Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous High AC Build Guide w/ Heavy Armor -Beginner's Guide - 80 AC

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hello travelers i'm chris welcome to lorespire in this video i'm going to show you how you can build a heavy armored high ac tank previously i've shown how to do this as a monk but i've heard from many people that a heavy armored tank just feels more correct and i agree with that so we're going to see what we have to do to get to 80 ac by level 16 using heavy armor i do occasionally reference the previous high ac video and i have included a link to it in the description if you want to check it out but it isn't required there are time stamps so you can skip ahead if you like oh and one last thing this isn't a full build video i will only be showing you what i did to reach 80 ac by level 16 while wearing heavy armor so to reach our target ac i'm using the fighter class with the tower shield specialist archetype this choice will minimize the drawbacks of using heavy armor and a tower shield as well as give other bonuses that increase survivability if not your actual armor class if you don't want to play a tower shield specialist that's fine what i show you in this video will work for any class that has access to armor training heavy armor and shields you'll just have to spend an extra fee to gain the use of tower shields or you'll have to use a shield type with a lower armor bonus the race that we're going to choose is once again asamar the wings feat that an asmr can get at level 10 just makes asamar the best race for a tank by far and we're going to choose garuda blooded as our racial heritage i suggest allocating your ability points like this the strength helps with combat maneuver defense and will allow you to land hits early in the game when damage can be hard to come by the dexterity bonus will be added to your armor class 14 constitution is enough since our plan is to get high enough ac that we are not hit that often and the the 13 intelligence is required for the combat expertise feat that we'll be taking as you level up all of your first four ability points should go into dexterity the fifth ability point can go wherever you like but wisdom is probably the best choice if you have chosen the same ability point allocation that i'm showing here now let's take a look at the feats that we're going to use to max out our ac those feats are dodge shield focus heavy armor focus combat expertise missile shield greater shield focus wings and ray shield you can pick up whatever other feats you like that's up to you and just as an fyi combat expertise and defensive fighting both give significant penalties to your attack roles when activated so you should take that into account when you're planning your character dodge you gain a plus one dodge bonus to your ac a condition that makes you lose your dexterity bonus to ac also makes you lose this bonus field focus this increases the ac bonus granted by any shield that you're using by one heavy armor focus the ac bonus granted by any heavy armor that you equip is increased by one combat expertise you can choose to take a minus one penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a plus one dodge bonus to ac whenever your base attack bonus reaches plus four and every plus four thereafter the penalty increases by minus one and the dodge bonus increases by plus one you can only choose to use this when making an attack or a full attack with a melee weapon the effect lasts until the end the effect lasts until your next turn missile shield you must be using a shield to use this feat once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon you may deflect it so that you take no damage as if you had the deflect arrow's feet you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed damage cannot be deflected from spells natural attacks or massive ranged weapons greater shield focus increases the ac bonus granted by any shield you are using by one wings you gain a pair of wings that give you a plus three dodge bonus two ac against melee attacks and immunity to ground based effects such as difficult terrain ray shield you add your shield bonus to your touch ac no enchantment bonuses are added of these feats missile shield the main abilities we need from the tower shield specialist class are the tower shield proficiency and armor training as i mentioned before you can take tower shield proficiency as a feat with a different class that also receives the armor training ability to reach the same ac numbers that you'll see in this video however tower shield specialist does give a ton of bonus speeds which is important considering how feat intensive this type of build is also it removes most of the penalties you receive from using a tower shield and actually gives you additional benefits for using a tower shield tower shield proficiency this allows us to use a tower shield which provides two more armor class than a heavy shield which is why we want this for the build armor training this reduces the armor check penalty that heavy armor imposes on you and increases the dexterity bonus 2 ac that your heavy armor allows at level 15 the dexterity bonus 2 ac allowed by our armor will be increased by 4. mithril full plate armor will allow us a dexterity bonus of three to our ac which will give us a total plus seven bonus to our ac from dexterity nothing else from this class adds to ac but almost everything else that you see here does add to survivability now if you're getting any value from this do me a solid and hit the like and subscribe buttons this is an enormous help to the channel and i really appreciate it very much thank you let's look at our mythic abilities i took the demon path here but it doesn't actually add to our ac value so you can choose whichever mythic path you want and still achieve the same ac numbers that i'm showing in this video however if you do take the demon path there are some demonic aspects that you can use while in a demonic rage that will lower enemy attack rolls which is practically the same thing as increasing your armor class also if you take the bit of fun ascension you can gain a mirror image type ability to increase your survivability the only mythic feats and abilities that i found to increase our ac are the dodge mythic feet and shield bonus mythic feet the dodge mythic feat gives us an additional plus one dodge bonus from our dodge feet and the shield focus mythic feat allows us to add our shields enhancement bonus to our touch ac now if we look at our skills the only thing we really need here is three points in mobility to gain an additional plus one dodge bonus to our ac from defensive fighting your actual mobility bonus doesn't matter you just have to have three points uh put into the skill and your other skill points can be allocated however you want while we're here let's go ahead and look at the bonuses we're receiving from spell buffs these include magical vestment shield haste cat's grace reduced person and magical vestments armor magical vestment shield is giving us a plus four enhancement bonus to our shield haste is giving us a plus one dodge bonus to ac cats grace is giving us a plus four dexterity enhancement bonus which translates to a plus 2 dexterity modifier for our ac reduce person is giving us a plus 1 size bonus to ac and a plus 2 size bonus to dexterity and magical vestment's armor is giving us a plus four enhancement bonus to our armor okay so here i need to point out that magical vestments armor and shield appear to be bugged they should be adding their enhancement bonuses to the enhancement bonuses of our armor and shield to reach a total of plus 5 for each instead they are adding the same enhancement bonus that is already there giving us a total of plus eight for each this effectively nets us six more ac than should be possible with this character since i'm using a plus four tower shield and plus four mithral plate armor after doing some research it appears that these spells are bugged for everyone so you should be able to use these spells to get the same results i'm showing here however since this is a bug it is possible that it gets patched out at some point which would result in us having six less ac than we end up with here in the strictest sense using these spells to increase our ac is exploiting a bug however i would argue that we are investing more as a heavy armored tank than an armorless tank has to invest and even with the larger investment and the help of these bugs we are still ending up with a lesser ac than an armor-less tank can get which really makes no sense at all to me because of this i don't consider taking advantage of this bug to be an actual exploitation and i actually hope that this is one bug that owlcat doesn't squash heavy armored tanks have it hard enough as it is let me know down in the comments if you agree or not moving on there is one last buff that i want to point out here and it is this plus six propane bonus to our dexterity at the end of act four you will meet a character named nocticula who will offer you a gift accepting the gift gives you a this profane bonus however if you accept the gift and want to take the legend path you'll have to pass a very high will save later on so if your plan is to take the legend path you'll probably want to refuse this gift when it's offered now it's unclear to me how exactly the stats that receive this bonus are chosen i've received the gift twice now and both times my highest stat received the plus six bonus however i have read claims on forums from players who say that they were given the choice of which stat gets the bonus when they acquired the profane ascension either way you should get the bonus to your dexterity stat if you followed my recommendations on building your character the last thing that we need to look at is equipment now i've taken off everything that isn't giving us some kind of ac bonus and the only equipment that is left is this amulet of natural armor plus five this uh mithril full plate plus four a ring of protection plus five engraved lucky bracers and this spell breaker tower shield which is a plus four tower shield okay now the lucky engraved bracers only give a plus one bonus to armor but this is a luck bonus okay most bracers give a uh deflection bonus uh which will not stack with our ring of protection see this is also a deflection bonus so you want to use the engraved lucky bracers even though it's only plus one now if we look at our ac during combat while defensive fighting and combat expertise are active we can see everything that we just covered adds up to 77 ac 54 flat footed ac and 40 touch ac however our dodge bonus from the wings feat is not included here because it only counts against melee attacks i also want to mention here that i missed this in the previous high ac video that i put out so the final ac and touch ac values we calculated in that video should have been three higher than what we came up with at least against melee attacks anyways against melee attacks we have a total of 80 ac 54 flat footed ac and 43 touch ac at level 16. this requires the use of eight feet or nine if you choose a class that needs to take the tower shield feet and two mythic feats you may remember me mentioning earlier that our dexterity bonus 2 ac should be capped at plus 7 and as far as i can tell it should be this plus 12 bonus that we see here seems to be another bug again even with all of these bugs and the extra feed investments we still don't get to the same ac as the armorless tank if owlcat does remove the magical vestments bug and this max dexterity bug that will bring our ac down to 66 or 69 against melee attacks which is of course significantly lower but still respectable obviously if this happens and these bugs are removed eventually you'll want to lower your dexterity when allocating ability points so that you don't exceed a plus seven dexterity bonus constitution would probably be the best stat in which to put your redirected ability points i'm sure that you can obtain other bonuses from gear and abilities that i have not come across to increase your ac even higher than i have shown here but this video shows you what is possible with the relatively normal gear that most players will come across in their play through you know nothing super rare or hard to find or anything like that is is used here i really hope that this video helps you out when you're building your heavy armor tank and if you know of any other ways to increase armor class as a heavy armor tank be sure to let the community know down in the comments don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel while you are there it really helps me out and i truly appreciate your support this has been chris with lorespire be well my friends
Channel: Lorespire
Views: 7,501
Rating: 4.8317757 out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder wrath of the righteous guide, wrath of the righteous classes, wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous character creation, pathfinder wrath of the righteous character builds, pathfinder wrath of the righteous classes guide, owlcat games, crpg, pathfinder wrath of the righteous high ac build guide, wrath of the righteous classes guide, lorespire, wotr, pwotr hi AC, pwotr
Id: y-J82maxqp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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