Impartation | Benny Hinn | Jesus '20

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i'd like all of you to please welcome to the platform my father-in-law pastor benny hid i've asked him i have asked him to to talk about the holy spirit and pray that the lord would fill us all in these last days amen amen the lord tonight is going to touch every one of us i want you all to lift your hands to heaven saints thank you lord for what we heard [Music] thank you lord what you've done we give you the praise and now lord i pray establish establish each one in the faith establish them so strong unshakable that nothing nothing in the future will distract them from you nothing tomorrow will take their attention from you establish them in your word baptize them in your knowledge let your mind become their mind for your word declares let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus let your mind fill their mind in your holy name and so tonight turn your eyes upon jesus so simple look for in his wonderful face and the things of this dark earth will grow strangely very dim in the light of his glory and grace when i ask you a question before i have you sit down you you just heard my amazing son-in-law talk about the importance of knowing the lord and i want to just go from there i'm going to ask you a question what does this cross represent in your life daily think about that just a second now what does this mean to you daily daily not just one time in life daily because see the lord said take your cross daily what does that mean well we're going to talk about that take the cross daily and follow me take your seats yes i will pray and i will talk about the holy spirit of course i will but first of all i want to make a statement the cross is the door through which the holy spirit comes your way without the cross the holy spirit will just pass by yeah wow exactly without the cross he'll just walk by you the cross is the door to the presence of the holy spirit he's the door the cross i'm talking about what is the cross thank you they came to the lord and they said in john 12 lord there's some people here hellenistic jews that want to see you the greeks they were called greeks but they were actually jewish people who were hellenistic and the word hellenistic means greek and it's so remarkable what he said and that's recorded in john chapter 12. and i want to start reading because i want you all to pay attention to what he said now before i read why am i talking about this well because of the hour we're all living in i think you all know how dark it is and how dark and darker and darker it's going to get the christian life is victorious only only through the cross now the cross is not just something you wear around your neck on a chain the cross is our life that's our life and so it says in verse 20 of john 12 there were certain greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast the same came therefore to philip which was of bethsaida of galilee and desired him saying sir we would see jesus how many of you want to see jesus well i'm going to show you his answer now when we say see jesus i'm not just talking about the day you stand before him in glory i'm talking about his reality in your life and through your life every single day listen here when you when you listen to what he says here to us what this wonderful precious savior with love says and if you'll do it he'll become more real to you than your skin more real to you than your life more real to you than anyone you know and i mean it what changed my life is when kathryn kuhlman said he's more real to me than you and my cry went up out of my soul lord i want to know you like that i did not know back then when i was in my 20s the answer and she gave us the answer that morning but i didn't get it and here's what she said you gotta die and i thought well i will never forget that woman saying you gotta and she was very dramatic you're gonna die you got to die i went home i said lord please kill me i didn't know what she meant i was only 20 years old looking back in my life i've learned a lot about this and so it says the next thing the lord says and jesus answered them verse 23 the hour is come that the son of man should be glorified meaning glorified in your life and my life verily verily now here is the beauty of all this you do want to see jesus right you you want him to be real in your life correct and you want others to see him in your life right now this will glorify him but here's what he's asking of us verily verily i say unto you and that means the truth that with me it really means pay attention pay attention except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit and then he explains what he means he that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal now i don't want to scare you but i gotta be real with you the way to life is very narrow and many there will be the lord said that will not find it you know why because they would they will try to find it without calvary that's what the lord said he said broad is the way to destruction narrow is the way to eternal life and few will find it but he did say earlier many will try to find it and will not why because they don't want to pay the price of death deny self he that loves his life will what lose it he who hates his life in this world in this world meaning now present will keep it unto what unto life eternal now this is so wonderful when you begin to understand something about this you know the bible says that within us is a treasure within us with within this earth and vessel is a treasure but nobody can see it you know why because it's hidden under a shell called flesh nobody can see a treasure that is hidden it's like a seed you know if you look at a seed there's life in that seed but nobody can see it because the shell hides it there's a blessed treasure in every christian but the world will never see the shell unless one thing happens and the thing is the shell has to crack the shell has to break meaning the flesh has to break if you feed the flesh you lose you have to listen to the word of the lord now he says something to us that a lot of people don't want to listen to and frankly they don't even really understand it and when they read it they think well i don't know what that means maybe jesus didn't really mean all this here's what it says he that loveth father mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me these are hard words do we understand them well yes because the word explains what he means and then he goes on to say and he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me and then he'll repeat that i'm reading matthew 10 37 38 39 he that find that his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it now what does what does the lord really mean when he says anyone who loves his mom and dad more than me is not worthy to be mine if you love your children more than me not worthy to be his there's a great answer to that the lord is in galilee he's ministering the word his mom shows up his family shows up and they say your mom is out there and what does it say who is my mother who are my brother those who receive those who receive the word those who receive the word and obey those who hear the word now on the cross on the cross his mom is there what does he say to john take care of her that is the balance and the beauty of the message when your family interferes in your relationship with the lord when your family interferes with your call that's a no-no [Music] but honor your parents like jesus honored his mom at the cross the same god who says honor your father and mother cannot mean hate them now honoring your mom and dad is one of the commandments with promise so loving the lord is number one thou shalt love the lord thy god with all your heart and soul and strength he's he's he's first in your life i come from a culture you obey your mom and dad and i've always obeyed my mom and my dad and one day my father took me on a little ride in his car to convince me i should give up salvation because he said it's an embarrassment to the family because we come from a greek orthodox mentality and michael understands that to them i left the church because i no longer attended the greek orthodox church i was an altar boy every sunday and now suddenly i'm saved and my father thought i lost my mind think about it the patriarch from jerusalem came to our home to rebuke my dad for letting me leave the church that's like the pope coming to your house to rebuke your parents the patriarch of jerusalem came to our home flew all the way from jerusalem to toronto canada to tell my father to stop me it's like the pope coming to your house to say stop your son if you're a catholic and my father took me on a ride in a car offered me the world i said father i will obey you in anything else but this i will not and he went into a rage there's a cost there's a price i'm glad i paid it now i want to say something else and i won't belong here so i said earlier there's a treasure inside of you but it's got a crack how when you die die to what to self to the world to the things that devils offer you every single day and the world offers you every single day watch while you watch tv you read magazines go to school college and people want to talk to you and pull you back into their life the life you came out of thank god for all those who were safe today getting saved is a wonderful experience but staying saved is tough staying in the kingdom that's a war that's a war it's easy to you to say yes to jesus but is it easy to follow him and die daily that's tough but we will pay the price and you will pay the price because the way is narrow many will try to find it many will do much to find it and will not because they will not die to self and once that shell the flesh breaks the treasure will show up the treasure will be seen by the world now self sacrifice that's what god is asking of every one of us self sacrifice that's the message of the bible that's if you look at the whole bible the headline is self-sacrifice is what god is asking of us we sacrifice our life and so the cross is the only pathway to power only pathway to authority and frankly all your services will be rejected without the cross all your worship your singing your praise your preaching will be rejected if you're not living the life of the cross i have one desire more than any other desire in my life i will finish well and i will not fail finishing well it's easy to start well like a runner in a race but getting close to that finish line you're almost out of breath we will finish well lift your hand say i'll do it then get all the weight that easily brings you down let all that weight called sin let all that thing that hangs on your neck and on your shoulders come off how can you run the race with a heavy load on you the world is a heavy load get free from that the longer i live the freer i'm getting from the load the responsibility ministry sometimes can be a load dealing with people can be very tiring it's a load dealing with money is a load paying your monthly bills is a load yeah lord my tv bill every month was half a million dollars that's a low that's a low that's a load but you be free from that load and focus on the cross be free from that now i'm going to say something else and then i'm going to pray with you that's why i began with turn your eyes upon jesus the devil will offer you a crossless life he came to the lord remember that he said i'll give you the whole world you don't have to go to the cross i'll give you the whole world if you worship me what was the devil offering the lord a life without the cross he said you don't have to die i'll just give it all to you jesus said get behind me satan and what he offered jesus the devil will offer you one day and he'll keep offering it too and then he came through peter you see when you win the devil doesn't give up now he came through someone really close to him and the devil one day will use someone close to you to say no you don't have to die you don't have to carry that cross what did the lord say to peter get behind me satan the man who said you're the christ the son of the living god and was honored when jesus said thou art peter and upon this rock what you said i will build my church wow that's a great honor that's a great compliment and within not even minutes he said get behind me devil he honored him and then he he rebuked him no matter how good of a preacher you are peter was a great preacher that moment you're the christ he was honored in front of all and jesus then rebukes him why because he said no to the cross the devil didn't give up while jesus is hanging on the cross the devil says if you're the son of god come off if you're really the son of god just come up that cross and we'll believe you the devil doesn't give up and there is not one way for him and another way for you there is not one way for the lord and another one for you the same path is yours you're gonna you're gonna walk the same road he walked so victory you want victory you want the power of god i'm going to say one thing quickly those of you fighting your flesh fighting the devil and fighting your flesh let me show you a way out very very beautiful way out by the way and i pray you'll find it if you have trouble with pornography i have your solution if you have trouble with sex i have your problem i have your solution if you have problem with this body you can't stop sinning i have your answer listen to this and they that are christ's have crucified the flesh the flesh with the affections and lusts you want to be free it's the cross the cross because it says they have crucified the flesh with the affections that word affections means passions and lusts and then he says now you can live in the spirit and walk in the spirit [Music] it's the cross denial denial deny self say no every christian has the power to say no and that wonderful scripture you know people use it in romans 8 35 who shall separate us from the love of christ you know i want to i want to show you something but please michael come stand beside me jesse you come stand beside me and bam you come stand beside me and michael you come stand beside me i like michael he's my real friend i told him tonight i said you becoming one of my favorites he loves the lord sweet stephanie come stand with us that's an anointed wonderful woman of god she is something else you know when you began singing i said to jesse i said she got it [Music] she's so anointed the second you began ministry i said lord i love this sometimes forgive me sometimes some of the worship gives me a headache i'm just you know i'm from the you know what i mean like i'm i'm from that old time you know i'm i'm into then sings my soul my savior god to the but those drums they were giving me a headache so i had to walk away early and come back if if if you saw me go and come and go it was the drums nothing else but when but when she's saying i said i'm not going away anywhere i'm staying around oh she's so sweet now come on close we all know come on please all of you we all know we all know this beautiful scripture from romans and i want to i i just want to show you something all of you you know it says who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness burial sword and then people usually jump to the next verse nay and all these things were more than conquerors through him who loved us but they always miss what it says in between huh in between it says as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long were counted as sheep for the slaughter so who shall separate us from the love of jesus tribulation cannot distress cannot persecution cannot famine cannot nakedness cannot peril cannot sword cannot why because we're dead and a dead man cannot be affected by this [Applause] did you hear that how can these things affect you so you're more than conqueror only when you're dead only when you're dead because verse 36 it's right between those two verses as it is written for thy sake were killed every day and then were more than conquerors so don't say i'm more than conqueror until you're dead to the flesh and death to self and death to the world and death to the things they want and the things they talk about comprende so that's what miss schumann meant by you gotta die now i understand it's been all those years for me to understand what she meant back then i said oh lord please kill me now you gotta die to the world i'm not asking you to do what i've done but i have found peace in my life the last few years i didn't even know existed i'm serious i have been in ministry 46 years as of december 7th a few days ago i began preaching december 7 1974 46 years and back then i did not know any of this i thought i did but i didn't i did not know you know what it is to die it's to say no no to the world we don't want its influence in our hearts our minds our homes no we just won't but it's it's hard to do that because the world comes at us from all directions now especially through through the internet young people are committing suicide because they can't compete with others on instagram it's the world but when we promote jesus through instagram that's the way to do it huh not about us it's about him so it's time to really do what michael said you know what what he said he said something powerful maybe some of you missed it it costs the wages of sin there's a cost people pay to sin but we don't pay to live with him think about how heavy the price has been in your life to enjoy sin really it's not worth it it's not worth it so the lord said to me about four years ago to my shock and i'm watching a good program a good program on netflix he said cancel it now that's what he said four years ago now at least four years ago i called lance simmons who works for us i said come here cancel this thing he said well i said i don't know just god said cancel i want to cancel and then the lord said cancel cable i did cancel directv i did i have not watched tv in four years including christian tv i can't handle those preachers that scream spit and sweat and say nothing i'm sorry i just i've lost my filter i'm too old i guess i don't really care turn your eyes upon jesus come on lift your hands thank him look forward in his walk the full face and the things including netflix of earth will grow strangely them in the light of his glory pick up the key please stand up things now this is the message really i mean you you think about this why did you put that here because the lord told you to why do you have a cross because the lord told you stephanie darling come on your eyes [Music] [Applause] over [Music] his glory [Music] tonight we need to make a commitment will we say yes to the lord totally and completely and no to the world i'm not asking you to do what i've done i'm six to eight years old i just began on my 16th time 69 years and it's taken a long time to make decisions like cancel tv cancel netflix cancel this guy it took me a long time it may take you just as long as it took me but honestly don't wait that long this world is getting really bad down there it's getting really bad so now you have the chance to make the decision much quicker than i did and spare yourself the pain it may not be tv it may be some people it may be friends maybe someone you want to marry wrong decision don't fall in love with the face it doesn't work it's the heart not the face it's the heart only god knows what it is that load what is the load on your back is it something like uh people family uh relationship whatever habits something you're so attached to you can't let go it's time to let it go you want to make heaven right you want to find that narrow way father in jesus name lift your hands i want to pray for you don't let them miss it now lord they love you with all their hearts they love you dearly they love you so deeply but i pray today you'll give them that strength to make that decision to let go of that weight so easily besets people looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith looking unto jesus what a sweet answer this is what a sweet solution we have looking unto jesus the author and adventure of our faith wonderful jesus give them that inner strength to make that decision for the cross to carry the cross and say no daily to the flesh and say no daily to the world and yes to you i'll give you praise would you all of you just begin lifting your voice and pray in the holy ghost michael it's all yours oh come on just receive receive receive receive holy spirit fill fill field jesus stretch forth your hand and fill your people now with the power of the holy spirit lord you said i have food you don't know about feed them feed them feed them with your presence feed them feed them feed them feed them thank you jesus just lift your voice in the spirit come on all over i want us to sing can i have the worship team out please just begin to sing in the spirit all over the room come on all over this place lift your voice yes we love you jesus look upon the face of jesus there is nothing more worthy than you jesus we hand our lives to you great king i give you my heart i give you my soul i live [Music] every morning have your way in me lord i give you my heart [Music] every breath that i take every moment [Music] lord have your come on sing it with all your heart lord [Music] if [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] will jesus you my praises [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] yes you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] so [Music] yeah jesus there is and i could search for all eternity there is and there is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] we love you jesus [Applause] you too [Music] is [Music] i could search [Music] praise it's like we're giving kisses to the feet of jesus we're kissing his beautiful wonderful feet with those beautiful holes we love you jesus tell him you love him praise praise you multitudes of angels right now are bowing down in the throne of god praising your holy name [Music] praise [Music] jesus thank you lord you know in the midst of this presence of jesus when we give our whole heart to him he gives all that he paid for to us he became poor in all things that by him you become rich in all that he is rich in and he's not just rich in forgiveness he's not just rich even in intimacy although that is the greatest treasure to have the lord himself is the greatest treasure but he's also a loving god and he's a healing god and some of you have come tonight like pastor benny said to the cross and you've said i lay down my life jesus and the decisions of your former life before jesus maybe cause sickness in your body maybe there's things you did that you regret but he didn't just die to forgive you those ribbons were torn off his flesh so that your body could even be redeemed and right now we want to pray because the spirit of the lord is here and he's present in his kindness to heal you he loves you if you need healing in your body i want you to raise both of your hands to heaven both of your hands we can't touch you but that makes the power of god all the more real because he can touch you believe like a child and receive right now when they tore his body to pieces and that blood flowed out of his pure vessel it flowed with healing power for your body and whatever it is the lord knows what it is but would you just say this to him would you say lord jesus unto your glory heal my body right now thank you lord and father we release and declare this we declare in jesus name right now all across this area all through the tv across the world we declare the power of calvary the power of the shed stripes of the blood of jesus the power of your sacrifice for healing miracles for your glory sake king jesus right now and just receive it precious saints of god just receive it it's a gift you cannot earn this you must receive it as you received forgiveness of sin may the lord sweep through your body right now and his kindness touch you and redeem also your physical flesh thank you lord thank you king of heaven thank you jesus there's a woman up the back there on this side on the left side the lord just healed you of these terrible migraines you've had them for years you've had them since you were young in your early 20s the lord just healed you thank you lord there's a man up here you have terrible back damage in the lower part of your spine l2 l3 you know who you are the lord is touching you even it's cold outside but you feel fire going down the bottom of your spine that is the fire of the healing power of the holy spirit thank you jesus thank you jesus there's a person here has partial deafness in one ear i believe it's a woman a younger woman who is that woman where is she i just heard someone say here there she is praise the lord god that he is the god that opens the ears it says in isaiah didn't i the lord god make the ear to hear didn't i make the eye to see thank you lord for the power of god over her ear may it be opened because his shed blood was enough thank you jesus just receive guys look at the king don't look at this stage look at the king and receive the miraculous power of god into your flesh thank you great king we just pray one more time all together and if you're next to those ones with their hands up just stretch your hand toward them put your hands up if you need healing one more time anybody next to them just stretch your hand toward them in the authority of the name of jesus be healed right now just declare that over them right now thank you lord [Music] i'm going to pray before you're dismissed in just a little bit that the power of god will come on your life lift your hands to heaven saints holy spirit you are welcome in our hearts [Music] you are welcome in our life [Music] bless him for just a few moments in the holy ghost lift your voices and bless him in the holy ghost [Music] money holy spirit thou art well come in this place holy spirit thou art welcome [Music] in this place omnipotent father of mercy and grace [Music] thou art welcome in this place for in your presence there's healing divine [Music] no other power can he lord only thy holy spirit thy word well come in this place in our life lord holy spirit thou art truly welcome in this place [Music] omnipotent father of mercy and grace thou art dwell come in this place and our lord phil fill all the hungry if you're hungry lift your hands and tell him you are and thirsty within please master restore our soul father revive us once again as a prayer sing it with me holy spirit thou what will come in this place holy spirit thou art well coming [Music] of mercy and grace thou art welcome thou art welcome thou art welcome in this place holy spirit thou dwell come in this place [Music] i'm a mercy and grace thou art dwell come here [Music] display holy spirit thou art well come in this place [Music] in this place holy holy holy of lord he always comes the holy ghost always comes when we worship the son of god come on sage holy holy holy all you lord pick up the key bruce come on my brother holy holy [Music] the elders and angels by very deep worship you now holy [Music] are you [Music] the elders and angels [Music] [Music] are you lord lift your voice and bless him everywhere holy holy holy [Music] you now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the elders [Music] [Music] are you can you hear the sound of heaven it's the sound of many waters it's a sign of worship coming from the throne [Music] there are cries of adorations as men from every nation [Music] lift their voice to make his glory know and we're doing it here lord holy holy holy are you lord everything in this remembers holy holy holy are [Music] worship you now oh holy holy holy are you [Music] [Music] hallelujah that anointing is here now lift your hands and receive worship now [Music] received [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh touch each one of the lord anoint each one of them [Applause] [Music] empower them now [Music] [Applause] receive in the name of jesus [Music] a fresh anointing for your tomorrow [Music] even as you worship hard receive a blessed action [Music] for ministry an impartation for service [Music] in jesus name in jesus name [Music] but by my spirits of the lord lift your hands and ask him now [Music] if you fathers being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit to the more asking to them who ask him [Music] to them who ask him say father father in the mighty name of jesus [Music] fill me now with the holy spirit empower my life for service for you wonderful heavenly father in the mighty name of jesus anoint me anoint me anoint me mightily continually that my life will overflow with your power souls will be saved body to be healed in your name for you said they that believe in my name they shall lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover and all you're asking for is an empty vessel i give my vessel to you i furnish the vessel now lift your hands to heaven say dear jesus i give you my body [Music] a living sacrifice use me as a mighty vessel of power in these last days in jesus name now lord you heard that prayer and lord i release as your servant i release a fresh function a fresh anointing now lord let them feel it on their body while i am asking let them feel it on their bodies let the fire of god flow through them let the blessed power of the holy spirit flow through them so that see the power in their life and let them know how to nourish it with your word and prayer till that seed becomes a mighty force through them and i pray many will be saved through their life many will be healed through them they are your church and they are your people and they are your inheritance and you purchase them with your blood and i claim and i declare every one of them shall be victorious in these last days in the name of jesus dear lord i feel the anointing here now if you want god to use you in these last days i'm not gonna ask you to come forward but i'm gonna ask you to hold that light up your head earlier if you want god to use you i want to pray with you michael please come with me and we're gonna dismiss in just a few minutes we'll give it back to michael and he'll do what has to be done heaven is watching this moment heaven is watching this minute the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of lights lit up want god to use our lord lord for 46 years i've served and i pray you'll give me at least another 20. lord as i look at these souls as i look at these men and women ready for service i pray lord put them to your work and give them longevity give them longevity holy spirit and let them be mighty warriors for the rest of their life and lord i declare every one of them to be a soldier of the cross and every one of them will win many to the cross and many of them will see the sick healed to the left and to the right and lord i also pray in jesus name no evil shall be followed no plague shall come neither dwelling a thousand shall follow their saturn ten thousand at the right hand it shall not come nigh them for they will dwell in your presence when all is said and done on that glorious day they will hear you say well done and now i declare unto him who's able to keep you from falling and to present you blameless [Music] in his presence with joy to the only wise god be glory forever amen i charge you in his name preach the gospel do the work of a mighty evangelist [Music] a man and woman of god now lift your heads and tell him you're ready for service beginning tonight [Music] [Applause] so lord we seal it we seal it in jesus name jesus awaken us to fall deeper in love with you deeper in love in jesus name in jesus name thank you jesus we love you jesus we love you jesus so much thank you for the cross thank you for your blood we worship you jesus holy spirit i ask that everybody will have an awareness of jesus when they leave an awareness of jesus in their homes an awareness of jesus and their families and their marriages with their children an awareness of you every day amen amen
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 823,467
Rating: 4.8291674 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Koulianos, Jessica Koulianos, Jesus, Image, Holy Spirit, Bethel, Bethel Music, Upper Room, UPPERROOM, Todd White, Benny Hinn, Eric Gilmour, Reinhard Bonnke, Bill Johnson, Jesus Image, kanye west, Jesus is King
Id: xiaZACCfNZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 32sec (4472 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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