Palworld World Saving in Progress Error Work Around

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okay here we are power world Xbox I'm on the series s I've ran to a couple bugs couple glitches nothing major um the worst one I found so far is the world saving in progress cannot load World save data uh you know it pops the notification up on the screen if you do anything teleport try to do anything else it doesn't really save the game it just kind of keeps it in a cycle when you teleport it freezes you I've came up with a little bit of a workaround for that um when it pops up if you'll hold down the capture button and make a short video it seems to go away I've tested it out and then exited the main menu came back and it saved my progress um the other way that I've noticed that kind of worked I don't know if it actually worked or if the game actually fixed itself but I hit the home button came back in from the home button that worked as well but yeah if you see right there world saving in progress cannot start save World data I saved the clip boom it goes away hope that helps
Channel: Mike McGhee
Views: 9,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palword, palword glitch, palworld error, game saving in progress, palworld Xbox, palworld Xbox game saving in progress, world saving in progress palworld, palworld world saving in progress
Id: q3-hMvMOn_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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