Extreme Heavy Farm Equipment Recovery

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[Music] well i headed over to work a little bit with randy here today he's got a pattern tile job going on it's early morning obviously but they also got neighbors that it sounds like have a combine and a quad track completely buried up here to the north so now these guys farm about an hour west of us it's in the mid-20s this morning so the the ground is frozen on top but they are way wetter out here than we are back home this is why pattern tile is so popular in this part of the world wow they got the quad track stuck back here too i know it was stuck a lot worse last night from the pictures i saw but they did get it wiggled around anyway oh it looks a lot worse from this side it's a lot more stuck than i thought it was when i walked up did they try just backing out yeah they did i think they even tried going forward both ways twice they got a cable hooked to the dozer right now back to the draw bar on the quad track quad must have been pulling drain card yeah so they unhook the grain cart to pull the combine out and got the quad stuck trying to pull the combine out there's just no bottom here no it's well like you were saying when you're digging here the whole ground around you you can just feel everything moving yeah it's so soft here your army just shakes at least he's straight now straight earth look at that the entire ground just moves underneath him so i believe what he's doing now is he's going to dig behind that right front track try to build more of a ramp so it's not just plowing in it can actually come up the hill as they pull it back so he doesn't think if he keeps pulling it straight it'll it'll pull out of that it's just it's down so far it's just going to keep plowing on yeah and then the tracks tip downwards so it's actually it's plowing the wrong direction yeah yeah right you got to get it to plane out yes yes hear me out here might it be easier to just keep digging push it in the hole and report it as stolen probably and it is red i mean it's always a viable option but we've got a green one over there to get out yeah who's gonna steal a red one but then you can get to work on that green one like you say that's true yeah is that empty imagine they i would assume they emptied it i don't know so now it's flowering again definitely i think we're gonna pull at a sharp angle and try to take a little ramp pull it forward yeah we went backwards now again yeah that whole track there was about this much showing now are danny showing again now they're discussing where to set the dozer they're going to bring the dozer around to the front of the quad track here the ideal angle would be right here but as he pats the ground with the excavator the whole everything shakes right in through here so they're worried about getting the dozer stuck here and having it stuck between the combine and the quad track so well that time it started plowing basically the same way from the front it's just impossible as soft as it is to get that track pulled up and get it on top get real tight for that to go the ground backwards so crappy up here just won't work i think you'll just pull them in worse is there a pipe under this field i don't believe there's anything nope and then we're gonna start digging this up the meantime work on both of them is the is the water table a little high right now he's supposed right here i have pete there this morning oh i had a couple dollars late nights on the way down here so randy's gonna work on digging what he can out from here obviously while they decide how they're going to place the railroad ties behind that three of the tracks are up they just need that one to quit plowing we all maybe should have consulted with michael bloomberg before this whole farming thing got out of hand over here he made it sound easy uh it's just pulling the pulling the ties it's just so soft underneath there's no bottom to it even when they just release the tension on the winch the tractor sinks about four inches and if you sit there and watch it for 30 seconds afterwards you can see it sinking there's just nothing underneath here it's just a sponge almost like he's having issues with the transmission or something something automatic didn't want to move it seemed like so stay up stay up stay up wow it still didn't come all the way out of there so he's going to try and sort of carve a little bit of a ramp that will hopefully make a difference here it's like we keep saying it's so soft underneath but if he can build a ramp they can turn it sideways and get it to pull forward ah the old railroad tie trick [Music] hmm i tried telling them just try going back and forth it'll come out it's got to they got that track up and out of there but randy couldn't spool up fast enough on the winch so we got got into the cable a little bit i'm just going to stay out of the way well the easy one is done one of the big issues with these combines is they don't necessarily have great spots to pull from if you watch a couple years ago that's why we put a mud hawk system on ours luckily we haven't needed it but that would come in handy here one of the biggest problems they're going to have or hopefully not have is that header if that starts to plow mud that's going to be a problem but they can't really unhook it and leave it there because how do you come back and get it i don't know that even after the ground freezes if you could get it leveled out enough here to get that header out of here when he shakes the dirt out of his bucket and i was leaning on the header i could feel the combine move thing is still sliding across the ground i don't think the hydro can move it as packed full of mud as the duals are i just learned a little bit more of the backstory here but they were coming with the combine last night got stuck unloaded got empty and they were able to pull it out with the quad track after they took the grain cart off combine pulled out to go around this area and fell in with an empty hopper quad track came around to try to pull the combine out again and the quad track without anything hooked to it also fell in 100 feet away this is just it's crazy how soft it is everything underneath back to my ranger 570 here that polaris gave us for a couple of weeks just to try out on some jobs it's a little bit smaller than the 1000 that we have obviously a two-seater with an open cab a little bit smaller frame a lot easier to get on a trailer pretty handy you can get a lot of work done with it and well and you can have fun on it too plus i really i kind of like the camo normally i'm not a camel fan that's a lot colder than i wanted it to be i'm not a coffee fan but if i was ever going to drink any right now would be the time i suppose but i'm not gonna i wouldn't be against putting a windshield on this thing for mornings like this then when this crew moves in for a tile job they move in this is only half the convoy they got a lot of equipment out here i think we'll call that part one of this video and by the way i i've never actually mentioned it but you guys have seen me drink the northern chill water it's a higher ph it's right out up here in the upper midwest right out of wisconsin i think the higher ph has helped i know it's helped dad and i think it's helped me too with my heartburn issues i don't know what it is i don't know the science behind it but it's really good water if you guys are interested in trying it they'll ship it right to you you can get 20 off right now using i don't know if becky will put the code right here if it'll be down below but if you're interested in trying it it is really really good water i drink a lot of water try to drink a lot of water and it's good stuff so check that out if you uh if you're interested you planning on laying some pipe yes not pulling anything out i hope not i hope not and i wouldn't mind the viewers would enjoy watching it right it is more nerve-wracking and it's your own equipment can imagine so yeah so here they are working on another pattern tile job which basically if you've seen the videos in the past where i've joined randy on these jobs they are going every i don't know 70 that's less than 70 feet here but basically running a pipe all the way up and down this field and they've got their main line in this field anyway down on the end here so this will am i recording why is that thing on so this will drain all the extra water that's in the soil profile here it's not going to dry the field out it just allows the extra water that can't actually cling to the soil to flush out through through the soil below the soil it actually helps keep nutrients in the soil because then it can hold on to more of those nutrients so basically the idea is it's going to be healthier soil and it's going to be way better yields here because there's not going to be so much water for the roots to have to fight he's digging a hole right now right down to the main line they've got dug in here all the way across already and then randy will pick up right here and lay this pipe in all the way across turn around on that end and i don't know if he'll string it back down or he'll probably survey the way back and he's maybe pulling to the south every time [Music] i'm pretty sure he's dumping water out of the boot like that just from having that boot buried in the ground overnight just so that it wouldn't freeze up they always do that at night he cuts in and buries it to keep it from freezing and it just has that much water in it from being a couple feet under the ground land pipe what's your spacing on this pipe uh 60 60 foot 60 feet okay so that's actually relatively wide it's about as wide as we get okay you lay a lot of stuff on 30 50 40 30 25 even sure yep anywhere from 60 to 25 pretty much and this is is this four inch or five inch this is four inch what's the weight uh at this point it's eight ten because it's one towards the end of the field the end of it's eight so it started as fifteen twelve ten feet gotta get bigger towards the end of the field because it's more water taking mario and normally when you're out we are running it on the coiler so i carry the small pipe on me yeah i was gonna ask about that so we get on nice long straight runs like this uh then it's quicker for him to just lay him out before me so then he just runs the stringer cart he's got he's got he's set up on the same guidance line as i am okay so he just strings it back both directions and then he can say on top of it the plow doesn't have to stop to put a new string on right sure yep so i just plow to the end he's got a cap ready sitting there and then uh back and forth a lot of times we're doing three four five hundred foot runs you know you're kind of you're working the hills in the contour yeah so then it it works way better to carry it but you get on 1500 2000 foot runs like this then it's it's nice to string it up sure seems to me like that spoil that trench is bigger than normal is that trench bigger than normal because it's so muddy out and there's just mud on the boot yeah at least you know sticky it is right i mean it's the the boots about damn your foot wider than it's supposed to be you know so it's just stuck it's just built up and will you come by and close that or the owner will just come by close it with tillage yeah so uh so we brought so we have a trench groomer that he's going to use that goes in the back of a tractor it's like a meatball okay closes it yeah but he'll wait a week let it dry out sure and then close them yeah what is that hanging above the boot there randy on that chain that's a depth gauge for doing mains that's the depth gauge yeah so when you're doing means is defense make sure you're deep enough i don't see any numbers on it or anything correct yeah when those when those are at the ground it's it's that neat okay well i'll take your word for it when you get to spots that are as muddy as this and it starts like the plow is slipping obviously it never stopped moving but it's slipping so have you ever gotten this thing stuck when you're pulling pipe because you can't just raise the boot up no um well yeah quite i mean quite often we get stuck we just goes around the front and maybe a second dozer and maybe a second nose or with an excavator keep pulling the pipe through then as you're pulling it out yeah yep never usually never with small stuff once in a while you might have to hook a dozer on but we're gonna do a big stuff you know we we always have at least one dozer on the front okay just because it pulls that much harder just kind of pulls it hard because where you get scared is if you're pulling mains or uh something really like what we're where they're stuck over there where it's just there's no bottom yeah and then this thing will start going down and i've had it where the tracks are completely under oh man you can see the tracks oh man so then you just get enough iron hook down to the front and try not to spin your tracks like you only want your tracks to move when they're moving you so you don't spin right because every time you spin you just keep going down and eventually it it's always locked its way out we've never we've never had to do any kind of cribbing to get it out or anything i've been pretty nervous yeah i'll bet so there's a cap ready in the end of this pipe so when he strings it off ahead of time oh he closed it so you don't have to crush it shoves the cap in it yep and i can just plow it in so i just wait till it's at the top of the boot and then i drive 10 more feet and then you know it's out yep 10 feet out the back of the boot now you're surveying on the way back you won't trench both directions no just one this job we would have did both directions if it was dry but as wet as we are we'd have too much water following us down the pipe so i'm just doing one direction sure so everything is good now it says good yep so that's flecker in that o203 so at like at noon does that switch to food yes yeah it's really a countdown to dinner time that's what it is right yeah such is life jack i might need your lungs you can't find the you can't find the hole it's a problem there it's right above that depth gauge they got a lot of equipment here i don't even think this is necessarily a big job for them but i know they got the trucks here because they're going to be finished with this pretty soon here and then they'll load everything up and move on to the next job i sure do like it better with the sun out now it's a little bit chilly out there this morning so every time randy takes off and heads back the other direction mouse over here fills the last hole by the time randy comes back to this end dj's got the new hole dug mouse will run the pipe through hook it up to the connection and randy will take off again so they've got the main line there he's got it plumbed in he's got his tee in there the main line is a bigger line that runs all the way from one end of the field to the other as we discussed earlier it gets bigger on that end because that's the direction of all the water flow i'm actually going to hop in the ranger and head down there right now because randy said there's a control structure deal down there where they can control the level of the water coming out it drains a full section so 640 acres are being drained now after this is finished out the end into that control structure i'm assuming this is it this is not it nope this is definitely not it this is uh if you look closely you'll notice that this here is a post you can tell that it's a post because of the way it is luckily this handy little ranger 570 is good at making tight turns so i can just continue back on down the road i was headed on there's a control structure so the water's coming in on this side and basically there's a dam in the middle there that controls how fast it leads and exits here there's a couple extra boards or plates right here sitting on the ground that they pulled out to get the water to flow out a little faster to empty that main while they work on it but all this essentially does is you can control the height of the water leaving the field to slow down the water downstream so that basically you're just controlling the speed at which the water heads downstream to the neighbors or to the to the creeks or as as it continues on down the hill as we'll say and i honestly don't know i don't know here if water goes north or south we're very close to the continental divide right here but regardless it's just controlling how fast the water leaves that 640 acres and how quickly it gets to where it's going from there that make you guys nervous if i'd have dropped you in there we'd have never seen you again cool you know what these boys are busy and i think you guys get the idea what they got going on here i got i gotta get ready for a tax appointment this afternoon so i'm gonna load up and get out of here ah now i'm gonna get mud in my pickup ew all right thanks for watching guys if you're interested in any tiling here in west central minnesota or eastern dakotas check out big stone ag service i appreciate them letting me come out again to do some filming and sick meets i'll link them down below that's whose field we were on this morning when we yanked uh yank the machines out so check out zik meeks meet zick check out zickmeets and uh yeah appreciate them letting me come out here and and video that okay thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 2,600,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tractor stuck, heavy equipment, excavator fails, heavy equipment factory, tractor stuck in deep mud, excavator fail, heavy equipment disaster, tractor videos, tractor rescuing, tractor recovery, tractor stuck in mud, Millennial farmer, john deere combine stuck in mud, john deere, case quadtrac stuck in mud, case, quadtrac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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