Creating Consciousness - Episode 11 - Looking at US trends astrologically with Pam Gregory

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and we are almost live there we go so welcome welcome everybody this is uh creating consciousness this is episode 11. uh we are going to talk about the u.s chart i have world renowned astrologer pam gregory with me today which i am super honored to have her on my podcast i was just telling her i'm a small fish again in this big pond um so my name is paige elizabeth i am a personal coach and i wrote the book leading an intentional life and like i said this is pam gregory um she's an amazing astrologer i know my community gives me credit for my decade um of practice but you have decades of practice right i'm 107 actually so um could you tell us a little bit about like your background how long you've been um studying astrology practicing astrology yeah it all began um straight after university there was a big recession in the uk but i'd already planned anyway i wanted to emigrate to canada so i got on a plane with a hundred dollars landed in toronto to start a new life and in the first week i joined a yoga class and at the end of the class couple of the girls said that chap over there is sort of wonderful big guy from jamaica he's an astrologer so i went up to him and said look i know nothing about this but i'd love you to do my chart and i went to see him the following weekend and spent seven hours with him and it just absolutely shattered every view of reality that i had at that point i can remember it like it was yesterday it was absolutely pivotal in my life and he he went back over dates in my life to validate the birth time which is what i do for clients now um and then went forward and and it was absolutely on the money in fact he did say on the 4th of september 4th of 4th of september 1979 major turning point that was the day i left canada after five years and then he said six weeks later i'd be at a major high in my life and i was sitting at 19 000 feet in the himalayas so pretty spot on so from that point on i just didn't stop the the time i spent in canada i was self-taught and then when i got back to london i studied with the faculty of astrological studies part-time because i was working very fully in london at that time studied with them for eight years then i did a master's course with noel till which was fabulous sadly he died a couple of years ago but that was that was sensational he was a genius and so i learn every day you know i'm many many years into the study of it now and i learn every day and even though i spent 35 years in a corporate career all through my evenings weekends i was doing courses i was you know starting to do charts for friends and family and yeah i'm still learning it never stops well and i tell people that too i'm like you have no idea how layered astrology is no idea oh my gosh and that's what that's why a lot of people kind of don't stick with it because just the amount of information can be overwhelming in the early days and it is for everybody me too but you've got to stick with it absolutely um i've heard you explain astrology is like another language and i can appreciate that i think that is a great way to kind of break it down um i was raised very religiously um and then i started yoga at 16 and um it's just it's interesting you know you find that like um like you say it's not that we're all so different it's just we have a different way of explaining things and i i personally i want to hear your definition of astrology and the history versus like astronomy i don't know that i've done a great good great job with people kind of explaining the difference i personally appreciate astrology because it's so old you know we get caught up in the semantics of religious stuff and it's like oh we just go back a little further guys you know what i mean and like but look what we find back here and and and that's one of the reasons i like to lean on astrology and i tell people you know the sun comes up the sun goes down things cycle they change but there's no agenda there's no ego behind it and i really really really love that about astrology there's no there's no like agenda like this planet doesn't have it out for you right and i think it's easy to especially if you if you lean heavily on religion for example or you know even a yoga practice like it's real easy to get caught up in i'm great because or i suck because and then to just kind of lay it on god or something and i struggled with that so when i found astrology it was so um helpful because i was like oh you mean i'm just in a bad cycle it's not just me like this is great news like this is gonna end this isn't like my whole life thank goodness you know and that was just like oh it just took the pressure off of me and my identity it was it was so it was so helpful so i would love for you to explain in your own words kind of like how you would explain the difference between astronomy and astrology and a little bit of that history just for people who who are kind of new to this yeah i mean astronomy is very much looking at the facts around um the planetary orbits and cycles the you know the mass of each planet uh and that sort of thing is very very distance from the earth etc all of those facts what astrology does is take that information and add to it in two very big ways by looking at the geometry between the aspects which is a huge part of astrology and also giving each of those planets an archetype a set of a set of symbols or meanings and therefore it's taking the astronomy i had to do an astronomy paper as part of my faculty exam so i understood basic astronomy but it takes the astronomy the facts about the planets and turns them into meaning for the client so astrology is a language of meaning which is linked to sacred geometry and archetypes sacred archetypes if you like and it was very interesting what you said about you know oh i'm going through a really tough time that was might be my saturn cycle whatever it's very interesting because if i can say to clients look let me explain the symbolism of saturn to you that's affecting this particular area of life for you and then let me explain to you how you can play that music at a higher level so life is more comfortable so you're expressing the best of saturn rather than the worst assassin because every planetary principle it's a bit like electricity you can use it to bring light or torture people you know every planetary principle you can live to its best or its worst and my job as an astrologer which is a great job is to help people live a better and bigger life by playing their planetary music in a more magnificent way if you like by explaining the best expressions rather than just the rubber hitting the road and it also helps i think astrology because it teaches people that everything comes from inside you because say you're having a very difficult time with a uranus transit you know you're having a heck of a time with with some relationship whether it's a boss or a partner or whatever and that you know through the uranus transit it's very very disruptive and hard to maneuver but if i can say look i can see this super clearly in your birth chart so it must mean that this is coming from within you and being reflected in your outer experience and if i can help people to see that that insight instantly changes their consciousness so i've got a great job as i say right well and i like i said before we started you know the astrologer that i met with she knew the exact weekend i'd lost my job it was a uranus transit okay she goes she goes if you weren't losing your job you're gonna lose something um but and i tell clients and students as well you know like the more conscious you are the less hard the the transits are yeah totally totally 100 there's nothing to awaken if you're operating from a conscious place if you're like okay i'm ready for whatever is coming it's it's not going to be like one of my very good friends who's even better at astrology than me he we were talking about this and he said yeah it seems like when you're unconscious the event is external when you're conscious the event is internal i really agree with that one hundred percent yeah and then life becomes easier comfortable absolutely and i had uranus on my moon jupiter this whole last year it was like come on bring change and it really didn't it just brought a change to my relationship to the community i'm like okay i was really hoping for a big one i was so bored with this copic thing and it just was like you're gonna relate to a different community from now on that's what's gonna happen okay um so anyway and then as far as like the history goes because i've had a hard time actually finding really good literature that kind of explains the history of astrology i'm assuming you have some good information there yeah i i learned quite a bit and you know the recorded history let us say is that it began round about 6 000 years ago in what was then ancient mesopotamia ironically it's now modern day iraq and it was when people were living very open to the skies they didn't have television cinema computers nothing so their entertainment was to watch the planets all the way up to saturn that you can see with the naked eye and they'd watch those planetary orbits and they became very astute and very wise those planetary orbits but they started to tell each other stories about the gods and goddesses who lived on these planets and that that becomes the myths they became the mist that i still use today in my bread and butter astrology you know they they noticed that mars was very prominent at times when war would start mars in mythic god of war so it's our aggression our drive our ambition our assertion that's exactly the symbolism that i use every single day in my practice so whether it's through synchronicity or simply observation they became very very clever at understanding the planetary orbits out to saturn and then over the thousands of years through certainly the ancient greek period um the islamic empire astrology became much more mathematically developed and astronomers and astrologers were the same people you know if you're an astronomer you were an astrologer if you look at you know galileo and copernicus even and tycho bray and all those people they were astronomers and astrologers so through the middle ages astrology was really the um very prominent in the educated classes it was part of the university curriculum you know you learn maths and literature and theology and astrology and every royal court in europe would have their royal astrologer even the papacy and really the crunch time came after all that prominence when um it was a combination of things it was um firstly copernicus daring to say in his heliocentric theory that the earth went round the sun and not the other way around and the catholic church said how dare you the earth is the center of god's design you wicked person you know you upstart you astrologers troll you know astronomer and they threw the baby out with the bathwater because they threw the astrology out with the astronomy if you follow by copernicus developing his heliocentric theory and then really the final nail in the coffin came with isaac newton and his laws of motion that said look apart from the moon the planets are way too far away to have any effect on our consciousness here on earth so it's rubbish in this age of reason and science this cannot hold as a modality and therefore astrology at that point was kind of dismissed to the periphery of society and farmer's almanacs and it kind of rumbled along in you know sort of people going for readings almost in a seance that kind of thing and really only been since i'd say um the 1930s that it started to develop back into a kind of psychological astrology that we use today so you know in a nutshell that's the recorded history however you know if you look at the work of people like graham hancock and robert duvall his colleague and look at the what they believe is the age of the egyptian pyramids which were built on astronomical principles with a lot of astrological symbolism within them they say that the pyramids are 12 000 years old and were inspired by galactic beings who came to the earth and and made sure that the pyramids would reflect you know for instance the constellation of orion so in short astrology may be many thousands of years older than we have in our recorded history and i'm very open to believing that detail very well by graham hancock so yeah that's that's really the background yeah i tend to have the opinion that most things ex like like i i can't i don't i don't know how to prove it but i'm just going to assume it exists because i don't know it just seems like our world is so vast to assume that this that can't be ruler that can't be exist i'm like yeah i don't know we seem to be proven wrong quite a bit historically so i'm gonna go with it's possible and just just keep it on the table for now um so yes i'm really excited to talk about the us church i was always someone who liked to dive into personal charts and then as you know life changed the world changed i was like let's look at the united states chart you know like this is my home and um i have loved your videos when you have brought up the us i know you're from the uk so you're not you're not a citizen here but but what you have to say is still very much um just on point and just like with my yoga practice as a teacher it's like the more experience you have the more later it is the more the more dimension you can see in other people and that's why i want like your take on this because i know what i see but i don't know what i don't see right so um and so yeah i think it would be great to just dive in and i've heard you say and i think this is really really important that even though we're dealing with a country's chart i think that the same rule applies because i know you've talked about the idea of the chart doesn't express consciousness it expresses potentiality or possibility and i totally agree as i've as i've read for people i'm like i have no idea like their level of consciousness and i think the same rules apply when we talk about the united states because people are really quick to want to stick it in a box and go well no just give me a final outcome right and it's like we can't really predict a hard event or a hard outcome right we can only just kind of express the potential so that being said i don't want to put words in your mouth but i know you've kind of alluded to those things before um yeah and just to say paige i really really you know through all of my work for many many years i've always said the chart gives you the pattern it does not give you the frequency we as individuals or as the collective give at the frequency and therefore the level at which it will express will be very different in terms of events and experiences and unfoldings depending on that level of frequency of consciousness so that's why i as an astrologer can never say that will happen right because our collective consciousness can change that if we pull ourselves up and get ourselves together so um that's very important to understand and that puts us i mean that's so empowering isn't it because astrology then starts to become much less fated and puts the power back to us and we are in an age of the power of the people with all this aquarius energy very strongly well and just to circle back to your point about saturn that you were saying saturn being this like hardcore you know planet that brings karmic events right like saturn rules my south node saturn like i i for me jupiter is nothing like okay jupiter you bring a great idea but for me saturn is the planet where i'm like come on bring it saturn i'm ready to make something happen let's go and it really is the planet i rely on to make things manifest in my world so it really is linked to gold oh my gosh i love saturn for that if you stay the course work hard you know keep at it boy do you get your reward at the end it's absolutely great you know it's not to be dreaded yeah so yeah again it's like your consciousness has everything to do with it and i and i think it's really important to emphasize again it's not faded we have free will um so i know you've talked about the saturn uranus square theme um on other videos that you've done but of course i want to ask you your your um perception of that in relation to the united states chart specifically in in what we're going through and everything else so what do you what do you what would you what would you have to say about that um well in terms of the us chart that saturn uranus square currently is not hitting off anything specific in the u.s chart which is so you know your experience i mean the other things that are very specific that i can talk about if you want me to sorry okay i mean one of the very big things that is happening really right now but peaking in july august this year which is going to be very interesting is i use solar arcs a lot okay which are better than transit so you've got in and by the way just to say the us chart i use is 4th of july 1776 1710 in the afternoon philadelphia that's the chart i'm using which is a very very popular chart um for astrologers that gives her an ascendant of 12 degrees of sagittarius now the reason i think well there are many reasons i mean i've worked with this chart for years as of many thousands of astrologers the reason i think that chart is so accurate is at 9 11 the pluto saturn opposition saturn was in gemini the twins and sat in his buildings and pluto was in sagittarius the sign of flight exactly across that ascendant descent and taxes exactly at 9 11 and for me that was one of the real clinchers if you like to use this job okay so one of the very significant things that's happening right now and it peaks in july august of this year is we have solar arc pluto moving on to the mid heaven of the us the mid heaven is the government okay and so pluto will always bring permanent and fundamental change to the to the government to the leadership of the us so pluto it's linked to the myth of persephone which you know many people may know that you know she was captured and taken down to hades and crossed the sticks s-t-y-x it was all very dark and scary and came up the other side back to the light so there's a there's a purging process with pluto there's a death and rebirth which isn't full of twinkly laughs um but it is extremely productive it's like a tree dying and falling in a wood and rotting down to make fertile earth it's that kind of thing so there's some kind of fairly imminent fundamental change about to happen linked to u.s leadership or u.s government i don't know what that change is but it's likely to be permanent because at the same time we have pluto moving through capricorn and also it's moving back to its its natal place because it has a 246 year cycle moving back to its natal pluto so that's known as the pluto return so when pluto is moving through capricorn it is the deconstruction of the old order capricorn represents governments this is right across the world this is true so it is it shows up it reveals any lack of integrity accountability transparency that is happening amongst capricorn type institutions governments big organizations anything that has a top-down power over us um structure so that is happening globally but for the us we've got this solar arc pluto hitting that governmental leadership mid heaven so it'd be very interesting to see what unfolds going through this year because um certainly the pluton capricorn piece is linked to the constitution and i think there's some very interesting things starting to unfold in countries constitutions about are they still valid and should they be respected and enforced or are we just on a wild freewheeling let's make it up as we go along thai constitution if i'm being clear so no i i love that and i i mean i sent you my notes but i was like yes if you see anything i don't see please i'm glad that you are bringing up these things i was like hope she doesn't hold back on progressions if she knows something well i use the solar arcs i have to say i find them much more powerful than progressions by a mile by a mile i haven't yeah i have not been impressed with progressions at all yeah for me i use the secondary progressed moon as as a timing trigger that's quite useful as a timing trigger for me the others just move so slowly it's like watching paint dry so the solar arcs are very powerful but they move on by approximately a degree a year whether it's nato law or in a country's chart and by the way just to say about a country's chart i struggled with this to you know how can a country have a chart that's just kind of crazy well it might seem so but every chart including in individuals is just a moment of in time it's capturing in that moment of quality of time and because these these countries uh mundane charts are tested to the limit by thousands and thousands of astrologers over time that gives them validity because if they don't work on certain times and astrologers will chuck them out and say no that's not a valid chart so that's why i think this one works so well now the pluto return is interesting in itself because it's the first time since 1776 it's come back to its natal place pluto is in the second house of the us chart the second house is the economy and it's also the country's wealth but also the country's values so the economy well because of the whole virus situation clearly the economy's kind of been all over the place um and is going to have to be the country is being rebirthed into a second era a second episode for another 246 years so the economy is being reversed i mean that there's a lot in the gestalt about you know we are we shifting from an entire financial system to something different called nasara and gosara i'm not an expert on that certainly i think cryptocurrencies will be big that doesn't necessarily in my terms mean successful but they're going to be much more prominent because of uranus in taurus euros digital tourist money so certainly they're going to be huge revolutionary changes in economies right across the world very much so in the us and the country's wealth and that doesn't mean bad it just means different but i think the big thing the really big thing for the us is who are you who are you from this point on i mean this starts to become exact this pluto returned in february 2022 but we're in it we're in because it's such a slow orbit we're in that process right now so who are you i mean there were very clear values that were set out when the united states was born but who are you becoming now i mean because they're big splits in the in the us as there are in many countries so which bit of the split represents the us so that i think is a really really big issue i mean in general the saturn uranus square is very much about human rights and freedoms and you have the statue of liberty you know as one of your symbols so you know i think the definition of the us and who they are is is going to be is really going to be one of the very big themes and one of the soul-searching themes as you go through in fact pluto will stay there through 2022 2023 so this is a long-term kind of diving deep process but it does suggest again a deep fundamental and permanent change not only to government and leadership but to the economy a sense of um self-worth in the world you know what you what are you standing for now but also the values so i think that's very interesting too um transiting pluto through end of last uh really before actually all through 2020 into early 2021 and it'll be coming back again from august to december transiting pluto is opposing mercury in the u.s chart now mercury is the media and the free press now i think that is extremely interesting because again this is suggesting a fundamental change in the media and we could all have very strong views about what we think about the media i personally haven't listened to mainstream media for about 13 months and as a result i think my frequency is shot up several hundred points okay just doing that one thing i mean god don't listen to that um so but pluto translating pluto opposing that mercury may say something else about free speech because it's pluto can have almost a kind of almost brutal and oppressive and suppressive quality as well so you know how free is free speech given that the saturn uranus square is really fundamentally about human rights and freedoms if you look at it historically that's how it's played out that they are being tested because saturn is control and uranus is freedom um you know saturn is going to play by the rules you're going to obey the laws you've got to do what government says because part of government jonah says no way i'm a maverick i want to break all that up and smash things up and that actually that whole theme is reinforced again by pluto moving through capricorn the deconstruction of the old order in such a conservative conservative sign as capricorn and uranus again that you know odd bad fellows really but the really odd bedfellows are uranus moving through taurus because taurus wants to keep things steady he wants to keep things as they are to do with the banking system and permanence and materialism and all of those things and uranus just wants to smash the whole lot up so you've got two huge archetypes of pluto and uranus which are about breaking up breaking down the old in earth signs which want to hang on to the old so it's you know it's very very clear and if you look at the saturn uranus square i hope i'm not talking too much jargon here but if you look at the saturn uranus square saturn the planet of the past is in aquarius the sign of the future and uranus the sign of the future is in taurus that want to keep things as they are so this is kind of layers and layers of you know freedom control truth you know all kinds of different i could talk you know at length about that but that's how it's sort of playing out globally so those are some of the big things i think what's very interesting very interesting indeed is on the 4th of december this year there's a solar eclipse exactly on that u.s ascendant within one minute that's going to be very interesting to observe now it's a sarah eclipse not a lunar one which is i think um better news because sarah eclipses um are big new beginnings but there's a jump there's a jump to it it's not gradual or linear or expected you know it's a bit of a surprise bit of a wild card so it's so interesting that's happening exactly as pluto is moving into that final kind of docking with its natal position which happens right at the beginning of 2022. so there's a major major rebirth happening here for um for the us which i think is absolutely fascinating the other thing of note to pick up which is happening now you know i'm not looking down the tunnel yet just really happening now is um transiting neptune has been opposing natal neptune in the us chart um and that's really exact now all the way through 2021 2022 up till march 2023 so neptune is about drugs and i think that really relates to a lot of the opioid crisis that you've had in the states drugs and pharmaceuticals clearly now there are other widespread pharmaceuticals being used as far as i want to go on that but i'm sure everybody can understand what i'm saying here okay so um that's happening right now neptune always has the potential of confusion so that's its lower expression people are are confused or there's misinformation or disinformation or that kind of thing i mean at a better level this is about idealism it's about spiritual idealism and it's interesting it's in this ninth house of of legal issues and constitutional issues so again are there have there been kind of confusions in the legal process some people feel that they have in the u.s that it hasn't sort of come up to standard recently um are there confusions around what the constitution says as opposed to you know in terms of what it represents in terms of human rights yes there's a lot of idealism around that but i think to live that opposition people have to be at a spiritual level of awareness to live that at its best to live it as spiritual idealism to bring about this spiritual rebirth for america because this rebirth is dependent exactly as we were saying paige is dependent completely on the level of consciousness of the nation i can't tell you how it's going to unfold because it's down to the collective consciousness so this uranus uranus opposition could be absolutely exquisite in terms of birthing a new episode of spirituality in the us and you could lead the world in that or much confusion and delusion and misinformation around particularly things like you know pharmaceuticals wow yeah and this other stuff coming down the road obviously a little further away but those are the things that really kind of stood out to me very clearly in in the usgr yeah and i've heard astrologers usually say that neptune is their least favorite planet because it's just fog it's just fun right it's so difficult to deal with neptune and i'm having my first neptune hit in 20 years so my mercury and i was concerned and actually i'm loving it i just want to create beautiful things and sleep yeah fabulous it takes you to a higher spiritual level i've got it right on my son now and for the next two years and it's about altered states which can be you know meditation and perceiving higher levels and perceiving energy more clearly um you know it's shifting up in your psychic sensitivity and getting connected to source in a better way so you know bring it on for me i'm i really am enjoying it i was kind of nervous because i was like oh please don't throw a fog over my reality not at all it's been very pleasant and um i'm noticing in reality i'm noticing a few things so there's definitely people who are very much in fear and then there's like those that i affiliate with and we're just it's almost like you have to kind of focus in on your personal reality and the more you do that the better things are like you said avoid avoid just media altogether kind of avoid the noise and i just i'm not in this space of of being afraid and things are getting more amped up more confusing more whatever and yeah i'm just like well but i chose to be here at this time so i'm like i guess i'm going to endure it right like and helping people um in every which way i can you know through natural healing modalities through education you know any way i can to help people kind of raise their own consciousness because um you know if if what i was taught years ago when i first started um my yoga practice was that there would be maybe like a shift or a divide at some point in consciousness as the earth kind of shifted i feel like we're starting to move into that era definitely yeah i you know there's some very there's a very clear divide in society around some very obvious issues and yes the fork in the road big time yeah big time so to be very interesting to see how it unfolds in the us because in a sense you you do you do lead the world um and it's also on the 10th of june there's a solar eclipse which is going to be conjunct the mars in the u.s chart okay so that's going to be interesting to see how that plays out as well because um you know mars is assertion or aggression or whatever so be interesting to see mars also rules the fourth house which is the kind of the home base um there's going to be a many many more earth changes happening partly i can see that with uranus in taurus uranus earthquakes taurus the earth but it's also the cosmology that the such a drop in the magnetic shield and that kind of lifting of of pressure of the magnetic shield is causing the earth's core to expand and the earth's crust to crack so if i'm looking at it physic you know in physics or cosmological terms that's what's happening but i can see it in the astrology uranus in taurus until 2026. so it'll be interesting to see because mars that's going to be hit by that solar eclipse on the 10th of june ruling the for the home base if there's anything that's about an earth shift happening then we'll see i i don't know we'll wait and see it's it's really that's when you've got to start looking at the astro cartography of of eclipses because then they will highlight particular areas of the world geographically that are going to be hit more um or more likely to come into the news let's say yeah for sure if i'm making sense i hope i'm not talking too much jargon i hope i'm making sense here you are to me so okay good okay is there anything else specific that because i had highlighted a few things that i saw in the us chart that i wanted you to cover which you have is there anything specific that you saw that is happening coming that we haven't covered yet um not so much imminently i mean i've i've covered um things that i think are the really really big things if i'm looking further down the road um it's interesting i mean on the through the second half of 2023 solar art mars will be on the moon of the us the moon is the people in mundane astrology so the people are likely to be cross let's say quite cross in the second half of 2023 if i'm looking a little further down the road to um may 2025 to march 2026 transiting uranus is squaring that moon which brings up some very revolutionary feelings people taking to the streets in a in a in a much bigger way so that's going to be very interesting and then really it's kind of for the world as we really through 2024 25 26 we've got all the outer planets moving into different signs essentially we're moving from water and earth into air and fire and that means everything is going to be even faster even faster than it than it has been in the past and even is now pluto starts to move into aquarius in spring 23 fully by the end of 24. uranus is moving into gemini starting mid-25 fully spring 26 neptune moves into aries in 2025. so that you know the big big heavyweights are shifting that means everything is going to be much faster everything is going to be even more connected and digitized than it is now if that's possible so i would really advise people to be very aware of their choices for instance it is my conscious choice to live as a happy luddite i turn my mobile phone on probably every two months i lost it for months recently when i was cycling didn't bother me one bit so it is a very conscious choice that my life is not going to be dominated by that mobile phone yes i have to use the computer a lot but i am aware of um this this connectivity and digitization which can be massively to our benefit i mean we couldn't speak now if it wasn't for that you know so it connected us to like-minded people all over the world which is absolutely fabulous but i think we need to be discriminating in in kind of how far we let that into our lives as individuals let me just say that now one thing i've noticed with pluto is um and i went back like i went back to pluto and cancer and i was like just really kind of tracked each era and what i've noticed with pluto is it doesn't seem to amplify the energy of the sign as much as it undoes the energy of that sign right it's like and that's why i'm really curious about pluto going into aquarius because if aquarius is technology and ai and i'm like oh well pluto is going to hit it so maybe we'll not have as much technology and ai as everyone thinks because it's going to get in there and go well this doesn't work and this is this is this is not a good frequency and this is actually going to cause more problems and this you know this is going to maybe dismantle it more i don't know it shows if there's any shadow operating in that sign it shows the shadow side so it deconstructs the symbolism of the sign if it is found wanting and not for our highest good okay so if this technology is all absolutely a1 and fabulous and for our highest good and much of it will be because it's going to help us advance to higher states and there's going to be some wonderful benign technology and med beds like capsules develop with the help of the you know off planet galactics i mean it's gonna be you know some wonderful inventions but equally that's why i was saying i think we have to be very discriminating to make sure that we are adopting the technology that is for our highest good not just because it's the latest cool gadget am i being clear so yeah well absolutely pluto deconstructs please always shows up the shadow side of the symbolism of the sign that's moving through right and pluto you know being control manipulation domination what i love about pluto and i've really learned to work with pluto is you you don't get into a power struggle with pluto because you won't win um and so it seems that it tends to put pressure on that like astral body where our knee-jerk response might be more control more manipulation more nomination because we want we want to secure the old identity when actually it just makes it that much worse if we do right like that's been my personal experience with pluto so when i feel pluto coming i'm like whatever you want just take it i'm not resisting take it and what's wonderful about understanding the language because it isn't them clunking in my head whether i'm translating astrology or french so i know it's a language what's great about understanding even the basic symbolism is you can say to yourself okay how am i going to live this how am i going to play this am i going to play this to the best and fullest and most magnificent and for our highest the highest growth of all or am i just going to go with what's easy and cool and you know the latest wiz gadget i you know so it's it makes you more conscious because it gives you the vocabulary to become more conscious about how you use the planetary archetypes yeah definitely and it didn't even occur to me i was like whoa and then we have uranus going into gemini that's only going to amplify yeah yeah but this could be galactic communication you know uranus is linked to the galactics and that's what i think is so exciting because we're on the threshold i've often said in the videos of stepping into becoming galactic citizens in a much bigger way so this to me is galactic communication that's going to be happening starting from well it's happening now for many people i mean many people channel the galactics good friends of mine channel galactic but particularly from mid-25 onwards this could be we get sight of of galactic beings in a much bigger way much more obviously and that's really exciting i think i mean that's a whole game changer yeah and the definition of like lineage yes very different absolutely because you know you're family from yeah yeah i mean i i know all of that i know where i came from and it wasn't here you know i don't know what i'm doing here really but you know for many people they're going to start to become much more conscious of that because all of us have elements of other planets and galaxies within us we're made of stardust even professor brian cox says that we're made of stars right and so then with with neptune then going into aries that feels like a fish out of water for sure yeah again it's sort of you know strange bed fellows but that to me is spiritual leadership at its best that is spiritual leadership of some really amazing leaders coming to prominence we have to be careful not to be in a fog or neptune confusion but if we're clear about it because we're in our altered state of you know fine perception with neptune that can become just a sensational leadership for the world maybe galactic leadership with uranus moving into gemini at the same time so this can be like a whole new episode in earth's history of stepping out to this vast cosmos that we've been so unaware of you know we've been so captivated by our earth life and our our mobile phones that we haven't we haven't looked out to the skies for a long time and that's why as i've often mentioned recently i'm very excited about this next layer of of dwarf planets and kuiper belt objects which are being discovered now because that's another jump in our consciousness another level to our consciousness wow yeah it's definitely going to be um i mean sometimes i'm like why did i choose to be born during this time i'm like well whatever here we go but it's a big jump in consciousness you know people are feeling it because because of all this this very high level crystalline photonic light coming in which we haven't known for about the last 12 000 years we're being every cell of our body is being electrically repatent and people are feeling it getting odds physical symptoms i mean how can we not so people are kind of going through the mill physically because it's a physical upgrade this this jump in consciousness is also a physical upgrade our dna is coming back online you know we've only had a couple of strands working we're going back to reactivating hopefully 12 strands and that puts us in touch with so many other kind of superhuman abilities which we may have had as beings thousands of years ago but we've you know we've lost over the ages for various reasons so it's very it's very exciting i mean it's not it's not smooth it's not comfortable because we're living through that demolition of the old to birth the new but it's very exciting if you can get on riding that wave in the photon belt this becomes very very exciting because it puts us in the mode of much more being the creator rather than the victim right inside you decide what you want your reality to be and it's an interesting thing that you just said having studied you know quantum physics at a young age and then astrology and everything and you go why can't i just manifest instantly and you know i explained to people as i've had to kind of learn myself you know we're still kind of bound by the 3d world and the karmic plane but as things shift things will be less dense more capacity to manifest will be that much more powerful however you know things are going to come back that much quicker regardless of what it is right so that's why it's important to be conscious of your thoughts and words and your actions and i know i live that way like i can't i can't even like think think poorly about someone like i'll stub my foot like two seconds later i'm like i'm so glad i did that you know like i'm so bound by everything that i create at this point but and then i hear friends who are very spiritual and they're they're frustrated that things aren't happening faster and i'm like but we're still bound by these dense rules these dense people like like we're in between right now we are and we've got a foot in both camps most of us have got a you know foot in both camps to one extent or the other but for people who are being very clear i mean your spot on page people are being very clear about their thinking and their emotional set point their you know their their default frequency that they're broadcasting and they're they are in the mode of okay i want to start a community they are just bumping into synchronicities all every day you know you see the right person in the right place who's got the right information you can connect them to somebody else who would help you know and just through magical synchronicities they are building communities incredibly quickly which is all about aquarius grassroots up that's you know back to hippie days really that's when communities flowered again at that time so we're vortexing upwards to have another different set of communities of like-minded people but the synchronicities for many people are happening incredibly fast i know people whose lives have changed literally within a couple of months if they can sustain that high level is there anything specific that's going on that we haven't addressed that you think is important for people to be aware of at this time um i think the big the big general piece of advice which is something i say a lot is to understand that you are creating from the inside out don't get buffeted by the drama there's 10 tons of drama you know news stories alternative versions of reality and we really don't know how much of it is true of anything we take in so less and less and less i'm observing anything coming at me in terms of information and i am very much in the mode of creator of saying i am creating everything from me everything in my world so i'm kind of turning inwards and the more you can live life from the inside out rather than the outside in the more comfortable you will be and that's the big kind of overarching advice i'd give to people because the outside is going to be lumpy it is going to be rocky the higher your frequency the smoother it will be for you versus the people who you know are still watching the nightly news and going through the drama so to give yourself an easier ride through this incredible time of turbulence and transition just walk your talk you know just just keeping up in a high state i think that's the best advice i can give you but you know this saturn uranus square we've got all year really it doesn't come exact again next year but we've got it really operational until the end of next year as well and that really is issues of human rights old and the new you know the past and the future um it's you know saturn is the earth uranus is the sky god the galactic um you're saturn wants to keep things safe and limited and uranus just wants no limit no just smash it all up and let's see what we we can create that's better than that at a higher level and uranus is also about finding you're really discovering your unique essence even within communities which are going to be more and more um common and popping up finding your unique gift to express within those communities is going to be very important so it isn't like you you lose your individuality if anything you gain more individuality but expressing that within a communal setting is that going to happen more and more and really being aware that we're developing superhuman abilities people are becoming more telepathic more sensitive compassionate we're becoming more wave and less particle yeah that's definitely like one thing that i find as a coach that i'm always trying to inspire people you know i think we've unfortunately been so i blame religion back today as a catholic church it's like they just wanted to control the mindset like this whole media thing this no no this goes way back and to awaken people to the idea that they're infinite that they're limitless it's it's it's like what no i'm not like it's incredible the resistance you get from that and it's like no no you absolutely are and and i think that that is like the one piece of advice that like i would give to someone to just like kind of lean into that and um [Music] you know break away from this idea that you you know i don't know that you're that you're i don't know i don't know what the opposite of that would be but that you're not significant right that you're not here for a reason and that you you're it's okay to control you no like you're a sovereign soul and you know you're here for a reason so like lean into that and um that's what my yoga practice taught me you know and the more i would say to myself people were always so impressed by my practice and i would tell them you know one day i just i got on my mat and i and i literally said to my higher self i want to see my limitations and what i discovered was i had none and so it just became this place that i would operate from you know like i'm not going into like show me the the the limit i want to i want to go beyond that and and when i took my brain beyond that he was like oh well we can't give you an answer to that question so yeah 100 wonderful because we we scarcely have begun to understand how powerful we are as creators we you know we've lived such small limited lives up to this point in 3d and that's just all going to be blown apart well it's it's it's blowing apart right now even just with people's health you know i i'm kind of blown away at people who they suffer and struggle with the body with whatever it is that they have and they assume like even just women who have menstrual issues before their periods thinking it's normal so those are symptoms of an imbalance right like that's not necessarily your experience that you have to have you know so you're you're caught up in dogma that's not accurate let's move out of that yeah yeah absolutely so where can people find you yeah um they i've got a very busy youtube channel pam gregory astrology i'm operating on facebook and also on niwi um my website is pam um just say i do have a notice on that i'm not doing any more client work and last time i said that in an interview about two weeks ago over 200 people wrote to me and said could you squeeze one more in i know it's four to five hours prep but could you just squeeze one more no sorry you know done because i've got to reduce this unsustainable seven days a week workload so really sorry about that no more client work but i do have a very detailed um about seven thousand word monthly newsletter which i put out end of every month that covers things like i often refer to the us or other countries in that um because i can say a lot more than in the videos i've got some teaching videos in there and yeah i do a youtube update every two weeks and yeah i'm just putting out a lot of information all the time really amazing well thank you so much for taking time to honor me and my podcast and my audience i appreciate it like it's really a privilege now it's wonderful really enjoyed it actually we've covered some very wide ground in that in that house i know you get a lot of emails and i'm like yes mine got through yes i do about a thousand a day yep so yes specially selected well thank you so much and i hope that you enjoy the rest of this sunday and i know you're you're dealing with some allergies and i hope that you feel better soon thank you and um i guess that's a wrap wonderful really enjoyed it paige thank you so much thank you bye for now bye
Channel: Paige Elizabeth
Views: 1,369
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: #pamgregory #astrology #USchart, #pam #Gregory, #astrologer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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