Pastor Jamal Harrison Bryant--A New World Order

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everyone stand if you're golden The Book of Proverbs go to the Book of Proverbs even now go to the Book of Proverbs even now when a direct retention of proverbs 18 proverbs 18 verse 16 we begin last week in studying the life of Joseph and we want to pick that up on today and probably carry it out throughout this men season because I think there are some things in Joseph's life their profiles for us what it is that we're going through even now proverbs 18 verse 16 let us declare it together a man's gift maketh a room for him and brings him before great men come on declare it again a man's gift all right as that you will now go to Genesis 41 Genesis 41 verses 39 and 40 I won't you've read silently as I read aloud then Farrell said to Joseph since God has made all this known to you there is no one so discerning and wise as you verse 40 you shall be in charge of my palace and all my people are submit to your orders only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you your gift will make room for you and bring you before great men you may be seated in the presence of the Lord Amen ambassadors you can let all of our shoppers in but now I want to preach teach instruct impart using as a Fame a new world order a new world order look at the person beside you and say he God is setting up look him in the eye tell him God is setting up a new world order and his plan includes you if you believe it I did a clap your hands even right now a new world order on the eve of elections our community is presently bombarded with questions many ex-felons who are disenfranchised because of past indiscretions want to know why after paying their debt to society how come they still don't count african-americans in this state find themselves stone in this general election as to whether or not they ought to vote for a black Republican or a Jewish Democrat a black Republican who poses with puppies but hasn't done anything for people the same man who refused to speak out about integration in a private golf course using as an excuse how does it affect him when he doesn't play golf the same one who did not oppose a President Bush during the war in Iraq and has no voting record for us to analyze while on the flip side we have a candidate hand-picked by the Democratic Party to single-handedly for the efforts of quasi and fumet when he invested and announced nine months before his predecessor until the winner finds themselves in a place of responsibility many people on that the average street corner beauty salon and barbershop are asking themselves will my vote really make a difference and will we see a realizable impact for whoever is in that position in a gubernatorial election we're forced to ask ourselves do we still believe who's gonna make the investment and the sacrifice so that we become a city that reads and not a city that bleeds do we want what has happened in the educational system in Baltimore to trickle down into all the schools across the state of Maryland who will develop not just waterfront property but will develop people so that they can own their own property is there any real advancement beyond the Inner Harbor and Johns Hopkins so that the people who are living every day trying to in fact just pay B G and Bill's will see a difference within their lifetime how will we see a real impact and difference so that Baltimore does not just become another candidate of baptism for a lost episode of the wire or the corner but that this becomes a city that we can be pleased proud and privileged to live in what governmental practice really speaks to the core and to the synthesis of our people so that we're not just going along with anything that comes along that they will in fact take our votes for granted or assume that we're not going to vote in the first place how then do we tell our young people that voting is important when they cannot find appropriately man the polling stations when they have to deal with pregnant Chad's with our owner president was not really elected but found himself summarily placed in office by a brother who is not accountable how then do we say that the government is really upon the shoulders of God when in actuality it looks like the shoulders must be slouched because the scripture is becoming slower and slower to bear that the last will become first when the Richer are becoming richer and the poorer are becoming poorer in Greek we understand that government literally means to steer or to pilot which suggests to us that without government there is chaos and there is no order government is as supposed to bring a symmetry of understanding and an alignment where there is order even when you date back to where it is that Genesis began in the creation story the Bible shares with us picture escalate that there was nothing and the world was without form and it was void of order and it was void of order until God spoke and when God spoke he who created creeping things and flying things and walking things but none of them had order until he created a man to rule over it in government he gave him them the treatise of government by saying you shall have Dominion and authority do understand my beloved brothers and sisters that the original intention of man was that you would in fact have rulership over your own house that you would have rulership and dominion over everything that you work over something is wrong with the modern day body of Christ we're no longer looking to be in charge but we're looking for somebody to be in charge of us and as a consequence we have co-opted a welfare mentality waiting to see when somebody is gonna do something for us rather than us taking ownership and responsibility to do something up for ourselves how is it then my beloved brothers and sisters when we live in a city that is 72% black that there is no moral outcry about the high and alarming homicide rate that we blame the police department and City Hall but we don't say anything about our own nephews and sons who are the perpetrators until it's somebody in our family that is shot how is it that we have remained silent how when it is that that we have 380,000 young people who are in the Baltimore City public school system but we only have a forty five percent graduation rate where are we going to say something when the average african-american student reads to great levels beyond where it is that they are but they have been socially promoted just to keep them out of the system but every Sunday we just gather in church to give each other high five declare this is my year of supernatural success shout about a car and about a house and about getting a raise but who's gonna raise the standard of living for the people who live in the community who do not understand that there's got to be a bright side somewhere how then do we put ourselves in a place for a new government when the government that we are presently living in has in fact failed us has in fact a degreed of political scientists from Morehouse College I have taken the liberty ha to canvas what are the governmental options that we can look at how the first one that you have to look at that was in fact established is that the government of a feudalism a feudalism if my right says it that you own when it is you reign when you own the property how this was established during the Middle Ages when agriculture was at the key to the economy so if you owned land then you ruled if you owned a significant a part of land then you automatically became a king and all the land that you lived in and onda became a kingdom how this my dear friends causes for us a quintessential problem when it is that that the slaveholders understood feudalism promised us 40 acres and a mule but did not give us land because they understood that with land comes ownership ha this is very important when we live in a city that 64 percent of African American are renters and not owners going diabolically against what it is that God has created us to be because he said you are to be owners and not borrowers huh something is wrong with us when we will go broke and extend our credit for rental furniture rental television leased cars because we don't understand that God created us not to lease or to rent but to owner and to have a possession over so perhaps feudalism does not make sense to you it was in fact in this caveat this landscape that when you owned land you became Hintz a land Lord and so you are the lord over the land that you own but many of us have found ourselves admired in v owns because we do not own anything but we are in fact in rent to somebody who does not care about our well-being so they will give you notice that rent is getting ready to go up and which your silly self rather than looking for a mortgage so that you can own your own home then you will go to your boss and say I need a raise to pay more rent to make somebody else my landlord I didn't expect you to push out today because many of you are renters but I want to convict you before the service is over after feudalism the next level of leadership is the dictatorship and dictatorship ears of the concept that they are ears the leadership through divine authority are driven by personal ambition or private interests it can never last forever because any people who are under a dictatorial reign at some point will become bothered with somebody's foot on their neck how dare you always tell me how I ought to live and how I on address and how I act and how I ought to respond and you would think that African Americans after 200 years of being disenfranchised and being red line I've made to think that they were three-fifths of a human being would somehow shake it off how dare we now in 2006 still shout over tokenism because we've got Condoleezza Rice because we had : power but still we are finding ourselves in a welfare mentality and do not understand nobody can tell me how to vote we've got to tell the Democratic Party you cannot take my vote for granted at some point we've got to have accountability and responsibility woe unto a generation that will go into a poll after it was your great-grandparents that will Lynch from Sycamore trees that had to deal with fire hoses they had to sit in the back of the busing you got the nerve to not vote because you think that it's not worth it and not going to make a difference and you stay home and watch Jerry Springer and as the world turns not knowing that the world is turning without you third level of government after you deal with feudalism and dictatorship is communism communism is that the theory or the philosophy of controlling the land it is in fact a merging of a dictatorship and feudalism by which they put all of the land together and you are not working to be further than anybody else and it's very core it was the Communist intent that they would be able to legislate sharing and love how but you do understand that this is a failed of principle because you cannot force people to have compassion and to have conviction it has to be developed and so you cannot make anybody love you you cannot make anybody give to you when you are in a healthy relationship then you ought not have to threaten anybody to love you by threatening to leave you are not threatening anybody to do something for you because you did something for you but you ought to be so Christ minded enough that I am loving you not because of who you are I'm loving you because God first loved me as a matter of fact the mandate of Christendom is to love the unlovable when you look at your own life and your own lifestyle you've got to step outside of yourself and say how does God love me with all of my issues with all of my mess with all of my failure with all of my shortcomings but I can tell some of you come to church puff up as if you think that God is doing you a favor by blessing you but when you know who you really are I'm not talking about how you pretend to be in church but I'm talking about who you are on Friday night and who you are on Saturday afternoon but God still wet you up every morning you got to say favor is not fair his grace and His mercy propelled me to love you may be seated having you deal with socialism how socialism is at where power is taken away from people and is given to the state how where the state is in fact the central vein for existence and so you do not live for yourself but you live for the institution the problem with many modern-day churches is that many churches no longer live to equip people but churches nowadays are now in existence to keep the standard of the institution so we will spend money to buy buses and the renovate buildings and for fresh coats of paint and to put in new stained-glass windows up when people's lives are breaking down I would rather be in a storefront Church where people are coming off drugs and coming off the street corner then being in a multi-million dollar sanctuary where folk are just trying to be cute and bougie but their life is like hell I don't know where you are but I wish that we could get to a place where we would stop pretending and being superficial and say I'm bleeding I'm hurting there's something broken on the inside and if church is my last stop don't let me come to church just to hear some song and they hear some poem give me the tools so my life can change you may be seated less level of government or structure deals with democracy a democracy Plato calls the fairest of all constitutions about which every man has a voice and has a vote ha in theory it sounds good but it is in fact the rule of for the people by the people and of the people if democracy is in fact what they say it is that it is of the people for the people and by the people then please tell me why 73 percent of all US senators are self-made millionaires please tell me why it is that in order for you to run a congressional election you have to have at least 7 to 10 million dollarz what about the single mother who learned how to balance a budget what about a brother who knows how to make things right when he's gone through a welfare on his own can I tell you that the greatest people who have a voice and can lend some expertise and talent may not have the finances but they have the faith god help me there's somebody who's sitting in here right now that if you would get the job you would do better than O'Malley Shafer smoked y'all ain't talking back to me but because you have not been a part of the governmental system nobody has given you the chance I'm so glad that when I started serving God that God made me to understand that he's not about democracy he's about Kingdom and the reason why he's about Kingdom is because he wanted me to know that when I put you in office so cannot vote you out and the reason why it is that you are the shout today is because if you had to wait for folk to vote on your favor you would never be elected if you had to campaign to get to where you are you would never be in your rightful position but because you serve a God who looks beyond haters looks beyond your budget looks beyond your degree looks beyond your issues you ought to say lord thank you for seeing greatness in me when on the folk didn't see proverbs chapter 18 verse number 16 says your gift will make room for you and bring you in the company of great men how there is in fact a new world order that I'm believing that the Lord is getting ready to introduce to this generation and to this dispensation the order of government is what I want to call meritocracy a meritocracy is a group of people who are elevated based off of their gift and based off of their talent it has nothing to do with privilege or wealth but just because they have a gift they are elevated can tell some of you are slow maybe I'm going too fast 7:30 in the morning but I want you to understand that the shifting that the Lord is getting ready to put in operation God is getting ready to elevate some people just because you are gifted God I know I'm talking to everybody but I I wish I had about 200 of you who know that it is now your season you've been watching on the folk dope-ass you you've been watching on the folk move to the other line but you didn't say anything you weren't jealous you didn't become bitter you didn't become a hater but you wanted to know God when are you gonna do something from me God said I had to let you go through a season of watching other folk get blessed because I wanted you to see that when I bless you it's not because you slept with anybody it's been not because you brown nose is not because you kissed up it's just because there's a gift inside of you I don't know where you are but I'm only preaching to gifted people who know that this is the year that God is gonna love the gifts he's put in me to make room for me be seated I got no contacts but I'm gifted I don't know anybody in City Hall but I'm gifted I didn't pay my dues the traditional way somebody just shout I'm gifted I'm gifted he will be seated you may be seated let me let me let me work my text just a little bit you may be seated just elbow your neighbors say make room for me I make are you sitting too close up on me you you need to make room for me my guests just get ready to make room God is get ready to put me in places I never fought dreamed or imagined I'm too gifted when you study when you study the life of Joseph how you'll see where Joseph goes through level of governmental structure that has failed him he goes through every level of obstruction that has failed him here it is his father puts a coat on him and the coat of many colors represents favor this is very strange because in your inheritance I in Jewish your brand tradition you should not get an inheritance of a goat you should get an inheritance of land but his father does not give him ran because he does not want him to become engaged in feudalism he doesn't want him to think that the parameters of your Authority is just in the land you own but the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the reason why there are so many people who are unnerved by you is because she refused to stay in your jurisdiction they think you ought to just stay in the place in the area where you got a degree they think you ought to just stay in the area that everything your family used to do but do not allow anybody to keep you in a box God said wherever you place your foot that's where your anointing is so you can be anointed at your old job but you gonna be just as annoying when you get to your new job you are anointed when you had a man now you're still anointed by yourself God said no matter where you are there isn't a favor on your life so hey I had to disrupt feudalism his brother gave him an assignment father gave him an assignment go see how your brothers are doing he went to go check on his brothers and so now he's operating of the vain government of dictatorship how to tell them what to do but any people who are frustrated by a dictator will overturn the government and so they're upset that here he is the youngest with favor on his life trying to tell me what to do and they throw him in a pit can I tell you that there are so many people who are up sit with you just because you got favor on you you'll notice is that Joseph does not own land he does not have money the only thing that they hate him for is because of the favor that's on his life I want you to understand you only got one or two options get people to like you without favor or did them the understand you can hate me but I'm keeping my favor so even when folk don't like you you ought to be able to celebrate listen I don't take nothing for the favor that's on my life if you don't want to be my friends fine you don't want to speak to me watch me keep on living but I got to keep the favor of God he gets to his brothers and now he goes into the vein of government of communism and says all of you will work for me you gonna have the same portion have the same title huh but you have to understand you cannot legislate people but to love you cannot legislate people to obey you can't legislate people to fall in line but now he finds himself in prison and when he finds himself in prison he finds himself as the lot of many black men in Baltimore because he has in fact served a time for a rape charge he has now Samara Lee lost his right to vote he is now disenfranchised and so democracy is not an option but I like I like the story of Joseph because I'm so glad his life did not end in jail how about the Bible records for us that while he's in jail he develops a gift and his gift is to interpret dreams and while he's in jail he interprets the dream of a cup bearer and of a baker but that's not good enough he says when you get out of here just in case you get out before me remember me well the Baker goes off and dies but the cup bearer gets his position next to the king and the Bible records up for two years he forgets all about Joseph cannot tell somebody this that so many times you will help somebody with their dream but when their dream comes to pass they'll forget the people who were with them when they didn't have anything you don't need no new friends to show up after you bless I wanna know who was the folk holding me down when I was in a cursed place who was my friend when I was broke who who had my back when I didn't feel like coming to church you don't even understand why I'm shouting now cuz you don't know what I came from but if you solve the nights that I spent and the days that I didn't know where I was going to you won't watch me shout but you'll shout with me saying I remember what they came from two years past and he forgot all about Joseph forgot about Joseph until the king has a dream the King has a dream and he has two in one night and and he's frustrated I can't make out my dream it don't make sense to me he said bring me the professors from the University of Jerusalem brought all of them their tenure there let it their degree they're published but they can't interpret the dream said get me that radio preacher and selling prayer cloth in oil bring him to me I'll give him a thousand dollars can't can't can't see can't see anything give me that parking lot prophetess who prophesied about everybody else's life but but but can't see her own children going crazy and and and her whole life is in shambles and and he's frustrated he's frustrated because nobody who's got degrees nobody who's got title nobody who is published nobody who's got tenure can help them the stream and the cupbearer says I made a terrible mistake I know somebody who's gifted who can interpret the dream for you since it is he a professor at Harvard does he have a book contract no is he on the lecture circuit no has he been on TV in no no is the one that can help me with with my dream he said King before I tell you about him I want you to understand he don't look the part he don't have church clothes he don't know all of the praise songs but but I want you to know his gift and I like what the King says I don't care what he's been through I don't care what he was charged with if he's got a gift bring him to me and I rose this morning to tell somebody that the king is looking for somebody who he can use to make the dream come to pass he said I don't care if you've been locked up I don't care if you're head of divorce I don't care if you had a child out of wedlock bring me your gift and see if I don't work your gifts the Bible says they bring Joseph to the king and the King says I never met somebody as gifted as you Joseph sighs begin the water because he thinks about his own family who didn't believe in his gift he's frustrated because now that he's been in jail Potiphar's wife don't think he attractive no more he thinks about the church who never rode him never came to visit him never even sent him a Bible but now that he been through something he says he I am in front of the king and folk want to know how did I get here you don't have a resume you didn't have a writing sample you didn't have a letter of recommendation how did you get in the presence of the king and Joseph had to look him in the eye and tell him I didn't kiss up I didn't play politics my gift made room for me and I came to declare to this house that the Lord is gonna put you in the presence of important people if you just let your gift the New World Order is meritocracy that you are going to be rewarded because you are gifted ha I don't know where you are how big it is when they brought him out of jail he made up in his mind I'm never going back it is when the King brings you out listen for sound the sound is for the door slamming behind you he says when I put a call on your life when I take you out of something you ain't never going back to God help me I wish I had five hundred people in the building who just heard in your spirit a door just shut so many times we shout about doors being open but you wanna shout that door God just shut a door that you can never go back so because of your gift you he never gone back to living like that you ain't never gone back to not being celebrated you are never going back where you gotta worry about other people's opinion he said when I set you up in this position know that you don't owe nobody button me he said I had to keep you in it long enough so that when you got out of it you knew your family didn't bail you out you knew that did we was not because of some good lawyer the only reason you got out of it is because of the King so when I shouted don't matter to me whether you roll your eyes and suck your teeth I know you wasn't the one that brought me out but it was the king send your feet [Applause] this job how'd I get this position I get to this place your gift made room for you I need you just look at somebody and say move over move over move over move over my gift is making room for me right now I'm sick of being crowded and boxed here my gift everyone is standing you can be gifted and not supported you can be gifted and wounded you can be gifted and falsely accused you can be gifted and lonely Joseph went through all the dead but no matter what place he was in his gift kept making room and in case you didn't hear anything else I told you this morning how much didn't know that even while you're sitting in this sanctuary your gift is making room for you [Applause] kids it is not making room for where you are it's making room for your next position everywhere Joseph win the next place got better oh I don't know where you are today but can can I tell you this I hope you don't miss your shower your next position gonna be better than this your your next place is gonna be better than this yeah I just want to see if you'll remember your gift when you're in a shackle place would you lift your hands right where your
Channel: Chip Dizárd
Views: 132,866
Rating: 4.5384617 out of 5
Keywords: Empowerment, Temple, Jamal, Bryant, Preaching, Baltimore, Maryland
Id: oOW1Md7FWoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2006
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