Palworld TOP 15 MOST POWERFUL PALS for FIGTHING - NEW Highest Elemental Damage Pals

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there is a brand new hidden stat in pal world that helps us determine if we have the strongest Pals in the game and boy does this hidden stat changes the game completely because the hardest hitting Pals we had as our list are not the ones that we thought they were today we're going to be going over how this works I'm also going to be telling you which ones are the best Pals for each individual element so if you guys feel like you need to know let's go ahead and dive in so before I think guys let's talk about exactly what we're going to be doing so there is a brand new stat called IV and IV stands for individual value that means that every single character you get in the game will have a own individual value the stats of this value goes from one the you know one the number one all the way to 114 now not all Pals drop under these values there's some that drop on 114 actually there's only one there's some that drop on on 113 and there's some that Dro in 110 and 112 and of course you're going to want to know if the pal you currently have right now is the one that has the highest value that will allow you to have the strongest pal for that particular pal now with that being said let me just give you a quick rounddown of what we're doing so for you guys to get a little bit more representation of what I'm talking about let me show you guys a quick example let's take a look at this Les Punk so if you notice right here the attack value for this L Punk is 106 if I go to this one it's 106 and then if I go to another one that's level one it's 107 so what exactly is a difference right and the biggest question we have is how do I know that the 107 is the highest attack value for this character right there's no way for me to determine that but now there is I'm going to show you guys a website that's going to give us the answer to that question and it's also going to tell us which are the best characters currently right now in the game cuz like I said earlier our list has completely changed now with that being said let me tell you guys what we're going to doing real quick and I'll show you guys the example also within the website all right so just so you guys understand what we're doing what we're going to be doing to each individual character guys we are going to be leveling up their four stars we're also going to be leveling up and have making sure all of them have the lucky Legend ferocious muscle head passive skill and then we're also going to be leveling up their attack via the statue to a plus 30 now with that being said let's find out which are the best characters for what element and how this all works out all right so let's get started with the number one highest damage natural character and that is going to be falou now falope is amazing because I'm pretty sure a lot of you guys didn't have him in his radar but he is the hardest hitting natural character that is not a legend let's take a look at the website and show you guys the breakdown so you guys know exactly how we got to this particular assumption all right so here we are in the website so here we have falope so the first thing we want to know guys is if we have a winner winner chicken dinner and to determine that that we need to know what the base value of the attack is so we know that the highest we can get is 30% so we're going to put 30% here and we know if we ever get a falope that's 110 level one we already know we need to keep him cuz he is going to be give us really good he's going to be the best of the best we just won't know if it's the best of the best cuz we have to level him up and we're going to do this right now on the website now the next thing we're going to add is pretty much level them up completely so we can know exactly what the hardest hitting one is first we're going to add the passive skills that we want to add in here so the ones I mentioned earlier which is going to be Legend ferocious musclehead uh and we're going to be adding uh lucky okay so we adding those as you guys see as I add these there uh attack values going up okay the other thing we're going to be adding here of course Are the souls we're going to maximize the souls cuz we went to the Statue we maximized those completely next thing we're going to do is we're going to level him up based on stars and the last thing we're going to be doing is leveling him up to level 50 now once we hit Level 50 this is going to give us the highest amount of attack damage this character is able to do which is 1,835 now out of all the natural fighting Pals this is the hardest hitting pal with does does the highest amount of attack damage than any other pal that's not legendary now if we are trying to get a pal that's legendary the only other pal that's able to do more damage as a natural is Plas and and this is a harder catch to get but he is the hardest hitting natural pal in the game so you want to make sure that if you don't have pus you could get yourself a falou it's still going to do good this only does a th more damage but it's the highest hitting one all right so that's going to be covering our natural all right so next up on the list guys we have the hardest hitting character when it comes to Grass now this is pretty crazy cuz we thought it was Lyin and unfortunately it is not guys it is R Dash he is amazing and the crazy thing about him I really didn't know that this was the hardest hitting character until these stats came out so let's go over to the website so we can figure this out so as you guys notice right here R Das comes with a 1904 hardest hitting character which is pretty crazy cuz we always thought it was lyan so we put lyan here you're going to notice it's 1835 she still does a really good at damage but overall in general yes guys ver Das is the uh the one that you want to go with 100 1,000 94 so you're looking for the most powerful grass character it's going to be your boy ver Dash all right so now on to water characters for water characters guys is going to be this big bad boy right here German tide yeah German tide is the best water character in the game and he does a ton of damage all right so here we have German tide guys the maximum amount of damage you're able to do with German tide is 1,976 now whenever you capture German tide His Highest value is going to be 111 is the same thing going to be for dash I didn't show her Dash but it's going to be the same thing 111 that's going to be the highest base value you can get once you completely level him up the highest attack damage you're able to get is 1,976 all right so now on to fire so for fire we got two we have bushy which is one of the best looking ones in the game very welld designed and in addition to that we have blast mouth which is another really good palder to have as well which I'm going to show you guys exactly what exactly are the differences between the two all right so if you guys are under the while trying to capture AB bushy the highest one you can capture is 112 and addition to that the maximum amount of damage a bush is able to do is 246 all right so he does a really good amount of damage when he does with fire now on to blaso blaso once again 112 is the base damage you get so you start farming them is what you want to do and the highest amount of damage he's able to do is 2,46 now now the great thing about this is that the reason why this is going to be better than bushy is because he has higher defense and higher HP as opposed to Bushy who comes with some really good stats but his defense is going to be a little bit lower so that's why I think the number one here is going to be blaso uh because he's just going to have more better defense if you're using him as a main character so for me personally Blas would be number one bushy number two all right so now on to the best ground character now for the best character guys it's going to be the one the only Anubis now I love Anubis not only is he the best ground character but the best one to dodge any sort of effects he's actually pretty awesome now whenever you're in the wild you're going to want to make sure you capture one and you're going to be looking for him to drop at 112 but once you completely level him up he's going to be doing amazing damage which is 2,15 pretty crazy guys one of the hardest hitting characters in the game and no wonder he even has a statue of himself in the game so definitely Anubis is going to be your number one ground character when it comes to fighting all right so now on to ice now for ice we have two characters we have the regular one that I would recommend if you don't have a legend one and this is repto Christ he's going to be doing a ton of damage we're going to check right now and the second one for the legendary is going to be frost stallion even though frost stallion's a level 50 character he's going to be the best one in ice when it comes to that but we're going to take a look at both of them all right so here we're going to be taking a look at repto I don't know why they call it ice repto here on the website but it's repto Chris on the other one uh this is basically whenever you capture one you're going to want to make sure the base Val is 110 and when you fully level him up he's going to be doing 17663 damage so really powerful ice character here now there is a better option than this one and that is going to be frost stallion now whenever you capture a frost stallion you want to make sure he drops at 113 all right so 113 is going to be like your number one that you want to get this might be a more difficult Farm but that is basically what you want to do and when you level him up he becomes the strongest pal currently in the game going to a whopping 200 200 2,256 attack damage once fully leveled up extremely extremely powerful and no wonder he is a level 50 catch because he hits hard like a truck so definitely one of the best characters to pick up in the game all right so now on to electricity guys for electricity we got this crazy looking character right here called orir which I really thought grisal was going to be this one to take the throne when it came to the you know electricity but no guys it's oser all right guys so whenever you capture yourselves an osir you're going to want to make sure he drops at 112 and once you fully Max him out his attack damage is 2,115 makinging him a very powerful character now like I said I really thought you know my boy I'm going to just put bring him out here because I love him but I really thought he was going to be the one that hits harder but you guys he it's a big difference right so if you guys are looking for electrical damage oir is the way to go guys this is the hardest hitting character in the game now on to dark damage and for dark damage guys this we we had it completely Twisted here guys because heler is the actual one that has the most damage when it comes to dark damage and that is when you're capturing someone that's not completely very difficult to get there are actually two in this category we have heler and we have necas which are going to be the hardest hitting ones when it comes to dark damage we're going to take a look at both of them and see which one is the one that hits the most so you guys can know exactly which ones to get of course one's harder to get than the other all right guys so if you're trying to get to the heal suffer you're going to need to get one that's 112 and one's completely level up his damage is 2,46 okay so really hard- hitting character here uh but there is another valuable option and that is necris now necris to me personally has been a very interesting aspect characters that I didn't really think he was this powerful but he is extremely powerful guys he actually is the only character that I've noticed that drops at 114 so there's going to be a lot of farming from this one but in top of that he's one of the strongest if not the strongest character in the game which is 2326 damage when it comes to attack damage so really hard-hitting characters here guys really hard Farm because this is one of the hardest bosses CU there's two of them but they do a ton of damage so this is going to be the hardest dark damage one you can get which is a whopping 2326 all right so for now dragon types I'm going to give you two Alternatives the best Harding hit one guys is jet dragon this is by far one of the best ones and my favorite one but as an alternative you could get an aagon which is really easy to go ahead and breathe if you want to watch how to get you know some of these characters that I mentioned here you're actually able to breathe them you want to watch my breathing farm video so you guys know exactly how to do it but let's see how these guys Fair as far as far as dragon is concerned all right so if you're getting yourselves an aagon to get the aagon you're going to want to make sure you get it at 112 once completely leveled up he's going to be doing damage of 246 damage and makes him a really powerful Dragon character here now of course the best one is going to be jet dragon which is going to be dropping at 113 with that being said guys his maximum output damage is going to be 2,256 so really powerful dragons now the biggest question here did you guys learned something completely new and did you have your top pal characters completely different because after now knowing this hidden stat which is the IV stat we can now determine who's the hardest hitting character and in addition to that if we should keep farming for those most powerful Pals which are going to be extremely important whenever they introduce PVP I would suggest start farming now get the hardest hitting Pals currently right now before it's too late and you are going to be cut when PVP comes out and be like dang man I got to go up right now so I hope you learned something new in the video if you did do me the huge favor guys drop a comment drop a like but if you want to know how to breathe these hard-hitting Pals check out this video that's popping up right now the screen to be make sure that you get the hardest characters in the game thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next video
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 36,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld most powerful pals, palworld powerful pals, palworld new update, palworld highest damage, palworld highest damage pals, palworld, palworld best pals, palworld best pals for combat, palworld pals for combat, palworld guide, palworld best pals early game, palworld best pals mid game, palworld best pals endgame, highest elemental damage pals, palworld op pals, palworld best pals for fighting, palworld best pals for base, palworld tips, palworld advanced tips, laserbolt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.