In 2022, Fortunate them who can swim, for from the swells they will be freed...

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Hi. Today I’d like to talk to you about 2022 today is the 30th of July 2021 but I wanted to make this video early, so that as many people as possible could watch it in order to get prepared for this year 2022. it is an important year as you will find out by watching this video and by perhaps going through the year, which is, in my opinion, an important year as far as what we are going to discover is concerned… You see, there will be a major conjunction that I will talk about in this video between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Now the last time this conjunction occurred was in 1856 and that was a terrible year as far as floods are concerned especially in France and other parts of the world, more especially in Europe perhaps. Anyway, we will talk about the major transits of the slow planets and then Mars as well. The influence of the Sun of course, as it revolves around the Zodiac in 12 months and what we can expect from all the configurations that are going to come alive while the Sun transits such or such important element or planet around the chart, around the Zodiac. So, let's get on with it now… Before I continue on with this video, I wanted to remind you about my two books published on the Amazon website in your region or country. This one is a course. Meaning that if you follow step by step what is written in this book, you will learn how to analyse a birth chart, any birth chart, yours of course, and other people’s around you... And this one talks about the transits and the influence of the transits, which I am going to explain in this video, that can have a very drastic influence in your life by changing the course of your existence in many ways. The planets have a continuous influence around the solar system and, by extension, on this planet Earth on which of course we are all living… Thanks in advance for that and I wanted to thank you too for your interest in my work and for your continuous support. Thank you very much. So, now let's get on with that 2022 forecast… This is the chart of the new year. It was drawn for the 1st of January 2022 at midnight or zero hour GMT, 12:00 A.M. It's not exactly what I’m going to analyse, but it is a start. It represents the beginning of the year. It represents substantially what the year is going to be like, but of course, the planets are going to move around and the configurations are going to change, and that is what interests me more than this static chart. But it is interesting to see that there is a cluster here in Capricorn and that on that very first of January, Jupiter will begin the transit in Pisces, which has already had an influence in 2021 between mid-May and the end of July. Jupiter was in Pisces, but very “timidly”, because it only reached 2 degrees and 11 minutes and then it began a retrograde motion which has now taken the planet back in Aquarius, and it's going to remain in Aquarius until the end of the year, until 29th of December of this year 2021. Today is the 30th of July 2021, as I said earlier, so, when Jupiter transits this sign, Pisces, it is of course going to reach the position of Neptune and that's a very important moment which I’ve mentioned earlier, but we'll go a bit deeper into what to expect. And then, later on, that is in 2023, but there will be a kind of conjunction in 2022 between Jupiter and Chiron, and that will also have a very interesting and important influence. As well of course, Saturn is going to move around but much slower. Jupiter Neptune will move too, naturally and Pluto as well but very, very, very slowly; just like Uranus, it's going to move slowly as well. Uranus takes 84 years to revolve around the Zodiac, 165 years for Neptune, 29 and a half years for Saturn, and 248 years for Pluto. Mars will also have a very strong influence. Mars plays the role of a Detonator. That's the planet that gives life to what is represented by a much slower planet such as Pluto for example. And then of course, I will make videos for each sign of the Zodiac in 2022 that you can watch on my channel as many times as you like throughout the year… So, let's get on with explaining the possible influences of the transits of the planets around the Zodiac in 2022… The first important event of the year is of course the New Moon, which is going to occur on the 2nd of January, but I will make a video about that, so I’m not going to talk about it now. The second important event in my opinion, is transit of the Sun, which is going to create a conjunction with Pluto, and that is this configuration here. It is going to occur on the 16th of January, and where will be the Moon on the 16th of January? It will be here, in Cancer, and on the 17th of January there will be a Full Moon, and the Full Moon will create an opposition with Pluto, and of course the Sun will be here as well because that is the Configuration, the opposition between the Sun and the Moon is what we call a “Full Moon”. So, that will be a very important moment in the year, and it will have an influence on the notion of life and perhaps death, meaning that the New Moon corresponds to a new cycle which begins. The new year represents a new cycle as well, which is a legal type of new cycle. It has really nothing to do with any astrological phenomena, but it has something to do with our way of life naturally. The 1st of January leads us to a new year, which is of course a very important Event, but the New Moon is a more important event on an astrological or astronomical point of view, and the Full Moon as well. So, between the New Moon, which is going to occur in Capricorn, not far from Pluto, and the Full Moon, which is going to be in connection with the energy of Pluto, I think that this first fortnight in 2022 will have to do with the fact that we will need to make some kind of sacrifice in order to achieve what we want to achieve. There is something that we need to abandon, to let go, to forget about to free ourselves and perhaps to lighten our existential vehicles in order for that vehicle to travel further and easier where we want to get to in 2022. For some of us it will be much more important than others naturally, and if you look at the sign where that phenomenon is going to occur, that is Capricorn and also Cancer, of course, where the Moon will be around the 16th and 17th of January. So, both signs are really going to be concerned by what is going to happen, be during that first fortnight in 2022, but of course other signs as well, because we are all concerned by what is going on in the Zodiac because we all have something in Capricorn. It may be a planet or another element, or simply a house. And the same applies to Cancer and the same applies to every other sign actually. Anyway, let's carry on with the next transit. Following the Sun, we see that later on it reaches the position of Saturn here and that will happen on the 4th of February. But you see, there is a cluster here in Capricorn and that's interesting because we have Mars, Venus, Vesta, Mercury, and Pluto. Now, Mars represents action, Venus represents love, and you know the good things of life, just like Vesta because Vesta represents harmony and well-being, Mercury represents communication, and Pluto represents that which we need to regenerate more or less. The principle of regeneration is represented by Pluto and that is exactly what we will need in 2022, and that will probably be something that we think about, and we realise, and we talk about around that date when of course Mercury and Pluto are almost in conjunction. Then Venus, Vesta, and Mars that's passion. We can be passionate about what we want to achieve, what we decide early in February or late in January will have a very strong influence. The Sun, you see, gives light, so when it reaches the position of Pluto, as I said earlier, it's going to show us more or less, shed light on what needs to be regenerated. And here when it reaches the position of Saturn, it means that it's going to shed light on what is necessary to do. Saturn represents what is compulsory, Saturn represents what the reality is on a daily basis. So, it means that the transit of the Sun is going to allow us to understand perhaps, or at least to perceive what needs to be really done in a very serious and determined manner, and of course, the decision that we will eventually take on that day when the Sun conjuncts Saturn, will have much longer repercussions, perhaps until the next transits of the Sun on the position of Saturn next year, the following year, in 2023. The next important event is the transit of Mars. It is going to create a conjunction with Pluto while Vesta is around the place as well, and Venus is not very far. And on the 3rd of March, Mars is going to change sign together with Venus, at the same time. That's interesting. Pluto represents what we need to regenerate, whereas Vesta represents harmony. Perhaps we need to regenerate in order to restore or preserve harmony and well-being in our lives. Fair enough… Mars represents our ability to act and react to impose ourselves. It is the god of war and Pluto is the god of death. So, when they're together they tend to make us more radical about what we want to regenerate. So, perhaps if we need to end a relationship it may be quite abrupt and it may also give rise to a conflict. It is a period during which we will need to be more careful because that conjunction can indicate a risk, an accrued risk of accidents, conflicts, as I said earlier, arguments, anger, and other types of reactions that we could then sort of regret, but it may be too late… So, it's important to take note of that date as well, the third of March, but of course the conjunction with Pluto is going to occur toward the end of February, and it will still have an influence until at least the third of March. So, let's take it easy during that short period in order to avoid doing things, or regretting what we have done earlier on… And then of course, Mars is going to change sign to transit through Aquarius, here. Together with Venus. And Venus is love and Mars is hate. Hate and love are cohabitating very often actually, so when you're in love you are very aware of what is going on within yourself and you may be very wary or worried about what is going on within the person you love, so that Mars can make you more intense about your feelings and it can also make you more intense about protecting the person you love, or imposing yourself within the relationship, which may become a source of great satisfaction, but also, because it is Mars, of great conflict… So, because Pluto is not very far from this conjunction, you need to remember that if you are in a sensitive or delicate situation, you will have to sort of hold on your horses in order to avoid an argument and perhaps a breakup. You never know what can happen in that sort of situation… And then, Mars is going to continue on its transit through this sign and it will reach the position of Saturn. But before that, Jupiter is going to be reached by the transit of the Sun which is in turn going to reach the position of Neptune. So, the Sun is going to give light, the Sun is life, so it is going to give life to the very powerful energy of Jupiter, and the same of course will apply to that of Neptune. Now, what does that mean? Neptune represents our dreams, our hopes; Neptune represents our connection with the spiritual dimension of life and Jupiter represents exaltation, enthusiasm, optimism, it represents our positive Side, the tendency that we have at times to say “yes, it's going to be wonderful, let's go and do it!” Adventure. That is Jupiter's influence that makes us adventurous and eager to learn as well, eager to acquire more. That can be material possessions, intellectual possessions, or any other type of Possessions. So, when the Sun reaches this conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune, although it's not yet a conjunction as such, because as you can see Jupiter is at 15 degrees here in Pisces, and Neptune is at 22 degrees. There is seven degrees separating both planets. We can talk about a conjunction already but the Sun arriving there and making both planets more active naturally, will probably intensify that seven degree conjunction which is going to become a true conjunction about a month later. So, the Sun is there to give light, and of course to allow us to see more. I mean at night if you don't turn the light on, you don't see much, do you? So, we need the Sun. The Sun is light, and when it arrives somewhere around the Zodiac, it brings life to this area of the Zodiac, to this area of your birth chart as well. So, apart from the other planets and the other transits, that of the Sun is very important, but it's always the same year after year. The Sun comes back at about the same moment the same day in the same area of your life. So, since you were born naturally you get used to that influence and that is why when a slower planet is in a certain area of your birth chart, the influence is much different when the Sun arrives on that position of the planet in question. That will be the case of course for Jupiter and Neptune. The area of life where that conjunction or that situation occurs in your chart is going to have a very strong influence during that year 2022 because Neptune and Jupiter are very slow planets and the fact that they are very slow makes that conjunction a unique event. It is not going to occur again during your lifetime because Neptune takes 165 years to travel around the Zodiac. The last time the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune occurred was in 1856 as I mentioned earlier, so, you can prepare yourself for something extraordinary. There is something like a dream comes true. Let yourself be led by that dream, let yourself be motivated by what you want to achieve, even though other people around you may not believe in you or in whatever you want to achieve. Jupiter may give you a lot more optimism and it also indicates that your dream will be officialised because Jupiter represents that as well in astrology, but the Sun will play a major role because it will be the element that is going to give life to that Conjunction. So you should prepare yourself for the moment or the period during which the Sun is going to transit through in Pisces because throughout that period the energy of the Sun is going to continue on giving its own power to that of Jupiter and Neptune together. So, we also need to be careful and to be rational because Neptune represents our dreams, right, and a dream is not rational. It can become rational if there is something rational that is brought into the dream in order to make it something that will have a connection with reality. Jupiter does not represent what is rational; it represents optimism enthusiasm and our ability to get involved in what we want to achieve even though it may be far-fetched, but it doesn't matter. What matters is the way you are going to organise what you want to organise to obtain the best results… The next interesting event is of course when the Sun reaches the position of Chiron here. That will be on the 2nd of April. While this happens, Mars will create a conjunction with Saturn on the fifth of April. Mars Saturn here. On the 12th of April Jupiter is going to reach Neptune and create a unique conjunction, as I said earlier. So, it seems that April is an important month as well. It is an important month as far as what Chiron represents. As I said earlier, the Sun is life, the Sun is light, so it is going to shed light on what Chiron Represents: “health”. That is physiological health naturally, but it's also psychological Health, emotional health, sentimental health, professional health, financial health, health in a general way. Chiron represents our ability to think and analyse, to observe in a very detailed sort of way. So, we could focus on some details and forget about the whole to which the details belong. When the conjunction occurs, you see Mercury is there as well, and Mercury represents our brains. So, if we are too attentive to petty details and not enough to the whole picture, then we may get it wrong and that will probably make our life less interesting and perhaps more disappointing than really fulfilling and Satisfying. Chiron here is in harmony with Vesta, which is good because Vesta represents harmony, and there is a potential harmony with what is here in Aquarius: Mars and Saturn. It means that if we focus on a detail that is so important that we can’t take our eyes off of that detail, then we need to act accordingly and if we do, then the influence of Chiron together with the Sun and Mercury will help us understand, will help us Communicate, express ourselves, and share what we need to share in order to solve a problem and to make things much clearer for ourselves and for perhaps other people around us… I’ve talked about the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune. It is going to occur on the 0:27:42.240,0:27:52.720 12th of April 2022. The previous conjunction occurred on the 18th of March 1856 It's happening in a water sign. Neptune represents Pisces. it is the god of the seas and the oceans. It represents the power of the seas and the oceans; so, it represents water as such. It is a very dominant element and we know that when that element gets crazy, the earth suffers and we suffer as well. So, in 1856 toward the end of May, there were Tremendous, drastic, dramatic floods in France, and there were some as well in other parts of Europe and other parts of the world. That was the last time when Neptune and Jupiter met in Pisces. So, in 2022 we can expect more water, we can expect more rain naturally, we can expect more floods… But we can also expect flood wise, the water element represents our emotions, So, we will be much more emotional about what we go through and want to go through as well. It means that our emotions are going to lead us, to influence as well to motivate us; and for some of us it will be wonderful because they will naturally, spontaneously know how to conduct themselves, how to protect themselves, how to act to obtain the best results. But others may be waiting more than acting and relying too much on what they are told and what they are led to be, to believe, and then they may be strongly, profoundly, deeply disappointed… It indicates that the year 2022, as far as what we were led to believe before 2022, the transits of Jupiter, the transit of the Sun which I’ve talked about before, are there to shed light and to make us realize that what we believed perhaps was not the reflection of reality… So, disillusion is probably what is going to take place around that time in the year 2022… And then, Mars is going to transit through in Pisces as well. Mars will enter this sign on the 15th of April. You know what I said about the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune which is going to occur on the 12th of April Mars is going to give even more power to that conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune because it will have a very strong influence in this sign as soon as it plunges into this water of this sign. So, it is going to make the water even more active and reactive, and Mars is going to transit through this sign in six weeks, but it will create a conjunction with Neptune later on. The conjunction with Neptune will occur on the 18th of May and that's lucky really because in May Jupiter will not be in Pisces anymore, it will have begun its transit in Aries a few days before. Mars will reach Aries and when it does it will create a conjunction with Jupiter so there may be a link between the moment when Mars reaches the position of Neptune and the moment when Mars reaches the position of Jupiter. Those two moments are linked together by what Neptune represents: our hopes our dreams… If you are disappointed with something or someone, when Mars reaches the position of Neptune, because Mars is the god of war, perhaps you are going to react strongly if you are disappointed. You are angry, and you express that anger, and you express it very strongly and you know that there could be a repercussion to what you're going to do, to decide, or to express, because when Mars reaches the position of Jupiter then, the situation is going to grow to become even more intense and important and that could prove to be quite unnerving, disturbing, destabilizing. So, we need to take it easy around the time when Mars reaches the position of Neptune on the 18th of May 2022 because approximately one week later, or a bit more, Mars will reach the position of Jupiter… Before the conjunction between Mars and Neptune on the 18th of May, there will be a conjunction between the Sun and Uranus in Taurus at 14 degrees and some minutes in this sign. It will occur on the 5th of May 2022. Change, drastic radical change, is represented by Uranus. It also represents inventiveness. So, if you're Inventive, you may find something interesting to do that could be a kind of revelation. You suddenly understand and you suddenly react to change direction in your life. you see, Uranus represents our ability to change radically. So, the energy of the Sun, which is there to shed light, to give life, is going to give life to the energy of Uranus, and that energy of Uranus is going to operate in some area of your life according to your birth chart. Where is Uranus in your birth chart at the Moment? And what area of your life is it affecting? It is affecting that area since it is in Taurus, which is since May 2018, but more so since March 2019, and Uranus is going to remain in Taurus until 2025, 2026. it's a long transit. Seven years. And, of course, each year the Sun is going to reach Uranus until it changes sign, and when it does, each year the Sun will transit the position of Uranus, just like it will the position of all the other slow planets. It means that if you want to change something drastically, radically and forever, change direction, change your way of life, change your job perhaps, then it could be a moment to choose to realise that. But what happens then may happen in the whole world or in your region, or in your city, or in your place of residence. It all depends on where this conjunction in your chart is going to occur. So, if you need some information about that, of course don't hesitate to visit ABLAS’s website where you will find information to ask a question or to order a an in-depth reading of your birth chart and a forecast for 2022. No problem, we will be very happy to help you with that… So, let's carry on with the following transits now… Mars is then going to transit in Aries, as I mentioned earlier. The transit is going to begin on the 25th of May and there will be a conjunction with Jupiter on the 29th of May. That can create spontaneity, but impulsiveness as well. We can be very impulsive at getting involved into something that seems to be extremely positive. What it appears to be is linked to the energy of Neptune, which we've talked about, and if there was disappointment before, when Mars reached the position of Neptune, then, when Mars reaches the position of Jupiter, that disappointment is going to perhaps create a very official type of reaction… Apart from that if you want to be a champion and if you were born under this sign, Aries, or if you have Jupiter in Aries in your birth chart, when Mars reaches the position of Jupiter it's going to make it much stronger, and the power may help you reach a level that you haven't reached ever before in your life. So, we need to be aware of that conjunction between Mars and Jupiter. We need to be aware of the fact that when Mars transits in Aries we are more reactive. And of course, then Mars will change sign to transit through in Taurus. And when Mars transits in Taurus naturally it's going to reach the position of Uranus here… And what is next to Uranus? if you can see it here, it is the North Lunar Node. The North Lunar Node represents that toward which we should be tending to go. Uranus represents change, right? Mars gives us the incentive, the motivation to act. Action is represented by Mars… So, a change can be made in a very muscly way around the time when Mars conjuncts Uranus and the North Lunar Node. It's not going to last just for one day, it's going to have an influence about five to seven days before and five to seven days after the conjunction… So, take note of that in your diary as well. It is going to occur on the 2nd of august 2022… So, when it does happen, you see it is creating a discordant aspect here which we call a square, 90 degrees separating both elements around the chart. Saturn represents what is imposed on Us. It represents the restrictions, it represents what we have to do, what is compulsory, and what is not very, very nice, what we don't like really but it is more or less for our own good that we need to do what is imposed on us, or at least that's how those who impose what they impose see it… But Uranus represents our ability to free ourselves, to be independent, to be different, to be original, marginal if we want to. Uranus represents our ability to invent and to understand quickly what Saturn does not understand quickly which we are going to feel as like perhaps the lead on a pressure cooker. And if that lead on the pressure cooker is too tight, and the safety valve does not work anymore, Then, after a while the pressure cooker may explode, and this is perhaps what we could fear happening around the time when Mars reaches the position of Uranus. And that may happen weather-wise. It can also happen socially, but it can also happen for you, in your own life, in some particular area of your life according to the houses for example, where these planets are: Saturn, Uranus, Mars, and even the North Lunar Node. Because we want freedom. This is what represents the North Lunar Node next to Uranus and we want to change what needs to be changed from our point of view. Whether we are right or not doesn't make much difference. The energy is there, the urge is there, and it could create a lot of tension within ourselves in our own lives and also socially as I said earlier. So, globally the world may have a difficult time to deal with the tension and what happens around that day early in august 2022 may strongly have to do with what happened a few months before when Mars reached the position of Saturn. I’ve explained that earlier in the video. So, you can go back and have a look at it to refresh your memory… Before the transit of Mars in Taurus and the conjunction with Uranus and the North Lunar Node, there is another transit that is quite interesting: when the Sun reaches the position of Lilith… Before that the Sun will have reached the position of Uranus of course and of the North Lunar Node in Taurus. That's in April and early May. We've talked about that before. Then, when the Sun reaches the position of Lilith (it is the black Moon) it represents the dark zones you know, what we don't know, what we ignore, what is hidden from us, what we hide from others as well. It is the shadowy sort of area of our lives and of life as such. The mysteries of life are represented by Lilith, the unknown. We are attracted by the unknown, but we fear the unknown as well… And suddenly the Sun arriving there, forming a conjunction with Lilith, will shed light on those dark zones. So, suddenly perhaps we are going to see what has been hidden from us. It is interesting, but it could be also a period during which we will feel uncomfortable because it is sometimes quite destabilizing to suddenly realize that other people around us have access to what we don't really want to share with them, what we keep for ourselves, either because we strongly believe that it only belongs to ourselves, or because we are more or less ashamed of what we don't want to show other people… We all have a dark zone somewhere within ourselves… But, on a larger scale, this period may also be interesting as far as shedding light on the darker zones of society, hiding what should have been really expressed, and explained, or shown in a much more spontaneous honest, sincere, authentic way… Thank you very much for watching this video I wish you all the very best for 2022 And of course, if you need a reading of any kind, visit the ABLAS’s website and you will find all the information to order such reading. Thank you very much once again. All the very best. Have a nice summer and a nice end of year 2021 to begin a wonderful 2022. bye for now
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Id: fjlcZPkS8gs
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Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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