Dr Frank Ray - Psalm 23:4

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preachers a lot of our deacons our brothers and our sisters it's good to be here the land of the dying on our way to the land of the living I'm certain that your stop today to say to the law thank you for him bringing us safe this far didn't have to wake us this morning but he did that alone is enough to be thankful for I'm so humbled to be here at the lily Grove Church to be with my friend dr. Anderson which is without a doubt one of God's greatest preachers goddess used him and such a mighty in marvelous way and many times you can see how much God loved you based upon who he put over you to lead you evidently he's in love with a lily grow church because he has placed a giant before you and it does not yet appear what God will do with this ministry till the leadership of this great preacher I enjoy hearing him preach it came to Salem and preached them on the reason he's not pastor there I wouldn't let him hold an election he came and tried to take our little church and I am honored to be here with him and they see dr. Williams in the house tonight thank God for healing amen and to listen to this choir my goodness they did not bless us it not only sound good but they look good and then these beautiful rushes thank God for the Russians hey I tell our church never put an ugly issue at the door they will they will run more people away than you can ever preach it let me get started all of these preachers so delighted to see all of him in the house to my Psalms 23 Psalms 23 verse four sums 23 verse 4 yea though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod our staff they comforted me thank you so much thank you whatever whatever subject you want to use with that would be alright with me and just there's Tim about it later the three words in in this verse I want to put emphasis own it's a yeh though which is a conjunction I walk through which is a preposition for thou which is a pronoun this conjunction preposition and pronoun I am so serious about the word until I I make sure that I don't take it for granted else there's always at least several ways of approach in any text in the Bible that's what you call topical teaching topical teaching is when you think of a idea you like and you go to the scripture to find a text to match your subject what we normally do with that is I sujeet the text instead of exigent which you mean you read into the text your own belief instead of pulling from the text what the Holy Spirit has deposited into the text as quiet as it is kill you can make the Bible say what you wanted to say I can actually show you in the Bible where it's right to kill yourself Matthew chapter 27 verse 5 the Bible said Judas went and hung himself Luke 10 37 jesus said go and do likewise John 13:27 said what you do do quickly because many times when we approach the text we don't come empty-handed we bring baggage to the text we come to the text with our own preconceived ideas things we picked up from other folk stuff we heard from songs some we got from unbiblical literature we bring baggage to the text our culture setting in when we read the Bible it is quite as it is kill our culture play a great role in what we see when we read white America can see the same passage you see and see something totally different they sing the song when the roll is called up yonder I'll be there we sing the same song but don't call the roll till I get there so we have to be careful with textual teaching and topical teach and textual teaching is always wonderful because you teach what you see right before you but even a textual teaching sometimes you can error because the Bible was written in his original Hebrew and Greek languages and it was changed to our King James modern language in the Hebrew and Greek languages there are twelve thousand words in the Bible and our English translation they're only six thousand words meaning that when it was translated from the original Hebrew Greek to our English language they had to duplicate some words to put twelve thousand into six which means that you will see some words that spell the same way but have different meanings Matthew 28:18 and Jesus came and speak of them's and all power the weak word is ex or seer which mean Authority acts one and eight say ye shall receive power spill the same way with the Greek word is Dunamis when you get the word dynamite Ephesians six and ten finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power the Greek word is Crete us that's demonstrative power you spell the same way but have different meanings for instance as a passage in the Bible that's in all three of synoptic writers is when Mary comes to Jesus and she washes his feet with her tears and wiped them with a hair it looked like from the textual standpoint that mayor just showed up and started crying and had enough tears to wash the feet of Jesus but when you look at it from the cultural standpoint you know in that day they carried with them tear bottles that every time they would cry they would catch the tears and put in a bottle if they was grieving they would catch grieving tears if the hearts was broken they would catch brokenhearted tears mayoress tear bottle filled up and once a tear bottle filled up she found Jesus and what you found Jesus she poured all of her tears at his feet meaning she was pouring all of our problems at the feet of Jesus and then then this that's what you call expository teaching expository teach and deal with interpretation which you mean you find out what the Bible is saying it didn't deal with investigation you find out what it means and then it did what application you find out how you fit into the text because whenever you read the Bible it is like standing in front of a mirror and when you stand in front of a mirror you don't see the person down the street you see the ones standing in the middle and because of that every word is important every comma is important if a question mark is important every semicolon is important for instance whenever you see a comma it mean rest period second chronicles chapter four verse eight say with trouble on every side comma that means when God's in trouble he lets you rest before he said some Oh trouble huh said we're trouble on every side comma yet not in distress semicolon semicolon is used in place of appearance which means a long extended period of time mean that when God sends trouble in your life he give you a long rest period before he sin some Oh trouble whenever you see a question mark only you can answer that talk to me somebody sums one sixteen verse 12 what shall i render unto the Lord for all this benefits towards me now can't nobody answer that but you because don't nobody know what God has done for you but you whenever there's an explanation mark the word prior to that should be emphasized louder for instance matthew 23:23 one to you scribes Pharisees hypocrites right afterward hypocrite that's the explanation mar it should read like this one to you scribes Pharisees hypocrites it said for you pay tithes mint or NISS and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy and faith this you ought to have done and not leave the other undone here's what Jesus was saying Jesus and during his stay tied and was so common till even hypocrites were tied but here's what he's also saying when you fail to tie you fail to equal up to hypocrite and I'll put you all to sleep in here and because of that words are important scholars scholars say when you study the Bible that you seek the verbs in the text because the verb is where the action is for instance in Genesis chapter 3 verse 6 there are four verbs in that verse is say when the woman saw it up on the tree to be desired to make one wise she took that's very member - she did eat that's real number three and she gave that's very number four a look became a lusts a desire became a decision a choice became a chain a center became a seducer talk to me somebody verbs are important they also say you should seek out the subjects of the text because when you find the subject in the text you find out what the pins Minh had in mind when he pinned what he been and when you find a sentence with no subject you become the subject talk to me somebody because he Fijians chapter 5 verse 18 be not drunk with wine where is an excess be filled with the spirit and since there's no subject in there who should be feel you talk to miss a man should be fill but we must also watch the conjunctions in the text conjunctions in the text is like the cement between the brick walls when we look at the bricks that we watch the bricks but we pay to seem it no attention but it is to cement between the walls that keep the bricks in order it is the conjunctions in the text that keep the center's flowing and in order and their different kinds of conjunctions and our rush to the text that's what you call a contrast conjunction which mean the sillas is going in one way but when you get to the conjunction it will send you another way for instance Romans 6:23 the wages of seeing is there but gift of God is eternal life if sin you another way Jonah chapter 1 verse 1 2 3 and 4 reads like this now the weather the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amon tyre saying arise go to Nineveh that great city and cry against it for their wickedness have come up before me verse 3 but Jonah rose to flee on Natasha we're down the chopper found a ship bore Natasha Peters fair there are went down with them and etosha from the presence of the Lord verse 4 but God that when you but head in one direction God got another book to send you another way and it's a conjunction but it is a connecting conjunction it connect what has just happened to what's getting ready to happen for instance John 14:16 and I will pray the Father that he will send another comforter now all three of the god heads is in John 14:16 and I that's the son will pray the father that's the father that he will send another comforter that's the Holy Ghost it is a son who praised the father to whom he pray the Holy Ghost for whom he prayed he said listen you can have all three but as a conjunction connected there and a matter of fact a conjunction connect the promise with the principle most of us we like to ride in on the promises of God but we try to violate the principle if you don't apply the principle you will not experience the promise preached from Ray and the principle is in verse 15 watch this if you love me keep my Commandments talk to me somebody now if you plot abide by 1516 is a sure win if there's a conjunction but it's a condition in conjunction which mean is based upon how you respond matter of fact if you're still in John 14 if you're back up to verse 14 he said if you ask anything in my name peace I'll do it Oh y'all here he says all just if you just acts in my name I like it because when God answered prayer he approaches it different from anything else because sometimes when God get ready to bless us he send other folk to do it for us when he got ready to bless Israel he sent Abraham when he got ready to lead Israel he said Moses when he got ready to march Israel he sent Joshua when he wanted a fighter for Israel he sent Samson when he wanted wisdom for Israel he said Solomon when he wanted a singer he sent David when he wanted patience he said Joe when he wanted vision he said Isaiah when he wanted a weeper he sent Jevon behind when he wanted a prayer he said John talk to somebody but when it get ready to answer our prayer he don't send nobody he show up himself that will I do therefore therefore is a conjunction whenever you see therefore if you back up a little to tell you what is there for y'all don't hear better I got a rush to the text that is a conjunction in verse 4 it said yay so here's what the summers are saying he said listen the Lord can be your shepherd you can be grazing in green pastures you can be positioned by still water so you can be so good until your soul has already been restored so you can actually be in the path of righteousness and still have to encounter a valid too many times we think we are excluded from Alice but can I tell you there's a valise somewhere with your name on it yeah it's higher and whenever the violence show you have several choices you can act like it doesn't exist you can say I'm not going to claim it talk to me about it but if it's that you may work on claim it if it's that just accept the reality of the matter because valleys they are ordered by the Lord some study seven verse 23 set of steps of a good man they're ordered by the Lord the Lord he select our balance he measure our Valis but I like it because he also control our vanna's that's some things you will never learn in life until you get in your Valley because number one your valley will show you who your friends are you got all the little fellas come on I'm your friend I'm your better they hadn't seen you in the valley yet no no you you'll find out who your real friends are when you get in my face you can count all your friends on one hand and have two or three fingers left over Valis will help you to know who you are because sometimes we don't know ourselves always good not to say what I ain't gonna never do maybe you ain't been in a valley yet you've been in the valley you'd do a whole lot of stuff you said you would never do mad fat person don't want you to know it the reason they ain't here tonight because they've been a Nevada palace will send you the church that is we'll have you on your knees that is what have you readin Bible at 2:00 in the morning do I am a witness Valis hip you find out who God is because sometime we act like we know him you don't really know until you've been through some stuff people respond different based upon where they are you can get this podium and put three pots of hot water here put three different items in the in the water and get three different results get one pot of hot water put an egg in it hot water will make it hard get another pot of hot water and put vegetables in it hot water will make it Sol get another pot of hot water and put coffee in it it will flavor the house get some people and put them in hot water they get ha they become hateful lowdown connivers but some hot water they get solved they crawl up in a corner somewhere and start singing the blues but you can put some folk in hot wok their flavor the house they will say I woke up this morning with my mind stayed oh Jesus Doyle a witness God selects certain people he can trust with trouble he can't trust everybody with trouble some of if you go through what your friend has gone to talk to me sever you take a gun and blow your brains out but there are others can said though you sling me yet will I trust in a witness accept the reality does an ally secondly I need to announce my response since I'm in there what am I going to do texture that's three frames you need to do number one he's I'm gonna walk now some people would prefer run let me run through it and get over as soon as I can blouson now now when you run you make too many mistakes when you're on you fall fast piece of butt walk because when you walk you can see more and anytime God put you in a valley he wants you to see something about on a top tip in his half he wants you to see and sometime it takes some of us a long time to see it some people can see as soon as you get in there others that take years to be able to see it he's I'm going there was by walking I'm not standing steal the Walker didn't mean I'm moving forward maybe slow my movement walking also me I'm going some way y'all don't like me tonight but look and also me I'm leaving some folk behind me cheer buddy it started with it was not designed for them the stage you try to carry somebody with you that's trying to carry you down don't let nobody pop on your mind and they not paying you in and you got to write them an enriched and notice say you can't park here I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm a walk do I have a witness that was I'm gonna keep on serving every thing don't look good for me but imma keep serving the scared lives my name but I'm gonna keep serving it doctor said don't look do it but i'ma keep serving talk to me somebody don't feel good this morning but I'm keep on serving do have a witness here yeah Romans 8:37 say were more than conquerors who Pernik on the greek word piccata is a compound word who were mean under it means yeah under the cow mean to caca it come from the idea of people in the Olympic rays they would scale the mountains some would fall by the wayside someone get almost to the top and quit but if you made it to the top they raise your hand and say you are a cockerel and go back down next time they put a load on them go back up that mountain some would fall under the pressure of the load summer get almost there and quit that give up but if you made it to the top with a load oh they rate your hands are you more then a proctor some people do all right if they ain't got no load but can you make it what a load on you got any hip in this house huh yeah number one I'm going secondly I'm not going to fear fear messes your fear canceled visions fear make your turn in your resume fear give your ulcer in the stomach fear put tears in your eyes fear we'll fix it well you don't hear what you need to hear fear will have your knees knock it talked to me somebody fear and think no rest in the same heart if fear is that a thing that if it does that fear is not that talk to me sir matter we walk not by sight but by thieves you see see see sight will have you feeling out an application applying for a job but faith will have your cash in your first check site will have your plan for student loan but faith to have your walk in the stage get your degree sight will have your plan for a home loan faith will have you moving in the house site will have you going up for surgery but faint will have you back home heal my god any hip in this how upset and and that's 365 fear knots in the bike I don't know if you know not but that's 365 days in the year so that's a fear not for every day of the week so ain't got the same today is fear not till tomorrow I can use my days fear not and when tomorrow come I can a learn further Morrow doing a witness number one I'm gonna walk number two I'm not going to fear number three I'm going through I didn't make it up is right in the text huh not some folk when they tell you great fun I'm going through but that's good that mean hang on Steve way and now because remember yea though I walk through tough to me some idea is a preposition a those patterns as their preposition is a preposition which mean Wham now is not where I'm goin up she folks how to tell ya that that's a period in life it ain't no period is a come talk to me somebody and come Amin impose in that pocket y'all don't like men juju 24/7 now we're normally now it's an adverb but in do 24 is a conjunction now unto which is the preposition prepossession and then him which is a pronoun but it's an objective pronoun next word is that was as a pronoun but as a subjective pronoun in the English language is rare that you have objective in subjects it together is either I'll never bow vir and so I have some problem with it so I decided to look at it from the Greek text and to read like this all that stuff am in there it just said him evil look at somebody tell em hear me I don't care what you're going through him here I got leave y'all up hell yeah love enough number one except the reality of the valley then announce my response in the valley but finally I must acknowledge my resources because I'm not in there by myself I've got some resources is there far sow in the time you find text with tension in the text you can back up or go forward the Bible will explain itself let's go up to verse 5 thou preparing a table there is that let's back up to verse 3 he restoreth my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake let's back up to verse 2 he make me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still one let's back up to warn the law there is the law you know him don't ya that came from nowhere stood on the platform of nothing reach back soon no way and called something while standing oh nothing the law that that painted the sky blue without you then a stepladder the Lord took any turn brush set and painted a rainbow in the sky took the rainbow weaved it over the shoulders of a dime stone the Lord they gave the hyena his life gave the dog his bar gave the worm its wiggle gave the be its bull the load the tide of bow tie around the turkeys neck the Lord that taught the kangaroo how to harp the Lord that whispered in the ear of the wild geese tell him when to leave the North Pole and give him Lenin rights now South he said thou art with me never got a witness hair now you know the Lord changes his position that whenever you get in trouble as long as things are going well he's leading us that in verse 2 he lead me beside still water and verse 3 he lead me in the pan the right of this earth when I get it really together he get behind me surely goodness and mercy shall follow me but when I get in my ballet he's not ahead of me noisy behind me but he's right with me you know I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for thou art with me can I tell what they mean that many in my belly I got the Lord's presence a hat shall present one time if you got his present uh-huh who can mess with you if you're in the presence of the Lord if you have his present what demon can override you what sickness I can take you out what cooker can destroy ya just his predator alone is another but a god is prelate sir I got his protection that he got our power don't have a witness here he got off I gotta quit y'all got our power in his hand oh not only Spezza de not only protection uh yeah I got his power and then I have his promise uh listen what is Hera I will never leave you now will I forsake you come hell or high water the car I said Wonewoc will ya Juanito your head what he got to have a witness hell I'm out of here I've held your long enough you know in the English language that's three person the first person the second person that had presenter first person is the one that's talking that second person as the one is talking to third person there as the one is talking about in verse 2 he's in a third person ha ha ha he make me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still water at verse 3 he's in the third person ha ha ha he restore my soul he lead me the path the Rastas horse namesake uh but in verse 4 ah he's in the second person but that I with me here it is and I'm out of here as long as you're on the heel you're talking about the Lord as long as you in green pastures you're talking about Emma it's long you're on the right path you're talking about him but when you get in your valley instead of talking about in there you start talking to them just sit one hand I say neighbor I got one thing to tell you ah Shasta a little talk with Sheila oh won't it make everything everything everything halleluyah halleluyah look at somebody I promise I gotta go catch him by the head just one moment sunny but you're standing right by me but you don't know all the hell I had to go through lately so had to go through hell and high water but telling neighbor the reason you don't know about it tell me cuz I don't look like what I've been through that all the stuff I've had to go through I still have my joy oh this joy the shower dad I have a the Wow ah do give it to me
Channel: Katrina Booker
Views: 885,561
Rating: 4.5943351 out of 5
Keywords: lillygrovembc, psalm 23
Id: tW05dhp7Q7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 13sec (2833 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 27 2014
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