Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Crusade System 10 Tips and Tricks | Pathfinder WOTR

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hey everybody it's lyric from nero gaming and in today's pathfinder wrath of the righteous video i'm going to tell you and teach you how to get the most out of the crusader system that you will get a chance to utilize starting in act 2 of the game now this is very similar to a heroes of mine magic battle system and the one thing to note is that if you don't initiate the system correctly it can be quite unforgiving it's not uncommon when you're first starting out you can uh push yourself your army a little too far and all of a sudden you find yourself wiped out so in today's top 10 beginner tips i'm going to help you get the most out of this system so you don't fall flat on your face you don't get frustrated and you steamroll act 2 with no issue now that being said let's go ahead and jump right into tip number one so tip number one has everything to do with generals and how to uh refresh generals so in order to teach you that i want to point out that when you first go to the world map you're going to want to click the little icon the red icon upper right hand corner that's going to swap you to army view and then you're going to have only one army to begin with and it took me a while to figure this out but you can identify and kind of add your general by mousing over to the bottom left-hand corner of the screen where you see crusader army and there's a little eye to the left if you click on that you'll see your army your 100 foot menu start out with and you can click assign general now since you don't have a general yet you get to recruit one and this is where my first tip comes in it's i thought initially these were my only four options and i just forced myself to pick one of these but you do not have to do this all you got to do is close out of this and click again and at no cost it is going to go and pop up four more options for you now they're not infinite but you're going to get a decent variety and that's going to be really really important when it comes to identifying the perfect general for your very first army which is going to be important because the first one is quite cheap it's only going to cost you 500 resources but if you try to get a second one i believe it's about 6 000 so you're not going to be able to afford that so making sure you get the right general the first time is going to be key now that brings me to tip number two and that is identifying the correct type of general there are three types of generals so you're going to see these little mage types of the little fireball icon gonna have a ranger type like this and then if i refresh here uh you should find another one like this that's kind of like a like a fighter now what's gonna make them different is they're gonna have different stats for attack for defense bonuses or power which is basically magical power sometimes they may have a bonus innately to army size increase and then this infirmary stat so the key to your very first general is you're going to want to set yourself up so that you can sustain your army uh the best that you can and in order to do that you i recommend actually picking a mage character and that's because they're going to start with three power and this is going to help you scale your abilities and there's going to be one beat one specific cast a spell that you're going to be utilizing more than anything and we're going to go that next tip but again when you're going to look at your heroes a baseline you're going to want to be recycling and looking at your different options or these mages what's going to make them different from one than the other is mainly going to be the feats that are offered and also potentially the infirmary staff so that we will cover in the next two tips so now we know what kind of general we want but now we care about tips so this is going to be a tip number three which is finding the most important initial feat and then i'm going to show you a little bit later in into act two when you're gonna level up and then you're gonna i'm gonna give you the recommendation for the other most important feat and across those two feet if you happen to get them you're going to be set at least till act 3 very easily so the very first feat you're going to need to find on your mage is masters master of maneuvers right here and so this increases the maximum size of the army by one unit per level of this feat now why is this important this is important because baseline you will only be able to have three different type of units so for example footman archers and let's say scouts but you're gonna have a variety of mercenaries they're gonna be able to join you in act two and by being able to start out by having four different types it's going to provide you with way more variety in your primary army that you're going to be using to clear all the content otherwise you're going to get all these extra mercenaries and they're going to basically be forced to sit out they're not going to be powerful enough to kind of go fight on their own because you're going to be really building up your primary army and so they're going to kind of be wasted so the difference between three and four as far as your overall power is going to be significant much more significant than any other singular buff that you may have so you're going to want to again find a combination of a mage like this gentleman here with masters of maneuvers this actually is not a bad combo to start with right here but again you could find any other mage that as long as they have mastered the maneuvers that's a great minimal starting point for you now i fast forwarded into my campaign a little bit and this is my campaign at the beginning of act three now you'll notice that i'm still getting dividends from that army size increasing to four so now i have four different type of units and again there are no limits of how many units you can have so i have 261 archers i have 179 shield bearers 117 clerics 43 hell nights and imagine if i did not have master of maneuvers i could only have three of these that's a big big difference but now i'm going to tell you about the second most important stat and that is going to our feet and that is going to be cure wounds if this pops up at an as an option for you pick it up no ants ifs or buts it is extremely cheap to cast so it costs two energy as opposed to for example your scorching ray that i started with it cost me more energy and some of the other like fireball cost 12 energy so if you look in perspective a relative that's not too much i have a hundred energy so far max so you could cast this 50 times now what this spell does not tell you is that it not only heals units it actually brings them back from the dead and so when you're in a fight you're gonna notice that you could within one or two unlucky hits lose 10 15 20 units and then every single turn or rather round once all your units move and the enemy moves you can cast the spell so because you're gonna have so much mana as a caster you're gonna be able to spam this and kind of keep your enemies topped off and i'll be showing you a strategy how to kind of min max and cheese this to kind of help you maintain your armies and never take any losses all right the next tip i have for you is uh the importance of the infirmary stat so if we look under your general you're going to notice this stat here and it's going to start about between 100 and 150 depending on the general that you pick but think of this as an auto heal and auto res wreck at the end of combat it's something that's especially meant to be helpful for generals that do not have the cure wound spell this is why again why cure wounds is so very very important because this makes this element a little less important but between this uh this spell and this fail safe you're gonna make sure that you don't lose units from battle to battle in fact throughout all of act two i don't believe i permanently lost any units even though technically i had lots of units die made combat but they were either resurrected through the cure wounds or at the end of the battle through infirmary elements so this is the number that you that is important for that now unfortunately it mentions a value point system and i don't know if this is a bug or they're dismissing it but they don't not show when you go and identify the descriptors for these units what the value value score for each unit is so you have to kind of eyeball it from the best of what i know so i know if they're going to change that but just do know that and in the next tip i'm going to show you how this plays out at the end of the combat now the next tip i want to provide you guys with is a strategy about what to recruit and in particular if you have a choice between early in the game between archers and maximum archers or anything else max out archers they are going to provide you the highest killing power over any other unit throughout the majority of your early game there are some specialized archers like rangers that you may get access to if you're lucky but for the most part you're going to want to max recruit the archers that you can get do not let those die if they get wiped out you know reload because once you build that up they are just going to slaughter stacks of enemies you can basically do a defensive line to protect them and kind of hold the line while they do the majority of the killing or at least softening up of the units so again mvp units for early game the archer get them love them stack them as much as you can all right what i'm gonna show you guys here now is what's called the defend and heal cheese tactic so i have a level six caster general uh going against a level seven army that can be quite deadly and so what we're gonna do here is have a strategy of protecting our archer in a corner kind of uh putting them in a corner like this we're going to be using this character to go and soften up the enemy and what we're going to do with the others is we're just going to go in a defensive stance you can go into total defense it kind of ups your ac and we're going to kind of let them come at us now they're going to throw some axis i notice right there we just they killed five units so they're nine units so they're clearly focusing in on these characters now here's the beautiful thing if you look watch my previous tips the magic of pure wounds now because we're a mage we have really high power and it's starting to get out of hand how powerful it is so for look what's gonna happen here i'm gonna cast this i just did 1.4k healing and what was that 15 or 16 of them just came back from the dead um so it's not just a cure it's a resurrect we focus down again now he's going on the defense so we're gonna go defense defense defense let them come at us and basically what we're doing here is trying to survive as best we can while the enemy is fighting during yeah again look at that full health the archer has now wiped out one full stack now you can check what the offense would do this isn't the great this trade-off so i'm going to defend with him right now since he's getting focused fired these units you can go on the offensive with i also have an alternative because i have shield of faith if you see that one unit is getting very focused way too much you can choose to put that on there gets the ac up a little bit higher and then you can go and go back to healing now i'm going to again just fast forward until uh almost the end of combat when there's only one unit left so it'll be just a minute and i will be right with you guys right so at this point i fast forward until we have just four units of these minotaur kind of like guys left um notice when i mouse over this will guarantee four kills it would come we do not want to do that at this point what we're gonna do is we have taken some casualties from the the clerics and pretty much nobody else for the most part so what you can at this point do is start spam healing because you can have lots of mana to get this up and what you can do is pass over everybody else because right now it's grayed out go through all their turns let the enemy attack again at this point since it's so weak it's only gonna do like one damage and very easily i could at this point heal them to full and so what this means is even though over this battle you took a ton of casualties you're able to heal back to full and you're good to go at the other match but i did want to show you the informary system so instead of fully healing them like you would easily do let's just go ahead and finish off this enemy and remember this was a level 7 army when i was level 6. so notice it says here your losses 12 clerics 53 uh footmen but don't worry it says units replenish it infirmary guess what all because this is the same as this you basically lost nobody if you had tremendous casualties and it was over that value that we discussed infirmary value you would this would be larger whatever was greater than here um would be lost permanently now the good news is the game does basically recover your most valuable your most expensive units first so you're more likely to lose your cannon fodder all right the next tip has to do with army recruitment and mercenary searches so at any point you can click on this icon in the lower left-hand corner to go to recruit and this is going to be your recruit interface when you first start it's only going to have this right here so every week it's going to spawn at up to 40 foot man and 26 archers and a little bit into act 2 you're going to unlock this mercenary system now be careful of this depending on different factors different units may be available here for you now most of the time the amount of units will be pretty similar between 15 or 20 or so but how much they cost will vary dramatically and sometimes you might hire 20 of them for 2 000 and then they come back for 6 000 they may not be worth it for you now additionally you're going to have one option and i believe this refreshes every week so in game week or so either day or week um you're gonna be able to see it right off the bat it'll say one for free so if you don't like you're not liking these types or most more importantly the amount you hit search and it will repopulate now notice now you have two different stacks of clerics one of hell nights what's important here you have one nice and cheap ratio of 2300 gold which is not a lot or not gold by resources for 21 clerics if you wanted to buy another batch notice this is three times as much or three less so these are not necessarily fair these are the same units so if you have a ton of resources of course you can buy them all but you want to be smart about this now notice here the first search was free uh research uh if you wanted to search again it would cost twenty thousand so not recommended at that point wait until this refreshes but again uh the strategy will be initially buy up all these basic units and then start strategically when they're good values get whatever your specialty unit is going to be for your party to build up and kind of build up that army if you follow my previous tips for survival you shouldn't be you losing any units and easily by as you lead towards the end of act two as you're gonna go and uh invade to try and take over dressing you're gonna have a nice army of hundreds of units and that's what you're gonna want to be successful so the next step is all about moving smarter not harder so when i first started this game i would just manually move by using these little clickers the map but what i realized a little later is as soon as you're kind of going to any areas you visited before you can actually click on them and it will actually predict and tell you how long it's going to take you to get there now this little bar you'll notice the changing color uh of this path this will also kind of tell you kind of rough estimate for days and uh hours and days that will get there but all you gotta do is click on it and say his journey will take you 10 movement points and you'll notice i have eight so you know you're not gonna be able to quite make it you're gonna have to rest a day so this way you can predict okay how long will it take and you refresh 40 movement points baseline unless you have feats that increase that every single day so every time you skip a day for example or move around with your main character enough to cover 24 hours so again be smart about that especially as you're going to be traveling the map to try and clear off threats you can click on the locations to predict how long it's going to get there okay so the next tip has to do with morale and the introduction of skip day management as you move around this map you're going to notice each of your armies is going to have 40 movement and that's going to be below the army name every single 24 hours and you can move them independently now once you run out this will not refresh until either your main party kind of moves around or rest to take 24 hours of time to go by or if you want to kind of focus on your crusader party you could any point click skip day it'll go full 24 hours and you get another 40 movement now in order to balance this so you can't run around indefinitely they have a morale system that's not really emphasized that much early on but if you mouse over at the top here there are these two banners and also a little bar at the far top so you're going to start around zero and if time goes by without you winning fights against these different armies the red armies on the board this will start dropping down and have negative effects the good news is all it takes is to beat one fight and it's gonna go up four points there's a lot of fights on the board so what you want to make sure that you're doing is keeping track of this moving around and skipping days as you see fit to get to the correct fights for you without this dropping too low and it's not too difficult to kind of plan out a route do note though that uh fights will be spread all over the map so movement will be across long distances will be pretty common now this brings me to my next tip which is all about clearing appropriate fights and skipping days effectively so now that we know about how to move around we know about morale at this point you're gonna be starting as a level one general but in this first big section that's chapter two you're going to see fights across the board and again most of mine have been wiped out here but you're gonna see them from level one all the way to level seven now notice we started way down here yet we have like level seven fights that are relatively close to the beginning you're gonna be starting out you're gonna see a little four and five fights really close and if you're not careful you don't know any better you might run ahead first and that's saying i can handle that that and no you won't you're gonna get absolutely destroyed so what you're going to want to do is optimally spend time zigzagging across the map wiping out the fights in order so you're going to want to wipe out those level ones and level twos uh in order as much as you can leave any threes forced all the way to seventh behind until you've kind of cleared all the way up to here and then kind of backtrack as you need to now remember because this is going to take a lot of travel time you're going to be using that skip feature that's okay as long as you keep fighting and you're going to be able to fight every couple days and you're going to be keep winning because you're going to be following the directions i give you any other tips this is going to stay capped out all the time you're not gonna have to worry about it there is an artificial kind of pressure for you to move fast don't let it fool you at this point you'll notice that i am right before dresden uh the main fight prior to uh invading dresden is level five but before i do that i'm actually going to go and clarity the other areas and i'm level six so notice i'm going to be going and killing level six up here and then once that's complete then and only then do i go and clear out the level seven that is down here so it's okay that it's so far across the map it's worth it it's gonna maximize the chances of you winning now you found this army pretty close maybe five to six hours prior to where i am right now in the story if you took this fight on and you were level two or three it would have been instant party wipe so again make sure to utilize your movement and strategically pick your fights so that you're constantly winning and not losing units and then i want to throw a little bonus tip and that's basically to make sure that you clear out the whole map before you hit tier two uh now the reason for this is that it's going to make your invasion of dresden easier you're going to get a ton of loot some really good magic items resources and also some of these when you beat them will say hey because you wiped out this force when you invite dresden the enemies will not have certain reinforcements so you're going to make the invasion of dresden which is a really epic fight much much easier in some ways so there's various reasons there also a couple quests that you have to complete now and if you do not complete them they will go away and it's important because you're gonna notice it's gonna be down in here but they're going to have this little red icon make sure you finish that up they will kind of hint that they're on the battlefield and sure enough you're going to see a little explanatory explanation mark next to the demon army make sure you complete that you do not complete it before you invade dresden it will go away permanently and you'll miss the opportunity to complete that quest all right guys so those are my 10 beginner tips for the crusaders system plus that one little bonus one at the end if you follow these tips you're gonna breeze through this and you're gonna absolutely love this system uh i've seen not only myself but some of my colleagues when we first started uh testing this it was very very frustrating but once we picked up these tips this became much much more enjoyable so again if you enjoyed these tips and you found them helpful make sure to comment below and if you have any other questions about the crusader system do let me know and i'll answer them as best as i can that being said guys again if you enjoyed this content make sure to like subscribe slam that notification bell to be notified of new videos and as always guys look forward to seeing you guys in the next video you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
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Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Crusade System, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder beginners guide, pathfinder wrath of teh righteous crusade system, pathfinder wrath of teh righteous crusade sytem, Pathfinder wrath of the righteous crusade sytem, pathfinder wrath of the righteous guide, pathfinder wrath of the righteous tips and tricks, pathfinder wrath of the righteous tips, leeroy gaming
Id: 1Yn2rXjPA2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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