Pleiadian Q and A - Messages from the ET's

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hello everybody welcome and thank you very much for tuning in with me I'm not sure if I'm live actually it's saying I'm live but I'm not quite sure so if you're online with me do let me know hi yes okay people are coming online now thank you so many of you have asked for the Pleiadians to come through and I think I'd have a hard job stopping them quite honestly because they're always wanting to come through and talk with you and soothe you and love you and give you their ideas and different perspectives for me I've always got my heart in my mouth whenever I'm doing anything like this because I cannot prepare at all for this other than to surrender and to allow what comes through to come through so I've got some top questions here and please feel free while I'm videoing now live to a sickening questions that you've got and I'll just bring them on in so the the first question that's been asked repeatedly here is about our water our abilities to heal ourselves and to heal others and here we go oh we are delighted to be with you all what a delight it is to just revel in your company yes we can sense and feel you yes we really do and there are many many many of us people often ask oh you know who is it your leader well we don't have a leader because we're just one which should we say of many many many many many many many many many vibratory fields here you see hmm so the question has been asked abilities to heal yourselves and others hmm well you've got a tremendous ability for healing much more than you've been led to believe you can heal yourself of anything at all there is nothing that you cannot be healed from and healing really healing is is nothing more than coming into a perfect alignment when you are not well in any way it means that you've gone out of alignment you've gone out of being in balance it doesn't feel very good so you've all got healing ability some have got it more developed than others that's true but you've all got it and now where there is an opening happening on your planet earth for more or awakening to be happening this is why we're able to come through now more and more and more it's because there is an awakening happening on planet earth because so many of you are just tired of the old way of being tired of the old way of living tired of all of it yes too difficult too hard too miserable yes too much suffering and you see yeah the healing needs to take place and we will be taking place and it's already taking place on a personal level and on the collective level on a wider level you find everything beginning to heal now because that's what you're looking for you're looking for healing you're not looking for more stuff because more stuff doesn't do it for you you know that more stuff more things more everything more and more and more and more it's never enough you're never gonna have enough ever ever hmm until you decide and you say to yourself right now I am enough I am enough I am enough the way I am and a healing takes place on so very many levels you see there's no physical level and to start with the physical level how you can heal yourself physically well first of all healing takes place when you fully inhabit the physical body many of you are not really inhabiting your physical body fully yes you come in and out of it from time to time you can eat your dinner and then you are there sort of but you might be watching television and do reading a book or doing something else as well as eating and not really giving full attention to your physical body and full attention is what the physical body needs in order to fully heal full attention and it's a matter of just getting used to doing that - giving the body of tension and loving the body and enjoying having a physical body revel in the fact that you have a beautiful physical body you're always looking at it and saying not enough not this not that not the other but the physical body is a miracle it's miraculous everything that happens it's perfectly miraculous and so what we are looking at now is an opening of the physical form and we're working with you now for those of you are online and those of you watching later we're working we're working with the vibratory field many of you are aware of that and feeling that yes we work with your vibration yeah it's about being in the body really being aware that you have many more cellular informations that are upon you and around you and within you there is so much you miss that you don't see and now is the awakening to being able to experience and to feel that power that connectedness hmm that you have with everything and not to feel disconnected the loneliness the sadness the isolation that's the disconnection so number one that part of the healing is coming into the body living in the moment and being right here right now with us right here right now right now oh yes yes come into that beautiful body of yours yes beautiful beautiful yes it's so delicious to have a physical body some of you may say oh my body's hurting just love it love the body hello everybody we're delighted you're joining us are we are we are we are we are yes for getting a little serious we have to remember not to be too little too serious and at the same time just to allow yourself to come into your body welcome yourself in your physical body we have Barbara touching a physical model yes touch your physical body just as so many of you look to be touched by another in the relationship in a love in a romance in anything like that but this is about you touching you soothing you you can sue with yourself so beautifully you can soothe yourself when you start to feel in any way you stressed or tense you just need to soothe by just stroking your body gently stroking is so healing for the body so healing and we're starting on one level here that some of you are asking about how to heal childhood trauma will come to that were coming to that there when we thank you for the question first off is the physical becoming aware that you have this physical body loving this physical body every single part of you every single part of you yes that's it so revel in your body revel in it just revel right now Barbara is reveling in the sensation of just touching her chest here just touching her neck here you might want to do the same and don't think this is not important it's vitally important because as you come in and you feel the intelligence of the body the body is an intelligence field and right now most of you are tuned into about 2% of it and there is 98% in your terms that you don't even tune into and we are just wanting to begin to awaken some of those sign up seas in the brain in the inside of you to realize that there is something so much war and it starts with something so simple y'all just blowing you a kiss right now you may find that the body just wants to do something on its own just wants to do something by itself yes and there is no one way of healing the body because each one of you is a different seed so what heals one body may not heal another body and it's important that you get in touch with your inner intelligence your inner being your inner self and yes there are some wonderful questions coming here about food here and we're going to address that too we've got a lot to cover we like your questions we don't eat in the way that you eat yes we don't have digestive systems and all of that stuff well no we don't we well certainly don't have that we have create that if we wanted to but it's a little cumbersome music hmm hmm but if we recognize that many of you have many issues around food what to eat or not to meat and all those things and we want you just to start with still getting in touch with the touch the smell of you're slowing down into yourself many of the great sages the Buddha many of these awakened ones they sat quietly for very long periods of time and then they became awakened and we're not suggesting you have to do that you see it's not necessary but to go into yourself and to enjoy touching yourself just to enjoy that sensation of feeling the softness of your skin the softness of your physical form the precious sacredness of you are a part of the eternal source of being so now we're going to go a little deeper there's so many of you are asking about childhood childhood traumas and all of these things and there is also collective trauma there is trauma on the planet from wars from history it's everywhere trauma is everywhere so it's within you and without you and how do we heal that we heal that by becoming alive in this moment and becoming aware of your physical body and relaxing and not allowing your mind to take you over again and again and again because it's a mental picture that keeps stressing the body you think it and the body gets stressed again you think of that trauma oh yes it comes again here it comes again this is a deep subject and we are just covering little bits and pieces here right now with you yes when we do and we'll begin traveling soon with Barbara we'll be coming to various countries and places where you'll be able to be in person with us so it's it's coming not there yet because Barbara is not quite ready yet no panic Barbara it's all right you're not going just yet it's all right your honor just do your learning as well and we're learning how to come through more clearly more and more but trauma has everything to do with the past and the holding all of the past we did in the physical form and it can be released by various methods some of you find bodywork useful some of you find foods useful some of you found shamanic things pure useful there are many different ways to it but ultimately it is the awakening within self that has to happen within you because that's what each one wants you are each of flower you are each unique there will never be another one like you ever how amazing is that isn't that tremendous and yet you're all part of one tapestry one all one amazing amazing amazing intelligence feel of intelligence so what's happening is there is an awakening of the intelligence field that is happening on your planet which is why healing of past of traumas and collective personal psychological of mental of the mind of all of the things that you've experienced because when things come out in the physical body they're the very last part of the discomfort because they're already lodged in the mental body long before and running around in the physical body really just is the last avenue to say help I can't take this level of stress anymore hmm and as for food well food is different for all of you there is no one way what a relief isn't that a relief so don't be dogmatic don't say there is only this way because there isn't there are many ways and we want you to find your own way and we're here guiding you we're bringing light yes many of you are asking to a speak of love hmm well love love love love love love love love it's such a huge huge all-encompassing thing that everybody wants and is you see you are loved with chopping around a little because there's so many things coming a vegetarian for some of you vegetarian is wonderful for some of you it's not yeah we realize these are difficult concepts yes many of you want to have lined out you want us to say it's this way or it's the highway well we don't see that way we see it in a multitude of different possibilities you are multi-dimensional you are multi frequency beings you're able to do so many more things you currently realize there are no idea you look at things such a narrow perspective you're opening gradually opening gradually yeah opening gradually that's it and that's why many of you are drawn to these messages because you sense there is an opening you are seeing what's happening with Barbara you are seeing the great changes that are happening and still are happening and really yeah yes we do consult privately as well some of you you readings with us privately yes and yes remember not to be dogmatic remember to allow each to have their own way to find their own way to make their own mistakes as you may see them for nobody really makes and snakes are just learning processes in the awakening of the intelligence that you are you're in divine intelligence that powerful intelligence and the intelligence is alive now it really is there are a few of you on the spine growing members who are ready to connect many of you asked about PTSD ADHD although all these funny additions that you have for all sorts of things and we're going to say these are all mental obsessions and sicknesses that can't be healed by coming into the physical body properly into the physical body fully fully funny funny funny funny fully and they're connecting with the physical body with everything there is through thoughts yes many of you are really understanding that yeah you'll see you or many of you have many judgments about one another and I suppose to drop those judgments best you can do what's right for you and that's good enough but try not to judge others because you don't like being judged do you when somebody judges you for something you do or say or think of you you feel hurt you feel pain you don't feel loved there is no love in the judgement let each go their own way if that's what makes somebody happy and that's what's working for somebody then let them go that way yeah somebody's asking they're not able to swallow food it's about being able to inhale life freely inhaling life the stages of metamorphosis and it's how not to be self-critical or just to become aware of when you're self-critical and easier to become aware I'm going to be in critical balance it's so easy to be critical of others so we see oh look at him look at her eats animals what can you expect from somebody we channels just know that there's something that you do there's another may judge and it's so important to release those judgments just to release them yeah exactly one of the big things to heal is these judgments absolutely yeah well we're being are something major changes taking place on our planet we need to be aware of yes yes there are many changes taking place on your planet that you need to be aware of and most simple you need to be aware of yourself for what you're doing why are you doing everything and really study yourself know thyself as his in Delphi here in Greece know thyself see the thing is that things are set up for you to look to others unless you can beam up front of us wonderful pointers and ideas but yes yes yes yes so somebody says wants to sing on the stage for millions well sing for you sing with your heart your soul your passion for you put your heart and soul into whatever you do love it and people will feel that vibration no matter what it is windows mopping the floor feeling a child sprinkling an animal doesn't matter what it is put your heart and soul into it and you will come alive and you'll heal everything I know he looks around you you will heal those around you you see heal thyself another one was it Epocrates we imagined yes well before that but heal thyself - yeah what matters most is your joyfulness your intention of joy in what you intend to do and that's her in the body when you're doing it that you're aware of what's going on in you and you let the higher intelligence come into you you get that higher intelligence just to come through you may own out of the Vinci all these great artists they allow that intelligence through Beethoven Mozart all those great ones allowed the Intel I sign there are so many so many intention well intention that's an interesting word because the attention that has to do with will sometimes you need to just watch out this issue around will you know my will I want this and now I want anybody else wants well doesn't quite work like that yes you can go for what it is turns you on but not to the detriment of others because when you do it to the detriment of others that causes you pain ultimately you may not feel it immediately but ultimately it causes you pain because what you really want is to be peace with others once you really want to succeed its joy with us what you really want is to be able to go through life and to become higher vibratory fields so that you can manifest more easily so you don't have to work so hard you don't have to do so many things this is what you're learning oh it's so powerful it's so wonderful hmm well you're asking will be show ourselves physically to humanity well we are available to you to be seen but not in the way you see you see the ability to develop a different kind of sight because you do have an ability for a different kind of sites many you know this we love you so very much with so grateful for your positive comments and help yes we're very grateful hmm to those of you who follow who comment who encouraged young how to heal a broken heart with a broken heart really is where you feel as though we you've been let down disappointed somebody's abandoned you they not kept their word they've done something to her somebody outside of you has done something to her to you and really it's about soothing yourself now and finding the soothingness and letting us serve you we have a very soothing energy we love you all very very much finding your guides your spirit guides and releasing and letting go of the expectations that you have in that relationship because there are certain expectations that were not realized and letting go yeah will you be able to meet we're not more questions you know will you be able to connect directly with loved ones who have passed yes some of you could have already do this very well and you will gradually it's the fear diminishes on this planet you see the fear is the issue the fear is once held humanity back this is living in fear and most of it is connected to the past yes what's happened all that several things that's happened in the past yeah yeah many questions coming we're not sure at first ah well let's see now hmm somebody's longing to know their guides here mom needs to know your guide as well know your guides really is just about tuning in once again coming into the physicality of yourself just asking and then receiving whatever comes in with no images no expectations you might receive a little animal you might receive a number of words something and this will be the direction and then you receive something else and something else because guides don't necessarily come from clearly with weather it's like we're doing right now mr. quite able to practice and still listen we're still learning yeah we're gonna let Barbara take a little bit of water here hmm yeah we are enjoying our time with you we really are well being us good question here how to help a partner out of a negative mindset of depression you can't really certainly not by being cheerful and trying to cheer them out of it they have to want it first of all and the best you can do is to be alive in every moment and aware and do wonder don't be around it too too much because if it's a very strong negativity then it can pull you into it as well it's like infectious it has an infectious number to it so the best thing you do is you awaken yourself and through your example and your light you may bring light to that person but that person needs to want it enough to be able to make the changes that will be necessary for that particular life to come alive again yeah well we've got to take one more question because you know we can only do so much with Barbara right now it's quite a quite a big thing to come live online with you here we love it so very much and there soon we'll be able to do a little longer and we just want to say to you how much we enjoy your presence and we hope that you feel soothed by our messages because remember that there are the words but then there is the energy behind the words and with the words that reaches you now that we hope is helping you in your life and bringing you a sense of love feeling the love that is all around you and that you don't have to look for it from one person or two or three people but it's everywhere around you mmm yeah yeah we love these sessions with you yeah somebody's asking you're feeling so much sorrow and pain how to release it to let it out and to let it go not to hold on to it there is a tendency the sorrow and pain sometimes of course sorrow and pain is appropriate for a while if you've lost an animal that you loved or a loved one there are waves of salt sadness and tears yes that is true but really it is about hmm once again the soothing of yourself the loving of yourself and the tuning in that there is love all around you and we will send you love and soothing yeah don't resist the sorrow and the pain that's what we're going to say to you don't resist it let it wash over you and then it will clear again and the sunshine will come out again you see let it wash over you yeah well we love you very very very very very very very very very very much we'll be back soon if you want to studies back now hi everybody I am back Barbara does cringe a bit when she watches the faces that the Pleiadians have me pulling but channeling is not for the vain that's for sure and usually I don't see what they look like anyway so that's okay and I just want to say thank you very much for listening and for your encouragement and I'm sending you lots and lots of love and I hope you can feel it bye for now
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 18,881
Rating: 4.9609122 out of 5
Id: dik5tGWbuXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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