8.3 Cummins Threw a Rod in a Combine [EP1]

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lately there's been a pile of informative and super entertaining videos on first starts and revival of old equipment but in all honesty how that equipment was parked for reason it was either obsolete dangerous or just not reliable enough to make a proper income for what that thing was designed to do we don't want that to happen to this thing though that thing it's worth saving needs a little love let's get into it here we go all right this is a 2366 I believe 2366 case combine these are what farmers use to collect all their fruits of their labor their hard work after working up the field planting it praying for rain praying for Sun praying for the rain to stop and then more Sun you need this thing to get your crops off the field unfortunately this thing had a little accident a few months ago I think it's been sitting for the summer six months and that would be an 8-3 Cummins and uncle rod and he came over and said hello you see that that's not supposed to be there so this is actually my neighbor and he stopped the shop seen a couple of comments sitting around it goes hey I need a Cummins $6,000 for new eight-point-three and I said I'd keep an eye out for an engine forum and lo and behold vnr came through once again the best place on earth reg heaven three out of a truck there's a Ford and we actually need that Eaton transmission for our Detroit so we're gonna rip the cab off real quick we were gonna be swapping this 83 now there's a few things to keep in mind this is really high up my cherry picker my forklift won't go this high this combine runs an a pump on it whereas the 8 3 out of the Ford ran a P pump these run a little higher rpm which is why that tends to happen also because you don't get the same amount of airflow over the ride you've got this massive radiator but it's not like transport going down the road with all the air going over so they run hotter terrible conditions dusty and having a connecting rod coming out of number six is not that odd believe it or not what is odd is it coming out of the say drivers side and not destroying the starter on the passenger side so luckily we have a good starter all we need to do is take the sheet metal off and yank this thing out there's Drive on the back we'll figure out how to disconnect that and we'll get into it we'll have to swap the timing cover the pump the oil pan and hopefully the injectors aren't different if they are we're in trouble we'll have to swap the head to which just adds up to more gaskets or more time but we bought the engine and we are well on our way [Music] [Music] engines in good shape so we can take these mounts off what a pain in the butt the other one was so easy oh and it's got a wet line - that sucks and I guess we can torch all we can torch that mount off but I think we're done with the centre bogan anyway so this is an Eaton ten-speed I believe a nice big girl this is actually going in the bus frame with the two-stroke Detroit but it's got a pto like a live pto to drive probably a blower or something and then the hydraulic pump to run a belt system or pull it yeah there it is the pump has a massive hydraulic tank on it luckily they're smart and they put some valves on there so we can close those so we don't spill any oil we'll probably just pull this pump off we've got no use for the pump maybe we can turn this pto around and that can be our front drive shaft make the front tires do a TK an hour while the back ones do 20 K an hour they'll be interesting we'll cut this mouth at the top and then we'll lift it straight up the front you got everything in the front Kevin oh yeah socket so you need a deep 15 16 okay [Music] [Music] they're all loaded up I will put the transmission on my place he's a good wash even though it's mostly just sawdust unfortunately this it would be a pee pump the one on the combines in a pump so we'll see if the pumps just bolt on but more than likely we have to pan you change starter which is why they scrap the truck in the first place hopefully the injector sizes are the same for the lines otherwise we need to swap heads too I don't really want to do that car maybe just injectors maybe just injectors should be able to pop yeah [Applause] so we're gonna drag this thing to my place which is interesting enough because we drag it backwards and plug the steering into the auxiliaries of a tractor capable of pulling it but it gets it's much easier to do with two people I did it once by myself I dragged a combine to be in our scariest two hours of my life and I will never ever do that again of all the dumb things that I've done that was pretty high on the list loader pull this out put them side-by-side swap everything over and then drop it right back in again and then it might need a little little cleaning here she's kind of parked driven hard and put away wet so we'll see what happens with this thing but at the end of this it'll likely be for sale so stick around see whether it's worth it or not so poor somebody was ecstatic when they bought this thing new now it's on the fence as to whether it's getting scrapped or not what we're not gonna let us crap [Music] [Music] all right so we're gonna tow it with the 110 and hook this steering into the auxiliary so one of us is going to steer it the other guy he's gonna tow it real slow what job do you want you can do both so we've both pulled the combine backwards problem is what the axillary the steering does this and it wanders over the road gets very very tricky steering into the auxiliaries how do you disconnect the Hydra sighs okay it's a found Rises free loop and you have one tire backwards because well we took the big tires off and put it on the real combine the leftovers so without it you should technically use a push-pull bar if you go downhill it's gonna kind of freewheel which gets tricky yeah we're just we're only going downhill up my driveway so here we go probably work better if you're moving but you need more than that [Music] [Music] go down tree on the road I think we should creep over to the yellow line when we get closer to the driveway we just pick up the road if nobody's coming just take it nice and wide [Music] all right we got the payload er booked at 11:00 it's almost 9:00 we'll have it out right so these covers have to come off thank you just the mouth during the coolant lifts these flaps up support the hydrous that underneath here his fans off probably take the shroud off and then rather than take the whole rad and tilt the forward is pretty the kind of bangs into a lot of other stuff to see if we can get away with it air compressor we can just take off there's enough hose we can just flip that over and otherwise it's just simple stuff your general mounts now we're gonna leave the hydrostatic or dat the back I'm bolted on the front for a combine or an engine that has overheating issues you think that they would have maybe put the chute oh this way having it straight out rather than a sharp 90 there I think you're exhausting yeah yeah it breaks all time I better call a while you should have a little flex pipe here [Laughter] and all I do magnums 8900 magnums it's anything with the wastegate on it those diaphragms leak and then they leak fast enough there's more force in here hot the intake manifold and it can't feed this line fast enough to make up for the leak and you can see the line here and if your Android valve doesn't open it won't full fuel but you don't notice any difference and now it runs no so all you have to do is take pliers and pinch this off and then that'll keep your your boost pressure up and that's an easy way to tell if this is damaged or not we've replaced turbos before where this came with it and it was faulty from new off and leave it off then show full boost all the time and all over heat yep can't do that either but it's a simple diagnosis ok Kevin took off because it's Saturday want to get this thing out before it snows though so I've got the hydrostatic secured got all the mounting bolts on the housing removed front-mount fan shroud fan took fan off that should be okay laying there might lift it up just for a little bit fuel lines disconnected and I think we're good to go so I took a bar in there I got a little gap in between here so throw a chain over the links and I think I grabbed the neighbors pay loader I don't look the payload is hauling off so I'm gonna take the guardrails off yet and then that's it [Music] if they should've taken all the water out of the bucket first I shower [Music] all right so we're gonna pull the head off we have to pull the head off of the original engine because it is different with the cooler and some other small stuff and we knew that I knew that Kevin didn't want to believe it I told him he's like no just Bolton we're kind of limited to our options with the eight/three because they only come with the peep UMP in the trucks there's no ve so the injector lines are different too so we wouldn't be able to match the bow lines which is if you look at our dozer swap we could still do it with the first gen we can't do that with this now it's after eight which is why there's all on the floor because it slipped off of the forks and an ocular filter off luckily not not much damage a little dent in the oil pan and no broken legs [Laughter] no cameras rolling because the exciting stuff never had always happens off camera but we loosen all the rockers we've got the fuel lines off we've got the fuel lines off to the filter right now it took her turbo lines off so we get the valve cover off and we'll lift that head off I'll get the alternator and stuff out of the way and just to make sure that nothing happened to number-6 head and I Don from the looks of it we're taking bets I'm gonna say the entire head is crap the rod was on its way down so we think it's okay because it was down low this the cylinder is cracked like the sleeves cracked but I think it was on its way down so a few more things we grab the forklift lift the head off and then go from there so the injectors don't have a detent so you can spin if you take the fork out you can try and crack it loosen and lift up underneath otherwise put the injector line back on it and then some pry bars and and lift up this one's been being a pain you're gonna try and do it without but I think just put the line back on it again all right head bolts oh boy want there to be still on here she goes yeah gotta go and oh you're lucky it's in good shape you don't have to spend six grand at the machine shop to fix a bunch of battered good to go yeah even you use the Pistons yeah the we're short a couple push rods ones that one split that one's still okay this one disappeared of him okay check out number five a big scar for like so yeah Wow everything went for on the bottom number five is fine it's spinning big as it should beside mmm-hmm that's oily there that's weird beauty now the big thing is seeing if the pump will bolt on to the other time in case otherwise we gotta cut off the cam dude and all that fun stuff I don't think this cam is coming up no toss it toss it because the other ones we use all the other ones we straight yeah that's it for today I'm gonna do a bunch of other stuff that'll be another week or two before we get back at this next one but we'll figured oh here we go [Music]
Views: 296,924
Rating: 4.9588943 out of 5
Keywords: 8.3 cummins swap, 8.3 cummins in pickup, 8.3 cummins rebuild, case ih combine, case ih 2366 combine, case ih 2366, case ih cummins 8.3, cummins 8.3 combine, cummins diesel, rod knock, cummins diesel mechanic, case ih 2366 combine specs, engine threw a rod, cummins threw a rod, cummins rod knock, combine rod knock, combine engine swap, combine engine in truck, combine engine repair, combine harvester engine
Id: tlR3XgkvU3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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