Ranking the BEST Starter in Every Pokémon Game

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hi there I'm 12th and I think Charmander is the best starter well you're wrong Bulbasaur is much better suited to the gym lineup of Kanto okay but don't forget Blastoise has the best move pool diversity with moves like surf earthquake ice beam and body slams plus Charizards appearances that I like the most is the best hi there my name is Patrick and I am sick and tired of the Pokemon Community arguing on which starter Pokemon in any and every game is the best So today we're gonna settle this for once and for all using facts and logic this is the best starter in every Pokemon game ever including scarlet and violet now we're gonna go in chronological order starting with Pokemon Red and Blue now the first significant trainer that any starter will encounter in this game is Brock of the first Gem and don't think for a second that this video is not going to occur without using an actual formula oh no we'll be using a very logical well thought out point system to determine what is the best starter in every single game and since the first gems in the game rely more heavily on your starter there is a bit more weight to those so more points are up for grab in the early gyms now as everyone knows at this point Bulbasaur and Squirtle both destroy Brock and therefore would get full points as a starter goes in this gym and it's really here at Charmander versus Brock that I think the community already begins to get divided see most look at Charmander and say oh fire versus Rock bad very very bad but because Brock only has normal type moves a decent leveled Charmander can easily Ember its way through Geodude and maybe even an onyx if you play smart so while Charmander is not a great option for this fight it's also not a bad Pokemon to use and again I need to reiterate that is a fact we went through every single Pokemon game for this video it's some games multiple times Charmander actually does fine against Brock that next up is water type Misty with Starmie being a really strong Pokemon at this point in the game Bulbasaur again gains all available points with resistance to water while Squirtle brings some benefit to this fight since it does at least resist water as for Charmander this is a case where people do correctly gauge how useful it is being very bad Charmander is not useful in this fight and using it actually makes your time harder so it loses points for this fight I think we all know the weight that having a bad starter at the start of a game actually has for you because you don't have options to replace it so in the early game not only does a bad starter not help you but it actually hurts you now moving on to search because it learns the TM dig Charmeleon is actually amazing for this fight being able to one shot everything but his Raichu Wartortle also does well but is also weak to surge's Pikachu and Raichu so in this case it is still a benefit so points can be awarded but it's certainly not a clean sweep and lastly while Bulbasaur isn't strong to his team it can deal neutral damage and resist electric moves so it's pretty good now next up is Erica's grass team and this is another easy misconception you see grass you see fire you think oh Charmander is amazing right type advantage is not the only thing in Pokemon and this is an area where I think a lot of the community goes wrong Erica has fully evolved Pokemon and Charmeleon only has Ember until Level 46. so good but again not full points now her Razor Leaf completely dunks on Squirtle and Bulbasaur actually fares great here due to a flaw in the AI mechanic they see grass type and think point poison powder would be super effective so they just Spam it as you inch your way to a pretty easy sweep so in a weird twist of fate Charmeleon and Ivysaur actually do just as good for these fights now from here we have Koga without levitate his Pokemon are no match against Squirtle and charmander's 100 base power digs so easy sweep and the now Venusaur despite being grass type is still able to land some stab crit razor Leafs for at least marginal benefit as you get to the later game your starter becomes much less important so through the mid game even if your Pokemon is not good for a matchup it's not going to lose fights because it's not as crucial but it is worth noting that Venusaur as a poison type gets devastated by Sabrina The Fairly bulky Blastoise can actually do great in this fight laying down some high damage body slams but the surprise winner here and I think a lot of people overlook this is Charizard well he doesn't have flamethrower the overlooked slash is a guaranteed critical hit move no normally 70 damage this means it has 140 base power and cuts through all defense boosters like reflect plus with great speed it's able to very consistently sweep Sabrina now as for our last two gyms Charizard Rex Blaine and Giovanni with dig Venus wart meanwhile struggles on Blaine and destroys Giovanni and Blastoise extra wrecks both of them and now lastly we have the Elite Four now for this section of our ranking system we made it so that points are again available both for loss and gain here the reason being is that if you bring in a bad starter to the Elite 4 you're foregoing a slot that could have otherwise been used on a better Pokemon so having a really good starter in the Elite 4 like the early game is very important so to start Venusaur is surprisingly helpful against ice water user Lorelei since Bruto is bad it can take out most of Bruno's fighting team performs horribly against Agatha and due to the eye mechanic that sees agility as super effective as psychic move against venusaur's poison it's able to actually sweep Lance's Dragons without getting touched and lastly in the champion fight Venusaur performs worst of the trio your rival has Pidgeot Alakazam and Charizard direct you while it can really only help against Rhydon Charizard up next goes neutral to Lorelei and once again sweeps the terrible Bruno with earthquake it can also sweep Agatha and provide decent slash damage against dragons and while better than Venusaur it still only does decent against your rival being able to two shot four of his team members and not capable of one-shotting anything but lastly Blastoise or should I say the Shad stories actually performs best in the Elite Four it resists and pulls off neutral damage against Lorelei it can not only sweep Bruno but also Agatha makes quick work of Lance with Surf and Ice Beam and in the champion fight it can beat Pidgeot ride on Alakazam and Arcanine easily with Gyarados being a time so with all that information covered where do we stand a lot of people will say Bulbasaur is the best starter because it has such a good start a lot of people say Charmander is terrible because it has a bad start and while these two Pokemon fluctuate quite a bit through the game I firmly believe and I think the data stands up that Blastoise is the best gen 1 Starter it doesn't start quite as strong as Venusaur but the Squirtle line has an amazing move pool and performs the most consistently throughout the whole game the only downside and this is something that we considered is that there are other water types and even Pokemon like Nidoking that can kind of fill the same role so that does take away a little bit of value but still there is a reason Blastoise is the only only starter Pokemon that can be used for Speed runs it's consistent and based based on best starter Pokemon for Gen 1. now since we won't look at that and since there are no Pokemon differences between gold and silver and Crystal we're going to take a look at all three of these games next now at this point you've probably got a decent idea of a ranking system so to save everyone a little bit of time this process is going to speed up as the video goes on so first up is Chikorita and as expected it does absolutely terrible it gets devastated by the first two gyms which are flying and Bug next it goes neutral to the third gym and then can't do much to touch the fourth gym since it's made up of nothing but the poison ghastly family it sees its first super effective hit against fighter Chuck's Poliwrath before failing to put a single dent in Jasmine steel types it also sees super Effectiveness on all three of prices ice Pokemon but won't last very long against either and lastly with body slam it at least finally serves a purpose against Claire's dragons and so you know how in gen 1 the Pokemon all finished with a positive score meaning that they they actually bring benefit to the game as a whole with our ranking system Chikorita finishes the eight gym leaders at minus six it's the only Pokemon in this entire list that actually brings more detriment than than benefit anyway Cyndaquil is a different story so it starts off slightly bad against Faulkner's mud slap but it wrecks Bugsy's team it helps marginally but does go down to Whitney's rollout and it can make a decent dent on Morty's ghosts It's relatively neutral to fighting Chuck but Rex Jasmine steel types it performs surprisingly decent against Price's part water types since Typhlosion learns Thunder Punch and struggles against Claire's dragons overall the big guy finishes the first eight at plus 11. but just when you thought all hope was lost for jodo there's one man one water type one cute little Toto who can save your run is it a crocodile is it an alligator no it's a feraligitter for for alligator for alligator and listen a lot of people like to talk shade on this guy I am here to once and for all cement that Totodile is the best Gen 2 starter so this Pokemon mainly learns water ice and dark moves it's got high attack and this is a game where those moves are all special but even despite that it's still the best my man starts out by Wrecking the first three gyms with this simple move called rage Gen 2 this move is busted basically every time you get hit your attack raises one stage you just get hit deal more damage get hit deal more damage it's three gyms secured and in the bag now by the fourth gym this trick is starting to get old but the game changes up and it becomes easy once again you get bite you can take a chunk out of Morty's ghosts you also now have access to ice punch and surf so Chuck is actually quite doable you also get access to dig so you can 4X shot Jasmine's Magnemite and Surfer Steelix now sure price is somewhat of a contention but the momentum comes back when you ice punch Claire's dragons into Oblivion in total that is 21 points before the Elite Four and ladies and gentlemen that is not even the best part first let's look at the performance of the other two starters in the Elite Four Chikorita as a whole is garbage it can't do much to will psychics it gets thrown around by kogus poisons it is a little help on Bruno and then goes on to be wrecked by Karen Ann Lance in total chikorita's final score is a minus 12. Typhlosion overall does much better here it devastates both will and Koga but it then falls off a bit with no major advantages over Bruno and Karen Thunder Punch fortunately does keep it a useful threat against Lance and it's also worth noting that Typhlosion gets bonus points for being the only viable jodo fire type giving it 25 points in total wait did someone say total Toto dial first off ice and bite destroys will psychic types with earthquake Surf and ice punch it can surprisingly wreck Koga as well Thunder Punch Hitmonchan is the only risk Bruno poses but surf will take down nearly all of his team and then again the combination of ice water and ground is is enough to quickly deal with Karen and then never letting the gas up at all for alligator gets his best fight against Lance one shots all three of his Dragon Knights with four times ice punch his Aerodactyl and Charizard also go down by stab surf it's a beautiful sight to behold and so having an amazing early game being able to nearly solo the Elite Four for alligator finishes jodo with 37 points there is one redeeming feature of Meganium and I think that's body slam I do find magadium pretty useful for taking down let's say a single Pokemon or trying to get something paralyzed it's really bulky you could set up screens or reflect and basically just send out body slams until you get the 30 para and while it is of course the worst starter I do think it serves utility throughout most fights it's just not very much and it's never swinging a fight for you overall I think people tend to overrate Typhlosion it's the best fire Pokemon in Johto but it doesn't learn flamethrower until 60. now next up we have the iconic Ruby Sapphire and Emerald where the differences in the games don't make a significant difference to the overall performance now Trico is an overall interesting pick because there is simply so much water in hohen it performs especially well in Sapphire but despite all this it's still surprisingly not dominant Torchic makes for an interesting choice is it's by far the best fire and fighting Pokemon in the game but despite this benefit it definitely lacks amazing type advantages and lastly while groundwater Mudkip has great coverage its best feature is being weak to nothing but grass in a game that has no grass so to start off all three do very well against the first rock gym Trico and Mudkip get full Five Points here while Torchic is just slightly worse as it takes more training to get it evolved to Combusken to finally have a fighting move plus it doesn't deal four times damage to the geodudes the second gym is fighting and it sees generally average performances from all and while all serve a purpose against Watson Mudkip or should I say Marshtomp now performs amazingly with immunity and super effective moves Flannery is the first time we see a huge imbalance however with Trico getting torched Torchic only providing marginal benefit and Mudkip once again reigning Supreme now combuska takes the win against Norman being one of the best Pokemon for this fight but despite that Norman is just such a hard fight no matter who you pick this is just not a free fight now as for Winona both Trico and Torchic do pretty poorly here our team is all flyers and so fighting and grass just can't hold themselves Swampert however at this point could no ice beam and so it's able to foreshot her Ace Altaria while providing great support against the rest of her team all starters can super effectively hit Tate and Liza's Rock psychics but that does not make them equals here sure Blaziken does well but it can also get wrecked by psychic septile and Swampert are much better and sadly Blaziken doesn't fare any better against Jim Ace where Swampert does okay and Sceptile finally finds dominance so overall we finish our eight badge Journey with Trico at 13 Torchic at 14 and Mudkip adding dominance 21. but what about the Elite Four Blaziken shines against the dark type Sydney while the others still bring some benefits Phoebe's ghost pose an equal challenge to all three of the starters but glacia is a different story Swampert helps marginally Sceptile gets utterly annihilated and Blaziken pulls a reverse Uno having two dab super effective typings with nothing but a surf wall rain to stand in its way last is Drake where Blaziken has a huge disadvantage Sceptile is still not great but at least can learn Dragon claw while Swampert with Ice Beam is able to decimate his Shelgon Altaria Flygon and Salamence with only Emerald Kingdra posing a threat and it's now at this point where there is a difference in the games as Ruby and Sapphire has a Steel type champion in this case blazikin gets full points destroying Steven's entire team while Swampert and Sceptile bring a lot to the table but not near as much so regardless of that last fight this clearly puts Mudkip on top with Torchic in second and Trico in last however in Emerald it's a bit of a different story well kind of so swamp bird is pretty neutral in this fight but certainly brings some benefit to the table Blaziken is expectedly horrific having zero benefit for this fight and it's at this point where you're probably expecting me to say Sceptile is awesome you always hear it yeah Sceptile is okay through the main game but there's so much water and it's great for for the champion fight but is it we start with waylord that knows blizzard Sceptile is going to struggle to One-Shot a Wailord up next is the poison type Tentacruel with sludge bomb you can't even super effectively hit this the third Pokemon is the neutral ludicola okay sure up next you have wish cash that's a free one shot I'll give you that the fifth Pokemon however is Gyarados which again you cannot super effectively hit and lastly Milotic knows Ice Beam so sure it's better than Blaziken giving you like one and a half kills but at the end of the day it's still not enough to change our ranking system Swampert is just too dominant it's got great matchups combined with the fact that there are like four noteworthy Pokemon that actually can hit it for super effective damage in the entire game anyway up next is fire red and leaf green We're not gonna go through the entire game because there's really not a lot that changes basically Venusaur gets a little bit worse as all the glitches it had going for it get removed Blastoise stays about the same being super consistent and Charizard gets marginal Buffs to make it slightly better in the early game I think it basically just makes all these Pokemon a little bit closer together but in the end Blastoise is still the most consistent option now moving on to Gen 4 we're going to start things off with roork turtwick and Piplup both get off to a great start having four times effective moves against Geodude and Onyx and two times effective moves against craniados so boom easy Four Points Chimchar however does struggle super hard with fire and normal resistances on all three Pokemon if you are able to level it to 14 though mock punch can sweep so in this case we'll give Chimchar a 4 out of 5. it does manage to flip that around however against gardenia since Monferno easily gets all five points sweeping with flame wheel at this point primplop gets a three due to super effective Peck making it neutral to Grass Types on the other team and similarly Grotto can deal neutral damage with bites while resisting grass overall above average against mayleen Grotto goes entirely neutral even though primplop resists Lucario's still typing it'll still struggle with the sheer power of Lucario's fighting moves other than that it does okay and it's Monferno who pulls ahead here with super effective stab fire and fighting against Lucario but since it takes an L against menetite psychic it's still not a perfect sweep now against Crasher wake despite Quagsire and floatzel's grass weakness Grotto only does quite well Gyarados unfortunately stops it from being a free fight primpop goes pretty neutral to the whole team and Monferno on the other hand gets absolutely devastated by this whole team now it's at this point in the game where we have final stage evolutions and fantina's ghost mods become one of the most annoying gems in the game your newly evolved Torterra gets the crazy op earthquake and you're up against driftblim and Gengar both of which are immune to ground plus both of these Pokemon resist the grass didn't hit you neutrally Empoleon does quite well since it hits neutrally with water while resisting their secondary types of poison and flying and simply due to infernape's Great stats it does very well here despite losing to Driftwood up next we have Byron where all three just absolutely devastate so Tara gets in Easy Sweep with earthquake Empoleon gets super effective water moves and steel resistance and Infernape gets super effective fire or fighting moves you know just just take your pick against Candace Infernape gets an easy sweep again with fire and fighting moves Napoleon has super effective steel moves but does slightly worse since Snover and Obama Snow have grass moves and Torterra gets immediately fainted off of a single ice move but that poor performance is followed up quite nicely against volkner where it is able to wreck three of his four Pokemon Napoleon does awful since it gets destroyed by electric and most of the team resists steel and despite not really having super effective moves Infernape once again crushes here because it's just insane like even his octillary it just isn't a threat and from here we'll move into the Elite Four Torterra gets wrecked by Aaron's bugs Empoleon goes mostly neutral and Infernape hits hard with fire moves against Bertha Torterra sweeps with grass and pulling on also does great against everything besides quakesire and Infernape can pretty much sweep everything with close combat Empoleon unsurprisingly does the best against Flynn's firemans but not by much as infernape's close combat and flare Blitz combo pretty much wreck everything Torterra definitely performs the worst with drifblim immune to Earth but earthquake spam still does solid against everything else against the scary Lucian Torterra goes neutral able to take out bronxong with earthquake and Empoleon goes fully neutral while resisting psychic Infernape really struggles with its psychic weakness here but is able to hit brongzong and hit everything else neutrally and finally we have Champion Cynthia Torterra is able to one shot her gastrodon but unfortunately cannot deal with her milotic's ice beam it can also super effectively hit her Lucario with earthquake and then hits everything else neutrally Empoleon definitely fares the worst here but given that it can learn Ice moves it does great against Rosa raid and Garchomp while Infernape destroys Lucario and rosarade while going neutral to everything else besides gastronaut making it once again arguably the best Star murder for this fight and so adding everything up it is a clear win for Infernape and we've actually got a tie between Empoleon and Torterra now in Platinum you have a few differences Torterra gets a boost in the Ghost Gym Empoleon gets a slight Nerf against Byron's Magneton but gives tortera a 4X ground stab Infernape gets nerfed against Candace's metacham but makes up for that with a buff against volkner not having an artillery in the Elite Four aeronauts Caesar in beautify which makes little difference Bertha's Gliscor Nerf Strattera while rhyperior gives Empoleon a huge Forex water Effectiveness and Flint Lucian both switched up their teams but it doesn't really affect the outcome now finally Cynthia switches a gastrodon for Togekiss which is significant this gets rid of infernape's only weakness in that fight and makes tortera slightly less useful as it removes its free one shot so overall Platinum gives tortera a roughly even amount of Buffs and Nerfs it makes Empoleon slightly better but it also Buffs Infernape only further adding to its dominance in gen 4. now up next we have heart gold and Soul Silver one of the biggest additions to this generation is the introduction of the physical special splits and I think this only goes to further cement how good for alligator is and jed2 you're dominating with special surf on a physical attacker but in Gen 4 your alligator can finally take advantage of that really good attacks tag waterfall is devastating and you also get the physical move ice Fang at just level 21. you can pair that with the dark physical move Crunch at level 32 and all that is enough for it to be an absolute Menace as for the other two Typhlosion is still great and Chikorita actually gets a bit better now generation 5 is one of the most challenging Pokemon games in the series and it should be noted that all three Pokemon fare pretty worse for wear here all three starters lose to the first gym since cillin always uses a Pokemon super effective against you but in the next gym lenora's normals get super effectively hit by pignite's arm thrust it's not amazing but they just slightly outclass servine and do what but pygnite also destroys Berg's bugs with fire Dua performs pretty well since it's good against dweble and weak to lebani and then servine does horrible with 4X resistances to Grass moving on to elise's lecture gym Pignite is the only thing that even stands a chance here and moga's aerial Ace still wrecks it but it can stand up to Zeb stryka while flying in fire at grass and electric obviously wrecks water now against Clay's ground types all three get super effective moves against two members of his team however pigtight performs worse overall as it loses to palpato's water typing flying type Skyla easily wrecks both servine and Pignite with super effective flying moves and duot fares decently going neutral through the whole fight Bryson's icemans are a clean sweep for embor with fire moves while Samurott resists ice and going neutral to the team Superior on the other hand gets absolutely destroyed by ice now finally against Drayden and iris's Dragons embor has neutral fighting moves but it's really Samurai that pulls Miles Ahead since it can learn blizzard so samrock gets full points Ember does okay and Superior as always gets wrecked so as of the end of the gyms we actually have Samurott in the lead with three points for 22. embar takes second place with 19 and Superior Falls miles they had netting a total of four points and moving into the Elite Four right at the gate with embor Sean tall's ghost team is entirely immune to fighting and two members also resist fire so embor is not very helpful here Superior is great against Jellison and Golurk with grass but gets wrecked by Chandelier and Samurai gets a two going super effective to the most pressing mod on the team Chandelure now Ember makes up for its poor performance next with super effective fighting against grimsley's entire dark team whereas samrat and Superior both Neptune's going neutral in providing overall pretty big benefits both empor and Superior get destroyed by Caitlyn psychics due to embor's psychic weakness and sigilous flying typing Samurai on the other hand performs pretty well against Marshall's Fighters all three end up completely neutral now in the final fight against ends Superior is very helpful taking out water Rock paracosta and zorark you do however need to watch out for Russia and vanilla archeops Samurott is useful against archeops and zorrock and really only struggles against Zekrom while embar is useful against vanillux zorark and click clang as for gets this Superior is able to find a free one shot on Seismitoad Samurai really only provides marginal benefit getting blizzard for hydreigon whereas embor is useful against Buffalo and hydrigun and basically makes Bisharp free so clearly with all that said Superior is out of the race by a mile the real question is who's better between embor and Samurott and So based on a ranking system Samurai actually edges out mbor just by three points while embor is good at firefighting is great there also is just no other good water Pokemon in this generation so I feel like Samurott is overall the best pick now in Black and White 2 there are really only minor differences but given how close it was between Sam rod and embor it could actually make the difference the first gem is pure normal but that doesn't change the outcome the addition of a poison gem should keep things neutral but since lenora's Whirlipede has bug typing pygnite super effective fire moves keeps it at three points whereas the switch from Whirlipede to swadlune on Berg's bug team is enough to lower samrat score to a one due to Grass typing the addition of fluffy on elise's team or sand slash on Clay's team doesn't really make a difference and since embor outspeed Skarmory the addition of that on Skyla's team definitely helps it just a little the most significant change though is removing the ice Jim and adding a water gym and this makes embor go from a two down to zero and not much really changes through the Elite Four now in Black and White 2 the champion is Iris with dragons and so samrat's ability to use ice moves definitely helps big here and so because of that it's able to comfortably hold its place as the best starter for Generation 5. Now moving into generation six um for those of you that don't know Chespin is really bad in some ways it is arguably worse than Chikorita like literally effective against six of 44 significant Pokemon you'll face through the major fights of the game doesn't get stab fighting moves until Level 36 and you even then the only actually good move is Brick Break got a four times flying weakness there's an evil gang composed of fire types we don't need to look at Chespin so the real fight is between Greninja and Delphox which we can go through quickly so Delphox has relatively decent speed special attack and special defense but it lacks defensive HP you also don't get access to your psychic typing until your final evolution meaning you're just stuck to fire stab until then and the biggest problem with Delphox is just tight matchups even the teams that it does decent against just seem to always have one Pokemon that completely walls it like oh Viola's bug team oh wait never mind there's a surskin you've got Olympia's slow King and Meowstic malva's Chandelure wickstrom's Provo pass drasna's drag algae there's just so many Pokemon that make Delphox infuriatingly average Greninja on the other hand as a water type gets significantly more favorable matchups plus it's got better speed and most importantly it's got a great moveset water pulse at 14 Shadow sneak at 23 three priority stab water shuriken at 36 also got access to ice moves via TM and while the only team it really dominates throughout the game are Olympia psychics and mavas fire teams those are tough fights so it's very helpful it also goes neutral to pretty much every other gym apart from grass now if I'm being honest I really don't like Gen 6 and also this video is getting really long so because it's that obvious I don't think there is an argument to be made that Greninja is not the best Gen 6 starter so we can leave it right there now moving on to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire we had very few changes to the gyms orally four compared to the original Ruby and Sapphire there's a new Moon instead of Slugma on Flannery's team glacias celios or switch for frost last Drake uses a Kingdra instead of Shelgon like an emerald Stevens Metagross does get a bagel Evolution but it's still a Metagross and while none of these really change the rankings that last Point must be noted uh that's Mega Evolutions see Mega Evolutions make a massive difference here since all three starters get their new mega forms now Mega sceptile's Dragon typing is really cool but it mainly only helps with Drake but you know at the same time it also makes you weak to Drake I think Mega Blaziken in particular is Awesome with 160 base attack and 130 special plus it gets the ability speed boost which is just broken but you'd also got to remember these things are only useful for the last two gems and Elite Four so given blaziken's weak type matchups throughout most of the game I think it's safe to say that Swampert still Reigns Supreme here now moving into Generation 7 we're gonna continue to speed things up here all three starters in this game are solid options but there's just such a clear top Runner like incineroar is great with Flare Blitz and darkest Lariat but it just suffers from by far the worst type matchups in this game decidueye gets really strong typing in ghost plus stab Spirit shackle it also gets the best speed stat of these three which is not saying much but honestly it just gets oak clasped by fairy type Marina but going through every Pokemon you face throughout the island trials in the Elite Four primarina loses to three Pokemon I've said that in another video but like that is absurd that is Swampert levels of broken you got a lurantis A vica bolt and a crowbat and more than that primarina is effective against over 50 Pokemon you'll face in the game after move said it fares just as well as decidueye and incineroar with access to moonblast sparkling Aura surf priority stab AquaJet ice beam and while decidueye is good I just don't think there is an argument to say that primarina is not the dominant starter of alola but does that change at all going into Ultra sun and moon well there are a few differences in the trials instead of wishy-washy you face an arachnid LOL and Marowak replaces salazzle and toga midaru replaces vikavolt as for the Elite Four you're up against Molina's steel team instead of Hollis Fighters and In fairness that really boosted sinaror's Effectiveness and prevents decidueye from sweeping Olivia switches out for our Maldo cradely and gigolith which doesn't really change things acerola's new Bennett makes primarina only neutral but Braviary and halucha make it slightly more helpful against kahili against how primarina still easily takes the top spot being super effective against four members of the team while going neutral to two so overall sun and moon slightly improves incineroar slightly reduces decidueye and primarina is just still on top now up next we have let's go which is pretty much the same as the original red and blue like there's a few minor changes swaps the star you for a side dock surge swaps Pikachu for a Magnemite Koga swaps coughing and wheezing for Golbat and venomoth the game is literally made for four-year-olds the first change that actually makes a difference though is Sabrina trading Kadabra and venomoth for Slowbro and Jinx since Charizard is weak to Slowbro but since it's good against jinx it really doesn't change much here Blaine swap some Pokemon around but he also gets wrecked Giovanni uses one right on instead of two rhyhorns Agatha swaps out Haunter for wheezing landspring Sidra and Charizard instead of two Dragonair and those aren't really changes that make a huge difference really the main difference through these games is in the Rival fights where he has switched everything besides Pidgeot Blastoise beats Marowak and Rapidash goes neutral to Slowbro and its major roadblock is Jolteon Charizard Rex vile plumen goes neutral to Rapidash while losing to Slowbro marawack game Jolteon Venusaur beats Marowak goes neutral to vile plume and Slowbro resists Jolteon and is beaten by Rapidash so while Venusaur definitely gets a boost here I just don't think that that's enough again I think let's go probably brings all the starters to being a little more balanced to each other but I think that despite you know TM changes and stuff Blastoise is still gonna reign supreme here now next up we have gen 8 with sword and shield sport bunny starts out with an immediate advantage against Milo's grass gym arguably the most important fight see due to gen 8 having this type triangle of the first three gyms score bunny gets the best case scenario since grass is first it's still decently useful against NASA due to dreadnaught's fighting weakness it then goes neutral to kabu gruky also gets decent matchups being neutral to grass and then super effective against water and by the time you reach kabu you'll have other options feel like Sabo is the one who really draws the short end of the stick being only strong against the third gym moving on rabout just about performs best against BS Fighters with the super effective double kick on Pangoro but if you have Shield then they're all about even because it's a Ghost Gym rabbit has fairy resistance so it actually wrecks opal's fairies and if you're in Sword it kinda goes new neutral to Gordy's rockmans and in Shield completely destroys Melanie's ice team it then gets super effective fighting against two mons at both Pierce team and rehan's Dragons despite being weak to ground moves from Flygon and Santa conda overall Italian and realaboom are really good Pokemon but cinderace is definitely taking the lead here alright well how about the Champion Cup well since cinderace gets bounced it's effective against marnie's lipard Toxicroak Scrappy and more Pika hubs dub will Corva Knight Snorlax and rilla Boom Beats him a while Leon's Aegis slash and Mr rhyme Thriller boom on the other hand can only comfortably beat hops team which takes it out of the running and intellion is pretty much neutral against everyone in this fight but it gets a good tight match up against the champion since you know Leon has a Charizard now Italian has a very nice 125 special attack 120 speed which does beat cinderaces 116 and 119 speed I think the biggest reason why you see send race win here though is because of moves intellion has snipeshot with 80 base power whereas Cinder Ace has pyrobot with 120 base damage so you combine that with everything only having single typing for stab and generally worse performance throughout all the gyms right we can all agree cinderace pulls ahead as the strongest starter of Galler now moving into brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl every single gym leader Elite Four member and Champion team remain exactly the same some level differences there are some move learning differences but it is the same and I think because of that it is safe to say it is the same outcome the really only difference in this game is fairy typing and the only notable Pokemon you fight with fairy typing is Elite Four lucian's Mr mime but Mr mime was already super effective against incineroar so all this does is give Empoleon a farrier resistance so with that said Infernape is still king of gen 4. and Now ladies and gentlemen finally let's talk gen 9. now we've already got a full video breaking this down if you want to watch it but I'll give you the long and short springgetito's line is a really consistent sweeper its final form is fast and it's able to crit everything ignoring any sort of defensive Buffs that Pokemon gets it's really good quack Veil is almost really good it feels like the all-rounder of this game its signature move boosts speed which I never find to be as useful as I want it to be and so while it is really good I do think it is the worst of the three starters and lastly you have skeleturch which is not just the best starter in this game but the best starter possibly Ever every time you use the move torch song it raises its special attack stat by one it wrecks six of the eight Gym Leaders is apart from Rika I don't know is a solo the champion it's just another game where there is no debate on the best starter as skeleturge is that dominant and so yeah there you have it the best starter in every single Mainline Pokemon game thank you so much for watching perhaps we've earned your subscription and we'll see you later peace
Channel: SmithPlays Pokémon
Views: 626,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, top 5, top 10, ranking, scarlet, violet, list, ranking all, poke, poketuber, thesmithplays, smithplays, smithplays pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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