Parents Share the Times Their Kids Brutally Hurt Their Feelings

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serious parents of reddit what's something your kids do without realizing it hurts your feelings i have a daughter 12 we've always been pretty close and in most ways we still are we've always done everything together but she's at the age now where friends etc are becoming more important i'll bring up something we can do like watching a movie that i think she'll like five minutes in she'll get a message from a friend light up and just disappear for the rest of the movie now i get it i'm sure i was like that too i'm not gonna freak out about it or anything but i'd be lying if i said it didn't hurt my feelings a little now and then dads just want to keep dating i'm speaking from the kids side but sharing it because i was devastated the other day to hear my mom's side when i was young my brothers and i would tease my mom's singing voice every time we sang together church scouting events whatevs from outside of things it truly was done very lightheartedly i loved singing with my mom her crooked voice was part of that love a few days ago i was driving with her she's in her 70s a great song came on the radio that i know she loves and i started to sing along asking her to join me she did a little but soon stopped i asked her why she wouldn't sing with me because i have a funny voice all right jack daniels it is that was it when my daughter was five i let her watch the lion king she's a fairly emotional little thing so we were concerned about how she'd react to the death of the father we get to the scene and i'm watching her carefully but there's no big reaction this is a kid who cries during some commercials anyways i don't beg the issue and let it roll later in the movie she asks where simba's dad is and i think here we go i pause the movie and talk with her about how he died in the stampede her reaction what's the big deal he still has his mom ice cold i didn't realize this until my sister started doing it there's seven years between us my mom was a teacher so when i had homework it made sense to go to the teacher for help i never asked my dad because i didn't see the point my sister starts school and does the same with her homework one night he said i can help you with it and my sister who was about seven stroke eight at the time walked past him and said no thanks i'll just wait for mum to get home he looked really upset i think it was the assumption we thought he was stupid we didn't or we didn't want to spend time with him not always true one halloween when my son was like for our little nuclear family went to a corn maze for fun to make things a little more exciting the proprietors had also set a teepee with a giant pumpkin inside you were supposed to go into the teepee and make a wish on the pumpkin so we sent my son and make a wish and he says i wish it was just me and mommy and daddy was at work my heart shrank three sizes that day he's 20 now and is still mortified with guilt over saying this if my kids ever have night terrors i am normally the first one to wake up to go and comfort them majority of the time our two-year daughter just screams at me i don't want you i want mommy hurts every time every morning as a kid i was always woke up to the sound of my mom singing it was her way of wake up it's time for school i'd sometimes wait beside my door or pretend to sleep just to listen to her more when i was 10 i was in a bad mood and my mom was singing while driving i yelled at her stop singing you don't even sound good she stopped singing after that ouch even i felt that one when my daughter gets a night terror at night she will tell me crying that she wished i died instead of mommy she hasn't done it for a couple of months now but it hurts more than i can bear i calm her down and get her back to sleep and usually go to my room and cry oh my heart wasn't ready for that crap fight where they really try to hurt each other i had no idea as a kid how bad it is for the parent the first time it happened when they were very small it felt like watching cannibalism just horrifying and to think i used to worry about the dog yes i'm an only child my husband is the middle of three when our two started doing this i would freak out and yell at them that they are supposed to love each other my husband assured me it is normal now when they fight iron come tell on each other i declare it a fight to the death once they see moms on board it's not cool anymore and they lose interest real quick my ex just recently moved an hour and a half away so thin touch and go with my son right now but he will regularly say how much he wants to spend time at a new place when we are spending our time together or repeatedly asked to have sleepovers at her house when he first comes back i know he loves us both but dang that cuts deep both of my kids make a lot of comments about my body and some of them can sting last week my five-year-old said my arms were like bags of cookie dough less than a month after having a baby my six-year-old asked me if i was going to start working out so my belly would go down i said thanks and she said no not in a mean way i just want to hug you closer right now he's a toddler so he's just hardwired to be a bit of a jerk but it bothers me when i get him up in the morning or come home from work and he doesn't want to hug me or tell me about his day at all also he begs me to play with him but when i do he generally takes whatever toy i'm using or tells me i can't do that get yourself a sweet batman toy and kick his toys butt with it my teenage son came across an old wedding photos that his dad had put away for him at his office when his stepmom discovered these photos she became upset so my son threw them away to avoid the drama these photos were 24 years old there are no duplicates and my son doesn't understand why i'm upset that he didn't just bring them to me when i drop them off at a party or day camp and i go to say bye they've already gone off with friends kids are getting older now so it's not cool to kiss or hug dad goodbye good man it stings and i sure don't want to embarrass them so i just sadly walk to my car maybe say your goodbyes in the car so they know how you feel but gives them the freedom to go off on their own when my son begs me to help him make something in the garage and then in the middle of explaining to him how we're going to do it asks me if he can go play minecraft instead before the boring comments we were designing a fidget spinner in cad to print on the 3d printer he was doing the work himself background my ex left me for the proverbial younger woman we had been married close to 25 years about six months in and i am talking to my 20-year dd she asked if i would date again and i'm like i think so we'll see and she said dad finally found love i'm sure you will too mommy crushed me absolutely cut me to the bone i know she didn't mean it badly but god dang did that hurt cut and colored my hair one time for my birthday went from waist length brown hair to shoulder length blonde drastic change but i loved the results my daughter wound up hating it and kept asking why i did it and couldn't i at least color it back to brown and grow it out my son liked it and kept saying i looked pretty but dang my daughter's intense dislike really crap on my parade it still does every time i go for a touch-up eater this was about four years ago she's a teen now and has since gotten used my hair style although she still doesn't like the color i've been growing it out for the past few months and i plan on changing my color again to shake things up she's totally fine with it she's very vocal about her preferences which we encourage my 12 year old son basically ignores me as much as he can it's puberty and it's all normal but a year ago i was still his favorite person and now it's all about his friends girls and video games and i'm the young coolest person on the planet apparently i made him go for a walk with me and the dog the other day just to try to have some conversation and he said why do you make me do things that make me unhappy to which i responded spending time with me makes you unhappy and he said yes i told him he could turn around and go back home then and he did i cried the whole way to the dog park for the record i did have a discussion with him later about how his comments hurt my feelings and he apologized and gave me a hug and he's been better since this incident i also try to do things with him that he likes even though i ask him questions and have learned all about fortnite i'm still intimidated to actually get on and play lol i give him a lot of space and independence and i continue to love and support him even when he's being a little crap i know his moments of shitheadness are normal but i do tell him to cut it out when it gets too much and he tries to be respectful of that he is actually a great freaking kid and i will love him to the moon and back his whole life no matter what he says to me i'm always there for him i'm the mom we went out to lunch yesterday into a store that has cool video game stuff he said thanks we had a nice time ah last year my wife spent the whole summer making it as great as she could for our then six-year-old holidays theme parks everything she could they did loads together got a phone call at work from wife crying furious at the end of it going back to school she'd asked what she had enjoyed most the day trip to london only problem was that was with me at easter still it was an absolutely awesome day when dad is referred to as the fun one and i'm the hardest no i don't want you i want dad also when my two-year-old won't call me anything he tries saying bubba for his brothers and occasionally try to say their names and da da daddy for dad he's said mom once in the past year it also hurts when he goes to his dad for comfort even if i'm already there when my toddler has a lot of tantrums at the moment i appear to take the brunt of it she really seems to play up for me and give me a heck it's a bit of a running joke with my wife and the grandparents at times it makes you feel a bit down but then i remind myself that she does it because she is utterly comfortable and secure with me and knows she can push the boundaries because i'll always be at her side kids will lash out to the people they know who love them and won't go away no matter what happens or how they act my 4.5 years old daughter screaming i hate you and i don't want you as my father anymore during a tantrum or after i discipline her she has no idea what she's saying and she doesn't mean it but it still stings every time basically toddler cussing i have a daughter who at that age would firmly say i don't love you anymore it killed us took a long time for her to knock it off this didn't necessarily hurt my feelings but once i was watching pro wrestling with my 11 year old there's a female who is heavier when she came out my son gets all excited and says look mom she's like you her face is skinny but when you zoom out she's not he didn't understand how that would be a rude comment he thought he was saying something nice lol you missed the perfect opportunity to body slam the little bugger context i share 50 stroke 50 custody of my girls ages four and five their mom and i were never married but did live together until they were two and three we live in a tiny town two blocks from one another and get along great dad's answer we want to go to mom's because she is more fun mom's answer we want to go to dad's because we like his house better was their original home both of us answering why can't you two just live together then we wouldn't have to miss mommy or daddy i bet that last one really stings i am a long time widower me and my son were left alone and used to be really close after he moved to college he used to call every day i lived for that phone call gradually they started decreasing from once on two days to once a week now he has a girlfriend and rarely talks to me i sometimes watch his instagram and feel sad i wish he would call more my mom kind of has this issue i have a life and move on she never calls she has a phone i have a phone we all know the numbers pick a dull time sunday morning or something call whenever i cook a big dinner with a new recipe of something i thought my kids would love my son will always tell me it looks bad and he's not hungry anymore and my daughter will follow with anything he says of course 15 minutes after i eat alone and sad they ask for chicken nuggets i have been assured my dad ate several crappy burnt meals my mom made before us kids came along by then she had figured out how to cook and even if something looked like crap a burnt orange soupy liquid with slightly unidentifiable chunks in it it tasted amazing we called that one taco soup i remember my dad thought he was going to drive me to san antonio to drop me off at the military entrance processing station but my girlfriend at the time did it and i just watched my dad look super sad at the gate while we drove away our man he wanted to be there so he can see you step through the gates and get to feel proud of his son man i felt that one my daughter's inquisitive and brutal honesty why are you so fat why do you smell oh and when i say we can't afford something she'll just tell me to work harder i should state my daughter is a loving caring sort but can sometimes be a bit insensitive just like any other child these instances are few and far between she makes me laugh daily with the things she says i consider myself blessed i am fat i've lost two stone in the last three months i plan to lose more my daughter may or may not be responsible i smell like a manly man unless i've just finished work then i smell like a manly man who's just finished work my daughter has a point until i hit the shower my five-year-old daughter said she wanted a new mommy because i don't have a pretty face she didn't realize it would be hurtful i guess this hurts me a lot just because i said the same thing more or less as a kid i told my wonderful mother that i'd rather have my friend's mommy because she's nicer and prettier granted i was four but looking back i remember seeing a little bit of her die inside still hurts my oldest is a teenager and now he won't do anything with me or tell me about his day or let me help with anything or even sit on the couch and watch a show with me quietly or let me touch him at all it sucks i just want a hug from my kid they do rejoin the human race give him time my daughter and i would get into screaming fights on the regular past the time she moved out of the house we have a loving relationship now it has been years since we have raised our voices at each other i would guess two or three years i'm a stepfather three girls three seven and eight and their dad isn't around at all he sees em for an hour every three or four weeks when he can be bothered they are my life and i love them and they always say i'm the only dad they care about but when he shows up randomly with loads of gifts and buying their love it all goes out the window it's i love my daddy daddy you're the best and did you see what daddy got me i know they're just children and i know they're just sucked into the false pretenses he gives but it makes me hurt when it happens it's crazy to be jealous i know but i just want them to myself especially when it's clear he has no interest in them at all i bring them to school i pay for their trips their parties their clothes their food i go to their gymnastics lessons and watch their plays i do that crap man frick that guy my husband works in a different state all week so i'm doing the single mom thing i do everything with them take them to all the fun things our town has to offer etc every time we do things like that someone at these events places always says what a fun awesome mommy you have huh my four-year-old says i like my daddy better i understand he misses his dad crap i miss him too but it still makes me feel awful like crying myself to sleep awful i'm divorced with split custody my ex has a large extended family that lives nearby and they are always together letting the little cousins all play together my family is the exact opposite live house away and nobody young to have play dates with so weekly my five-year-old cries when it's time to go to my house because it's not as fun as dad's i am on a budget and can't afford to take her out every week to the zoo movies every single dollar is budgeted it makes me cry often when i see how excited she is to go to his house because mine is boring i just want her to know that i'm trying hope that one day she'll appreciate me i can't give her fancy trips or everything her heart desires but i think just being the best mama i can be will mean more one day as your child grows older she will value the time spent with you more than any material things activities you could provide her unfortunately it will take a long time for her to realize this hang in there she loves you younger kids are the worst because they will just blurt crap out with no regard for that crippling self-esteem issue you've managed to build up over the past few decades of your life just an offhand comment about my hair or something can really hurt i've found that preteens do it as well little kids usually do it because they don't fully grasp the effects they are having but preteens do it because they know exactly what's effect they're having there was one time that i was playing xbox with my friends my dad wanted to play catch and i told him no i'm busy playing xbox i went to the bathroom a little later and walked by his office towards the bathroom my dad was inside holding his baseball glove and mine tears silently running down his face i never said no to time with my father again after that day first off grow i'm a grandpa now had son and daughter now grandson and two granddaughters and yeah what hurts the most is them growing up i don't think you realize it at first maybe not most folks but then time comes back around and you do it again with the grandkids and your heart breaks you will never hold your son in your arms and smooch his face all over not like when he was two and loved it and giggled so you will never see your daughter small again when all she wanted in the world was to play school and you got in trouble and she laughed now she's got kids and stress and gives her best smiles and times to her husband and kids i wished phil nothing but my children to grow up happy and healthy and have good lives and so far it is coming up great for them both and my heart is sore and bruised by it and for all the love i have for my grandkids just to have one night to stare at my small sleeping son or to play one more game with my daughter so i play hard with those grandkids and i snuggle them like crazy my six-year-old makes levels in mario maker that make me die too many times before i can beat them petty maybe but i used to be good at mario before he came along also he prefers to watch youtubers play games over me despite having all the games they're playing they're funny mommy feels like chopped liver don't feel too bad about the youtube thing it's literally their job to be entertaining and they have editors that help them while you just have yourself it's like being hurt saying your kids would rather watch any famous stand-up comedian over you making jokes before my back surgery i had to use a cane to get around my son told me that it was embarrassing to be seen with me i acted like it didn't bother me but it cut deep after my surgery i was determined to get rid of the cane so my son wouldn't be embarrassed by me it took many painful months of physical therapy along with surgery but i haven't walked with a cane in three years i don't think i would have worked as long and hard as i did without my son hurting my feelings like that my dog then knows how much i miss my ex-wife she is five and my ex has no intention of reconciling i miss her a lot and she said this she brought home a father's day gift which was hanging on them and think that was a bunch of popsicle sticks with some drywall anchors and screws hot glue to it her teacher has wrote happy father's day my daddy can fix anything she gives it to me on father's day morning and said here daddy i made you this what does it say oh sweetie it says my daddy can fix anything and she looks me in the eye and says accept your marriage with mommy and cartwheeled out of the room singing and laughing and moving on to whatever bulls little kids think about holy frick dude that was brutal my five-year-old makes comments or noises when i have issues relating to a bad right knee sometimes i will stumble as i'm walking and he makes an exasperated really mom noise sometimes i stall my car manual engine have trouble balancing clutch to gas ratio when moving from a stop and he'll actually say ugh really mama's traffic is backed up behind me and i'm trying to get the car in neutral turned off back on and get it moving again without my 39-week pregnant but stressing out too much i love him to death but honestly my five-year-old can be a huge butthole sometimes i actually hurt my knee protecting him when i got hit by a car in a parking lot sometimes i really have to bite my tongue to keep from saying so when he gives me lip about it lol i don't want him to blame himself for it if it helps on most cars you don't need to put it back into neutral and you don't need to turn it off if you stall push the clutch all the way in leaving the car in first gear then turn the key forward to crank the engine and it should start make sure you are on the brakes to keep from rolling and don't let the clutch out while you are cranking the engine if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 14,170
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parents react, parenting fails, parenting hacks, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: rin2tDKLD8Y
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Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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