meantime there's a couple things you can do while you wait and the first one is to actually unlock a second character that will be ready for you to resurrect and bring with you as soon as you have the necessary steps completed so you're gonna want to go to temple of the good hunt you'll notice it's just west here of dresden so go ahead and go there and when you arrive here go ahead and make your way to the temple there's not gonna be any enemies or anything like that now when you go inside you need to go right up here and it's very important that you actually talk to kiado you're going to just go through the natural conversation and you're going to be kind of questioning him about the temple and everything he's connected to so just go through the conversations and you're gonna be asking him if he saw anything suspicious in the area and then he's gonna be kind of stumbling over his words at this point go ahead and just exit the conversation and then make yourself your way north here and hopefully you have a decent perception and you'll find this interactive button so once you find that here for whatever reason it's going to pop up this little uh exploration thing here and it's gonna say it appears there's a carefully concealed doorway in this place it's gonna pop up confirm conversation with chiato and it says i discovered a concealed door in the temple where does it lead and he's going to beg you not to go down there you can check your stats whatever you want however you think you can get him to agree with you so i have a high intimidates all the evil and then you need to get the key from him so you can pick however way you want so here i just chose lawful on the crusader given the key and he gave me the key get the crypt key you can also attack him and kill him and allows you to click on here and it's going to unlock it he's of course going to beg you not to go in there but we're going to go now for everybody except the lich is just going to progress this little quest but we get an extra bonus because we're delicious you're going to interact through this sarcophagus and you're going to want to examine it and then you want to kind of identify it what this is all like how to open it so check your stats if you have a higher religion you can do this one i don't i have a pretty good arcana i could also do trickery so these are both plus 20. so let's give this a shot so i exceeded on that one and now as long as you open it you have this option so after several attempts arthas manages to break through the spell placed on the sarcophagus the symbol in the stone seal begins to glow of a click still crumbles the pieces and the lid of the sarcophagus slides open inside the sarcophagus lies the remains of a female archer the bones are held together by leather armor covered in the same symbols as those of the sarcophagus and the skeleton's hands are clutching an impressive bow made from an antler surprisingly there's no unpleasant smell from the remains the commander and you have the option that's unique to the lich breed life into the old bones and summon them into his service we're going to click that little green flames sparked to life inside the empty eye sockets of the once blessed bella the lamer with a crutch crunching sound of fingers of bone clinched around the bow her body slowly rises from the sarcophagus and takes into the crypt of a hate-filled glance from her gaping jaw emerges a rasp of vexation who has dared the dead priestess glares at your gl at you green flames raging in her empty eye sockets what have you done to me how dare you desecrate my remains of each word air from her lungs whooshes out between her ribs and then of course everybody's got little options of uh their their input and you can tell her uh you know bill bow before me delamere's proud back slowly curves into a bow and through gratitude she has his yes master and then you can tell your temple has been defiled and your priest revealed to be a traitor de la mer draws a breath like she's sniffing the air my country awash of corruption demons cities they defile the soul i was right this cleric is nothing and so you can ask about her if you're interested about her uh you can ask about her beau how she feels about her new form and then you can basically tell her to have a task that you have a task for her now what's important here is that if you're getting this early you're not gonna have all the right options be careful you lay her to rest she's just gonna go away and also if you release her so just say i think i'll have use of you for later and then for now you're going to tell her to stay here now this you may find this confusing but basically you haven't constructed the ziggurat and the building after that yet so this you are not able so you are not able to have her as a companion quite yet but you have technically unlocked her you're just gonna need to come back here and then tell her to go back to the ziggurat once it is time so if you do this in the future when you've already built this zagara and the second building or feature then you will be able to commander right away now we have gone ahead and fast forwarded until we're ready to complete the ziggurat so we're gonna do the final day here it's gonna complete it's gonna complete the quest and it's gonna tell you to talk to zacharias now unfortunately on the travel map for the city there's not going to be a fast travel to it that's going to be right here kind of where part of the highlight for the streets is so you are going to want to click on the streets to get there and if you hit m for map you're gonna see it's there already and it already looks quite impressive but we're gonna go ahead and run there from the outside and so here's the ziggurat in all its glory i'll kind of show you it's uh yeah it's definitely not subtle so now we're basically gonna go into our own personal little pyramid and then you're gonna go in here now the cigarette's pretty big but it's a little deceiving you're gonna see all these areas where you can go downstairs there are some downtire areas are going to be used for kind of quest events but most of your interactions if not all of them almost are going to be right here of zacharias so the lich surveys the ziggurat of regal dignity upon seeing you he finds his head not bad at all student it must it's much more spacious than my private chambers at the lost chapel and yet you do not expect me to oversee the running of this palace do you i'm busy enough as it is i am engaged in constant spiritual creation as i transform your immaterial being without my effort the powers of death will simply snuff you out in a blink of an eye i shall produce a creature the pillars of skulls that will see to the more mundane affairs of the lord of death arrange for everything i need to be delivered we shall not waste time while you take care of urgent matters i can finally return to my engaging conversation with the old elf a story collector he promised to divulge the finer details of weaving that the traditional curses of tian and you can talk to him about the story his relationship with the storyteller they'll play a role a little bit later in the story and then it's going to as you talk to him going to unlock the command to build the pillar of skulls so now that the ziggurat is built up and you've talked to zacharias you're gonna have pillars of skull to build it's not very expensive it takes only ten days to make so you're gonna wanna get that started as soon as possible now with the ziggurat built you're also going to unlock the second unique mechanic of the lich path and you could miss this low part very easily but in the upper left hand corner you're going to notice you have a buff that's called necromancy now it's a permanent buff and it says armies get a replenishment of skeletons and zombies equal to value of killed enemies divided by 275 after a victory but there's also a downside the cost of recruiting mercenary units increases by a hundred percent and recruitment growth for trainable units is reduced by 50 percent basically you're turning to us into a city of undead so people don't really want to come to dresden and mercenaries if they're gonna work for you they're gonna make sure you pay twice as much now don't worry about these uh negative elements so much because soon enough you're gonna have some mini events occur and you're gonna get a nice little starting army of skeletons and zombies i believe i don't have a save where it showed when i got it exactly but if i remember correctly i got 500 skeletons and 500 zombies and you see here you do not recruit these these have been increasing naturally as i killed enemies so i'm at currently at this point when i'm about to finish the the second building the second upgrade for resurrecting people to have 679 skeletons and 702 zombies now let's take a quick look at the stats now the skeletons aren't very good they're very low ac but they do have one damage reduction 23 hit points and although you only do six to eight damage with them you have so many of them that they are going to absolutely annihilate stacks same with the zombies the zombies actually have three damage reduction they have 90 hit points and armor class 16 but they only do one to three damage so they're the tanky ones that don't do much damage the skeletons do some damage but they don't have very much health but they're going to be the backbone of your army now what's odd is even though they're undead you can use the cure spell on them and they will resurrect so this is how you can make sure you never lose them and you're just gonna have this ever growing army of skeletons and zombies as your baseline units and then you can of course use backup units to do more range dps for example now once the pillar is completed it's gonna tell you to go to talk to zacharias again so just make sure go back to town now upon returning to the ziggurat you're going to notice this sentient obelisk-like item i'm going to want to talk to zacharias he says behold my creation student i fashion this pillar of skulls from the heads of clever resourceful people who can be useful once more and that they've been detached from their bodies they can devote themselves entirely to serving you their advice will be wise and helpful the pillar will ensure order in the ziggurat it's time for me to proceed with my work your soul is almost ready to accept the power of death my work in this task has been magnificent in the meantime you may greet your new servant one of its heads may seem familiar the lich's voice is full of malicious glee and then you can go ahead and talk to the pillar of skulls before he stands a pillar of reanimated heads resting upon it their eyes glowing green all have been stripped back to their shiny fleshly skulls except for one that once belonged to an elderly man with a gray beard the skull greets you in the schools greet you in unison their whispers blend together in a chorus readings master we are the pillars of skulls we serve you your command upon inspecting the elderly man's head you recognize telden the museum custodian from the tower of el estrade his lips are crusted of dried blood and a fat black fly crawls across his cheek so apparently zacharias was not amused and uh yeah here is the blind custodian we were created to advise you to control the ziggurat to serve as shepherds for the undead to ensure your safety and of course help you assemble the grave guard use us as you see fit so the grave guards are basically the undead companions and what's kind of cool is if you basically find an undead companion that you haven't unlocked yet you can click here like who are the graveguards and it basically tells you that they're the the champions the strongest protectors and it gives you the option can you sense the souls of those who can become my graveguards and so because we have the the dwarf down in our dungeon says we sense rage we send shame a powerful spirit a suffering spirit a traitor spirit he roams your dungeon does god refuse to claim his soul bind him he will be useful so it tells you about that one and because if you follow the guide we also found delamar it says you enslave the spirit of delamere a powerful priestess of era still our arrows will defend the zerg out well order her to come here so this is now on basically reminding you hey we've unlocked this feature now i can go back to her at the temple west of drezen and when you interact with her she'll have an option to come back here the pillar falls silent for time then it cracks the jaws and speaks we seek but we do not see there are no worthy candidates we shall continue our search so basically that's saying there's nobody else that you found out in the world that is a proper candidate so now under errands you're gonna see these two new quests trader spirit as well as de la mir's eternal vigil so let me show you what that looks like when you go ahead and interact with them so from the travel interface you can go ahead and go to the prison and in the prison go ahead and go to the very very far cell you're going to notice on the ground the hour below search icon click on it satan's corpse looks horrible two whitish orbs where normal items once where rotten eyelids the putrid stench of rotten meat flies are swarming the dead dwarf eager to lay their larva in his flesh so you will now have an option evil requires which means path awakens satan from death you can find him here earlier but it will not have this option go ahead and click it the corpse does not move they can send satan's presence this low voice resounds in your ears get lost i'm dead magrum the god of death is waiting for me you will deliver me onto fire asma's judgment me i've had enough judgment here no one won't look at me with pity disgust ever again go to the abyss what do you want then again i can feel it you two want to use me forget it and so you can do a diplomacy check or diplomacy or bluff you can also force them to submit let's go ahead and just see if we can diplomacy it there we go we succeeded make things right wash away the betrayal avenge a generous offer isn't some kind of a joke at my expense i accept so we get one again did that and there there's his portrait starting face purple from postmortem livid lividity shows stern determination the dwarf slow voice sounds even more grim than when he was alive i'm at the ready commander awaiting your orders and basically you can talk to him and smack to him if you want and he cannot fight against you but you want to go and tell them head to my ziggurat and guard it will do i won't surrender this fortress not even this kari himself so at this point you can go ahead and exit and you want to go as if you're going to exit town now he'll be hanging out at the ziggurat but if you want him to join your group all you gotta do is go here and he's actually gonna be already available at the bottom of your list of characters i'll go ahead and bring him along really quick as we go and pick up the second character i'll show you the second character that you can get right away and then i'll show you the character and the stats for both of them so again you're gonna make your way back over to temple of the good hunt now at this point when you return to de la mere you can talk to her and when you go i have a task for you give a brand new option and you can select go to my ziggurat and guard it as you command master i will guard your fortress just like that she is now unlocked you do get her armor and her bow right off the bat now unfortunately you get to put her into your party automatically for free the fastest way to get into your party just tell make sure to teleport back to dresden you can do that if you built a teleporter or you could go and use the group manager of course let's go ahead and do that and then we're going to take a look at the stats of both of these companions that you now unlocked now also as soon as you come back to the citadel you're gonna get a pop-up for a quest called spiritual bonds so i want you to go and talk to him he says he's basically ready to get you all connected okay now as we come back to the ziggurat for the spiritual bonds quest let's go ahead and take a quick look at our two newest companions we'll start with starting and starting is basically a bit of a mess when you first get him now he starts out at level 10 and he's a little weird because they pick like dazzling display for him agile maneuvers he's not built that great he is a war priest so if you are going to plan on making a full undead party you most definitely can build them out decently just you're gonna make sure you're gonna want to pop his wisdom up uh because that's going to make it so you get more spells you could pump up his charisma that's gonna help with his channeling and also don't forget his channeling is also his health but he's not so great but eventually you could make him a secondary healer next only to you as the lich that's going to have a really easy time to heal the party now delamire on the other hand is absolutely bonkers she is a great character also in dead of course and she is actually a slayer she's gonna have 19 decks to start with 16 strength 16 charisma and again remember charisma is their health they don't care about constitution or the other stats so she's got excellent stats as a slayer they didn't mess her up at all she's built really really well to be built with a longbow which is like dispelling attacks point blank master slayer talents or everything here is picked quite well so you can naturally build her 220 as a slayer and she's gonna be really really good all right so now you're gonna get summoned back to talk to zacharias you finish off spiritual bonds you go talk to him zacharias beckons you impatiently perfect now you are here we can proceed remember this moment accept faith's greatest gift to you you my young student are about to discover eternal life and power beyond imagining right here right now it's spinning around over of overripe fruit fills your nostrils notice the sweet taste of slightly rotten meat in your mouth two well-fed shaggy death's head moths land on your shoulders if please uruguay the pallid princess welcomes your transition to the bliss of un-death let us proceed over a sounding crackling of his bones zechariah spreads his arms widely welcome to immortality commander spectral fingers grasp your very being of immense power their predatory grip causes pain and odd numbness you feel as though an unknown power is trying to rip your soul from your body and it succeeds you feel yourself drifting apart from your body your heartbeat slows becoming distant and barely perceptible and you give yourself over to the power so admitting to this spectral power your spirit is smoothly released from its mortal flesh suddenly the spectral power disappears everything around you freezes you look at your own breathless body of unexpected curiosity and yet nothing happens precisely when the spirit was being expelled i discovered a strange arcane connection between you and something or someone the connection is strong yet its nature utterly eludes me have you even been enchanted personally blessed by a god no that's not it you are rather complicated personally aren't you student one thing is clear unless we ascertain what produced these spiritual bonds i shall not be able to perform the ritual without risking your life if the ritual goes ari we shall awry we shall both suffer greatly my off drains me of my power and reduce meat bash divination revealed to me a dark place empty like a old broken shell yet still resounded with the echoes of great deeds of the past this mysterious place lies to the southwest go there and find it trust your senses it will recognize its trail when you come across it and it's going to want you to find a mysterious place so the area in question is called the desolate hovel and it's basically if you take a look here southwest of dresden so it's pretty you go down this south path right here you go and it's going to go past winter sun gonna go south and west here and all the way down to here and this is the mysterious place now as you get this location you're gonna go into this kind of old hut now this location is one of the main story parts so you're not going to technically miss this but there's going to be a unique element to it that i'll show you in a moment i'm just going to go through here and then once you interact you're going to end up getting whisked away and sent to this kind of like prison so now you're in this trap and i'm going to be skipping most of it but i do want to point out one of the features that the necromancer has is they're going to see ghosts around places you can talk to them they'll have little unique little messages so interacting with ghosts is unique to the necromancer now you start in this room but you're going to have a little conversation of the little demon's assistant and then i'm going to go ahead and just fast forward and show you where you need to go for the unique element for the neck of the lich pathway so if you start in this room right here and here's the mini map this is where we need to be in the lower left-hand corner you're literally just going to go straight ahead and then you're gonna go down here down this corridor and go into this room right here right before you meet this darkness and what's important is you interact with this little interactable item and says a vessel resembling an outlandish jug seems to have been tuned from a huge block of solid crystal veins of bright purple running through the crystal pulse of light a crimson droplet falls on it triggering a vibration deep inside you look down and see a scarlet stain blooming on your chest your wound has reopened in a blink of an eye you sense the powerful magical aura of the vessel what's more something that is hard to explain is literally drawing you towards it and then uh because you are a lich you can do take the vessel this is what i came here for after touching the vessel you feel a flash of keen triumph the right ripeness of of what has occurred but the feeling leaves you as quickly as it comes your power envelops the vessel protecting it preventing it from harming you if by chance it is armed with protective charms it will read zacharias in one piece so this is the crystal vessel you need to make sure to have do not accidentally sell it i saw somebody in a comment mentioning that they accidentally sold this uh please don't do that so this is all you need here then you can go ahead and just continue through this little mini dungeon of sorts and then you're going to want to go back to zacharias now once you're done with the hobble little dungeon you're going to want to teleport back to dresden and so if you go directly to the citadel before we turn in this quest there's going to be an event that takes place now there's this event is technically too many events and they're going to introduce you to the two undead advisors you're gonna get but the first one is uh alyanka so you see a tall old woman with an imperius face and tangled gray hair she's wearing a simple robe of a decayed hem riddled with a small hole she wears no jewelry but carries herself like a queen greetings commander i am alyanka camilleri priestess of uruguay so this is the basically the goddess the the palette princess lady of despair all the necromancers worshipper and my main character does too and noblewoman of the immortal principality of ustelov i also represent the secret society of the whispering way my lord sent me to you to congratulate you on your victory we are impressed by how bravely and openly you practice the art of death in your dominions the true nobles of ustalab those who haven't forgotten the ancient fame of our country welcome you as an ally and a kindred spirit in these times those who dare to openly practice necromancy and its related arts must stand together my visit is our first gift to you a sign of our good intentions i've brought troops with me and talented wizards to help you in the war we hate the demons as much as you do we will be glad to see our northern boundaries change from being a constant threat to the home of a good neighbor and then you can welcome her basically or talk to her and ask her any questions and then right after her you're gonna have a second person come septimus you have an unexpected guest standing in front of you tia a youth about 18 of dark hair a high forehead and noble face he is draped in black from head to toe greetings commander my name is septimus i am a vampire and one of the bloodlords of geb a country a country that lies far to the south so yes you do get vampires too i've been given the honor of delivering congratulations to you on your first victory in this war we're glad to see that in the north at the other end of the world a new next uh necrocratic power has risen deb will be pleased to support in your pro uh and provide assistance this gift and a sign of our gratitude except the army that i brought you can consider me your loyal servant and advisor and again you can kind of talk to him and then you're gonna wanna you could technically accept one or the other uh neither or both i'm gonna accept two it is gonna have some repercussions down the line but this way you get some dual benefits the vampire takes a gracious bow i am glad to meet a friend in this austere northern land i admit we were worried over overture our overture would be misconstrued i'm glad that you are cautious and unbiased in your judgment but then alas here comes the first lady that we just dealt with ayake the priest is ura goa from ustala burst in the room she casts a skating look at septimus and then looks at you with an you aren't going to let this dirty leech in your house are you this vampire will charm you of his magic and then stab you in the back then he says the thugs from ustalav got you got to you before us lamentable i hope you do not heed her advice there's nothing in her words beside poison and treachery necromancy is despised precisely because of people like her and her kin we met under different circumstances i would do the world a favor and dispose of you priestess however out of respect for the commander i suggest we should know blood here and make a pact to seize hostility between us ayaka is silent for a while her eyes blazing as she fights they keep her anger in check and then she hits us through her teeth a pack no bloodshed solely out of respect for the commander now as gifts from the advisors you're gonna get access to three new units and depending what choices you make you have different events that will pop up it will dictate which ones are going to be able to summon mass more let's take a look at those right now the first one is the vampires now the vampires are really really good they have 225 hit points 21 ac damage reduction of three now it doesn't show i don't know why it doesn't show how much damage they do here but they do decent damage but the most important thing they do is the fact that they can life leech life so whenever they do damage they heal themselves and they bring their own units back from the dead making them some of the most tanky units in the game this is the one i personally chose to kind of have as a backbone of my army now from the necromancers you get access to two units now first you have skeleton champions they're actually pretty good 11 ac 3 damage reduction 99 hit points and they do 15 to 17 damage each because the idea is you're going to be able to get a decent number of them they can be a nice frontline infantry for you and the second type of skeleton archer units that you got was the skeleton sharpshooters now they have 45 health which is okay nine ac which is not bad one damage reduction i do do 23 to 25 damage so they're not quite as good as kind of like the the snipers but for being undead they're quite good so you could have a foundation of these units plus your baseline zombies and skeletons and if you wanted to you could have a full army of undead so now we return to the ziggurat and we're gonna turn into a spiritual binding quest the lich spares you an impres and passive glance i do hope you're here with good reason student i am occupied with by ruminations of the ritual you and i shall perform together so you can give him the the crystal vessel to zacharias i found a mysterious place of yours this is what i discovered there zacharias scrutinizes the vessel what a curious item was used for magical practices the highest order is my understanding that you are seeing it for the first time yet it is linked to you by powerful ties it is as though someone of great power uses spy on you it will be useful for the ritual through it i shall influence your being making it more receptive to the forces of death leave me for now student i need to research this further i shall tell you when i am ready to begin the next stage of our preparation and you can ask him are you prepared to turn me into a lich i'm busy researching the crystal you have brought me have some patience now what i recommend you do next is actually to head to winter sun this is going to be a requirement for the main story but it's also going to help us move forward towards unlocking another undead companion now you're sent to winter wintersun to find out what happened to some crusaders that went missing now i want to point out that i played this multiple times now and i was shocked to find out that apparently because of some choices i made what happens in this village dramatically changes so i had two different experiences with this entire zone depending on what my choices were but needless to say the end result is the same you're going to end up going to the clan hall and unfortunately i don't have the save file for this we're going to go to the clan hall you're going to fight the clan leader and some events happen and you're going to get basically a key to the ivory sanctum however what we're also going to do here is check out the quest line to get the extra companion so where you want to actually head at some point while you're here for this section on the map right here that i'm showing and it's a basically a cave you'll also see another ghost outside and the quest we're basically doing is a vengeance of sarcoidosis unfortunately it doesn't tell you that on the map anywhere that what this is for but this is in fact where we're looking for more vague crs odej so you're gonna find him sitting here it's gonna progress the story and he says you see a young crusader from the ever bright crusade commander my name is morvag you might remember me or my mentor cr thank the gods you're here i need help an old temple of goram is here in this cave i've come here for a weapon a powerful weapon it's a sword and it's stored down here master cheryl would never agree to use it that's why i came here without him believe me this relic will be very useful for fighting demons but i can't get it alone i need your help so basically you can talk to him here i'm gonna ask him you know why he needs help i'm gonna basically find out there's a demon here and then you can obviously leave or if you want to progress the story which what we're going to do is you're going to tell them they're going to kill a demon so if you're looking at the map you're going to just make your way down this cave until you run into the monster and here's the the rock knee devastator get a fight so uh he can be pretty tough but you're gonna need to kill him i'll go ahead and uh fast forward this and show you what's next so once you beat this devastator he's gonna come up and be like hey he did all the hard work for me awesome and you're gonna go ahead and follow him into the temple of gorham and of course he's gonna take the sword and go all medieval evil on your buttocks or try to anyway as you say the fang of malice the weapon of those who live by war the weapon blessed by goroma the thing will make its owner a deadly almost invincible warrior that hungers for battle a lawyer who won't retreat betray or desert for battle will become their reason for living man becomes weapon cr would say such a transformation is a sin he doesn't understand but you will you will understand that a powerful weapon i'm giving to you i will show you its power prepare to fight even now dying weak i am invincible the giant points the black sword at you and basically we gotta fight him you're gonna go ahead and fight him and as you kill him sadness my wounded is too deep i'm dying but you saw what i was capable of even on the verge of death many situations were made in psychosis the chorus the fang of malice the fang of despair envy suffering utility of them are interconnected just as a warrior and a units are tied to the bonds of the brotherhood take my sword and give it to the priest the prophecy will point you to the other fangs arm your crusade of them and victory will be yours so you can go ahead and just finish the conversation end it however you want now this you have everything you need for this portion of the quest and you can either head on to the ivory tower if you're part of doing that part of the quest or if you've already done that and you've returned here then you can go ahead and head back to dresden right now that you're back in dresden you need to get to cr and he's right here where my character is uh next to ulron uh so he's right here and when i chat with him anyone tell you want to basically want to hand over more of a talisman and say more veg is dead and he's going to ask you you killed him it is very important that you say yes i did it don't bluff or anything like that because then he won't hate you and he needs to hate you for this he says the old man's knuckles crack as he clenches his teeth around the talisman his fist around the talisman i knew you were a poison when i first met you i knew you couldn't be trusted how dare you raise your hand to the poor boy a boy who knew no happiness or family love who grew up in the dirtiest worst kind of slums put on the tails of revenge he hoped to one day live up to cheers voice sounds like a grunting of a wolf dying in a trap i curse you dirty cur you will have no peace in this world or any other it wasn't for the war i'd slaughter you right now but by the queen's order you commander are off limits so i will wait for your dark doom to catch up to you and when it does it will i will laugh at your suffering so needless to say he's pretty pissed now for the next part of this as well as your lich progression you're gonna need to make sure that the main quest line gets progressed so you need to go if you haven't already to the ivory sanctorum now once you complete the ivory sanctum you're going to progress to where it's going to say wait for the queen to arrive and remove the demonic seal at this point you can go ahead and trigger the very next part of the quest line that's required to get cr to be an undead companion so as the queen basically is arriving you're going to want to go back to the ziggurat and talk to the pillar of skulls the polar schools is going to say master we are concerned our guardsmen have noticed spies around the ziggurat they were crusaders some of your servants fear you they conspire behind your back they might stage a revolt waiting for them to strike is pointless we must provoke them make them strike when we expect it or it's the easiest to defend ourselves they must attack the ziggurat we will test our defenses we will purge your army of traitors cr kobelen is a suitable target he is old and respected his mind is counted by grief if you stroke his wrath he will take up arms against you if he takes up others against you the other rebels will join him he will come here and we will obliterate them you can go ahead and say uh i'm leaving and you're gonna get the quest durability asked at this point all you got to do is exit and you're going to go over to cr so i'm going to get to share make sure to talk to him and you're going to say evil you know killing morvag was wholly unnecessary but you failed to train the weakness out of him guaranteed he'd be next to useless on the crusade he stopped and cried for you as i stepped toward him to cut his throat and then and then the old man flitches as if from a blow his eyes go glassy his baggy cheeks tremble but he can't say a word finally pushes out one strained wheeze after another through his rebellious throat i will kill you i will destroy you and your disgusting nest of undead i'll raise your damn digger out to the ground you'll notice it progressed your quest line there i will bury your underneath i will bury you underneath the wreckage it will be the end of your abomination so yes you have definitely provoked him and i'll go ahead and return to the ziggurat and i'm going to return to the ziggurat we talk to the pillar of schools it says we sense danger to ever bite crusaders they surround the ziggurat they hid and lay and wait for you now they're coming for your head it's a trap they don't know that they will be the ones caught in it so he arrives for the crusaders our souls are pure evil shall not find its way into our midst so here they go and they are not happy to see us so once you have the little introduction this is where one of the first times you're gonna basically need to be going downstairs to fight against them so simply go to the back here and go downstairs all right you go in here and you're gonna run into him and you're gonna have a battle of cr and his goons i'll go ahead and just fast forward to the combat and show you what happens afterwards so once ciara is defeated he says the defeated knight wipes the blood from his lips in killing more of more vague you deprived our order of its future in killing me you're depriving it of its past go ahead and do it curse you but no we're not going to kill him the normal way you're going to have an option evil requires mythic path enslave the pathetic old man's soul the old man is effectively dead as his heart stops beating under your piercing glare you hear sierra's death rattle it fades away after a few moments monstrous convulsions rack his body old crusader stands up awkwardly his motion like those of a broken doll he looks at you expectantly his eyes glazed your new servant is waiting for orders and you can go ahead and immediately have him join your army here so let's just go ahead and do that so you can take a look at them now he starts at level 10 and he is a cavalier so he's going to have a mouth for example and he's he's got no archetype he's just a straight up cavalier you cannot respect him under level 10 but you'll notice he's actually got pretty good mounted beats that he picked up heavy armor power attack dodge so none of these are really bad he's not built out pearly he's got good strength he's got good charisma and remember for undead charisma is your health as well and decent dexterity so he's built he's pretty min maxed actually stat wise so if you want a cavalier in your party he's most definitely quite good now as you progress towards the end of act three there's going to be a event that pops up called undead advisor it's going to ask you to go back to the headquarters you're going to want to keep an eye out on this and make sure you head back to town and you're going to want to head towards the citadel you talk to his advisor so at this point when you come back to your citadel it's going to say the voices from your pillars of school forced their way into your head master there's danger the undead are fighting each other at the ziggurat mutual obliteration your intervention is needed the power over the undead is lost we are in danger our body is being dismantled we're defending ourselves so you're definitely going to want to head to the ziggurat right away time is going short we are facing a threat of destruction we are defending ourselves we serve you so this is the undead uprising quest now in this case zacharias came to me at the same time time i don't know if these things are automatically timed the same or to go together or not do note that but uh in this case you saw right off the bat this wasn't even a cut it went straight to this so i see the number of your undead servants is growing day by day you have done well students surprisingly well but we need to prepare further for the day when your living allies betray you just you understand this inevitability as your legend grows so too will the anger of the righteous when they turn their gazes towards your domain the solution is simple spare your living crusaders for now the area is littered with old sarkozy and burial mounds direct your servants to open these tombs and bring back the dead the sentimental mortals will of course resent these orders but it is foolish not to use such abundant resources quite literally lying under your feet and ayaka this is the necromancer advisor says it's not enough to multiply the ranks of undead soldiers you also have to get rid of living troublemakers the crusade is full of useless mortals camp followers peddlers the severely disabled and other rabble they provide no benefit to you but could form a ragging mob during an insurrection just say the word and will commence the great reaping in the name of let the unwanted be put to the sacrificial knife and then septimus bows his head such barbarity allow me to suggest different approach and gab the living and dead coexist peacefully thanks to the dead laws which grant equal rights to all if you introduce similar laws in dresden you will attract many new allies powerful noble souls not mindless minions bound to serve and serve the will of others it will provide much needed support so you have to pick one of these options and if you have didn't know about this before you can mouse over these choice effects and it'll tell you and if you right click it'll tell you what the actual decrees are so if you pick the top one you get skeleton creation so every five days you can basically summon 45 skeletons the second option is you can get zombie creation every three days you can get 30 zombies and you can right click again by the way to find out like what the stats are so these are like inky ones now this one states you get nine skeleton sharp shooters nine skeleton champions or ten vampires that are recruited at your headquarter depending on your previous choice now this is talking about a previous situation where you had three choices and you could either basically get skeleton sharpshooters skeleton champions or vampires whenever you killed enemies in battles and the ratios were the the best for the sharpshooters the second best for the champions and then the worse for the vampires meaning you need to kill the most enemies to get the vampires and so depending on that choice you're gonna get whichever one you chose here now in my playthrough i chose the vampires and unfortunately i don't have footage of that i didn't have the save file where i got that but you're not going to be able to miss it just going to be one of these events that pops up and you're going to make the choice so whichever one you choose you're going to get those and the final option is self-confidence you get a morale increase and this is a horrible option obviously but your crusade should already be maxed out so obviously pick whichever one you want and now those events are over there you're gonna need to go defend the ziggurat now as you arrive here you're gonna notice that the skeletons are fighting each other there's gonna be a clear one that you get you can basically kill these bloodlusting skeletons you can't kill the skeletal champion berserkers so just go ahead and fill off these monsters and then it's going to progress the story once you get up to this area and then there's more of these skeletons now that are attacking but go ahead and kill them now once they're dead you're going to go ahead and talk to the pillar of skulls you made it here in time we still exist the undead became unruly they tried to dismantle us is going to progress the quest we have again understanding the revolt is the result of a conflict of power there are many necromancers around their magic has its own polarity a particular course the foreigners from geb feed on blood they worship zira the vampire queen the necromancers from ustelov feed on death itself their power comes from orgatoa imaginations of their magic permeates this place the lower undead's primal instincts forces them to obey necromancers strive to do their bidding to file their teachings to imitate them to transform according to their wishes the foreigners from geb and nuslav are feuding their convictions are in dire oppositions of each other the undead can sense it they have split into two camps in a crude imitation of the necromancers behave behavior they do what they they have been left uh what has been left undone and say what has been left unsaid as of now there are two warrior groups groups of the undead in the ziggurat one group apes the vampires from geb the other group acts like the priests of uruguay they are too primitive to be able to coexist one of the groups must be destroyed so basically you get to choose which one you want so this top one bloody skeletons like the vampire skeletons the bottom ones are like the necromantic skeletons so in my case in my story i chose the bottom one just because i'm building like this character kind of the undead uh form and necromantic format so i'm going to go ahead pick that as you wish master culling is an order cigarette must purge those who are no longer needed and then what you're going to do is now you're just going to go you're going to take your group and you're going to go down to the bottom level and the bottom level is just going to have a bunch of sections of of monsters of the new buying skeletons fighting each other you're gonna clear that out so i'll go ahead and do that really quick and then fast forward to the interaction at the end and once you're done clearing them i just gonna tell you to go back and talk to the pillar so you're gonna do that and then you're going to go ahead and talk to the pillar again other schools the rebellion has been put down to colors complete the undead that are recognized as potentially useful will take up the free space they will continue their transformation their imitation of the necromancer's behavior will grow more complex more advanced you're curious to observe you're watching we are learning so again this is going to basically decide what kind of skeletons are going to be in this area now at this point you're also going to get it a repeatable undead decree and this is based again on the choice you made i had chosen the vampires the event that we talked about a few minutes ago if you had chosen the sharpshooter or the champions you would have gotten doze instead and this is something now you can just indefinitely get throughout the game so that's your reward for making that choice now the spiritual bonds quest being complete you're basically going to have radio silence until the end of act 3 and that's going to happen when the queen arrives and you are going to go into the fame and once you're into the vein we're gonna get to the next part of this quest line now act four takes you to the feign and then you're gonna go straight into the abyss and once you're out of the abyss the first thing you do is you're gonna be sent into the mines right here in the nexus and you're going to it's going to go down here into this giants and when you are about to come back out you're going to have your next interaction with our old friend so let's take a look at that you're gonna come up here zacharias it takes you a moment to recognize the ghostly floating figure of zecharius the lich this dry rasping voice fills your ears as he begins to lecture angrily student where have you been all this time i finished my research studied at crystals you brought me and where were you you do not think i have languished in my prison long enough are you trying to test my patience you can answer everyone but i'll say i'm searching for new sources of strength and power don't waste your time with worthless nonsense i am the only one who can give you true power glitch gives an exasperated sigh well we we shall have to find a way to use your absence to our advantage i completed my examination of the vessel you brought me though i do not understand how it is connected to your soul something else has been made clear to me from my examination the crystal vessel i can conclude that the magical item has somehow come into contact with your spiritual essence the traces of your essence lingered with the vessel like drops of wine in an empty jug after a close inspection of these tiny remnants of your soul i can say that it is very strong it's certainly much stronger that of immortal is more akin to the soul of an ancient dragon or a demigod perhaps even an imperial or demon lord no wonder has resisted my spells and my attempts to free it from your body in order to perform the ritual but to find a way to weaken your soul you can just basically ask him what you need to do he says you are obedient we are too reliant on my instruction student it's time for you to prove yourself and find the answer on your own likarus cracks his bony knuckles in size then he continues in a more conciliatory phone the problem we are facing is not easy i see no solution at present but if you wish to gain mastery over death you must first gain mastery over yourself a candidate for immortality must have patience and self-control wait for a solution to present itself be attentive use this discriminant uh you will find the answers eventually until then you will just have to wait i understand so you get the quest of doing the spirit and so you're gonna have to work through act four four elements of this to become apparent all right so here's a little bonus slash easter egg for the people following the lich path it when you are in the abyss and you're in a slave trade district if you go to the slavery in the bottom right hand corner you can talk to him and this is where long black mask he's supposedly like the ultimate combatant and what you want to do is if you're really if you're powerful you can try this go ahead and fight him and he'll say i am a gladiator when i see death coming i do not flee i kiss her dry lips of passion the arena is eternal and thus we are also eternal kill me you will be able to wear this mask there's a little hint there and then let's go ahead and i'm gonna fight this and fast forward this it is not an easy fight but let's see what happens when you beat him all right when you're done fighting you can interact with his body and it says warlock's lifeless body lies at your feet a bloody mist rises from his wounds it is impossible to survive such wounds yet you hear a voice coming from beneath the obelisk mask didn't i tell you i am immortal you killed his body but i am still here right in front of you mass grins and winks at you so what's really cool here is because you are a lich you can say sense the soul that hides within the mask from the black polished stone a restless spiteful and bloodthirsty soul glare suspiciously back at you it is skilled enough the art of puppetry to manipulate the bodies and mouths of those who once wore this mask you can see that dozens perhaps hundreds of faces those who wore this mask and gave their bodies to the ghost willingly or not and you can continue subjugate the lesser undead who dare to show your show you disrespect and it says the mask is in your hands and you feel the black polished stones eat under the fingers until it starts glowing white this doesn't cause you any pain but the ghost dwelling within a mass starts howling wildly you're already a master of death you are her lover and you are more precious to her than anyone else forgive me i had no idea spare me and i will serve you i swear and you get the item obsidia obsidian mask of the champion and check out this mask the wearer of this mask is a plus incompetence bonus on intimidation and mobility skill checks in addition whenever the wearer of this mask lands a killing blow they get temporary hit points equal to the killed enemy strength modifier for five rounds so this is pretty cool especially if you get a strength-based spider for example and remember intimidation you can use with that uh cognition smash basically like demoralize and make it so enemies have negative to their attacks so on the right bill this is a pretty cool mask and a nice little easter egg for those that have the lich pathway now when it comes to act four it's going to be pretty straightforward when it comes to the lich path you're just gonna do the main story you're gonna just kind of progress through the act and it's gonna at one point take you to the mages tower you're gonna go to the top of the tower you're gonna meet with the storyteller and then he's gonna tell you to go back actually to the mine where you saw zacharias for the first time in the act where you arrived and you're gonna get a crystal you're gonna take it back to here at the storyteller and then you're gonna talk to him and you're gonna have an opportunity that you're gonna be able to send a message back to zacharias unfortunately i thought i had to save file for this but i don't what is important though is that when you exit after turning in the crystal you're gonna have this interaction that you're gonna see right now student be quiet and listen what i'm about to tell you is very important told you that your patience and obedience would pay off and i did not deceive you i hope you've realized by now that you have discovered a way to complete our ritual the storyteller told me about the visions revealed to him by the na i'm going to butcher this neck ninja and crystal i found him very intriguing however or somehow not to kula weaken the demon's lord's spirit the demon did not have enough strength to enter the rift of her suppose but how did she activate this how did she trap the demon's body and turn it into an island we must discover a method and use them to weaken your soul and perform its ritual of transitioning little atrophy then my own ritual will be complete and my health will be fulfilled you could of course ask the lady a shadow about these matters but i doubt that she would give you an honest answer she does not wish for secrets to be revealed however there's another way for us to solve this mystery you wish to gain a mastery over death therefore you must seek your answer among the dead go to the mines where you found the crystal summon the spirit of elynthia and call forth her lost memories so you can question them and he could go ahead very well yes that's what i need to hear from you student you must leave all other less important matters behind proceed immediately the tasks i've given you farewell and so this is going to take you just right back to the mine all right now we return yet again to this mine that we've visited so many times now he's gonna interact with the crystal and call out the spirit of the dead demon lord and order her to appear before you and you you're gonna fail kind of the first time and redouble your efforts and boldly call forth the mighty dead and then you're going to tear the veil of eternal sleep that shrouds the spirit and force her to reveal herself you get to be in swing open releasing swirling vortex of terror smell of death hits your nostrils your summons has awakened something cold and terrible it rises from a slumber gigantic dark and monstrous and so a combat ensues now you're gonna be dealing with a monster of regeneration uh it's not too bad of a fight if you know how to deal with it i'll go ahead and forward fast forward that and once you're done here comes the vessel why are you here we were taking the lives of the hendry and the other demon lords do you wish to add me to your list of victims and this by the way is the story the background story of uh i guess this island this lady is this island right now i will not fall so easily i am stronger than the other demon lords you have killed if you try to fight me you will face and this is the lady of shadows by the way on the right hand side no sweet voiced windrunner i am here to propose an alliance why should i make an alliance with you murderer we have much in common we both possess the powers of seduction and both of us are seen as coveted prizes to be won other demon lords wish to control us to make us their victims yes i killed nachendri he wanted to make me his prized slave he rebuked me for his death but would you desire such a fate would you wish to be subjugated to his will what will happen when you face someone who is stronger than you what will you do when they come to take away your freedom and silence your songs who will you turn to then i see the wisdom of your words murderer i will kill anyone who tries to claim me i will shed blood if someone tried to make my songs their own yes we will form an alliance you cunning one or bring me the whisper of my enemies and i will offer you my protection i will house you in the shadow of my wings and then you have a second battle we'll go ahead fast forward this as well all right when you win that one it does the next part i feel a sense of impending doom and assassin ready to drive a blade between my shoulder blades help me cutting one and which one of my enemies wishes to attack me my eyes are everywhere but they don't see your enemies no one would dare to attack you windrunner no i can feel it the evil thoughts and greedy looks behind my back someone wishes me dead we will face your enemy together we look out for each other remember and another battle i'll go ahead and fast forward this as well cover me all right and then after the battle excellent shot sister another demon lord at your feet well songbird i think you have sung your last but this is the betrayal traitor how dare you we swore to protect each other and you you betrayed me you ambushed me you shot me down and wounded me you conspired together with your brother damn you both i will bring her to power and your death will be the foundation upon which we build our throne your brother is just like all the rest of them you will grit your betrayal why why does the wound hurt so much why do your black bolts cause so much pain and yet it was he my brother and lover who helped me orchestrate your downfall darkness and oblivion awaits you and nothing you can say will change my mind man got some lannister action going on here someday you'll realize that you were wrong your brother is greedy and jealous he will envy your strength and stab you in the back just like you did to me and you fool do not triumph prematurely your sister is powerful we are nothing more than her pathetic henchman she will defeat you no matter what trick you you have devised born in flames love one another or kill each other i don't care nothing makes any sense nothing matters alinthia the ghost's powerful voice rings out through the cave like the troll tolling of a funeral bell the huge demon looks at you of complete disinterest that gorgeous face is called undead she looks like a statue made of ice who are you why have you disturbed me and you can say hello to her and then you need to tell her that uh you came to discuss your debt or death and then the and she says yes i died but it doesn't matter nothing matters and you have an option for lich path weave a web of spells around this powerful ghost crusher a thermal body of your power and force her into submission the spirit shutter spinously she cowers before the blows of invisible whip is the lasher into submission her ghostly face looks again worn stop don't disturb me go away ask what you want and leave me alone i want peace i don't want to exist how did nocticula defeat you answer me and she says i was stronger than nocticula but her attack took me by surprise her black bolts were enchanted they quenched the fire in my soul and extinguished the passion in my heart i no longer had a reason to fight and i surrendered to her will and that's all you need don't go the spark of life restless must put it out and i failed a will check so i don't know what happens there instinctively lash out of your mind severing the connection the ghost is engulfed in green flames and returns nothingness with a terrifying cry and you can do a roll lower religion check i swiftly dispel the spell that awakened anithia's memory framing fragments of her consciousness sink back into sleep and her wailing cry fades into silence all right and at this point it's going to have us go back to zacharias all right all right now a lot of people get confused what to do once you're done with the mine as far as how to talk to zacharias so all you got to do is you actually got to go back to the mage tower go to the top of the mage tower talk to the storyteller and tell them you have a message for zacharias and he'll kind of say okay you know next time i see him i'll let him know and because like time occurs in a different spectrum in the abyss and a different kind of rate than india in the real world what's going to then happen is all you got to do is now exit the mage tower so we're gonna do that right now and you're gonna see what happens next so an image of zechariah's magically appears and he says the storyteller told me that you had news did you complete the task i gave you and you can say nocticola extinguish the passion in the led and pronounce her art which looks at you thoroughly she distinguished her passion that makes sense suppressing all the desires and affections in a victim's heart would plunge them into a blackest into the blackest depression urged to resist and the will necessary to perform even the most basic instinctive actions would disappear it's almost genius to morally wounded the soul she deadened her enemies desire and turned alinthias into a shadow of her former self and an object that could be easily manipulated how clever army student why do you think no particular attacked olympia in this way and you can say you know what everyone maybe she took away our enemies will live i think that's what killed her that's a possible theory when the soul loses the will to live its energies become inert devoid of any active principle in other words becomes nothing more than an object an object that such as a crystal for example and how do you think inauticula extinguish uh alan thea's passion and then you can show him the black crossbow like to use an enchanted weapon to extinguish the passion in her heart how fascinating now keep that bolt away from me i can see perfectly well from here amazing this spell that have been cast on this vault contains so much despair grief and gloom they would have they would have uh they would make even a divine soul crew up in dark corner and wallow in self-pity i see that you have already figured it out i commend you up for your discriminate perhaps you are more worthy of my gift than i realized shall do to you what nakticula did to her enemies and no i do not mean that i shall shoot you in the heart of a black belt of despair speaking figuratively if we use bolts like that on you it would likely kill you after all there's a weapon designed to take the lives of demon lords there's no sense in poking you with it but i finally have the answer i shall extinguish the passion within your soul you will have to give up everything you hold dear everything you love and everything that steers your desires love carnal and romantic gold delicious foods heart wines glory and the triumph of victory should take it all and throw it into the sacrificial fire when all burns away into nothingness you will embark upon new path of ashes with a dead heart then and only then we become noble undead an eternal philosopher a lord of death yes this is by this is it by taking everything from me i shall give you everything and you can say i'm ready to undergo the ritual to become a lich does very well finish up your business and abyss quickly and return to the ziggurat i shall be waiting for you all right and so that is technically the last thing that you need to do while you're in the abyss but we also have an opportunity to get another companion so let me show you how you're gonna get an another undead companion now in order to get the final companion and again you need to do this while you're leaving the abyss before you get back to dresden you're gonna go to the house of silk and shadows this is the very end of act four it even gives you a warning hey once you go here there's no going back you need to commit to this you're gonna approach the portal you're gonna step to the portal and now it's gonna have like a little not a choose your own adventure but kind of you're gonna do all these tests now what really it doesn't matter technically whether you pass or fail um but if you pass or fail it will dictate where you're gonna end up so if you have the correct stats you can kind of keep pushing through and succeeding you know what i'm doing here and so in my case i succeeded on all the checks so the main difference here is is you're going to land in this area on the map here as opposed to kind of locked up in a jail here if you were to fail too much of it so what matters is that we need to get kind of over here so if you failed all you got to do and if you're a little prison you just need to kind of just head straight out and you're going to run into the npt that we're looking for in just a second but in the meantime um let me kinda i'm gonna clear the path over there and then i'll pause it when we get to the npc and show you on the map where we are so when you enter this room right here you're gonna find a couple of kind of humanoids these sailors and you're gonna also find hestoglir my goodness these names are difficult you're gonna go ahead and kill them now once you kill him be careful because it's easy to kind of totally miss him he doesn't his body doesn't light up when you hit ab but his name does but you can go ahead and click on him like you're going to talk to him and it says a corpse lies at your feet it wears an old set of night armor and beneath the open visor see a shrunken mummified face with thin shriveled lips and a sharp angular chin dead man looks human but even in death you can tell something not quite right about his features however it is not difficult to imagine what he must have looked like when he was live resolute proud courageous and you can say imbue the corpse of new vigor and race him as your undead slave your power powers your power pours into the dead man's flesh it fills the corpse illuminating the dead eyes of a crimson light and causing its limbs to shutter convulsively a dry wheeze comes from the dead man's chest and you can talk to him for example ask him who he was in life it's a pretty cool kind of look he'll tell you all about it and you're basically um you know what from now on you're gonna serve me and then he can do nothing but agree and he's gonna say i need to recover energy and just make sure that you don't destroy him make sure you click when you can move again come find me he says i will obey once i have recovered i will set off i will find you you don't get him immediately but as soon as you finish this and leave the abyss and go into the fae you're going to see him there's one of the people in the fae and then as soon as you are back in the kind of real world you can go ahead and uh take a look at him and see have him join your party well as soon as you can change your group makeup that is now here he is in all his glory kes uh tuggler now what's really cool about him is he starts out at level three so you can mow them however you want now this is me playing with him and getting him to 20. but what's really nice at level three all that's been chosen for you is to open fighting weapon focus scimitar power attack and then they chose double size so he's going for a dual wheeled setup he also has really high strength good decks and charisma now this is obviously gear but he's got really good kind of stats uh for a fighter and what i built him out with is using his shield like an offensive shield so if you don't know there's offensive and defensive shields and this is one of these that can be used for like bash attacks so basically i deal with these and he attacks both of them it can be real really fun but again he's a very very good character to have on your team and does a ton of damage and is also super tanky i mean without any buffs at all he's sitting at 44 ac just from his gear and again he's a dps monster as well so that's how you get this gentleman all right guys and then um the next kind of cool little event that occurs is once you come back to the real world dresden is all jacked up you're gonna have to fight your way through it and then you're gonna go to the citadel and after you leave the citadel you're going to be having this following confrontation that's also kind of lit specific so i wanted to kind of share that with you before we go and do the very last part of this you get the lich final transformation so let's take a look at this all right now in act 5 you're going to return to dresden and it's going to be all jacked up you're going to have to fight your way back to the citadel and when you do there's going to be kind of a cool interaction i'm going to show you right now you're going to go back to your civil chamber and you're going to have a little interaction here of the storyteller and as soon as this happens we're going to go outside here in a moment i'm going to fast forward but we're going to see a really cool kind of lich specific part of taking dresden back so we step outside here and there's the armies of chaos but we stand resolute and so this demon lord says a huge early methyl last knee is waiting for you of his arms folded here comes the commander kids hahaha so commander do you like what you see you've arrived just in time to hear your friends screaming for help trusted you and look what's happened to them you actually think you can rescue them ha who do you think you are and your evil option is only i have the power of life and death over these soldiers how dare you try to steal what is mine such bold words so much ambition i might even be a little bit scared haha and this is the great hero everyone is so afraid of come on show us what you've got and you have an option because you are lich path i am a lord of death how rushes to your body almost rippling it apart you wound the wound in your chest burst open a spray of blood droplets that might be started upon you on the abyss and arulu vorelouch erupt in the world and you pay for it in its purest agony the city steeped in death the people now dying on its streets are about a drop in the ocean of those who have perished here thousands of warriors gave their lives to protect it thousands more fell trying to capture it dresden stands atop bones when you hear the soft ground who's dead rising up from the underground you answer them you summon the fallen and rally them for a new fight you promise that their cold decayed hands of another chance to squeeze the life out of their hateful foes that their ghostly hearts will once again be filled with battle rage you don't care who answers your call brave crusader or frenzied cultist death is a great equalizer it has erased their faces and given you power over their souls and so the undead attack skeletons and ghosts oh my and unfortunately they don't actually show you the battle but uh yeah you see these the remnants of things and then after battle look who shows her face so basically this is biomating so there's gonna be a whole conversation here between i may day the demons are gonna come right now and i'm just gonna skip this right now for you guys this back and forth you're welcome to experience it when you play it yourself but basically she's saying you are tainted and then you have the choice she can strip away your powers and have you be human again that's what would give you the legend path or you could choose to stick with the path that you've been going on and i greet you you can greet her and this is proof but i did not i would again i'm gonna skip this for you guys as for a soul i have in oh really i didn't realize you were good for anything else forgive do you the god silence myrit that is true i tried to tell you back in illusion era but yes no where does this look familiar that's right good quest wait i said yeah she's talking i am waiting for your answer i hope you will choose wisely so after listening to the demon and i am 80 you have a choice to make and again depending on how you play these choices will be different but obviously for us the lich pad we have two options and just let you know for those that are wondering legend is by default it lets you it strips away your powers but then you can get up to level 40 you don't get mythic abilities you don't get mythic beats but you could basically like dual class two classes to 20 both to get 40 total or any other combination of normal classes but obviously we're going to stick with glitch path and i had mentioned already that i have a whole video that talks about this progression here you can check that out it was it's in the description below and then once you make your choice you have to announce and your option is the bones of the dead tremble in their grave skulls whisper my name don't ask me to become mortal again for i have stepped beyond the limits of death your pride will destroy you and perhaps all of golorian with you but i shall not intervene now so as to avoid causing even more suffering to this world all right now that you have dresden back it's time to go back to your cigarette i also want to point out though a couple kind of cool things you're going to notice that all throughout the city now you're going to have a bunch of npcs that are either undead skeletons champions you're gonna find ghosts etc so it's even more necrotic than it was before all right and now we return to the ziggurat and we want to go and talk to zacharias zechariah throws his hands up and and mock surprise is it this really happening as the commander of the crusade finally tore himself away from the subjugation of demons and found him to speak with me have you conquered the abyss wait don't answer that you'll just bore me with detail we can finally begin a preparation for ritual that will turn you into a lich and release me from my stupido and then you can talk to him about what happened here so and then you can ask him i am ready or say i am ready to undergo the ritual and become a lich he says we have so much to do if we are going to make another attempt to attract your soul from your body you have to make unnecessary preparations but we have to make more than just prepare we shall also need power a lot more power than last time however i think i have a solution we shall rebuild your ziggurat and make improvements that will turn into a vast spell casting formation the pattern of its architecture will create a sufficient flow of energy for the ritual while your slaves are busy with the rebuilding efforts there's something else i need you to tend to task that only you can complete your undead advisor el yanca and septimus so those are like your vampire and your necro lords have been at odds for some time but once you depart for the abyss they started to act with complete impunity they have managed to avoid galfrey's watchful gaze have begun an actual war against each other they are fighting in secret wasting the strength of their soldiers for the sake of their petty disagreements and pointless bickering this cannot continue we need every servant every zombie every and even every necromancer as we prepare for your ritual we have a new event reconstruct the ziggurat and deaths embrace so we need to go and put the rivalry to an end at the battlefield of the dead and so those are the two things we need to do and we'll start by going to the decree interface all right for decrease you need to do reconstruction of the ziggurat and actually takes 20 days so get that started right away now on the map you need to go right over here battlefield of the dead let's head on over there right now and on the world map we need to go to battlefield of the dead that's right over here let's go in there now all right and here we go here is the battle stake the burden of bloodsuckers rip out their full rotten hearts and obviously the necromancer faction nefarious cult has ensnared the land in its venomous tentacles we must sever the tentacles and drive the cult from this place let's put an end through the cult but these are the vampires and eliaka commander you're here at last i've discovered proof of the vile creatures betrayal help me put an end to his treachery and septimus says the vampire gives you a call nod happy to see you again commander welcome back i've had to deal with some of the parasites that have infested your home during your absence and i could use a little help so you can basically try to get them to calm down but they won't you have to pick one or the other so if you outside of alyanka you're gonna have more than that chromatic help if you sort of septimus it's going to be more the vampires again because i'm kind of going towards a like a lich king build with a bunch of skeletons so i know thematically uh i went with her and so that's what we can do here thank you commander i knew his deceitful tales would not poison your judgment except for this voice is like steel he holds himself like a warrior he moves with the swiftness of the skilled edge of fighter i'm disappointed that you made this decision you will only doom yourself continue to dance this mad priestesses tune trust me i have been around for a long time i can tell when a necromancer is in danger is a dangerous lunatic that is exactly what she is but it looks like you have already chosen your fate so you leave me no choice prepare to defend yourself so now you basically have to fight the battle and you're going to have the side help that you reported for the necromancer help and you're going to kill the vampires and i'll go ahead and fast forward that and show you the resolution right and then you win the battle the vampire's clothes are torn and tattered from his f from his fight with your warriors you can see the desperation his eyes but he thrusts out his chin and stares at you defiantly and then you can say silo vampire did you really think you could defeat me no i am no match for you but i had to try at least and then you say let us put this to an end he smiles grimly and his voice drips of contempt you won today but that doesn't mean your chosen path is the right one i simply means i underestimated you i won't make the mistake again we shall meet again discord and dba disobedience so now technically you could turn on her as well i don't know why you'd want to maybe um but we're done here and he says she says the leech managed to get away but we have finally suppressed his mutiny this the sedition among your servants will not last that night i wish to congratulate you on your victory i would also like to present you with a special gift i observed how your undead servants change under the influence of your mythic power and it gave me the idea for an unusual experiment i took several undead and kept them for free three nights in a basement of unholy water blessed by the priest of orga i then i had a grave dug in a cursed ground and kept them there for another three nights the energies of death entered the bodies of the servants making them far more dangerous granting them a sinister intellect intelligence hope you will benefit from this amazing discovery you get a new event immersion into death so i'm assuming there's a different buff if you go the vampires in the meantime i will make sure that all the undead soldiers enslaved by the vile leech are captured and dealt with appropriately they will swell the ranks of your army in the very near future and here's the reward of the decree that you get it's called immersion and death and basically once you complete this takes 12 days all your skeleton and zombies get alliance rights so units have 20 extra hit points it's a nice little definitely a significant buff all right after the battlefield you're going to go ahead and return to the ziggurat you're going to talk to zacharias the lich spares the lid spares you an impassive glance i do hope you are here of good reason student i am occupied of ruminations on ritual you and i shall perform together and then you want to say i put an end to the feud between alyanka and septimus very good any and all disturbances must be stamped out it was going to progress this quest once a ziggurat is upgraded according to the geometry of my ritual we shall be able to proceed there you go goes to remember that your mundane concerns are not important okay so at this point what we got to do is we gotta wait until the ziggurat is complete and now we return to the upgraded ziggurat now i'm not 100 sure if this is actually like a different model i could probably check my old footage but this is what it looks like when it's completed and we're gonna go ahead and go back in all right and then we want to go ahead and talk to zacharias glitch spares you in a passive glance i do hope you're here with good reason and then you say the cigarette has been upgraded perfect now we can harness a colossal amount of energy to use in the ritual however any attempt to sabotage will be compromising our undertaking so do your under uh your unduly obstinate advisors to ensure we shall not be impeded by their stupidity and then we shall open the door to your eternal life and what's weird is you gotta kind of tell him that twice it's a little buggy so again you have to like exit and come back and i'll say grayed out the ziggurat has been upgraded again and it upgrades the story i don't know because he told us to like silence your advisors and i don't know what that really meant but i couldn't figure out what to do and all i did was talk to him again and now here we go and now i can actually say let the ritual begin so again if you get to the point where you say it once and he just you talk to him and he has no new lines just literally click on the ziggurat has been upgraded again and it will pop up just like you did right now you can say let the ritual begin zacharias burst out laughing and now it's clearly satisfied now begins the great transformation now begins the sacramental right and you say let's begin zucker has burst into triumphant laughter that rings of the promise of freedom is sought for decades shall not ask how far you are willing to go and what you're willing to sacrifice for your power for the only sacrifice in this ritual is you let us proceed witness this great and terrible deed this mortal soul will reject the curse of perdition and eternal rebirth at pharasma's hand this mortal brands its heart the blessed seal of undeath and its forehead the crown of power and immortality let the fires burn bright so that the whole world sees your villainous atrocities and may your virtue be consumed by the flame flies and death's head hawk moths circle above your head creating halo of insects you hear the cries and squawks of countless vultures in a distance the sweet stench of rock fills the air or get though is with you the goddess is here to witness your moment of triumph this is uh the the hour of your great torment and i shall not spare you from suffering greed and avarice are fierce passions that can overwhelm even the purest hearts but you must reject gifts of this generous world put to death your desire for riches you must surrender your greatest treasure these bracers are inscribed of a promise your destiny is bound to them but today you're going to change your destiny reject these false promises take off the bracers and hand them to me so your option is give away to treasure wealth is but dust slipping my fingers the lich takes the object from your hands beautiful this magnificent item will make an excellent vessel for your soul once you put your soul to the philatrophy electricity it will reside there forever hidden from death you will be untouchable so think of it as like a horcrux these worldly treasures are the easiest sacrifice to make once you have obtained greatness you will be able to accumulate tremendous wealth but now i'm going to deprive you of the gift given by life itself i will take your youth your body strength your muscles will go limp your joints will become fragile your eyes will grow dim your tongue will not be able to taste your brain will shrink will never again feel the joy of healthy body or partaking the pleasure of the flesh are you ready to give up all this and more so lich path is take away my youth and vitality the body is insignificant only the mind the spirit are important zacharias waves his hands in a swift sure motion and pain shoots through your body he leaches your vigor and vitality like a giant spider sucks the blood from its prey your whole body begins to age rapidly your bones creak you feel pain of old wounds your fingers lose their strength zacharias's withering face betrays no emotion but you can sense as the light in your suffering at last it is time for the ultimate sacrifice are you ready to surrender the soul the creature you love best are you prepared to end the life of the one your heart desires know whom i speak a true master of death cannot have a lover shatter this bond put the victim on the altar wash your face in their blood and achieve greatness so the funny thing is is i didn't have any of the companions become kind of like my i guess lover or my uh i don't know partner so i'm assuming if you gonna have a relationship with other characters you have to sacrifice them but in my case love i didn't have the time for such silliness the lich chuckles dryly and crackles blown knuckles well then you've already begun the process your soul is ready to embrace its final death let us finish the labor you have started man that's harsh power courses through you unstoppable unimaginable power it overwhelms your body constricting your movement the power steals the breath from your lungs and makes your ribs crack it rolls like a hurricane and tears away your flesh you are being stripped of everything held out and emptied until only your spirit your true essence remains the stern and proud master of death a ruler no longer bound by the feathers of mortal fresh flesh your vision fades your heartbeat falters you hear a commotion outside the walls of the ziggurat shouts the noise of battle it doesn't matter darkness comes over you pleasant chill runs through your body you feel at peace your heart beats no more this is the end intruders the god has been breached to arms so you get invaded by guards so what you have to do at this point is go here and go downstairs and you gotta fight them off but it's without your main character initially so your main character stays above ground so you gotta do this battle and i'll go ahead and just fast forward it now that once the battle is over you come marching down zacharias your defeated enemies are humbled or huddled at your feet they mutter curses and wait nervously for your dis for you to decide to fate your transformation has also impressed your companions they can't stop staring at you in the silence that follows the nervous whispers of defeated enemies can be heard clearly their voices tremble within they're going to address the crusaders traitors how dare you turn against me ever by crusaders say you were given the honor of leading the crusade but you defied they filed their champions and turned them into blasphemous undead you broke your oath and betrayed i may day you deceived many but not cr he could sense the evil in your heart he forbade us from sheathing our swords until we plunge them into your chest do they not know he's one of my undead uh evil the undead will teach you the meaning of obedience and discipline kill them serve you know does the fate worse than death curse you unholy monstrosity monstrous abomination oh there will be blood and then of course the vampire guy came back just sometimes you count a wreck may have fled from you once but you will die here today vampire voice does not falter you are a monster you defile the very idea of the living the dead co-existing in peace someone must put an end to your tyranny you must be dealt with at once evil option make the vampire die a cruel and painful death you are a pathetic bocker of a true undead you disgust it is over all that remains are the bodies of your feet but your undead servants will soon take care of them oh final transformation zacharias hold your philatrophy black terry i don't know how to pronounce that in his skeletal fingers welcome to unlife my former student from now on you are a lich a true master of the undead and ritual gave you power beyond your wildest dreams glitch cocked his head in the side to his side as if listening to something the promise i made fulfilled at last i am no longer obligated to serve the crusade looks at you and there's an evil gleam in his eye and so you can evaluate your state but then you are going to want to say you're holding the vessel that contains my soul give it to me and he'll say you chuckles and sinners agree not so fast apprentice that's not too long ago you held my uh phylactery in your hands and tried to extort me for power but now i have your phylactery i have power over you and you can say i didn't extort you you offered to share your power with me maybe you did maybe you didn't but in the end you took advantage of me to gain power what i have i gain return nothing except for my freedom is mine by right anyway so why shouldn't i take it back i take back my generous gift that's important don't attack him don't threaten him because he'll break it and you're going to lose your powers to be a lich so uh basically you have to say if you want to keep your lich powers what do you want from me this is grovel get on your knees and beg for mercy who knows perhaps i will spare you and again you really any of the other options it's not really going to lead you where you need to go so i know this kind of sucks but get on your knees please i beg you spare me do not unleash your wrath against master zacharias sakurai's nods and satisfaction is clearly enjoying himself much better may no longer be your master but remember that i am much older far more experienced infinitely more cunning remember your place and i will allow you to keep your on life let's casually toss the factory into your wasting hands and you get your reflectory this has been a fascinating experience i have to admit you intrigued me being your mentor was a challenge but not an altogether unpleasant one i'm even inclined to call you the most extraordinary crusader i've ever met perhaps we have more in common than i first thought now i will leave you with one final word of advice do not make rash oaths when you're blinded by a false sense of duty we are done here i am leaving this barren land so i can forget all about demons crusades and uh preventively sworn oaths farewell crusader and do not trouble me again deaths embrace completed all right so now it's time to share the actual final transformation and this is kind of funny as you're gonna see in a second uh my armor and my helmet that i just happen to get will make you look almost identical to the lich picture that you're gonna get so this is gonna bump you up to mythic nine and you do get to choose an updated portrait so here he is check check out that uh shoulder armor and the helmet and it's pretty funny because again it matches our armor pretty closely uh color wise at the very least likewise you select that you pick your level nine talents i'm gonna just kind of fast forward to this you you've seen this hopefully before watching my other video and then we'll look at the stats so what happens that why so it's a little tricky to see at first so you see nothing on your mythic path but the biggest difference obviously is going to be that you're now undead so you have no constitution score now there are some downsides so you do get minus two to your strength because you sold your youth you also get minus two decks sold your youth but here's the interesting thing you actually get a plus five t string and plus five to youth well at mythic level nine and then it's going to go up to six because you actually now get buffed by your own lord beyond the grave buff and let's see what that means so this ability you get at level four is you can command undead at will and all undead under your command within 50 feet of you get a bonus to strength dexterity and charisma equal to half your mythic rank plus one and your attacks now ignore damage reduction except n slash dash so basically this means once i hit level 10 you're gonna be with this basically doing five plus one plus six to straight dexterity and charisma now don't forget that charisma also acts as your hit points now this is why like your constitution that's why i have 387 hit points right here which is really nice so just gonna go to 37 for example also you're gonna get your phylactery and this goes back on your wrists and so i don't know why it says it doesn't stack of your armor because because your armor and this have different bonuses but this grants you the deadly magic ability and if the wearer already has deadly magic which we do it gets you two additional uses in addition once per day whenever the wearer how falls below zero it's restored to max so you can kind of come back from the dead and it can only be brought back from you now if you're wondering what deadly magic is it is basically a lich power so up to three rounds per day the lich can make all spells be cast to ignore spell resistance and spell immunity any creatures affected by such spells can't cast spells for 1d3 plus 1 rounds so again small correction actually didn't have this if i had it you would get to use it two more times but this is what it provides yet another kind of ability and last but not least you obviously look awesome you have these kind of like ghosts coming out of you uh perpetually which is really really cool and obviously you have the skeleton head if you're wondering what it looks like without a helmet it's going to have your haircut in it quite literally the undead lich now don't forget final benefit of this is all these spells that basically did a bunch of negative energy are now going to be healing you and also there are some that are quite offensive in nature that normally could damage your allies as well now you don't have to worry about it so since you're no longer human you can basically put together a party of all undead if you want and you can just do a massive amount of unholy damage abilities and not worry about it damaging you and then you can use abilities such as restore undead which you can spam a ton of times up to 12 times and it heals everybody that's undead too full no matter their health and this will include you as well so very very very powerful okay so that is the final transformation but i have one more surprise for you guys and that's going to be showing you the secret fifth undead companion this is going to be a major spoiler so again be very very careful if you don't want to be spoiled of a major major story element don't watch this final section you've been warned let's take a look all right guys now in order to get to the final fifth undead companion now again there may be more but this is all that i could find you're going to need to make your way to is now it's basically southwest deep southwest of the map so if you look here this is dresden and we made it all the way southwest now you can do this basically at any time in act five you don't have to wait till the story tells you to go there or anything like that i literally once i became my lich form i made my way there and you're gonna go in to that area and let's take a look what we do there all right guys final chance to back out if you don't want to be super spoiled all right ready three two one let's go let's move up and see what we're about to do so you see them from a distance the gleaming blades and armor shining bright against the r ravaged ruins the clip strides betraying both pride and tension everything is prepared for the attack your majesty why is sindragosa here good tyrandelev was our protector and friend to grant rest to her soul and her body which has been corrupted with dark magic is our duty close ranks so we're gonna avoid announcing your presence raining blood how appropriate all right now we're gonna stroll in and everybody and everybody's had their butts kicked so now you're gonna have to kill the dragon but if you're geared out and decked out at this point it shouldn't be too difficult i'll go ahead and kind of fast forward this all right and as the dragon falls your majesty commander europe tyrabade stands relieved hope you didn't care too much about her because she's about to die you saved my life i swear mendev shall never forget your name it's not important just win this war for me and for everyone so that mendez may remain and the world wound is no more i relieve you commander that means i can go with the clear conscience mirabeth what can i do for you tell me anivia tell her i love her take care of my nephew and she dies i remember how sad i was when party guests once broke my favorite gilded nightstand ugh the cruelty of loss and darren the proverbial douchebag farewell night terror bait may your road to our yamada's throne be untroubled and swift you have returned commander yep and now your time is up now i'm the sole power here at this point go ahead and kill the queen goddess you have watched over me all this time please do not leave me now in this darkest hour she should be no match for you go ahead and open a cannibal path and once she's dead you'll have an option you can click on her the queen life queen's lifeless body lies at your feet death has sharpened the noble features of her face the fearless wear looks small helpless and frail despite her bloody dented armor evil bestow the gift of unlife upon her majesty the body starts switching convulsingly its grey face twists in the grimace of pain suddenly features go rigid and a pale ghost rises from the letters of lifeless flesh the queen screams in agony as she is reborn her shriek resounds through the air a whale full of pain anguish and hatred godfrey's disembodied spirit hovers above her body looking at you with terror and confusion it's beautiful features begin to shrivel and wither of age wrinkles crease her flawless skin her lips become thin and her hair fades to weight wintry gray your mythic power is taking hold of gal free like a vampire ravaging its prey you drain her of the magic that keeps her young you touch your touch lay's waist to her beauty and destroys her soul she no longer looks like a young maid and instead you see her true appearance a withered hag who has been waging war against demons for over a century her eyes were once blue as a robin's egg when out a burn crimson her voice trembles of anger and resentment what have you done to me arthas i am the blade of my goddess how could you how could she let this happen at this point you can kind of just kind of rub it in uh and she's not gonna respond very well to any of this uh and eventually you're just going to uh tell her to go to your ziggurat as you wish my command master and last but not least i know you want to see what her class is and all that stuff place your bets right now paladin warrior i don't know crusader what do you think it's gonna be let's take a look so uh here is queen galfrey now how many of you put money on thunder collar bard yeah me neither um here she is part of my all undead party by the way uh that i have running around which is pretty awesome um she's also she's leveled decently now since she's level 15 when you get her you can't customize her that much she's basically lead into obviously a bard with using range weaponry her stats are pretty good actually i mean high charisma which is gonna be her health as well as her casting stat decent dexterity for example so you can kind of deck her out i don't have very much gear on her uh quite yet since i just finished leveling her up i need to collect some more but she's pretty cool overall who would have thought that the main kind of character that's outside of you you could kill and turn into an undead minion alright guys that is the end of my ultimate lich guide from unlock to the final transformation now there's some other stuff you can handle after this there's a little mini stories etc but the reality is by the time you get the final transformation and you get all the companions that's going to be most of the power stuff then you're just going to head into the end game and i'll let you experience that on your own how you beat the game and what the ending is for the lich form if enough people request to see the lich ending from me i can always do a separate video for that but otherwise i hope this has helped you guys out again if you guys have any questions let me know and as always to support the channel like subscribe smash that notification bell to be notified when new videos drop and i will see you guys as always in the next video you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
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Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lich, pathfinder wrath of teh righteous lich, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich mythic path, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich build, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich gameplay, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich path, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich transformation, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich unlock, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich quest, Pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich walkthrough, leeroy gaming
Id: uUVn4Dg_LFU
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Length: 140min 11sec (8411 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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