ABANDONED Boom Lift Hasn’t Moved In Over a Year and Won’t Start

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If that thing has TBI and you dont know what to do with it, why not look into slapping a carb on it. At least it would run and you've got the fuel pump to supply it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
I Drive past this thing twice everyday it's been in the same spot for over a year and there was a for sale sign out at some point so I stopped him this morning and I said what's the story with this mandala and it's a sweet old lady she's about in her 80s 90s the mandala is completely out of place there she goes some guy who went and cut my trees about a year ago and just left his machine there so I tracked down who the owner was I know who he is and what's the deal he goes out won't run I'm like do you realize she called the cops on you already has like abandoned property and wants to get rid of this thing I can't me to see if I can get it started for he goes yeah yeah if you want you can go start that so I'll see if I can get started forget home fix my shingles tell them to fix it it's kind of mean maybe get some of the ladies some of the money back for storage for a year big ugly man yep in a yard and it's fun why not here we go [Music] all right so we got an upright boom and the magic is Oh spark plugs but we got a coil so we can check for spark got a starter so we can crank it over should be pretty straightforward I probably need a few things there's some nuts and bolts laying there and no prop rod painted never a good sign controls oil that's why it won't start it needs one of these things so that would be fuel a little bypass pump here that looks to be fueled it doesn't look great but hook that up see what happens when out of my truck and here we go hey check out battery in get a couple positive cables this one goes to the starter on the engine and this goes to a relay which goes to a fuse which goes to another starter here that runs a hydraulic pump is like a backup when that engine can't run none of these cables are labeled so we got one two power I got one two three grounds another one two three grounds and another one wire going to that positive I need to have the key on the ground controls and luckily that thing is broken where I can just jam some generic key in there and turn it that's great your power there when I pull this on leavers move a little bit so that's good if I hear this fuel pump running I'm getting close because that means I've got ignition the one wire I follows goes back here and that's the ground on the back of the bell housing the other one comes to here so I'll jump this if we got power here those are connected so we'll go to control the control needs to have the switch for whether the controls are being whether the machine is being operated from here or down below needs to be in the same spot I think that's this one so this is probably ah actually I can hear the fuel pump running fuel pumps running so that means we're getting fuel it probably means we have ignition and I'm thinking somebody the battery died and I took this off and they forgot which hoses went or which cables went where and they just couldn't get it going so that's good try and start it nothing okay function unable maybe that sucks let's stop let's try again Oh starting to go there did you hear that it's probably bad fuel I heard a little bit of a puff so I think it's gone now I think I can see fuel up to there let's see if we've got fuel well pull make sure we got fuel going here imagine that goes to some sort of carburetor pinging I wonder if it's stuck on propane [Music] alright I'm gonna have to get some fresh fuel been here a while kind of liquidy let's try it from the boom you see if that works Oh still running huh but now that does nothing alright let's try the boom that's the horn works Cheerilee kiss it up that's up where's the starter well utility power we can make it go up if you want but I only kill my battery it's probably throttle where's the starter that's kind of cool it's clicking now but that's a good battery yeah no it's not then it's clearly labeled right there thank that song [Music] [Music] [Applause] that sounded better let's go get some bricks I'm gonna take the battery back in put it back in my truck and grab some brake clean spray that in there it's a little squirt coming up there it smells like about 75 octane should be good okay it's two things I found this which is a bad wire but I think this is a rectifier for the charging system maybe because this wire goes up to the alternator but it it wants to start and then it quits and this is a Murphy switch so these ones this is oil pressure sensor which feeds the gauge and this one if it loses oil pressure will shut off which is kind of the way it's acting it wouldn't start until you kept cranking it you build oil pressure these should fire it I might jump these together then and see what that does but first we'll check if we got spark you don't always see the spark and even in the dark but you do feel it if you pick it off it's 40,000 volts hard to hide it in there [Music] Scottsburg and it was feel injected and I think the propane something might have happened with stuck on propane so it's not firing the fuel injector or in the mercury didn't work you switch first to bypass those [Music] okay so fuel-injected which goes to this pink wire this pink wire splits off and goes to the fuel pump the fuel pump is running so it's as relay a pop this relay out and that's what activates the fuel injectors and I had power I had two powers and one ground meaning that was really sure to clicked on and this relay it's hard to tell when you when you click it in place because it snaps into place because of this you can't really tell whether that's clicking or not so I swapped it with this one and we'll see what happened battery's not great anymore either but it wants to go but it doesn't and there's a bad connection there too I think I'm like priming the fuel injectors but they're not staying lit but if I do this and I go again cuz now I sprayed a bunch of fuel in there come on this isn't good is it this is widening okay so here's what I think happened this really went bad and that relay also turns on the fuel pump and I think that this is not the right fuel pump I think that this one because it's fuel injected and not carbureted somebody's replaced this because it looks brand new compared to everything else this is not the proper wiring for this this is not the way it's supposed to I think that fuel pump just does not have the umph to fire those injectors so now I gotta go home make some phone calls to the owner I can take my battery back because it's pretty low and then we will figure it out from there but I'm thinking this is the culprit because that really went bad all right so pass did you replace the fuel pump because I said give me the old one do stop the old one it's like a year ago he goes yeah I do okay so we'll give it back because so Saturday afternoon just screwing around having some fun I wanted to diagnose something no real tools no fuel pressure tests are just a voltmeter process of elimination we need air fuel and spark we got spark a little bit of fuel it's not enough fuel fuel-injected figure out why trace it back and there we go we got power where they're supposed to be power when you're hot-wired it one bad really it's $4 parts and this person lost about a year's worth of rental on this machine which is usually about 2,000 bucks a week did the math be good to your neighborhood mechanics all right so we're back at the upper eight I got a battery that I think might work and I was told there's gonna be a fuel pump waiting for me see if that's ready imagine this is it if you look at that size compared to that sorry there's a big difference there all right got the pump half ass in there see if it wants to go not sure about that pump hooked up right it's still a fuel issue and I'm wondering if that pump is just no good [Laughter] doesn't sound good for a second [Music] and give me a new pump okay so I don't have a fuel pump inline fuel pump I do have a in-tank fuel pump but it doesn't fit through the filler neck so I grab my water jug put some siphon some fuel into there let's see if that doesn't come I felt their return that's the longest that it's run I'm out of fuel that way I did some homework online I found a manual with some wiring schematics and but they were all for the diesels nothing for the gas so who buys gas honestly nobody wants spark plugs I still think this is my problem here um that would be the oil pressure sensor that would shut it off if it doesn't see I'll pressure I don't know how it works so for now I'm gonna try and bypass the injectors we're gonna go full send here I'm just gonna these are the two rounds coming out of the computer and this is the power coming out of the computer gonna Hotwire that and fire it up and drive it home I have an escort coming with some flashing lights not too far down the road and hopefully we get a home tonight we're not going to worry about fixing it right now we're gonna get a home tonight and then we'll worry about it traffic is busier than I hoped it's kind of the end of the day I thought it would settle down a little bit and we'll try and fire it up see what happens here we go my escort has arrived oh it's that a Boise running Ritz oh I hope I don't foul the plugs before I get home I could see my driveway all right so I got a home it's the next day it started getting dark and the battery died got a home just in time no issues but not that I would recommend driving it down the highway but we're home now the reason I brought a home is because I Drive past this thing twice every day it's been here for over it's been in the same spot for over a year nobody could get this machine going a couple people looked at it they didn't try that hard somebody stole the battery out of it and it was an awkward spot where they couldn't even tow it if you were to tow it just to get that out of the way it's very simple you take this cap off you turn it around this detent pushes on the drive and disconnects the hydrostatic or it disconnects the wheel so you can tow it I'm not sure if you can turn the steering with the auxilary power but because the battery was disconnected and there was a slew of wires on it it was not working and it isn't working even though I got all the wires right the lady that had the sinner driver was already called the cops twice called it abandoned property was going through the courts to try and figure out what she can do but honestly there's nothing that anybody can do towing these things is very special and unique and nobody wants to do anything about it I got ahold of the owner and we're figuring out whether to fix it or whatnot I just wanted it off her property so it's actually fuel-injected but it acts like a throttle body injection system so it sprays fuel into a generic intake that spreads it out between the runners it doesn't have individual injectors for the individual cylinders all I did was take the power that fed the relays which turn on the injectors I gave it direct power this relay turns on this really and fires both injectors and the computer has two grounds coming out of the computer that actually pulses the injector all I do is take one vise grip it to a ground turn the injectors on it sprayed fuel in ran rich like crazy but enough to fire it up get it home and get it out okay so we've got a few issues up right is no longer in business I think snorkle bought them out but upright itself does not make parts anymore and does not is not a business anymore this I believe is a shutoff for the gas if it has no oil pressure i monkey around with it tried moving it around to try and Hotwire that to think that it does have oil pressure I think there's also a crankshaft position sensor on it and if either one of these goes that will not run it'll fire up and then it'll quit the fuel pump was definitely an issue but if you guys have any information on this if you know these machines if you know what to look for or where to go for parts definitely comment down below I'm sure I'll make another video on this cuz I don't want to hear forever I have some uses for it we got a lot of gypsy moths I got a cut out of the trees go for now I'm gonna go back and shop finish up a few things and there will be another video on this coming up because one way or another I have to make a video on it running properly somehow so thanks for watching here we go [Music]
Views: 1,822,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: upright boom lift, upright boom, boom lift fail, boom lift no start, boom lift, boom lift operation, boom lift repair, boom lift failure, abandoned machinery startup, abandoned machinery recovery, abandoned machinery, abandoned machinery will it start, abandoned machinery rescue, abandoned machinery first start, starting old abandoned machinery, genie boom lift, aerial work platform, boom lift rental, articulated boom lift, telescopic boom lift, telescopic boom, jig boom
Id: EDral8Rooq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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