The Ronin - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Samurai Build Guide

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hey everybody it's bolshe here back with another pathfinder wrath of the righteous build video today we're going to be looking at the ronin this is my take on the classical samurai character an honorable warrior who dedicates himself to a life of service and martial perfection this build specializes in mounted combat specifically charging into the enemy lines and doing a ton of damage although the aeon and the angel mythic paths are probably the most fitting thematically this build works with any mythic path and even works really well as a mercenary so just a quick overview of the build before we get into the level by level we're going to be taking six levels of sohai four levels of two-handed fighter and then ten levels of the gendarme archetype of the cavalier now this gives us a ton of feats i don't think i've ever done a build that has this many feet so you have 22 feets and after i got everything i wanted i still had five feet left over so i went with great cleave cleaving finish and then the vital strike feats because you can get all of those things so that's what i went with but this gives you a lot of space to tune this build to be you know whatever you want it to be and like i said it really works with any mythic path or even as a mercenary all right so let's go ahead and jump into the build we are going to take our first level in the monk sohei archetype this is a mounted monk gives us some pretty cool things first of all gives us a mount gives us mounted feets for bonus feats at level one two and six and we also get the cool feature that we get weapon training at level six and the sohe can flurry which means get an extra attack at their highest attack bonus with any weapon that they have weapon training with so we're going to be taking pole arms that's going to give us extra attacks with pull arms going to go human pretty important for my uh idea of a samurai and or actually a ronin so ronin is a samurai that kind of either fell out of favor with his lord or his lord died and he kind of becomes a wandering samurai so wanderer and nomad is what i'm gonna go with this also gives us a plus three bonus to our animal companion's health so all works out we're going to go 19 strength 14 decks 12 constitution and 14 wisdom wisdom because this is going to give us well first of all this gives us will saves perception it also gives us ac because we're a monk as long as we're unarmored i will stay unarmored for a little while but i think that a samurai's armor is kind of integral for the whole samurai build concept so we'll do this for a while but eventually once i start getting some good full plate then i'm going to have this guy armored definitely want mobility all of your mounted feats and skills are based on your mobility score that's another reason why we took high dexterity so this is really important i'm also going to go with athletics perception and maybe a little religion here or war nature for the horses our first feat is going to be power attack i'm mainly taking this because we're rushing towards cleaving finish as soon as possible so we're going to take power attack first level and cleave with our bonus human feet we are going to be riding a horse i'm going to go with the black horse and for my monk feet you can see here we get our um we get our mounted feets as options but i think i'm going to go crane style first crane style or spirited charge either one is fine and i'm gonna go through we're also going to go i'm gonna go awful good awful neutral is a good choice if you're just completely devoted to order but i think waffle good is what i'm gonna go at level 2 we're going to go in sohai we're going to take our first six levels in sohei to get that weapon training as soon as possible and here i'm going to take spirit of charge charging into combat storming through the enemy defenses is a big part of this build thematically our feet at level three now we can get cleaving finish we're spirited spirited charge gives us double damage on charge attacks when you're mounted so you're pretty much going to kill something if you get a charge off something's going to die and now if somebody else is in our melee range we get to do a cleaving finish onto them so this is all very good stuff we also get key power extra attack when we're not charging level four increase our strengths get our skills we get a plus two bonus on enchantment effects and as a swift action so he can spin one point from his key pool to grant any weapon he wields a plus one enhancement that will be pretty good that'll be pretty good in the early levels but i'll probably use extra attack you get magical glaives pretty quickly in this game our feet at level five is going to be where's our feet out flank yeah we have a bab five so we can go ahead and take out flank and i don't think this matters these style strikes only apply when you are using unarmed attacks so i'll pick up leg sweep but we're never going to use it we also are immune to diseases which is really nice diseases can be kind of frustrating in this game at level six we're going to take our last level of sohai our key power you know for being mounted i think i want to go sudden speed i like the idea of like driving your mount um to you know beyond its its limits and making it pushing it faster bark skin is nice true strike is nice true strike into charge would be really good actually but i i think you know i like pushing them out faster than anything else i'm also going to take mounted combat now once per round when your mount would be hit in combat you can attempt a mobility check to negate the hit so it gives your mount some survivability and you know we're going with the um the naginata theme which as far as i can tell the closest weapon in the game to a naganatha would be a glaive there's also a lot of good reasons to choose glaives number one you get get a book in the prologue that will permanently increase your damage your attack and damage with glaives by one that stacks with everything else we have and there's a ton of magical glaives in the game so i think this is a really good choice all right level seven we're going to start taking levels in two-handed fighter it's going to go along with that the naginata theme which is a two-handed weapon so we got weapon training um from sohai and now we're going to kind of double down on that let's see here our feet is going to be we're going to take weapon focus glaive and we are also going to take dazzling display now eventually what we're going to do here is we're going to be intimidating things while we attack and we want to get shattered defenses to catch people off guard catch them flat-footed so these are prerequisites for that our next level two-handed fighter increase your strength i'm going to try and keep athletics and perception about the same level we get less feeds or less skills here so you kind of have to sacrifice and actually i put improved critical down on the spreadsheet i think i'm going to swap that with um 10th level because the glaive is really not that great of a crit weapon it's got a very low critical threat chance so i think what i'm going to do is instead of going improved critical here i'm actually going to get shatter defenses first and this allows us to attack flat-footed ac every time you attack a shaken target which is going to be a lot there's a lot of things that give the shaking debuff at level 9 we're going to take our third level of fighter here get mobility max that's what i want maxed and now we're going to take boone companion we've taken three levels we really don't want our horse to become under leveled for the enemies we're facing if your horse dies you get knocked prone and you take attacks of opportunity it's it's bad news so you really want to keep your your pet alive as much as possible and finally we're going to take our fourth level of fighter here that's going to qualify us for weapon specialization our bonus fee we're going to go improve critical click by the way this build has a ton of extra feeds we get to a point at the end of the game where you really have like four feet so you can do whatever you want with if you don't like the glaive i mean the glaive is probably the closest thing to the naginata so i'm i'm being you know i'm trying to be historically accurate but if you don't like the glaive you can easily get exotic weapon proficiency and take fouchard which is a much better weapon it's got a much higher crit range and you're going to see big numbers a lot more often you're going to see bigger numbers when you create with the glaive but the faux shard is a good weapon there's just less of those in the game there's less magical for shards than there are glaives and that's our last level fighter and now we're going to go into cavalier and we're just going to finish out with the john darm archetype this lets us get usually cavaliers get bonus teamwork feats which are quite honestly after you get a couple of them it's kind of trash so we are going to get combat feats which we can spend on anything we want and here at level 11 we are going to take shatter defenses we already got that we're going to take dreadful carnage as i pick up dreadful carnage i completely forgot that we want to be leveling up persuasion so i'm going to get caught up in persuasion as we level but and also put a note in the video that you definitely want to go persuasion if we're intimidating we want persuasion it's also you know it's thematic for charging into battle and intimidating your enemies and order the sword is perfect cavaliers who join the order of the sword dedicate their lives to the code of chivalry i mean bushido which is the samurai kind of code of conduct is is basically the uh eastern equivalent or analog to the chivalric code here so this is pretty much perfect for a lot of reasons also mechanically it gives us a plus two morel bonus against people of a certain alignment so we're going to take chaotic and also we get challenge which gives us a morale bonus on attack against targets of our challenge and at level eight we get a bonus mounted feet and we also get to add our horse's strength modifier to our damage rule whenever we make charge attacks so our charge attacks are massive once we pick that up it's going to be late in the game but it's still going to be fun when we get it and at this point we are going to take we're going to take weapon specialization glaive at level 12 we're going to go back into jean-darm increase your strength get your skills like i said here i'm actually just going to max my persuasion as soon as possible you should be leveling up persuasion as you level by my honor we get to pick one alignment and a saving throw that goes along with that so what this means is any chaotic creature that casts something on us that requires a will saving throw we're going to get a plus 2 bonus and i'm going to go with that will saving throws are definitely our weakest savings throw so we want to try and shore that up a little bit level 13 go back into jean-darm trying to get my persuasion caught up it's pretty close actually all right let's see here at level 13 we are going to go with trample for our mount and this gives us the ability to ride down enemies and when we write them down they get knocked prone i'm going to try this out on the demo the level 15 demo we'll see how this actually works because i haven't done it and our bonus feat is going to be intimidating prowess so now those intimidation checks are going to go a lot easier because we get to add our strength modifier in addition to our charisma modifier uh whenever we use persuasion to intimidate at level 15 i know this level 14. just going to catch my persuasion up and get my mobility up next nothing at level 14 all right at level 15 another level of sean darm in our skills and our feet at level 15. now this is the point in the game where this build gets so many feats that it's really up to you i mean there's a lot of different um options to go for but i think i'm going to go the route of cleaves so let's get this great cleave going and once we pick this up we're going to be able to get improved cleaving finish which is really good at level 16 we're going to take another level of john darm increase our strength get our skills caught up here mobility and persuasion and at level 16 at this point again you're kind of on your own for skill choices whatever you want improve cleaving finish is very good though with improved cleaving finish you can use cleaving finish any number of times per round whenever you kill somebody with a melee attack you get an additional free melee attack on somebody in range and since we're using a ranged weapon or a reach weapon we can really get a lot of use out of this all right at level 17 we are going to be taking cavaliers [Music] get our other skills caught up a little bit here and our feet at level 17 you know we do still get let's see how many feets left do we have at this point we have all the offense feats that we want and we get three more feats so i mean if you wanted to i think it'd be kind of cool just to have a fun button to press i like vital strike you could throw it in it's not the worst thing in the world you could also you know get iron will and shore up your saving throws um that's a good choice as well it also fits the samurai theme um really up to you at this point i'm gonna grab vital straight just because it's fun i like fun abilities to press level 18 we are going to get now vital strike doesn't work with charge or spirited charge actually though i have noticed that we're getting extra spirited charge damage after we make our initial charge attack like if you charge before initiatives rolled so maybe i can charge once and then vital strike on the next round and get spirited charge on that as well in which case that would be ridiculous so here we go indomitable mount that's going to be our mounted mastery choice we were saving this for this particular level up here we also get to add our mounts strength modifier to our damage roll whenever we make a charge attack so fully buffed our mount is going to have a pretty respectable strength bonus and that's really going to add to our charge damage if you like to see big numbers i have a feeling we're going to see some big numbers when i do this level 20 demo i'm going to take improved vital strike and with our bonus feet i'm going to take greater vital strike and at level 20 might as well finish out with jean-darm i don't think there's anything from any other class that we really need what do we get here nothing here level seven well you know maybe you want to make your um your weapons cold iron it really doesn't matter you're getting pet levels and you're getting full bab i don't really want to do a one level dip in like blood ranger or something because that was you know just not part of the build not part of the build theme at all and there we go i'm not going to do a full mythic path guide for this one this one could work with a lot of different mythic paths specifically because of the lawful nature aeon and angel but i'll just go through my abilities i went with mythical beast ethic charge unrelenting assault abundant key and ever ready for my mythic abilities and my mythic feats i went with power attack improved critical with my glaive at this point in the game i was taking vital strikes so i grabbed mythic vital strike weapon specialization and weapon focus you might want to switch vital strike and weapon specialization maybe not and that's really about it all right here we go a little demo at level six i did go to six because i wanted to get weapon training in that extra attack but you can see i've got level six gear which is virtually nothing um no real buffs that you wouldn't have in the game actually no buffs that you wouldn't have in the game let's see what happens here now i should be able to charge and get my spirited charge damage out let's see what happens got some guys waiting for me over here okay well you can see that my marching terror is doing a pretty good job there now i think okay so i think what happens here i think this is my spirited charge damage which is interesting i didn't know it was piercing damage it's actually not good oh oh and i'm still getting it for this entire round i guess i love writing these guys down this is very much uh thematically appropriate there we go okay so now that i now that i'm not charging i don't know how that works but i was definitely getting more damage i'm not getting that piercing damage in any case this guy does some pretty good damage this is on core and i had four cr6 um [Music] guys and i made pretty short work of them there so rode them down like dogs good stuff all right so here we are with a little demo at level 11. let's see here still pretty much the same armor i do remember this being in the game this is the soul share cleansed item from staunton vane that actually works really well for your mount so pick that up aside from that i'm buffed i did pick up a few levels on my mythic path and i chose mythical beast mythic charge and uh let's see how well we do here i'm a little scared okay here we go let's get a charge off on this sarkorian slayer outcast here let's see do i have all my modals that i want i do probably want to be fighting defensively okay so at 11th level we've got a lot of stuff going on here so a everybody gets intimidated now actually my intimidation check failed because as i was leveling up like an idiot i didn't put points in persuasion so my intimidate checks are garbage right now but i think you can see the damage i mean man that's a this is a level 11. 1d10 plus 36 plus an additional 46 on top of that we haven't even picked up mythic power attack yet so i think we're going to be just fine here and i really love how everybody else is going to be intimidated by that attack i'm gonna go ahead and key it key power and extra attack here and whoa whoa what holy crap that was a 223 crit at level 11. i like it i like it and that's the thing about glaives is that they might not quit often but when they do it's very noticeable somebody please make me a mod make a mod so we don't have to look at this horrible dazzling display animation every time we kill something all right pretty good at level 11. all right so we're gonna try another demo here at 16. i did one with three cr15 mobs and they just died too quickly so let's actually see what happens here with six divine power oh yeah at this point in the game so i'm level 16. i did increase my gear a little bit i've got plus three items plus two mithral plate just things that i know i would have at this point plus three glaive nothing special and i'm also mythic rank five so um i did choose the aeon mythic path here i have mythic charge i've got unrelenting assault mythical beast power attack and improved critical those criticals are going to be huge with the glaive all right let's see what happens here let's get our first little spell divine power okay so one guy's down everybody else hopefully by the way yes is intimidated that's to make this go a lot easier and i'm going to get an extra attack per round with my key power here there we go and i think i got a few see this is why i hate that's why i hate dreadful carnage just spams the uh the chat cleaving finish which killed somebody to another cleaving finish doing some work there taking some ability damage though i don't like that from this assassin probably i don't know what these guys are doing or that's my horse actually they're going to kill my horse that's fine i'll kill this guy first and charge these there we go now let's back over here so this guy can get some there we go extra attack and there we go all right that's the build i hope you enjoyed it if you did please like and subscribe and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: BolshyPlays
Views: 18,419
Rating: 4.9133573 out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder, kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, WotR, Build, Guide, Classes, trickster, tank, mount, Mounted Combat, Cavalier, Samurai
Id: rtRTLTAg5yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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