Pastor Jamal Harrison Bryant--I'm Significant

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proverbs chapter 10 proverbs chapter 10 but I want to consider verse number 28 we're continuing our sojourn chronicling the life of Joseph particularly in this bed season to see if they are aspects of his life I will bless us for where we are in our lives before we move into the world the word let me thank God for the presence of one of the daughters of this ministry Reverend Jasmine Mackenzie visiting here from school from Chicago Illinois glad to have you here proverbs 10 verse 28 as that you would read silently has allowed I read aloud the prospect of the righteous is joy but the hope of the wicked come to nothing the prospect the possibilities of a righteous is joy but the dreams of the wicked never manifest want you to go backwards to Genesis chapter 40 Genesis chapter 40 and I want to eliminate for our understanding verses 4 and 5 the captain of the guard assigned them to Joseph as the cup bearer and the beggar and he attended them after they had been in custody for some time each of the two men the cup bearer and the beggar of the king of Egypt who were being held in prison had a dream the same night let me say this to you the Lord can give to people a dream at the same time I look at the person as hard and tell them both of us ever dream my dream is not in conflict with your dream nor is it in competition with your dream because the Bible records that each dream had its own meaning each dream had its own meaning you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I pray that this message heal somebody blesses somebody and hopefully deliver somebody how would a preach using has attacked to these texts as a banner subject I'm significant I am significant every person in the building declare that aloud I am significant come on declared again I am significant translation my life matters my life matters now I want you to say this to your neighbor I don't want you determining anybody I want you to declare that to yourself I'm significant my life matters amen recently I had the pleasure of participating in an all-day forum to discuss and dissect the dilemmas that are damaging the development of students within the Baltimore City public school system amongst the findings that this panel was able to unearth is that there is a high disproportionate ratio between students and teachers I found out that 70% of Baltimore City public school students are receiving free lunch which speaks to the financial place of their parents also found that most Baltimore City public schools are woefully behind in supplies and in resources that there is minimal parent-teacher Association involvement that there is a lack and absence of role models that many of the young people in Baltimore City public school systems on average have a reading level two grades behind the grade they're in that they do not have within their grasp and understanding that college is an option or a possibility because nobody in their house or family has ever gone beyond the high school level but they found that the largest alarming statistic is that beyond resources beyond financing beyond teachers beyond all of the things that you think a student needs to be prepared to get to the next level overarching beyond all of that was the damnable piece of low self-esteem the low self-esteem at it's very core is destroying an entire generation low self-esteem can become pervasive in pupils when they are perpetually criticized beaten and ignored the consequences of low self-esteem are depression anxiety stress impaired job performance under achievement and the lack of dreams there are three phases that you will see in somebody who's suffering and dealing with low self-esteem three phases the first phase is the face of an impostor the face of an imposter is somebody who acts happy and successful but is terrified of failure and is unhappy with where their life is they need perpetual success to maintain self-esteem so if any one thing goes wrong they feel as if their whole life has fallen apart the second phase of somebody who's dealing with low self-esteem is not just an impostor but a rebel that is a person who acts as if other people's opinion does not matter that they do not need affirmation they become angry about what it is that they feel and always feel as if they are not good enough they fight against rules and people of authority and anything that is in structure they want to kick against the prick because it is an echo expression of low self-esteem the third phase in low self-esteem is the face of a loser the face of a loser always acts helpless as if they cannot do anything because they do not have adequate support and do not have the wherewithal to pick themselves up they wait to be rescued and saved and if you do not rescue them and save them then they hold you responsible for their failure in case you missed it I'm not just talking about students I'm talking about some grown people who are still wrestling with low self-esteem but it is not mine it is not mine to just echo the sentiments over the symptoms without giving you the prescription for the Cure there are three things that you can do in order to restore low self-esteem the first thing that you have to do is to correct the inner critic you have to correct the inner critic whenever there is a piece of you that wants to give you a cloud of doubt as to what it is that you cannot accomplish about what's wrong with you about what is insufficient or inadequate then before anybody else knows it in the words of Ice Cube you got to check yourself before you wreck yourself that you have to change your own language to yourself of what it is that I perceive myself to be and so no matter what it is that you've heard your entire life you have to tell yourself almost like the broken-down train at the bottom of the hill I think I can and if you're able to tell yourself I think I can you'll begin to believe I know that I can and then you will in fact cross-reference it with scripture I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me I want you to tell yourself as your own critic even now sitting in the sanctuary to yourself there's nothing I can't do so you already sound like you're dejected you already sound like you have been conquered but I want you to declare it as more than a conqueror there's nothing I cannot do come on say it there's nothing I can't accomplish there's nothing I cannot achieve you have to correct your own language when you have it the sound of your own language cheering you on it no longer matters what other people about you or what other people say to you because you have already convinced yourself that greatness is achievable the second thing you have to do after you correct your inner critic the second thing you have to learn to do is learn to celebrate yourself if you wait for somebody else to celebrate you the party will never happen but when you learn that I've come through enough in my life that if nobody else recognizes how much it is that I've come through then I got to learn to celebrate myself the reality is that people in church are confused by you being here by you being here they have no glimpse of what it is that you have survived and adored in your life but the reality is you got a legal right to be crazy you have every excuse to be on drugs right now right now for all intensive purposes you should be six feet under but because you had to fight your way through with nobody had your back when nobody was supporting you when you were broke and nobody could write a check to bail you out but somehow you were able to keep life together without going under you all to celebrate yourself the reality is yours deserve a Nobel Prize you Reserve deserve a Purple Heart you reserved a commendation you deserve a light at the end of the tunnel but because of none of that is coming for you you ought to just celebrate yours I'm proud of me because no one to me that I used to be I would have killed somebody by now I would have shocked somebody by now I would have stabbed somebody by I'm proud of myself no I'm not perfect but I made some progress because if you would have caught me seven years ago I'd be doing something else right now but I'm proud of the progress I've made learn how to celebrate yourself third thing you can do to help get yourself out of low self-esteem is learn to be able to accept help from others you will never get to your greatest point of greatness as long as you think you are your own all sufficiency god never blesses somebody with the total package anybody who has done great things there are some other people behind the scenes who may not have gotten the credit may not have been ever recognized but they help them get to that place and if you think long and hard enough there was somebody in your life who may not have ever given you a dime but they gave you the word you needed at your most vulnerable moment there was somebody who believed in you and to this day they got no idea of how much as they blessed your life but because of a word of encouragement they gave you you refuse to backslide into a place of depression and stress so I don't even know if the person that bless you is still alive but right now I want you to just give God a Handclap of praise for somebody in your life who made a deposit for you to be where you are for the past couple of weeks we've been entrenched in engrossed in the life of Joseph following his travails and his upheavals and his problems going through the vicissitudes of life he's had a whole lot to deal with but but while I've been praying and meditating on the life of Joseph something spoke out to me that I had ignored I talked about all of his pain and all of his trials and all of his family issues and all the favor on his life God kept pulling my coattail Jamal there's something you missing that there's something you don't see there's something that you can't afford to overlook I said God I know this story backwards and forwards I I if you wake me up three o'clock in the morning I can preach about Joseph I can talk about dreams being delayed but not being denied I can talk about when you get to your rightful place not treating people the way that they treated you God I know this text backwards and forward that even if they take your coat they still can't take your joy I I can preach this backward and forward he said yes Jamal I know you can but there's somebody in church who's not Joseph said look look at the text again as there's a whole group of people you overlooking everybody can't be Joseph that there's got to be somebody else in the text and after I read Genesis chapter 40 again then then it began to make sense to me and it jumped up at me at Genesis chapter 40 we find out that Joseph went to jail for something he did not do he went to jail for allegedly raping Potiphar's wife but everybody who's read the text knows that he's not guilty and they sent him to jail without the possibility of parole and the Bible records he's been there for a while but after he's been there for a while you'll notice that two people coming to his cell the two people that come into his cell are a cup bearer and a baker why preach are you telling me about this I think it's absolutely significant for you to note this because in the New Testament they do something different from the Old Testament in the New Testament they always describe you by your issue in the New Testament there was a certain woman who had an issue of blood in the New Testament there was a blind man sitting by the roadside one day in the New Testament there was a paralytic man who could not get into the house but four friends had to lift him up and he had to break through the roof in the New Testament in John chapter 5 there were those who are sitting by the pool of bethesda the lame the Hulk the wizard the the wither the blind in the New Testament your name known by your issue but look what happens on the flipside of that in the Old Testament we don't know their issue we know their gift huh God says I'm putting you in a place where folk are not gonna know what's wrong with you but folk are gonna know you because of the gift that's over you see I'm talking to some people who are gifted but people want to discredit your gift because of your issue and they think because of your issue God can't use your gift but the Bible says he gives your gifts without repentance so even though I got issues I'm still gifted and the people who can't stand you are frustrated because they know all your issues and they think because they know your issues your gift will not work but I got some people in here who know I got issues Monday through Saturday but in spite of all of my issues it still did not discredit my gift stay with New Testament you're known for your issue in the Old Testament you're known for your gift I want you to understand that God is getting ready to make your gift so great that folk will not know your name he says your gift will make room for you not your name so at the end of the day if people never know who you are they'll know you buy your gift ah yes so I'm I was in the airport the other day walking through ha an older woman walked up to me and says I don't remember your name but aren't you preach black man huh yes I said that's me yes you know my gift you ain't got to know my name are y'all ain't talking back to me God God God is getting ready to set up some stuff for you that it don't matter whether folk ever know you are not my gift will speak for me and I'm talking to some gifted people in here who don't care if your name is ever in the paper if your picture is ever in jet but God make my gift so awesome that will know me for my gift without ever knowing my name Joseph has a dream and we know Joseph's dream and is great great dream but everybody's not Joseph why is Joseph so great with a dream when there's a baker with a tray all Joseph had to do was go to sleep the Baker had to go to school so why is Joseph greater because he got a dream when the Baker's got a license because God is getting ready to bless gifted people who've never been to school uh y'all just miss that but because of your gift it's gonna make you go past people who got more degrees than you that's why they don't understand you how you don't gone this far without ever stepping foot on a college campus they don't understand my gift is better than a degree the disconnect the disconnect of all of the people God would have Joseph in jail with why would he have them in jail with a baker this is very important the reason why God put the baker in jail with Joseph is because his dream is about barley but Joseph don't know how to cook he's telling them it can last but Joseph don't know how to prepare it so God connects him with somebody who can bless him in the area of his insufficiency y'all just missed it let me see if I can help you there's somebody sitting on your roll who's got the expertise the talent and the gift to help your dream come to pass but you think you too bomb cuz you got the dream but you don't know what you're doing but there's somebody connected to you you don't even know who I put on your roll I put somebody on your row who can help you get the finance I put somebody on your row who already tried what you trying to get through I put somebody in your section who knows somebody who can get you an appointment and the interview that's why I know where you gonna come to church and not speak to people I might be your Baker how dare you walk past me I'm connecting you to somebody who's got the skill set to help your dream come to pass and so on no uncertain terms it is Joseph's dream is good but it will be incomplete without the Baker he needs the Baker for the dream to come to pass and so the Baker says listen Moses why you write in Genesis don't put my name in there you ain't got to put my name down write down my gift because I'm so secure because I'm significant God can I tell you that heaven is now recording your gift that there is something inside of you just go help the kingdom get to the next level and one you understand that God has made a deposit in you you ain't gonna let folk talk to you in a kind of way treat you in a kind of way because I know what my gift is I bring something to the table don't don't look at your neighbor just tell yourself I'm significant you see it is the Bible says Joseph has been in jail and sometime later hi as verse 1 Genesis 40 sometimes later he brings a cup bearer and a baker all right the baker prepares him the cup bearer serves it hi-yah Oh Joseph does is dream about it but he goes through a season with nobody but when the season of being alone is over he does not get random people who will not help the dream who got sins into his life people who got the skill set and the ability to make the dream happen now I think I just lost you can I help you how God is getting ready to send two people in your life who you've never met before who's gonna help your dream manifest ah look at your neighbor and say are you the one or should I look for another eye God God God is getting ready to send two people into your life who know how to get done what you trying to get done and I got open doors for you that's why the Bible said don't you shout by yourself but if two or three are gathered together in my name one of them is gonna help you and the other one is gonna serve it for you if you can get somebody to shout on your behalf help my dream be seated please God somebody say preacher black man you may be seated watch this hi says I'm sending two people who you've never met before who you've never seen before they in as bad shape as you are but they're gifted so just because they're going through a season of struggling don't underestimate them because when they get out of the jam they're in they're gonna be able to bless you god help me I feel something getting ready to break in here find somebody in here you don't know and tell them I can bless you I can be sure I know I don't look like much I don't have so much right now but if God ever gets me out of this I'm gonna bless some folk who around me got a problem I'm gifted I'm significant my life has meaning but I'm locked up what happens when you got the support you got the resources you got the gift and God won't let you go for it how god says I I need to see if you can get along with people when you're stuck in a situation you don't like see is is easy to speak to folk how when everything is going okay how but can you be nice to people when you're unhappy with your life can you still celebrate somebody else when your life is going through hell ken can you praise God when you see them get out before you but you know your time is still coming you see it why how to cut back cupbearer and the baker locked up Sinnott ex they are locked up because both of them offended the king they dropped the ball didn't do their job right God sometimes when you live outside of his will won't say a word to you but will start locking stuff up I don't I don't know where you are I don't know where you are in the sanctuary but but recently you've been here and stuff lock up on you stuff you were able to usually depend on and count on all of a sudden doors been shut for who you ain't never done nothing to all of a sudden they trying to plot for your demise and for your downfall stuff is locking up on you you don't even know how them checks are bouncing you did everything right that you thought should be right but God started shutting doors see how you would respond how you would act and the baker and the cupbearer go to Joseph and say Joseph you a man of God we offended the King we sinned we messed up we only want to know one thing from you after we sinned after we messed up after we offended the King after we've fallen short of the glory I just want to ask you preacher one thing can my dream still come to pass I know I am preaching everybody but I'm I'm preaching maybe the nine of y'all over here who've been trying to figure out after the abortion after the divorce after the fight after you cuz somebody else after you won tithing can my dream still come to pass huh I know I don't have the way I should have I know I don't read the word like I should I I know some Sundays I skip but preach all I came to know was Ken Ken my dream come to pass and I come as the priest of this house to tell you whatever dream God gave you he knew you were gonna mess up before the dream and he sent me to tell you at this 11:30 service your dream is still coming to pass god I don't know whether you need to hear that so let me announce it again your dream is still coming to pass huh maybe I ain't talking to you your dream is still come in the past oh oh my god huh I want you to just tell yourself my dream is coming to pass everything God told me years ago everything he promised me everything he showed me in the middle of the night if you are not intimidated to just a clam prophesy to the atmosphere my dream is coming to pass he see them Joe when where my dream come to pass been waiting a long time struggling a long time suffering a long time living without a long time and Joseph said if I'd be a man of God your dream will stop manifesting in three days uh-huh I don't know how many of you are gonna be able to receive how'd that Rhema word but God told me to tell some dreamers in the building have that three days from this very hour some stuff that you forgot about God is gonna start opening up doors for you I I don't know where you are but God said your phone is gonna ring stuff is gonna come in the mail people are gonna be knocking on your door the job that you forgot about in three days we see that I'm preaching to you I'm preaching to the dreamers three days from now huh your dream is gonna come to pass how but he said watch it watch it in three days on the same day that your dream starts coming to pass in three days something is gonna die shucks I don't know where you are but something immoral illegal illicit that you have been connected to God said I am cutting it off from you did you not even go miss it you not even gonna think about it he said the habit that you had in secret I'm cutting it out of your system in three days something has gotta die be seated please Scott huh says has got to come to play he's got to come to pass how because three days is an overview of what happens in the life of every believer how day one something has got to be crucified day two something has got to be buried but day three something has got to get up huh in case you missed it I want to speak a word to every person who's got an open ear anything that died the first nine months of the year Goss ago by eight flowers ashes to ashes and dust to dust but God said if you really loved it and you want it back give me one more day and everything that people didn't think was gonna survive I'll lift it back up again see some of y'all think I'm talking about people but I'm talking about your dreams I'm dumb bout your hope on tumblr you're 90 gossiped is all getting up from the ground because if I be lifted up I'll draw all men unto me in three days he says to the cup bearer washes you will be in your rightful position because you do not belong in the situation you in you to God for this and nowhere in the world you should be disappointed and struggling like this is too much favor on your life to be begging people every month to help you with the rent and the Cardinal I'm not favors who in your life says I'm in three days shifting your position where you will not be around people but in three days you will be sitting beside the king now some of y'all I don't want you to miss it how because I'm not talking to you about tangible and material stuff but three days from when you wake up you are going to be in such a deep spiritual place how did you gonna feel like the Holy Spirit is on your lap ha that he walks with me and he he talks with me see some of us have matured to the place where we're looking for cars and clothes and money I want a fresh anointing to fall on me when I wake up in the morning I want to feel the power of God resting said three days from now the Kings hand high will be in your hand I hope you all are ready for this God is getting ready to usher you into such an intimate place of worship how did you not go need anybody to pray for you how about that when you pray you're gonna be able to hear God's force by yourself I'm talking to those of you who got some unresolved issues how God said if you were just lay prostrate if not people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face then I will hear from heaven and I begin to heal the land I'm talking to those of you who've been fasting and haven't been getting an answer God said I'm getting ready to come into your living room like a rushing mighty we and he said I'm damn ready to bear be back the enemy so that no weapon formed against you shall be able my place is not with people my place is to be in the presence of the king I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord oh my god I don't know where you are in this building but I want to tell you how that God has given me to do something supernatural how that even when you felt like you were by yourself God is getting ready to walk around your apartment got in the middle of the night is wiping invisible tears from your eyes God has taken 30 pounds of stress off of your chest and off of your back because your hand is in his hands three days something has got to die your low self-esteem has got to be dead by Wednesday God has give me to give you the confidence that you can jump over troops that you can run through walls God is getting ready to supersize your faith that you gonna be convinced there's nothing I won't be able to accomplish nothing I won't be able to do if God be for me Helius I'm closing here since the Joseph Joseph says to the cupbearer and the Baker you used my gift you used me I only want you to pay me for it all I want you to do is remember me I'm talking to 1,200 of you who've been used where your gift has been prostituted folk used you for what you could do but really didn't want you because after they got that your gift they threw you back and you felt empty and vulnerable and alone and wanted to know God what did I do wrong and God said he won you it was from people who weren't used to being around other gifted I know I took the long way home the cupbearer and the baker worked for the king so the people who used Joseph were church people the circles getting smaller so I'm talking to those of you who were wounded at another church by people who took your gift but didn't take you and because of that you've been limping trying to figure out can I trust people who claim to work for the king and every time I try to open myself up they want to take everything and spit me back says the cup bearer enter the Baker do me a favor I'm mad I ain't hatin you gettin out before me it is and you're not as gifted as me but you got out first if you ever scratched your head trying to figure out how people who don't have your talent don't have your gift don't have your unknown ting but they seem to be going past you and you saying something is wrong with this picture how in the world is God letting this happen the reality is they wouldn't even be taffy wasn't from me and Joseph hurt then from God what you said to the Baker what you said to the cupbearer I'm saying to you don't forget me I'm the one that gave you this gift don't forget me I'm I'm the one who opened this door don't forget me you are really not that bright you are not that cute don't forget I was the one that woke you up this morning and and started you on your way you say him preacher why you telling me that I'm telling you that because so many saints come down with amnesia and they forget what God has done for if you remember what God has done you don't need nobody to pump you up you don't need no choir no praise team to get you in the right mood all you got to do is think about what God did and say I shall never forget what is done for me God has not forgotten me my gift on my dream and I'm trying to figure out why the reason why is because I'm significant if I didn't matter I'd still be in that jail but because he brought me out you knew he was not finished with me yet see some of you are looking at me like Alice in Wonderland cuz you ain't never been delivered from anything but if God ever brought you out of something and you know it had to have been God that brought you out of it that is confirmation for you I must mean something to God cuz he didn't let me die and what I was I'm finish be seated I'm supposed to right here open the doors of church get people to join that's what I'm supposed to do but I got to do something else because everybody in here's not a Joseph I got some Baker's I got some Cup Paris who got a dream but also I have low self-esteem don't love yourself don't like yourself don't even look at yourself in the mirror but God in three days is giving you the ability to love yourself again a person who done love themselves it don't matter to them who they sleep with person who don't love themselves then have self-esteem will settle for any job person with low self-esteem will think what they have is the best they can get but when your self-esteem is intact it's not that I'm arrogant it's just that I'm assured I'm worth more than this where you are in this building you're gifted you got a dream but you know for yourself you are battling you're fighting low self-esteem and people around you can't tell they don't even know how unhappy you are maybe you way in the face that you just rebel against everything maybe you've taken on the mask that you're always gonna be a loser but you don't want to go out like that you want God to give you yourself esteem back and your faith is crazy as such that you're trusting God to do it in three days wherever you are issue I want you to stand right where you are right where you are you're fighting through low self-esteem even right now cuz a low self-esteem I'm eating all night when I'm not even hungry low self-esteem soon as I get in the car got to be on the phone talking to somebody I'm like my own company low self-esteem cuz I don't even not anybody take myself out without feeling strange or uncomfortable how folk don't look at me when it's just me question is how you lookin at yourself when you just got you it is you can be married with low self-esteem you can be absolutely gorgeous with low self-esteem you can have blown out every test known to man and still not have confidence and who you are in the dream that God has given you there's still five more you didn't need to stand come on wherever you are wherever you are this is your moment this is your day this is your would you lift your hands those of you are standing lift your hands I don't want you to bow your head because I don't want your head down another day in your life I want you to be able to look people in situations in the eye because you understand who you are lift up your hands wave them draw attention to yourself I'm intimidated by people looking at me God is making my gift great this is the last day people will know you for your issue the next time they see you all they'll know is how gifted you are because God has made a deposit in your life look at me please sir please ma'am what your hands lift it Joseph got all the glory but the banker at least made the book I want you to know that while you're standing you've made the book that God is so proud of you six months ago a year ago no way in the world would you stood in front of all of these people you don't even know that why you were standing God was adding self-esteem back to you you used to be self-conscious but God is now raising up a standard of excellence over your life your hands are lifted I gotta take away the last mask which is a would a loser which makes you feel somebody gotta come rescue you so different than what you thought I'm not gon pray for you I'm not gonna come lay hands on you I'm not calling you out I'm not anointing your head with oil because you gotta get to the place where if I'm in trouble I gotta learn to fight for myself and when Joseph had been there for a while the Lord said to people who would be in the same situation with him to support him in his darkest season in 30 seconds from now two people who are sitting around you are getting ready to embrace you one of them is a baker the other one is your cup bearer but they're standing with you to let you know you are not in this by yourself that even if I give bless before you I'm still gonna cover you I need wherever my bakers are wherever my cup bearers are I need two of you to just embrace somebody around you tell them I got you look at me I tell them you are significant your life is worth something wherever you are come on clap your hands would you come on clap your hands I bet you can do better than that I prayed for you you prayed for me I love you I need you to survive with the words I love I need you to somebody around to you pray for me I love honey you too everybody say hi I won't harm you with words from my mouth I love I need you to look at your neighbor you prey on me are you I need you to just look at your neighbor tell him I need for you to survive you're too significant I need you to make it through this you are too
Channel: Chip Dizárd
Views: 457,313
Rating: 4.7864475 out of 5
Keywords: Empowerment, Temple, Jamal, Bryant, Preaching, Baltimore, Maryland
Id: dqvGZ03wkrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 11sec (3071 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2006
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