Dr. Frank Ray - What Do I Do Next (ORIGINAL Sermon) | July 14th, 1999

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second chronicle chapter 7 i want to read verse 5 and then verse 11 through 14. it's and king solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty and two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep so the king and all the people dedicated the house of god verse 7 the solemn thus solomon finished the house of the lord and the king's house and all that came unto solomon's heart to make in the house of the lord and in his own house he prospered effectively and the lord appeared to solomon by night and said unto him i've heard thy prayer and have chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice if i shut up heaven that there be no rain if i command the locals to devour the land or if i send pestilent among my people if my people which are called by my name shall umble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive thy sin and will heal the lamb thank you i want to talk from a question what do i do next what do i do next what is the next thing [Music] on the agenda the text seemed to say to us that the preacher pastor made a great sacrifice no one really know how much the pastor have to sacrifice to bring forth a place of this magnitude that while you're sleeping he's praying and talking to god it cost him more than just prayer a part of him is here has given his life for this place and for other saints to know that it can be done and that there is a reality in serving a true and a living god [Music] without talking to the bishop i know it perhaps emptied his savings account to place in this place because it cost you to be honest with you god actually blesses the man of god and when he blessed him he enabled him to be a blessing to others it's not in the land it's in the man and so i thank god for how he bless man you know when he got ready to start the race he used a man named adam when he got ready to bless the rays he used a man named abraham when he got ready to lead the race he used a man named moses when he got ready to march the race he used a man named joshua when he wanted a fighter for the race he used a man named samson when he wanted wisdom for the rays he used a man named solomon when he wanted a reaper for the rays he used a man named jeremiah when he wanted vision for the race he used a man named isaiah when he wanted to baptize the race he used a man named john the baptist when he wanted a preacher for the race he used a man named the apostle paul when he needed somebody to die for the [Applause] race he used a man named jesus christ and when he wanted to take memphis to a higher level he used a man named gilbert [Applause] patterson he made you in blessing me the texts say that the temple now is built what do i do now says this building is complete do i go out and get clothes to match the [Applause] place do i get a car to suffice what do i do do i take vacations and believe that the job is complete aren't you glad you have your bible i want to take 40 words in one verse and dissect that verse and i think we will have our answer you can count it if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven forgive them of their sins and heal their land let me take a moment and cut it up so you can swallow it we start off by saying if that's possibility my people that's personal will humble themselves that's preparation and pray that's power and seek my face that's a privilege and turn from their wicked ways that's progress then will i hear from heaven that's procedure and will forgive them of their sins that's pardon and will heal that land that's prosperity let's go over it again if that stand for choice a chance if it's the central word in the word life you spell life l-i-f-e drop the l off the front of the word life e off the back of the word life sandwich in the middle it's the little word if i guess that's what the old folks used to say i'll see you next sunday if it's the lord's will if standing for choice a chance which means you have the choice of doing it god's way or you stand the chance of being swallowed up by the wrath of god you got a minute to walk matthew 16 24 then said jesus if any man will come after me let him first deny himself take up his cross and follow me john 12 32 and i if i be lifted from the earth will draw all men under me john 12 32 and i if i be lifted from the earth withdrawal men under me john 15 7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask for what you will and it shall be given unto you romans 10 9 that if thou shalt confess with the mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shall be saved second corinthians 5 and 1 and we know that if this earthly house of this tabernacle we're dissolved we have a building of god a house not made with hands eternal in the heaven second corinthians 5 17 if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things are become new galatians 6 and 1 it said if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such a one and the spirit of meekness considering ourself lest thou also be tempted galatians 6 and 3 if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself galatians 6 and 9 let us not be weary in will doing for we shall reap if we think not first john 1 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness first john 2 and 1 these things right are under you that you see and not but if you say it we have an advocate with the father his name is jesus christ the righteous revelation 3 and 20 behold i stand at the door and not if any man hear my voice and open the door and come into him and support him and he with him so we start off by saying if and then he said my people everybody don't belong to the lord everybody i hear people say well i'm his because he made me well he made the giraffe he made the skunk he made the baboon he made the temple pat he made the snake but but you're not he is just because he made you the only way you're here is you will have to be a person that accept his son as your savior you'll hear me don't you and notice what he said there is a responsibility that go along with being a child of god and spite of god having an obligation to us we have an obligation to him he expects us to do some things for him and i hear people say preacher if i only knew what to do i think i would do it much better but i'm i'm wondering i'm moving around trying to figure out what god would have me to do well it's written in the bible romans 12 1-2 it's i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that first thing you do is present your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable under god which is your reasonable service and i say all the time that the bible tell you what to do with every member of your body with my eyes i'll take psalms 121 verse 1 and lift them toward the heels from which cometh my help my help comes from the lord with my ears i take matthew 11 and 15 he that have ears to hear let him hear but my mind i take philippians 2 and 5 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus with my heart and mouth i take romans 10 and 10 for what the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made under salvation with my hand i take ecclesiastic nine and ten whatsoever with our hand fine to do for there's no work no device no wisdom no knowledge in the grave where thou got with my knees i take philippians 2 and 10 at the name of jesus every knee with my feet i take hebrew 12 and two laying aside every weight and seeing which do it so easily beside us and let us run with patience to raise that is set before us you must present your body that must be presentation but then it's and be not conformed to this world which means there must be separation you see too many of us allow the world to dictate to us you see i'm not a taillight i'm a headlight instead of me following the world i have to tell the world to get behind me though i have a witness i i don't i don't have to be on welfare when i can farewell [Applause] so instead of hanging around the complaint one i need to move to the claims department y'all hear me don't you if my people which are called what you call what you call this this still taking a long time i got the rest of this there are at least there are at least five calls first call is the call to birth you had nothing to do with that it was your mama and dad at meeting and if you passed child two they didn't have you in mind [Applause] they was just having some fun and nine months later you showed up but then there's a second call and that's the call from darkness to the marvelous light and you do have something to do with that call that's when you accept christ as your savior but then there's a third call and that's the call to death and you really don't have much to do with that because hebrew 9 27 say and it is appointed on the man wants to die but then there's a phone call and that's the call to resurrection you've got to get up because there's another call that's the fifth call and that's the call to judgment now the fifth call will be determined by the second call if you have the second call right when the fifth calls show up your case will be handled out of court if my people which are called by my name you see we have been nicknamed you see the word christian is not a name that was given to us by our friends our enemies gave us that name we were first called people of the way then we were called christians and that antioch we were first called christians and we would call that because we follow christ but i'm afraid if some of us are summonsed to court then they try to find enough evidence they would find us not guilty preachers because there wouldn't be enough evidence to prove that we know jesus if you know him it ought to show up it ought to show up in your walk it ought to show up in your talk in order to show up in your character piece of what you're called by yeah by by my name i'm identified with christ i've been set aside set apart to be with him to be identified with jesus you'll hear me here don't you with jesus christ there are those that have serious problems about this matter of baptism and we go into the water and go under the water and come up out of the water jesus went in to be identified with us we go in to be identified with him ever got any help in here can i go on and i know acts chapter 2 verse 38 it said and peter said be baptized in the name of jesus for the remission of sin and receive the gift of the holy ghost but jesus said be baptized in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost now who should i believe peter or jesus well if i had to make a choice between the two you know i would pick jesus come on in here y'all yes i would i'd pick because peter will tell you one thing today and tell you something else tomorrow but but i don't have to make a choice between the two you see peter was talking to the folk that was going to get baptized jesus was talking to the folk that was going to do the baptizing y'all looking at me strange i need to put in your lap so y'all can really understand what i'm saying let's assume that i want to cook a cake for sister ray i want to i want to have a cake laid out once you get there and i want a coconut cake so i call somebody that tell me that know how to cook and and and they said well now reverend what you do is you get a pan put some flour in the pan then get some milk and pour in the flour then you get some butter and put in the mix of all that get you two or three eggs wanted rich put three eggs in there get some sugar and put it there put your flavor in stir it all up get you some western oil put it in the bottom of the pan put the pan in the oven of the stove turn it to 325 degrees temperature let it sit bake brown and take it out put your icing on it put your coconut on that put your pineapple on there and you want it to look good stick a cherry on the top if i got it to help it here now now now when sister ray come home she don't need to note the stuff that went in it help me somebody all she need to know is it's a coconut cake sit down and eat it but since i cooked it preach from right here i need to know the stuff that went in there peter was talking to the eat us jesus was talking to the cooks y'all do hear me here if my people which are called by my name he's concerned about that name psalms 23 3 say he lead me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake matthew 18 27 where two or three are gathered together in my name philippians 2 and 10 say at the name of jesus every niche by romans 10 13 so whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord acts 4 and 12 so that's given unto us no other name under heaven there's something about that name he even mentioned it in his mild prayer in matthew chapter six verse nine through thirteen listen at what he said verse nine after this man i pray ye our father which art in heaven hallowed be thou name verse 10 thou kingdom come thou will be done verse 11 give us this day our daily bread verse 12 and forgive us of our debts as we forgive our debtors verse 13 and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever are man this is what he's saying he said look if you want to be blessed do three things he said number one spotlight my name secondly he said spread my kingdom and thirdly he said surrender to my will he said you spotlight my name spread my kingdom surrender to my will he said i do three things for you he said i'll give you pardon for your past give me somebody i'll give you provision for your present and i'll give you prosperity for your pilgrimage but you gotta make sure that you spotlight my name if my people which are called by my name he said well um themselves the word humble in this text actually means broken that he don't want us to get too lifted in pride he don't want us to walk with our heads in the air he said you got to humble yourself he seemed to say this is something you can do humble yourselves and when we think about where we came from and where we are now we can't help but to be humble some of us came from know those to a lot of those from the ghettos to get mores from cotton sacks to cadillacs from rubber heels to rubber wheels from neck bones to t-bones am i in here yet yeah yeah and when we look at where god brought us from we ought to have an humble spirit oh indian one day was out in the street shouting and praised and magnifying god white man walked by and said mercedes what did jesus do for you for you to be so happy and shouting so much indian dug a trench in the middle of the road got him some flammable liquids and pulled in the trench saw worm over here wiggling put the worm in the liquids struck a match and started to fly burning this way struck another match had the fire coming this way the worm couldn't back up and it couldn't go forward and right before the fire got to the worm though indians stood down and picked up the worm and looked at the white man said this is what me jesus did for me when i couldn't back up and when i couldn't go forward jess in the nick of time he saved he saved me never got any help in here i don't know how y'all feel about it but that's the way it was with me i wasn't feeling to live and too scared to die but just in the nick of time he saved me he's humbled himself now there was a time that we used to pray in a humble position you remember the time when we used to bow down to pray anybody remember that we didn't even come with me buying clothes no more stuff we wear uk that's too too tight about you know and even that i'm used to hear deacon said now lord here we are one more time knees are bent and body is bowed well that came from an old situation that happened over in the in the bible days that whatever the owner of possessions wanted to carry something he needed to have a burden or a beast that could go a long ways without water because sometimes they had to go through sands and desert area and so he would always use a campbell and because of the height of the camel the owner the master couldn't reach his back without making him bow down and early in the morning he would get in front of the camel and make him bow and then the master would put a load on the camera the camera would get up and start carrying the load during the course of the day his back would start perspiring and sometimes the load would shift and around midday he would get in front of the camel again and make him bow down and the master would straighten up the load and then make him get up and he would go the rest of the day and in the evening the camera couldn't rest well at night with a load on him so the master would get in front of the camera again and make him bow down and then the master would take the load off the camel and the camel could rest well all night long well our master have a load for us to carry that's why you ought to talk to him early in the morning and when you talk to him in the morning he will put a load on you and get up and carry your loads and while you're traveling foot lying on you and scandalizing your name and hanging your name on the wings of the morning and you dodge in ditches and situations sometimes your load will shift on you but when you load ship don't go to miss ruth no no you need to go back to your master and let the master straighten up your load and when you get your load straight go on and finish the day and at night you can't rest well with a heavy load wondering if your husband has come home you can't rest wondering where your children are it's hard to rest thinking that you might get fired the next day but at night bow down and let the master straighten and take off your load and and when they unload you you can rest away all preach remember all night long he said humble him stem cell and watch this and pray watch this conjunction humble and pray meaning that if i'm going to pray i need to learn how to be humble it's hard to be lifted in pride and then go to god in prayer do you all hear me in here he said must humble themselves and pray now watch god is not so concerned about your long prayers as he is your strong prayer most of us get prayer life mixed up we normally pray long in public and shout in private but jesus prayed long and private and short in public did y'all hear me i mean when you're by yourself at night talk to god all night long i caught jesus praying in public two or three times he would pray prayers like his father i thank you it's not for me but let lathers come forth amen but in pride he would pray all night long you you remember when he taught us this model prayer he used only six to six words and we've been using it ever since when hezekiah needed some more time he turned his face to the wall and used 30 words and god gave him 15 more years when peter wanted to walk the water he used 13 words and when he started sinking he took ten of those back and just said lord save me have i ever got any help in here somebody in this house know that prayer will work won't it i don't know how you feel about it but you you get strength when you pray somebody says i get great consolation when i pray and really if god didn't even answer your prayer you feel better after you pray anyway when you pray you're saying to god i need you you said i can't handle this by myself but i know you can handle it and so i want to talk to you about that and i discovered i hear people saying all the time they took prayer out of school you really can't take prayer from nowhere because if you got a prayer you got to pray and i discovered that you don't have to let others know you're praying no no they don't have to know when you're praying no no you you can pray right in the middle of folk cussing you out [Applause] well i got to go on close i've held you all long enough pray and then it's saying seek [Applause] face in other words seek the presence of the law you see it's hard to act ugly in his presence [Applause] that's why a lot of us don't call the lord until we get in trouble you know that that's why we we we use them like a spare tire we don't check on them until we have a flat use them like the fire department don't think to call him until the house catch on fire but i think you ought to have him with you all the time because i don't know about you but i get joy out of knowing he's here and there was a time that was a time that if jesus was in galilee the folk in judea had to wait on him but you ain't got to wait now he's everywhere at the same time let me tell you what i'm talking about i i was called several years ago to go to los angeles to do a city-wide revival and it was at the time that they had had their great earthquake left memphis and i said lord i got to go to california but i need you to stay and watch over the saints at salem got on the plane listen now we're traveling 38 000 feet in the air and the lord i know i told you to watch the members at salem but because of being so high in the air i need you to be with me on the way to california that came on intercom and said that just had another earth tremble los angeles i i told you to stay there and watch salem and and now i'm actually fly with me but i really need you to meet me in california and can i tell you what happened i left him in memphis he flew with me in the air met me at the airport in l.a because he's everywhere well yeah at the same time yeah and you can just function better when you know the lord is with you y'all hit me don't you yeah you can do things better when you know you got his person got his present and got his power with you where wherever you go yeah humble themselves and pray seek my face and watch this and i'm through and turn from their wicked ways i wait a minute lord you mean to tell me save folk is wicked he said i didn't say they were wicked preacher he said but i said it got wicked ways y'all hear me what you mean wicked ways anytime no don't let me go there any in any time a church can move to this magnitude and you got saints sitting in enjoying the church and they put a dime in here to help it be where it is wicked ways y'all hear me don't you yeah a person will dress up with a thousand dollar pseudo living a hundred thousand dollar house get in a fifty thousand dollar car put it on a billion dollar highway drive twenty miles to temple of deliverance and walk in and give god two dollars and out shout anybody other than church you know what that is wicked y'all don't like me in here do you wicked ways he said you gotta turn from your wicked oh my to the hip in here we can waste he said and then now notice god said i'm ready to bless you but you got to do some things yourself he said i'm able i'm willing and god is different from folk that you know you know some people that's willing to help you but they ain't able and you know some other folk that's able but they don't care but god can label and he also chair but got any help in this house he saying that then what you mean there watch what he said you got to do he's the first thing you got to do is he said you got to humble yourself secondly he said pray thirdly he said seek my face fully he said turn from your wicked ways he said then you know that's the way the lord work anyway did y'all know that listen that what he says in america three and ten it said bring you all the tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house proving now he would say the lord if i will not dn open the windows of heaven pour you out blessings that you don't yo hear me don't you have a room enough to receive he said you've got to make the first move listen to what he said in matthew chapter 6 verse 25 therefore take no thought for your life when it's in life he's talking about your future or what you shall eat that's your food yay for your body that's your fitness of what you shall put on that's your fashion and then verse 19 it says lean out for yourself treasure that's your finances he said i know you're upset over five things your future your food your fitness your fashion and your finances he said i got all that in store for you but watch what he said in verse 33 but seek ye first [Applause] the kingdom of god and its righteousness and all of these things your future your food your fitness your fashion your finances he said we'll be added unto you shake somebody's hand tell them thank god for the word [Music] and so he said he will forgive us of our sins and you have to be real careful with this [Music] little matter saying even though it is a small word it is very dangerous sin soils and spoils
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 115,379
Rating: 4.6856909 out of 5
Keywords: frank e ray, tellis chapman, new salem frank ray, jasper williams, national baptist convention, leroy elliot, frank ray jr, brian carn, ge patterson, baptist whoopers, jasper williams jr, donald parson, ralph d west, tolan morgan, f bernard mitchell, black baptist church, paul morton, jasper williams hoopology, dewey smith, bishop jo patterson, bishop ge patterson, td jakes, serita jakes, the blood of jesus, what can wash away my sins, old school preaching, the blood
Id: HUCp_vy94c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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