Palworld - TOP 10 BEST & MOST POWERFUL PALS in the Game - Complete Breeding Guide For Best Pals

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in this power world video I bring you 10 of the best and most powerful poers in this game these are poers you need in your life and they are obviously obtained through breeding but in this video I'll bring you the best possible ways to get the best possible passives on the best possible pows how's it going guys my name is dpj and if you do enjoy this video leaving a like really helps out and if you like what you see and want to see more power world be sure to subscribe so these Powers we will cover today are the best and most powerful powers in this game for both Bas working as well as fighting these are also by the way my opinion on the best yours may differ and guess what that is totally fine now ones mentioned today will for the most part require Saddles too so keep that in mind uh PS Made For Fighting will be brought to you with the best possible passives other means of making power stronger attack wise will be brought to you at the end of the video as always time stamps are down below for you to skip to said palal you are interested in so let's start guys and first up we have a base working pal named Anubis quite possibly the best Bas working pal in the game so for me uh this Anubis the passes you want are serious Artisan conceited and work slave these are the four best work rate passives if you take luck or Lucky out of the equation but that is definitely what we're going to do because obviously to breed lucky into your pals requires you to get a lucky pal which we just make in regards to my guide and you going out and getting a certain pal just more or less impossible for some players okay so here guys as you can see by this Breeding Tree on screen now and by the way these breeding trees will be unscreen for all of the powers I showcase today so if you want to screenshot it for a later time or even favor the video and come back that's awesome but yeah as you can see by the tree on screen now the passives you want here as you can see in regards to getting two on celer and two on relaxus can be obviously mixed but as long as all four passives are obtained between the CER and relaxa orus you are gravy here I personally went out and tamed a ton of Ceres and a ton of relaxes until I just found all four passes between the two I made m in pair so two passes were on each bred these two together guys got one celer two passive got one relax with two passives and bread these together and that's what you want to do once you breed these together guys it guarantees you an Anubis it's that simple I personally have about 10 of this very variant run around all three of my bases keeping things in tiptop shape so yeah so so easy to obtain that's what it's first guys a working base Anubis is one of the best PS in the entire game okay so next up we have the best non legendary power in this game in Shadow sh beak so Shadow beak not only has his very own unique amazing skill of divine disaster but Shadow beak enhances dark attacks while mounted so to make this power even more of a beast you want a certain set of passives on it ferocious musclehead Legend and Lord of the underworld so to start here guys you want to head out and find yourself a Sparky with either ferocious or moral head on it or if you are looking both but you do not want any other passives here then go out and get yourself a relax servus with either at these two passives on also once you do read these two together it guarantees you a relaxa orus lux but you want it with ferocious and muscle head on with no other passives on it that is the outcome you want here now guys you want to go out and get yourself a necromus the legendary World boss pal now once you have this dude you want to breed with your relaxus Lu as necromus is the only Power in the game with that lord of the underworld passive but he also comes with that guaranteed Legend 2 the outcome when you breed these will always be an atigan but you need the atigan to have all four of these passives lord of the underworld Legend ferocious and musclehead once you have obtained this put that asteron to a side for now here go out and catch yourself a jol hug but make sure it has zero passives on it now breath this with that relax servus we started this process with this guarantees you a kiten your aim here is to have a kiten with either no passives on it or a passive we already have in this process musclehead or ferocious once this is achieved you now want to breed this kiten with your ason we put aside so this guarantees you that shadow beak the Ang go here a shadow beak with a legend Lord of the underworld ferocious and mad so keep reading guys until this is achieved and is probably actually is it's the best N Legend no power in the game and in some people's opinion it's probably the best pal in the game okay so next up guys we're going to create a monster in Toco Toco so this bird type parot type pal is tapable of nasty things mainly because of the guaranteed exclusive skill it learns called Megaton implode and although this is a onetime move on the go it's devastating and really adds to Your Arsenal so I decided to add it here so the best passives from Max damage here are the usual Legend ferocious and musclehead but you also want that Celestial Emperor so to start here guys you want to go out and get yourself a hangu with ferocious and mor head on it with no other passives this can be achieved by you going out just catching loads of these until you come across these passives and then breeding them into one hangu once this is achieved guys you need to now go out and catch yourself palladius palladius is another world boss a legendary World bus but this is the only way you can get that Celestial Emperor and remember because he's a legendary he's a legendary World boss he also comes with that Legend passive too so once you have caught him guys you now need to breed this with your hangu this guarantees you a tbat but here you want your tbat you have all four of these passives Celestial Emperor Legend musclehead and ferocious now once this is obtained you want to go out and catch yourself a Robbin Quil but you need it to have zero passives on it or if it comes with muscle head or ferocious that's fine too once acquired read that rubbing C with that tat we just made and this guarantees you a mouth packet but you need that M package to have all four of these passives too obviously from here guys go and get your yourself a Chickapea again no passives on it or if it comes with ferocious or muscle head that's fine now breed this with that Mal Packer and it guarantees you a woolly poop again we need those passives to pass down but once achieved breed that woolly poop with that chapi we caught this guarantees you a Toco Toco which again guys you need to have all four passives on it and then you are good to go level it up to around I think at level 20 23 this unlocks the mega un implode take it up to a level 50 do what you got to do and is one of the most powerful poers in this game okay so next up guys we have what is the most powerful power in the game but it is only a one hitter and its name is gorat again much like Toko Toco it's only a single move a one move Wonder here but the reason being it's so powerful it's actually probably twice as powerful as the too too we just covered is because of this thing's partner skill once it's activated unleashes a primal Fury that increases goat's attack power now if you followed the path to make that Toko too we just went over the process is much much easier for you as from this point of you having that Toco Toco you simply need to go out and get yourself either a tbat or a ray hand and simply just breed these with that Toco Toco until you get that g rat if this is the path you take make sure your too Toco has that Megaton implode skill unlocked and equipped it isn't guaranteed to pass down to your G rat but breeding a too Toco with the skill equipped with that tbat or that Ray hand will guarantee you that g rat and you obviously just want to keep breeding these until you get all four passives of Legend Celestial Emperor mad and ferocious with this Megaton imploded skill if the skill isn't already applied to that baby gorat as soon as it comes out of that egg it won't ever learn it now if you don't plan to create that Toko Toco but want this goat here is the process go and catch a ton of fox Parks until ferocious and muscle head are acquired the goal here is one fox parks with both these passives so if you have to breed them together to create that perfect Fox parks that we need for this video for this guide for this PA do what you got to do once you achieved you now need to go and breed this with that palladius padus is a world bus which we covered earlier if you skip to this point via time stamps palladius is a legendary level 50 World bus who comes with a legend and Celestial Emperor very very important to this pal build so once you have palladius breed it with that fox Parks this will guarantee you that baby of a Rand but we want that baby Rand to have all four passives on it once this is achieved you now need to go out and get yourself a Toco Toco preferably with no passives on it whatsoever once that's done level that too Toco up and until it unlocks that Megaton implode which I believe is around a 20 to 23 now make sure you have the skill equipped too and then breed that toal too with that rhound we created the baby is a guaranteed G rat but we are looking for that baby to have all four passes on it uh as well as the Megaton implode skill once you achieve this through breeding you have one of the most powerful powers in this game okay so we're going to move onto three powers k capable of utterly unreal things in regards to farming or rocks outside of your base to a point where a single pal for the most part eliminates the need for entire or farming base so first up of the three we have atigan now this combination is capable of more or less breaking down 10 or rocks within a small vicinity one single blow check this out so the process is slightly longer than usual rele thisas one but it's definitely worth it so to start guys you need to get yourself a Griz bolt with both muscle head and ferocious on it this is best achieved we getting a Manda and a Rand with these passes between them and breeding them together until that greas Bol is acquired so yes go out guys get yourself Manders get yourself rans and you want to find these two passes between them once this he's done read them together and get yourself that greas ball now you want to go out and get yourself a relx with zero passives on it or if it has ferocious and muscle head on it either or that's fine too but yeah once this is achieved and you have that rurus breed this with your Grizz bolt this guarantees you that baby oerk but you need that baby oerk to have these two passes on it a ferocious and muscle head now what you need to go and do guys is go out and get yourself an oer catch a wild oerk reason being is we need that Lord of lightning passive which I believe can only be found on wild ozer and this is vital to this build so once you've gone out and caught that ozerk this is what you need to do you need to breed this wild ozer that you just caught with the oer you just thread obviously this guarantees you a baby oer but you want the fre passes on it of Lord of lightning ferocious and musclehead and from this point guys once you obtain this baby ozer you want to level this up until it unlocks that lightning strike skill it's a guarantee to this bad boy up until that skill is unlocked and then make sure it is equipped to this ozerk cuz it's vital to this build now once that ozerk is ready now breed this with our previously created grizbot this guarantees you that baby of atigun but again you need the atigun to have the three passes of Lord of lightning ferocious and mle head but you also want it to have that lightning strike skill too if it doesn't have it at Birth it won't ever learn it so keep going until these are obtained from here guys put this Asun to a side and go and get yourself a jet dragon yes the level 50 legendary World bus once you have this you want to breed this with that grease belt we had and created earlier this guarantees you another baby a gun but what you need here guys is the a gun with that Legend passive if it comes out with fous and mood on it too either of these that's completely fine you just want to make sure it has that Legend passive on it it and it doesn't have Divine dragon on it that's the important thing here once this ason is born you now want to bre this with your other ason that we created earlier between the two they have everything you need to create the ultimate aagon the or farming power so breed away until the Beast is created with all four passives of uh Lord of lightning Legend ferocious and musclehead and it also has that lightning strike skill level this bad buy up do what you got to do to make him more powerful and this thing is probably the best or farmer in this game there's no two which ways about that okay so next up guys we have another all mining power 99% of players completely skipped over or don't know about and quite possibly could be the best in the game even better than the aun that we just covered obviously outside of base or farming this pal is capable of breaking down multiple rocks faster than ason plus the cool down is much much quicker and and he's a lot easier to breed too well I say a lot easier he's just easier to breed so the power is mamist so yeah so what you need on this power is Earth Emperor Legend ferocious and musclehead so to start we want to get ourselves a dial with both ferocious and muscle head on it to do this I recommend you going out and grabbing a load of di HS until both passives are found and then just breed them into one dell once this is achieved you want to go and get yourself jet dragon now again G jet dragon is at level 50 World boss now once you breed jet dragon and Dell together it guarantees you an A newes but we want that Anubis to have the passives of Legend ferocious and musclehead nothing else just these three passives once that's achieved from here you want to go out and get yourself the world boss the alpha World boss and nuis he's the only Power in the game that has that Earth Emperor passive so once you've caught this world boss alfha nubis uh you want to breed this with your own Anubis the outcome will obviously be a baby Anubis but what you want this Offspring to have are all four passives of Earth Emperor Legend ferocious and moral head once that baby nubius is born put it aside and go catch yourself as saaku if you can get one with zero passives on it that's great but if you get one with ferocious or muscle head on it that's okay too once achieved breed this with your own and nubies this guarantees you a German tired passives on this don't matter as long as they don't rever outside of the 4v1 now you want to bre this German with that suzaku this guarantees you a suzaku aqua passes again don't matter as long as they don't refer outside of the main four now once you have done this guys you want to breed that suzaku Aqua Vain and nubis this guarantees you a mest and obviously keep breing until you land a mest with all four passives on its Earth emperor Legend Morhead and ferocious once achieved level it up and unlock that Earth impact skill and from this point guys you can Farm those or rocks so so easily it's unbelievable okay so next up guys we have the Dig toys to out of base dto out of base or mining monster who I will admit doesn't Farm as fast as ason or mest as he isn't capable of taking that multiple rocks per hit but he is a quicker breed and does get to work at a rate no other play in the game can match besides ay gun and mam so yeah for the earlier players this one could before you now if you followed or plan to follow the path to make that mest this one's super easy to do you simply just want to go down and catch yourself a rusher with no passives on it and breed this riew a newest we made for that mest this will guarantee you that dig to so yeah do what you got to do and get that dig to now if you use time stamps to get to this point let's start at the beginning so we want that dig toys to have Earth Emperor Legend ferocious and musclehead so to start we want to get ourselves a DI how with both ferocious and muscle head on it to do this again I recommend you going out and grabbing a load of di Howes until both passives are found then you need to breed them into one dial once this is achieved you now want to get yourself jet rugon the legendary World bus now once you have this jet dragon you breed this with your D heart together it guarantees you an Anubis but you want the Anubis to have the passes of Legend ferocious and musclehead you don't want Divine dragon on it just these three passives nothing else once that's achieved from here you want to go out and catch yourself the world boss the alpha World boss of Anubis this is the only way in the game like I said to get that Earth Emperor passive so once you've caught this Alpha World boss Brew this with your own Anubis this will guarantee you when Anubis baby but you need that Anubis baby to have all four of these passes want on it Earth Emperor Legend ferocious and morle head once that is achieved go out and get yourself a Russ make sure it has zero passives on it or if it has a ferocious or muscle that's fine but from here guys it's simple as breeding this with your Anubis and it guarantees you that dig toys just make sure it has all four the passes you want on and you are good to go with the best Outsider base farming dig toys in the game okay so Moving on but we sticking with dig toys here what about the best base version of this dude well that's quite easy to achieve a dig toys with serious conceited work slave and Artisan will work faster than any other base farming power in this game probably besides the newbies we made earlier so these four passives ain't exclusive to any power so it's just a matter of getting two Powers which when bread guarantee you a dictor which share these four passives the easiest way in my opinion to do this is go out and catch yourself a ton of Rush hores and a ton of of serpents until these four passives are obtained you then obviously need to create a single rusher and a single serpent which share these four passes between them and it's then just breeding these two together they guarantee you that di toys baby but you want to keep breeding until that dig toys baby comes out with all four passives on it and it really is that simple guys this is the best base working dig toys you can get okay so next up guys we have the amazing quivver now I built including this one as it's a fan favorite Power and in my opinion although you can go for Speed the two poers following this quiv are all you will ever need in regards to speed so I've decided to Chalk in a fighting Quan uh also remember the partner skill Anquan Buffs a dragon damage upon you riding this P so quite unique and an exclusive skill to have so on this quen you want Divine Dragon Legend musclehead and ferocious and the easiest way to do this is as follows firstly go out and catch yourself a cinema uh you need to have the passives of ferocious and muscle head on it so catch you a turn of these until these passives are found and then just breeding them into one Cinema once that's achieved you now need to go out and catch yourself a jet ragon obviously jet dragon has that Divine dragon and Legend on it so it's very very important once jet dragon is obtain you want to breed this with your cinou this guarantees you that relax sorus well obviously want all four passives on now once this is achieved guys you now want to head out and get yourself a Nightwing but here you want one with zero passive on it or if it has ferocious or musle head that's completely fine but once you have one breed this with your relax s this guarantees you that quiv from here keep on breeding till you get yourself that ultimate quiv guys with Divine Dragon Legend mclead and ferocious build yourself a saddle ride this thing and Destroy o okay so next up guys are the two fastest PS in the game one's a flyer one is a ground Mount so firstly we have a necromus now because necromus is a legendary pal you can only breed necromus with another necromus to create another a necromus there's no other ways of creating necroses you need two parents both being necromus that's a lot of necroses in one sentence so for you to achieve the ultimate speed State requires a lot of reading and a lot of getting look key so the passives you want are Nimble Swift Legend and Runner the four best movement speed passives in this game so to do this and start this process you need to have both a male and female of these necromus and constantly just breed these two together until these passives eventually come through now they will come through as random passives can come through but they just take a little time so just keep breeding guys until you find those necrom misses with these passives on then just obviously trying to eliminate individual passives into single passive necrom misses and then read them together to create the ultimate reading pair and just keep on doing this until you get the ultimate necromus this is how I did this it took a lot of breeding but I did eventually get this done and the same goes to Jet ragon this is by far the fastest flying power in the game the speeds you reach here absolutely crazy but again it's just a case of having both a male and female of jet ragon because it's a legendary pal it's the only way to create it and just breeding them together guys over and over until you see the four passages you want appear in those babies again those are Nimble Swift Legend and Runner this is how I obtained both Jet ragon and my necromus it's just a lot of breeding a lot of getting lucky and a lot of cakes but I had to do what I had to do to get to two fastest poers in this game so yes guys those in my opinion the best powers you can get in power world now obviously you can make Powers even better with that condensation machine especially those Powers you want to use in battle or as a base P to fully upgrade a said power to a fourstar in that condensation machine it will require you to have a further 116 of the same power to condense into them now you can also use the statue of power if you have those power SS spare too to upgrade these Powers Forever both attack and network speed Network rate now in regards to fighting their powers in this game that if you add them to your party they will increase a certain element attack damage now what does what you can see on screen now and the more of these you have in your party the more of an attack buff you get also leveling these Powers up with the condensation machine further raises that buff effect so also keep that in mind the end game goal here is to have a party full of powers that buff that single Po's attack damage all fully up upgraded that condensation machine as well as the stature of power takes a lot of powers a lot of cakes a lot of breeding but hey you got to do what you got to do to be the best and on that note guys the end of the video has arrived if you enjoyed it leaving a like really helps out if you like what you see and want to see more be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 14,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld review, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, palworld breeding, palworld legendary pal, palworld tips, palworld best pal, best pals, palworld breeding guide, palworld base guide, ultimate palworld breeding guide, palworld breeding farm, breeding guide, palworld best base, best pal, palworld all pals, palworld pokemon, palworld best early pals, palworld powerful, palworld best pals to get, palworld resource guide
Id: mU3pN39BRKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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