Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lich King Build - Arthas - Lich Mythic Path Build

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey everybody it's leroy from leroy gaming and today i have another pathfinder wrath of the righteous build for you i'm finally presenting to you my arthas the lich king build for the mythic glitch path i want to apologize in advance that uh about my voice unlike the lich king i am not immune to disease and i've been under the weather the best of the last week or so held off this recording as long as i could but i really want to get this out to you so again apologies in advance for my voice that being said this build i have to share with you it's specifically meant to be very thematic so the goal was to imitate the lich king from the world of warcraft as much as we could so i want to make sure that we're able to wield heavy armor that we basically wield frostmourne and we actually have a sword in game that's pretty close i'll show it later off in a video have the capacity to go melee mode if you want to but of course have the ultimate power over the undead undead magic as well as frost magic so all of that is going to be covered in this build now like my other videos there's going to be extensive timestamps below i'm going to be also sharing my spreadsheets for both the 1 level 1 to 20 leveling as well as my mythic leveling i'm going to be explaining the spreadsheets and then for those that want the level to level walk through i'm going to be offering that explaining everything for those of you that just want to get the information and get out i respect that as well in the description below there's going to be a link to the excel spreadsheet all i ask is that if you're gonna grab the spreadsheet and go do me a favor and help the algorithm here for my video just drop a like and then drop a comment uh anything whatever you want to say uh but you know words of encouragement are always nice so with that being said guys let's go ahead and jump in and take a look at the arthas that lich king build i'm going to go ahead and start with an overview of the spreadsheet there's a couple mandatory things here for this build a level one it's very very important that you pick lawful evil as your alignment it's gonna be required because this build is gonna have 17 levels of sorcerer with abyssal bloodline but we're also going to take three levels of hell night signifier and that requires a lawful alignment so that's very very important we are going to have a special note here on stats so when you start your character the only prerequisite you really need to get is 20 charisma is my recommendation and 12 intelligence of intelligence is to just get a little extra skill points to get the skill points you kind of want and so you can be kind of effective during the game and then you can do either 12 or 14 strength thematically and then mess around with the other stats however you see fit now this is important because later on when you turn undead later in the game what's going to happen is you're going to respec and then you're going to kind of respect to the equivalent of 16 strength baseline uh 10 dexterity you're not going to have any constitution because undead do not use constitution yourself 12 in you'll still have wisdom and 20 charisma those will be kind of your new post lich form base stats before factoring in any statistical changes or buffs now this is important because undead use charisma for both health as well as for their castings statin our case this is also why sorcerers are the superior liches some people like going wizard but the fact that using intelligence makes you rely on having high intelligence and also high charisma potentially and that's just not really very effective so that's why i like sorcerer quite a bit better also the abyssal bloodline is going to give you additional buffs to your strength which again thematically is going to fit getting higher strength as arthas and also it's going to buff your summoning and you're going to be doing quite a bit of summoning on this build as you level up now additionally when it comes to your skills there's going to be four skills you're going to be focusing on but only three of them are going to be kind of maxed out end game persuasion is always going to be maxed out you use magic devices is something that you will max out eventually probably going to be the main character that uses this but again if you have another character that maxes this out you could technically not focus on this it's just good because you have such high charisma and then you're gonna need a minimum of five in knowledge or canada and minimum five knowledge world and that's gonna be for the hell night signifiers okay but those are the main things you need to know for starting out your data can be whatever but i recommend orga there's a little easter egg if you follow this deity and you become the lich king so uh it's it's more text thematic stuff but it is a nice fun little easter egg later in the game if you watched my guide my ultimate lich king guide then uh you will have already probably seen this and then i like chilexian diabolos because it's gonna be extra ac against demons so that's a nice little bonus all right now we'll go ahead and go through the leveling process here from level 1 to 20. so we're going to begin with level one and at level one we're going to take a level of sorcerer in the abyssal bloodline and the big thing here there's going to be a couple things we're going to focus on so level one we are going to make sure when we create the character pick up chilexian diabolist the big thing here is we care about that plus four dodge bonus to ec against devils we're also going to get spell focus conjuration and this is mainly a prerequisite for getting augmented summoning which we're also going to get to pick up this level because humans have the bonus feet now as the bonus sorcerer feat we're also going to get spell penetration so this is going to be a nice little first level setup now we picked the abyssal bloodline for a couple reasons you're going to get this little buff to any summons that you cast you to get class skill athletics but that's not really going to help you out you're going to get some bonus spells that will help you out so bull strength for free isn't bad but really what we care about is the strength of the abyss so you're going to see a ninth level you're going to get plus 2 to strength at 13th level you're going to get plus 4 and we actually will get to level 17 that's the final level we have and at level 17 it's going to go all the way to plus six so it's going to be a nice little plus six bonus to strength here which is helpful and it is an inherent bonus so that's going to help stack of your enhancement bonuses and your other bonuses as well so it's a nice little bloodline for you now as far as level one spells as you go ahead pick up mage armor and shield before you get your ability to wear plate armor you might as well use mage armor to up your ac and same thing with shield later on you're going to get a more powerful version of this that's glitch related but for now that's a nice little bonus ac now when it comes to skill level ups it's going to be very very simple the very first five levels what you need to do is put exactly one point in knowledge arcana one point in knowledge world you're going to have one point that you're always going to put in persuasion that's always going to be maxed out and then every other level you're either going to have three or four points when you have three points you just put those in initially and then the last one when you have four you can get put it into use magic device if for whatever reason you don't want to yet use magic device you can put it anywhere else once you have put the minimum five points in knowledge arcana and knowledge world it's up to you how you distribute the skill points now i chose to put them into persuasion and to use magic device and knowledge arcana as my main ones and then i put the rest into knowledge world well you can do it however you want but at a minimum you want to make sure you max out your persuasion that's your key point and those five points in knowledge of canada and knowledge world then go nuts i'm not going to be mentioning the skill level ups to save time as we go through the levels but just note that is the general plan at level two we're picking up another level of sorcerer but on this one it's a little anticlimactic there's not really much going on at level three we go ahead and pick up spell focus necromacy and this is going to be big we're going to be getting a lot of buffs to the necromancy line necromancy line rather so this is the beginning of it now we are going to pick up a large person at this level so earlier on in the game if you want to go melee mode you're going to want to cast a large person on yourself that's going to give your two-handed weapon that you're going to use or whatever weapon you're going to use reach that's important because you don't want to be frontlining you want to be behind your melee and kind of just hitting over them and large personality to do that do note later on when you turn into a lich you will not be able to cast this because you are not humanoid any of these kind of transformative spells they only work on living creatures so it specifically notates and a lot of them that they don't work on undead so this is definitely like a low low to mid level and a benefit for when you do want a melee at level four again we're getting more sorcerer levels we will go ahead and pick up cat's grace so this is a spell that buffs your dexterity by four and one of the themes you're going to have early levels you're going to be casting a variety of spells that buff your face stats before you get belts that do this for you and this is going to increase your physical stats so that if you do want to get in combat you can do so more effectively and this is the first one you pick up and at level four we're also gonna put your first stat point into charisma which we're gonna be stacking now level five we pick up another level of sorcerer and you're gonna pick up weapon proficiency bastard sword there's a reason for this later on because there's a very specific bastard sword that really mimics frostborn pretty nicely so that's why we're getting it and in the meantime you can pick up whatever quality bastard sword you find on a merchant or out in the world and use it for combat now as far as spells go at level five we're gonna go ahead and pick up bears endurance that's going to buff your constitution and for free you're going to receive full strength from your abyssal bloodline so now you could self-buff strength constitution and dexterity to make you more formidable in melee at level six we're picking up another level of sorcerer there's not going to be any special effects here but we will get a spell this spell is going to be really important if you want to do melee and that's going to be heroism what's nice it lasts 10 minutes per level and it's going to give you a plus two to attack rolls saves as well as skill checks but this is a nice spell to have on yourself pretty much at all time now you may also notice because i'm showing you a high level build some other spells that you may not find familiar and those are the lich spells and so power from death for example you will get automatically once you get glitch form this is going to be a spell that works extremely well now i know if it's bugged but this lasts one minute or level instead of one round per level so unless they fix this afterwards this is quite a bit better but what's nice about this aura is you cast it and then all of a sudden when enemies die around you could also be your friends but hopefully it's enemies you're gonna get a stacking buff to attack safe throws and damage rolls and this can get pretty high basically power from death makes up for the fact that you're a caster so you can turn into a pretty nasty killing machine and especially if you have a bunch of summons out and they start dying this is going to be pretty pretty cool now do note it's going to be giving you a haste effect which is nice but you will have other ways of getting haste this is just kind of a nice little bonus but you will most likely have a haste up 24 7 as well right a level seven we're going to pick up another level of sorcerer and this is going to help us finish our prep or our three levels of hell night signifier i may be mispronouncing that so the big thing here is that we need to get arcane armor training this is a prerequisite now it's not showing on this interface but you're also going to get a bonus sorcerer feat and should be showing right here but for whatever reason it's hiding it but you want to pick up meta magic and empower spell this is a way that you can increase basically the damage of your spells by 50 it normally increases the level of any spell you cast by two levels by end game though you're going to pick up a special beat and it's going to drop it to just one so it's going to help make all your spells 50 stronger and then it's going to be cheaper to get at the very very end game so we want to pick that up now because you can start taking advantage of it right now where the two spells are going to pick up one is going to be mirror image again a nice defensive spell that's level two at level three it's displacement another amazing defensive spell so again regardless of where you're going to go in melee or not these are nice to cast on yourself so that if you get meleed or damaged by enemies or attacked by enemies more likely to be protected at level eight you're gonna pick up your first level of hell night signifier the big thing here is you're gonna pick order of the gate mainly so you can get an additional five percent less arcane spell failure chance you're not going to get to fifth level or ninth level so we don't care about the higher level factors the big thing here is going to give you heavy armor proficiency for free and also what's nice is you're still going to be leveling up your sorcerer levels when it comes to your spell progression so that's really really important you're going to get a stat point and you're going to again put it in charisma and for your fourth level spell you're going gonna go ahead and pick up animate dead just let you summon your skeletal champions and you're gonna start feeling like the lich king as soon as these start popping out as this is the first time you're seeing the lich level four spells i want to emphasize the main spell you're going to be picking up automatically it's going to be vampiric blade and this is great because it's going to basically give you life leech whenever you do damage you're going to be healing yourself so this is really good for increasing your sustain and making you vow viable in melee as well at level nine we're picking up another level of hell night signifier and the big thing here is because you already had arcane armor training feet you're going to get arcane armor mastery for free and this is nice because it's going to basically increase the amount of spell spell failure basically decrease by 20 instead of 10 percent that's really really helpful additionally as your feet you're going to pick up superior summoning and this is nice because now you're just going to summon an extra skeleton which is really helpful when it comes to your spells you're going to pick up bone shaker this is a nice direct damage spell for yourself that's necromancy based that's your level 2 spell for level 3 you have haste and again this will eventually be completely obsolete you'll have easier and better ways of getting haste but in the short term it's a nice way of getting it and for your level 4 spell you'll pick up bone shatter and this is an upgraded version of the level 2 equivalent it just does more damage and it's got an additional effect here so this is a nice direct damage spell if you want to stay arranged for a certain encounter at level 10 we're going to pick up our third and final level of hell night signifier and the main thing here is it's going to give you a significant armor training so it's going to lower your armor check penalty reduce arcane spell failure by another five percent it also makes it so that you don't lose speed when you're wearing heavy armor so it just makes you more nimble it's worth the extra point and then you're gonna get your first level five spell and the one i recommend is racking ray this spell can be extremely helpful against tougher enemies the big thing here is it can strongly debuff the enemies you can kind of see here it does 1d4 points of dexterity and strength damage per three caster levels up to 5d4 up to five d4 strength dexterity to an enemy so that can just absolutely their ability to do damage and to hit so if you have a tough melee enemy you get this off on them and it goes off successfully it can go a long way and because of the fact that you're going to have such a high spell caster level and all these buffs to your necromancies the chance that they resisted is going to be quite a bit lower at level 11 we go back to the sorcerer levels and when it comes to feats we're going to be picking up greater spell focus necromancy so again we want to be increasing the difficulty class for all saving throws against necromancy spells this is a big deal like the spell we saw on the last level this is going to help of that quite a bit and when it comes to spells we go thematic here so we're going to pick up ice storm for an aoe kind of ice storm spell it looks really really cool there's some decent damage and debuffs the enemies we also pick up cone of cold at level five and again this is a nice cold damage ability that can hit enemies in a cone later on you're gonna be able to turn all damage types to basically negative energy so this will not even impact your allies in a negative way but the main focus of the this evocation spell or these evocation spells is to go over the theme of arthas because he is undead plus the ice theme at level 12 we're going to get another stat point and we're going to put it again into charisma and the other big thing is that we're going to get a new spell this is going to be our first level 6 spell and it's going to be create undead and you can basically create either a grave knight which is like a two-handed weapon-wielding offensive undead or a guardian so like a sword and board kind of more tanky undead and you're going to be able to summon them quite a bit and they are quite effective especially once they get buffed of all the different feats that you get for them additionally at this level you're also going to get access when you turn into a lich love later on two spells are gonna be mainstays of your bill you're gonna be getting bone shield which is going to be your new shield spell it's a plus six ac bonus and it makes you immune to critical hits and that can really really help out to defend yourself against spike damage and probably coolest spell in the game as far as what it does is siphon time so this is going to be an aoe spell that kind of you cast but actually travels with you so you want to cast it on yourself and it's going to buff your party and it's going to give them haste and any enemies in the area are going to be slowed so if you think about that that's like a double positive not only are you faster than normal but they're slower than normal this has a gigantic impact on combat and you're going to be using that all the time this is a staple of your gameplay i also want to point out the spot spell transformation this is a spell that's unique because this is one of the few spells that you can still use while you're undead now this spell is going to do a couple things for you it is going to give you strength dexterity and constitution bonuses their enhancement bonuses which normally wouldn't be great because most people use stat based belts but we do not as you'll see when you look at equipment later on but it also provides you with ac an increase to your fortitude saves and very very importantly your base attack bonus equals your character level this is big because basically you have full bab now so you are no longer a caster you are going to get multiple attacks and you're going to be just like as if you were an equal level fighter for example so this is big but it's important to know while you're doing this you can't cast any spells so you only cast this if you want to go into a full melee mode you've already buffed everything out if you have other characters that are going to handle healing and spells and you kind of want to go or primordial on the enemy and smash them with your bastard sword your frostmourne that's when you do this so this is kind of situational not going to do it all the time but it is a spell that you're going to be getting for free at a higher level i just want to emphasize this because it's a cool fun ability that's thematic but you're not going to be using it all the time all right at level 13 we're gonna pick up iron whale this is plus two bonus to will saving throws will saves are very very important in this game not only for story components but there are just so many annoying enemies later on that will either hear you or try and control you so getting that will bonus higher and be very very helpful you're not gonna have a gigantic resistance line on this character as is so this is going to help out now when it comes to spells thematically we're going to pick up icy prison at level 5 which again you can just basically encase somebody in ice if you've ever played world of warcraft and you fought the lich king at the beginning of encounter of the raid boston encounter where he turns a certain famous npc to stone or rather ice this is reminds me of that perfectly so if you want to role play that well here's your icy prison but that's one spell you're gonna pick up and then the other spell is gonna be greater heroism so this is an improved heroism that you cast on yourself helps of your saves helps with your attack and your skill check and it gives you some temporary hit points as well that's not going to be significant but the other elements are helpful now level 14 doesn't bring any major benefits but you are going to get two spells that you're going to pick up so your level seven spark net pickup is called umbral strike and this is a nasty nasty spell that does a lot of damage it's part coal damage art negative damage eventually you can make it do all negative damage and it can also blind the enemy i also want to show you guys the level 7 spells that are going to be a big part of your gameplay again these two spells are necromancer or rather lich king focus so once you unlock the lich king path this is what you're gonna see the first one is feast of blood and this is just nuts so it's basically an aoe version of exsanguinate so notice this says they see all the targets within enemy targets within foot aoe receive 1d6 damage per caster level notice there's no cap noted here eventually you're going to be third level 30 when it comes to caster levels so that's 36 and you can empower this to be level nine or eventually level eight when you get the improvement power which upset an additional 50 percent so that is bonkers and then it also can potentially lower their strength damage and do the extra additional bleed damage the bleed damage isn't crazy the strength damage is nice but it's just that huge amount of potential aoe damage and then probably one of the reasons to be undead is restore undead this is a bonkers ability it's got an 100 foot burst and it basically fully heals all allied undead creatures we're talking about all your characters all your companions all your summons anything that is undead which should be everything pretty much gets fully healed and you will be able to cast this spell up to 12 times at higher levels now of course you're gonna share that with the other casts but the point is this is going to be the best way to kind of instant heal if you take a lot of damage all right at level 15 we're going to pick up selective channeling and obviously that's just important so you're always healing your friends and never damaging your friends and never healing the enemy so this is just a nice go-to now this level you're going to pick up your first level 9 spell which is heroic invocation which lasts 10 minutes a level which is going to be basically forever since you're a level 30 caster at max level and it's an aoe buff that gives you plus four molar oil bonus on attack and damage two to eight plus four temporary hit points and you're immune to both fear and charm effects for the spell's duration so this is absolutely great to avoid those nasty situations where you get randomly peered away this is also a good time to introduce to you to another spell you're going to get from the lich path that's going to be a huge part of your rotation and that's negative eruption so it's a giant 30-foot burst aoe and it basically acts as a mass harm spell which does 10 points of damage per caster level up to 150 so it does 150 damage half unsaved the big thing here is it's a nice aoe damage spell that also acts as an aoe heal for all your characters and here's the big kicker because this will also impact all your summons as well as it gives you a plus two bonus to attacks damage rolls well saving throws and twice the caster level's temporary hit points so basically 60 hit points to everything this impacts so this is a nice spell that you can do to kind of attack while also topping off your health while also buffing everybody and if you have summons out buffing those as well so this is a huge lich king ability that again you're probably going to use more often than not all right level 16 you're going to get another level of sorcerer and you're actually going to get a bonus feat from your sorcerer line and this may be a shock but you're actually going to get to pick up power attack so if you want to go melee and go ham well here's a way to buff your melee attacks and again i know this seems like a shocker to get that from a sorcerer uh line but yep that's that's how we do it and then you're also gonna get a stat point and again you're gonna dump it in charisma yet again when it comes to spells that you can pick up polar ray is a good one to pick up and do realize that uh you i know as you've leveled up you've had access to other spells but these are the ones that i'm emphasizing as the most important ones so polaroid just does a lot of damage and it can also lower the dexterity of enemies so this is a nice option for you while also maintaining kind of that ice theme and then speaking of theme you also pick up icy prison mass situational thematic but again if you want to freeze a whole room of enemies and just see them suffer and slowly dies you just destroy them this is real really fun and very very lich king all right level 17 another level in sorcerer the feet we're getting is greater spell penetration again we want to make sure all those nasty spells are getting through now i want to point out that here and at level 18 as well in a second you're gonna be getting options to pick up spells but none of these are going to be critical anymore pretty much all the spells that we've chosen so far and that i've shown off as part of the lich spells will be the spells that will be the main part of your rotation which brings us to level 18 and again unfortunately level 18 is kind of uneventful there are no feats and there are no really significant spells or anything else for this level now at level 19 you're going to pick up and prove the iron will on my character actually had an error i had history of terror because i hadn't realized that heroic invocation made you immune to fear so i'd pick this up to get the extra bonus against fear effects but this is unnecessary this is gonna have heroic invocation up at all times so please ignore this element you're just gonna be getting improved iron will which gives you an additional plus 2 to and then we have level 20 which again isn't too eventful you do get an extra stat point if you've been putting all your points of charisma just put you on an odd number if you're allocated your sets differently where you had an odd number somewhere you could dump it there because it's not going to make a difference but my goal was to get your charisma as high as possible as early as possible you will get unholy aura that you're going to unlock from your abyssal bloodline that's something you'll get automatically that you may or may not necessarily use but those are all the changes and that will finish up your level 20 build and here's a quick look at the mythic spreadsheet on one spot for all your mythic levels again in just a second we'll be looking at all the breakdown on the actual main character sheet but in case you're curious here is the element from the spreadsheet all right now let's take a look at each level of the mythic progression so at mythic level one you're going to be picking up dance macabre this is some nice little benefits for basically prepping you for being undead the big thing here is you're gonna get to start channeling negative energy so you can start basically healing your undead companions now early on you're not going to be undead yourself so you're not going to be using this for yourself that much and if you don't have any undead companions earlier on this will probably just sit unused unless you're going against undead and then you can damage them big thing here is picking up abundant casting we want to get as many spells to cast as we can so an extra four level one two and three ranked spells is great and mythic level two you're going to get negative energy insight big thing here is you become immune to negative levels that is huge getting negative levels happens in this campaign more than i ever thought we would and also plus for bonus on saving throws against death effects is great the plus two ac saving throws weapon attack and damage rolls against creatures of negative energy affinity isn't bad either so when you're fighting undead basic and you'll have an increase in your spell basically your dc's or spells against the undead as well and then we're going to pick up spell penetration mythic so this is big eventually you are going to be picking up greater spell penetration and mythic level 3 you're going to become a lich or rather you're going to go down a litch path you're not going to technically be a lich yet you're going to get a new summon you're going to be picking up the power indestructible bones this is going to give you dr 10 slash dash so it's basically 10 damage reduction and it can't be bypassed by anything and enemies that actually hit you are gonna suffer penalties to their attack so this is nice for your skeletal champion i recommend a skeletal vanguard so you have another tank front line that keeps enemies off of you and then we're gonna go ahead and get ascendant summoning summons rather and this is nice because you're gonna have a lot of potential summons over your gameplay and buffing them is gonna help out at level four you're gonna basically upgrade your skeleton to be an inquisitor the main point of this is you wanna get the free teamwork feat and you're gonna choose outflank so again it's going to combo of your other characters that have outflank on them and gonna get bonuses to attack for you and them which is nice you automatically get lord beyond the grave this is going to buff basically all undead creatures that you control so your companions later on that are undead your summons and then eventually when you're a lich this will buff you as well and it maxes out at plus six to all stats and also it's important to note that all their attacks will also basically bypass all types of damage reduction except for n slash dash so that's pretty key and then we pick up expanded arsenal magic school evocation so all these buffs that we've been picking up that buff up our necromancy line is gonna also pick off evocation spells now this is again meant to be very thematic because you notice that i picked up numerous i space spells those are all evocation spells but this is going to make them higher dc's harder to resist and so forth so this is the reason for this at mythic level five we're going to get improved abundant casting so more casts of little four five and six spells and you're also gonna get dark rights this is big because let you and all your companions in the 30-foot radius pass their spells as if their cash level was two levels higher and later on we're gonna be able to buff this so it's four levels higher so this is very very effective especially when you stack of all the other factors that increase the level equivalent of your spells mythic level 6 is a real game changer because you get death of elements now let me explain to you how this works it says that you can change any element damage to negative energy no matter what the source of the alma damage this is huge basically this is a toggle and when you toggle this any of your spells so for example you are going to have ice spells but you toggle this and your ice spells will do negative damage why is this important important because some of your spells can accidentally hit your allies if you're playing on a higher difficulty this will protect them because they will not get damaged by that negative energy it will actually instead heal them also you'll notice there's a separate button you're gonna get and says you can also activate consume elements for one round for two mythic ranks so it caps out at five rounds it turns all economy elemental damage into negative energy so if you're fighting against the big boss fight that is about to do a giant lightning attack or fireball attack you toggle this and all that damage all of a sudden turns into negative energy damage and it heals you and your group instead of damaging you this is a game changer you're also going to pick up mythic channeling so when you channel energy basically to aoe heal you are going to deal an increased number of points equal to double your charisma bonus and you have such huge charisma bonus on your actual character that this is going to be significant at mythic level seven it's the final piece to your negative energy dominance you're gonna pick ascendant element negative energy it's basically gonna make it so that your damage cannot be prevented by resistances or immunity so even if enemies are immune to negative energy they no longer are and because your previous ability allows you to turn all your damage into negative energy all your negative energy now goes through everything meaning all your spell casting goes through everything and it cannot be resisted this combo is absolutely devastating and mythic level 8 gonna buff up your head skeleton again you're going to pick up skeletal barbarian and you're going to pick up beast totem up its natural armor when it rages and also greater beast totem now there's a bug here just showing the same one twice but basically the greater beast totem lets you pounce which is a charge modifier so when you charge you get to attack of all your attacks like a full attack as opposed to just a single standard attack and then we are buffing school mastery necromancy at this level increases the cash flow level again by one and remember because of your previous talents this is also going to buff the level of the evocation spells as well at mythic level 9 we're going to pick up greater abundant casting and this is going to give us four more spells for level 7 8 and 9 ring spells and then we're going to get weapon of death and this is nice thematic touch here this is a toggle and when you toggle it it basically provides the main living ability on your weapon so it's text texted on top of whatever other effects you're gonna see and i'm gonna show this when i show you the equipment and you see my frost more equivalent you'll see the stacking on it's great and again feeding into the lich king theme if a creature is killed within the with the weapon of death all creatures in the 15-foot radius suffer a penalty on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance is equal to twice the lich's mythic rank until the end of combat which is basically 20 in max level so you combine this of all the other buffs and as soon as you kill an enemy with one of these like a minion all of a sudden the bosses and everybody else becomes putty in your hands and all your spells are much more likely to go through and then finally in mythic level 10 you're going to pick up favorite metamagic and power so metamagic and power normally increases the level of your spells by two this will drop it by one so it allows you basically to manipulate your spells a little bit more effectively you could theoretically up a level eight spell to level nine and get more juice out of it it's just gonna give you a lot of different options and just going to give you more power more more powerful spell cast by the end of the game all right finally let's take a look at the equipment before i kind of show you some of the self buffing elements here and there's a lot of fun creative things you can do with the equipment now i'm going to show you kind of what i have equipped at endgame right now and then i'm going to show you how you can make yourself look pretty much like the picture here which is pretty cool so for my actual character i'm using the zorus beauty it's a plus six enhancement to charisma and wisdom i know if you play your cards right you can get something that's better than this but uh this is what i have as far as my highest bonus to charisma also what's nice it gives you and your allies the shielded caster allied spellcaster and shield ball feats which is pretty juicy these goggles they may look silly as heck but it gives you a plus one inside bonus on attacks and damage rolls against outsiders and a plused and competency bonus on persuasion skill check since you're the persuasion monkey on this team this is why i have him but you can kind of take him off to make him look more thematic for example you'll see in a second the cape is huge it's cloak of darkest rights it enhances the lich's dark rights ability granting additional two plus two bonus to dc's so remember this is going to make it so that all your spells are cast as four levels higher out of two and you're gonna get a plus two profane bonus to ac to you and your companions so that's pretty nice then when it comes to rings of flesh this is basically allows you to save yourself if you were to die and get kind of burst down accidentally and it's going to summon undead skeletons for two minutes and it's going to be 1d4 plus 2 and i think you should i think you're gonna summon one more because of your feats but this is a nice thematic ring and of course we get protection to help you with ac then we have your phylactery this item grants you the deadly magic ability if you have it against the two additional uses a deadly magic is one of the lich powers give an idea also once per day whenever you were to drop below zero health it restores you to full health so this is big now i don't know why this says it doesn't stack with your full plate i think it's because normally racers in this spot up your ac this doesn't so i don't know why this doesn't stack of any of the chess pieces but i think this might be an error because our chess piece is just basically it has it's good armor and it gives us spell resistance 23. that's why we're using it so i think this might be an honor you'll notice you have numerous ways to basically not die which is big this is your sword and this is my frostmourne equivalent it's called frostbite it's a plus five enhancement uh bastard sword it's nasty it does an extra 16 full damage it has icy burst it has frost it has nullifying living bane weapon of death and also whenever the wheeler of this bastard sword lands an attack of opportunity enemies must pass a reflex safe dc 30 30 or become entrapped in ice paralyzed for one round so very uh very powerful you can also buy it off a merchant and act four so it's not too hard to get if you want to look at these effects iced tea burst so when you successfully create hit it does an additional 1d 10 points of coal damage and if you had increased your crit multiplier this could go higher and higher but we didn't have the feats for that here the frost is the extra 1d6 and the nullifying nullifying is nice because it suppresses a creature spell resistance for a short amount of time so you can basically attack enemies that have high spell resistance and it's reduced by one for one minute or when you crit it drops by two so it kind of stacks of your other ways of dropping the resistance and then the best part is the living bane against basically living creatures which are most things you fight it deals an extra 26 points of damage against them so it's not shown here but basically in reality you're doing not plus one d6 you're doing plus three d6 damage on this so it's a very very nice two-handed sword when it comes to necklace i use an amulet of natural armor plus four already went over the the chest piece i got this kind of tunic main thing here is it gives you electricity resistance 30. that's the main effect let's get some other benefits and a minus five to your mobility here your belt is big this is belt of demonic shadow i love this thing whenever you cast a spell of level six or higher which you're going to be doing constantly it summons a cr7 shadow demon to fight along you for two minutes now you can only have one but if the demon is already summoned cast a new one it's going to heal it for 2d6 hit points so you're gonna always have the shadow demon fighting beside you which is another pet which is great and then for my gloves there's a couple different gloves that are out there that increase and buff your summons there's one that i i can't find i put it somewhere but it basically increases the spell resistance of summons when you summon them which is pretty good this one is good too though it gives you them a plus two bonus to natural armor for all evil creatures that you summon which are going to basically be all the images you summon and then on top of that they're going to gain a plus to bonus on ro attack roles saves and skill checks for all those summons so it's a nice way to just buff your summons then finally you have boots of free reign you have permanent freedom of movement so nobody can basically pamper your movement but we're not done yet we also have a couple of fun extra items here lucky dice you can activate these and you're gonna get plus one luck bonus on attacks and damage rolls or to ac during an enemy's attack once per day but notice it lasts for the whole day they use these and i i just don't get it so i don't know if this is just for one attack or not or if it's consistently it might just be for one attack but i always just activate this at the beginning of the day and i have them on there may not be as good as i think they are but they're cool the covenant of the inheritor it gives in your whole party basically within 30 foot range you can activate this and it stays activated plus the bonus the caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance and your weapons become good aligned as if they were made of cold iron i mean this will be outdated eventually but uh the plus two bonus of cash levels is great and next you have the tanker to free spirit and depending on the level it's gonna summon a variety spirits to aid you so this is another summon that can stack of all your other summons and finally we have duality of conjuration and summoning again once a day you're going to summon a plus one modalic divas and again remember you have that ability where it's going to do an extra one so it'll be 1d2 plus 2. there's a 10 chance that they turn on you but you know it is what it is and so sometimes on big fights i'll summon this right and gear wise i also want to show you if you want to look like the main character here you can put on the karafat karafest this is um off of vance you know the dwarf that you end up killing well check out look how cool frostmourne looks when you have the the blood the vampiric blood effect plus it's frost effect that looks so cool and here's the helmet to kind of helps finish off the look the helmet question is the blazing crown it gives you plus four charisma and it gives you health whenever you do damage through spells so again if you take a look at it looks very very much like your picture so there you go if you want to look like that it's a total badass look there's nothing wrong you only lose a little bit of ac one ac i do like the spell resist on the other armor and obviously get plus two charisma on the other on the other helmet but if you want to look super badass like the ultimate lich king there you go there's the gear there's the picture bam bam thank you man and finally we can take a look what we look like self buffed here's by the way little demon is summoned because of the belt which is pretty cool basically gonna be with you all the time and here's what we look like now our stats aren't going to be as insane as obviously some of the builds that are pure melee but if you take a look at it we still have five attacks 34 34 29 24 19 our damage line is 45 to 59 base damage armor class is 47 which is you know nothing scoff at you have an insane 43 charisma our strength right now is base 30 now do you know we get a minus two because we sold our youth to be a lich we have a minus two to dexterity as well here so those are things to keep in mind but considering that we do a lot of our damage through our spells as well as our summons the fact that we can still be disaffected with our actual melee element and a speed of 50 might i add this is pretty darn powerful and for kind of a hybrid build that is insane and really really fun again you can play it mainly caster you can when you want to go and beat stuff up with your bastard sword just like the lich king would you can do that as well you can freeze everybody you can go nuts all right guys so i hope you really enjoyed this build again it's meant to be really really thematic if you want a minute max like absolute lich build you would probably go like no armor probably a pure caster and then use mage armor etc and not worry about any of the physical attacks but again then that's just the pure lich build not arthas the lich king so again uh if anybody has any feedback feel free to leave it below but again i'm sure some people will say oh this isn't min max well again it's imatic for the lich king and how i personally imagine it hopefully you enjoyed it if you watch this video so far to this section thank you very much please like subscribe smash that notification bell to be notified of new videos and as always guys i'll go ahead and see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
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Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lich King Build, Pathfinder wrath of teh righteous lich king build, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich build, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich mythic path, pathfinder wrath of the righteous lich path, wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous lich, wrath of the righteous lich mythic path, pathfinder wotr, lich mythic path, arthas, arthas the lich king
Id: ccImLaIs-fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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