Parents, When Did You Realize Your Child Was Uncool?

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like the video and subscribe right now or this will be in your bed tonight ass credit parents of uncool children when did you realize your child wasn't one of the popular kids there is a ten-year difference between me and my youngest brother and I first noticed that he was just not a cool person when I picked him up from school and found out that he has a tendency to hiss like a cat at people when they said something he didn't like god I love the little weirdo holy [ __ ] I feel bad for him he will look back at himself in about two years and thank God him that his embarrassing source may or may not have spoken in Shakespearean dialect for a while sucks to think parents have to think about this stuff I'm graduating high school in a few months and I don't want my parents to throw me a grad party for this exact reason I doubt anyone would come to it I've got a fairly large group of friends but I'm close with Nanna v'm I kind of float around not close to anyone and on decent terms with everybody that was me in high school still somewhat true today you'll find out who your friends are after high school most will drift away that's normal you'll bonds will become stronger turned out none of them are time to start over I know my daughter is uncool why I have no idea she's a great kid very outgoing and funny in that third grade kind of way she gets picked on a bit for the things she likes Hello Kitty Barbie MLP ect as a rocket I was super unpopular too and I tell her all the time not to worry about it she'll find that group of friends who love her to death and wanna play with her she came home last month very excited because she a new girl in school had the same Hello Kitty backpack they made fast friends and I hope they stay friends her single dad is pretty cute and uber dorky like me edit it was last month not last week if that's not a premise for a rom-com I don't know what is my daughter has always been quick to make friends she always has someone to play with at the park kids follow her around like she's a leader and she has a blast in school though she's not popular she is the oldest in her class because her birthday's so late in the year so she's taller than everyone started losing her teeth before the others and more mature than some of them the other kids pick on her call her names hide her things make fun of her bunny teef adult teeth that are still a dead cute but a little too big for your face stage and give her a hard time I don't understand it she's so popular at playgrounds in the park but she's an outcast at school when he cried all the time in 1st through 3rd grade then in fifth grade he insisted he was going to be a dragon hunter that continued for a few years he actually researched getting grants so he could travel to Europe to dig up dragon bones and prove they existed then he got into drawing swords and writing stories involving the swords it's all good I accepted him as he is and got him playing magic & D&D now he watches in him all the time and is working with people to develop and write an online RPG game in sight while doing online schooling and working two part-time jobs I figured he wouldn't ever give me a grandchild but she's due in July I don't know if she's uncool yet because she's too little that I witnessed a situation that brought up a lot of fields my 4 year old daughter went to a birthday party of some little girl from her kindergarten they had these many blow up jumping castles I noticed two little girls standing at the entrance of one that blocked it when my daughter tried to get in and made up some rule about why she couldn't I did laugh my ass off when my daughter immediately thought Duquette and just ran around the back to the other entrance but the girls got up and went to other one when my daughter hopped in leaving her in there alone I got really depressed just watching her play by herself and the other girls being mean part of me wanted to deflate the other castle ceiling the little girls in a robbery tomb the other wanted to run over and just hug my daughter and never go needlessly to say I bought her lots of lollies and played with her like crazy after the party but then a few days later when I dropped her off the kindergarten some of the girls called out to her and ran over and started playing I can't figure out toddler social dynamics toddlers are the Masters of arbitrary hatred arbitrary hatred arbitrary like / dislikes it's amazing how much one did resembles a group of toddlers my oldest is a crybaby I love him to bits but he's a whiner of the highest order I guess I realized it about when he left kinder Garten he's I fifth grade now and he still curls up in a bull with real tears whenever he thinks he might be in trouble even if he isn't which he almost always isn't I love him but it's sad I used to be just like that and it was because I disliked when anyone showed ill feelings towards me as I matured I realized that the ill-will was deserved and I should take responsibility for my actions also I misinterpreted situational anger is a permanent degradation of my relationship with said party so the crying gives pity and reassurance that the relationship has not deteriorated what worked for me was working on self-confidence and realizing if someone dislikes me for a past mistake or for no apparent reason it's their problem not mine of course I still try my best in being respectful and that's all I can do I suggest working on his confidence and understanding how are relations between people work he'll probably grow out of it himself when he's constantly made fun of by other kids for being a wimp and realizes all his friendships are with other weak kids or not I feel my parents are secretly disappointed of my non-existent social life my not secretly disappointed my oldest son has always been quiet and a bit of an introvert he is tall for his age lanky wears glasses plays trombone in the school band and is a complete computer geek there were never any delusions that he was going to be one of the popular kids that said he is popular amongst his fellow nerdlings my youngest son has always been pretty popular especially among the girls we have had little girls calling the house giggling and asking to speak to him since he was in fourth grade he is in middle school now and I fear what it will be like when he gets into high school I'm an older sister by eight years and I noticed my middle school sister wasn't popular simply on the basis she got bullied so much that she had to hide in the library during lunch and she takes an odd route home to avoid the kids who would actually corner her on the way home she's the extremely shy type and [ __ ] kids don't really help that they still her lunch in spittin at once apparently and she came home depressed one day because of it that's awful there's a huge difference between someone being uncool / unpopular and someone being harassed by [ __ ] I hope she's doing better now when they reminded me of myself my middle child loves video games and is amazing at academics and has mild autistic tendencies my eldest loves bugs and animals and gets distracted easily neither one of them is prom king / queen material the youngest the youngest is a born cheerleader my son who is almost 15 has several learning disabilities a DD dyspraxia and mild Asperger's he finds it very difficult to make friends and keep them he also struggles with low self-esteem I've tried to get him into all sorts of different hobbies but he's not interested the only thing he loves his video games to the point that he could easily play them for 15 hours a day he also has a very F beat humour which most people don't get I love him to bits because he's my son and his heart is in the right place but I do worry about how he is going to get through life and form healthy friendships and relationships I had six children five girls and a boy some were popular and some weren't my unpopular kind of reserved and socially awkward during primary school son is in med school and will be a doctor next year I don't think popularity is necessarily a good criteria for judging how your child is doing in some class is the kind of behavior that allow you to fit into a class and be popular are not a that positive such as bullying more vulnerable children I think the most important thing is for children to be true to themselves and who they are and not compromise that to fit in hopefully they will find friends who are like them I thought that it was interesting that the creators of South Park were nerdy kids who didn't fit in sometimes the most successful school children are not all that successful when it comes to real life and the children who are strong enough to be themselves can be quite successful sometime around middle school it became apparent that regardless of who she tried to be friends with or how much effort she put into being social she was always the odd one out always the friend and never the best friend no one calls her to hang out or go anywhere she doesn't date I still haven't figured out why unless it is basic not wanting to be seen with someone who might be a lesbian this is the southern us after all it's killing her it's killing me to see how isolated and left out she is she's nearly done with high school and I can only hope that college will be better for now she has an online group she considers friends there's that at least I'm an uncool adult I was never popular at school I'm 51 and was pretty much a nerd before it was a recognizable thing I like maths computers and philosophy and didn't like sports in Australia in the 70s I was quite unpopular much to my surprise my children are both popular and my son in particular is very cool he's good-looking already making some money as a child model he's not very verbal tends to give one or two word answers to things often reacts coolly to new situations makes friends easily and is quite popular at school when he was younger in social situations I tried to guide him don't talk to that stranger leave those people alone you don't know the meaty CET C but now at 5 I just leave him to it he's actually better at these things than me he just goes straight up to a new group of kids and within moments is accepted I find it a bit surprising but I'm quite happy for him I'm just gonna put this out there because I think there is a generational gap for what is considered cool between every parent and child throughout the history of man when I was in high school I was far from cool but held my own in my own way was respected for being my own rare bird even though I didn't have a natural place within the hierarchy of cool I decided to run for a class office for my senior year and went up against some more popular folks that ended up winning by a landslide I will never forget how crushed I was when I went home all elated and I told my mother that I won and that lack of shock on her face when she said I never thought you'd win I didn't think you were one of the cool kids so just note that being cool in the traditional sense doesn't mean that people don't notice nor respect nor understand or get someone so what you may see as uncool in your child / sibling / whatever may be respected by others even if you can't understand nor see it from your vantage point I'm a much elder sister which is sort of similar in a lot of ways I realized my brother wasn't one of the popular kids when I went to visit his school to show off the high school band program the cute looking well-spoken kids tend to sit together and so do the less cute dorky kids I always sort of guessed though because he had always been that weird gamer kid with beat attendances and hardly ever got invited to birthday parties it was just confirmed when I went to visit him that's pretty interesting I've always had the opposite growing up I always thought my older brother was the coolest method occur in the world but as I caught up to his level and went through high school myself he's five years older I started to realize that he really just occupies a niche socially and isn't necessarily a popular person at all hm aside from being a total geek for old school Megaman my 11 year old is crazy proper and very white in an almost all black school he gets called witty constantly and kids from the bus have beat the [ __ ] out of him and his little brother on more than a few occasions he will now choke anyone who puts him on the defensive which comes off a bit like serial killer and training back to the proper thing I once got a call from the principal because my son had set up a meeting with him stating that he needed to switch schools because these kids all have behavioral issues and I can't get an education in this environment no snark or smartass hooray he was completely on point and very upset that the teacher didn't have a classroom under control there is an HR director hiding in my kid's body a little off but damn do I like my boy you've been visited by the cool you dog you will be blessed with coolness if you comment catch a wave papa thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos [Music]
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 130,290
Rating: 4.9416842 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, best of, updoot, parents, children, kids, cool, uncool, not cool, that kid
Id: AAmrHrowWdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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